Study guide- Unit 3 Genetics Test

Study guide- January Genetics Test

1. Where do you put the gametes on the punnett square?

2. What tool do we use to determine the possible offspring of crosses?

3. What is heterozygous, homozygous?

4. Using the alleles B or b describe the above (#3) in terms of letters.

5. How can you tell what someone’s phenotype is?

6. Know how to do a monohybrid cross.

7. Definition of diploid-how many alleles?

8. Definition of an allele?

9. Know how to do an F1 and F2 Mendelian problem.

10. Definition of recessive/dominant. How could you tell?

11. Definition of incomplete dominance?

12. How many phenotypes will you have with incomplete dominance?

13. Definition of codominance.

14. Know how to do a sex linked problem.

15. What is the 23rd chromosome called in humans?

16. How do males and females differ on this chromosome?

17. What type of inheritance is shown with eye color or height?

18. Know how to do an incomplete dominance problem.

19. How can parents pass on a deadly disease and not have this recessive trait?

20. How many alleles does the genotype need in order to be dominant?

21. What type of inheritance are colorblindness and hemophilia?

22. Know how to do a blood typing problem.

23. What type of inheritance is AB blood?

24. Know how to fill in the boxes of a dihybrid punnett square.

25. Know how to find the phenotypic ratio of a dihybrid square?

26. Know how to find the gametes of a parent such as FfBB? (Hint: FOIL)

27. How many traits are in a monohybrid cross? Dihybrid cross?

28. Definition of phenotype.

29. Definition of genotype.

30. Definition of polygenic inheritance.

31. Which inheritance affects the sex chromosomes?

32. Definition of a pedigree.

33. Know how to identify what inheritance is shown in a pedigree.

34. Know how to determine the genotypes of individuals in a pedigree.


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