Informal Assessment of Primary Language form - English ...

Informal Assessment of Primary Language Proficiency

(Districts may need to place this form on official letterhead)

Please use this form to acquire more information about English learners’ primary language skills. This form may be completed by teacher/counselor in conference with parent or by the student.

|The purpose of the Informal Assessment of Primary Language Proficiency is to provide additional information, along with the results of the California |

|English Language Development Test (CELDT), to design appropriate instruction and support services. |

Person completing form: _____Parent/Guardian _____Teacher _____Counselor _____Student

I. General Information

Student’s Name: ___________________________ School: ____________________________________

Primary Language: _____________________ Grade: ____________________ Date: ______/____/____

II. School Experience

List the country or countries where the student attended school and the grade levels that were completed.

Country Grade Completed

___________________________ ______ ___Yes ___No

___________________________ ______ ___Yes ___No

III. Oral Language

Check the box that best describes the student’s ability to speak and understand the primary language.

A. The student uses the primary language at home:

□ Never

□ Sometimes

□ Almost always

B. The student uses the primary language with siblings and/or friends:

□ Never

□ Sometimes

□ Almost always

IV. Literacy

Place a check in the box that best describes the student’s ability to read and write in the primary language.

A. How often does the student read in the primary language?

□ Never (does not know how to read in primary language)

□ Reads sometimes

□ Almost always (prefers to read in primary language)

B. How often does the student write in the primary language?

□ Never (does not know how to write in primary language)

□ Writes sometimes

□ Almost always (prefers to write in primary language)

V. Comments

Provide any comments that will give more information to the school about the student’s primary language proficiency, academic background, and ability to function in school.



California Department of Education December 14, 2010


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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