Syllabus - Richmond County School System


2017-2018 School Year

Course Title: Honors 9th Grade Literature and Composition

Instructor: Mrs. T. Holley Room: 505

Contact Information: School: (706) 823-6933



Sturdy 3-ring binder (May not contain other subjects-Only ELA)

5 Dividers

Loose-leaf paper

Pens (black or blue ink ONLY)

Pencils (only used on special assignments)

Colored pencils


Index cards (3x5)

Sticky notes in various colors

Glue Sticks

Headphones or Ear buds


Wish List


Hand Sanitizer

Reading List

Pearson Common Core Literature: Grade 9 (Primary Text)

To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee (Summer Reading)

Night, Elie Wiesel (Summer Reading)

Odyssey, Homer

Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare

Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck

Course Description

This course focuses on a study of literary genres; the students develop initial understanding of both the structure and the meaning of a literary work. The students explore the effect of the literary form in regards to interpretation. The students will read across the curriculum to develop academic and personal interests in different subjects. While the focus is technical writing in ninth grade literature, the student will also demonstrate competency in a variety of writing genres: narrative, expository, persuasive, and technical. The students will engage in research, timed writings, and the writing process. Instruction in language conventions will occur within the context of reading, writing, and speaking, rather than in isolation. The students will demonstrate an understanding of listening, speaking, and viewing skills for a variety of purposes.

Instructional Philosophy

Students will be given warm ups, classwork and homework, reading quizzes (oral and written), vocabulary quizzes, tests, writing assignments, class discussions, independent projects, performance tasks (individual and group), and oral presentations. Maintaining a neat, well-organized notebook is a must. Class participation will be monitored daily and is also mandatory. Students may be videotaped for instructional purposes only. Student work samples may also be collected.

Assessment Plan

Students will have numerous opportunities to demonstrate the skills necessary to successfully master the objectives of the course.

Types of Assessments:

· Vocabulary—On Monday of most weeks, students will receive fifteen vocabulary words to define. On the following Monday of each week, students will complete a quiz on the words.

· Classwork—Daily grades are the easiest way to help bolster your average.

· Reading Quizzes—Any out-of-class reading assignment will include a reading quiz on the day that the assignment is due.

· Essays—Writing is an integral part of the language arts curriculum. Students will complete a variety of writing assignments including in-class essays and at-home essays.

· Tests—Each unit will conclude with a summative assessment/in-class test.

· Projects—Long-term projects such as research papers will be assigned at different points of the school year. These will usually include multiple components.

· Georgia Milestone—All students are expected to take the Georgia Milestone End of Course Test in Ninth Grade Literature and Composition. This will count as their final exam and will serve as 20% of their final average in the class.

Classwork 20% (warm ups, in-class assignments, group work)

Homework 10% (practice to reinforce previously taught material, textbook/workbook practice)

Quizzes/Writing Assessments 30% (vocabulary, reading checks, writing assignments)

Tests/Projects 40% (comprehension of multiple standards/units, projects)


• Remind App: Get the Remind App to send and receive messages instantly on your phone.  If you have a smartphone, get push notifications. On your iPhone or Android phone, open your web browser and go to the following link:  Follow the instructions to sign up for Remind. You’ll be prompted to download the mobile app.  If you don’t have a smartphone, you can get text notifications. Text the message @3bfg98 to the number 81010. If you’re having trouble with 81010, try texting @3bfg98 to

(404) 418-4240.  If you do not have a mobile phone, go to on a desktop computer to sign up for email notifications.

• Infinite Campus: Grades are updated at least weekly on Infinite Campus. This tool is available to track your progress. If you can, please view it on a computer or electronic device. I put information about the assignment and I may even make a note beside your grade. It is a good habit to check it daily/weekly.

• Schoolwires 9th grade ELA Class Page: I post assignments on this page.

• Email: I will try to respond to you within twenty-four hours.  My email address is

Makeup Work/Tutoring

Make up assignments/tests will be given to students following an absence. It is the student’s responsibility to remind the teacher to schedule any and all missed assignments/tests. While you are out, it is a good habit to check our Schoolwires Class Page for assignments. Tutoring is available after school from 3:15-3:45 (schedule in advance).

Grade Recovery

Students who received a score below 75 on certain quizzes or tests (determined by teacher) will be allowed to redo that quiz or test by submitting a Request to Retest form. The form must contain both the student’s signature and that of a parent or guardian. The original quiz or test and evidence of preparation (flashcards, study sheets, etc.) must be attached.

Panther Pull-Up

Panther Pull-Up is a program designed to ensure students’ success. The goal of the program is to assist students in meeting the standards by completing classwork or homework assignments not done as required during the week. Please note that this is not for students that were absent.

Panther Pull-Up is held on certain days during lunch. Students are to get their lunch from the cafeteria, bring it to class and eat as they work. Due to limited time, we recommend, if at all possible, that the student brings his/her lunch from home and come to Panther Pull-Up immediately. At the teacher’s discretion, a special session may be held to provide extended learning.

Academic Etiquette

Definition of Plagiarism: Copying or imitating the language, ideas and/or thoughts of another writer and passing them off as one's own original work. Plagiarism is cheating; if you do it, there is a price to pay.

Copying or Borrowing Assignments

· Copying or rephrasing another student's work;

· Lending your assignment to another student; and

· Having someone else rephrase an assignment (not merely proofread it).

Use of Critical Materials

· Direct copying of student aids (e.g. Spark Notes, Cliff Notes, student aids from the internet, etc.) or critical works in part or in whole without acknowledgement;

· Indirect reproduction of student aids, critical sources, or reference materials by rephrasing ideas borrowed from them; and

· Direct quotations from secondary sources must be properly acknowledged and identified fully on the Works Cited page.

Cheating on Assessments

· Use of “cheat-sheets” or electronic devices to look up answers on assessments; and

· Giving someone a copy of the questions or answers to an assessment.

Classroom Expectations


1. RESPECT yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and visitors at all times.

2. Obey all school rules. Read and practice the policies in your Code of Conduct Handbook.

3. Do not sleep, eat (including candy), drink, or chew gum during the class period.

4. Sit in assigned seat.

5. Always bring required materials to every class meeting.


• Be prepared for class. You cannot complete your classroom assignments if you do not have paper, blue or black ink pens, books, and other required materials.

• Do not make noises such as clicking pens.

• Remain in assigned seats until verbally dismissed by the teacher. The bell does not dismiss you. Do not start packing up prior to the bell. Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you. Do not throw away trash during class.

• It is your responsibility to do your homework; it is also your responsibility to bring it to class with you. You cannot receive credit for homework if it is in your locker, in your other notebook, in your friend’s notebook, at home, or any other place other than with you in class.

• Make-up assignments/tests will be given to students following an absence. It is the student’s responsibility to remind the teacher to schedule any and all missed assignments/tests.

• Do only English work in this class. If you are caught doing work for another class, it will be collected and not given back until the end of the next school day.

• Grooming should be done at home or in the restroom, not in this class. If you are caught grooming, the mirror, brush, comb, pick, make-up, etc. will be taken up and will not be returned.

• Students are not allowed to use any perfume, cologne, lotions, or body sprays in class. Many students and teachers have allergies and this interrupts the instructional period. Please be considerate of others.

• Do not use my classroom as your personal locker or trashcan. If you leave your things (including textbooks and notebooks), I will send them to Lost and Found.


1st offense – documented and warned verbally

2nd offense – documented, parent contacted

3rd offense – documented, detention (lunch or afterschool), parent contacted

4th offense – documented, detention (lunch or afterschool), parent conference

5th offense – referral to the administration

*NOTE – Extreme misconduct may result in an automatic referral to the administration.*


*Be Positive

*Be Polite

*Be Productive

*Be Prompt

*Be Prepared


Entering the classroom

• When waiting for the teacher to allow you to enter the classroom, stand quietly in a single file line outside of the classroom door. Do not block other classroom doorways.

• Enter classroom before the tardy bell rings and get prepared for class.

• Place notebook with paper, pen, and any other materials that are necessary for the day’s lesson on your desk.

• If tardy, student should sign-in on tardy sign in sheet, be seated, and take out materials needed for the day’s lesson.

• Place book bags under desks. No book bags should be in the aisles.

Attention Getters

• Whenever the teacher needs for you to listen really closely, she will say, “Class? Class?” and you are to respond with the same tone, “Yes! Yes!”.


She may say, “If you can hear my voice, clap once,” and you are to respond by being quiet and clapping your hands one time and “If you hear my voice clap twice,” and you are to respond by being quiet and clapping your hands two times.

• After instruction, if the teacher says, “Teach”, you are to clap twice, say,”OK!”, turn to your neighbor and teach him/her what the teacher said until the teacher calls you back with “Class!”.

• If the teacher says, “Hands and Eyes”, you stop working, put your hands on your lap, look at her, and listen carefully.

Heads Up

• Students will neither put their heads on desks nor sleep in class. Bring a book to read in case you finish tests or assignments early.

Presentation of Papers

• Never tear the loose-leaf paper from your notebook.

• Observe both right and left margins.

• Put the following heading in the upper right hand corner of your paper:

First and Last Name (John Doe)

Date (August 15, 2012)

Class Period (1st Period)

• If an error is made on the paper, draw one line through it and write the correction neatly above. Do NOT use White-Out.

• All work that is to be turned in for a grade must be neatly written in blue or black ink ONLY and easy to read. ANY WORK THAT IS TURNED IN THAT IS WRITTEN IN PENCIL WILL NOT BE GRADED UNTIL IT IS REWRITTEN IN PEN.

Turning in homework

• All homework must be placed in designated class period tray upon entering the classroom. Homework is considered late if it is not turned in upon entering the classroom. Late homework may be penalized. When you do not have homework, you will be pink-slipped. Fill out the pink slip, sign and date it, and turn it in once completed.

Returning to class from absence

• Upon entering the classroom, please retrieve all missed assignments from the What Did I Miss? folder.

Listening to/responding to questions—Class discussions

• Raise your hand and wait to be recognized by the teacher before asking questions, answering questions, making comments, or responding to comments or questions.

• You should be silent while someone else is talking.

When announcements are made

• Students should remain quiet so that important information may be heard.

Restroom/Other Passes

• Students are encouraged to tend to personal needs before or after class.

• No one will be given a pass to the office, unless they are sick and need to call home, or they are called over the intercom.

• Restroom passes will only be given in EMERGENCY cases. (Emergencies will be left to the teacher’s discretion.) Use the restroom before entering class. If you have a medical problem that requires you to use the restroom frequently, you need to bring a doctor’s excuse for the teacher and the school nurse. If you have to leave class to go to the restroom often, please keep in mind that you are missing valuable class time that may negatively impact your grade.

Working cooperatively

• Every student within the group should be working on the assigned task.

• Students should not discuss anything except the task that they are working on (accountable talk only).

Changing groups

• Students will transition into groups quickly and quietly.

• No one needs to talk in order to get into a group.

Library/Computer Lab

• Students are expected to follow the same rules and procedures when in the library, computer lab or gymnasium during the class period.

• When using computers, students should adhere to the District’s Acceptable Use Policy; understand the consequences of misusing the computers and/or internet.

• Students should keep up with all login information. Write it in a safe place. Do not share passwords with friends or classmates.

Fire Drills/Evacuation Drills

• Students should remain quiet and calm.

• Students will stand together as a class at the designated area. Teacher will take attendance to account for all students. Students must remain with teacher at all times during drills.

• Drills should be taken seriously to avoid panic should an actual emergency arise.

Electronic Devices

• No cell phones or any other electronic devices will be allowed without the teacher’s permission.

Teacher’s absence

• Whether the teacher is present or not, the same rules and procedures should be followed.

• Students should behave the same way they would if the teacher was in the classroom.

• Students should complete all assignments that are given.

Opening door

• Do not open the door for anyone (including classmates) without the teacher’s permission. This is for everyone’s safety.

Cleaning Up

• Keep the room clean at all times. Throw away all trash and if you track in dirt or grass, please sweep it up.

Use of Classroom Materials

• You may BORROW pens, use the stapler, and use the hole puncher from the back of the room. This means that you return them before class is over. You may also BORROW rulers, scissors, colored pencils, and markers. This means that you return them before the class is over.

Mrs. Holley’s 9th Grade Literature

Parent/Guardian Information Sheet

Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________________

Name of Parent (or as specified above): ____________________________________________

1. Home Telephone Number: ____________________________________________________

2. Work Telephone Number: ____________________________________________________

3. Mobile Number:_____________________________________________________________

4. E-mail Address (print clearly please): ____________________________________________

Name of Parent (or as specified above): ____________________________________________

1. Home Telephone Number: ____________________________________________________

2. Work Telephone Number: ____________________________________________________

3. Mobile Number: _____________________________________________________________

4. E-mail Address (print clearly please): ____________________________________________

Are there any special needs (food allergies, medications, etc.) of your child that I need to be aware of?




Does your child have internet access at home? Yes ________ No________

I have read this 9th Grade Literature syllabus and I understand the content and requirements for the year. I understand that this syllabus is to be kept in the front of my notebook and this page is to be signed by me and my parent/guardian. I understand that course expectations may change due to time constraints or other unavoidable circumstances. I also understand that my child is responsible for keeping me informed of his/her progress and/or problems.

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

Signature of Student/Date Signature of Parent or Guardian/Date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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