Alabama Beemers’ Exploring & Epicurean Society


Touring Guide

|2011 Monthly Club Gatherings |

|(pencil in locations) |

|January |July |

|February |August |

|March |September |

|April |October |

|May |November |

|June |December |


| Codes |

| |

|CBR Covered Bridges EAT Restaurants |

|POI Points of Interest EXT Extreme locations |

|VIN Vineyards WFL Waterfalls |

|CNG Club Non-Meeting Gatherings BBQ Bar-B-Q Joints |

|CRT County Court Houses DAM Power Dams |

|CHU Hallelujah Trail – 32 churches 100 Dishes to Eat Before You Die |

| |

|Regions: C=Central-NE=Northeast-NW=Northwest-SE=Southeast-SW=Southwest-TN=Tennessee GA=Georgia |

| |

|City Rgn Code Place Description |

|Date |

|Abbeville |SW |CRT |Henry County Courthouse |101 Courthouse Square |  |

|Abbeville |SE |100 |Huggin' Molly |129 Kirkland Street. Huggin' Molly is in beautiful downtown |  |

| | | | |Abbeville. It is a large old fashioned drug store with the soda | |

| | | | |fountain counter at the front, where ice cream goodies and cherry | |

| | | | |cokes are assembled. The place is loaded with items such as | |

| | | | |brochures and memorabilia from the 40's and 50's. It has a | |

| | | | |beautiful pharmacy "front" at the rear of the front entrance, which| |

| | | | |is a beautiful wood decoration; reminds me of a fancy British pub. | |

| | | | |There is separate seating area to accommodate lots of patrons. | |

| | | | |Great music from the era is played. | |

|Abbeville |SW |POI |Old Sinclair Station |310 Kirkland Street. Beautifully restored Sinclair service station.| |

|Abbeville |SW |POI |The 1840 Bethune-Kennedy|302 Kirkland Street. This rare, dual front door, double pen Creole | |

| | | |House |cottage was constructed circa 1840 on the military three-notch | |

| | | | |road, now Kirkland Street. It is the oldest remaining structure in | |

| | | | |Abbeville. Earliest known owner was Confederate Colonel William | |

| | | | |Calvin Bethune, M.D. Last owner-dweller was Mollie Kennedy. To | |

| | | | |avoid immediate demolition, it was purchased in 1976, placed on the| |

| | | | |National Register in 1978 and initially restored by the Henry | |

| | | | |County Historical Society. | |

|Adamsville |C |WFL |Village Falls |Adamsville, N 33 33.367 - W 86 58.200 | |

|Jefferson County | | | | | |

|Albertville |NE |100 |Jessie's Cafe |419 N Broad |  |

| | | | |Street. White chicken chili | |

|Albertville |NE |EAT |Jules Berta Winery |1409 Darden Avenue. | |

| | | | |Mad Hungarian Winery features estate grown wines | |

| | | | |such as Chardonnay, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petit Syrah, | |

| | | | |fruit wines such as strawberry, watermelon, and locally grown | |

| | | | |muscadines. Open Monday thru Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. | |

|Albertville |NE |CRT |Marshall County |207 S. Broad | |

| | | |Courthouse # 2 | | |

|Albertville |NE |100 |The Lumpkin House |699 N. Carlisle St. Grilled chicken pizza |  |

|Albertville - |NE |WFL |Short Creek Falls |Albertville. N 34 19.333 - W 86 12.250 | |

|Marshall County | | | | | |

|Aldrich - |C |WFL |Davis Falls |Aldrich | |

|Shelby County | | | |N33 18.333 W86 45.417 | |

|Aldrich - |C |WFL |Weaver Falls |Aldrich | |

|Shelby County | | | |N33 18.333 W86 55.750 | |

|Alexander City |C |100 |Cecil's Public House |243 Green St. Blackened catfish | |

|Alexander City |C |POI |Horseshoe Bend National |11288 Horseshoe Bend Rd (Alabama 49). 18 miles east of Alexander |  |

| | | |Military Park |City on Alabama 49. On the morning of 27 March, 1814 General Andrew| |

| | | | |Jackson and an army of 3,300 men consisting of Tennessee militia, | |

| | | | |United States regulars and both Cherokee and Lower Creek allies | |

| | | | |attacked Chief Manawa and 1,000 Upper Creek or Red Stick warriors | |

| | | | |fortified in the "horseshoe" bend of the Tallapoosa River. To seal | |

| | | | |off the bend of the river, the Upper Creeks built an incredibly | |

| | | | |strong 400 yard long barricade made of dirt and logs. As the | |

| | | | |Cherokee and Lower Creek warriors swam the Tallapoosa and attacked | |

| | | | |from the rear, Jackson launched the militia and regular soldiers | |

| | | | |against the barricade. Facing overwhelming odds, the Red Sticks | |

| | | | |fought bravely yet ultimately lost the battle. Over 800 Upper | |

| | | | |Creeks died at Horseshoe Bend defending their homeland. This was | |

| | | | |the final battle of the Creek War of 1813-14, which is considered | |

| | | | |part of the War of 1812. In a peace treaty signed at Ft. Jackson | |

| | | | |(near Wetumpka) after the battle, both the Upper and Lower Creeks | |

| | | | |were forced to give the United States nearly 20 million acres of | |

| | | | |land in what is today Alabama and Georgia. The victory here brought| |

| | | | |Andrew Jackson national attention and helped him to be elected the | |

| | | | |seventh President of the United States in 1828. This 2,040-acre | |

| | | | |park preserves the site of the battle. The land ceded by the Creek | |

| | | | |Indian nation made up three fifths of the land that was to become | |

| | | | |Alabama. The visitor center has an excellent 20 minute video and | |

| | | | |exhibits on the battle & Creek Indian culture. The Horseshoe Bend | |

| | | | |National Military Park is a must see. | |

|Alexander City |C |BBQ |Sho'Nuff BBQ |Maple Street (Alex City Shopping Ctr) BBQ Stuffed Potato |  |

|Alexander City |C |CRT |Tallapoosa County |3rd Way – turn south from Lee Street (Hwy. 22) | |

| | | |Courthouse Annex | | |

|Alexander City |C |POI |Wellborn Muscle Car |124 Broad Street. Inside, is a rolling stock of muscle cars painted| |

| | | |Museum |in psychedelic hues like “plum crazy purple” and “sassy grass | |

| | | | |green” are lined up and complete with original sell tags just as | |

| | | | |they would have been three decades ago. They sit under classic | |

| | | | |dealership signs that hang from the ceiling and line the walls | |

| | | | |completing a vintage look. | |

|Alexandria |NE |EAT |Machristie’s Restaurant |3900 Us Highway 431 N. Located ½ mile south of Wright’s Dairy on | |

| | | | |Hwy 431. Great burgers and Meat & 3 Restaurant. | |

|Alexandria |NE |100 |Wright's Dairy |241 Cane Creek Farm Rd. Strawberried Alive Ice cream |  |

|Aliceville |C |POI |Aliceville WWII POW |104 Broad Street. Home of the largest World War II German |  |

| | | |Museum |Prisoner of War Camp collection in the U.S. The internationally | |

| | | | |known Aliceville Museum maintains a collection from Camp | |

| | | | |Aliceville, a POW camp that held 6,000 Germans, and was open from | |

| | | | |1942 to 1945. See German artwork, hand-made wooden objects, | |

| | | | |weapons, photographs, uniforms, books, sculpture and other | |

| | | | |artifacts made by German prisoners of war at Camp Aliceville. | |

| | | | |Hours: 10 am to 4 pm – weekdays, closed from 12 pm to 1 pm. 10 am | |

| | | | |to 2 pm on Saturdays. | |

|Aliceville |C |POI |James McCrory Grave |Located 6 miles south of Aliceville off of Ala 14. Coordinates: N33| |

| | | |Old Bethany Cemetery |02.944 W88 07.548. Good signage. James McCrory was a soldier of the| |

| | | | |Revolution and was at the battles of Germantown, Brandywine and | |

| | | | |Gilford Courthouse and was one of George Washington’s life guards | |

| | | | |at Valley Forge. | |

|Aliceville |C |100 |Plantation House (1905) |102 Memorial Pkwy SE Fried rabbit. "People come from all over |  |

| | | | |Pickens County and elsewhere to the historic Plantation House to | |

| | | | |enjoy good food, a friendly staff, and great Southern hospitality. | |

| | | | |Located in the 1903 James M. Summerville House, the restaurant | |

| | | | |offers Southern food traditions, such as chicken, biscuits, rice | |

| | | | |and gravy. The festive highlights of the cuisine, however, are the | |

| | | | |fried rabbit, the first Saturday seafood buffet and the | |

| | | | |once-a-month boiled and fried shrimp buffet". | |

|Andalusia |SW |CRT |Covington County Court |Court Square |  |

| | | |House | | |

|Anniston |C |POI |Berman Museum |At the Hwy 431 & 21 fork. Here you'll find a stunning Royal Persian|  |

| | | | |Scimitar set with 1,295 rose-cut diamonds, 60 carats of rubies, and| |

| | | | |a single emerald of 40 carats in a 3 pound gold handle with a | |

| | | | |fabulous early Damascus steel blade, a Greek helmet dating to 300 | |

| | | | |B.C., Jefferson Davis's traveling pistols; bronzes by Frederic | |

| | | | |Remington and, 88 guns from the American West, one of which is a | |

| | | | |Presentation Winchester Model 1866 ivory stocked and gold plated, | |

| | | | |presented by Emperor Napoleon III of France to Emperor Maximillian | |

| | | | |of Mexico. There isn't enough room here to mention all of the | |

| | | | |wonderful unique items on display. The Berman shouldn't be | |

| | | | |missed!!! | |

|Anniston |C |CRT |Calhoun County | 25 W 11th St, |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Anniston |C |POI |Church of S. Michael & |West 18th Street & Cobb Ave. 1888 Norman-Gothic constructed with |  |

| | | |All Angels |Alabama stone, features a magnificent marble altar. Bavarian | |

| | | | |wood-workers carved the church's entire ceiling by hand. Not to be | |

| | | | |missed. | |

|Anniston |C |100 |Classic on Noble |1024 Noble St. Jerked pork tenderloin & papaya salsa |  |

|Anniston |C |POI |FT. McClellan Buckner |Located on Ft, McClellan. Beautiful tree lined quadrangle in the | |

| | | |Historic District |center of Ft McClellan surrounded by the restored homes of senior | |

| | | | |officers. This area is used my film makers because of its great | |

| | | | |historical value. | |

|Anniston |C |POI |Ft. McClellan WWII POW |3546 Shipley Rd. Historically significant cemetery where German and|  |

| | | |Cemetery |Italian POWs are laid to rest. Marble markers show the names and | |

| | | | |ranks of the soldiers. There is a large concrete "Iron Cross" there| |

| | | | |also. | |

|Anniston |C |100 |Goal Post Bar-B-Q |1910 Quintard Ave. Barbecue; "Fantastic, a strong candidate for the|  |

| | | | |best in Alabama". | |

|Anniston |C |POI |Museum of Natural |At the Hwy 431 & 21 fork. Next to the Berman Museum. Treks through |  |

| | | |History |jungles, deserts and savannahs | |

|Anniston |C |EAT |The Victoria Inn |1604 Quintard Ave Smoked lettuce salad |  |

|Anniston |C |VIN |White Oak Vineyards |1484 Dry Hollow Rd. |  |

| | | | |Estate grown artisan wines. | |

| | | | |Randal Wilson and Dana Davis invite you to their farm, nestled in | |

| | | | |the beautiful rolling hills of North/Central Alabama, where you can| |

| | | | |taste a selection of fine regional wines, including dry reds and | |

| | | | |whites, sparkling wines, fruit wines such as blueberry and peach, | |

| | | | |as well as the South's favorite muscadine wines. We also offer a | |

| | | | |selection of jellies, jams, candles and baskets, as well as logo | |

| | | | |caps and shirts. | |

| | | | |Open Friday afternoons from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturdays | |

| | | | |from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., or by special appointment. | |

|Arab |NE |100 |3 Guys Grill |209 3rd Ave NW |  |

| | | | |Pot roast | |

|Arab |NE |POI |Arab Historic Village |Arab City Park, Shoal Creek Trail off of Hwy 69. Complex includes | |

| | | | |1935 Old Hunt School, 1912 church, country store, museum, grist | |

| | | | |mill, blacksmith shop, club demonstration home. Structures dating | |

| | | | |from 1880s to 1930s preserved with authentic furnishings. | |

|Arab - Marshall County |NE |WFL |Ragsdale Falls |Arab. N 34 20.067 - W 86 06.550 |  |

|Arab - Marshall County |NE |WFL |Thompson Falls |N 34 20.667 - W 86 25.333 |  |

|Ashland |C |CRT |Clay County Courthouse |Court Square |  |

|Ashland |C |100 |High Points Coffee & |124 Court Sq. "Melvine's Chicken Salad" Open 7:30 a.m. until 2 |  |

| | | |Books |p.m. Tuesday through Friday; and 9:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. on | |

| | | | |Saturday. Closed Sunday and Monday. Located in the oldest brick | |

| | | | |building in Ashland. Historical photos are displayed on walls, and | |

| | | | |works by local artists are shown. Many used books for sale or just | |

| | | | |browsing/reading. Coffee and bagels are available from 7:30 until | |

| | | | |10 a.m., and salads/sandwiches/soup are served daily except Sunday | |

| | | | |and Monday. N33 16.401 W85 50.148 | |

|Ashville |C |POI |John Looney House |4187 Greensport Rd. (Co. Rd. 24). Located 5 miles south of Ashville|  |

| | | | |on Greensport Road. Possibly the oldest dog trot log house in | |

| | | | |Alabama (1820). Excellent example of pioneer architecture. Annual | |

| | | | |fall festival. Call for events: (205) 595-3228.   | |

|Ashville |C |CRT |St. Clair County Court |129 5th Ave. |  |

| | | |House - 1 of 2 | | |

|Athens |NW |POI |Alabama Veterans Museum |100 W Pryor St. Established to preserve memories of our veterans by|  |

| | | | |creating a per-permanent resting place for artifacts and | |

| | | | |memorabilia, displaying uniforms, medals, weapons, photos, books, | |

| | | | |tapes and news clippings. | |

|Athens |NW |POI |Athens State University |350 N. Beaty Street.1840s Greek Revival Founders Hall at Athens |  |

| | | |Founders Hall |State University, state’s oldest college. Altar's elegant wood | |

| | | | |carvings tell story of New Testament | |

|Athens |NE |CHU |Cambridge United |1488 Cambridge Lane. Established in 1818. Church used by |  |

| | | |Methodist Church |Confederacy to set up the Malone Battalion. Was later seized by | |

| | | | |Federal troops who damaged much of the church. | |

|Athens |NW |100 |Clark's Restaurant |1221-D Kelli Drive "Prime Rib" N34 46.857 W86 |  |

| | | | |56.225 | |

|Athens |NE |CHU |First Presbyterian |112 South Jefferson St. Originally founded in 1829, moved to |  |

| | | |Church |present location in 1852. Union soldiers stabled their horses in | |

| | | | |the sanctuary and burned the pews for firewood. | |

|Athens |NW |100 |Greenbrier BBQ |27028 Old Hwy. 20. Catfish & hushpuppies BBQ |  |

| | | |All Locations | | |

|Athens |NE |CRT |Limestone County |310 W. Washington St. |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Athens |NW |100 |Tortillas Blanco |113 West Market St. "Cinnamon Sugar Cookies" N34 48.194 W86 |  |

| | | | |58.203 | |

|Atmore |SW |EAT |David's Catfish |1804 S Main St. Catfish |  |

|Attalla |NE |CHU |First United Methodist |601 N. 4th Street. Organized in 1887. |  |

| | | |Church | | |

|Attalla |NE |CHU |Keener United Methodist |6025 US Hwy 11N. Built in early 1900s visitors are still encourage|  |

| | | |Church |“to go before you go” since there are no outhouses or restrooms | |

| | | | |available. | |

|Auburn |SE |100 |Amsterdam Cafe |408 S Gay St. Crab cake & avocado sandwich |  |

|Auburn |SE |EAT |Auburn Campus Trek |North College Street at Toomer’s Corner. Wonderful brick |  |

| | | | |architecture from the 1850's | |

|Auburn |SE |EAT |Hamiltons |174 E Magnolia Ave. Fried green tomato appetizer with grilled |  |

| | | | |shrimp | |

|Auburn |SE |EAT |J.Williams |277 S Gay St. Grilled Chilean sea bass over crayfish jambalaya |  |

|Auburn |SE |100 |Momma Goldberg's |217 E Thach Ave. (plus 3 other locations) "Momma's Love" sandwich, |  |

| | | | |roast beef, ham, hickory smoked turkey breast with muenster cheese | |

| | | | |served on a seeded hoagie bun. N32 36.250 W85 28.781 | |

|Auburn |SE |100 |Toomer's Drugs (1896) |100 North College Street. Freshly squeezed lemonade |  |

|Bay Minette |SW |CRT |Baldwin County |312 Courthouse Square |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Bayou La Batre |SW |EXT |Any sign showing Bayou |Alabama SW Extreme location. Home of Alabama shrimp fleet. |  |

| | | |La Batre on it | | |

|Bee Branch - |NW |WFL |Parker Cascades |Bee Branch, N 34 18.500- W 87 28.867 |  |

|Winston County | | | | | |

|Bee Branch - |NW |WFL |Parker Falls |Bee Branch. N 34 18.200 - W 87 29.033 |  |

|Winston County | | | | | |

|Belvidere |TN |POI |Falls Mills |140 Falls Mill Road. Just east of Huntland, TN this mill was built |  |

| | | | |in 1873 as a cotton and woolen factory. At 33 feet in diameter its| |

| | | | |over-shot water wheel is the largest one working in the USA. Go in| |

| | | | |and visit this working museum and watch meal being ground. Closed | |

| | | | |on Wednesdays | |

|Benton |SE |DAM |Robert F. Henry Lock and|1040 Jones Bluff Road 3 miles north of Benton. The Robert F. Henry | |

| | | |Dam (Woodruff Reservoir)|Lock and Dam which forms the R.E. “Bob” Woodruff Lake sits in | |

| | | | |Lowndes and Autauga counties, 3 miles north of Benton and 15miles | |

| | | | |Southeast of Selma. Construction began in 1966, opened to | |

| | | | |navigation in 1972. Power generation began in 1975. The dam backs | |

| | | | |up the river to Wetumpka a distance of about 80 miles. Power | |

| | | | |generated serves about 41,000 homes. In 1994, 1,578,781 visitors | |

| | | | |utilized public facilities around the lake. The City of Montgomery | |

| | | | |is located on the lake. 77 miles long and averages 1,300 feet wide.| |

| | | | |Receives up to 2 million visitors annually.  | |

|Birmingham |C |POI |16th Street Baptist |1527 6th Avenue N. Sixteenth Street Baptist Church is a large, | |

| | | |Church |predominantly African American Baptist church in Birmingham. In | |

| | | | |September 1963, it was the target of the racially motivated 16th | |

| | | | |Street Baptist Church bombing that killed four little girls in the | |

| | | | |midst of the American Civil Rights Movement. The church is still in| |

| | | | |operation and is a central landmark in the Birmingham Civil Rights | |

| | | | |District. It was designated as a National Historic Landmark in | |

| | | | |2006. | |

|Birmingham |C |POI |Alabama Theater |1817 3rd Avenue N. Built in 1927 by Paramount-Publix, The Alabama | |

| | | | |Theatre was a first-rate movie palace for nearly 55 years. Like so | |

| | | | |many of the great movie palaces, this classic theater needed repair| |

| | | | |and could no longer afford its overhead. 1987, the owners | |

| | | | |declared bankruptcy and the theatre was purchased by a non-profit | |

| | | | |corporation which has turned the classic theater into a performing | |

| | | | |arts center. The Alabama Theatre for the Performing Arts now | |

| | | | |showcases live shows and even a few films. | |

| | | | |In 1998, the Theatre underwent an extensive restoration and has | |

| | | | |been returned to its former glory. | |

|Birmingham |C |100 |Baby Ray's BBQ |316 W Valley Ave. "Honey Pies" N33 28.281 W86 49.412 |  |

|Birmingham |C |100 |Bettola |2901 2nd Ave S "Neopolitan pizzas" N33 31.006 W86 47.454 |  |

|Birmingham |C |POI |Birmingham Civil Rights |520 16th N. Focal point for the Civil Rights District |  |

| | | |Institute | | |

|Birmingham |C |POI |Birmingham Museum of Art|2100 8th Ave. N. Wedgwood collection, finest outside of England |  |

|Birmingham |C |EAT |Bombay Cafe |2839 7th Ave S. Strawberry/mandarin/ orange salad |  |

|Birmingham |C |100 |Bottega Italian |2242 Highland Ave S "Parmesan souffle" N33 30.140 W86 47.386 |  |

| | | |Restaurant | | |

|Birmingham |C |100 |Cafe DuPont |113 20th St N. Buttermilk fried chicken with lemon basil sauce |  |

|Birmingham |C |100 |Chez Fon Fon |2007 11th Ave S Located at Five Points South, Chez Fonfon is a | |

| | | | |casual drop-in place like the familiar corner cafes in Paris, Lyons| |

| | | | |or Bandol. Offering continental (mainly French) cuisine in a very | |

| | | | |elegant setting, it is a place where friends can gather from | |

| | | | |afternoon until late evening for “small” food and good drink that | |

| | | | |will take them away from the mundane. The decor is decidedly | |

| | | | |upscale, featuring gaslights, antique furniture and white | |

| | | | |tablecloths. The menu offers a very impressive array of French | |

| | | | |appetizers, entrees and desserts, as well as an extensive wine | |

| | | | |list. Chez Fonfon is one of four restaurants owned by Frank Stitts | |

| | | | |in Birmingham’s Southside neighborhood. | |

|Birmingham |C |100 | Cosmo's |2012 Magnolia Ave. "Gourmet pizza" N33 30.048 W86 47.773 |  |

|Birmingham |C |100 |Fire |212 Country Club Park "Vine ripe tomatoes with Parmesan flan". N33 |  |

| | | | |30.142 W86 45.416 | |

|Birmingham |C |100 |Full Moon BBQ |525 25th St. South Cole slaw & "Half Moon Cookies" |  |

|Birmingham |C |100 |Highlands Bar & Grill |2011 11th Ave S. |  |

| | | | |Highlands baked grits. Highlands was ranked in the top five | |

| | | | |restaurants in the U.S. | |

|Birmingham |C |100 |Hot & Hot Fish Club |2180 11th Ct S. |  |

| | | | |Tomato Salad | |

|Birmingham |C |CRT |Jefferson County Court |1801 3rd Ave. |  |

| | | |House | | |

|Birmingham |C |100 |Jim 'n Nick's |Cheese biscuits, BBQ |  |

| | | | |All locations | |

|Birmingham |C |BBQ |Johnny Ray's |BBQ, Banana, chocolate, coconut & lemon pies |  |

| | | | |All locations | |

|Birmingham |C |100 |Lloyds (1937) |5301 Highway 280 S. |  |

| | | | |Onion rings, hamburger steak, sweet tea | |

|Birmingham |C |100 |Milo's |Hamburger & Sweet Tea |  |

| | | | |All locations | |

|Birmingham |C |100 |Niki's West |233 Finley Ave W. |  |

| | | | |Great buffet | |

|Birmingham |C |100 |Ocean |1218 20th Street South "Lobster Pot Pie" Dinner Tuesday - Saturday |  |

| | | | |N33 29.963 W86 47.744 | |

|Birmingham |C |100 |Pete's Famous Hot Dogs |1925 2nd Ave. North. “All the way" dog. “Birmingham legend, Gus |  |

| | | |(1915) |Koutroulakis, has been slinging hot dogs from the same tiny stand | |

| | | | |in downtown Birmingham, Pete’s Famous, since 1948. According to | |

| | | | |Gus, his Uncle Pete and a buddy bought the place in 1939 with money| |

| | | | |they won in a Pinochle game. Pete renamed the place after his | |

| | | | |self-proclaimed famous dogs when he bought out his business partner| |

| | | | |in 1946. That same year, Pete installed the colorful neon sign that| |

| | | | |still lights up 2nd Avenue. And Gus still makes his dogs the same | |

| | | | |way his uncle did: “all the way” with mustard, kraut, and special | |

| | | | |sauce. Or, you can order a “special,” with a beef topping that’s—be| |

| | | | |careful—not chili. The classic sauce is unique to Birmingham and | |

| | | | |certainly a Greek addition to classic take-away fare. A visit to | |

| | | | |Pete’s Famous is quite an experience, so when you visit, spend some| |

| | | | |time taking in Gus’s hot dog wisdom and learning interesting | |

| | | | |tidbits from loyal customers, while downing a few of what are | |

| | | | |arguably the most famous dogs in Birmingham. The record, by the | |

| | | | |way, is eighteen hot dogs eaten in one visit.” | |

|Birmingham |C |EAT |Restaurant G |1820 4th Ave N. Crab cakes |  |

|Birmingham |C |POI |Rickwood Field |1137 2nd Ave W. | |

| | | | |Built in 1910 by Birmingham industrialist Rick Woodward for the | |

| | | | |Birmingham Coal Barons. Rickwood Field was modeled after | |

| | | | |Pittsburgh’s Forbes Field and Connie Mack designed the field | |

| | | | |dimensions. Opening Day was on August 18, 1910 at 3:30 p.m. The | |

| | | | |Barons defeated the Montgomery Climbers 3-2 before more than 10,000| |

| | | | |fans. The Barons played at Rickwood Field until 1987, when they | |

| | | | |moved into the suburban Hoover Metropolitan Stadium. The famous | |

| | | | |Black Barons of the Negro Leagues also called Rickwood home during | |

| | | | |their existence. The legendary Willie Mays, who grew up minutes | |

| | | | |away, was a 16-year old center-fielder on the 1948 championship | |

| | | | |squad. The Black Barons played their home games at Rickwood when | |

| | | | |the (White) Barons were out of town. Championship pennants from | |

| | | | |both teams are painted on the exterior of the ballpark behind the | |

| | | | |third base grandstand. The 1983 Barons were the last Rickwood | |

| | | | |tenants to celebrate a championship when they won the Southern | |

| | | | |League that year | |

|Birmingham |C |POI |Sloss Furnaces |20 32nd Street North. National Historic Landmark - “Learn how steel|  |

| | | | |was made. Sloss Furnaces was a major producer of pig iron in | |

| | | | |Birmingham until the 1970s. Since then it has been converted to an | |

| | | | |educational historic landmark. Its red silos and ovens are | |

| | | | |picturesque. Walking through the facilities you will feel enveloped| |

| | | | |by the architecture, the strange views of large equipment and | |

| | | | |machinery, the stairways running hither and yon. I felt connected | |

| | | | |to the brutally hard work that was done by iron workers in years | |

| | | | |past. | |

|Birmingham |C |EAT |Sol Y Luna |2811 7th Ave S. |  |

| | | | |Tapas | |

|Birmingham |C |POI |Southern Museum of |4343 73rd St N. |  |

| | | |Flight |1925 crop duster that launched Delta Airlines "You will see the | |

| | | | |machines that helped the world take to the skies. Military, | |

| | | | |civilian, and home-built aircraft on display at the Museum include | |

| | | | |one of Delta Air Line's first planes – the Huff Daland crop duster,| |

| | | | |a full-size Wright Flyer replica, a 1912 Curtis Pusher replica, a | |

| | | | |Fokker VII, and two US Air Force fighter jet cockpit simulators." | |

|Birmingham |C |POI |Vulcan Park & Museum |1701 Valley View Dr. Vulcan Park and Museum is home to the world's | |

| | | | |largest cast iron statue and features spectacular pano -ramic views| |

| | | | |of Birmingham. We tell the story of Birmingham's past, present and | |

| | | | |promise for the future. The history of Vulcan is deeply tied to | |

| | | | |Birmingham's roots and its growth. Vulcan, the Roman god of fire | |

| | | | |and forge, was originally built in 1904 and has stood as a symbol | |

| | | | |of Birmingham for over 100 years. After a four-year renovation, | |

| | | | |Vulcan Park reopened to the public in 2004 and welcomed over | |

| | | | |100,000 visitors its first year. | |

|Birmingham Bessemer |C |100 |Bob Sykes BBQ |1724 9th Ave N. |  |

| | | | |BBQ, Pies & Burgers | |

|Birmingham Bessemer |C |CRT |Jefferson Cty. Satellite|1801 3rd Ave N. | |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Birmingham Bessemer |C |POI |Tannehill Historic State|12632 Confederate Pkwy. Nature has blessed Tannehill. The beautiful|  |

| | | |Park |tree-lined valley, hillsides rich in ore and swiftly flowing Roupes| |

| | | | |Creek made this a perfect setting for a successful iron making | |

| | | | |operation, as the early settlers realized. The same ingredients | |

| | | | |afford today’s visitors a pleasurable escape from modern life. | |

| | | | |Tannehill Ironworks Historical State Park has more than 1,500 acres| |

| | | | |in three counties set aside for hiking, camping and outdoor | |

| | | | |recreation. A miniature railroad chugs through the pines. From | |

| | | | |spring through fall, the blacksmith, miller and craftsmen | |

| | | | |demonstrate their trades. Craft shops occupy restored pioneer | |

| | | | |cabins and artisans chat with visitors from their front porches. | |

| | | | |The cotton gin, pioneer farm and working gristmill preserve a | |

| | | | |long-gone way of life. Artifacts of Alabama’s 19th century iron | |

| | | | |industry displayed in the Iron and Steel Museum put in perspective | |

| | | | |the massive stone furnaces, Tannehill’s awe-inspiring centerpiece. | |

|Birmingham Bessemer |C |100 |The Bright Star |304 19th St. | |

| | | | |Alabama’s Oldest Restaurant. In 1907, a small cafe with only a | |

| | | | |horseshoe-shaped bar opened its doors to the bustling community of | |

| | | | |Bessemer, Alabama. Outgrowing three locations, the Bright Star | |

| | | | |moved to its present site in 1914, and patrons were introduced to a| |

| | | | |new dining atmosphere. Ceiling fans, tile floors, mirrored and | |

| | | | |marbled walls - most of which exist today - reflect the style of | |

| | | | |that era. Murals painted by an itinerant European artist are | |

| | | | |another interesting feature of the past. Major alterations and | |

| | | | |renovations of the premises and kitchen were completed in 1966, and| |

| | | | |the dining room was expanded in 1978 with the addition of the | |

| | | | |"1907" room. | |

|Birmingham Cabaha Heights |C |BBQ |Miss. Myra's BBQ |3278 Cahaba Heights Rd. Pulled pork & asst. sauces, pies |  |

|Birmingham Helena |C |100 |Fox Valley Restaurant |6745 Highway 17 N33 14.984 W86 51.166" |  |

| | | | |Crab Cakes" | |

|Birmingham Homewood |C |100 |Franklin's Homewood |1919 28th Ave S # 113. Baby blue salad & BBQ salmon sandwich | |

| | | |Gourmet | | |

|Birmingham Homewood |C |100 |GianMarco's |721 Broadway St "Lasagna" N33 27.742 W86 48.769 |  |

|Birmingham Homewood |C |100 |Jinsei |1830 29th Ave S "Kadoma Tuna" N33 28.775 W86 47.466 |  |

|Birmingham Homewood |C |EAT |Nabeel's |1706 Oxmoor Rd Camel Rider" sandwich & moussaka eggplant casserole |  |

|Birmingham Homewood |C |100 |Savage Bakery |2916 18th St S | |

| | | | |Founded in 1939 by Mr. William Savage and relocated in the 1950's | |

| | | | |to Downtown Homewood. Van Scott purchased the bakery in 1978 to | |

| | | | |proudly uphold and expand upon its reputation. | |

|Birmingham Homewood |C |100 |Saw’s BBQ |1008 Oxmoor Road "Ribs" N33 28.427 |  |

| | | | |W86 48.481 | |

|Birmingham Hoover |C |100 |Harry’s Place |1837 Montgomery Hwy | |

| | | | |This is a throwback to the short order grills that were found in | |

| | | | |drug stores in the 60's.  The simple restaurant is located in a | |

| | | | |corner storefront of a non-descript strip center. The service is | |

| | | | |good and the burgers are even better.  The large burgers are made | |

| | | | |to order and served with fresh lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles. You | |

| | | | |can get a hamburger, fries, and a drink for about $6. | |

| | | | |The hamburgers at Harry's Place have been voted the "Best in | |

| | | | |Birmingham" in a reader's poll by The Birmingham News. | |

|Birmingham Irondale |C |100 |Golden Rule Bar-B-Q |Baked beans, BBQ pork. |  |

| | | |(1891) |All locations | |

|Birmingham Irondale |C |EAT |Gus’ Hot Dogs |5415 Beacon Dr # 139 across Kilgore Memorial Drive from Sam’s. One | |

| | | | |of the best hot dogs in Birmingham. Great combo specials and very | |

| | | | |good prices. Very friendly and fast service. Have many choices | |

| | | | |other than hot dogs which are also excellent. | |

|Birmingham Irondale |C |100 |Irondale Café (1928) |1906 1st Ave North. |  |

| | | | |Fried green tomatoes; Inspiration for the Whistle Stop Café in the | |

| | | | |film, Fried Green Tomatoes with Fanny Flagg. Meat & three buffet. | |

|Birmingham Mountain Brook |C |POI |Birmingham Botanical |2612 Lane Park Rd Birmingham Botanical Gardens is Alabama's largest| |

| | | |Gardens |living museum with more than 10,000 different plants in its living | |

| | | | |collections. The Gardens' 67.5 acres contains 25+ unique gardens, | |

| | | | |30+ works of original outdoor sculpture and miles of serene paths. | |

|Birmingham Mountain Brook |C |EAT |Chez Lulu |1911 Cahaba Rd. “Cheeze Lulu” with a glass of wine, soups, | |

| | | | |quiche & much more. Some may say that real men don’t eat quiche, | |

| | | | |but they will here. Eclectic is an understatement. | |

|Birmingham Mountain Brook |C |100 |daniel george |2837 Culver Rd. Chocolate lave cake | |

|Birmingham Mountain Brook |C |EAT |Davenport's Pizza Palace|2837 Cahaba Rd. |  |

| | | | |Pizza. "Best pizza in Birmingham" | |

|Birmingham Mountain Brook |C |100 |Gilchrist Drugs |2805 Cahaba Rd. Freshly squeezed limeade & chicken salad | |

| | | | |sandwich. | |

|Birmingham Mountain Brook |C |POI |Jimmy Morgan Zoo |2630 Cahaba Road. |  |

| | | | |Home of some 900 animals from all over the globe | |

|Birmingham Mountain Brook |C |POI |McElwain Furnace (Old |4185 Stone River Road (N33° 30.315 W086° 43.806). There is a | |

| | | |Irondale Furnace |history of early iron furnaces in Alabama that predates the | |

| | | |1863-1873) |founding of the Magic City in 1871.  This history pre-dates the | |

| | | | |Civil War, although a number of the "old" furnaces that is, built | |

| | | | |before 1871 were built in direct response to the needs of the | |

| | | | |Confederacy. McElwain built his furnace along the banks of Shades | |

| | | | |Creek in Jefferson County in 1863.  Iron made in this blast furnace| |

| | | | |was carried by ox-cart to a rail head at Montevallo, and then by | |

| | | | |rail to the arsenal at Selma, Alabama.  Note that even today the | |

| | | | |nearby road is called (the) Montevallo Road. According to The | |

| | | | |Birmingham District, this operation included a gravity tramway from| |

| | | | |the iron mine located three miles away.  McElwain experimented with| |

| | | | |coke in place of charcoal, but his operations were ended by the | |

| | | | |infamous raid by Wilson, in the spring of 1865, which destroyed | |

| | | | |most of the plant. | |

|Birmingham Pelham |C |EAT |Margarita Grill |234 Cahaba Valley Road (Hwy 119). Margarita Grill is a Tex-Mex | |

| | | | |restaurant specializing in mesquite wood cooking. Service is | |

| | | | |excellent and food prices are moderately priced. | |

|Birmingham Pelham |C |WFL |Peavine Falls |Oak Mountain SP. | |

| | | | |(N33 18.333 W86 45.417) Form the parking area, hike .5 miles to the| |

| | | | |falls. Going downhill is a snap, but coming back up the trail will | |

| | | | |test your endurance. There are plenty benches along the way for you| |

| | | | |to catch your breath. | |

|Birmingham Pelham |C |POI |Terry’s Two Wheel Tire &|1057 Commerce Blvd., behind Wal Mart between US 31 and Hwy 119. | |

| | | |Tune |Specializing in BMW Motorcycle repair, tires changed, mounted and | |

| | | | |balanced. Great selection of riding apparel and gear. Stop by for a| |

| | | | |cup of coffee or a bottle of cold water and meet some great folks. | |

| | | | |Terry and Joan Ware are BMWMOAL club members. | |

| | | | |205 987-2090 | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |terrystwowheel@. | |

|Birmingham Tarrant |C |BBQ |Ken’s Hickory Pit BBQ |4841 Pension Valley Rd. | |

| | | | |“Could be the best BBQ in the Birmingham area.” | |

|Birmingham Vestavia |C |CNG |Diplomat Deli |114 Montgomery Highway across from Mark’s Outdoors. | |

| | | | |Each Thursday. Folks start arriving around 5 pm. | |

|Birmingham Vestavia |C |100 |Klinger’s |621 Montgomery Highway “Black Forest Cake” | |

| | | | |N33 26.921 W86 47.373 | |

|Birmingham Vestavia |C |100 |Mr. P's Butcher Shop & |813 Shades Crest Rd "Sandwiches on wheat roll w/BBQ sauce" N33 |  |

| | | |Deli |25.245 W86 50.826 | |

|Birmingham Vestavia |C |100 |New Orleans Food & |1919 Kentucky Ave Ste 101 "Shrimp Etouffee" N33 26.837 W86 |  |

| | | |Spirits |47.558 | |

|Bleeker - Lee County |SE |WFL |Great Falls |Bleeker, N32 30.500 W 85 11.066 | |

|Blount Springs |C |POI |Bangor Cave |Located 5 miles north of Blount Springs and 2 miles south of Garden| |

| | | | |City on US 31. There is a gravel parking area on the east side of | |

| | | | |the road adjacent to the railroad track Cord: N33 59.178 W 86 | |

| | | | |45.201. Cross the Railroad track and you will see a path to the | |

| | | | |Cave. Turn right and hike ¼ mile to the cave entrance. | |

| | | | |For a short but exciting time in the late 1930s, Bangor Cave was | |

| | | | |one of America's most exotic nightspots. A special spur to the | |

| | | | |cave, built by the Louisville & Nashville Railroad, brought | |

| | | | |thousands of elegantly dressed southerners to the cave's bungalow | |

| | | | |entrance. There, they waited outside for the chance to enter an | |

| | | | |underground Shangri-La. A lucky few, usually with bulging wallets, | |

| | | | |were allowed into the private casino hidden behind a heavily bolted| |

| | | | |door. | |

| | | | |Today there are only a few physical reminders of the cave's glory | |

| | | | |days: the outline of a fieldstone bar where a jar of | |

| | | | |thousand-dollar bills once sat on display, the concave area that | |

| | | | |served as an orchestra pit for swing bands and vocalists. But on | |

| | | | |the spot where diners once enjoyed $1.10 price-fixed meals and | |

| | | | |dancers swayed on tile-covered floors under a cathedral ceiling | |

| | | | |painted to resemble a night sky, only copperheads, spiders, and | |

| | | | |other creatures take advantage of the once-magnificent room. A | |

| | | | |sense of eeriness permeates the cavern’s damp walls-a sense of | |

| | | | |stories never to be told, mysteries never to be solved. The cave | |

| | | | |continues through the mountain, so if you want an adventure, pack a| |

| | | | |good flashlight and some water. This one will be an adventure. | |

|Blount Springs |C |POI |Mineral Spring |Located just north of Blount Springs off of US 31. Turn right on CR| |

| | | | |7. Dirt parking area is 300 feet on the left. Coord: N33 55.910 W | |

| | | | |86 47.734. Hike down the path a short distance and you will see the| |

| | | | |flowing spring fed creek with white residue form the mineral water.| |

| | | | |There are two small concrete portals where the fresh spring water | |

| | | | |rises, then flows into the creek. Go ahead and be adventuresome. | |

| | | | |Take a drink. | |

|Blount Springs |C |POI |Mulberry Fork Warrior |Located 4 ½ miles north of Blount Springs off of US 31. Turn left | |

| | | |River |on Philpot Rd, then bear right on Whitewater Road to the end where | |

| | | | |there is a parking area on the right. Cord: N33 58.315 W86 46.474. | |

| | | | |Follow the trail to the river for a beautiful scenic river setting.| |

| | | | |Beautiful rapids and a sandy beach. | |

|Blount Springs |C |100 |Top Hat BBQ |8713 US 31. |  |

| | | | |BBQ | |

|Blountsville |NW |CHU |Blountsville United |415 College Street. Moving from Tennessee, Ebenezer Hearn was |  |

| | | |Methodist Church |called upon to organize the first Methodist Church of Alabama. | |

| | | | |What began as a Methodist camp on a Creek Indian site transformed | |

| | | | |in a building in 1886. | |

|Blountsville |NW |POI |Motorcycle helmet on |Heading north on Hwy. 231 just north of Blountsville past the water| |

| | | |top of telephone pole |park between mile markers 270 and 271, the helmet is on a pole on | |

| | | | |the left side of the road. The story is that a telephone man found | |

| | | | |the helmet nearby and placed it on top of the pole. | |

|Boaz |NE |100 |Mill Street Deli |104 South McClesky Street. |  |

| | | | |Mill Street Deli | |

|Boaz |NE |EAT |Station House Grill |101 E Mann Ave. |  |

| | | | |Jambalaya | |

|Bon Secour |SW |POI |Billie's Seafood |County Rd 10 W. |  |

| | | | |Fresh seafood market on the bayou; watch the shrimp boats unload | |

|Bon Secour |SW |EAT |Fish Camp Restaurant |4297 County Road 6. |  |

| | | | |You hook em, and we cook em. Caribbean style seafood and pasta | |

| | | | |dishes. | |

|Brent |C |EAT |Sawmeal Restaurant |6880 Highway 5 | |

| | | | |Whether eating off the buffet or ordering off the menu, you can’t | |

| | | | |go wrong at this restaurant. This is truly cooking that makes the | |

| | | | |southland famous for good food and the service is great also. The | |

| | | | |Sawmeal of Sawmill is very deserving of the 4 star rating. | |

|Brewton |SW |CRT |Escambia County |318 Bellville Ave |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Bridgeport |NE |POI |Bridgeport Train Depot &|114 Soulard Sq. | |

| | | |Museum |After being idle for over 30years, the Bridgeport Depot has been | |

| | | | |restored and now houses the Bridgeport Area Historical Association | |

| | | | |offices, a museum of local artifacts and railroad memorabilia, and | |

| | | | |a historical research library for Bridgeport and area history buffs| |

| | | | |as well as genealogy buffs. There are records that go back to 1807,| |

| | | | |Bridgeport News issues back to 1891, Post Office records, tax | |

| | | | |records, business charge account ledgers, War Between the States | |

| | | | |records, and much more. | |

|Bridgeport |NE |POI |Russell Cave National |3729 County Road 98. Served as an archaic hotel for Native |  |

| | | |Monument |Americans traveling through the area about 9,000 years ago | |

|Brilliant |NW |CHU |Brilliant Methodist |825 Main Street. Built by local coal miners, it is noted for its |  |

| | | |Church |high-pitched roof and stained glass windows. | |

|Brooklyn |SW |POI |Sepulga River Bridge |Located in Conecuh County on Bull Slough Road (dirt) between Cr. 43| |

| | | | |and Cr. 21. Neat old pony truss bridge over the Sepulga River. | |

| | | | |Built in 1924 and on the national historical list. | |

|Brundidge |SE |100 |Sit N Sip Coffee Shop |123 Church St. "Chicken Salad Blossom" N31 43.071 W85 48.893 |  |

|Butler |SW |CRT |Choctaw County |117 S Mulberry St. | |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Calera |C |POI |Heart of Dixie Railroad |1919 9th Street. |  |

| | | |Museum |Historical Railroad exhibits | |

|Calera |C |VIN |Ozan Vineyard & Cellars |173 Highway 301. Wine tasting and winery tours in an estate winery| |

| | | | |setting. Located in the Center of Alabama’s Wine Country, just a | |

| | | | |mile off I-65. A great Alabama travel stops, and part of any | |

| | | | |Birmingham or Montgomery wine tasting adventure! For $7.00 you can| |

| | | | |have a sample of ten of their wines and receive a complementary | |

| | | | |Ozan wine glass. | |

|Calera |C |POI |Shelby Springs |4422 County Road 42. | |

| | | |Confederate Cemetery |(N33 07.779 W86 40.881) | |

| | | | |The Confederate Army established a soldier’s home and hospital here| |

| | | | |(1863-1865) as a part of the CSA Camp Winn Training Site. Father | |

| | | | |Leary and the Sisters of Mercy staffed the hospital after fleeing | |

| | | | |Civil War destruction in Vicksburg. They brought with them by train| |

| | | | |many wounded and sick Confederate soldiers. This existing public | |

| | | | |cemetery was expanded for those soldiers who died of battle wounds | |

| | | | |and illnesses. | |

|Calera |C |VIN |Vizzini Farms Winery |800 Highway 87. Near the Shelby County Airport. Wine |  |

| | | | |tasting, tour, 1/2 soup & sandwich; Great food, friendly people, | |

| | | | |wonderful atmosphere. This place shouldn't be missed! | |

|Camden |SW |BBQ |Dallas Soul Food & BBQ |224 Claiborne Street. |  |

| | | | |BBQ and soul food. | |

|Camden |SW |100 |Gaines Ridge Dinner Club|933 Highway 10 East. |  |

| | | | |Black Bottom Pie | |

|Camden |SW |EAT |Jackson's Fried Chicken |231 Claiborne St. |  |

| | | | |Really good fried chicken and soul food | |

|Camden |SW |POI |Old County Courthouse |Hwy 41 and Court St. | |

| | | |and Museum | | |

|Camden |SW |CRT |Wilcox County Courthouse|Hwy 28 & Court Street |  |

|Camden & Gee's Bend |SW |POI |Gees Bend Ferry |Camden - North end of Cr 14 (Ellis Landing Road). |  |

| | | | |Gee's Bend - 11974 Cr. 29. | |

| | | | |Ferry to isolated. Be sure to check the schedule on line before | |

| | | | |making the crossing. There are two hour intervals between crossings| |

| | | | |from Gee's Bend to Ellis Landing and the reverse run. | |

|Carns |NE |POI |Rock Zoo |Located two miles east of Cr 33 on CR 32. A virtual animal farm | |

| | | |Yard Art |created from boulders. This unique yard art consists of large rocks| |

| | | | |painted around the contours to resemble barnyard animals and | |

| | | | |people. | |

|Carrollton |C |CRT |Pickens County |HWYs 86 & 17. |  |

| | | |Courthouse |See the ghost image in the window on the top floor of the | |

| | | | |courthouse. | |

|Cedar Bluff |NE |POI |Cornwall Furnace |1433 Cr. 251. | |

| | | | |Built in 1862 and it still stands today. The Cornwall Furnace was | |

| | | | |an old blast furnace and was the 1st in the county to be powered by| |

| | | | |water. The furnace supplied iron ore for foundries in Rome, GA, | |

| | | | |where armaments were forged for Confederate States of America. It | |

| | | | |was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972. | |

|Cedar Bluff |NE |EAT |Keeeland Chinese |4758 Hwy. 68, Cedar Bluff Shopping Center. | |

| | | |Restaurant |Hot Sour Soup & Mongolian Beef, Iced Tea | |

|Cedar Bluff |NE |POI |Nathan Bedford Forest |9951 Hwy 9 N. (½ mile SW of Hwy 35) | |

| | | |Monument |Under gunfire, teenage heroine Emma Samson guided Gen. Forrest's | |

| | | | |troops across Black Creek near Gadsden on May 2, 1863. The | |

| | | | |following day, Forrest and only 344 cavalry troops captured Union | |

| | | | |Col. Streight and his entire command of 1,466 men near here | |

|Cedar Bluff |NE |CHU |Round Mountain |241 County Road 600. On August 3, 1895, a community of ministers |  |

| | | | |and deacons established a Baptist Church in Round Mountain The | |

| | | | |Lord’s Supper at the church was observed for the first time in May | |

| | | | |1896. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Centre |NE |CRT |Cherokee County |100 Main Street |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Centreville |C |CRT |Bibb County Court House |35 Court Square East |  |

|Centreville |C |BBQ |Twix ‘n Tween |297 Walnut Street. | |

| | | | |BBQ and homemade pies. 297 Walnut St. Between Centreville and | |

| | | | |Brent. | |

|Chatom |SW |CRT |Washington County |Courthouse Square |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Chattahoochee State Park |SE |EXT |Sign at entrance |Alabama SE Extreme location |  |

|Chattanooga |TN |POI |Pandora’s European |4784 Hwy. 58. | |

| | | |Motorsports |Our Vision is to provide a facility where like minded riders can | |

| | | | |gather to indulge in a high performance/adventure motorsports | |

| | | | |lifestyle. Safety is a primary concern, Pandora's Motorsports aims | |

| | | | |to not only supply machines and support, but also arrangements for | |

| | | | |riding these machines in a controlled environment (track days, | |

| | | | |adventure rides). | |

|Cherokee |NW |100 |Bishop's Barbecue |10 Bishop Lane "BBQ & Three-n-One Sauce" N34 39.868 W88 06.839 |  |

|Childersburg |C |100 |Desoto Caverns Park |5181 Desoto Caverns Pkwy. First Officially Recorded Cave in USA. |  |

| | | |“Fudge” |After the Revolutionary War and signing of final treaties with | |

| | | | |Britain in 1783, America experienced several years of severe growth| |

| | | | |pains in forming its government. Finally, on April 30, 1789, George| |

| | | | |Washington, Revolutionary War hero, was elected the country's first| |

| | | | |president. Soon after, Benjamin Hawkins was appointed the United | |

| | | | |States Agent among the Creeks and General Superintendent of all | |

| | | | |tribes south of the Ohio River. | |

| | | | |In December 1796, he visited the Upper Creek territory and in his | |

| | | | |report to President Washington described the magnificent beauty of | |

| | | | |DeSoto Caverns. This report makes DeSoto Caverns the first | |

| | | | |officially recorded cave in the United States. | |

|Childersburg |C |POI |Kymulga Grist Mill & |7346 Kymulga Grist Mill Rd. The Kymulga Grist Mill, Covered Bridge |  |

| | | |Covered Bridge |and Park are of significant historical, educational and | |

| | | | |recreational value. Located on Grist Mill Road four miles northeast| |

| | | | |of Childersburg, Alabama, the mill and bridge are over one hundred | |

| | | | |forty years old. Listed in the National Register of Historic | |

| | | | |Places, they are the only pair of such structures in Alabama that | |

| | | | |still stand where they were originally built on Talladega Creek. | |

| | | | |The adjacent park is home to a variety of animals and plants. | |

| | | | |Several large trees there have been judged by foresters to be older| |

| | | | |than the mill or bridge. | |

|Childersburg |C |POI |The oldest continuously |Not until the arrival of Hernando DeSoto and his Spanish expedition| |

| | | |occupied settlement in |in 1540 A.D. was the beginning of recorded history in Alabama | |

| | | |the U S 1540 AD |marked. In fact, Childersburg, the city nearest the DeSoto Caverns,| |

| | | | |is the oldest continuously occupied settlement in the United | |

| | | | |States, predating St. Augustine by 25 years. The DeSoto expedition | |

| | | | |spent a little over five weeks in the capital of the Coosa Indians,| |

| | | | |just a few miles west of the DeSoto Caverns. Their mission was to | |

| | | | |find gold and to establish the first Spanish colony in the New | |

| | | | |World. DeSoto left, disappointed, as he found no gold in the | |

| | | | |surrounding territory and thus did not claim any land for Spain, | |

| | | | |but instead took slaves from among the Coosa people. | |

|Chrysler |SW |POI |William Weatherford |Follow signs off of Hwy 59 to Red Eagle Road. |  |

| | | |(Red Eagle) Grave |(1780 – March 24, 1824), was a Creek (Muscogee) Indian who led the | |

| | | | |Creek War offensive against the United States. William Weatherford | |

| | | | |like many of the high-ranking members of the Creek nation was half | |

| | | | |Scottish and half Creek Indian. His father was Charles Weatherford,| |

| | | | |a Scottish trader and his mother was Sehoy III, Princess of the | |

| | | | |Wind Clan. | |

|Clanton |C |CRT |Chilton County |568 2nd Ave. N |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Clanton |C |100 |Durbin Farms Market |I 65 exit 205. |  |

| | | | |Peach ice-cream | |

|Clanton |C |EAT |Heaton Pecan Farms |I 65 exit 208. |  |

| | | | |Pecan pie | |

|Clanton |C |DAM |Lay Dam and Lake |Located NE of Clanton off of Cr 794. Lay Dam was named after | |

| | | | |Alabama Power Company's first president, Capt. William Patrick Lay.| |

| | | | |Originally known as the Lock 12 Dam, the facility was later renamed| |

| | | | |in recognition of Captain Lay's service to the company and to the | |

| | | | |public. Located on the Coosa River, the dam straddles the Chilton | |

| | | | |and Coosa County line. Lay Dam was redeveloped during the 1960s as | |

| | | | |part of the Coosa River project. The project also included the | |

| | | | |construction of H. Neely Henry, Weiss, Logan Martin and Bouldin | |

| | | | |dams. | |

|Clanton |C |DAM |Mitchell Dam and Lake |Off of SR 22 on Mitchell Dam Road. In 1921 the Federal Power | |

| | | | |Commission granted Alabama Power Company a license to construct a | |

| | | | |dam across the Coosa River near Clanton, downstream from Lay Lake, | |

| | | | |at a location called Duncan's Riffle. The dam and lake is named for| |

| | | | |former Alabama Power Company President James Mitchell. An | |

| | | | |internationally known electrical engineer, Mitchell came to Alabama| |

| | | | |in 1911 to survey its potential for hydroelectric power | |

| | | | |development. Construction of Mitchell Dam, Alabama Power Company's | |

| | | | |second hydroelectric plant, was completed in 1923 and it has been | |

| | | | |busy producing hydro power ever since. | |

|Clanton |C |100 |Peach Park |I 65 exit 205. |  |

| | | | |Peach & fruit pies | |

|Clanton - |C |POI |Confederate Memorial |HWY 143 & Cr 63. Former home for Confederate veterans and widows. |  |

|Marbury | | |Park |Civil War relics, and weaponry; two cemeteries Old Mountain Creek | |

| | | | |Post Office & chapel. | |

|Clayton |SE |CRT |Barbour County |303 E. Broad |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Clayton |TN |EAT |Dime Store Restaurant |10 Eufaula Ave. | |

| | | | |A good place to stop. Monday thru Friday they have a buffet. | |

| | | | |Saturday features hamburgers from the grill. House in old 5 & 10 | |

| | | | |store with decorations and artifacts of by gone days. | |

|Clayton |SE |POI |Octagon House |34 N. Midway. |  |

| | | | |State's sole surviving antebellum octagonal house | |

|Clayton |SE |POI |Whiskey Bottle Tombstone|N. Midway & Parish Ave. (Church Cemetery) |  |

| | | | |Wife let world know that husband was heavy drinker | |

|Cleveland |NW |CBR |Swann Covered Bridge |2123 Swann Bridge Rd. |  |

| | | | |The three span bridge extends 324 feet over the Locust Fork of the | |

| | | | |Black Warrior River. | |

|Collinsville |NE |POI |Tigers For Tomorrow at |708 Cr. 345. | |

| | | |Untamed Mountain |N344 131.183 W85 57.666. | |

| | | | |Tigers For Tomorrow is a exotic animal park and rescue preserve. | |

| | | | |Home to over 105 animals. This is a last stop preserve, and the | |

| | | | |animals that come to live with us remain here for the rest of their| |

| | | | |lives. | |

|Columbiana |C |EAT |Bernie's on Main Street |115 S Main St. |  |

| | | | |Meat 'n two, blackberry cobbler | |

|Columbiana |C |POI |Karl C Harrison Museum |50 Lester Street. |  |

| | | |of George Washington |Extensive collection of authentic items belonging to George & | |

| | | | |Martha Washington. "Founded in 1982 by Karl C. Harrison, a | |

| | | | |Columbiana banker and philanthropist, the Karl C. Harrison Museum | |

| | | | |of George Washington has become an important forum for learning | |

| | | | |about America’s First Family. Through the foresighted efforts and | |

| | | | |encouragement of Martha Washington's granddaughter Eliza Parke | |

| | | | |Custis, family heirlooms have been lovingly passed down through | |

| | | | |generations. In the early 1980's, Shelby County resident Charlotte | |

| | | | |Smith, Weaver, a sixth generation granddaughter of Martha, decided | |

| | | | |to share her legacy with the public, providing the basis of the | |

| | | | |museum" | |

|Columbiana |C |POI |Old Shelby County |194 S. Main St. | |

| | | |Courthouse |Built in 1854 and used until 1904. Now houses the Shelby County | |

| | | | |Historical Society and their Museum & Archives. | |

|Columbiana |C |CRT |Shelby County Courthouse|112 N. Main St. |  |

|Columbus |GA |POI |National Infantry Museum|1775 Legacy Way. The National Infantry Museum and Soldier Center | |

| | | | |opened its doors on June 19, 2009, before a crowd of several | |

| | | | |thousand people. General (Retired) Colin Powell, the guest speaker | |

| | | | |for the Grand Opening, captured the historic moment this way: | |

|Columbus |GA |POI |Port Columbus National |1002 Victory Drive. Columbus, Georgia was the site of a | |

| | | |Civil War Naval Museum |Confederate Naval Shipyard. The largest product of this facility | |

| | | | |was the CSS Jackson, one of the largest of the ironclads built in | |

| | | | |the south. The Jackson was nearly 225 feet long, 54 feet wide and | |

| | | | |weighed 2000 tons. The most recent step in the development of the | |

| | | | |National Civil War Naval Museum at Port Columbus is the completion | |

| | | | |of the USS Water Witch. This full-scale ship representation is | |

| | | | |situated between the museum and Victory Drive | |

|Columbus |GA |EAT |The Cannon Brewpub |1041 Broadway. The brewpub consists of two main areas - a barside | |

| | | | |dining area and pizza side dining area. The brewery located in the | |

| | | | |barside area is the central feature of the Brewpub. Dominating the | |

| | | | |rear of the building, it reaches from below floor level to the | |

| | | | |ceiling, 20 feet tall. The copper-topped bar, directly in front of | |

| | | | |it, provides a place where patrons can watch their favorite beer | |

| | | | |being brewed. Belt driven fans hang beneath the wood-beamed | |

| | | | |ceiling. Wall sculpture, castings, historic artifacts, flags and | |

| | | | |antique prints give the Cannon Brewpub a festive party atmosphere. | |

|Columbus |GA |EAT |The Fife and Drum at the|1775 Legacy Way. The Fife and Drum is an upscale, American Bistro | |

| | | |National Infantry Museum|featuring classic American fare served in a richly appointed dining| |

| | | |and Soldier Center |room by a professional, dedicated staff.  Our attention to detail | |

| | | | |and warm service with a southern charm provides a rare combination | |

| | | | |of excellence and value. | |

|Courtland |NW |CHU |Courtland Presbyterian |645 Hamilton. Built in 1821, it is the second oldest Presbyterian |  |

| | | |Church |Church in North Alabama | |

|Cowarts |SE |100 |Kathy's Kountry Kitchen |4064 Jordan Ave "Fried Cornbread" N31 12.327 W85 17.277 |  |

|Cowen |TN |POI |Town Walking Tour |Wonderful old town with restored buildings and store fronts. | |

|Cragford |C |100 |Red's Catfish Cabin |689 Catfish Rd. |  |

| | | | |Whole fried catfish | |

|Crossville |NE |WFL |Griffin Falls |Crossville N 34 17.217 - W 85 55.850 |  |

|Dekalb County | | | | | |

|Crossville |NE |WFL |Swindell Falls |Crossville, N 34 16.634- W 85 56.333 |  |

|Dekalb County | | | | | |

|Cullman |NW |100 |All Steak (1934) |314 2nd Ave. |  |

| | | | |SW Hot orange rolls. Most excellent eatery. Everything is good. | |

|Cullman |NW |POI |Ave Maria Grotto |1670 St. Bernard Ave. |  |

| | | | |The Ave Maria Grotto, known throughout the world as "Jerusalem in | |

| | | | |Miniature", is a beautifully landscaped, four-acre park designed to| |

| | | | |provide a natural setting for the 125 miniature reproductions of | |

| | | | |some of the most famous historic buildings and shrines of the | |

| | | | |world. The masterpieces of stone and concrete are the lifetime | |

| | | | |work of Brother Joseph Zoettl, a Benedictine monk of St. Bernard | |

| | | | |Abbey. Begun as a hobby, with various materials he could find, and| |

| | | | |infinite patience and a remarkable sense of symmetry and | |

| | | | |proportion, Brother Joseph re-created some of the greatest edifices| |

| | | | |of all time. | |

|Cullman |NW |POI |Cathedral of the Blessed|112 Second St. |  |

| | | |Heart of Jesus |This grand cathedral was constructed in the early 1900's. It is of | |

| | | | |a basilica style with tall columns and a very ornate alter. The | |

| | | | |wonderful stained-glass windows were commissioned in Germany and as| |

| | | | |they had not been completed prior to WWI, they had to be buried to | |

| | | | |avoid destruction during the war. After the war they were shipped | |

| | | | |to Cullman. | |

|Cullman |NW |CBR |Clarkson Covered Bridge |1240 Co. Rd. 1043. |  |

| | | |& Park |Over Crooked Creek, Closed to motor traffic | |

|Cullman |NW |CRT |Cullman County |500 2nd Ave. |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Cullman |NW |CHU |St. John’s Evangelical |512 2nd Avenue SE. In 1874, one year before the town was |  |

| | | |Protestant Church |incorporated; the Cullman family along with other German | |

| | | | |descendents began the first religious organization. The sanctuary | |

| | | | |is defined by its stained glass windows and elegant woodwork. | |

|Dadeville |C |100 |Christopher on the Lake |6993 Hwy 49 S. "Gumbo" N32 44.517 W85 |  |

| | | | |47.229 | |

|Dadeville |C |100 |Circle A Catfish |1637 Agricola Rd "Catfish fingers" N32 47.842 W85 46.133 |  |

|Dadeville |C |DAM |Martin Dam and Lake |Near Dadeville off of Highway 50 in Elmore County on the Tallapoosa| |

| | | | |River. Martin Dam was the first of four dams constructed on the | |

| | | | |Tallapoosa River. When it was built, the dam created the world's | |

| | | | |largest artificial body of water, Lake Martin. Alabama Power | |

| | | | |Company began building Martin Dam in 1923. Although the majority of| |

| | | | |the lake is located in Tallapoosa County, the generating plant was | |

| | | | |built in Elmore County. The cost of the project was $20 million. | |

| | | | |The gates were closed on June 9, 1926 and the Tallapoosa River | |

| | | | |began to fill the small creeks and streams lacing the basin. Former| |

| | | | |residents watched with anguish as homes and fields which had been | |

| | | | |in their families for generations flooded. Old Indian sites were | |

| | | | |covered, burying many Native American artifacts under the rush of | |

| | | | |the water. At that time, Lake Martin was the world's largest | |

| | | | |artificial body of water. | |

| | | | |4 generators producing 154.2 MW of power. | |

|Dadeville |C |CRT |Tallapoosa County |125 N. Broadnax |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Daleville |SE |100 |Castle Cafe |1 Sansbury St. |  |

| | | | |"Castle Club" sandwich | |

|Daleville |SE |POI |US Army Aviation Museum |617 Andrews Ave., Ft Rucker. |  |

| | | | |Covers the complete history of Army Aviation, this complex contains| |

| | | | |one of the world's largest collections of helicopters, a full scale| |

| | | | |model of the Wright B Flyer, a Sopwith Camel, and a Nieuport 28. | |

| | | | |Also a high-tech Apache combat helicopter. | |

|Daphne |SW |EAT |Manci's Antique Club |Daphne & Bellrose Ave. | |

| | | | |A combination bar/museum. The club boasts the biggest assemblage of| |

| | | | |Jim Beam decanters outside the distillery's own collection. | |

| | | | |Claiming the title "Bloody Mary Capital of the Eastern Shore, the | |

| | | | |house serves its specialty garnished with a pickled string bean. | |

|Daphne |SW |100 |Market By The Bay |29145 US Hwy 98 "Shrimp Po-Boy" |  |

| | | | |N30 38.978 W87 54.762 | |

|Dauphin Island |SW |POI |Ft. Gaines |51 Bienville Blvd. | |

| | | | |Operation Schedule: Open year round 9-5; group tour by appt.; | |

| | | | |Jan.-Aug. 9-6. | |

| | | | |As Admiral Farragut's fleet of 14 frigates and four iron-clad | |

| | | | |monitors prepared to engage Forts Gaines and Morgan on August 5, | |

| | | | |1864, Colonel Charles Anderson and his 800 Confederate troops were | |

| | | | |ordered to hold Fort Gaines at any cost. The Union monitor Tecumseh| |

| | | | |struck a torpedo and sank immediately. Seeing the screw propellers | |

| | | | |of the sinking Tecumseh turning in the air, Admiral Farragut | |

| | | | |bellowed, "Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!" Immediately after| |

| | | | |gaining safety in Mobile Bay, Farragut's attention turned upon Fort| |

| | | | |Gaines. On August 8, Fort Gaines surrendered. | |

|Dauphin Island |SW |POI |The Estuarium |101 Bienville Road. | |

| | | | |The Estuarium is an exciting educational facility highlighting the | |

| | | | |four key habitats of coastal Alabama: the Mobile Tensaw River | |

| | | | |Delta, Mobile Bay, the Barrier Islands and the Northern Gulf of | |

| | | | |Mexico. It includes the 10,000 square foot Exhibit Hall and Living | |

| | | | |Marsh Boardwalk. This facility is a showcase of the plants, | |

| | | | |animals, and other natural resources found in the Estuary and its | |

| | | | |surrounding marine habitats. Through beautiful visual exhibits and | |

| | | | |engaging interactive exhibits, the Estuarium will leave you with a | |

| | | | |broader understanding of the interactions that take place in Mobile| |

| | | | |Bay, the fourth largest estuary system in the United States.  | |

|Decatur |NW |100 |Albany Bistro |1051 Grant St SE "Green Beans" N34 36.096 W86 58.351 |  |

|Decatur |NW |100 |Big Bob Gibson's BBQ |1715 6th Avenue Southeast. |  |

| | | |(1925) |BBQ Chicken with white sauce | |

|Decatur |NW |100 |Curry's on Johnston |115 Johnston Street. |  |

| | | |Street |Taco & Broccoli salad | |

|Decatur |NW |CRT |Morgan County Courthouse|203 Lee Street. |  |

|Decatur |NW |100 |Morgan Price Candy Co. |1806 11th St. SE. |  |

| | | | |Toffee | |

|Decatur |NW |POI |Old State Bank |925 Bank St. |  |

| | | | |Established during Andrew Jackson's Presidency and is Alabama’s | |

| | | | |oldest bank building. | |

|Decatur |NW |100 |Simp McGhee's |725 Bank St NE. |  |

| | | | |Seafood-filled mushroom caps | |

|Decatur |NW |BBQ |Southern Style BBQ |1491 W. Moulton St. |  |

| | | | |Pulled pork plate with hot sauce. | |

|Decatur |NW |CHU |St John’s Episcopal |202 Gordon Drive SE. Established in 1880 with the current |  |

| | | |Church |structure being built in 1893. Originally facing North, the church| |

| | | | |was physically turned around to face East. It is modeled Gothic | |

| | | | |English Parish Churches. | |

|Demopolis |SW |POI |Bird's Hay Bale Yard Art|17 miles north of Demopolis on the way to Eutaw on U.S. 43. In |  |

| | | | |Alabama's mostly rural western Black Belt region you will do a | |

| | | | |double take as you gaze over at Jim Bird's pastures to see all | |

| | | | |sorts of strange critters created out of hay bales. | |

|Demopolis |SW |POI |Bluff Hall |407 N Commissioners Ave. Bluff Hall was built in 1832 as a Federal | |

| | | | |town house. The building was modified in the Greek Revival style in| |

| | | | |the 1850's by the addition of a colonnaded portico, a large front | |

| | | | |wing and louvered gallery on a rear wing and white paint. | |

| | | | |Displays include clothing, Empire and Victorian furniture and an | |

| | | | |exhibit on local history. | |

|Demopolis |SW |POI |Gaineswood |805 S Cedar Ave. |  |

| | | | |Gorgeous cream-colored mansion with white-Columned porticos | |

|Demopolis |SW |100 |Kora's Place |1621 Highway 43 S. |  |

| | | | |Soul food | |

|Demopolis |SW |EAT |New Orleans Bar & Grill |135 Yacht Basin Dr. |  |

| | | | |The Demopolis yacht basin. Steak salad | |

|Demopolis |SW |EAT |Red Barn |901 US Highway 80. |  |

| | | | |Steak & Chicken | |

|Dodge City |NW |100 |Dodge City Restaurant |426 Al Highway 69 S in the Dodge City Travel Center “Fried Cheese | |

| | | | |Burger” N34 03.032 W86 52.288 | |

|Dogtown |NE |EAT |Big Time Café |On the left as Hwy 176 makes a right turn to Little River Canyon. | |

| | | | |Lunch specials | |

|Dogtown |NE |POI |Little River Canyon |Hwy 176. |  |

| | | |National Preserve |Largest and one of the deepest chasms east of the Mississippi. | |

|Dora |C |POI |Alabama Mining Museum |120 East St. | |

| | | | |Operation Schedule: Open Tu-Sat. 8:30-4. | |

| | | | |The Alabama Mining Museum located in Dora depicts the development | |

| | | | |of coal mining from 1890 to 1940. During this period, mining became| |

| | | | |an important industrial force and the chief source of energy. | |

| | | | |During this | |

| | | | |Era, coal mining moved from the pick and shovel to machines. In | |

| | | | |1984, the Alabama State Senate designated the Alabama Mining Museum| |

| | | | |as “The Official State Coal Mining Museum of Alabama.” | |

| | | | |For more information and to visit this Historic Museum contact | |

| | | | |Bonnie | |

| | | | |Groves (205) 648-2442. | |

|Dora |C |100 |Green Top Cafe |7530 Highway 78. |  |

| | | | |Barbecue with vinegar/tomato sauce | |

|Dothan |SE |100 |Basketcase Café |228 S Oates St. "Homemade soups" N31 13.291 W85 23.585 |  |

|Dothan |SE |BBQ |Dobb's BBQ |2636 S Oates St. |  |

| | | | |Bar-B-Q and a "magical hooey stick" | |

|Dothan |SE |CRT |Houston County |114 N Oats St. |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Dothan |SE |EAT |Kyoto Sushi & Japanese |4177 Montgomery Hwy. Dothan Egg Rolls |  |

| | | |Restaurant | | |

|Dothan |SE |100 |Loyless Donuts |3148 Ross Clark Cir. |  |

| | | | |Donuts | |

|Dothan |SE |100 |Old Mill Restaurant |2557 Murphy Mill Road. Grouper fingers |  |

|Dothan |SE |EAT |River Nile |2620 Montgomery Hwy. Sun-dried tomato bread |  |

|Dothan |SE |POI |World’s Smallest City |North Appletree and Museum Streets. (N31 13.523 W85 | |

| | | |Block |23.354) Recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records, this land | |

| | | | |triangle features a stop sign, yield sign and street signs. A | |

| | | | |granite marker at the site reads as follows: The smallest block in | |

| | | | |the world is marked by Camellia Garden Club May 1 1964. | |

|Double Springs |C |CHU |Church of the Forest |51 County Road 94. Called the Church of the Forest for its | |

|Grayson | | | |beautiful surroundings. | |

|Double Springs |NW |CHU |Corinth Church |2540 County Road 57. Organized in 1884, the church has been |  |

| | | | |restored to its original appearance. No power or water and only an | |

| | | | |outhouse | |

|Double Springs |NW |POI |Dual Destiny |24789 HWY 195. |  |

| | | | |At the Winston County Court House, a statue of a Civil War soldier | |

| | | | |flanked by billowing Confederate and Union flags, representing the | |

| | | | |"Free State of Winston". The Plaque reads: The Civil War was | |

| | | | |not fought between the north and the south but between the Union | |

| | | | |and the Confederate armies. Perhaps as many as 300,000 Southerners| |

| | | | |served in the Union Army. The majority of the Appalachian south | |

| | | | |from West Virginia to Winston County was pro-union. Winston | |

| | | | |provided 239 confederate soldiers, 21 of whom shared last names. | |

| | | | |This Civil War soldier, 1/2 union and 1/2 confederate, symbolizes | |

| | | | |the war within a war and honors the Winstonians in both armies. | |

| | | | |Their shiny new swords of 1861 were by 1865 as broken as the | |

| | | | |spirits of the men who bore them; and their uniforms of blue and | |

| | | | |gray once fresh and clean, were now as worn and patched as the | |

| | | | |bodies and souls they contained. Johnny Reb and Billy Yank | |

| | | | |disillusioned; but the realities of war shared dual destinies as | |

| | | | |pragmatic Americans in a reunioned nation. | |

|Double Springs |NW |CRT |Winston County |24789 HWY 195 |  |

| | | |Courthouse. | | |

|Duck Springs |NE |VIN |Wills Creek Winery |10522 Duck Springs Rd. Eight varieties of muscadine wines. |  |

| | | | |(weekends) | |

|Ecletic |SE |BBQ |Cotton BBQ |4485 Kowaliga Rd. |  |

| | | | |All BBQ items. On Hwy 63 @ Cr. 407 in Cotton | |

|Elba |SE |CRT |Coffee County Courthouse|230 Court Street |  |

| | | |(2 of 2) | | |

|Elba |SE |EAT |Juliette’s Restaurant |1426 Hickman Ave. | |

| | | | |A great place for breakfast | |

|Elberta |SW |100 |Sweet Home Farm |27107 Schoen Rd. |  |

| | | | |Mom and Pop cheese making at its best. Owners were the first | |

| | | | |farmstead cheese makers licensed in Alabama when they moved to | |

| | | | |Elberta from Michigan in 1985. | |

|Elkmont |NE |CBR |Mill Creek Covered |Located 2.8 miles north of Elkmont (N34 57.786 W086 59.441) The | |

| | | |Bridge |covered bridge is on the Rails to Trails Hiking Trail along the old| |

| | | | |L&N Railway. The bridge sits on the abutments of the old railway | |

| | | | |trestle over Mill Creek. | |

|Elkmont |NE |BBQ |Old Gin BBQ |18060 Upper Fort Hampton Rd. |  |

| | | | |BBQ | |

|Elkmont |NE |WFL |Sulpher Creek Twin Falls|Located near Elkmont Rural Village (N34 55.281 W087 00.336). The | |

| | | | |falls face one another as two creeks merge below the falls. | |

|Enterprise |SE |POI |Boll Weevil Monument |Main St. in the center of town. |  |

| | | | |In profound appreciation of the Boll Weevil. There is a monument to| |

| | | | |the “pest" the Boll Weevil; it ravaged the cotton crop years ago, | |

| | | | |and prompted farmers to grow peanuts instead. The monument | |

| | | | |includes a fountain, and night lights right in the middle of "Main | |

| | | | |Street"! | |

|Enterprise |SE |CRT |Coffee County Courthouse|104 N Edwards St. |  |

| | | |(1 of 2) | | |

|Enterprise |SE |100 |Cutt's |417 E. Lee St. |  |

| | | | |Chili dog | |

|Enterprise |SE |100 |The Rawls |116 S Main St # 107 Grouper with pecan sauce |  |

|Eufaula |SE |EAT |Allie's at the Airport |1720 North Eufaula Avenue Parmesan crab dip |  |

|Eufaula |SE |CRT |Barbour County |303 East Broad Street | |

| | | |Courthouse 2 | | |

|Eufaula |SE |100 |Bread Basket |300 E Broad St Bacon. |  |

| | | | |egg & cheese sandwich | |

|Eufaula |SE |POI |Fendall Hall |917 W Barbour St. |  |

| | | | |1856 home features stenciled walls and ceilings | |

|Eufaula |SE |POI |Hart House |211 N Eufaula Ave |  |

| | | | |1850 Greek revival structure | |

|Eufaula |SE |POI |Shorter Mansion |340 N Eufaula Ave |  |

| | | | |1884 mansion w/ 17 Corinthian-capped columns | |

|Eufaula |SE |DAM |Walter F George Lock and|Located 25 miles south of Eufaula off of Cr. 46 on the | |

| | | |Dam |Chattahoochee River. Walter F George is a gravity earth dam | |

| | | | |completed in 1962. Its length is 13,585 feet with maximum storage | |

| | | | |of 934,400 acre feet and normal storage of 934,000 acre feet. The | |

| | | | |surface area is 45,181 acres. | |

|Eutaw |SW |POI |1852 Greek Revival |11334 Alabama Hwy. 14. Cir. 1852 Greek Revival home furnished with | |

| | | |Everhope Plantation |period antiques. Originally a cotton plantation with some original | |

| | | | |outbuildings. | |

|Eutaw |SW |100 |Cotton Patch (1937) |Union Road "Drop biscuits & apple Jelly" N32 55.188 W87 52.475 |  |

|Eutaw |SW |CRT |Greene County Courthouse|US 11 & Boligee St. |  |

|Eutaw |SW |POI |Kirkwood Mansion |111 Kirkwood Dr. |  |

| | | | |Don't miss this 1860 American Greek revival mansion. Features | |

| | | | |eight massive Ionic columns, Carara marble mantels, and Waterford | |

| | | | |crystal chandeliers. | |

|Eutaw |SW |100 |Mama Leone's Pizzaria |305 Prairie Ave "Famous Chef Salad" N32 50.417 W87 53.273 |  |

|Eutaw |SW |100 |Oakmont Bed & Breakfast |119 Pickens St. "Pecan Praline French Toast" N32 50.589 W87 |  |

| | | | |52.975 | |

|Evergreen |SW |EAT |Beacon The Restaurant |316 Perryman Street. This is a must stop. Conveniently off the | |

| | | | |highway and close to I-65. You are immediately greeted once you | |

| | | | |come through the door and that's when the aroma hits you. Everyday | |

| | | | |the menu changes but it's always down home southern cuisine. They | |

| | | | |cook all my favorites (cornbread, greens, peas & rice, chicken, | |

| | | | |dessert, and SWEET TEA. | |

|Evergreen |SW |POI |Bookers Mill |Co. Rd. 21. | |

| | | | |Historical landmark and old homestead with waterfall, water wheel, | |

| | | | |1887 log cabin, nature trails. Electricity generated in 1800s for | |

| | | | |water-ground gristmill and cotton gin. Rail fences and | |

| | | | |early-American farm implements. | |

|Evergreen |SW |CRT |Conecuh County |200 Court Square & Jackson St. |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Evergreen |SW |POI |Conecuh Sausage Company |200 Industrial Park. Conecuh Sausage is cookin’ on the grill, | |

| | | | |available from breakfast through lunch, so you can enjoy a sausage | |

| | | | |dog right here in the store!  | |

|Fairhope |SW |100 |Big Daddy's Grill |16542 Ferry Rd "Big Daddy Burger" N30 27.952 W87 48.339 |  |

|Fairhope |SW |EAT |Guy's Gumbo Shack |2 South Church Street Gumbo |  |

|Fairhope |SW |EAT |Julwin's |411 Fairhope Ave |  |

| | | | |Pork & beans | |

|Fairhope |SW |EAT |Oak Hollow Farm |14210 Greeno Rd. |  |

| | | | |Barbecue chicken | |

|Fairhope |SW |100 |Old Bay Steamer |105 S Section St "Royal Red Shrimp" N30 31.240 W87 54.177 |  |

|Fairhope |SW |100 |Panini Pete's |42 1/2 S Section St # 2 "Muffaletta" N30 31.312 W87 54.177 |  |

|Fairhope |SW |100 |Sandra's Place |218 Fairhope Ave. "Triple Chocolate Cake" N30 31.379 W87 54.357 |  |

|Fairhope |SW |100 |The Pub |311 Fairhope Ave. "Blue Cheese Burger" N30 31.384 W87 54.279 |  |

|Falkville |NW |WFL |Seven Falls |Falkville. N 34 19.383 - W 86 57.283FW |  |

|Morgan County | | | | | |

|Faunsdale |SW |100 |Ca-Johns |35559 Hwy 25 | |

| | | | |Without a doubt, the Faunsdale Bar & Grill, located on Highway 80, | |

| | | | |between Meridian, Mississippi, and Selma, Alabama, is the best | |

| | | | |place in Alabama to get a taste of Ca-John’s cooking. There, you | |

| | | | |can sit back, relax and let the good times roll. But it’s not the | |

| | | | |only place you can get your fill of the best crawfish around. We | |

| | | | |realize you can’t always get to Ca-John, so we’re bringing him to | |

| | | | |you – well, his crawfish anyway. | |

|Fayette |NW |EAT |Charlie's |226 2nd Avenue Northeast Good breakfast and lunch. |  |

|Fayette |C |100 |Columbus Street Inn Bed |1043 Columbus St. W "Strawberry almond Belgian waffles" |  |

| | | |& Breakfast |N33 41.681 W87 50.271 | |

|Fayette |C |CRT |Fayette County |115 Temple Ave. North |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Flat Rock |NE |WFL |High Falls |Flat Rock N 34 50.233 - W 85 38.500 |  |

|Jackson County | | | | | |

|Flat Rock |NE |WFL |Little Falls |Flat Rock N 34 50.783 - W 85 38.450 |  |

|Jackson County | | | | | |

|Florala |SE |BBQ |Starlight |300 3rd Avenue | |

|Florence |NW |100 |360 Grille @ Marriott |800 Cox Creek Pkwy "Squash Blossoms" N34 48.639 W87 37.813 |  |

|Florence |NW |100 |Dale's |1001 Mitchell Blvd. |  |

| | | | |Steak with "Dales" seasoning | |

|Florence |NW |POI |Frank Lloyd Wright's |601Riverview Dr. |  |

| | | |Rosenbaum House. |Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and completed in 1940. The tour | |

| | | | |guide gives a wonderful 45 + - minute non-scheduled tour. It's | |

| | | | |worth the wait if a tour is in progress when you arrive. Take the | |

| | | | |opportunity to walk around the grounds and make photos of the | |

| | | | |house. | |

|Florence |NW |CRT |Lauderdale County |200 S. Court Street. Between the blocks of Alabama Street and |  |

| | | |Courthouse. |College Street. | |

|Florence |NW |CHU |St. Joseph Catholic |1111 East College Street. Established in 1898 and became the chief|  |

| | | |Church |religious center for area Catholics. | |

|Florence |NW |EAT |Stagg's Grocery |1422 Huntsville Road. |  |

| | | | |"Stagg’s grocery, where they make the best and greasiest hamburgers| |

| | | | |around; real down home stuff." Closed Saturday and Sunday. | |

|Florence |NW |CHU |Trinity Episcopal Church|410 N. Pine Street. | |

| | | | |Present church erected in 1894. It contains numerous stained glass | |

| | | | |windows and beautiful woodwork throughout. | |

|Florence |NW |100 |Trowbridge's (1918) |316 N. Court. St. |  |

| | | | |Orange-pineapple ice cream; A mirrored soda fountain lists | |

| | | | |ice-cream flavors and drink choices. Excellent sandwiches, salads, | |

| | | | |soups and chili. | |

|Florence |NW |POI |W.C. Handy Home & Museum|620 West College Street Trumpet & piano on which he composed St. |  |

| | | | |Louis Blues. | |

|Florence |NW |DAM |Wilson Dam and Lake |Wilson Dam Road. Wilson Dam is a dam in east of Florence on | |

| | | | |Wilson Dam Road It impounds Wilson Lake. It is one of nine | |

| | | | |Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) dams on the Tennessee River. The | |

| | | | |dam was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1966. Construction| |

| | | | |on Wilson Dam began in 1918 and was completed in 1927. The Wilson | |

| | | | |Dam actually predates the TVA, but was later placed under the | |

| | | | |authority of the TVA. The dam is 137 feet high and 4,541 feet | |

| | | | |across the Tennessee River. The cost to build the dam was almost | |

| | | | |$47 million. The main lock at Wilson Dam is 110 feet high by | |

| | | | |600 feet long. The maximum lift is 100 feet. It is the highest | |

| | | | |single lift lock east of the Rocky Mountains. An auxiliary lock | |

| | | | |has two 60 feet deep by 300 feet long chambers that operate in | |

| | | | |tandem. Over 3,700 vessels pass through Wilson Dam's locks each | |

| | | | |year. The generating capacity of Wilson dam is 675 megawatts of | |

| | | | |electricity. | |

|Foley |SW |100 |Lambert’s Café |2981S. McKenzie, near the Tangiers Outlet Center. Home of the | |

| | | | |“Throwed Rolls”. Generous portions served. | |

|Foley |SW |100 |Stacey Rexall Drugs |121 W Laurel Ave, |  |

| | | | |Key lime milkshake; Old Tyme soda fountain & Old favorites from the| |

| | | | |juke box or player piano while watching a toy train make its rounds| |

| | | | |above the soda fountain. | |

|Foley |SW |100 |The Gift Horse |209 W. Laurel Ave. |  |

| | | | |Apple cheese casserole | |

|Fort Deposit |SE |100 |Priester's Pecans |I-65 South, Exit 142 on Alabama Hwy 185 Homemade pecan candies, |  |

| | | | |Pralines (free samples) | |

|Fort Payne |NE |POI |Alabama Fan Club and |101 Glenn Blvd. SW |  |

| | | |Museum |Showcases band's musical achievements | |

|Fort Payne |NE |100 |Bar-B-Q Place |1502 Gault Ave S |  |

| | | | |Jo Jo potatoes, BBQ | |

|Fort Payne |NE |CRT |Dekalb County |111 Grand Ave. |  |

| | | |Courthouse. | | |

|Fort Payne |NE |CHU |First Presbyterian |300 Grand Avenue. Built in 1875, it is the oldest church in Fort |  |

| | | |Church |Payne. | |

|Fort Payne |NE |POI |Orbix Hot Glass Gallery |3875 Cr 275. |  |

| | | | |Orbix is home for very fine hand blown glassware. By special | |

| | | | |arrangement, Mr. Breed will provide a tour of the studio and the | |

| | | | |furnace. | |

|Fort Payne - |NE |WFL |Little River Falls |Hwy 35 at Hwy 176. |  |

|Dekalb County | | | |N 34 23.700 - W 85 37.616 | |

|Fruithurst |C |VIN |The Fruithurst Winery |27091 County Road 49. Fruithurst. | |

| | | | |Opened in 2009, Cousins Joshua and Sylan Laminack planted 15 acres | |

| | | | |of muscadine grapes in 2009 on their Laminack Vineyards. They’ve | |

| | | | |since built their winery and tasting room and receive visitors to | |

| | | | |sample the two wines currently in production. Open Thursday and | |

| | | | |Friday, 2-7 PM, Saturday, 10 AM – 5 PM, and by appointment. | |

| | | | |(256-463-1003). | |

|Fyffe |NE |100 |Barry's Backyard |85 Co. Rd. 527 Country buffet & barbecue |  |

| | | |Barbecue | | |

|Gadsden |NE |POI |Emma Sampson |End of Broad Street and entrance to the Memorial Bridge. | |

| | | | |Emma Sampson, a young girl, became a Confederate Heroine on the | |

| | | | |morning of May 2, 1863 when she guided General Nathan Bedford | |

| | | | |Forrest to an obscure crossing ford across Black Creek. As a | |

| | | | |result, Forrest later overtook and captured U.S. Col. Abel | |

| | | | |Streight’s Raiders and saved the Confederate supply line to Rome, | |

| | | | |GA | |

|Gadsden |NE |CRT |Etowah County |800 Forrest Ave. |  |

| | | |Courthouse. | | |

|Gadsden |NE |EAT |Flip Side Café |931 Rainbow Drive. | |

| | | | |Breakfast Paninis and Croissants. Salads, sandwiches, wraps and | |

| | | | |Quesadillas. Electa offers Club members a 10% discount. Just show | |

| | | | |your ABEEs Touring Guide. | |

|Gadsden |NE |CBR |Gilliland Covered Bridge|1500 Noccalula Rd. |  |

| | | | |In Noccalula Falls Park. Closed to motor traffic | |

|Gadsden |NE |WFL |Noccalula Falls |1500 Noccalula Rd. |  |

| | | | |Statue of Noccalula, a Cherokee princess, who loved a brave of her | |

| | | | |own tribe who chose to die rather than marry the wealthier suitor | |

| | | | |selected by her father, stands ready to leap to her destiny in a | |

| | | | |rushing stream 90ft below. N 34 02.483 - W 86 01.267 | |

|Gadsden |NE |100 |Pruett's |1617 Rainbow Drive. | |

| | | |Bar-B-Q |Sweet potato fluff | |

|Gadsden |NE |100 |Top O River |1606 Rainbow Drive. |  |

| | | | |Catfish & turnip greens | |

|Gadsden |NE |POI |Turkey’s Town |4288 US Highway 411. N34 03.969 W85 55.722 The surrounding area |  |

| | | |Monument and well |and this well was part of Turkey’s Town, once a capitol of the | |

| | | | |proud Cherokee Nation. Chief Turkey was the principal chief during | |

| | | | |the late 1700’s. | |

|Gee's Bend |SW |POI |Gee's Bend Quilt |Located on Hwy. 29. Turn east on Hwy. 29 just north of the Ferry |  |

| | | |University |landing in Gee's Bend. There are many of the famous women of Gee's | |

| | | | |Bend quilts on display and for sale. You can also see how their | |

| | | | |quilts are handmade. | |

|Geneva |SE |CRT |Geneva County |200 North Commerce Street |  |

| | | |Courthouse. | | |

|Georgetown |NW |POI |Colbert's Stand |Natchez Trace mile post 327.3 |  |

| | | | |George Colbert operated a ferry across the Tennessee River from | |

| | | | |1800 to 1819. His stand or inn offered travelers a warm meal and | |

| | | | |shelter during their journey on the old Natchez Trace. Colbert | |

| | | | |looked after his own well-being and charged Andrew Jackson $75,000 | |

| | | | |to ferry his Tennessee army across the river. The site of his stand| |

| | | | |is a short 50 yards up a path to the left of the large brown | |

| | | | |information marker. An additional 20 minute stroll will take you | |

| | | | |along the old Trace to the bluff overlook station and back. | |

|Georgiana |SE |POI |Hank Williams Sr. Home &|127 Rose St. |  |

| | | |Museum |Childhood home of Hank Williams | |

|Gordon |SE |WFL |Rock Falls |Gordon, N 31 14.049 - W 85 06.050 | |

|Houston County | | | | | |

|Goshen |SE |100 |Old Barn Restaurant |2146 County Road 2243 "Rum bread pudding" |  |

|Grant |NE |POI |Cathedral Caverns State |637 Cave Rd. |  |

| | | |Park |Both Native Americans and Confederate soldiers used these caverns | |

| | | | |as a refuge. | |

|Grant |NE |BBQ |Porky’s BBQ |5363 Main Street. | |

| | | | |Great BBQ ribs | |

|Grant |NE |EAT |The Squirrel Nest |The Squirrel Nest is a Country Inn located at the base of Grant |  |

| | | |Restaurant |Mountain at 2219 Baker Mountain Road, .4 miles NW of SR 79, with a | |

| | | | |full restaurant serving Breakfast, Supper and Sunday brunch. | |

| | | | |Reservations are required for dinner (1 (888) 887-6029). The Inn | |

| | | | |is located down a winding packed gravel drive and is nestled beside| |

| | | | |of a bluff. | |

|Greensboro |SW |CRT |Hale County Courthouse |1001 Main Street |  |

|Greensboro |SW |POI |Magnolia Grove |1002 Hobson Rd. |  |

| | | | |(1840) Magnolia Grove is a relatively rare Alabama example of a | |

| | | | |full-scale pedimented temple-form house in the Greek Revival style.| |

| | | | |It is a two-story masonry structure, built in handmade brick. The | |

| | | | |front facade is stuccoed, including the pediment. The sides and | |

| | | | |rear are left with the brick face exposed. Built for wealthy | |

| | | | |planter Colonel Isaac Croom, Magnolia Grove was also the home of | |

| | | | |the builder's nephew, Richmond Pearson Hobson, congressman and | |

| | | | |admiral who was responsible for sinking the Merrimac and for | |

| | | | |blockading the Spanish fleet in Santiago Harbor in June 1898. Greek| |

| | | | |Revival house features an unsupported winding stairway; original | |

| | | | |furnishings. (Tuesday-Sunday) | |

|Greenville |SE |100 |Bates House of Turkey |Hwy 185 @ I-65 "Hickory-smoked turkey sandwich" N31 51.114 W86 |  |

| | | | |38.474 | |

|Greenville |SE |CRT |Butler County Courthouse|700 Court Square |  |

|Greenville |SE |100 |Emily's Café |1052 Pineapple Hwy "Cranberry nut salad with Balsamic dressing" |  |

| | | | |N31 49.775 W86 38.497 | |

|Greenville |SE |BBQ |Smokehouse |111 Demopolis St. | |

| | | | |BBQ | |

|Grove Hill |SW |CRT |Clarke County Courthouse|114 Court Street |  |

|Grove Oak |NE |WFL |High Falls |Grove Oak. High Falls has been called a "surprise of Nature" and |  |

|Marshall County | | | |the best kept secret in Alabama. N 34 24.000 - W | |

| | | | |86 04.100 | |

|Guin |NW |100 |Jimbo's BBQ |161 11th Ave "BBQ sandwich & banana pudding" Closed Monday & |  |

| | | | |Tuesday N33 57.934 W87 54.946 | |

|Guin |NW |100 |Mutter's Diner |9075 US Highway 43 "Monster Dog & Monster burger" |  |

|Gulf Shores |SW |100 |Hope's Cheesecake |210 E 20th Ave. |  |

| | | | |Cheesecake | |

|Gulf Shores |SW |100 |King Neptune's |1137 Gulf Shores Pkwy. Blue crab claws with remoulade sauce |  |

|Gulf Shores |SW |100 |Lulu's |200 E 25th Ave. |  |

| | | | |L.A. (Lower Alabama) Caviar | |

|Gulf Shores |SW |100 |Original Oyster House |701 Highway 59 S. |  |

| | | | |Oysters | |

|Gulf Shores |SW |EXT |Pink Pony Pub |137 Gulf Ct. |  |

| | | | |Alabama lowest extreme location | |

|Gulf Shores |SW |100 |Tacky Jack's |27206 Safe Harbor Dr, Orange Beach "Farmer's Omelet" |  |

| | | | |N30 16.882 W87 33.734 | |

|Gulf Shores |SW |100 |The Hangout |101 West Beach Blvd. "The Wipe Out Burger" N30 14.912 W87 41.387 |  |

|Gulf Shores |SW |100 |Wolf Bay Lodge |currently located at Zeke's Landing Marina on Hwy 182 in Orange |  |

| | | | |Beach "Seafood platter & gumbo". N30 16.390 W87 | |

| | | | |34.234 | |

|Gulf Shores Fort Morgan |SW |POI |Fort Morgan Ferry |West on Hwy. 180 to the end of the road. Adm. Farragut issued the |  |

| | | |crossing Mobile Bay |command "Damn the torpedoes-full speed ahead" near this location. | |

|Gulf Shores Fort Morgan |SW |POI |Ft. Morgan |West on Hwy. 180 to the end of the road Construction began 1819, |  |

| | | | |completed 1834. Large brick fort serviced the Civil War, | |

| | | | |Spanish-American War and both world wars. It played a major role | |

| | | | |during the Battle of Mobile Bay (1864). | |

|Gulf Shores Orange Beach |SW |EAT |Bay Side Grill |27842 Canal Rd. | |

| | | | |The Bayside Grill is known for its seafood specialties like stuffed| |

| | | | |grouper and crab napoleon, as well as its thick, juicy steaks and | |

| | | | |wood-grilled fish straight from the gulf. Guests are encouraged to | |

| | | | |bring in their own “fresh catch” and let the Bayside’s chefs | |

| | | | |prepare it to their specifications. | |

|Gulf Shores Orange Beach |SW |100 |Cosmo's Restaurant |25753 Canal Rd "Sea Bass wraped in banana leaves" |  |

| | | | |N30 17.468 W87 35.079 | |

|Gulf Shores Orange Beach |SW |EAT | Doc's Seafood |Two locations: 1140 Gulf shores Parkway & 26029 Canal Road |  |

| | | | |Seafood platter | |

|Gulf Shores Orange Beach |SW |POI |Flora-Bama |17401 Perdido Key Drive. |  |

| | | | |Jimmy Buffett used to come here and jam. Kenny Stabler tosses | |

| | | | |mullets. The place bills itself as "one of the nation's last | |

| | | | |roadhouse watering holes." | |

|Gulf Shores Orange Beach |SW |100 |Hazel's Seafood |25311 Perdido Beach Blvd "Breakfast buffet with omlelet bar" |  |

| | | |Restaurant |N30 16.094 W87 35.547 | |

|Gulf Shores Orange Beach |SW |EAT |Voyagers |27200 Perdido Beach Blvd. Pecan snapper at Perdido Beach Resort | |

|Guntersville |NE |EAT |Bistro La Luna |7001 Val Monte Dr. |  |

| | | | |Seafood Campoli | |

|Guntersville |NE |POI |Buck's Pocket State Park|393 Co. Rd. 174. |  |

| | | | |Buck's Pocket is secluded in a natural pocket of the Appalachian | |

| | | | |Mountain chain. This is a 2,000-acre nature lover's dream. Uniquely| |

| | | | |located, the park's picnic area offers a canyon rim natural vista | |

| | | | |into the pocket below. Great curvy & scenic road runs through it. | |

|Guntersville |NE |EAT |Covington's Cafe |524 Gunter Ave. |  |

| | | | |Fiesta salad at The Glover | |

|Guntersville |NE |100 |Crawmamma's |5000 Web Villa "Crawfish" |  |

|Guntersville |NE |CHU |First Methodist Church |539 Gunter Ave. Church was organized in 1822 with 33 Cherokee |  |

| | | | |Native Americans minister by a circuit rider. | |

|Guntersville |NE |CHU |First Presbyterian |901 Gunter Avenue. Current church is a descendant of a Cherokee |  |

| | | |Church |Indian school. The architecture is based closely to a16th century | |

| | | | |design of architect Andrea Palladio. | |

|Guntersville |NE |DAM |Guntersville Dam and |105 Guntersville Dam Road. | |

| | | |Lake |Guntersville Dam is a dam in Marshall County in the U.S. state of | |

| | | | |Alabama. It impounds Guntersville Lake. It is one of nine Tennessee| |

| | | | |Valley Authority (TVA) dams on the Tennessee River. | |

| | | | |Guntersville Dam is located about 7 miles northwest of Guntersville| |

| | | | |on Guntersville Dam Road. TVA began dam construction in December | |

| | | | |1935 and completed it January 1939. The dam is 94 feet high and | |

| | | | |3,979 feet wide, and has a generating capacity of 140,400 kilowatts| |

| | | | |of electricity. TVA continues as its operator. The lake and dam | |

| | | | |received its name from the town of Guntersville, which received its| |

| | | | |name from an early settler of the area. | |

|Guntersville |NE |100 |La Strada |524 Gunter Ave "Spinach Salad" N34 21.471 W86 17.683 |  |

|Guntersville |NE |POI |Lake Guntersville State |7966 AL Hwy. 227 Perched on Appalachian bluffs; offers panoramic |  |

| | | |Park |views and 35 miles of hiking trails once used by the Cherokee. | |

|Guntersville |NE |EAT |Lodge at Lake |1155 Lodge Dr. | |

| | | |Guntersville |Excellent buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner with great views | |

| | | | |of the Tennessee River | |

|Guntersville |NE |CRT |Marshall County |424 Blount Ave. |  |

| | | |Courthouse. | | |

|Guntersville |NE |100 |Martiniville Grille |7001 Val Monte Drive "Seafood Campoli" N34 19.476 W86 18.135 |  |

|Guntersville |NE |EAT |Wintzell’s Oyster House |14455 US Highway 431. Wintzell's Oyster House which is a spinoff of| |

| | | | |the original in Mobile on Dauphin Street. It's right on the water | |

| | | | |in Guntersville and a very pleasant atmosphere. It's right behind | |

| | | | |the Hampton Inn on Hwy 431. It has a big screened in area which | |

| | | | |has a good view of the water. They have Happy Hour every weekday | |

| | | | |from 4 to 7 with $1.00 Miller Light in the bottle and half price | |

| | | | |oysters. They have a full menu of seafood and steaks as well. | |

|Hackleburg |NW |EAT |Grace’s Place |34654 US Hwy. 43. For that “at home feeling” away from home. Meat &|  |

| | | | |three week days, menu on Saturdays | |

|Hackleburg |NE |EAT |Smoke House Restaurant |322 Walker St. | |

| | | | |Meat and three. Excellent catfish and vegetables. Don’t be | |

| | | | |surprised when you see folks coming in with spurs on their boots | |

|Haleyville |NW |EAT |Dixie Den |907 20th St. |  |

| | | | |Authentic milkshakes, Dixie Dog | |

|Haleyville |NW |100 |Guthrie's |930 20th St "Chicken fingers & sauce" N34 13.597 W87 37.257 |  |

|Hamilton |NW |CRT |Marion County |132 S. Military Street |  |

| | | |Courthouse. | | |

|Hanceville |NW |100 |Dodge City Restaurant |426 Al Highway 69 S @ Dodge City Travel Center "Fried |  |

| | | | |Cheeseburger" N34 03.032 W86 52.288 | |

|Hanceville |NW |POI |The Shrine of the Most |3222 County Road 548. |  |

| | | |Blessed Sacrament of Our|The Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament, located (“in the middle | |

| | | |Lady of the Angels |of nowhere”) at Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Hanceville, | |

| | | |Monastery |Alabama, is truly an amazing and awe-inspiring place. Located on | |

| | | | |400 acres of lush farmland southeast of Cullman, the medieval-style| |

| | | | |monastery and the Shrine itself are a wonder one could hardly | |

| | | | |expect to experience outside of old World Europe, much less to find| |

| | | | |in the rural southeastern United States. In 1995, while visiting | |

| | | | |the Sanctuary of the Divino Nino Jesus in Bogotá, Columbia, Mother | |

| | | | |Angelica received a vision while praying before a small statue of | |

| | | | |the Divine Child Jesus. The statue came to life and said to her: | |

| | | | |"Build Me a Temple and I will help those who help you." Pilgrimages| |

| | | | |are available for groups of ten or more and individuals are welcome| |

| | | | |to join any scheduled activity at the Shrine. Out of respect for | |

| | | | |the Most Blessed Sacrament, the Nuns request that visitors refrain | |

| | | | |from wearing shorts, tank tops, sleeveless shirts or mini-skirts. | |

| | | | |Photographs are not allowed in the Shrine itself, as it may | |

| | | | |distract the Nuns and pilgrims at adoration. | |

|Harpersville |C |VIN |Morgan Creek Vineyards |181 Morgan Creek Lane. Nine different wines from a dry muscadine to|  |

| | | | |a sweet blueberry. | |

|Hartselle |NW |100 |Las Vias |711 Nance Ford Rd SW "Mercedes Special skillet" N34 25.890 W86 |  |

| | | | |56.612 | |

|Hartselle |NW |CHU |The Tabernacle |35 Tabernacle Road. |  |

| | | | |Only cedar logs hold up the roof to cover the pews. The Tabernacle| |

| | | | |has been the home of the Hartselle Camp Meeting since the late | |

| | | | |1800’s. | |

|Hatton |NW |WFL |The Fall Off |Hatton, N 34 36.633 - W 87 25.917 |  |

|Lawrence County | | | | | |

|Hayneville |SE |CRT |Lowndes County |South Washington Street |  |

| | | |Courthouse. | | |

|Heflin |C |CRT |Cleburne County |120 Vickery St. |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Heflin |C |EAT |Tasty Freeze |1278 Ross St. | |

| | | | |Located on the right, 1/4 mile NW on Hwy 78 past the center of | |

| | | | |town. Old Timmy Drive Inn with soft ice cream, hamburgers and hot | |

| | | | |dogs. Good place to take a break lunch or a meal. Out door dining. | |

|Houston |C |POI |Houston Historical Jail |4786 Co. Rd. 63. | |

| | | | |Houston was the original county seat of Winston County. The log | |

| | | | |jail was constructed in 1850 and has recently been renovated. It | |

| | | | |claims to be the oldest jail in Alabama. | |

|Houston |C |EAT |Sonny’s Catfish Cafe |817 Cr. 61 | |

| | | | |Catfish and hushpuppies | |

|Huntland |TN |POI |Hunters Store |108 Banks St. | |

| | | | |An old general store without merchandise, but it is all original | |

| | | | |and is a great place to take a break. The owner is very friendly | |

| | | | |and enjoys company. You can get a cold beer or soft drink and a | |

| | | | |sandwich. They also specialize in country hams. A very unique place| |

| | | | |indeed. Not open all the time, but stop anyway. | |

|Huntsville |NE |100 |801 Franklin |801 Franklin St. SE. Fettuccine with shrimp, scallops & crawfish |  |

|Huntsville |NE |POI |Alabama’s Constitution |109 Gates Ave. Civil War soldiers, a Talking Tree and | |

| | | |Village |whimmy diddles - see them all at the EarlyWorks Museums- Alabama | |

| | | |The birthplace of |Constitution Village, the Historic Huntsville Depot and EarlyWorks | |

| | | |Alabama. |Children's History Museum. These three museums in. downtown | |

| | | | |Huntsville will take you on a journey back in time-- experience | |

| | | | |history come to life in unique settings such as a 46-foot river | |

| | | | |keelboat, an 1860's era depot or the cabinet shop where delegates | |

| | | | |stood to sign the Alabama State Constitution in 1819. Your | |

| | | | |incredible adventure awaits at the South's largest hands-on history| |

| | | | |museum complex. | |

|Huntsville |NE |100 |Beauregard's |1009 Memorial Pkwy NW. Hot wings with habanera sauce |  |

|Huntsville |NE |EAT |Big Cove BBQ |153 Taylor Ave NE | |

| | | | |Big Cove BBQ wins the title of best BBQ restaurant in northeast | |

| | | | |Alabama. | |

|Huntsville |NE |100 |Big Spring Café |2906 Governors Dr SW "Chilli burger & slaw dog" N34 43.204 W86 |  |

| | | | |36.288 | |

|Huntsville |NE |POI |Buritt on the Mountain |3101 Burritt Dr SE. |  |

| | | | |Depicts rural life between 1850 and 1900 | |

|Huntsville |NE |EAT |Chef's Table |2030 Cecil Ashburn Dr SE. Rack of lamb |  |

|Huntsville |NE |100 |Cotton Row Market |105 Washington St. Croissants & sandwiches |  |

|Huntsville |NE |CHU |Episcopal Church of the |208 Eustis Avenue. Erected in 1894 it is known as one of the |  |

| | | |Nativity |finest examples of Gothic Revival Architecture in the South. Bell | |

| | | | |is from original 1847 church. | |

|Huntsville |NE |EAT |Humphrey's Bar & Grill |109 Washington St NE. |  |

| | | | |Iced tea with "sugar water" pitcher | |

|Huntsville |NE |EAT |Jazz Factory |109 Northside Square. Florentine cookies |  |

|Huntsville |NE |BBQ | Lawlers BBQ |5004 A Whitesburg Drive. |  |

| | | | |& all locations. | |

| | | | |Stuffed potato, BBQ | |

|Huntsville |NE |100 |Little Paul's BBQ |711 Nance Ford Rd SW "Mercedes Special skillet" N34 25.890 W86 |  |

| | | | |56.612 | |

|Huntsville |NE |CRT |Madison County |100 Northside Sq. |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Huntsville |NE |100 |Mullins Drive In (1929) |607 Andrew Jackson Way NE. |  |

| | | | |Deviled eggs | |

|Huntsville |NE |100 |Ol' Heidelberg |6125 University Dr NW # E14. Gordon Bleu and German beer |  |

|Huntsville |NE |100 |Pauli's Bar & Grill |7143 Highway 72 W # C. Wood-fired steak |  |

|Huntsville |NE |100 |Rosie's Cantina |7540 Memorial Pkwy SW "Tex-Mex" N34 39.956 W86 34.342 |  |

|Huntsville |NE |CHU |Temple B’Nai Shalom |103 Lincoln St SE. Founders from Germany erected this combination |  |

| | | | |of Romanesque and Renaissance architecture in 1899. | |

|Huntsville |NE |100 |Tenders |800 Holmes Ave NE "Big Daddy" chicken plate N34 44.295 W86 |  |

| | | | |34.656 | |

|Huntsville |NE |POI |U.S. Space & Rocket |4751 Governors House Dr. Wander through a world of rockets, |  |

| | | |Center |spaceships, shuttles, nose cones and lunar landing vehicles. Do not| |

| | | | |miss this!! | |

|Huntsville |NE |CNG |West End Grill |6610 Old Madison Pike. Each Friday at 5'ish. Meet for conversation |  |

| | | | |and beverages, and then decide where to go for dinner. Phone CBR | |

| | | | |(256) 722-8040 - N34 42.796 W 86 40.102. 6610 Old Madison Pk. NW | |

|Jacksonville |C |100 |Cooter Brown's |8464 al Highway 204 |  |

| | | | |Ribs | |

|Jacksonville |C |POI |The Gallant Pelham |Church & James Streets. The statue is located in the Jacksonville | |

| | | |Statue |City Cemetery. John Pelham, born in nearby Alexandria, was an | |

| | | | |artillery expert who fought with J.E.B. Stuart and Stonewall | |

| | | | |Jackson. General Robert E. Lee referred to him as "the gallant | |

| | | | |Pelham." He was killed at age 24 at the Battle of Kelly's Ford. | |

|Jasper |C |100 |Black Rock Bistro |4330 Hwy 78 E Suite 205 "Catfish Pontchartrain" N33 50.257 W87 |  |

| | | | |13.586 | |

|Jasper |C |DAM |Smith Dam |640 Power House Rd. N33 56.416 W87 06.449 | |

| | | | |Operation Schedule: Open M-F 7-2 & by appt; tours only by appt. | |

| | | | |Smith Lake Dam is one of the largest earth and stone filled dams in| |

| | | | |the eastern US. The Alabama Power hydro-generation plant is located| |

| | | | |adjacent to beautiful Lewis Smith Lake, which offers a 500-mile | |

| | | | |shoreline. Lewis Smith Dam which forms Smith Lake impounds the | |

| | | | |Sipsey Fork of the Black Warrior River. The amazing quality of the | |

| | | | |water in this lake is due to its location downstream of the | |

| | | | |Bankhead National Forest which filters water flowing into Smith | |

| | | | |Lake. The lake impounds 21,000 acres. The dam releases clear, cold | |

| | | | |water from the bottom of the lake. Because of these cold | |

| | | | |temperatures, the Sipsey Fork downstream of the dam can support | |

| | | | |introduced rainbow trout, making this section of water one of the | |

| | | | |only places in Alabama that can support a trout fishery. | |

|Jasper |C |EAT |Victoria’s |1303 Highway 78 W.  | |

| | | | |Victoria's Restaurant is a cafeteria and is the only place in | |

| | | | |Jasper that serves home cooked vegetables. The food is seasoned to | |

| | | | |perfection. The choice of dishes varies by day, but includes four | |

| | | | |or more kinds of meat with many vegetables. Try the casseroles, | |

| | | | |i.e. squash, green bean, or broccoli (my choice) for instance. The | |

| | | | |homemade coconut pie is to die for. Don't be discouraged by the | |

| | | | |building, just check out the packed-out parking lot. | |

|Jasper |C |CRT |Walker County Courthouse|1801 3rd Ave... |  |

|Kinlock Spring |NW |WFL |Quarter Creek Falls |Kinlock Spring. N 34 16.983- W 87 37.167 |  |

|Winston County | | | | | |

|Kinlock Springs |NW |WFL |Kinlock Falls |Kinlock Spr. N 34 18.500 - W 87 30.167 |  |

|Lawrence County | | | | | |

|Lafayette |C |CRT |Chambers County |2 Lafayette Street | |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Lanet |SW |POI |Nadine Earles Doll House|Nadine Earles (1929-1933) wanted a doll house for Christmas, but | |

| | | |Grave |died just before the holiday. Her parents had a doll house built | |

| | | | |around the grave with her toys and other personal belongings placed| |

| | | | |inside. Mother and Dad are buried in the yard. N32 52.091 W85 | |

| | | | |12.178 Oakwood Cemetery @ 1st Street | |

|Lavaca |SW |100 |Ezell's Fish Camp (1937)|Ezell Rd., Hwy. 10, Tombigbee River. |  |

| | | | |Catfish & coleslaw, Fried dill pickles. | |

|Lawrence Cove |NW |WFL |Welcome Falls |Lawrence Cove. N 34 18.950 - W 86 39.883 |  |

|Morgan County | | | | | |

|Leeds |C |POI |Barber Motor Sports |6040 Barber Motor Sports Parkway. | |

| | | |Museum and Race Track |Seeing is believing!! Barber’s museum is one of the best in the | |

| | | | |world. The collection has over 900 vintage and modern motorcycles | |

| | | | |and as well as a substantial collection of Lotus and other | |

| | | | |racecars. It is considered the largest in North American and | |

| | | | |possibly the world. There are approximately five hundred | |

| | | | |motorcycles on display at any given time. (There are over 900 in | |

| | | | |the collection.) These bikes range from 1904 to current-year | |

| | | | |production. There are bikes from 16 countries that represent 143 | |

| | | | |different marquees. The common street bike is represented, as well | |

| | | | |as rare one-off Gran Prix race machinery. Bikes have been purchased| |

| | | | |from as far away as Australia, New Zealand, and Sweden, but also as| |

| | | | |close as down the street. Don't miss this one. | |

|Leeds |C |POI |Bass Pro Shops |271 Rex Lake Road. | |

| | | | |The world's leading supplier of outdoor products is much more than | |

| | | | |a hunting and fishing store.  Part museum, art gallery, education, | |

| | | | |conservation and entertainment center, the 150,000 square-foot Bass| |

| | | | |Pro Shops Outdoor World in Leeds will also offer equipment for | |

| | | | |hiking, backpacking, camping, outdoor cooking and more.  Shoppers | |

| | | | |will find outdoor apparel for men, women and children, along with a| |

| | | | |fine selection of outdoor, casual and athletic footwear.  A gift | |

| | | | |and nature shop serves up a wide variety of outdoor-related items | |

| | | | |from lamps and dishes to bird feeders and furniture.  | |

|Leesburg |C |POI |Cherokee Rock Village |Turn south on CR 70 at Cr 36. Located at the SW end of CR 70/Indian| |

| | | | |Creek Ave. | |

| | | | |The view from the mountain top includes Weiss Lake and parts of two| |

| | | | |states. Features include a natural arch, caves and an 'imaginary' | |

| | | | |village made of enormous boulders located atop Lookout Mountain in | |

| | | | |Cherokee County near Leesburg. Visitors to the site will marvel at | |

| | | | |the view trails. Enormous sandstone and quartz formations rise 150 | |

| | | | |feet and measure 70 feet wide in some areas. This was an important | |

| | | | |site for both Cherokee and Creek Indians. | |

|Leesburg |NE |DAM |Weiss Dam Weiss Lake |2734 Co Rd. 20. Crappie Capital of the World. Weiss Dam and | |

| | | | |Lake Weiss were built by Alabama Power Company in 1961. The | |

| | | | |reservoir drains an area of approximately 5,273 sq miles. | |

| | | | |Reservoir size = 30,200 acres | |

| | | | |Reservoir storage = 305,815 | |

| | | | |Normal Summer Lake elevation = 564 Weiss Dam is the first of the | |

| | | | |seven Alabama Power company reservoirs on the Coosa River and sits | |

| | | | |very close to the Georgia / Alabama state line. The project is a | |

| | | | |peaking power operation. During typical operation the dam generates| |

| | | | |power for 1-6 hours per day during the week. There is no power | |

| | | | |generation on weekends. The Weiss tail water is inundated by the | |

| | | | |Neely Henry impoundment eliminating the issue of minimum flows. | |

|Leighton |NW |POI |La Grange College Site | | |

| | | |Park & Antebellum | | |

| | | |Cemetery | | |

| | | | |N34 39.699 W87 33.644 | |

| | | | |LaGrange College site is located in northwest Alabama, 8 miles | |

| | | | |southeast of Muscle Shoals, off Hwy. 157 and 4 miles south of | |

| | | | |Leighton. LaGrange College is Alabama's first chartered college, | |

| | | | |established in 1830, and is often referred to as the "WEST POINT OF| |

| | | | |THE SOUTH" since it was later turned into a Military Academy. The | |

| | | | |college enrollment read like a "Who's Who" list. By 1862, due to | |

| | | | |the war, most had enlisted and the village was left virtually | |

| | | | |deserted. The college was burned April 28, 1863 by Federal Calvary | |

| | | | |commanded by Colonel Florence M Cornyn under General Granville | |

| | | | |Dodge. | |

|Lester |NE |WFL |Gaston Mill Falls |29543 Hwy 99. N34 56.166 W087 07.897. The beautiful falls is just | |

|Limestone County | | | |above the restored mill. This waterwheel on the mill is the | |

| | | | |original waterwheel which was sold by Brady Paul Gaston’s | |

| | | | |grandfather to pay the doctor bill for his mother’s birth. Grady | |

| | | | |Paul relocated the waterwheel and had it moved back to its original| |

| | | | |location. | |

|Lincoln |C |BBQ |Carter’s BBQ |Located at Stemley Road - I-20 exit 165. | |

| | | | |All the food is prepared fresh daily by the husband and wife. He | |

| | | | |said the only thing they don't cook is the potato chips. | |

|Lincoln |C |POI |International |3198 Speedway Blvd. | |

| | | |Motorsports Hall of Fame|The International Motorsports Hall of Fame in Talladega, Alabama is| |

| | | | |the Canton, Ohio of motorsports.  The men and women enshrined in | |

| | | | |this facility are not only the best of the best in motorsports, | |

| | | | |they are an important part of our world. | |

|Linden |SW |CRT |Marengo County |101 E Coats Ave. |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Linden |SW |CRT |Old Marengo County |290 W. Cahaba Ave. Constructed in 1848 and served as the seat of | |

| | | |Courthouse |county government until 1903. On October 9, 1890, Rube Burrow, the | |

| | | | |nation’s most notorious train robber was slain here by Sheriff | |

| | | | |Jefferson D. Carter. | |

|Lineville |C |WFL |High Falls |Off Cr 12. N 33 22.310 W 85 50.494 |  |

|Livingston |SW |CBR |Alamuchee Covered Bridge|Student Union Drive on the University of West Alabama Campus. Built|  |

| | | | |in 1861 of hand-hewn heart pine. One of the south's oldest covered | |

| | | | |bridges | |

|Livingston |SW |EAT |Mennonite's Touch of |90 North St. |  |

| | | |Home Bakery |Desserts & deli sandwiches | |

|Livingston |SW |CRT |Sumter County Courthouse|260 Washington St. |  |

|Logan |NW |CHU |Shady Grove Methodist |895 County Road 846. The church began as a brush arbor made with |  |

| | | |Church |hand-sawed logs and a grass roof. In late 1800’s the present | |

| | | | |building was constructed to encase the brush arbor. | |

|Long Island |NE |EXT |Long Island Baptist |4837 Cr 93. |  |

| | | |Church |Alabama north east extreme location | |

|Lowndesboro |SE |POI |St. James CME Church |61 N. Broad Street. |  |

| | | | |1830s town with 30 surviving antebellum structures. The only known | |

| | | | |structure from Alabama's first capitol building now rests atop St. | |

| | | | |James Christian Methodist Episcopal Church in Lowndesboro. Built in| |

| | | | |the early l9th century as a white Methodist Church, the building | |

| | | | |later sold to a black religious group. It closed in 1983. | |

| | | | |Copper plated, the heavy dome required six teams of oxen and | |

| | | | |approximately one month to move 45 miles from Cahawba to | |

| | | | |Lowndesboro. As the condition of both the dome and church | |

| | | | |deteriorate, the Alabama Historical Commission has added the | |

| | | | |building to its list of "Places in Peril." | |

|Luverne |SE |CRT |Crenshaw County |29 S. Glenwood. |  |

| | | |Courthouse. | | |

|Lynchburg |TN |POI |Jack Daniels Distillery |280 Lynchburg Hwy. | |

| | | | |A great facility for visitors and entertaining tour of the | |

| | | | |distillery that has been making whiskey since 1866. No free samples| |

| | | | |however (by law.)Said to be the first licensed distillery in the | |

| | | | |United States. | |

|Magnolia Springs |SW |EAT |Jesse's |14770 Oak S. |  |

| | | | |Whiskey steak & bread pudding | |

|Malbis |SW |POI |Malbis Greek Orthodox |29300 Hwy.181 |  |

| | | |Church |Magnificent neo-Byzantine - style structure | |

|Marion |SW |POI |Gateway Inn & Restaurant|1615 Highway 5 S. | |

| | | | |A tour of the Gateway Restaurant is an historical journey that | |

| | | | |displays the countless treasures of Marion and Perry County. The | |

| | | | |yard which is illuminated by one of the original street light from | |

| | | | |old downtown Marion houses the restaurant’s front porch which is a | |

| | | | |creation of hand-made bricks salvaged from an aged Marion water | |

| | | | |tank. The braces that decorate the Gateway's front overhang were | |

| | | | |once part of the exterior of the Uniontown train station, while an | |

| | | | |arbor, once used to frame the cover of Judson's original indoor | |

| | | | |pool, has confederate jasmine climbing it's timbers. Inside the | |

| | | | |Gateway, architectural pieces from the Harwood-White house lead to | |

| | | | |the restaurant’s main dining room and bar area. The pocket doors | |

| | | | |separating these two rooms are also from this house as well as all | |

| | | | |the interior doors through the Gateway. Adding to the restaurant's | |

| | | | |historical puzzle is the former Judson college music hall from | |

| | | | |which the beaded board ceiling and the large timbers supporting the| |

| | | | |roof structure in the lobby were taken. Petitions between the | |

| | | | |booths in the main dining room were built from interior doors that | |

| | | | |were saved from a renovation at Judson. A glassed area, adjacent to| |

| | | | |the bar, was created from the windows of a Marion Military | |

| | | | |Institute dorm that was remodeled, This, one of the most popular | |

| | | | |areas for dining, overlooks the MMI golf course. A study of several| |

| | | | |of the restaurant's floors reveals designs crafted from brick and | |

| | | | |stepping stones of an older Marion. Mirrors over the bar are | |

| | | | |surrounded by an antiquated post office pediment and green Italian | |

| | | | |tile from the Harwood-White house. The Gateway is a conglomeration | |

| | | | |of both history and memories which is the key to its continued | |

| | | | |success. Located at 1613 Highway 5 S in Marion. Ph. 334-683-6831 | |

| | | | |Open Fri & Sat 5:30p-10p. The gateway motel adjacent to the | |

| | | | |restaurant is a great place to spent the night also. With spacious | |

| | | | |and clean rooms with all the amenities.. Very reasonable also at | |

| | | | |$55. | |

|Marion |SW |100 |J & R’s |Hwy 5 at Hwy 14. |  |

| | | | |Hamburgers | |

|Marion |SW |POI |Judson College |302 Bibb Street | |

| | | | |Judson College is the nation's fifth oldest women's college. | |

| | | | |Founded in 1838 by Baptists in Marion, Alabama to educate young | |

| | | | |women in a Christian environment, it remains committed to a | |

| | | | |quality, student-centered education for the women of today. | |

|Marion |SW |POI |Marion Military |1101 Washington Street |  |

| | | |Institute |Marion a school and college for young men, traces its origin back | |

| | | | |to 1842. During the Civil War, the Chapel and Lovelace Hall were | |

| | | | |used as Breckenridge Military Hospital, treating Confederate | |

| | | | |soldiers. These facilities still serve the college well. MMI | |

| | | | |operated as Howard College until 1887. The church then decided to | |

| | | | |move Howard College (which later became known as Samford | |

| | | | |University) to Birmingham, Alabama. Judson College, the Baptist | |

| | | | |women’s college, remained in Marion. At the time of the move, the | |

| | | | |President of Howard College, Colonel James T. Murfee, along with | |

| | | | |some of the faculty and supported by several trustees, chose to | |

| | | | |remain on the old campus. Their intention was to operate a | |

| | | | |military school for young men. In 1887, they established Marion | |

| | | | |Military Institute, and a charter was granted in 1889 by the state | |

| | | | |of Alabama, allowing MMI to be exempt from taxation, to have | |

| | | | |authority to receive donations, to give diplomas, and to confer | |

| | | | |degrees. The school was a non-profit institution, controlled | |

| | | | |neither by church nor state. Instead, a self-perpetuating board of| |

| | | | |trustees governed its affairs. | |

|Marion |SW |CRT |Perry county Courthouse |300 Washington Street |  |

|Marion |SW |POI |Perry Lakes Park & |Hwy 175 east of Marion beside the Marion fish Hatchery. N 32 41.883|  |

| | | |Barton’s Beach |W 87 15.639. There is a small green sign at the entrance, but | |

| | | |Cahaba River |difficult to see. Look for the fish hatchery and make a left off of| |

| | | |Preserve |Hwy 175 heading toward Marion just before the hatchery property. | |

| | | | |The approach road is paved for 100 yards or so, and then turns into| |

| | | | |hard packed gravel which is not a problem to ride on. New | |

| | | | |700-acre outdoor recreation and environmental park. 3 oxbow swamp | |

| | | | |lakes, hardwood forest with trails, picnic area with pavilion. | |

| | | | |Trail to beach preserve on Cahaba River. Outstanding birding, | |

| | | | |fishing, canoeing. | |

|Marion |SW |BBQ |The Shack |Old Hwy 183 near Hwy 14. The Shack restaurant is good place to stop| |

| | | | |and have some BBQ or steaks and other stuff. Located on Hwy 183 | |

| | | | |right before it ends at Hwy 5 in Marion. | |

|Mentone |NE |POI |Cloudmont Ski & Golf |Off of Cr. 89 on Cr 614. Follow signs. | |

| | | |Resort |Alabama’s only ski slope | |

|Mentone |NE |POI |Desoto State Park |13883 County Road 89. | |

| | | | |In the rustic tradition of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), | |

| | | | |Desoto State Park is accented by rushing waterfalls and fragrant | |

| | | | |wildflowers. The atmosphere of the CCC further enhances the | |

| | | | |restaurant, lodge and cabin facilities. Nestled atop beautiful | |

| | | | |scenic Lookout Mountain in northeast Alabama. | |

|Mentone |NE |100 |Log Cabin Restaurant & |6080 al Highway 117. |  |

| | | |Deli |Chili Corn Pone | |

|Mentone |NE |100 |Mentone Springs Hotel |6114 Al Highway 117. |  |

| | | | |Black-eyed pea cake & trout | |

|Mentone |NE |CHU |Mentone United Methodist|415 Cutler Avenue. |  |

| | | |Church |Known for its high steeple and cross and nestled in a wooded lot. | |

|Mentone |NE |100 |Mountain Laurel Inn |624 Road 948 “Decadent French Toast” | |

| | | | |N34 32.497 W85 35.296 | |

|Mentone |NE |POI |Sallie Howard Memorial |Right on Cr 89 just north of Desoto State Park. | |

| | | |Chapel |A 20 foot tall boulder serves as the rear wall | |

|Mentone |NE |EAT |Wildfire Cafe |5989 Hwy. 117. | |

| | | | |Homey, Folksy, Artsy. Good food. Try the Sweet potato biscuits | |

|Mentone - |NE |POI |Desoto Falls |Off of Cr. 89 on Desoto Falls Road. Follow signs. | |

|Dekalb County | | | |Water rushes over a dam more than 100 feet to the river below | |

|Millers Ferry |SW |DAM |Millers Ferry Lock and |2040 Power House Rd. Millers Ferry Lock and Dam is a lock and | |

| | | |Dam |hydroelectric dam on the Alabama River, near the community of | |

| | | | |Millers Ferry, Alabama. It was built by and continues to be | |

| | | | |operated by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. Construction| |

| | | | |of the complex began in 1963 and was completed in 1974.[1] The | |

| | | | |Millers Ferry Powerhouse came on line in 1970 and has a generating | |

| | | | |capacity of 90 megawatts.[2][3] Following a history of machinery | |

| | | | |problems and failures, major repair work on the power station was | |

| | | | |authorized in 1996.[4] | |

| | | | |Millers Ferry Lock and Dam impounds the William "Bill" Dannelly | |

| | | | |Reservoir. The reservoir covers 27 square miles (70 km2) and has | |

| | | | |approximately 500 miles (800 km) of shoreline. | |

|Mobile |SW |POI |1822 Conde’ Charlotte |104 Theater Street. | |

| | | |Museum House |The Conde-Charlotte Museum House stands as an impressive link | |

| | | | |between the present and Mobile's earliest history.  It was built in| |

| | | | |1822-24 as the City's first official jail between the south | |

| | | | |bastions of Fort Conde. | |

|Mobile |SW |EAT |Butch Cassidy’s Cafe |60 N Florida Street. | |

| | | | |Great burgers. | |

|Mobile |SW |100 |Callaghan's Irish Social|916 Charleston St "Bacon cheeseburger" N30 40.958 W88 03.281 |  |

| | | |Club | | |

|Mobile |SW |EAT |Captain's Table |2701 Battleship Pkwy. |  |

| | | | |Bread pudding | |

|Mobile |SW |EAT |Dew Drop Inn (1924) |1808 Old Shell Road. |  |

| | | | |Chili hot dogs & cheeseburgers | |

|Mobile |SW |EAT |Dick Russell's BBQ |5360 Highway 90 W. Chicken & dumplings |  |

|Mobile |SW |POI |Fort Conde’ Museum and |150 S. Royal Street. the history of the Mobile area and a central | |

| | | |Mobile Welcome Center |location to map out your tour. Parking across the street is free | |

| | | | |and so is the fort. Free shuttle leaves from here to most of the | |

| | | | |downtown attractions and restaurants. | |

|Mobile |SW |100 |Kate Shepard House Bed &|1552 Monterey Place Pecan Praline French Toast N30 41.044 W88 |  |

| | | |Breakfast |04.494 | |

|Mobile |SW |POI |Mardi Gras Carnival |355 Government Street. The Mobile Carnival Museum highlights the | |

| | | |Museum |history of Mardi Gras  | |

| | | | |in its true birthplace - Mobile Alabama. | |

|Mobile |SW |CRT |Mobile County |205 Government St. |  |

| | | |Courthouse. | | |

|Mobile |SW |100 |NoJa |6 1/2 N Jackson St "Ginger Donut" N30 41.456 W88 02.691 |  |

|Mobile |SW |EAT |Oshman's Restaurant |2579 Halls Mill Rd Weiner. Schnitzel |  |

|Mobile |SW |100 |Oysterella's |1175 Battleship Parkway "Seafood & sausage gumbo" |  |

| | | | |N30 40.843 W88 00.151 | |

|Mobile |SW |100 |Pollman’s Bake Shop |750 S. Broad St. | |

| | | | |Fudge Brownies | |

|Mobile |SW |EAT |Ruth's Chris Steak House|2058 Airport Blvd. |  |

| | | | |Steak | |

|Mobile |SW |100 |Saucy BBQ |1252 Government Street. |  |

| | | | |Ribs Butch Cassidy's Cafe is the perfect spot for pleasant dining | |

| | | | |and superb cuisine. Restaurant critics, neighborhood regulars, and | |

| | | | |first time visitors always agree about Butch Cassidy's Cafe: the | |

| | | | |atmosphere is great, the food is superb, and the service is | |

| | | | |outstanding. The restaurant offers a casual atmosphere that is | |

| | | | |perfect for dining with friends, co-workers, and family members. | |

| | | | |The creative menu features a wide array of great selections, always| |

| | | | |made from the highest quality ingredients. Be sure to ask your | |

| | | | |server about daily specials and other notable menu selections. The | |

| | | | |staff at Butch Cassidy’s Cafe is friendly and professional and will| |

| | | | |ensure that your dining experiences a pleasant one. Please stop in | |

| | | | |soon! Pleasant dining and superb cuisine. | |

|Mobile |SW |100 |Spot of Tea |310 Dauphin St "Eggs Catherdaral & Banana Foster's" |  |

| | | | |N30 41.439 W88 02.725 | |

|Mobile |SW |100 |Tanner Pecans and |10 Springdale Blvd. |  |

| | | |Candies |Candied pecans | |

|Mobile |SW |100 |The Battle House Hotel |26 N Royal St "Carmelized Day Boat Scallops with mushroom ristto, |  |

| | | | |Swiss Chard & white truffle oil N30 41.565 W88 02.463 | |

|Mobile |SW |100 |The Blind Mole |57 N Claiborne St "Alabama shrimp & grits" N30 |  |

| | | | |41.516 W88 02.777 | |

|Mobile |SW |100 |The Brick Pit |5456 Old Shell Road. Smoked pulled pork. "I have never had pulled |  |

| | | | |pork like this. So soft and tender, so downright gentle is it, that| |

| | | | |you will feel almost guilty about pouring on the sauce, but go | |

| | | | |ahead." | |

|Mobile |SW |100 |The Pillars |1757 Government Blvd. Snapper Pontchartrain |  |

|Mobile |SW |100 |Three Georges Candy Shop|226 Dauphin St. |  |

| | | | |Chocolates | |

|Mobile |SW |100 |Tiny Diny |2159 Halls Mill Rd. |  |

| | | | |Coconut cream pie | |

|Mobile |SW |EAT |Tortilla Joe's Taqueria |1234 Hillcrest Road. |  |

| | | | |Fish tacos | |

|Mobile |SW |POI |U.S.S. Alabama |2703 Battleship Pkwy. Courage comes alive at Battleship Memorial |  |

| | | |Battleship Memorial. |Park, one of America's finest military parks. Here, along the | |

| | | |Park |shores of Mobile Bay, you'll experience heroism spanning more than | |

| | | | |seven decades from World War II to Desert Storm. A must see! | |

|Mobile |SW |100 |Wintzeell's Oyster House|605 Dauphin Street. Oysters, (fried, stewed or nude) |  |

| | | |(1938) | | |

|Mobile - |SW |POI |Bellingrath Gardens and |12401 Bellingrath Road. |  |

|Theodore | | |Home |See "an abundance and array of colors, fragrances and scenic views | |

| | | | |await you at Bellingrath Gardens and Home! Throughout the year, | |

| | | | |this 65 acre Garden Estate is in full bloom with camellias in the | |

| | | | |winter, azaleas in the spring, roses in the summer, chrysanthemums | |

| | | | |in autumn and Magic Christmas in Lights during the holiday season. | |

| | | | |On your self-guided walking tour, you will enjoy the 2004 Top | |

| | | | |Public Rose Garden in the U.S., as awarded by the All-America Rose | |

| | | | |Selections, experience the Bayou Boardwalk, marvel at Mirror Lake, | |

| | | | |behold the Great Lawn, view the Asian-American Gardens, stroll | |

| | | | |through the Butterfly Garden, observe formal garden terraces and | |

| | | | |more!" | |

|Mobile - Satsuma |SW |BBQ |LeRoy's Real Pit |5675 Hwy 43. |  |

| | | |Barbeque |Ribs. "I have eaten BBQ at some of the best spots in the South, but| |

| | | | |nowhere have I tasted pork ribs as good as I have had several times| |

| | | | |at LeRoys. The building is merely cinderblock with an almost | |

| | | | |girlish yellow paint on it". | |

|Mobile - Theodore |SW |100 |Time to Eat |7351 Theodore Dawes Rd "Country Cooking" N30 33.838 W88 12.930 |  |

|Monroeville |SW |100 |David's Catfish House |5129 Dogwood Dr. |  |

| | | | |Catfish & cheese grits | |

|Monroeville |SW |CRT |Monroe County |65 N Alabama Ave. |  |

| | | |Courthouse. | | |

|Monroeville |SW |POI |Old Monroe County |31 N Alabama Ave. |  |

| | | |Courthouse |Model for the courthouse in the film To Kill a Mockingbird. | |

|Monroeville |SW |100 |Radley's Fountain Grill |1559 S Alabama Ave "BLT Supreme" N31 30.422 W87 19.142 |  |

|Montevallo |C |POI |The American Village |3500 Hwy 119. |  |

| | | | |Authentically costumed interpreters bring to life the fervor of | |

| | | | |that time when our forebears made choices that formed the fabric of| |

| | | | |our lives today. Call (877) 811-1776 for details. | |

|Montevallo |C |EXT |University of Montevallo|Main Hall. |  |

| | | |"Center of the State of |Situated on a beautiful campus complete with brick streets, | |

| | | |Alabama" |tree-lined drives, and historical buildings: 1833 King House and | |

| | | | |Reynolds Hall. The marker for the geographic center for the state | |

| | | | |of Alabama can be found on the steps of Main east of Hall on | |

| | | | |campus, however the actual geographic center is said to be located | |

| | | | |in the Richardson-Randall Cemetery, about two miles Montevallo. | |

|Montevallo |C |POI |University of Montevallo|Valley St. at North Boundary St. | |

| | | |Campus Trek |Walk through the beautifully kept campus and enjoy seeing the | |

| | | | |excellent brick architecture. The largest holly tree in Alabama is | |

| | | | |on campus, see if you can find it. | |

|Montevallo - |C |POI |Brierfield Ironworks |Cr. 62. | |

|Brierfield | | |Park |In a hollow, beside a wet weather stream that would forever after | |

| | | | |be known as Furnace Branch, a group of men calling themselves the | |

| | | | |Bibb County Iron Company built a furnace in 1862. Spurred on by the| |

| | | | |desire to make a fortune from the South's desperate need for iron | |

| | | | |for war materials, the company was soon producing, in the words of | |

| | | | |a contemporary iron founder, "the toughest and most suitable iron | |

| | | | |for making guns above any other iron in the South." | |

|Montevallo - |C |CBR |Overland Covered Bridge |Off of Cr. 62 in Brierfield Park. | |

|Brierfield | | | |Small covered bridge crosses creek at Brierfield Ironworks | |

|Montgomery |SE |EAT |Bandanna’s |301 East Jefferson St. | |

| | | | |Italian Coconut Cream Cake | |

|Montgomery |SE |POI |Capital Complex |Dexter Ave. at Bainbridge St. |  |

| | | | |Beautiful renovation to the 1800's period | |

|Montgomery |SE |100 |Chophouse |405 Cloverdale Rd "Pecan Pan Fried Snapper" N32 21.493 |  |

| | | | |W86 17.980 | |

|Montgomery |SE |EAT |Chris' Hot Dogs (1917) |138 Dexter Ave. |  |

| | | | |Hot dog & sauce | |

|Montgomery |SE |100 |City Grill |8147 Vaughn Rd. |  |

| | | | |Surf 'n turf & the oyster salad | |

|Montgomery |SE |POI |Civil Rights Memorial |409 Washington St. |  |

| | | | |The names of 40 people killed in the battle for civil rights | |

| | | | |between 1954, when the U.S. Supreme Court outlawed segregation, and| |

| | | | |1968, the year of the assassination of Martin Luther King, are | |

| | | | |embedded forever in this round, flat, granite sculpture. Water | |

| | | | |flows gently over the surface of the inspiring memorial, designed | |

| | | | |by Maya Lin, who also created the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. | |

|Montgomery |SE |EAT |Davis Cafe |518 N. Decatur St. |  |

| | | | |Cornbread dressing | |

|Montgomery |SE |100 |Derk's Filet & Vine |431 Cloverdale Rd "Veggies on the Hot Bar" N32 21.495 W86 |  |

| | | | |17.934 | |

|Montgomery |SE |POI |Dexter Ave. King |500 Dexter Ave. |  |

| | | |Memorial. Baptist Church|Pastored by Dr. MLK, and is where the Montgomery bus boycott was | |

| | | | |organized 12/2/55. | |

|Montgomery |SE |POI |First White House of the|644 Washington Ave. |  |

| | | |Confederacy |Occupied by Jefferson Davis during the early days of the War of | |

| | | | |Northern Aggression | |

|Montgomery |SE |CNG |Flip's Uptown Grill 8 am|3900 Atlanta Hwy - Phone CBR (334) 244-8833 |  |

| | | |2nd Saturdays | | |

|Montgomery |SE |100 |Garrett's |7780 Atlanta Hwy "Pecan Pie with Jack Daniels Ice Cream" |  |

| | | | |N32 22.868 W86 09.663 | |

|Montgomery |SE |EAT |Hamburger King |547 S. Decatur Street. | |

| | | | |Repeatedly voted the best hamburger in Montgomery. | |

|Montgomery |SE |POI |Hank Williams Sr. Museum|120 Commerce St. |  |

| | | | |Contains records, albums, musical instruments, clothing, and a | |

| | | | |saddle with silver trim, and other personal items. | |

|Montgomery |SE |100 |Isaiah's |135 Mildred St. |  |

| | | | |Lemon catfish & collards | |

|Montgomery |SE |EAT |Jubilee Seafood |1051 Woodley Ave. |  |

| | | | |Sautéed crab claws | |

|Montgomery |SE |100 |La Jolla |6854 East Chase Parkway. |  |

| | | | |Fried green tomato sandwich | |

|Montgomery |SE |100 |Lek's Taste of Thailand |5421 Atlanta Highway. |  |

| | | | |Spring roll with peanut sauce | |

|Montgomery |SE |100 |Martha's Place |458 Sayre. |  |

| | | | |Vegetables | |

|Montgomery |SE |1`00 |Martin's Restaurant |1796 Carter Hill Road. |  |

| | | | |Fried chicken | |

|Montgomery |SE |CRT |Montgomery County |100 S. Lawrence. |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Montgomery |SE |BBQ |PJR's Fish & BBQ |222 West Jefferson Davis St. |  |

| | | | |Sweet potato pie | |

|Montgomery |SE |100 |Red Bluff Cottage B & B |551 Clay St "Wild Rice Waffles" & "Walk-Thru-Fire Pancakes" |  |

| | | | |N32 22.592 W86 19.118 | |

|Montgomery |SE |BBQ |Sam's BBQ |3510 Atlanta Highway. |  |

| | | | |Pulled pork sandwich. "This is a small Q-Joint that you really have| |

| | | | |to look for or you will miss it. Just follow your nose". Atlanta | |

| | | | |Hwy. (Mid-Town) | |

|Montgomery |SE |100 |Sinclair's |1051 East Fairview Ave. |  |

| | | | |She Crab Soup, Fresca salad with house dressing, Black & Bleu | |

| | | | |burger, Bananas or Chocolate Sinclair. | |

|Montgomery |SE |EAT |Sommer's |7972 Vaughn Ave. |  |

| | | | |Broiled red snapper | |

|Montgomery |SE |EAT |Tony's Pizza |1985 Bell Street. |  |

| | | | |"Around to Italy" pizza | |

|Montgomery |SE |EAT |Vintage Year |405 Cloverdale. |  |

| | | | |Alabama goat cheese salad | |

|Montgomery |SE |POI |Visitor Center (Old |301 Columbus St. Concentration of historically restored buildings |  |

| | | |Alabama Town) | | |

|Mooresville |NW |EAT |Limestone Bay Trading |Lauderdale and High Street. | |

| | | |Company and Restaurant |The Limestone Bay Trading Company restaurant opened in February, | |

| | | | |2004.  It was built circa 1908 and was originally a shoe store, | |

| | | | |later a general store, and is now a restaurant. A must see and | |

| | | | |place to enjoy a great meal. | |

|Mooresville |NW |POI |Old Town |I 565 Exit 2. |  |

| | | | |Dating back to 1818, with picket fences and fine old shade trees, | |

| | | | |you'll see a variety of vintage structures including lovely old | |

| | | | |Federal homes. | |

|Morgan City |NW |EAT |Granny Nell's Restaurant|3528 Old Highway 231. South of Ditto Landing on US Hwy 231. Great |  |

| | | | |country cooking. Granny Nell says won every poke salad cooking | |

| | | | |contest but one in the past few years. It's good too. Desserts are | |

| | | | |fantastic. | |

|Moulton |NW |CRT |Lawrence County |14330 Court Street. |  |

| | | |Courthouse. | | |

|Moulton |NW |EAT |Nesmith’s Hamburgers |14396 Court St. Nesmith Hamburgers downtown on Court Street |  |

| | | | |is the oldest hamburger joint in Moulton. Little has changed in the| |

| | | | |restaurant that the Nesmith family has owned since 1966. The owners| |

| | | | |refuse to talk about their "secret recipes," and if you have to ask| |

| | | | |how many calories a hamburger contains, do not bother eating one. | |

| | | | |The cooks fry them in a pan containing between 3 and 5 gallons of | |

| | | | |grease. The hamburgers are flattened in view of the customers, | |

| | | | |scooped up with a spatula and placed in the grease. Most of the | |

| | | | |frying pans hold about 36 hamburgers. | |

|Moulton |NW |CHU |Pine Torch Church |1955 County Road 70. Built in 1850 from popular logs and oak |  |

| | | | |shingles. It served as both a church and a school for the area. | |

|Moundville |C |100 |Miss Melissa's Café |384 Market Street "Lane Cake" N32 59.865 W87 37.813 |  |

|Moundville |C |POI |Mound State Monument |Mound Parkway. |  |

| | | | |The best preserved prehistoric settlement east of the pueblos. | |

|Mt. Carmel |NE |WFL |Piney Branch Falls |N34 28.817 - W 86 15.750 |  |

|Marshall County | | | | | |

|Mt. Cheaha |C |EAT |Mt. Cheaha Lodge |Coo Dr. off of Hwy 281 at Mt. Cheaha State Park. | |

| | | | |Good buffet and menu. Great views from top of the mountain while | |

| | | | |enjoying your meal. | |

|Mt. Cheaha |NE |EXT |Rock Tower |Coo Drive. |.   |

| | | | |Alabama's highest point. Be sure to climb the tower’s inside steps | |

| | | | |for spectacular views. | |

|Mt. Vernon |SW |POI |Ellicott's Stone |Approximately 9 miles on US 43 form I 65 on the right. The |  |

| | | | |historical stone marker was placed April 10, 1799 near the bank of | |

| | | | |the Mobile River where the 31st parallel was considered to be. The| |

| | | | |parallel remained the boundary for only 14 years, until America | |

| | | | |obtained Mobile from the Spaniards in 1813. | |

|Mt. Vernon - |SW |WFL |Cedar Creek Falls |N 31 03.383 W 88 04.450 |  |

|Mobile County | | | | | |

|Munford |C |WFL |Salt Creek Falls |Munford. N 33 30.083 - W 85 54.283 |  |

|Talladega County | | | | | |

|Muscle Shoals |NW |100 |Campbell's |120 W 2nd St "Fried Green Tomatoes" |  |

|Natural Bridge |NW |POI |Natural Bridge |1 mile west of Hwy 5 on Hwy 278. |  |

| | | | |60-foot high sandstone bridge, thousands of years in the making. | |

|Natural Bridge |NW |EAT |Natural Bridge |Hwy 5 at US 278. |  |

| | | |Restaurant |Country ham & eggs | |

|Nauvoo |C |POI |Old Harbin Hotel |McDaniel Ave. at 3rd St. |  |

| | | | |"Built in 1923 at a cost of $24,574, the hotel boasted sixteen | |

| | | | |furnished rooms and seventy-six electric lights. The structure, | |

| | | | |which retains its original pine walls, downstairs pressed-tin | |

| | | | |ceilings, and four center rooms with skylights, was added to the | |

| | | | |Alabama Landmark Register in 1990." | |

|Nauvoo |C |EAT |Slick Lizard |7160 Nauvoo Road. | |

| | | | |BBQ and Catfish. Hamburgers are good too. | |

|Newsom Sinks |NW |WFL |Ditto Falls |Newsome Sinks. - N 34 29.417 - W 86 33.883 |  |

|Notasulga |SE |VIN |Whippoorwill Vineyards |4282 County Road 31, Noetasulga. (334-401-9246) | |

| | | | |Tim Watkins and his brother-in-law Chad Ledbetter began planting | |

| | | | |grapevines on their 12-acre vineyard in 2006 and should have their | |

| | | | |first batch of estate wines – six muscadines, a dry Norton, and a | |

| | | | |dry Lenoir – ready by their opening in Fall 2009. | |

|Oakville |NW |POI |Jesse Owens Memorial |County Road 187 off of Hwy. 157 NW of Cullman. |  |

| | | |Park |From humble beginnings as a sharecropper's son in Oakville, Alabama| |

| | | | |to standing atop an Olympic podium wearing gold, Jesse Owens made | |

| | | | |it look easy, but it was not. Racial and socioeconomic barriers | |

| | | | |were just a few of the obstacles. Owens overcame. Equipped with a | |

| | | | |hard work ethic that he learned from his parents and feet that | |

| | | | |could fly, Jesse Owens did what no other had done before - he won | |

| | | | |four gold medals at one Olympiad. Returning home to a ticker tape | |

| | | | |parade, Owens' life was changed forever. However, what endeared him| |

| | | | |to so many were the lives that he then changed forever with his | |

| | | | |humanitarian work that spanned four decades. | |

|Oakville |NW |POI |Oakville Indian Mounds |1219 Co. Rd. 187 off Hwy 157. |  |

| | | | |Oakville Indian Mounds Education Center just east of Moulton. | |

| | | | |Encompasses Cherokee council house museum, portion of Black | |

| | | | |Warriors’ Path, largest Woodland ceremonial Indian mound in | |

| | | | |Alabama, and large Copan Indian burial mound. | |

|Ohatchee |C |DAM |H. Neely Henry Dam |Located west of Ohatchee on SR 144. H. Neely Henry Dam was the | |

| | | |H. Neely Henry Lake |first dam built as a part of an Alabama Power Company construction | |

| | | | |program that further developed the Coosa River in the late 1950s | |

| | | | |and the 1960s. The project included the construction of Weiss, | |

| | | | |Logan Martin and Bouldin dams and the redevelopment of Lay Dam. The| |

| | | | |facility was named after H. Neely Henry, a senior executive | |

| | | | |vice-president of Alabama Power. | |

|Ohatchee |C |POI |Janney Iron Furnace and |80 Janney Road. |  |

| | | |the Calhoun County |Janney Iron Furnace is located in one of the most beautiful areas | |

| | | |Confederate Memorial |of Alabama. Rich in history, Janney Iron Furnace is listed with the| |

| | | | |National Park Service's National Registry of Historic Places and is| |

| | | | |on the tour of the Civil War Preservation. Adjacent to the old | |

| | | | |Iron Furnace is the Calhoun County Confederate Memorial which is | |

| | | | |the world's largest black granite Confederate monument and the | |

| | | | |largest confederate memorial in the State of Alabama. Carved on the| |

| | | | |110 foot memorial are the names of all of Calhoun County's citizens| |

| | | | |who served the Confederacy during the War for "Southern | |

| | | | |Independence". More men from Calhoun County died during the War | |

| | | | |than the State of Alabama's total combined war dead of the Korean | |

| | | | |and Vietnam Wars. | |

|Oneonta |NW |EAT |Benedik's |4125 County Highway 27. Fried pulley bones on the Sunday lunch |  |

| | | | |buffet. | |

|Oneonta |NW |CRT |Blount County |220 2nd Ave. East. |  |

| | | |Courthouse. | | |

|Oneonta |NW |EAT |Charley B's |100 6th St. South. |  |

| | | | |"Best buffet in Alabama" | |

|Oneonta |NW |CBR |Easley Bridge |390 Easley Bridge Road. Shortest tin topped covered bridge in the |  |

| | | | |county. | |

|Oneonta |NW |CBR |Horton Mill Covered |34300 Hwy 75. |  |

| | | |Bridge |Most picturesque, latticed structure looms some 70 feet above the | |

| | | | |Warrior River; higher above the water than any other covered bridge| |

| | | | |in the U.S. | |

|Oneonta |NW |BBQ |O' So Good BBQ |55545 Us Highway 231. |  |

| | | | |"Mighty good ribs" | |

|Oneonta |NW |CHU |Oneonta Bible Church |2nd Avenue East. |  |

| | | | |Also known as the “Little Brick Church” it began as a Methodist | |

| | | | |Episcopal Church. | |

|Opelika |SE |100 |Chuck's |905 Short Ave. |  |

| | | | |Barbecue pork sandwich | |

|Opelika |SE |CRT |Lee County Courthouse. |215 S. 9th Street. |  |

|Opelika |SE |POI |The Museum of East |121 S 9th St. |  |

| | | |Alabama |Dugout canoe dates to 3,500 BC | |

|Opelika |SE |100 |Warehouse Bistro |105 Rocket Ave # C. |  |

| | | | |Filet & duck | |

|Oxford |C |CBR |Coldwater Covered Bridge|Recreation Dr. behind the Civic Center. The Coldwater Covered | |

| | | | |Bridge is a locally owned wooden covered bridge that spans the | |

| | | | |inlet to Oxford Lake in Calhoun County, Alabama, United States. It | |

| | | | |is located at Oxford Lake Park off State Route 21 in the city of | |

| | | | |Oxford, about 4 miles south of Anniston. Built in 1850, the 60-foot| |

| | | | |bridge is a Multiple King-post truss construction over a single | |

| | | | |span. It is currently the oldest existing covered bridge in | |

| | | | |Alabama. | |

|Oxford |C |EAT |The Porter House |1409 Hamric Drive. | |

| | | | |“It's my favorite buffet of anywhere.  We even go there for | |

| | | | |Thanksgiving.” Good fried chicken. | |

|Ozark |SE |POI |Claybank Church |1000 Andrews Ave. | |

| | | | |The oldest log church of it’s type in the southeast. This church | |

| | | | |was constructed in 1852 using fat, light-wood stumps for its | |

| | | | |foundation and board shingles which were split by hand. The wooden | |

| | | | |pulpit and original benches date from when this was the center of | |

| | | | |the community life. | |

|Ozark |SE |CRT |Dale County Courthouse. |Court Square |  |

|Packers Bend |SW |POI |Davis Ferry |Located on Monroe County Road 40. Crosses the Alabama River between|  |

| | | | |Cr. 1 and Cr. 17. Old timey ferry built in the 1930's with a period| |

| | | | |6 cylinder engine and standard transmission. It is propelled by a | |

| | | | |side paddle wheel. Be sure to look in the engine house while making| |

| | | | |the crossing. There is 1/2 mile of chirt on the north approach and | |

| | | | |1 1/2 miles of chirt on the south approach. Riding on the Davis | |

| | | | |Ferry is a do not miss adventure in Alabama. | |

|Packers Bend |SW |POI |Lenn's Penthouse Privy |Located on Cr. 40 just after crossing the Alabama River on the |  |

| | | | |Davis Ferry going south.. This fancy outhouse is elevated on stilts| |

| | | | |and has a pump handle to take care of the flushing business. | |

|Paint Rock Valley |NE |POI |"The Walls of Jericho" |Located just north of Hytop on Highway 79. "The Walls of Jericho" | |

| | | | |is probably one of the most beautiful sites in Alabama. If you're | |

| | | | |up for a challenge, you should give it a try. "It is a long hike | |

| | | | |but if you are in decent condition and take it slow you can make | |

| | | | |it. Total distance is about 7 miles round trip. But it ain't on | |

| | | | |mall walk. It would be like starting on top of Monte Sano and | |

| | | | |hiking to the bottom. Then hike 3 or 4 miles on relatively flat-but| |

| | | | |rocky-trails. And finally, hike back up to the top of Monte Sano. | |

| | | | |You should allow 5-6 hours for the hike, wear hiking shoes, and | |

| | | | |bring 2 or 3 liters of water per person, and some snacks for fuel. | |

| | | | |"Walls of Jericho" was named for a bowl-shaped canyon of rock that | |

| | | | |shoots water out of holes and cracks in the rock wall during heavy | |

| | | | |rains." It is part of a 60,000-acre tract once owned by Texas oil | |

| | | | |baron Henry Lee Carter. When he died in 1977, the Walls of Jericho | |

| | | | |were sold and closed to visitors. The Walls of Jericho is now made | |

| | | | |up of 21,453 acres straddling the Tennessee-Alabama border. 4 or 2 | |

| | | | |wheeled vehicles are not allowed. | |

|Pell City |C |CRT |St. Clair County |1800 Cogswell Ave. | |

| | | |Courthouse #2 | | |

|Perdido |SW |VIN |Perdido Vineyards |22100 County Road 47, (251-937-9463). | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Alabama’s first farm winery, owned by Jim and Marianne Eddins, | |

| | | | |began growing grapes for wineries outside Alabama in 1971. The | |

| | | | |Eddins began producing their own wine in 1979. They specialize in | |

| | | | |white, red, and rose table wines from muscadine and scuppernong | |

| | | | |grapes grown on their 50 acres, as well as apple wines from fruit | |

| | | | |grown in Alabama. Open Monday-Saturday, 10 AM – 5 PM. | |

|Perdue Hill |SW |POI |Historical Buildings |US 84 and Cr. 1. |  |

| | | | |William B Travis' Home & Circa 1830 Masonic Lodge | |

|Phenix City |SE |100 |13th Street Barbecue |700 13th St. |  |

| | | | |Pork chop sandwich with mustard sauce. | |

|Phenix City |SE |POI |Fort Mitchell |560 Hwy 165. | |

| | | | |Today, the purpose of the reconstruction of Fort Mitchell, a | |

| | | |Open |National Landmark Site, is to bring to life that period of history | |

| | | |Mon - Sat. 10-5 |that took place in this area during the time of the Federal Road, | |

| | | |Sunday 1-5. |the Creek Indian War, and the pioneer settlement of this area. As | |

| | | | |Alabama became a state in1819, the terms of the Battle of Horseshoe| |

| | | | |Bend were being carried out. The Federal Government had set up a | |

| | | | |Trading Factory at Fort Mitchell (1817-1820) to provide the Indians| |

| | | | |with necessary supplies such as clothing and food items. The | |

| | | | |factory was not successful and the Government set up an Indian | |

| | | | |Agency at Fort Mitchell, which remained there from 1825-1836, when | |

| | | | |the Indians were moved to the West. A Memorial can be seen just | |

| | | | |north of the forts Visitors Center, at the Indian Heritage Center, | |

| | | | |which has the names of each of the Indians who were moved to the | |

| | | | |West printed in the panels of the memorial. At the visitor’s center| |

| | | | |upon your entrance to Fort Mitchell, you will need to check in. The| |

| | | | |Visitors Center houses the Museum, theatre, and a walk through | |

| | | | |time, where you will see displays depicting historical scenes and | |

| | | | |events of the area and time. There are collections of arrowheads, | |

| | | | |tools, guns, pottery, and household items. In the museum, is a | |

| | | | |display of period horse drawn carriages which are all original and | |

| | | | |built in the 1860 era. | |

|Phenix City |SE |CRT |Russell County Court |501 14th Street. |  |

| | | |House 1of 2 | | |

|Phil Campbell |NW |POI |Dismals Canyon |North of Hackleburg off of Hwy 43 at 300 County Road 8. |  |

| | | | |On your next visit to NW Alabama, you need to go to the Dismals | |

| | | | |Canyon. Early settlers gave it the name as it was so forbidden to | |

| | | | |them. Basically it’s a very rugged box canyon. Robbers of the | |

| | | | |Natchez Trace travelers hid there as well as Aaron Burr before he | |

| | | | |was captured near Mobile. Also some of the Indians (I forget which | |

| | | | |tribe, I think Choctaw) were held there in their “relocation” to | |

| | | | |Okalahoma in the infamous Trail of Tears. It is one amazing area. | |

| | | | |In fact the History Channel filmed part of “When Dinosaurs Roamed” | |

| | | | |in the canyon due to its primordial nature. Northern hemlock trees | |

| | | | |grow there as the temperature stays so much cooler that as the Ice | |

| | | | |Age receded the trees continued to flourish in the canyon. | |

|Pickensville |C |EAT |Down Yonder |17441 Highway 14. | |

| | | | |They make killer “Pig Salads” and grilled chicken salads along with| |

| | | | |all kinds of home cooking, best catfish around also, hand carved | |

| | | | |rib eye steaks. | |

|Pickensville |C |POI |Tom Bevill Visitor |1382 Lock & Dam Rd. | |

| | | |Center |The majestic Tom Bevill Visitor Center lies on the banks of the | |

| | | | |Tenn-Tom waterway in Pickensville. It serves as a museum of | |

| | | | |folklore and history. Dry docked at this location is the U.S. | |

| | | | |Snagboat Montgomery, one of the last steam powered, stern wheel | |

| | | | |boats to ply the southern rivers. A short excursion inland brings | |

| | | | |quest to the Pickensville Methodist church which served as a | |

| | | | |hospital during the Civil War. Also in the community is the | |

| | | | |Stagecoach Inn built in 1842. Visitors center an antebellum home | |

| | | | |built as a replica patterned after Kirkwood in Eutaw and two other | |

| | | | |homes | |

|Pine Level |SE |100 |Red's Little Schoolhouse|1820 Gardner Rd, Grady, AL "Apple cheese casserole" |  |

| | | | |N32 01.165 W86 07.190 | |

|Pine Level |SE |EAT |Tin Top Café |24331 Hwy 231. | |

| | | | |For a unique dining experience may I recommend the Tin Top Café? | |

| | | | |With its motto of " just good ol' country cookin', it certainly is | |

| | | | |that and more. Situated on U.S. Hwy 231 south of Montgomery in | |

| | | | |Pine Level, it is one of those places that touring motorcyclists | |

| | | | |love to find. It is an old looking building covered in signs from | |

| | | | |gas stations and country stores. From the moment we walked in, | |

| | | | |dressed in riding clothes, we were treated like welcomed guests by | |

| | | | |everyone inside especially the owner, Mr. Robert Missildine. The | |

| | | | |food was served cafeteria style. The meatloaf was "the best I ever| |

| | | | |had" and the home cooked vegetables were excellent as was the | |

| | | | |cornbread. Mr. Missildine came over to our table to ask us if | |

| | | | |everything was O.K. and could he get us anything else. Even though| |

| | | | |we thought we couldn't possibly want anything else he brought us | |

| | | | |some chicken fingers with a "killer" sauce. Saying," ya'll try | |

| | | | |this, it's almost closing time and we'll just throw it out if ya'll| |

| | | | |don't eat it. Eat it, we did! It would be a sin to throw away | |

| | | | |something that good anyway. | |

|Point Clear |SE |100 |Grand Hotel Marriott |4000 Grand Ave. |  |

| | | |Resort (1847) |Crabmeat omelet. Legendary resort on Mobile Bay. Beautiful | |

| | | | |moss-festooned oaks over 300 years old. The sites first resort | |

| | | | |dates from the mid 1800s. | |

|Point Clear |SE |EAT |Pelican Point Grill |10299 Highway 1. |  |

| | | | |Royal red shrimp | |

|Point Clear |SE |100 |Punta Cara Kitchen |17104 Scenic Hwy 98 Alt. |  |

| | | | |Divinity & pecan butter crunch | |

|Point Clear |SE |100 |The Wash House |17109 Scenic Hwy 98 Alt. |  |

| | | | |Key lime bread pudding | |

|Porter Gap |C |WFL |Great Falls |Porter Gap. N 33 15.033 - W 86 01.100 |  |

|Talladega County | | | | | |

|Prattville |SE |CRT |Autauga County |134 N Court Street |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Prattville |SE |EAT |Chocodelphia |207 Interstate industrial Loop at I 64 exit 181. |  |

| | | | |Things celestial and chocolate | |

|Prattville |SE |EAT |Guest House |219 Doster St. |  |

| | | | |Squash croquettes | |

|Prattville |SE |POI |Heritage Park |291 Court Street. |  |

| | | | |Three tiered fountain with great view. | |

|Prattville |SE |100 |Jim's Restaurant |1504 South Memorial Drive "Home Cooking since 1958" |  |

| | | | |N32 26.081 W86 25.264 | |

|Prattville |SE |POI |Old Pratt Vvillage |Area around Sr. 206 and Court Street. |  |

| | | | |Driving tour map at the Chamber of Commerce , or City Hall | |

|Prattville |SE |POI |Wilderness Park |907 Upper Kingston Rd. Dedicated in 1982 as 1st wilderness park |  |

| | | | |developed inside city limits in U.S. Areas of forest have | |

| | | | |60-ft.-tall bamboo with trunks 6 inches in diameter. Hundreds of | |

| | | | |varieties of plants, including one of Alabama's largest beech | |

| | | | |trees. | |

|Rainsville |NE |100 |Katy's Katfish |1382 Main St E "Catfish & Chicken Fingers" N34 29.121 W85 |  |

| | | | |49.543 | |

|Red Bay |NW |CHU |First United Methodist |509 4th Street SW. Originally started by a missionary from |  |

| | | |Church |Booneville, MS as a brush arbor called “Oak Grove.” | |

|Riverside |C |100 |The Ark |13030 Us Highway 78. |  |

| | | | |Fried shrimp & catfish | |

|Roanoke |C |WFL |High Shoals Falls |Roanoke. N 33 14.233 - W 85 19.950 |  |

|Randolph County | | | | | |

|Robertsdale |SW |CNG |The Oasis Truck Stop |I 10 Exit 53. |  |

| | | | |Every Saturday at 7:30 am - I-10 Exit 53 - Phone CBR (251) | |

| | | | |960-1148 | |

|Rockford |C |CRT |Coosa County Courthouse |Main Street. |  |

|Rockford |C |POI |Indian Hills Motorcycle |Located 4.5 miles east of Rockford on Hwy 22. Tent camping, cabins| |

| | | |Resort |and a wigwam for lodging. Restaurant and bar for eating and | |

| | | | |refreshments. Indian Hills Motorcycle Resort is set up as a | |

| | | | |private club with an annual membership fee of $5.00. Open Thursday| |

| | | | |through Sunday 10 AM to 10 PM | |

|Rockford |C |POI |Old Coosa County Jail |Hwy 22 and Jackson St. | |

| | | | |Built in 1842 from large limestone rock | |

|Rogersville |NW |100 |Café Savanna |1609 Lee St "Homemake Chicken Salad" N34 49.500 W87 17.464 |  |

|Rogersville |NW |DAM |Wheeler Dam and Lake |Hwy.101. Wheeler Dam is a dam in Lauderdale | |

| | | | |County in the U.S. state of Alabama. It impounds Wheeler Lake. It | |

| | | | |is one of nine Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) dams on the | |

| | | | |Tennessee River. Wheeler Dam is located, about 7 miles west of | |

| | | | |Rogersville. TVA began dam construction in 1933 and completed it | |

| | | | |1936. It is 6,342 ft long and 72 ft high. Its electrical generating| |

| | | | |capacity is 411,800 kilowatts. It has two locks for river traffic. | |

| | | | |TVA continues as its operator. The lake and dam are named for | |

| | | | |General Joseph "Joe" Wheeler. | |

|Russellville |NW |100 |Daily Bread |305 Jackson Ave S "Caramal Cake" N34 30.172 W87 43.882 |  |

|Russellville |NW |CRT | Franklin County |410 N. Jackson Ave. |  |

| | | |Courthouse. | | |

|Russellville |NW |CHU |Mount Pleasant Methodist|9 miles east toward Moulton on Old SR 24 at Cr 87. The framing of |  |

| | | |Church |the church maintains pegs and square nails that date prior to 1900.| |

|Scottsboro |NE |100 |Blue Willow Bistro |303 E Willow St "Blue Willow Sampler" N34 40.412 W86 01.949 |  |

|Scottsboro |NE |100 |Carlile's |2011 E Willow St "Tomato Pie" N34 40.907 W86 00.450 |  |

|Scottsboro |NE |100 |Cups Café |509 W Willow St Inside Unclaimed Baggage "Chicken Salad" N34 |  |

| | | | |40.423 W86 02.448 | |

|Scottsboro |NE |CRT |Jackson County |102 Laurel Street. |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Scottsboro |NE |100 |Mud Creek Fishing Camp |844 County Road 13. |  |

| | | | |Catfish | |

|Scottsboro |NE |100 |Payne's (1869) |101 E Laurel St. |  |

| | | | |Hot dog & red slaw & old-fashioned sodas; old fashion soda fountain| |

| | | | |features a black and white color scheme with red accents. You can | |

| | | | |perch on a bar stool, order a fountain Coke that's mixed on the | |

| | | | |spot and served in a traditional Coca-Cola glass. | |

|Scottsboro |NE |EAT |Pikeville Store-N-Deli |5122 Hwy 21. |  |

| | | | |"Best hamburgers in the world", cheeseburgers too. | |

|Scottsboro |NE |100 |The Docks @ Goose Pond |1165 Ed Hembree Dr "Shrimp & Grits" N34 35.886 W86 04.789 |  |

| | | |Colony | | |

|Scottsboro |NE |100 |The Veranda Café |209 S Market St # 108 "Strawberry Salad" N34 40.363 W86 01.998 |  |

|Scottsboro |NE |100 |Triple R BBQ |2940 Veterans Drive, Hwy 35 "Pulled Pork" N34 38.965 W85 59.302 |  |

|Scottsboro |NE |POI |Unclaimed Baggage |509 W Willow St. |  |

| | | | |Gets all of the lost baggage from national airlines. No telling | |

| | | | |what you'll find here. Great place to find camping gear at reduced | |

| | | | |prices. | |

|Seale |SE |POI |Old Russell County |Courthouse Square. |  |

| | | |Courthouse |Formerly Russell Co. Courthouse when Seale was county seat | |

| | | | |(1866–1943). Built in 1868, is one of oldest in state. Features | |

| | | | |Indian artifacts and paleontology display | |

|Selma |SW |CRT |Dallas county |105 Lauderdale |  |

| | | |Courthouse. | | |

|Selma |SW |100 |Downtowner |1114 Selma Ave "Peach Cobbler" N32 24.539 W87 01.221 |  |

|Selma |SW |POI |Edmond Pettus Bridge |1 US 80 East. |  |

| | | | |Civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery. | |

|Selma |SW |100 |Grumbles |1300 Water Ave. |  |

| | | | |Marinated chicken breast sandwich; Be sure to notice the | |

| | | | |restaurant’s two original black iron gates, believed to be (slave | |

| | | | |doors) that weighs about 400 hundred each. Customers claim the best| |

| | | | |Reuben sandwiches they ever ate. | |

|Selma |SW |BBQ |Jo Jo’s |2658 Al Highway 41 across from Craig Field Industrial Park. Form |  |

| | | | |the looks of their building; you won’t want to go in. But do for | |

| | | | |some of the best food you will find in Alabama. | |

| | | | |Bar-B-Q ribs & pork, meat & two. | |

|Selma |SW |POI |Old Cahawba |9518 Cahaba Rd. 9 miles south on Hwy 22 to Cr 9 then left and |  |

| | | |Archaeological Park |follow signs 5 miles to Park. | |

| | | | |Alabama's first permanent state capital. Here is where the Cahaba | |

| | | | |and Alabama Rivers converge. | |

|Selma |SW |POI |Old Live Oak Cemetery |200 Dallas Avenue. | |

| | | | |Largest concentration of Confederate Generals in any cemetery in | |

| | | | |the U.S. Visitors who stroll beneath its ancient oaks and magnolias| |

| | | | |draped in Spanish moss, will find glory, humor and pathos in the | |

| | | | |lives whose stories are told here. | |

|Selma |SW |POI |St. James Hotel |1200 Water Ave. |  |

| | | | |One of the few remaining antebellum riverfront hotels | |

|Selma |SW |POI |Sturdivant Hall |713 Mabry St. |  |

| | | | |Neoclassical mansion designed by Robert. E. Lee's cousin. Took | |

| | | | |three years to build. | |

|Selma |SW |100 |Tally-Ho Restaurant |509 Mangum Avenue. |  |

| | | | |New York Strip steak, Homemade zucchini muffins | |

|Sewanee |TN |POI |All Saints Chapel – The |735 University Ave. | |

| | | |University of the South |All Saints' Chapel was begun in 1905 and completed in 1959. The | |

| | | | |Chapel's foundation is oriented so that the main axis of the church| |

| | | | |lies on an east-west line. In keeping with an ancient Christian | |

| | | | |practice, the altar is located on this axis toward the east. By | |

| | | | |means of this architectural design, All Saints' Chapel provides a | |

| | | | |literal orientation for the university. | |

|Sewanee |TN |POI |Natural Bridge |End of Natural Bridge Road off of Sherwood Road. | |

| | | | |Natural Bridge is a three- acre natural area located in Franklin | |

| | | | |County. Natural Bridge is a 25 feet high natural sandstone arch | |

| | | | |with a span of 50 feet that provides a scenic overlook of Lost | |

| | | | |Cove. There is a wet weather spring associated with a rock house | |

| | | | |located behind the natural bridge. The spring probably contributed | |

| | | | |to the formation of the arch. Lost Cove is a large karst formation | |

| | | | |on the dissected section of the Cumberland Plateau. It is | |

| | | | |essentially a giant sinkhole. Lost Creek flows into the valley and | |

| | | | |disappears into Lost Cove Cave at the Big Sinks and re-emerges as | |

| | | | |Crow Creek from Buggy Top Cave within Mr. & Mrs. Harry Lee Carter | |

| | | | |State Natural Area. The site also has been referred to as Sewanee | |

| | | | |Natural Bridge since the University of the South in Sewanee once | |

| | | | |owned it. The natural area is a part of the South Cumberland | |

| | | | |Recreation Area. | |

|Sheffield |NW |POI |FDR Monument. Site were |SW corner of Montgomery Ave & E First St. | |

| | | |FDR announced |On Jan. 21, 1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt announced to an immense | |

| | | |development of the TVA |crowd at this crossing from his railroad car that he would approve | |

| | | | |development of the Tennessee River Valley and promised “to put | |

| | | | |Muscle Shoals back on the map”. He then toured the idle U.S. | |

| | | | |Nitrate Plant No. 2 and the Wilson Dam site with Senator George | |

| | | | |Norris. The new Congress approved Norris’s plans for development of| |

| | | | |the entire Tennessee River and FDR signed the Tennessee Valley | |

| | | | |Authority Act on May 18, 1933, thereby ending years of bitter | |

| | | | |controversy about the future of Muscle shoals district. The nitrate| |

| | | | |plants were given to TVA for development of fertilizers in | |

| | | | |peacetime and production of munitions in wartime. FDR returned Nov.| |

| | | | |17 1934 to inspect the work underway by TVA at Wheeler Dam and | |

| | | | |Nitrate Plant No. 2 and again boarded his train in Sheffield. The | |

| | | | |TVA projects helped the area recover from the Great Depression, and| |

| | | | |power from the dams induced new industries to locate in the area. | |

|Sheffield |NW |100 |George's Steak Pit |1206 S Jackson Hwy "Ribeye Steak" N34 44.859 W87 42.059 |  |

|Shelby |C |POI |Civil War era Shelby |10268 Hwy 42.One of only two such mills existing in the South at | |

| | | |Iron Works |the outbreak of the Civil War, this plant produced the armor that | |

| | | | |covered the hull of the famous Confederate gunboat "Tennessee." The| |

| | | | |park features living history demonstrations and tours by request. | |

|Shorter |SE |POI |Victoryland Greyhound |8680 County Road 40 | |

| | | |Park | | |

|Slocomb |SE |100 |Zack's |160 East Slocomb St. |  |

| | | | |Cornbread & fried green tomatoes | |

|Smuteye |SE |POI |Old Store |Hwy. 239 and Barbour County Road. 14. This is an old abandoned | |

| | | |BMW roundel on sign |store and a good photo opp. Notice the Dillinger message on the | |

| | | | |front door. | |

|Somerville |NW |CRT |Morgan Old County |Main Street and Broad Street. | |

| | | |Courthouse |First Permanent Court House, Morgan County Built circa 1837 with | |

| | | | |special taxes levied for that purpose by Alabama Legislature, 1836.| |

| | | | |Replaced first court house, built circa 1825. Somerville was | |

| | | | |incorporated, 1819, county seat 1819-1891. Cotaco County created | |

| | | | |February 8, 1818, renamed Morgan County, June 14, 1821. | |

|South Pittsburg |TN |EAT |Dixie Freeze |Hwy 156 and Elm St. | |

| | | | |Dixie Freeze is a half dive, half drive in place. Their | |

| | | | |hamburgers, hot dogs and milk shakes are good. Also they have a | |

| | | | |meat and 3 special each day (country fried steak). Not to miss is | |

| | | | |their Coconut Cream (Custard) Pie. | |

|Southside |C |POI |Motorrad Electrick world|1734 Stephens Street. | |

| | | |Headquarters |You want the best for your BMW Motorcycle. Motorrad Elektrik has | |

| | | | |been offering the best in electrical parts for classic and modern | |

| | | | |BMWs for over 10 years. Be it a full 12 volt conversion for your /2| |

| | | | |or better than stock replacement parts for your late model "R" or | |

| | | | |"K", we've got you covered. | |

|Spanish Fort |SW |100 |Blue Gill Restaurant |3775 Battleship Pkwy "Gumbo & crab claws" N30 40.399 W87 57.426 |  |

|Spanish Fort |SW |100 |Ed's Seafood Shed |3382 Battleship Pkwy "Yo Mama's Platter" N30 40.463 W87 57.879 |  |

|Spanish Fort |SW |100 |Felix's Fish Camp |1530 Battleship Pkwy. |  |

| | | | |Crab soup | |

|Spanish Fort |SW |POI |Historic Blakeley Park |34756 Hwy. 225, 20 miles south of Stockton. |  |

| | | | |Blakeley was the last major battle of the Civil War | |

|Spanish Fort |SW |EAT |Roussos |30500 Highway 181. | |

| | | | |Baked oysters & Greek salad | |

|Spanish Fort |SW |100 |The Original Oyster |3733 Battleship Pkwy. |  |

| | | |House |The Original Oyster House on Mobile Causeway-anything steamed or | |

| | | | |broiled, peanut butter/chocolate chip pie with whipped cream | |

| | | | |topping. N30 40.401 W87 57.434 | |

|Spring Garden |NE |CHU |Campground Methodist |County Road 322. Established in 1830s the building was first used |  |

| | | |Church |as a place of worship and the only school in the area. The big | |

| | | | |spring located in front of the church provides the water. Located | |

| | | | |just down the road is the post office built in 1842. | |

|Steele |NE |C |Horse Pen’s 40 |3525 Co. Rd. 42. | |

| | | | |Horse pens 40 is a historic outdoor nature park, a natural | |

| | | | |wonderland of unique rock formations nestled atop Chandler Mountain| |

| | | | |in the foothills of the Appalachians. Located on top of the third | |

| | | | |highest mountain in Alabama at 1500' above sea level, it is blessed| |

| | | | |with a moderate climate that allows everyone to enjoy it's beauty | |

| | | | |year-round. The stone formations here are said to be among the | |

| | | | |oldest naturally exposed stones in the world, dating from 600 | |

| | | | |million to 1.3 billion years old. | |

| | | | |   There are over 60 rare, threatened, protected, or endangered | |

| | | | |species in the park. | |

|Sterrett |C |CBR |Twin Pines Covered |1230 Twin Pines Road. Permission required |  |

| | | |Bridge | | |

|Stevenson |NE |CHU |Helton Memorial Chapel |94 County Road 454. Cir 1900, named after Emma Helton who donated |  |

| | | | |$1040 to build chapel in memory of husband. | |

|Stevenson |NE |POI |Stevenson Railroad |124 West Main St. |  |

| | | |Museum |The museum is located at the heart of downtown Stevenson and is | |

| | | | |situated between the tracks of two major railroads. The depot, | |

| | | | |which was built in 1872 and listed in the National Register of | |

| | | | |Historic Places, stands on the ruins of Stevenson's first railroad | |

| | | | |depot, which was built around 1852 for common use by the Nashville | |

| | | | |& Chattanooga and the Memphis & Charleston Railroads. That original| |

| | | | |depot was destroyed either during, or shortly after, the Civil War.| |

| | | | |Bricks salvaged may have been used in the building of the present | |

| | | | |structure. | |

|Stockton |SW |100 |Stage Coach Cafe |5264 Hwy 59. |  |

| | | | |Catfish & shrimp dinners | |

|Syacauga |C |100 |Marble City Grill |112 N Broadway Ave "Spinach Mushroom Quesadilla" |  |

| | | | |N33 10.166 W86 15.045 | |

|Sylacauga |C |EAT |Blue Bell Ice Creamery |423 North Norton Avenue, Blue Bell opened its Sylacauga | |

| | | | |manufacturing facility in 1996. Sylacauga is located about 45 miles| |

| | | | |southeast of Birmingham off of Highway 280 in central Alabama. | |

| | | | |Tours are available by appointment only, Monday through Friday from| |

| | | | |9:00 am to 1:00pm. | |

| | | | |Tours last 45 minutes. Limit 45 people per tour. | |

| | | | |Please check in at the Country Store on arrival. | |

|Sylacauga |C |EAT |Buttermilk Hill |300 E 3rd St. |  |

| | | | |Pork tenderloin | |

|Talladega |C |VIN |Bryant Vineyards |1454 Griffitt Bend Rd. Muscadine wine. Award winning wines. |  |

|Talladega |C |100 |Fincher's |5187 Renfroe Road. |  |

| | | | |Grilled catfish | |

|Talladega |C |CRT |Talladega County |Court House Square |  |

|Tallassee |SE |BBQ |Johnny G’s |2863 Gilmer Street. | |

| | | |Pit BBQ |BBQ | |

|Tallassee |SE |DAM |Thurlow Dam Tallapoosa |Located on Hwy. 14 over the Tallapoosa River near Tallassee, | |

| | | |River |Thurlow Dam was built in 1930 at the site of an early 19th century | |

| | | | |textile mill that was used during the Civil War as a uniform and | |

| | | | |ammunition plant. Area of reservoir is 574 acres, and generates 58 | |

| | | | |MW. | |

|Tallassee |SE |DAM |Yates Dam and Lake |554 YATES Dam Road | |

| | | | |Lake Yates was impounded July 1, 1928 and named for Eugene A. | |

| | | | |Yates, the Chief Engineer for Alabama Power dam building efforts | |

| | | | |hired in 1912. The nearest town is Tallassee, Alabama. One public | |

| | | | |access site is maintained by Alabama Power | |

|Tensaw |SW |POI |Fort Mimms |65690 Fort Mimms Road east of Hwy 59. |  |

| | | | |Fort Mimms, a temporary stockade near the confluence of the | |

| | | | |Tombigbee and Alabama rivers, Ala. was the scene of a massacre | |

| | | | |(Aug. 30, 1813) in which William Weatherford led a band of Red | |

| | | | |Stick Creek Indians in the killing of c.500 whites. The conditions | |

| | | | |and events that led up to the Creek Indian War, which resulted in | |

| | | | |the Fort Mims massacre on August 30, 1813, began before the start | |

| | | | |of the War of 1812. In the early 1800s, the loosely confederated | |

| | | | |tribes of the Creek nation numbered somewhere between 18,000 to | |

| | | | |24,000 persons and primarily inhabited present day Alabama and | |

| | | | |western Georgia. Their territory was generally bounded by the | |

| | | | |Tennessee River on the north, the Gulf of Mexico on the south, the | |

| | | | |Oconee River in Georgia on the east, and the Tombigbee River on the| |

| | | | |west and comprised about 300 square miles. | |

|Tensaw |SW |POI |Red Hill Spring |70453 Hwy 59. |  |

| | | | |The wettest most refreshing water ever. People regularly come from | |

| | | | |over a hundred miles away to stock up on water. + - 3 miles south | |

| | | | |of Ft. Mimms on Hwy 59 on the right. | |

|Thomaston |SW |100 |Mama Nem's |6th Ave & Hwy 25 "Pepper jelly omelet & Black belt eggs benedict"|  |

| | | | |N32 16.304 W87 37.530 | |

|Thomasville |SW |EAT |The Grill |33801 Highway 43. |  |

| | | | |Smoked turkey& hoop cheese sandwiches | |

|Trinity |NW |100 |Caddo Cafeteria |6091 County Road 434 "White Cream Corn" N34 33.725 W87 09.561 |  |

|Troy |SE |100 |Crowe's |904 N. Three Notch St. |  |

| | | | |Chicken fingers & dipping sauce | |

|Troy |SE |100 |Mossy Grove Schoolhouse |1841 Al Highway 87 "Beans & Cornbread" N31 45.199 W85 57.579 |  |

|Troy |SE |CRT |Pike County Courthouse |120 W. Church Street. |  |

|Troy |SE |100 |Sisters |3316 Hwy. 231 S. |  |

| | | | |Banana pudding. | |

|Tuscaloosa |C |POI |Alabama Museum of |The Museum is located in Smith Hall on the corner of Sixth Avenue |  |

| | | |Natural History |and Capstone Drive on The University of Alabama campus in | |

| | | | |Tuscaloosa and is open Monday – Saturday, 10:00 am to 4:30 pm. | |

| | | | |Features extensive fossil and mineral collections | |

|Tuscaloosa |C |DAM |Bankhead Lock and Dam |NE of Tuscaloosa. 1503 Bankhead Road off of Lock 17 Road on the | |

| | | | |east bank of the Warrior River. The John Hollis Bankhead Lock and | |

| | | | |Dam which forms Bankhead Lake is the first impoundment | |

| | | | |(northernmost) structure on the mainstream of the Black Warrior and| |

| | | | |is located in the Northeast corner of Tuscaloosa County. The | |

| | | | |original lock was built in 1915 and then replaced by the Army Corps| |

| | | | |of Engineers in 1963. This dam is the highest on the Black Warrior | |

| | | | |River. Alabama Power Company constructed and maintains a | |

| | | | |hydroelectric powerhouse below the lock which they built in 1963. | |

| | | | |Bankhead is one of two Corps owned dams fitted with an Alabama | |

| | | | |Power Company hydropower generating turbine producing 52,400 kW of | |

| | | | |power. | |

| | | | |Bankhead Lake is the largest. of the mainstream Warrior | |

| | | | |impoundments, extending 65 miles in length into the Locust, | |

| | | | |Mulberry and Sipsey Forks and creating a total surface area of | |

| | | | |9,200 acres. | |

|Tuscaloosa |C |100 |Bob Baumhower's Wings |500 Harper Lee Dr. |  |

| | | |Sports Grille |Chicken wings | |

|Tuscaloosa |C |EAT |Cafe Venice |2321 University Blvd. Roasted red pepper soup & lasagna |  |

|Tuscaloosa |C |100 |Cypress Inn |501 Rice Mine Rd NE. Hoppin' John |  |

|Tuscaloosa |C |100 |Dreamland BBQ |5535 15th Ave E. |  |

| | | | |Pork ribs & white bread | |

|Tuscaloosa |C |100 |Evangeline's |1653 McFarland Blvd N "Crab Cakes" N33 14.034 W87 32.491 |  |

|Tuscaloosa |C |POI |Gorgas House |Capstone & Mccorvy Dr. |  |

| | | | |One of four buildings to survive the civil War | |

|Tuscaloosa |C |DAM |Holt Lock and Dam |NE of Tuscaloosa. 12686 Holt Lock & Dam Road off of CR 93. The Hold| |

| | | | |Lock and Dam which forms Holt Lake was completed by the Army Corps | |

| | | | |of Engineers in 1969, and like the Bankhead dam, is fitted with | |

| | | | |Alabama Power Company hydropower turbines producing 40,000 kW on | |

| | | | |the right bank of the dam. The new dam inundated four older locks, | |

| | | | |some of which were removed to prevent navigation hazards during low| |

| | | | |water. Holt Lake extends upstream 19 miles to the John Hollis | |

| | | | |Bankhead Lock and Dam. It sits approximately 6 miles upstream of | |

| | | | |Tuscaloosa and 2 miles northwest of Holt. Holt Lake is the middle | |

| | | | |of three lakes on the Warrior between Tuscaloosa to the convergence| |

| | | | |of the Mulberry and Locust Fork Rivers (Bankhead sits above and | |

| | | | |Oliver below). The lake covers 3,200 acres. recreation attraction.| |

|Tuscaloosa |C |100 |Kozy's |3510 Loop Rd "Stuffed Mushrooms" N33 11.449 W87 29.537 |  |

|Tuscaloosa |C |100 |Maggie's Diner |1307 Ty Rogers Jr Ave "Fried Chicken" N33 12.069 W87 34.151 |  |

|Tuscaloosa |C |POI |Paul W. Bryant Museum |300 Paul Bear Bryant Dr. |  |

| | | | |Replicated setting of Bear Bryant's office and a dazzling version | |

| | | | |of his famous hat. | |

|Tuscaloosa |C |CRT |Tuscaloosa County |714 Greensboro Ave. |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Tuscaloosa |C |POI |University of Alabama |University Blvd. |  |

| | | |Campus |The site of a beautiful historic district and campus | |

|Tuscaloosa |C |POI |Wetervelt Warner Museum |8316 Mountbatten Road. Our inviting facility features one of the | |

| | | |of American Art |most significant assemblages of American art to be found anywhere. | |

| | | | |Among our exhibits are hundreds of paintings, sculptures, artifacts| |

| | | | |and antiques by world-renowned artists. | |

|Tuscaloosa - Northport |C |100 |City Cafe |408 Main Ave. |  |

| | | | |Meat & three | |

|Tuscaloosa - Northport |C |100 |Archibald's |5900 Watermelon Rd. |  |

| | | |All locations |Barbecued ribs | |

|Tuscaloosa - Northport |C |EAT |The Globe |430 Main Ave. |  |

| | | | |Thai emerald curry with jumbo tiger shrimp | |

|Tuscaloosa – Northport - |C |EAT |Northport Diner |450 McFarland Blvd. | |

| | | | |Meat & three ++ | |

|Tuscumbia |NW |POI |Alabama Music Hall of |617 Highway 72 West.    Hank Williams, Elvis Presley, Emmylou |  |

| | | |Fame |Harris, The Temptations and many others. | |

|Tuscumbia |NW |CRT |Colbert County |201 N. Main Street. |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Tuscumbia |NW |POI |Coon Dog Grave Yard |7 miles west of Tuscumbia on U.S. Hwy 72. Turn left on Alabama Hwy |  |

| | | | |247, and travel approximately 12 miles. Then turn right, and follow| |

| | | | |the signs. | |

| | | | |Coon Dog Cemetery Road. The site contains markers and tombstones, | |

| | | | |some with epitaphs, for or more than 100 coon dogs. Follow signs | |

| | | | |from US 72; Just keep going, you'll get there. It's worth the | |

| | | | |approximately 18 mile ride. | |

|Tuscumbia |NW |CHU |First Presbyterian |103 N. Broad St. This Georgian Gothic style church is Alabama’s |  |

| | | |Church |oldest house of continuous worship. It was the home church of | |

| | | | |Helen Keller. | |

|Tuscumbia |NW |POI |Ivy Green |300 N Commons St W. |  |

| | | | |Birthplace of Helen Keller | |

|Tuscumbia |NW |100 |Palace Ice Cream & |100 S Main St "Harvey milkshake" N34 43.937 W87 42.216 |  |

| | | |Sandwich | | |

|Tuscumbia |NW |CHU |St John’s Episcopal |300 N. Dickson St. This is the state’s oldest Carpenter Gothic |  |

| | | |Church |Church. Built in 1855, it was used by the Union soldiers to stable| |

| | | | |their horses. | |

|Tuscumbia |NW |EAT |The Old Rocking Chair |814 Highway 72 West |  |

| | | | |Great breakfasts, other meals too. Try the "Arkansas Ham". Eggs | |

| | | | |are cooked just like you likeum. | |

|Tuskegee |SE |POI |George Washington Carver|Located on the campus of Tuskegee University. |  |

| | | |Museum |Tributes G.W. Carver's agricultural experiments with peanuts, | |

| | | | |pecans, sweet potatoes and cotton. | |

|Tuskegee |SE |100 |JT's Bar & Grill |204 S Elm St "Footlongs & Burgers" N32 25.327 W85 41.450 |  |

|Tuskegee |SE |100 |Kellogg Conference |1 Booker T Washington Boulevard "Yams" N32 25.831 W85 42.416 |  |

| | | |Center At Tuskegee | | |

| | | |University Restaurant | | |

|Tuskegee |SE |CRT |Macon County Courthouse |101 E. Northside Street. |  |

|Tuskegee |SE |EAT |Talliaferro’s |205 W Martin Luther King Hwy. |  |

| | | | |Peach cobbler. Restaurant’s name is the middle initial of Booker T | |

| | | | |Washington | |

|Tuskegee |SE |POI |Tuskegee Airmen's Museum|1720 General Chappie James Ave. |  |

| | | | |Revered by American bomber crews, the 332nd Fighter Group never | |

| | | | |lost a bomber to enemy fighters while escorting the 15th Air Force.| |

|Tuskegee |SE |POI |Tuskegee Campus |1200 Old Montgomery Road. |  |

| | | | |Drive by the campus and see some of the most beautiful brick | |

| | | | |architecture in the south. | |

|Union Springs |SE |POI |1850 Log Cabin Museum |Hwy.82 W Blackman Street. | |

| | | |and Confederate Cemetery|Visit 1850 log cabin where tour is given by descendant of original | |

| | | | |owner. Cemetery includes Union and Confederate soldiers. | |

|Union Springs |SE |POI |Bird Dog Statue |North Prarie St. and Hardaway Ave. E. | |

| | | | |Bronze statue sculpted by Robert G. Wehle. Life-size pointer atop | |

| | | | |8-ft. granite base engraved with names of 11 men from Bullock Co. | |

| | | | |in the Bird Dog Hall of Fame. It pays tribute to Bullock County's | |

| | | | |unexcelled upland game country, bird dogs, and the men and women | |

| | | | |who participate in the sport of field trialing. Located at the | |

| | | | |intersection of Prairie Street and Hardaway Avenue. | |

|Union Springs |SE |CRT |Bullock County |217 N. Prarie Street, |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Union Springs |SE |100 |Hilltop Grill |18627 Highway 82 "Smoked Meat & Homemade Stew" |  |

| | | | |N32 08.260 W85 43.513 | |

|Union Springs |SE |POI |Old 1897 Bulloch County |Located behind the courthouse, it still has the original trapdoor | |

| | | |Jail Museum |used for hangings. | |

|Valley |SE |100 |559 Market Place |559 Fob James Dr "Homemade soups" N32 49.060 W85 12.368 |  |

|Valley Head |NE |POI |Sequoyah Caverns |1438 County Road 731. Named for Cherokee Chief Sequoyah, who |  |

| | | | |developed an alphabet for the Cherokee people. | |

|Valley Head - |NE |WFL |Little Falls (Valley |N 34 31.149 - W85 36.633 |  |

|Dekalb County | | |Head) | | |

|Vance |C |POI |Mercedes-Benz Visitor |11 Mercedes Dr. Museum & plant tour when available. “From 1886 |  |

| | | |Center |to the Present… Experience the star-studded history of | |

| | | | |Daimler-Benz, the world's premier automobile manufacturer and see a| |

| | | | |replica of the first motorcycle built by Karl Benz. The story is | |

| | | | |chronicled in the Mercedes-Benz Visitor Center, the first of its | |

| | | | |kind outside Germany. This architectural showcase, adjacent to | |

| | | | |Daimler's only U.S. automobile manufacturing plant, brings to life | |

| | | | |the company's vision - to produce nothing less than the most | |

| | | | |exceptional automobiles in the world." | |

|Vandiver |C |POI |29 Dreams Motorcycle |53707 Highway 25. |  |

| | | |Resort |Chicken salad sandwich & burgers, adult beverages Cabins and tent | |

| | | | |camping. | |

|Vernon |C |CRT |Lamar County Court House|330 First St. NE. |  |

|Vernon |C |POI |Rub Burrow’s Grave |Located at the Fellowship Cemetery, 996 Fellowship Road, Vernon, AL| |

| | | | |N33 46.774 W88 03.181. | |

| | | | |Rube Burrow Train Robber.    Rube Burrow born in Lamar County | |

| | | | |Alabama December 11, 1854, went to Texas in 1872, where he became a| |

| | | | |cowboy.  | |

| | | | |Few bandits in the south or southwest were so widely known from | |

| | | | |1886-1890 as Rube. He would climb aboard the engine usually at | |

| | | | |night as it was pulling away from a station and force the engineer,| |

| | | | |at gunpoint, to stop the express car on solid ground, leaving the | |

| | | | |passenger car stranded on a trestle. By this method, Rube Burrow | |

| | | | |robbed so many trains that an engineer on the Texas &Pacific Line | |

| | | | |is said to have once asked "Where do you want me to stop this | |

| | | | |time?" and Rube replied "Same place".  | |

| | | | |Rube was captured and in jail in Linden.  He was killed outside the| |

| | | | |old Marengo courthouse trying to escape.  | |

|Vincent |C |POI |Logan Martin Dam |217 Logan martin Road (Cr 54). | |

| | | |Logan Martin Lake |Great views. This 17,000 acre Coosa River reservoir was built in | |

| | | | |1965 by Alabama Power company. The lake, nicknamed Lake of a | |

| | | | |Thousand Coves by locals, has 275 miles of shoreline along its 48.5| |

| | | | |mile length sandwiched between Logan Martin Dam on the south and | |

| | | | |Neely Henry Dam on the north. The depth of the lake is 35 to 110 | |

| | | | |feet with only five feet average water level variance. With some of| |

| | | | |the nation’s finest bass fishing. | |

|Vincent |C |EAT |Pier 59 |1636 Rivercrest Drive. Off of Hwy 54 on Logan Martin Lake near the | |

| | | | |dam. Follow the signs. | |

| | | | |Open Wed. – Friday 3PM till. Saturday - 11AM till. | |

| | | | |Relax inside or kick back on our deck while the ducks swim by or | |

| | | | |boats cruise across the blue water. Cold beverages and great | |

| | | | |burgers and more. | |

|Waldo |C |EAT |The Old Mill Restaurant |57890 Hwy. 77. |  |

| | | | |Fried dill pickles | |

|Waldo |C |CBR |Waldo Covered Bridge |57890 Hwy. 77. |  |

| | | | |Located behind the Old Mill Restaurant. | |

| | | | |Closed to motor traffic | |

|Warrior |C |EAT |Big Daddy’s BBQ |407 Main St N. | |

| | | | |Great BBQ. Won best ribs category in Birmingham area 2008. | |

| | | | |Birmingham News | |

|Warrior River |C |EAT |Quinn’s Landing |679 Quinn’s Landing Rd. off of Camp Oliver Rd. | |

| | | | |Quinn's serves good basic food. Cheeseburgers and fries, iced tea. | |

| | | | |Excellent views of Bankhead Lake. | |

|Warrior River |C |EAT |River Café |7748 Smith Camp Road. |  |

| | | | |Said to be the oldest bar in Alabama. Great cheeseburgers. A good | |

| | | | |place to have lunch while on the Mud Creek Run. | |

|Waterloo |NW |EXT |Historical marker |South end of Main Street. Alabama’s NW Extreme location. | |

|Waterloo |NW |EAT |Riverwalk Café |401 Main Street. | |

| | | | |Good place for breakfast and lunch. | |

|Waverly |SW |100 |Yellow Hammer |1465 Patrick St "Seasonal gourmet ice cream" N32 44.066 W85 |  |

| | | | |34.383 | |

|Wedowee |C |DAM |R.L. Harris Dam and Lake|Ten miles southeast of Lineville on Blakes Ferry / R. L. Harris Dam| |

| | | |Wedowee |Road. R. L. Harris Dam, the newest of the fourteen Alabama Power | |

| | | | |Company hydroelectric developments, was built at one of the last | |

| | | | |major hydro sites in Alabama. Hydroelectric power service available| |

| | | | |in 1983 with two units producing 67,500 kW each. Harris Dam forms | |

| | | | |the 10,660 acre Lake Wedowee. | |

|Wedowee |C |CRT |Randolph County | 7 N. Main Street. |  |

| | | |Courthouse | | |

|Weogufka |C |POI |Capertons Old South |Cr road 29 and Cr 56. |  |

| | | |General Store and Pawn |1850 Capertons Old South General Store and Pawn Shop in Weogufka, | |

| | | |Shop |Al (Center of all things Confederate in this area). The first site | |

| | | | |you will notice here is the large Confederate Flag flying from the | |

| | | | |store's roof top antenna and it gets better when you go in to enjoy| |

| | | | |a conversation with the owner, Lloyd Caperton You can also have | |

| | | | |your favorite soft drink and snack and shop for a firearm or good | |

| | | | |quality knife, or perhaps a confederate soldier's cap or battle | |

| | | | |flag may catch your fancy. Be sure to notice the marble floors. | |

|West Point |NW |POI |Crooked Creek Civil War |580 County Road 1127 | |

| | | |Museum |Battle site of the Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest and | |

| | | | |Union Col. Abel Streight fought for several hours on April 30, 1863| |

| | | | |at Crossing of Crooked Creek and Hog Mountain. The entrance and | |

| | | | |gift shop are housed in the old Vinemont Stagecoach Inn which was | |

| | | | |purchased and moved to the site. Also on the property is the Mayes| |

| | | | |homestead cabin from Somerville, Ala., built in the 1830s and | |

| | | | |reconstructed on site. It is now a bed and breakfast. | |

| | | | |N34 13.407 W86 58.777 | |

|Wetumpka |SE |POI |Bibb Graves Bridge |290 E. Bridge Street. |  |

| | | | |Bibb Graves Bridge, spanning the Coosa River downtown, shown in the| |

| | | | |film, Big Fish | |

|Wetumpka |SE |POI |c1820 Calaboose |Take alley off of Orline St. toward the river behind commercial |  |

| | | | |buildings. Well preserved. The first jail in Wetumpka is located on| |

| | | | |the north side of E. Bridge Street behind a row of businesses. | |

| | | | |Notice the thickness of the painted white brick walls. The location| |

| | | | |offers a good view of the underside of the Arched Bridge. | |

|Wetumpka |SE |EAT |Casa Napoli Italian |2215 US Highway 231. Lasagna, Special Bread Pudding. South of Ft. |  |

| | | |Restaurant |Toulouse on US 231 | |

|Wetumpka |SE |CRT |Elmore County |100 E. Commerce Street. |  |

| | | |Courthouse. | | |

|Wetumpka |SE |POI |Fort Toulouse/ FT. |2400 Fort Toulouse Road. |  |

| | | |Jackson |Ft. Toulouse was the original 1717 French fortress served as a | |

| | | | |trading post where Native Americans exchanged furs and deerskins | |

| | | | |for European goods. FT Jackson, where the treaty was signed ending | |

| | | | |the U.S. Creek Indian war. | |

|Wetumpka |SE |DAM |Jordan Dam |Located on Jordan Dam Rd. off of SR 111. The wildest stretch of the| |

| | | | |Coosa River began about 14 miles north of Wetumpka and ended at the| |

| | | | |bridge that linked the two sides of town falls. So great were the | |

| | | | |and standing waves that you could hear the water roar a mile from | |

| | | | |the stream. "Devils Staircase," as it was known, is where Jordan | |

| | | | |Dam would be completed in 1928. | |

|Wetumpka |SE |100 |Our Place Cafe |809 Company St. |  |

| | | | |Crab Cakes. For a delectable dinner, the restaurant occupies a | |

| | | | |brick building once owned by the Graham family. Back in the 1930s, | |

| | | | |the structure housed a grocery store with an apartment above and | |

| | | | |later served as an office for the family's wholesale gasoline | |

| | | | |business. Here you will find casual elegance in dining and an | |

| | | | |ambience-filled restaurant with two dining levels. The owner | |

| | | | |describes his cuisine as more "Creole than Cajun". | |

|Wetumpka |SE |POI |The Bloom Family Home & |Looking up the hill at 402 East Bridge St., you will see the Bloom |  |

| | | |Ashton Courthouse shown |family home. The Ashton Courthouse in the film is actually the | |

| | | |in the film, "Big Fish" |Elmore County Courthouse at 100 Commerce St. You also will find the| |

| | | | |site of the Horizon Savings & Loan bank robbery in Wetumpka. | |

|Wetumpka |SE |DAM |Walter Bouldin Dam |Located NE of Wetumpka on Bouldin Dam Road. Walter Bouldin Dam was | |

| | | |Jordan Lake Reservoir |the last dam built as part of an Alabama Power project that | |

| | | | |developed the Coosa River. Bouldin Dam has the largest generating | |

| | | | |capacity of Alabama Power's 14 hydro facilities. It is unusual in | |

| | | | |design because it was built on a canal. Some people refer to it as | |

| | | | |the "plant built in a cornfield." | |

|White Hall |SE |POI |Holy Ground Creek |Located 24 miles west of Montgomery off of Cr 40. Turn into the | |

| | | |Battleground |Holy Ground Battleground Park and turn left just beyond the guard | |

| | | | |building toward the picnic area. Look for the sign with Holy Ground| |

| | | | |Battlefield information and follow the walkway to the overlook. A | |

| | | | |commanding bluff overlooking the Alabama River near the small | |

| | | | |community of White Hall holds a significant place in Alabama | |

| | | | |history | |

| | | | |and legend. | |

| | | | |This was the site of Holy Ground, the town of Creek Prophet Josiah | |

| | | | |Francis and a base of operations for Red Stick warriors during the | |

| | | | |Creek War of 1813-1814. The noted Creek warrior William Weatherford| |

| | | | |is said to have | |

| | | | |made his famed horseback leap into the river from the bluff. | |

| | | | |Although it may have existed earlier, Holy Ground first attracted | |

| | | | |attention during the | |

| | | | |winter of 1812-1813 when Prophet Francis made it the headquarters | |

| | | | |for his rapidly | |

| | | | |expanding religious movement. A convert to the teachings of the | |

| | | | |Shawnee Prophet | |

| | | | |Tenskwatawa, Francis taught his followers | |

| | | | |that they should return to traditional ways and give up all aspects| |

| | | | |of white culture. | |

| | | | |When a civil war among the Creeks spilled over to the whites | |

| | | | |following the battles at Burnt Corn Creek and Fort Mims, the town | |

| | | | |at Holy Ground quickly became a target for attack. | |

| | | | |One of three U.S. armies converging on the Creek Nation left Fort | |

| | | | |Claiborne (today's Claiborne, Alabama) in December of 1813 and | |

| | | | |began a cross-country march to Holy | |

| | | | |Ground. Led by Gen. Ferdinand L. Claiborne, | |

| | | | |the troops emerged from the forests and attacked Holy Ground on | |

| | | | |December 23, 1813. | |

| | | | |Following their dramatic and bloody victory at Fort Mims, the Red | |

| | | | |Sticks were too confident in their abilities to deal with the | |

| | | | |soldiers and | |

| | | | |resistance quickly disintegrated as the tide of the Battle of Holy | |

| | | | |Ground began to turn | |

| | | | |against them. A detachment of warriors fought from behind fallen | |

| | | | |trees and logs to hold back Claiborne’s men while Francis and the | |

| | | | |other leaders evacuated their non-combatants to safety | |

| | | | |across the Alabama River. | |

| | | | |In one of the memorable events of the day, the famed Creek warrior | |

| | | | |William Weatherford | |

| | | | |dashed to and fro on horseback, looking for an avenue of escape. | |

| | | | |According to Alabama legend, finding himself trapped by soldiers, | |

| | | | |he suddenly spurred his horse to a run and rode it off the top of | |

| | | | |the bluff in a sailing leap into the river below | |

|Whitehouse |NW |CHU |Whitehouse Church of |15011 Highway 278. In the early 1900’s when the congregation | |

| | | |Christ |painted the church white, it became known as the “White House” | |

| | | | |since it was the only white building in town. | |

|Winterboro |C |WFL |Rendalia Water Falls |Winterboro, N 33 18.083 - W 86 10.283 |  |

|Talladega County | | | | | |

|Woodville |NE |EAT |Joe's Pizza |6586 Hwy 72. |  |

| | | | |It's tiny, with limited seating, but worth stopping for. Joe's has | |

| | | | |great Pizza, Italian dishes and some of the best sandwiches in the | |

| | | | |area. Try the Muffelatta, it' to die for, or the French Dip. I warn| |

| | | | |you, these are "Manly" sandwiches. You may need a friend to help | |

| | | | |you eat one. | |

|Woodville |NE |CHU |Woodville Methodist |106 Pear Street. Current church dates from 1912 –original structure|  |

| | | |Church |built in 1871. | |

| | | | | | |

|York |SW |100 |Larkin's Deli |"Baked Turkey Wings" |  |


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