LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP SERIESSKILLS BUILDING FOR LEADERSThe Productivity Factor’s Leadership Foundation and Skills Building Workshop Series is a set of sixteen (16), four-hour sessions. Each designed to provide 15-30 participants with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to distinguish themselves in relationships, teams, or organizations. 2011Ralph E. Jordan, Lead FacilitatorThe Productivity Factor, Inc.5/20/2011LEADERSHIP FOUNDATION AND SKILLS BUILDING WORKSHOP SERIESINTRODUCTION33432751847850In today’s fast-paced world the only constant companion is change. Our most recent financial crisis has forced us to recognize that we can no longer depend upon the permanence of large government, business, industrial, and financial institutions to provide for our long-term employment, investment, and insurance. More so than ever before, and regardless of our chosen profession, we must be prepared to recognize, understand, and adjust to the constant change that is going on around us.Whether we are dealing with the continual changes within our family make-up, community, or workplace; and whether the changes are fostered by new processes, systems, or products – we must be ever alert for the next change coming at us. The nature of today’s world is such that we are becoming more and more of a global community - a community requiring us to live, work, and play together with people that may be different from us in the way they think, look, or live their lives. For most of us to survive and thrive in this newly minted “global village”, we will need to become proficient at quickly building harmonious and productive relationships to get the important things done with and through other people with like-minded goals and sense of purpose.1524005886450The Productivity Factor’s Leadership Foundation and Skills Building Workshop Series is a set of sixteen (16), four-hour sessions. Each is designed to provide 15-30 participants with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to distinguish themselves in relationships, teams, or organizations. The goal is to develop participants into the “go to” people when a problem needs to be solved or something needs to get done. Whether employed individually, or packaged into a multi-workshop institute, they may be employed to meet a skills challenge or a specific business need. These workshops provide participants with the tools they need to immediately make a difference in performance as leaders, supervisors, or individual contributors. SERIES AND LEARNING METHODOLOGYThis series of workshops will adhere to the Whetten & Cameron Five-Step Learning Model - a learning model that provides participants with an opportunity to practice new behaviors and exhibit new skills during the training event:STEP NO.LEARNING STEPLEARNING IMPACT1AssessmentData/Insight2LectureInformation3Analysis/CasesCognitive Understanding4PracticeAffective Involvement5ApplicationChange in BehaviorIn addition to the knowledge and skills being developed, there is a major element of teambuilding underlining each workshop’s design. The focus of the team- building is to enable each participant to gain a better understanding of the value of recognizing, learning and working with people who may have identity, cultural, or cognitive differences. IDSESSIONORIENTATIONKPLBLeadership BehaviorsLeadership/Self-AssessmentCDIFValuing DifferencesLeadershipMBTIUnderstanding Personality DifferencesLeadership/Self-AssessmentMBTITManaging Diverse TeamsLeadership/Team-AssessmentBEIBuilding Emotional IntelligenceLeadership/Self-AssessmentCONFMastering Confrontation LeadershipCONVHolding Difficult ConversationsLeadershipCONTResolving Conflict on TeamsLeadership/Self-AssessmentMTDManaging Team DynamicsManagementTPFSPStrategic PlanningManagementMPMManaging Projects and MeetingsManagementSPCTSolving Problems and Critical ThinkingManagementNFLUManaging Change and Organizational CultureManagementSWASustaining Quality and Memorable Customer ServiceManagementDRVMotivating Knowledge WorkersManagementSHOPresentation and Facilitation SkillsManagementNTRODevelopment Institute Introductory Module*OrganizationCAPDevelopment Institute Capstone Module*OrganizationNote:*These team-building-oriented modules are designed to provide organization-specific context for the subject matter. They “bookend” multi-session institutes.WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONSLeadership BehaviorsParticipants in this course will be introduced to the highly-respected, behavior-oriented, Kouzes & Posner Leadership Challenge Model. With its focus on easily monitored actions and commitments, it offers a sound, memorable means of continually testing one’s own leadership behaviors. Participants will come to fully understand their own strengths and challenges as aspiring leaders. This workshop is designed for all levels of high performing individuals and leaders.Valuing DifferencesThis workshop explores the identity, cultural, and cognitive differences inherent in the formation of teams in today’s more heterogeneous world. Participants will learn to recognize, appreciate, and celebrate those differences while creating a workplace environment conducive to employing those differences in order to solve the most complex problems and arrive at the richest solutions. With its focus on the importance of diversity, this workshop drives Scott Page’s Cognitive Differences Model to explain why it is important to have people that interpret, categorize, and see things differently as part of any problem-solving or solution-building process. This workshop is designed for all levels of high performing individuals and leaders.Understanding Personality DifferencesParticipants in this workshop will learn about their own and other’s personality traits and tendencies. Utilizing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Instrument as a foundation, participants will explore cognitive differences among sixteen (16) standard personality types. The instrument catalogs: 1) Whether we draw our energy from within or from other people; 2) How we process information; 3) How we deal with logic vs. relationships; and, 4) How we make decisions and relate to the outside world.MBTI is easily the most widely validated and respected personality instrument available. Understanding our own personality is fundamental to understanding and dealing with differences.This workshop is designed for high performing individual contributors being prepared for promotion.WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONSManaging Diverse TeamsThis workshop, specifically designed for whole teams to be in attendance, will enable participants to understand how the combination of their own MBTI Personality Type with other team members can create a team personality - a team personality that, if left undiscovered, can negatively impact the performance of the team and the richness of its solutions. Enrollees in this course must have either attended the Understanding Personality Differences Workshop or have otherwise obtained their MBTI Profile.Building Emotional IntelligenceParticipants in this course will be introduced to the concepts of social and emotional intelligence (EI). Your EI or level of EQ (Emotional Quotient) is now understood to have a higher correlation with the likelihood of your successful leadership than the better understood Intelligence Quotient (IQ) – importantly, EQ, unlike IQ, can be further developed through commitment and practice.In preparation for attending this workshop, participants will complete the TalentSmart Instrument to measure their own Emotional Intelligence via four quadrants: 1) Self-Awareness; 2) Self-Management; 3) Social Awareness; and, 4) Relationship Management.This workshop is designed for all levels of high performing individuals and leaders.Mastering ConfrontationIn this workshop, participants will learn how to prepare for and conduct those difficult conversations that are critical to confronting broken promises, violated expectations, or bad behavior. Participants will be provided with an easy-to-learn model that enables them to give open and honest feedback to individuals, in close relationships, or at all levels in the organization in a way that is clear, respectful and respected – leading to mutually agreed upon corrective action plans.Based upon the VitalSmarts Crucial Confrontations Model, the workshop is constructed so as to allow each participant to observe and safely practice applying the model in “real world” scenarios.This workshop is designed for all levels of high performing individuals and leaders. WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONSHolding Difficult ConversationsIn this workshop, participants are provided with the tools they need to manage those crucial conversations that must be held when stakes are high, and emotions are likely to be volatile, as well. The conversational skills learned and applied in this class will prepare participants to effectively manage these conversations in a way that enables mutual respect, clear understanding, mitigated emotions, and satisfying outcomes.The key to effective leadership is the ability to influence followers. Mastering one-on-one conversational skills is a key component to being able to coach and counsel individual team members to consistently deliver high performance.Based upon the VitalSmarts Crucial Conversations Model, the workshop is constructed so as to allow each participant to observe and safely practice applying the model in “real world” scenarios.This workshop is designed for all levels of high performing individuals and leaders.Resolving Conflict on TeamsThe concept of team synergy (output equal to more than the sum of the inputs) is a function of team members being able to confront and challenge each other’s ideas and behaviors in a constructive and non-threatening way. When well managed, conflict leads to more creative ideas and more robust solutions.Open and honest communication among people thinking differently is fundamental to a team being able to arrive at the richest of solutions. In this Oriel Incorporated’s The Team Handbook-based workshop, participants will learn how to foster healthy and desired conflict while successfully resolving or avoiding destructive personal conflict.In preparation for attending this workshop, participants will complete the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument to identify how they tend to deal with conflict.This workshop is designed for all levels of high performing individuals and leaders.WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONS Managing Team DynamicsThis workshop explores the identity, cultural, and cognitive differences inherent in the formation of teams in today’s world. Participants will learn to recognize, appreciate, and celebrate those differences in order to solve the most complex problems and arrive at the richest solutions.Participants will learn the recipe for the successful formulation and launch of a team. They will be given tools that can be utilized to help a team be much more productive and ultimately more effective. In addition, participants will learn how to assemble, manage, and lead groups to become high performance teams. In this Oriel Incorporated’s The Team Handbook-based workshop the focus is on managing team dynamics through its forming, storming, norming, performing cycles.In addition, participants will learn why teams are not always successful. Using Patrick Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions of a Team Model, we will explore the importance of trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results orientation to the likelihood of team success.This workshop is designed for high performing individual contributors being prepared for promotion.Strategic PlanningThe execution of the strategic planning process is just as important as the resulting plan itself – when properly executed, “organizational alignment” is an important by-product of the process. In this workshop participants will learn both the terminology and the relationships among the key “balanced scorecard” planning elements, the internal and external considerations, and the “top down” and “bottom up” negotiating nature of the strategic planning process.This workshop, specifically designed for whole teams to be in attendance, will enable participants to understand the importance of teamwork and open, honest communication as a foundation for a successful planning process.This workshop is designed for an organization’s leadership team and select key individual contributors. WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONSManaging Projects and MeetingsThe effective utilization of scarce human resources brought together in meetings and on project teams is essential for the long term health and vitality of any multi-departmental organization. These multi-discipline forums to share information, solve problems, or capitalize on opportunities are expensive and as such must be well managed on every occasion. In this workshop, potential project leaders and meeting hosts will be provided with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to make these ventures as effective and productive as possible. Participants will learn how to drive attendance, participation, and follow-thru on all commitments. The importance of stakeholder awareness, action planning, assigning roles and responsibilities, and celebrating key milestones will be emphasized as a recipe for successful ventures.This Oriel Incorporated’s The Team Handbook-based workshop is designed for all levels of high performing individuals and leaders.Solving Problems and Critical ThinkingThis workshop is designed to strengthen participants’ ability to think critically while making decisions based upon the facts of any situation. Participants will learn to apply Oriel Incorporated’s The Team Handbook-based eight-step problem-solving methodology and a data-based approach to selecting among proposed solutions.Participants will learn to recognize and dispel more commonly employed logical fallacies and data manipulation techniques. Participants will be introduced to six sigma-type data gathering and problem-solving tools and techniques.This workshop is designed for high performing individual contributors being prepared for promotion.WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONSManaging Change and Organizational CultureOrganizational culture is often talked about, and yet seldom understood. In this workshop we will use Edgar Schein’s Organizational Culture and Leadership to enable participants to better understand the layers or elements of organizational culture and its continuous impact on workplace performance. The focus of this workshop is on understanding culture, and how to change the various elements deemed undesirable. In addition, we will use The Influencer Model with its six sources of influence as brought to us by TalentSmart to understand the rational and emotional components of change in the workplace. We will learn how to apply this model when changing culture and/or processes.This workshop is designed for managers and high-performing individual contributors being prepared for promotion.Sustaining Quality and Memorable Customer ServiceOver time, most organizations lose their edge and often among the first to go is the outstanding customer service that may have been their signature in the beginning. As more and more people, layers, and managers are added, the message becomes more diluted.In this workshop, participants will learn how companies such as Southwest Airlines have managed to embed unwavering customer service into its very core and keep the whole workforce aligned over a long period of time. Participants will gain an understanding of the key elements of a comprehensive program, and learn how to translate that knowledge into a transformative program for his or her own organization.This workshop is designed for managers and organizational leaders.WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONSMotivating Knowledge WorkersAlmost everything we know about motivation in the workplace has been learned from experience with high volume production workers. When these same motivation techniques are utilized with the knowledge workers, and the creativity they bring to decision-making, the results are not nearly as clear.In this workshop, we will explore Dan Pink’s Motivation 3.0 Model from his book Drive. We will learn how to foster and apply the concepts of intrinsic motivation within today’s workplace and its more knowledgeable and creative workforce. In applying this new thinking, participants will learn how to integrate the elements of purpose, mastery, and autonomy into the everyday work environment.This workshop is designed for managers and organizational leaders.Presentation and Facilitation SkillsThe need for competency in group facilitation and giving effective presentations go hand-in-hand. These are skills that enable leaders to influence engagement and participation of diverse groups of stakeholders.Utilizing Peoples’ Presentation Plus, and Bens’ Facilitation with Ease, participants will learn how to construct and conduct presentations in a way that commands the audience’s full attention. The basic considerations of verbal and non-verbal communication, and the creation of compelling visual aids that assist in telling the story, are the focus of this workshop. In addition, we will demonstrate and practice the basic skills of facilitation, and explore the various methods of group consensus-building and decision-making. Participants will be prepared to facilitate diverse groups of people in a way that maximizes participation, while minimizing counter-productive conflict, all while assuring an effective use of time.This workshop is designed for managers and high performing individual contributors being prepared for promotion.WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONSDevelopment Institute Introductory Module*The Introductory Module and the Capstone Modules are available to “bookend” multi-module packages assembled together as a program or institute for participants from the same company or organization. These custom-tailored, two or four-hour modules are available to provide a managerial framework around the several selected subject matter-oriented modules planned for an organization’s participants.For example, either module may be structured to accommodate the appearance of company executives, guest speakers, team-building exercises, shared meals, ceremonies or celebrations. Some firms will structure an institute to include a two-hour “Kick-off Dinner” with guest speaker(s) on the evening before the learning modules commence, and a “Wrap-up Luncheon” with guest speaker(s) to close-out an institute.Development Institute Capstone Module*centerbottomABOUT THE TRAINER3918585916305Ralph E. Jordan is the former Director of the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development’s Office of Professional Development. Presently, he is a Visiting Professor within the UMASS Lowell’s College of Management. While fairly new to teaching at the undergraduate level, he has a long history of training and facilitating colleagues in various aspects of management skills, team building, problem solving, and project management within the high tech and communications industries. Jordan is adept at training and leading teams in Total Quality Management (TQM), Business Process Reengineering (BPM), and Six Sigma-type initiatives.Jordan began his career as an Industrial Engineer in Springfield, MA, and has held leadership positions in several high tech companies. His leadership experience includes engineering, manufacturing, marketing, sales, and sales support organizations. In addition, Jordan spent several years serving the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as the Undersecretary of Economic Affairs where he led the state’s employment and training service delivery system. He has led high tech business initiatives in the Republic of Korea, Kuwait, and the Republic of Slovenia. While living in Korea, Jordan was responsible for the start-up of the new subsidiary’s manufacturing facility. Later, he served as the Director of Wang Federal Systems Korea. In that capacity, Jordan was responsible for sales, service, and support to the U.S. Military, and the various facilities of the U.S. State Department.711205427980The Productivity Factor, Inc., with Jordan as president, assists companies and organizations in increasing their productivity and effectiveness - improving the performance of sales, marketing, and customer support organizations through operations analysis, team building, re-engineering, and technology-enablement.As a graduate of Northeastern University with a Master of Science Degree in Leadership, he has third-party certifications for sales and management skills training. Well known as a quality and productivity programs facilitator, Jordan is a six sigma-type programs trainer-of-trainers.Long active in civic and community affairs, Jordan has served on numerous boards and commissions. Among the organizations he has served are the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, state-affiliated Community Economic Development, and Community Finance and Development Corporations. He has served with chambers of commerce, social justice organizations, community health centers, and youth development programs. He has been recognized for his contributions by all levels of government. ................

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