Online Identity ProposalSarah OrientePost UniversityEDU 520 – Digitally Mediated Teaching and LearningProfessor Linda KaiserDigital footprints are something that affects people in their careers and in their personal and professional lives. These footprints are often how a person is presented to the world and to potential employers. It is important that educators are aware how their online and social media actions may affect their career with parents, students and the community. Every retweet, and private message on Facebook or LinkedIn leave a record. Although these two individuals hold different jobs and different job titles, their careers certainly make a huge difference in the lives of children. It is important they remember that what they post, repost or put up on the internet is going to be seen my others.The two individuals that are the focus of these observations and proposal are Beth Schiavino-Narvaez and Candice Irwin. Dr. Narvaez is the current superintendent of Hartford Public Schools, and started her career in Hartford, Connecticut in 2014. Candice Irwin was a colleague who worked at Environmental Sciences Magnet School at Mary Hooker in Hartford for many years. Mrs. Irwin was a former classroom teacher, and then Environmental Sciences Magnet School at Mary Hooker’s Literacy Coach. She has now moved onto a different career in South Windsor Public Schools. It is important that these two are looked at closely as educators and the impact they have on their own careers and professional lives. It will be interesting to see the similarities and differences between them and their social media sites.These two women create positive examples when it comes to outcomes and professionalism when they present themselves on social media sites. Both women have LinkedIn accounts and Twitter accounts where most of their professional careers and educational background are up to date and accurate. Before delving into it deeper, both sites seem very accurate and appropriate. Both also have Facebook accounts, personal and private information on both. Collecting specific data about how much they reference school, teachers or children on their social media sites will be important. This could be very hard to actually collect, but if they are as professional with their social media sites as they make known, it should be a lot. Knowing how often they go on and post something to their accounts will also be important data to collect. Statistical data on how efficient these educators are on keeping up with their monthly syllabi could be data that would be beneficial. Data can be collected, analyzed and stored in an excel spreadsheet. Different outcomes might come from the different individuals. Online Profile of Beth Schiavino- NarvaezBeth Schiavino- Narvaez is known to many families, students, teachers and community members as the Superintendent of Hartford Public Schools. Beth has been working in Hartford since July 1, 2014. “Dr. Beth Schiavino-Narvaez is a visionary and creative leader who brings twenty years of experience as an educator to her role as superintendent of Hartford Public Schools” (CT Council for Philanthropy, 2015). Dr. Narvaez uses social media sites, in an appropriate and professional way. Dr. Narvaez has a full profile on LinkedIn. She has a complete and laid out profile, with each one of her professional experiences related to education, and when and where these took place. She has over 500 connections, and uses this site as a networking tool. It is nice to see her journey of where she went to school and where she worked before she came to Hartford. (picture of LinkedIn account)After looking at Dr. Narvaez’s Twitter profile, it was clear that she cares and appreciates the teachers and educators who work with her. Beth has almost 2,000 tweets as well as over 700 followers. She retweets many things that other teachers or schools post. Her tweets are mainly based on what is going on in different Hartford Public Schools. She has retweeted parents, teachers and other colleagues. Dr. Narvaez seems very proud to be a part of the Hartford community, which is apparent through her Twitter account. Her profile is very student centered, always with pictures or quotes about students. She uses Twitter as a platform to communicate and share lesson ideas, performances, tips and other things that are happening around Hartford and Hartford Public Schools. She shares many things relating to safety of students, and how the community is coming together to help provide a safer environment for students going back to school. Through her social media, it is apparent that Dr. Narvaez loves her job and the community she works in. This is important to see from a leader. (pictures and examples of her work)Online Profile of Candice Server-IrwinCandice Irwin is a busy and very intelligent women. Hartford Public Schools was lucky to have her for many years. She is an experienced teacher as well as a Literacy and Math coach. She worked with grades Pre-K to eighth to help create fun and relevant curriculums that continued to make Environmental Sciences Magnet School one of the top schools in Hartford. Candice has now moved her expertise to South Windsor Public Schools, but still supports and posts about Hartford and ESM often.Through Candice’s practice, she has always shown positive qualities through her online presence both professionally and personally. Candice often posts other websites or resources for teachers and other schools to use on her online accounts. She is helpful and passionate about children and her career as an educator.Candice has a full profile on LinkedIn. She has a complete and laid out profile, with each one of her professional experiences related to education, and when and where these took place. She has 128 connections, and uses this site as a networking tool. Candice has posted small paragraphs about her job and job title in each one of her roles as an educator. Below is an example of her job titles and positions. (picture)Candice Irwin is an active member on Twitter. She currently has 105 tweets and follows 127 people. While looking through who she follows and who follows her, it is apparent that most people are educators or are in the education field. Mrs. Irwin has many student centered pictures and posts that correlate with Environmental Sciences Magnet School and what is going on in the school. All of Candice’s posts and tweets are professional and resourceful. Parents and colleagues appreciate and retweet what she puts on her Twitter account. Candice often promotes reading and offers valuable resources on her page. Below is an example of one of her many inspirational quotes on reading as the school year begins. (Picture of twitter account)DiscussionBoth Beth Schiavino-Narvaez and Candice Irwin represent professionals in the field of education. Each woman are great examples of how someone could professionally brand themselves online. Beth and Candice both promote schools in Hartford and the students that fill these schools, as well as repost and retweet information that is going on in these schools. They both use their sites to promote learning and education and use them to present themselves as professionals in their field. In doing this, it is also apparent that they love the field of education and everything that comes with it. Both as passionate about their posts and create relevant and reliable resources for others. Their online presence will promote professional Personal Learning Environments by leading by example. Both of these women are examples of how to properly brand yourself as an educator on social media. ReferencesIrwin, C (n.d). LinkedIn. Retrieved September 4, 2016, from , C. (2016). CandiceTeaches. Retrieved September 14, 2016, from, B. (2015). HartfordSuper. Retrieved September 4, 2016, from , B. (n.d.). LinkedIn. Retrieved September 4, 2016, from ................

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