Sample Fourth Day Packet - Bay Area Rooster Boosters

San Francisco/San Mateo Cursillo Secretariat


Fourth Day Packet






Now for a more Romantic History of Cursillo



























Characteristics Of A Group

The Order Of Group Reunion

Guidelines For Effective Sharing










Forms of Palanca Expression

Palanca Links

Praying the Prayer Vigil







Forms & Scripts


Fourth Day

By-Laws and Guidelines


Episcopal Diocese of California

Palanca Shop




Selecting a Candidate to Sponsor

What to do during the weekend

What to do after the weekend


Before the Weekend

During the Weekend

After the Weekend

Canta el Gallo

How To Get Involved






Rooster Booster


Place a sheet with at least the words to your theme song on this page.


(Colores * Bright with Colors)

De Colores came to the Americas from central Spain in the sixteenth century and is now sung all over the Spanish-speaking world on special occasions and celebrations. It is also the anthem of the United Farm workers of America, a union founded by Cesar Chavez, most of whose members are Spanish-speaking. People hold hands and sway while singing this beautiful song.

|De colores, |Bright with colors, |

|de colores se visten los campos |bright with colors the mountains and valleys |

|en la primavera. |dress up in the springtime. |

|De colores, |Bright with colors, |

|de colores son los pajaritos que |bright with colors all the little birds |

|vienen de afuera. |fill the skies in the daytime. |

|De colores, |Bright with colors, |

|de colores es el arco iris |bright with colors the rainbow brings joy |

|que vemos lucir. |with the glory of spring. |

|  |  |

|Y por eso los grandes amores |And a bright love with colors |

|de muchos colores |has found us with peace all around us |

|me gustan a mi.(cantar dos yeses) |that makes our hearts sing. (sing twice) |

| | |

|Canta el gallo, canta el gallo con el |Hear the rooster, hear the rooster singing his |

|kiri, kiri, kiri, kiri, kiri. |kiri, kiri, kiri, kiri, kiri. |

|La gallina, la gallina con el |In the morning, In the morning the hen sings her |

|cara, cara, cara, cara, cara. |cara, cara, cara, cara, cara. |

|Los pollelos, los pollelos con el |All day singing, baby chicks all day singing their |

|pio, pio, pio, pio, pi. |pio, pio, pio, pio, pi. |

|  |  |

|Y por eso los grandes amores |And a bright love with colors |

|de muchos colores |has found us with peace all around us |

|me gustan a mi.(cantar dos yeses) |that makes our hearts sing. (sing twice) |

|Viva! |Viva! |




Las Mananitas is a folk song which is traditionally sung on a person's Birthday or Saint's Day. In the Cursillo tradition it is sung as an early morning serenade on the last day of a Cursillo Weekend, as we look forward to the Fourth Day.



To explain Cursillo to someone who has never experienced Cursillo is at best, difficult.  Often, for those who have experienced Cursillo it is still somewhat mystifying.  This is not because the Cursillo Movement is a "secret" organization.  The reason behind the mystery is God.  No one can fully explain how God touches each person in His special/unique way throughout the various elements of the Cursillo Movement.  This booklet cannot explain the mystery of God.  The booklet will; however, attempt to explain the human aspect behind the Cursillo Movement.

Throughout this booklet you will find references to concepts that at one time seemed foreign to Catholics.  Evangelization is probably the one that comes to mind first.  For many years Catholics looked upon evangelization as "something the Protestants did."  Today, in Church, we hear a great deal about evangelization.  Still for some of us, we automatically think of going out two-by two (with Bible in hand) and knocking on people's doors.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

In the Cursillo Movement, we approach evangelization as a very natural act of being Christ like within each of our daily activities.  We realize that while most people would like to live their lives in a Christ-like manner, the pressures of the world often make this difficult.  The Cursillo Movement provides a method and a technique to provide each of us with the tools, the mentality, the strength, and the support to make this natural type of evangelization possible.

Sometimes this booklet will have other statements that are basically the same as evangelization.  Statements such as: 1) proclaiming the Gospel, 2) fulfilling our Baptismal responsibility (some of us were not even aware that our Baptismal responsibility required us to do something), 3) leavening the environments, and 4) living what is fundamental for being a Christian.  We should not allow these statements to scare us off. These are nothing more than by-products of living our lives in a fully Christian manner.

The Cursillo Movement can assist each of us in developing a deeper understanding of what it means to be fully Catholic by being fully Christian. [pic]


The Cursillo Movement is a movement of the Catholic Church. The name Cursillo is Spanish, meaning short course and is often associated with a 3-Day weekend - which is only one aspect of the Cursillo Movement. The proper name is Cursillo de Cristiandad (short course of Christianity). There is much more to the Cursillo Movement than just a 3-Day weekend.

This Movement evolved from Spain, where it got its origin, in the 1940s. The Cursillo Movement did not develop by accident. It began when a group of men dedicated themselves to bringing the young men of their city of Mallorca, Spain, to know Christ better. It developed as they prayed and worked together; it developed as they talked together, sharing their thoughts about the state of the world and the effectiveness of their efforts to bring the light of Christ to it. On the natural level alone the story of the Cursillo Movement is exciting. It's a story filled with the adventure of new discoveries and works of outstanding dedication, tragic misunderstandings and setbacks, as well as impressive patience. These young men and the clergy who supported them endured many unpromising situations in the faith that God would work.

But it is even more an exciting story on the spiritual level. It is the story of how God taught a group of men how to work for Him in an effective way, a way that bears fruit. In the late 1940s the first Cursillo was given and the Cursillo Movement began. Those who make Cursillo's today would find much of the first Cursillo familiar. The Cursillo has been refined and changed somewhat, but today's Cursillo weekend remains basically the same as those first Cursillo's.

It was, however, no accident that the first Cursillo was so fully formed that a movement could begin from that date. The first Cursillo was neither a lucky accident nor a blueprint, which came directly from heaven, but grew out of a process of development. Nor were the first leaders just a chance collection of men. They had been working together for some time trying to bring men to Christ so they could work together to Christianize the world.

But the Cursillo, on the other hand, was not just a well worked out human product. It grew in the climate of spiritual renewal. Men of prayer who were seeking to serve the Lord developed it. It was formed by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit working in men who had dedicated themselves to bringing others to knowledge of Christ.

The Cursillo Movement came to birth in the movements of renewal that preceded the second Vatican Council. Vatican II was such a major event in the history of the modern Catholic Church that there is a certain tendency to date everything from the Council. But Vatican II was itself born out of an effort of spiritual and pastoral renewal that had begun years before. The liturgical movement, the scriptural renewal, Catholic Action and other movements of the lay apostolate had begun years before the Council. Everywhere in the Church, people were seeking to find ways of "bringing the Church to life in the hearts of men" (Romano Guardini). The Cursillo Movement came from the work of such individuals.

The first stirrings of what later was to become the Cursillo Movement began on the Island of Mallorca during World War II. The Spanish Civil War had ended in 1939, and the years after the Civil War were a time of ferment in the Spanish Church. Before the war, a pilgrimage to the shrine of St. James at Compostela had been planned. This spiritual journey to the great Spanish pilgrimage center of the Middle Ages would provide a time for the young men and women of Spain to dedicate themselves in a renewed way to the work of the apostolate. After being postponed several times by the disruption of war, it was finally rescheduled for 1948.

The pilgrimage set a tone. The spirit of pilgrimage is a spirit of restlessness, of dissatisfaction with spiritual lukewarm ness, of moving onward, of "ultreya ". It is also a spirit of brotherhood among fellow pilgrims who are striving together to reach the goal of a life fully given to the love of God and man. The pilgrim style has marked much of the spirituality of the Cursillo Movement.

Preparation for the pilgrimage gave rise to efforts of renewal in the different Catholic Action groups in Spain, among them the branch for young men in the diocese of Majorca. As a result of the preparations for the pilgrimage there was greater interest in finding an effective way to work apostolically. The groups responsible for preparations for the pilgrimage to St. James were the diocesan councils for the young men's branch of Catholic Action. Catholic Action was the official organization of the lay apostolate in Spain (and in many other countries). Most organized efforts of Catholic laity taking part in the work of the Church were part of Catholic Action (which was supported and directed by the hierarchy). In Spain, Catholic Action was divided into the men's branch, the women's branch, the young men's branch and the young women's branch. The leaders of the young men's branch on the island of Majorca were the founders of the Cursillo Movement. Those who first developed the Cursillo Movement worked together as a team from the very beginning.

They worked as a leaders' team that prayed together, shared their Christian lives together, studied together, planned together, acted together and evaluated what they had done together. Together they worked at the task of forming Christian life among the young people in Majorca. Out of their common efforts, something new in the life of the Church was born. Church renewal, spiritual renewal, pastoral renewal, the pilgrim style, a pastoral plan, and teamwork among leaders - the Cursillo Movement grew out of all these things. It developed not by accident or through a clearly specified plan, but was an organic development of the efforts of a group of men who had dedicated themselves to the work of God.

At first the Cursillo's were just "little courses" (little course is the literal meaning of the Spanish word - Cursillo), which were given by the diocesan council of the young men's branch of Catholic Action. They were given to members of Catholic Action groups as a way of forming them so they could become effective apostles.

The first Cursillo in the United States was held in Waco, Texas, in 1957. The key figures in the beginning were Father Gabriel Fernandez and two airmen from Spain, Bernardo Vadell and Agustin Palomino, who were training with the United States Air Force. Father Gabriel had arrived in Waco in 1955 from Spain where he had made his three days under two of the founders of the movement, Father Juan Capo and Eduardo Bonnin (see below in the more romantic version). The priest and the airmen were responsible for putting on the first two weekends in Waco.

Airmen Vadell and Palomino were transferred to Mission, Texas, just after they had completed the second weekend in Waco. By late 1957 the traveling airmen had put on the first weekend in Mission. In 1958 they started a center in Laredo, Texas, and soon after, the movement was introduced in Corpus Christi.

In 1959, the Cursillo spread throughout Texas and to Phoenix, Arizona. In August of that year the first national convention of spiritual directors was held, and Ultreya magazine began publication. In 1960, the growth of the Cursillo quickened in the Southwest, and weekends were held for the first time in the East in New York City and Lorain, Ohio.

Until 1961, all weekends were held in Spanish. That year the first English-speaking weekend was held in San Angelo, Texas. Also in 1961, first weekends were held in San Francisco, California; Gary, Indiana; Lansing, Michigan; and Gallup, New Mexico. By 1962, twenty-five more English-speaking weekends had been held.

In 1962 the Cursillo Movement came to the Eastern United States. Weekends were held in Cincinnati, Brooklyn, Saginaw, Miami, Chicago, Detroit, Newark, Baltimore, Grand Rapids, Kansas City and Boston. In the West, the first weekends were held in Monterey, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Pueblo and Yakima.

The movement spread rapidly with the early centers carrying the Cursillo to nearby dioceses. As of 1981, almost all of the 160 dioceses in the United States had introduced the Cursillo Movement.

The Cursillo Movement in the United States was organized on a national basis in 1965. At this meeting a National Secretariat was organized, and a National Cursillo Office (currently in Dallas, Texas) was established, . There is also a National Episcopal Cursillo Office near Washington, D.C. .

The Cursillo Movement has the support of the vast majority of the American hierarchy. It is joined to the National Conference of Catholic Bishops through an official liaison in the person of Most Rev. James S. Sullivan, Bishop of Fargo, and through the Bishops' Secretariat for the Laity in Washington, D.C.

Today it is a worldwide movement with centers in nearly all South and Central American countries, the United States, Canada, Mexico, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Yugoslavia, Australia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and in several African countries. The movement is a member of the International Catholic Organizations of the Pontifical Council for the Laity in Rome. In 1980 the Cursillo Movement established an international office, the OMCC (Organismo Mundial de Cursillo s de Cristiandad), in Santo Domingo to coordinate the three existing international working groups of Latin America, Europe and the International English Language Group. The international leaders of the movement meet periodically to further its work.

At one of these meetings in Rome in 1966, Pope Paul VI had the opportunity to address the movement. Among his words of encouragement were the following:

"Cursillo s de Cristiandad, that is the word, purified through experience, affirmed by its fruits, that today travels with citizenship papers throughout the world...

"Whether some methods become obsolete, whether new manifestations of the Spirit arise, the permanent task of the layman will continue to be the infusion of Christianity into life through the encounter and personal friendship with God and in communion with his brothers. The layman, upon forming himself in Christianity, reforms his mentality and conforms his life to Christ's image by means of faith, hope and charity; acting with complete responsibility he transforms the temporal structures in which he is immersed, guided in his action by the glance of Christ he continually tries to remake the world according to God's plan and design....

"We know that in your plan of spirituality and apostolate in the Cursillo Movement the 'Sensus Ecclesiae' (mind of the Church) is the guiding light that orients you....

"Beloved sons and daughters: Our soul is so oppressed by the vision of the evils which afflict the Church and mankind. But permit us to express our overwhelming joy that, at this moment, floods our soul before the immense chorus of your manly faith in Christ, your fidelity to the Church, your fervent loyalty to this Chair of Peter and to the ministry of the Episcopal hierarchy.

"Cursillo s de Cristiandad! Christ and the Church are counting on you! "

Pope Paul VI, First World Ultreya, Rome

May 28,1966

In 1980 Pope John Paul II, addressing the first National Italian Ultreya in Rome said,

"Your movement, which recently celebrated its thirtieth anniversary, devotes itself to drawing forth from Christians a commitment to live lives consistent with their faith whether individually or as a community-and to bring this ferment to the environments where you live."

"You have discovered anew the explosive truth of the evangelical message: God, Father of all, comes to us as we encounter him in Jesus Christ to reunite us through the grace of the Spirit in one family which is the Church.

"In her we are truly able to experience even now the love which will be the inexhaustible fountain of eternal joy in heaven. Here then is the synthesis of all of Christianity. This is the news that all human hearts hope for without realizing it. Therefore dedicate yourselves more and more to being tireless apostles in your environments.

"My apostolic blessing goes with you as a pledge of this divine grace which enables you to live forever."

Now for a more Romantic History of Cursillo

A group of young men from the Spanish Catholic Action movement were attempting to renew the church in Palma, Majorca, Spain in 1949. They had worked long and hard to get people more involved and to counter the non-Christian world they were living in with its rise of secular values, but all their efforts floundered.

Each attempt seemed worse than the one before. They were at the point of giving up. Then one evening, one of the men who had been working to develop the program received an unexpected call from the chaplain of the local prison asking for a couple of volunteers to come to the prison and help with a difficult problem. Two young men were to be executed the next day, but they would have nothing to do with the chaplain. The chaplain thought perhaps a layman could reach them.

The man who received the call was frightened at the prospect of entering a prison, but after considerable prayer, he called a friend to join him in responding to the chaplain's call. Neither man had ever been to a prison, but they agreed to come. As the two men entered the cell, they encountered the condemned pair playing cards and gambling with the guards. Prison rules declared that two guards must stay in the cell with the condemned men on the last night before execution. Their cell was littered with pornographic magazines and pin-ups. The condemned men seemed bent only on swapping dirty stories and gambling the night away.

One of the two men the chaplain had called was Eduardo Bonnin. He asked for permission to let them take the place of the guards. When this had been granted, they began talking to the prisoners, listening to their stories. Gradually, they won the prisoners' confidence and eventually, Eduardo said to them: "We came here to ask a favor of you."

At this point, the two men laughed loud and long. "A favor? Don't you realize that later this morning we..." and he made a gesture of being executed. "But there is something you can do," said Bonnin. "We only wanted you to recommend something to the Lord for us. You are the only people we have met who know when they will meet the Lord face to face. Neither the Pope nor rulers nor rich nor poor know when they will meet God, yet you do. We want you to say something to Him. We feel it is so urgent. We have this wonderful project from which we expected great fruits, but so far we have failed miserably to get it going. We want you to ask the Lord to help us." And Bonnin proceeded to explain their hopes and anxieties concerning the program.

As the night worn on, they spoke of Christ and His love and mercy. They spoke of how the good thief had "stolen" heaven, and they talked about forgiveness. In the early hours of the morning, the chaplain heard the confessions of the inmates and held a private mass. The two inmates, Bonnin and his friend all received the Eucharist.

One of those men wrote to his family that night, and this is a translation from the Spanish:

Dearest family, so close to my heart,

These lines I am writing are the last you will receive from your son and brother. I am writing them more with my heart than my pen. I am in the condemned cell and have only a few hours remaining before I leave this life.

After my life of ill luck, God has granted me the extraordinary grace of enabling me to recognize my past faults and making peace with Him. He has given me this opportunity for sincere confession, which has opened, little by little, the gates of heaven.

It only remains for me to ask your pardon for all the heartaches I gave you during my life, with my straying, to recommend to my brothers whom I love with all my heart never to stray from the path of duty that you, my parents, taught us to follow. I never remembered you with such affection as at this moment. The end of my career has arrived. Praise be to God, who gave me these moments to ransom my life and to die, as do those men who have faith.

My last thoughts on Earth are with you. Adios, until eternity.

When invited to have breakfast with the condemned men, Bonnin could not eat. He was too nervous. A short while later, they were led to the execution. One of them cried out for Eduardo Bonnin, and Eduardo told of how that man died, holding Eduardo's crucifix in one hand as Eduardo knelt beside him, praying for him.

These two inmates were executed in January 1949. The project that Eduardo Bonnin and his companions had in hand, and that they were unsuccessful in launching despite all their trials and efforts, was referred to as "Cursillos de Christiandad".

Surely we can conclude that Jesus said to them as He said to the thief who was crucified with Him "Today you will be with me in Paradise." Bonnin still wears the cross the young condemned man held at his execution.

Locally, a General Secretariat coordinates Cursillos for two English-speaking secretariats, a Filipino secretariat and two Spanish-speaking Secretariats (San Jose and San Francisco). Cursillos were held at St. Benedict’s, St. Thomas More Convent, Presentation College in Los Gatos, Mount Mary Immaculate in Contra Costa county, and Holy Redeemer Center in Oakland. The weekends are currently held primarily at San Francisco Theological Seminary in Ross.

The San Francisco/San Mateo Secretariat Cursillos are organized separately for men and women. Other areas offer Cursillos that are coed, or for couples.

The best way to keep abreast of the Cursillo Movement is to subscribe to the National: ULTREYA Magazine Ultreya Press, P 0 Box 21226, Dallas, Texas 75211. The San Francisco/San Mateo Cursillo Secretariat also has a quarterly newsletter called Canta El Gallo and a website at . Contributions of writings and suggestions are always welcome.



Cursillo literature cites several different definitions for the purpose of the Cursillo Movement.  While the wording (definitions) may vary, the idea is the same.  This is due, in part, to the fact that the purpose of Cursillo is multi faceted.  No one definition can truly explain what Cursillo is.  However, all the definitions can give a much richer meaning to the purpose of Cursillo. 

•  One definition states: "The purpose (or goal) of the Movement is to make Christian community possible in neighborhoods, parishes, work situations and other places where people live the greater part of their lives. It makes possible for anyone in the world to live a Christian life in a natural way." 

•  Another definition lists the purpose of the Cursillo Movement as: "The leavening of environments with the Gospel."  In other words, changing the places we spend time by being Christ like in our thoughts, words, and actions. 

•  Still another definition states: "Since it is a movement of the Church, the Cursillo Movement has the same apostolic purpose as the Church herself.  And the Church, as Pope Paul VI told us, exists to evangelize." 

•  There is yet another definition that describes the purpose as such: "The Cursillo Movement is a movement of the Church which by means of its own method makes it possible for people to live what is fundamental for being a Christian, and to live it together; it helps people discover and fulfill their personal vocations, and it promotes the creation of core groups of Christians who leaven their environments with the Gospel."  These "core groups" are now referred to as "Environmental Groups."

As mentioned earlier, while the wording of these definitions may differ, their ideas are the same.  The Cursillo Movement is focused to help each of us fulfill our baptismal responsibility: to go forth, as apostles, and proclaim the Gospel.  We can no longer afford to sit passively by and "hope" that the world comes to know Christ.  We must make a conscientious effort to "tell" the world about Christ.  The Cursillo Movement provides us with the necessary tools for fulfilling our baptismal responsibility along with the training for using those tools.

In determining the purpose of the Cursillo Movement, it is important that we focus on two important aspects.  The first aspect: We are communal people.  The second aspect: We are teamwork people.



By our very makeup (which was conceived by God), we need relationships (interaction of two or more persons).  A relationship of husband/wife was required to bring about our conception.  A relationship of mother/child was required to bring about our birth. 

Our growth from newborn to adulthood is filled with relationships in school, family reunions, Church, vacations, etc.  When we enter into the working environments we find ourselves thrust into completely new relationships.  Neighborhoods can also provide various opportunities for relationships.  Social/Civic/Political involvement(s) most definitely depend upon relationships.  Therefore it is part of our nature to be part of various communities in our everyday life.



Early in our youth, many of us came to understand the value of teamwork.  Even if one was not involved in a formalized sports program, most were involved in some form of team competition during P.E. (Physical Education class) at school. We also learned the value of studying together in an attempt to improve our grades. 

For those that serve (or have served) in the military, they realize that the purpose of Basic Training is to de-emphasize the individual and emphasize the team.  Besides all these examples of teamwork, Christ gave us the encouragement to work as a team: "Again, [amen,] I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father.  For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18: 19-20).



The purpose of the Cursillo Movement is to bring about a change in the environments. The Cursillo Movement is a deliberate act to bring Jesus Christ into the world. Cursillistas (those that have gone through the 3-Days and are living the Cursillo method) become agents for change in their families, work situations, neighborhoods, social gatherings, etc.  Cursillistas are the part of the Christian community (communal) that links together with others (teamwork) to bring Jesus Christ to the world.




Each day of the Cursillo Weekend begins with Morning Prayers and ends with Night Prayers.  Mass is celebrated daily (except Thursday).  Each participant should be aware that, since prayer is such an intricate part of the Cursillo Movement, there will be other cursillistas that will be continually praying and offering up sacrifices - for the success of the Cursillo Weekend.  There will be proper nourishment provided and also adequate rest periods.  Those that have special needs, such as a particular diet or physical limitations, will be attended to properly.


This is a time to get to know each other and to have an overview of the Cursillo Weekend.  This is also the retreat phase of the Cursillo Weekend, which is designed "To awaken the moral consciences of the participants, beginning with an analysis of their own lives and causing them to desire to encounter God."  The retreat phase (done in silence and ends Friday morning after Mass) includes three meditations and "The Way of the Cross."  The meditations are: 1) Know Yourself, 2) The Prodigal Son, and 3) The Three Glances of Christ (this is given Friday morning).


The focus of Friday should be to help each participant to have a better understanding of themselves. Friday should help them discover what motivates them in different situations. 

During this day the participants will hear five presentations.  Three presentations will be given by members of the laity and they are: 1) Ideals, 2) The Layperson as the Church in the World, and 3) Holiness.  The Spiritual Directors will give the other two presentations and they are: 1) Grace and 2) Faith.  While the presentations provide the participants with information and witnessed experiences, it is the table discussions (following each presentation) that prove to be one of the real dynamics of the Weekend.  The sharing, which takes place during the table discussions, provides the participants with an opportunity to share their own insights about the presentation.  Furthermore, the participants have the opportunity to hear how other participants perceived that same presentation.

After each presentation and table discussions, the participants will draft a written summary of the presentation and table discussion. Later the participants will have an opportunity to graphically illustrate their ideas of the presentations and table discussions.  That evening, each table group will share their summaries and graphic illustrations with the other participants and team members.


The focus for Saturday is to combine that fully realized self (that they learned about Friday) with a wonderful and loving God. Saturday helps the participants to understand the current relationship that they have with God and should spawn a desire for a still deeper and fuller relationship with God.

The schedule for Saturday follows the same format as Friday.  Again, there are three laity presentations entitled: 1) Formation, 2) Evangelization, and 3) Leaders.  As with Friday's schedule, there are also two Spiritual Director presentations entitled: 1) Sacraments, and 2) Obstacles to a Life of Grace.  Table discussions again play a very dynamic role in generating various insights concerning the presentations.  The summaries (of each presentation) and the graphic illustrations are shared with all, just like on Friday.


The focus for Sunday is the understanding of ourselves, our relationship with God, and how we can help Him fulfill His Will through us.  We learn what environments we belong to and how we can affect those environments.

The same format is used on Sunday, except there is only one Spiritual Director presentation - Christian Life.  There are the usual three laity presentations, which are: 1) Study and Evangelization of the Environments, 2) Christian Community, and 3) Group Reunion and Ultreya. 

Sunday night at the Clausura (Closing), the participants come face to face with the larger Cursillo Community that has been so supportive during the entire weekend.  It is during this meeting that the participants enter this Cursillo Community.


The Cursillo Movement realizes that it will not be an easy task for us to try to bring Christ to our environments.  Therefore, the Cursillo Movement has two very important tools to assist each of us.  These tools are the Group Reunion and the Ultreya. 


The Group Reunion is a small group of Cursillo friends that meet on a regular basis.  The purpose of this meeting is to share with one another the growth that has taken place within each of us. We share our spiritual growth as well as our growth in becoming a person who strives to bring a Christ-like attitude to our environments.  This meeting is referred to as a Friendship Group. 

As we make attempts to bring Christ into our various environments, we will sometimes become frustrated.  The group Reunion also provides the continual support we need in order to persevere as a part of God's plan. 


The Ultreya (Spanish word meaning Onward) is the larger Cursillo community.  It is the time for the members of the Group Reunions to meet with members of other Group Reunions.  The Ultreya is also beneficial in providing the support and encouragement that each of us needs.


The Cursillo Movement helps each of us to understand what our various environments are.  Furthermore, it helps us develop a plan to change those environments. 



Cursillo is a way to help people live their life as Christians.

Cursillo offers a method for sustaining Christians as they struggle *being Christian" in daily living in the world.

First and foremost, Cursillo is small groups of people sharing their lives in Christ and aiding each other in a world that does not appear to care about Him. These groups help and motivate their members to grow and to share their Christian life with the group and with others.

The movements and the name 'Cursillo" comes from Spain. The full title Cursillos de Cristiandad means “short courses in Christian living.” Cursillo starts, for most people with a three-day weekend. For San Francisco/San Mateo counties, this is an ecumenical weekend, held at an appropriate facility approved by the Arch Diocese of San Francisco. It runs from Thursday night through late Sunday afternoon, and consists of meditations, silent times Eucharist, singing, praying and other “retreat” activities, but the heart of the “Short Course” are the five talks given each day, primarily by lay people from San Francisco/San Mateo county churches, and the small group discussions that follow. These talks are known as “Rollos”.

The 6 to 8 people who sit together at a table for the weekend discuss their reactions to the talks. Individuals participate to the depth they care and are not probed or required to defend themselves. Through discussing the talks and sharing their stories, the table groups form Christian communities of caring people, providing a model for the participants when they return to the world.

The weekend does not have a set of pre-programmed "right answers," but is a time to be "open to the Spirit* and to explore your own reactions. While the talks follow an outline, each is colored by the experience of the person giving it. Each Cursillo weekend is shaped by the personalities of the people who put it on and the people who attend it.


It is not some sort of secret society or fraternity or special ”church within a church.”

It is not something outside of the church or a program to evangelize non-believers.

It is not a “feel good" weekend of group therapy or anything similar.

It is an experience in Christian community, which should be lived because you need that in your life, not because someone else had a great time.

Cursillo is a demanding and rewarding experience, but is not intended to provide treatment for personal or marital problems. One should not experience Cursillo until such difficulties are resolved.

Because it uses a lot of words taken from its roots in Spain, Cursillo sometimes seems mystical and elitist, but it is about living a Christian life in the real world.


Cursillo finds people who are struggling to live a Christian life and who are open to Gods spirit leading them and invites them to weekends to think about what it means to be a Christian and to experience a model Christian community.

Through talks singing, meditations, and small group discussions, people find the reality and richness of their faith and begin to find what their faith calls them to do.

When the weekend is over, Cursillo really begins. The participants go back into the world and find or create small groups to meet together regularly to pray, to review how they are doing and to support each other in what they are doing.

This "Fourth Day" of a three-day weekend is the rest of your life. It is walking with each other and with Christ.



We, as laity in the Church, can no longer take our role lightly.  The future of our society is in our hands.  We must realize that we, as individuals, can have a great impact on our society.  More importantly, we can have an even greater impact when we find other individuals that are ready and able to accept the challenge. 

Throughout history, great things have happened because individuals decided to do more than was "expected."  In the Catholic Church we refer to some of these individuals as saints. 

It has been said that Mikhail Gorbachev in ending Communist control was inspired by the Polish Solidarity Movement leader, Lech Walensa.  Walensa was himself inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King who was inspired by Rosa Parks, a black woman who refused to sit in the back of the bus.

In the introduction, we referred to the mystery of God.  How else can we explain the events that shape our world? 

In the past, the Cursillo Movement was primarily thought of as a source of individual spiritual growth.  Today, we must realize that this individual spirituality is just not enough.  Today, we must add to that spirituality.  Our society needs us to be apostolic.  Our Church needs us to be apostolic.  Our world needs us to be apostolic.  But most of all, our Lord wants us to be apostolic.

Let us strive to be Christ-like.  He chose individuals to become "fishers of men."  Should we do any less?



A. The Cursillo movement was founded in the late 1940's in Majorca, Spain, by a Roman Catholic bishop and a few of his followers who felt that the structure and ceremony of the Church were interfering with men’s understanding and practice of Christ's simple message, of km. It was originally designed to place "reactivated Christian men" back into parish life. Later, the movement was opened up to embrace women. A group of Spanish Air Force officers, in the U.S. on a training assignment, first brought Cursillo to this country during- the 1950's


A. Pre-Cursillo includes the period prior to the weekend when sponsors choose candidates to attend, and to provide them with a brief orientation as to what the weekend will consist of.

Independent of the sponsors' selecting candidates, a Rector (Rectora) is chosen by the Secretariat (the governing body for the local Cursillo communities) to lead the team. The Rector(a) selects the Core Team. The Core Team usually consists of the Rector(a), Assistant Rector(a) Spiritual Directors, Head Cook, Music Director, and MOSSAF. Some teams [at the option of the Rector(a)], have an assistant for the Head Cook. Other teams may have assistants to the Spiritual Directors, Music Director, and/or MOSSAF. After the Core Team has been formed, the Rector(a) and the Core Team select the remainder of the team. In addition to the thirty-some members of the team who are present throughout the weekend, many teams have additional "Palanca Angels”, special supporting members of the team who assist with palanca and other duties as may arise during the weekend. The Palanca Angels are an important source of support to the team. After team formation, the team conducts a series of meetings, usually lasting over a period of six months, during which the weekend Is discussed and planned.

Cursillo refers to the three-day Cursillo proper and to the many activities of the supporting community, which truly makes the Cursillo weekend an experience in Christian love.

Fourth Day refers to the 'projection' of Cursillistas back into their own environment, hopefully filled with "renewed enthusiasm and love” so that they can help to Christianize their environment. It also includes certain support systems, which the Cursillo movement provides to assist the Cursillista in the daily struggle of living the Christian life. One of these is the Fourth Day group.


A. The Cursillo movement frowns upon a heavily structured and formalized organization. However, it Is necessary for the movement to receive guidance and direction of a general nature There is a National headquarters and under the National headquarters are Regions. Within Regions are Secretariats, which manage the day-to-day activities of the movement. California is within Region 10 and the Regional headquarters is located in San Diego. Because the San Francisco/San Mateo Cursillo Secretariat is ecumenical, the National headquarters does not recognize it.


CURSILLO - (most often pronounced ker-SEE-yo, but more correctly coor-SEEyo) Cursillo means a "short course" in Christianity. To "experience" a Cursillo is to share your Christian life with others - to open your life, to see beyond the present. You can only experience a Cursillo one time, but you are allowed to -serve as a member of a team. Similar movements are Emmaus, Via de Cristo, and Tres Dias, to name a few.

Pronunciation tip #1: Spanish vowels are a,e,i,ou,y and are pronounced respectively and consistently as: ah, ay, ee, oh, oo, ee. There are exceptions. "Rollo is one. Pronunciation tip #2: "r" is pronounced with accompanied with a "d" sound, not the traditional English way of pronouncing- Of course, this is difficult to explain in writing! The 'rr," double r is like "RRRRRuffles have RRRRRidges!"

DE COLORES - (day coh-LOH-res) "The colors' or "Many colors" - a rainbow, a beauty in your soul. When you say 'De Colores" to someone, you are saying that you think that person is in grace with God. De Colores becomes a way of life. The song we sing is a love song. In Mexico, kindergarten children learn this song. How beautiful to make your life De Colores. The song is also referred to as the 'Cursillo National Anthem."

CURSILLISTA - (coor-see-YEES-tah) A cursillista is a person who has made a Cursillo.

PALANCA -(pah-LAHN-kah) Not to be confused with polenta, an Italian corn meal dish, nor Paul Anka, a Canadian singer-songwriter, palanca comes from the Spanish word "apalancar* (ah-pah-lahn-CAR) which means "to lean" or "to be a lever.' a lever can be used to lift or move something heavier than the one trying to do the lifting or moving. It enables us to move more than we ever thought possible. In Cursillo, our lever - our palanca - is prayer and sacrifice. Palanca is also a gift freely given with no strings attached. God's grace is Palanca. The greatest example of palanca was Jesus himself. His life was filled with acts of giving Himself to others, to lift them up, to help them become more than they had ever dreamed or imagined. His greatest palanca was when He died for us.

Palanca can take many forms - of gift, prayer, and sacrifice - and may be personal (directed to a single candidate) or general (directed to the entire group of candidates). In gift form, palanca is first given to the candidates as they make Cursillo. It is an offering of love. Hopefully, during the weekend, palanca will move the Spirit within the candidate.

ROLLO - (ROY-oh) Rollo comes from the Spanish word "arrollo" which literally means a scroll. To give a Rollo is to unfold the scroll of your life, your Christian being.

AGAPE - A Latin word (AH-gah-pay) which means 'Christian Love." An Agape service is simply the sharing of bread and wine with those you love as the early Christians did.

MANANITAS - (mah-nyah-NEE-tahs) Mananitas is the morning greeting for special occasions such as baptisms and birthdays. Many Spanish-speaking people have the custom of Gathering around the bed of a person on his birthday and awakening them with the morning song - the birthday song. In Cursillo, mananitas celebrates today, your rebirth, the first day of the rest of your life.

CLAUSURA - Clausura is the closing of the Cursillo weekend - a celebration.

TRIPOD - The rollos of Piety, Study, and Action form the tripod. To live a fully Christian life, these must be part of your life in equivalent amounts.

ULTREYA - (ool-TRAY-yah) Ultreya is a cry of 'Onward!" It is also a gathering of group reunions or a reunion of Cursillo weekends.

CORE TEAM - The core team is composed of the Rector (on women's weekends, the Rectora), the Assistant Rector(a), the Head Cook and his Assistants, the Spiritual Directors (both Roman and Anglican), the Music Director, and the MOSSAF (Minister of Safety, Security, and Facility.)

The Core Team is chosen by the Rector (the Assistant Head Cook(s) can be selected by the Head Cook.) and has the responsibility of assisting in the choosing of the team, planning, team, meetings, and generally providing support and guidance during team formation and on the Cursillo weekend for both the team and the candidates.

TEAM FORMATION - Team Formation refers to the months prior to the Cursillo weekend during which team members explore their own and make plans for the Cursillo weekend. It should be a period of growth

and sharing.

TABLE LEADERS - Table leaders are assigned to the Rollo room and are primarily responsible for facilitating the discussion among the candidates. They have the responsibility of assisting the candidates in their spiritual growth and renewal throughout the weekend. They also support the Cooks.

COOKS - Cooks have the primary responsibility of caring for the physical and spiritual needs of the candidates and the team. They are the spiritual core of the weekend. They cook, sing, clean, play, and most importantly, pray for both the candidates and other team members throughout the weekend.



Meditation 1 Know Yourself

Meditation 2 The Prodigal Son


Meditation 3 The Three Glances of Christ

Rollo 1 The Call to be Fully Human

Rollo 2 Grace

Rollo 3 Lay Person as Church in the World

Rollo 4 Faith

Rollo 4A Palanca

Rollo 5 Piety: Living the Christian Life


Meditation 4 The Figure of Christ

Rollo 6 Study

Rollo 7 Sacraments

Rollo 7A Marriage & Other Relationships

Rollo 8 Action

Rollo 9 Obstacles

Rollo 10 Leaders


Meditation 5 The Message of Christ to the Cursillistas

Rollo 11 Being Christ in Our Environment

Rollo 12 Living the Christian Life

Rollo 13 Christian Community in Action

Rollo 14 Group Reunion & Ultreya

Rollo 15 The Fourth Day


by Jerry Rowe

Well, as promised, here are my thoughts about how to keep a 4DG active and meaningful.

To keep a 4DG active, you need to be a dedicated phone-caller. You’ve got to call people and remind 'em of meetings and what-not 'cuz people are busy and, if they're not constantly reminded of what's important in their lives, they'll fill it up with other stuff instead. How many of us, when we first heard of the Cursillo Weekend, said, "Oh yeah, I wanna go! I wanna see Jesus! I wanna experience unconditional love from people other than my blood relatives!" If you're a guy, my guess is NONE. If you're a gal, my guess is FEW. Well, the same goes for 4DG's - people need reminding and cajoling and sometimes pleading.

To keep a 4DG meaningful, you need to tap into what's meaningful to you. For instance, a good Cursillista friend of mine mentioned the AA rules of meetings, like no cross talk, no back talk, no advice unless asked for, staying on topic, and adding constructive and enlightening comments. Some more rules would involve listening attentively and experiencing periods of quiet reflection. One foundation of every 4DG is prayerful reflection because it's thru our various 4DG's that we live the Cursillo Tripod of Piety, Study, and Action.

A good discussion topic also makes meetings meaningful. A favorite topic of mine is simply "Tell me about either the presence or absence of Jesus in your life since we last met." Topics can be as timely and as controversial as the evening news, but they should focus on our mutual spirituality. The discussion can also be a springboard to Action, which seems to be the most difficult leg of the Tripod to build. However, prayer and like-minded Cursillistas can eventually overcome any obstacle to living the Christian Life (wow, sounds like a Rollo).

Again, if you have any comments, questions, or criticism, please e-mail me or call me. De Colores! And may the peace of the Lord be with you always - Jerry Rowe


A calendar of Bridge-Over meetings should be included at this point along with directions to the facilities where they will be held.



Jesus said, "When two or three are gathered together for my sake, there I am in the midst of them."

We are called to the Cursillo to make Group Re-unions. As Eduardo Bonnin, one of the founders of the Cursillo Movement said, "We must bear in mind that Group Reunions are not held so that there may be people to attend Cursillo but the Cursillos are held so that there are people to make a Group Reunion."


The real gift of Cursillo is Group Reunion, which emphasizes the value of personal contact and sharing with other Christians after the weekend. The purpose of a Group Reunion is to help each one in it to reach his or her full potential in Christ. In company with sympathetic, caring, loving people we are able to share and talk about our hang-ups and fears as well as our hopes and dreams.

Characteristics Of A Group

1. Size:

Three to five people is ideal. A group works best when it is made up of people who are already friends, or who want to be friends.

2. Regularity:

Weekly group reunion assures continuity and steady progress in Christian growth. First, there is personal growth, which is discovering who you are - your unique gifts, strengths and weaknesses, your spiritual and intellectual formation into a whole per-son. Second, there is group building, becoming members of a team. A group does not be-come a group just by sitting down together to talk. It takes time and it takes caring, sharing, forgiving and affirming. Third, there is individual and collective action.

3. Seriousness:

Meeting and sharing is of great importance to each member in fulfilling his or her vocation. Essential to living the group reunion is the desire to be a saint and an apostle. Saints are people who know God's love and grace, and who live their lives from this relationship. Apostles are saints who have a mission to share that same knowledge with others.

4. Sincerity:

Each member seeks to build authentic relationships by being open and honest. It is important that each person does some history giving. This means giving each person a chance to share personal concerns, fears, significant events, places and people in his or her life, as well as present hurts and joys. Affirmation grows out of history giving, where the members respond as a community of love, trust and acceptance to the particular needs that are brought out in the sharing.

5. Discretion:

Whatever is shared in the group must be kept in confidence.

6. Leading:

No one in the group is the leader; each person contributes and takes responsibility for the life of the group.

The Order Of Group Reunion

Group Reunion opens and closes with prayer. The Group Reunion card is the guide to a successful Group Reunion.

Each item in Piety, Study and Action should be taken separately. Unless the items are taken one at a time, the reunion will become mechanical. By following the Rule of Life one should grow in depth of spirituality.

Guidelines For Effective Sharing

There are three levels of sharing:

1. Mouth to mouth sharing is simply conversational doodling.

2. Head to head sharing is more serious in that it is exchanging ideas and concepts, but the ex-change is strictly of ideas, detached from the person.

3. Heart to heart sharing lets the other person know where you stand in relation to ideas and how you feel about them; it is the communing from which community is born.

When one person in a group takes that leap of faith and lets the others in on his or her life, the group is under a real obligation as the Body of Christ to be ministering servants to that person.

Don't interrupt. Our greatest gift is to listen and this could be all the person wants or needs.

Don't probe. There is a thin line between listening and probing. To listen is to enable a person to say all that he or she wants to say. To probe is to make a person share what he or she does not want to share.

Don't give advice. If someone in the group has had a similar experience, he or she can share the experience without telling the other person what to do.

Don't judge. We are all different. Some sensitive areas of disagreement in lifestyle, theology and outlook will arise. Love will be put to the test in accepting people where they are and for what they believe.

Remember, to be an enabler means to call forth the best in another person, to see the best in him or her.

Sometimes Group Reunions do not work out successfully, and it may be necessary to move on. This should not be considered a failure. Group Reunions do not last forever; they change and grow, just as people do.


The Group Reunion provides the forum and the impetus to actively engage in Piety, Study and Action in a Cursillistas everyday life. We will never outgrow our need for Group Reunion, be-cause we need to share our Christian life deeply in order to keep it growing. The Group Reunions are done for Jesus' sake. He is present at them and they should be done prayerfully that we might know, love, and serve Him better.


If we are convinced of the value of group reunions, then we must constantly concentrate on improving this sacred gathering. What are some concrete means that could be of assistance in the matter?

1. Do palanca for the success of each reunion; it sharpens our awareness of the purpose of gathering.

2. Prepare ahead of time what to say. Bring something to share - be conscious of coming "to give".

3. Never have one person go through the whole reunion sheet and then the second do the same. Take each section at a time and have everyone contribute his/her share on that section; then move on to the next section.

4. Be regular. The group must reunion every week and everyone must be there; otherwise it will not develop property and may soon fail.

5. Be serious. Take seriously the various sections fully realizing that you are discussing each other's mutual sanctity.

- Avoid digressions: irrelevant details that can prolong the meeting.

- Be concerned as to how to help the others as they relate to you their attempts of the previous week.

- Be on time so that it need not be done in a hurry.

6. Be discreet What is said remains with the group. Whatever is revealed in a meeting must be guarded as a secret given in confidence to one another and we are obliged in conscience to respect it as such.

7. Be sincere. Insincerity is the worst ingredient in a group reunion. This meeting of people, a meeting that also includes the intimate presence of Christ, is a most serious growth process, which we choose to undertake. If there is not sincerity, we are building upon a foundation of sand and our growth will collapse. Once a lack of sincerity is noted in any one group, a lack of trust appears, hypocrisy will permeate the group and it will die.

8. Periodically, re-evaluate the success of your group reunion using a questionnaire, thus reminding yourself of the purpose of your gathering.

9. Ensure that you and your group are not in isolation from the other groups and the evangelizing thrust of the movement. Attend the Ultreya.

10. Go on an annual retreat together or spend one day in an in-depth sharing session.

11. Now and again do something social together, attend a ballgame, have dinner together - just socialize. It builds up friendship at a different level.

12. Share with others what your group means to you now (the way you shared what the Cursillo weekend meant to you after your Cursillo).



Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love.

Send forth your Spirit and we shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the face of the earth.

O God, who by the Light of the Holy Spirit did instruct the hearts of the faithful; grant that by the same Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His Consolations, through Jesus Christ, our Lord; Amen

Then may follow:

▪ a reading

▪ a meditation

▪ reflections on Christian Life

▪ special prayers of the group

▪ The Lord's Prayer


PIETY: When have I been especially close to Christ or aware of His Presence in Church, at home, in the world, or alone?

STUDY: What have I studied that has increased my understanding of my faith, the bible, or other religious books, lectures, nature, people, etc.?

ACTION: What have I done as an apostle of the Lord to share Christ with the world, in family, at work, in my parish, the community?



Direct us, O Lord, in all our doings, with Your grace and help us each day and in all that we do that we may glorify Your Holy Name, and finally by Your mercy and love, obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


A list of the local 4th day groups should be placed here. You can download this from our website or get it from the Chair of the 4th day committee.


Palanca is a Spanish word, literally translated as "lever". A lever is used to lift or move something heavier than the one trying to do the lifting or moving. It enables us to do more than we thought could be done.

In Cursillo, our lever - Palanca - is prayer and sacrifice. Palanca is a gift freely given with no strings attached. God's Grace is Palanca - a gift freely, given with no strings attached! The Christian's response - receiving this gift of Grace and transforming faith in action – is Palanca.

The greatest example of Palanca was Christ Himself. His life was filled with acts of giving Himself for Others, to lift them up, to help them become more than they had imagined His greatest Palanca was on Good Friday when He gave Himself totally, completely and fully for each of us.

Throughout the Cursillo weekend, the Christian community offers prayers, sacrifices and works of mercy for the candidates and team that they grow more in God's Love and be open to His Truth and Grace. This Palanca is a sign of God's Grace reflected through others, - the, prayer and sacrifice for them is the community's faith in action.

Forms of Palanca Expression

Each of us has different gifts. Perhaps Palanca, then, is to acknowledge these gifts and use them in the service and support of others making the incredible Cursillo journey. The following are some of the many forms of Palanca:

Prayer Vigil: Usually ongoing from Thursday evening through Sunday. We can sign up for one hour to pray for the Cursillo candidates and team. Contact the Palanca Angel or Rector/a on the team a few weeks before the Cursillo weekend.

Posters: Posters may be done individually or by a group, with a Cursillo message It is well to keep in mind the spiritual and sacrificial aspect of Palanca as we create the posters.

Cards: Cards to team members, as well as candidates, are a great support. The Palanca, person on the team will try to deliver the cards on a specific -day if you write it on the outside of the envelope.

Individual Palanca: (i.e. gifts for the candidates) - Generally speaking, it is the center's policy that no gifts be given to the candidates. Please save them until after Clausura or for their 4th Day. The intent of Cursillo is for each of us to support all of the candidates.

Bed Palanca: This is a powerful expression of our love for one another though we have never met. Bed Palanca may be as simple or as fancy as we wish: inspirational quotes, hand made items, etc. If we intend to include the team, prepare for 70 individuals. Again, the sooner this is delivered to the center, the better.

Sacrifice: Small and large acts of' sacrifice are powerful witness. Some examples: a day of fasting, no smoking for the weekend, donating money and/or your time and energies to a worthy cause in honor of the Cursillo. These can be incorporated into a poster, put in a note addressed to the Rector/a, or in individual bed palanca.

Food: Contact the Head Cook of the team to see what his/her needs Snacks, cakes, cookies, fruits, cheeses, water, and soft drinks are welcomed. Palanca meals are always very appreciated.

Body Power: Cleaning up for the team after the Cursillo is one of the most and yet, one of the most welcomed aspects of Palanca. Many hands make light the work! Contact the Rector/a if you wish to volunteer.

Final thought: Palanca is the community's response to God's Grace in their lives. Because it is a response of faith, by its very nature, Palanca Is a Spiritual Expression.

Palanca Links

Shops listed here are for your convenience only and in no way indicate any official endorsement.  All business conducted with these vendors is private and between the buyer and seller only.  We cannot be held responsible for merchandise quality or fulfillment of any orders.

Aguppy Wear - Home of the Trinity Necklace!

Autom – Inspiration Gifts since 1948

Button Mania - Your Full-Line Christian Products Supplier

Cursillo Connection – The Official Source for Cursillo® Related Products

Cursillo Items - Your home for Cursillo related products!

DeColores, Inc. - Extend your weekend experience with our wonderful products.

Praying the Prayer Vigil

Begin by asking God to clear your mind from all outside distractions. Place your thoughts and your spirit with the people and the event that you have come to him to bless. Be silent a few minutes and begin to feel His presence with you. Pray as if you are talking to your best friend... You are! Ask Him to bless with His spirit the buildings, the grounds and all things used to bring those present to an awareness of Him.

Pray for the Rector/Rectora, if not by name, by duty. They must walk in His spirit for anything they may be called upon to solve.

Pray for the Assistant Rector/Rectora in much the same way.

Pray for the Spiritual Directors that they may truly be an instrument of His spirit.

Pray for the Assistant Spiritual Directors in much the same way.

Pray for the Table Leaders that they may have the courage to keep the purity of the event and not let personalities keep them from doing what they promised God they would do.

Pray for the Speakers. Pray that they remember whom they represent, lay down self and glorify God.

Pray for the Rollos... for the message they give, for the giver and for those who hear, that they may hear according to their need.

Pray for: Priorities and Ideals...Means of

Grace...Strength in Laity... Faith in God...

Life in Piety... Growth through Study, Understanding of the Sacraments... Christian Action... Obstacles to Grace... Discipleship...Changing Our World... Sanctifying Grace...Body of Christ... Perseverance...4th Day.

Pray for the musicians, that their music may bring God's message and soothe troubled souls.

Pray for the candidates; the ones who can't leave their thoughts behind, the ones uneasy in that setting, the ones who can't sleep, the ones forced to come, the ones looking for magic not miracles, the ones who are open and receiving and for all conditions known only to God.

Pray for the fun and fellowship that it may warm hearts and keep focused on God.

Pray for the cooks and all who minister in unrecognized ways.

Pray for the palanca angels that they do not tire. Pray for renewed strength.

Pray for all of the agape gifts and palanca, for all the hands that made them and for the blessings that they bring.

Pray for the sponsors.

Pray for the special times-- Meditations, Agape, Las Mañanitas, Clausura and Ultreya.

And lastly, give it all to our Lord and

Friend, who sees and knows, asking for His blessing and presence with everyone connected, not only those mentioned, but also Families and the changes in the church and community

End by praising and thanking God for the opportunity He has given you to talk to Him on behalf of His children.




Information regarding your Clausura can be included at this point.


You should place a copy of your Ultreya flyer along with directions and a map to the facility at this point.


You can place a copy of the most current application to attend a Leadership Workshop at this point, if one is available. You can download one from the website.


Retrieve a copy of the most current calendar of events from the website and include at this point.


This section should include at least the following:

▪ Sponsor’s Guidelines (included)

▪ Information on our Website,

▪ Information of how to get involved

▪ Copy of a recent edition of the Canta el Gallo newsletter

▪ Suggested Spiritual Readings (included)

▪ Christian Book & Supply Stores in the Bay Area (included)


|Important Contacts |Forms & Scripts |Miscellaneous |

| | | |

|Facility Scheduling, Keys |Applications |Fourth Day First Presentations |

| | | |

|Derek Greensides |Application to Experience Cursillo |Jerry Rowe |

|(650) 872-3585 - work |Application to Serve on a Cursillo |(510) 636-1768 - home |

|(650) 738-0359 - home |Application to Lead a Cursillo |(925) 823-9270 - work |

| |Application for Secretariat Membership | |

|General Secretariat |Application for Leadership Workshop |Joyce DeSoto |

|Jerry Gregoire | |(650) 697-4132 - home |

|(415) 479-1494 - home |Weekend | |

| Kathy Frizzell | |Photographer |

| Barbara Turner |Agape Service |Marv White (San Jose) |

| |Emergency Medical Information |(831) 424-4055 - fax |

|Canta el Gallo |Mime Script |(831) 424-7551 - home |

|Melissa Rutherford (Editor) |Praying the Prayer Vigil | |

|(650) 616-2150 - work |Sponsor’s Checklist |Melissa Kaufman (Marin) |

|(650) 458-9045 - home | |(415) 697-5357 - home |

| |Fourth Day | |

|Ron McNaughton (webmaster) | |Songbooks (Songs and Creations) |

|(650) 871-8872 - home |Fourth Day Groups (Active List) |Yohann Anderson |

| |Fourth Day Packet |18 Mariposa Avenue |

|Kairos |Group Reunion Guidelines |San Anselmo, CA 94960 |

|Jim Ryan | |(800) 227-2188 - work |

|(800) 281-8184 |By-Laws and Guidelines | |

| | |Clowns |

|Taize |2002 Communication Plan |Tina Reinke |

|Dean Miller |Glossary of Cursillo Terms |(650) 827-3220 - work |

| |Meeting Management |(650) 574-2610 - home |

| |Pass It On (Stewardship Guidelines) | |

|Archdiocese of California |Team Commissioning Script |Marilyn Heinen |

|Monsignor Mickey McCormick | |(415) 705-5539 - work |

|(415) 621-8203 - work | |(650) 756-4232 - home |

| |Miscellaneous | |

|Episcopal Diocese of California | |Palanca Shop |

|Rev. Dewey Schwartzenburg |10 Commandments of Rollo Preparation |Ron McNaughton |

|(707) 865-0715 - home |Committee Preferences |(650) 871-8872 - home |

| |Cursillo Tri-Fold |(650) 504-5145 - cell |

|Filipino Community |Leadership Workshop Flyer | |

|Mario Santos |Rollo Critique |Cups/Patches |

|(510) 459-6683 |Rooster Booster Form/Application |Jim Anderson |

| |Stations of the Cross Links |(415) 668-2570 |

|Spanish Community |Stone Soup Story & Recipe | |

|Carolina Zuniga | |Harry Johnston |

|315 Walnut Avenue | |(510) 790-3288 |

|South San Francisco, CA  94080 | | |

|(415) 552-7379 | | |

| | | |

** This information can also be found, with links, at our website,


Cursillo, for many, is, a LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE. Therefore, as a sponsor, it is important that you understand the seriousness of the commitment you are about to make.

Cursillo provides us with the opportunity to grow. It is NOT meant to solve problems which exist with us or with the relationships we have with other individuals. The weekend is NOT for everyone. The weekend is NOT a "conversion" experience in the normal sense of the word. It is NOT designed to convert nonbelievers to Christianity, NOR is it designed to solve emotional, mental or medical problems.

It IS an invitation for people to walk in fellowship with those who work for the Holy Spirit in today's modern world; an experience in Christian Living. Therefore, it is VITAL that the candidate you have chosen to sponsor should, at a minimum, have a background of Christianity, and accept its basic beliefs.

IF, after reading to this point, you understand and accept the above, and are fully committed to assuming the responsibility of sponsorship, and, IF, your candidate has a background of Christianity and accepts its basic beliefs, then we invite you to review the additional responsibilities and guidelines which we have provided for guidance for both you and your candidate!


A. The sponsor should review and be complete familiar with those rules and guidelines that apply to applicants for a Cursillo weekend.

B. The sponsor should know the applicant well enough to be able to recommend the Cursillo experience to them, using the guidelines outlined above.

C. The sponsor should discuss completely the Cursillo process and the fact that Cursillo means 'A short course in Christianity", with the candidate, making certain that the candidate has a thorough understanding of what the general format of the weekend will be PRIOR to the candidate signing the application. And, in so doing, you DO NOT have to give away the SURPRISES Of THE WEEKEND!

D. Once your candidate has been accepted, the sponsor assumes, responsibility as follows:

1. 1 Make certain that the candidate has a ride to Cursillo.

2. Accepts the commitment to attend the sponsors meeting.

3. Provides continued support during the weekend, including providing assistance “at home”, if necessary, prayers, palanca and attendance of Mananitas and Clausura.

4. Make certain that the candidate has a ride home from the Cursillo.

5. Be very aware of the type of "home" situation to which the candidate is returning, and assist in this immediate transition. For example, in the case of a single parent with children, prepare the children for the possible difference they may see in their parent, but, at the same time, do not alarm them.

6. If appropriate, arrange to take the candidate to a group function that will be celebrating the new Cursillistas, and welcoming them. But, here again, it is, MOST IMPORTANT that you act appropriately for the candidate.

7. Suggest to the candidate who works that they take Monday off, if any way possible. Arrange to meet with your candidate some time on Monday. Be there to listen to them, to love them, to answer questions, to SUPPORT THEM!

8. Assist your candidate in "plugging" into both a church community and, the Cursillo community at large. Make sure they are on the mailing list for Canta El Gallo and know about the resources available at our web site. Continue to maintain contact with your candidate until such time as YOU feel confidant that your candidate it comfortable with selected Fourth Day activities and support programs.

E. Since these responsibilities require considerable effort, you should sponsor no more than one candidate for any given Cursillo weekend.

F. If you wish to sponsor a candidate who lives out of your own geographical area, it is strongly recommended that you only do so with a co-sponsor whom you know, and who has also read and accepted both the sponsor ' s guidelines and the sponsor 's responsibilities.


A. Persons wishing to make Cursillo should read the application thoroughly, especially the beginning paragraphs. They should then COMPLETE the form, making certain to fill in all the blanks.

B. A Priest or minister WHO HAS AN UNDERSTANDING OF CURSILLO, and WHO HAS KNOWLEDGE OF THE APPLICANT AND HIS/HER UNDERSTANDING OF THE CURSILLO MUST sign the application. The priest or minister also assumes responsibility by signing the application.

C. The age requirement for applicants is 25 - 65. Exceptions can be made only if the appropriate Secretariat approves.

D. Persons who Make application can be single, divorced, or married. In case of a married couple, the husband and wife's application should be submitted at the same time. Exceptions to this rule can only be made by the Secretariat, and evidence must be provided indicating the need for any such exception.



Sponsoring a candidate for a Cursillo is a commitment to the individual that extends far beyond the importance of the actual weekend. In this meeting, we will review the sponsor's role before, during and most importantly, after the actual Cursillo weekend. We will discuss your responsibilities as a sponsor and pass on ideas that have proven to help pave the way for a positive and faith-filled experience.

Selecting a Candidate to Sponsor

You need to wait six months after experiencing your own Cursillo weekend before you sponsor a candidate. This gives you time to reflect on your own weekend and to, take active role in your Fourth Day experience.

What to consider when you are thinking of sponsoring a candidate:

• Do you know your candidate well? The most successful sponsor relationship is one where the sponsor and the candidate have a solid relationship. If you are sponsoring someone who you are not very familiar with, spend time with that person discussing their faith journey and what they are hoping to gain through their participation in Cursillo."

• Does your candidate have a Christian foundation? Cursillo is intended to enrich or in some cases to revitalize a person's faith. It is not intended to teach Christian concepts or to convert individuals to Christianity.

• Is your candidate experiencing a recent stressful event such as a death of a spouse or loved one, a divorce or a job crisis? Cursillo can help individuals respond to life “events" in a, faith filled manner, however if the event is recent, the individual will not be able to fully experience all that Cursillo has to offer. Consider waiting until the crisis has passed and the individual has had time to deal with the situation.

• The suggested age range for a candidate is between 25 and 65 years old. This is not a set rule. Your, candidate needs to be mature, enough to participate in deep sharing with other individuals and be healthy enough to participate in a weekend that can be very draining.

• Does your candidate have a community to return to after the weekend? Remember that a community can be two people, you and your candidate. The candidate will benefit from participating in a faith community.

What to do during the weekend

• Arrange for a quiet dinner with the candidate Thursday evening and get the candidate to the Cursillo location on time. Help the candidate get settled and leave promptly.

• Keep your candidate in your prayers all weekend.

• Attend the Mananitas at 6:00 a.m. Sunday morning and remember to bring flowers.

• Be at the Clausura on time Sunday afternoon. Your candidate will want to see you when he/she joins the Cursillo community. Be sensitive to your candidate’s needs. Do they want to attend the large Clausura party, go to a quiet dinner with you or go home to family?

What to do after the weekend

• Recognize that your candidate may want to process his, or her weekend in different ways. Be available to listen when your candidate asks to talk. Send palanca to your candidate after the weekend to assure him/her that you are there as a resource. Specific Fourth day responsibilities include:

• Attend the team-sponsored Bridge Meetings to acquaint the Cursillista with the concept of Fourth Day involvement. Help your candidate to get established in a-Fourth Day Group. The post weekend sharing and the commitment of a Fourth Day Group will help your candidate integrate the Cursillo concepts into daily life.

• Review the Fourth Day packet with the Cursillista and attend all post-Cursillo events, such as the Ultreya. Be the bridge for your candidate to the larger Cursillo community.

• Attend, the next team's Mananitas with your Cursillista.

By following these recommendations when you sponsor a candidate, the Cursillo experience will be faith-filled and rewarding for both the candidates and the sponsor.


Your role as a sponsor is a special one. Actually you are a member of the team. Once you have invited someone you know to experience Cursillo, the tripod of Cursillo begins. You will pray, commit to actions and help your candidate to fully experience all that Cursillo has to offer. Outlined below is a checklist of actions you need to take to help support your candidate in a very special faith journey.

De Colores!

Before the Weekend

← Meet with the candidate and review the format for the weekend. Discuss rollos, small group sharing and the meditations and services.

← Plan to attend to any of the candidate’s family or home needs during the weekend.

← Prepare palanca. Invite the candidate’s family to write palanca.

← Attend Sponsor’s night and bring payment.

During the Weekend

← Thursday night, have a quiet dinner with your candidate, get them to the facility on time and help get them settled. Bring prepared palanca.

← Pray, Pray, Pray. Sign up on the prayer chart but keep your candidate in your prayers the entire weekend. This is the most powerful palanca you can provide.

← Attend to the needs of the candidate’s family.

← Sunday morning, attend Mananitas and encourage family members to attend as well. Arrive quietly at 5:45 a.m. and bring flowers.

← Attend Clausura at approximately 4:30 Sunday afternoon. Bring any of the candidate’s family or special friends. Attend the Clausura party or arrange for a dinner for the candidate. This can be done privately or with the candidate’s congregation.

After the Weekend

← On Monday, call or visit your candidate. Be prepared to listen and let your candidate discuss the weekend in any way they choose. Recognize that the need to talk will continue for the next several weeks. Make sure your candidate knows you are available for discussion.

← Arrange to take your candidate to the first bridge meeting. Assist your candidate in getting established in a Fourth Day Group.

← Arrange to accompany your candidate to the Ultreya.

← Attend the next Mananitas with your candidate. Consider yourself as the bridge to the larger Cursillo community for your candidate.

← Encourage your candidate to get involved in Cursillo events and with the Cursillo Community.

Write a note to yourself summarizing any thoughts you have for the actions you want to take to support your candidate in the very special faith journey.

Sponsor’s Signature

Keep this checklist and your notes as a reminder of the actions that you wish to take.

De Colores!

Canta el Gallo

Canta el Gallo, or Song of the Rooster, is the official newsletter of the San Francisco/San Mateo Cursillo Secretariat, the governing body of our local Cursillo movement. It is published 3 times a year, in April, August and December and contains information about scheduled activities as well as articles from members of the secretariat and local cursillistas. It is a great source of information about upcoming teams.

We also publish the newsletter on our website at . You can get a lot more information on the site, including maps and directions to the various facilities, downloadable forms, links to sources of palanca, music, information on upcoming teams, plus much, much more.

Articles, suggestions and comments are always welcome. We cannot publish the newsletter effectively without your help and support.

How To Get Involved

So, how do I get involved with Cursillo? There are as many ways as you have the imagination to come up with. Here are just a few suggestions:

❖ Join the secretariat and help the spirit of Cursillo live on.

❖ Get involved in an active 4th day group.

❖ Help to palanca a meal.

❖ Go to mananitas for the upcoming team.

❖ Attend an Ultreya.

❖ Look into being a part of the clown ministry.

❖ Submit an article for the Canta el Gallo.

❖ Sign-up to work a team.

❖ Attend a sponsor’s workshop and sponsor a candidate.

❖ Share your experience with your friends.

Or, in the words of 50 ways to Love Cursillo:

o Join the secretariat, Harriet

o Get in a 4th Day, Jay

o Help palanca some food, dude

o Come handout a posy, Rosie

o Sponsor your friend, Ben

o Make clowning the rave, Dave

o Tell people where you’ve been, Jen

o Share all the joy, Roy


| |

|Underlined authors have an extensive body of work. |

|Author(s) | Book(s) |

|Various | The Jerusalem Bible |

| | New American Bible |

| | New English Bible |

| | New revised Standard Bible |

| |The New Testament-Good News for Modern Man |

| | The Way |

| | The NIV Serendipity Study bible for Groups |

| | Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of Hours |

|Allen, Charles L. | God's Psychiatry |

|Barry, William A. | Paying Attention to God |

|Bender, Sue | Plain and Simple |

|Bernardin, Joseph Cardinal | The Gift of Peace |

|Bird, Joseph and Lois | Love is All Freedom of Sexual Love |

|Boyd, Malcolm | Are, You Running with me, Jesus? |

|Breeman, Van | As Dread Is Broken |

|Brother Lawrence | The Practice of the Presence of God |

|Brown, Ray | Jesus, God and Me |

|Brussat, Frederic & Mary Ann (eds.) | Spiritual Literacy: Reading the Sacred in Everyday Life |

|Bucchne, Ferdinand | Wishful Thinking |

|Calkin, Ruth Harms | Tell Me Again, Lord, I Forget |

|Campoli, John F. | And the Miracle is |

|Canfield, Jack & Mark Victor Hanson (eds.) | Chicken Soup for the Soul (Series of-books) |

|Carlson, Richard and Benjamin Shield (eds.) | Handbook for the Heart |

| | Handbook for the Soul |

|Carothers, Merlin | Power Of Praise |

|Carretto, Carlo | Letters From the Desert |

|Cavanaugh, Michael | What To Do When You’re Feeling Guilty |

|Chittister, Joan | Wisdom Distilled From the Daily |

|Cousins, Norman | The Celebration of Life |

|Curran, Dolores | In the Beginning There Were Parents |

| | And Then God Made Families |

| | Family Prayer |

|de Caussade, Jean Pierre |Abandonment to Divine Providence |

|de Mello, Anthony |Sadhana: A Way to God |

|De Rosa, Peter |Not I But the Wind That Blows Through Me |

|de Saint-Exupery, Antoine |The Little Prince |

|Doherty, Catherine de Hoeck |Not Without Parables |

| |Poustinia (Russian Meditation) |

|Evely, Louis |Lovers in Marriage |

| |That Man Is You |

|Fischer, Kathleen |Women at the Well |

|Forrell, Edward |Prayer is a Hunger |

| |The Father Is Very Fond of Me |

| |Surprised in the Spirit |

| |Selected writings |

|Girzone, Joseph |Joshua |

| |Joshua and the Children |

|Green, Thomas H |Opening to God |

| |Weeds Among the Wheat |

| |When the Well Runs Dry |

|Gulgi, Jeanette |Never Miss a Sunset |

|Hammerskjold Dag |Markings |

|Haring, Bernard |Hope is the Remedy |

| |Prayers, the Integration of Faith and Life |

|Hays, M.H. |Prayers for the Domestic Church |

|Hayward, Susan |A Guide for the Advanced Soul |

|Hillman, James |The Soul’s Code: In Search of Character & Calling |

|Holmes, Marjorie |I've Got to Talk to Somebody, Lord |

|Houselander, Caryll |The Need of God |

|Hurnard, Hannah |Hinds Feet in High Places |

| |Mountains Of Spice |

|Jacobson, David |Clarity in Prayer |

|Kaam, Van |Living Creatively |

|Kavanaugh, James |There Are Men Too Gentle to Live Among Wolves |

|Kazantzakis, Nikos |The Last Temptation of Christ |

|Keen, Sam |Fire in the Belly |

| |Hymns to an Unknown God |

| |To Love and Be Loved |

|Kornfield, Jack |A Path with A Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life |

|Kelsey, Morton T. |A number of writings |

|Levey, Joel and Michelle |Living in Balance: A Dynamic Approach for Creating Harmony and Wholeness in a Chaotic World |

|Levine, Stephen |Healing into Life and Death |

| |Who, Dies? |

|Lewis, C.S. |Mere Christianity |

| |The Screwtape Letters |

| |Surprised by JOY |

|Lindbergh, Anne Morrow |Gift from the Sea |

|Link, S.J. Marty |In the Stillness Is the Dancing |

|Lynch, John |Woman Wrapped in Silence |

|Maloney, S.J., George |Inward Stillness |

| |Jesus Set Me Free |

| |Nesting in the Rock |

| |Inscape |

| |Bright Darkness |

| |Reflective Healing |

|Marshall, Catherine |Something More |

|McCarroll, Tolbert |Notes from the Song of Life |

|McGee, Bill |What is Beautiful |

|McNamara, William |The Art of Being Human |

|McNeill, John J. |The Church and the Homosexual |

| |Taking a Chance on God |

| |Freedom, Glorious Freedom: The Spiritual Journey to the Fullness of Life for Gays, Lesbians and |

| |Everyone Else |

|Merton, Thomas |Contemplative Prayer |

| |Contemplation in a World of Action |

| |What is Contemplation? |

| |The Church and the Homosexual |

| |Monastic Journey |

| |Disputed Questions |

| |Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander |

| |The Ascent to Truth |

| |Bread in the Wilderness |

| |Seeds of Contemplation |

| |The Seven Story Mountain |

| |The Sign of Jonas |

| |The Silent Life |

| |Spiritual Direction & Meditation |

| |The Waters of Siloe |

| |Zen and the Birds of Appetite |

|Moody, Raymond A. |Life After Life |

| | |

|Moore, Thomas |Care of the Soul |

| |The Re-Enchantment of Everyday life |

| |SoulMates: Honoring the Mysteries of Love-and Relationship |

|Mother Teresa |Something Beautiful for God |

| |Heart Of Joy |

| |Words to Love By |

|Nelson, Wesley |Crying for My Mother |

|Nouwen, Henri J.M. |With Open Hands |

| |The Road to Daybreak |

| |Bread for the Journey |

| |Reaching out |

| |The Wounded Healer |

| |Out of Solitude |

| |Aging |

| |Genessee Diary |

| |Gracias |

| |Compassion |

| |A Cry for Mercy |

|O'Connor, Elizabeth |Journey Inward, Journey Outward |

|Ogilvie, John |Drumbeat of Love |

|Oosterhuis |Your Word is Near |

|Parmisano, Stan |Come to the Mountain |

|Pennington, M. Basil |Centering Prayer |

|Powell, S. J., John |Why am I Afraid to Tell You Who I am? |

| |Why Am I Afraid to Love? |

| |The Secret Of Staying in, Love |

| |Unconditional Love |

| |Fully Human, Fully Alive |

| |A Reason to Live, A Reason to Die |

|Prather, Hugh |Notes to Myself |

|Quoist, Michael |Prayers |

| |I've Met Jesus Christ |

|Raines, Robert | Creative Brooding |

|Redfield, James | The Celestine Prophecy (and other readings) |

|Rinder, Walter | Love is an Attitude |

|Sinetar, Marsha | Ordinary People as Monks and Mystics |

| | Do What you Love, The Money Money Will Follow |

|Sujata | Beginning to see |

|Takenaka, Masao and Ron O'Grady |The Bible through Asian Eyes |

|Ten Boom, Corrie |The Hiding Place |

|Tournier, Paul |To Understand Each Other |

|Trobish, Walter |I Married You |

|Underhill Evelyn |Life as Prayer Mysticism |

|Vardey, Lucinda (ed.) |God In All Worlds: An Anthology of Contemporary Spiritual Writing |

|Voillaume, Rene |Spirituality of the Desert |

| |Truth Will Make You Free |

|Walker, Alice |The Color Purple |

|Wise, Lois |Love Poems for the Very Married |

|Wuellner, Flora Slosson |Prayer, Stress and Our Inner Wounds |

| |Heart of Healing, Heart of Light |

| | |


|Graceland Christian Books |2549 San Jose Dr. |Antioch |925-706-8790 |

|Sonrise Bible Book Store |3646 Lone Tree Way |Antioch |925-706-4390 |

|Graduate Theological Union Book Store |2465 Le Conte Ave. |Berkeley |510-649-2470 |

|Jews For Jesus |2506 Telegraph Ave. |Berkeley |510-883-0343 |

|Powerhouse Christian Tapes & Books | |Clayton |925-673-9121 |

|Cornerstone Christian Book Store |4425 Treat Blvd. #D |Concord |925-609-8502 |

|Lion and the Lamb |20530 Stevens Creek Blvd. |Cupertino |408-252-2024 |

|Western Christian Bookstore |Westlake Shopping Center |Daly City |650-755-2645 |

|Western Christian Bookstore |109 Town & Country Rd. |Danville |925-838-9488 |

|Lighthouse Bible Book Store |7188 Amador Plaza Rd. |Dublin |925-829-3698 |

|Amazing Grace Christian Superstore |4100 San Pablo Dam Rd. |El Sobrante |510-222-0740 |

|Inspirational Family Books |7760 Monterey |Gilroy |408-848-4415 |

|Western Christian Bookstore |22481 Foothill Blvd. |Hayward |510-881-8411 |

|The Good Book Store |1959 Second |Livermore |925-447-2000 |

|Golden Gate Baptist Theo. Seminary |201 Seminary Drive |Mill Valley |415- 381-0694 |

|Milpitas Bible Book Store |220 S. Main St. |Milpitas |408-946-2200 |

|Gospel Books & Music |2550 W. El Camino Real |Mountain View |408-941-0446 |

|The Bible House |3634 Bel Aire Plaza |Napa |707-259-1111 |

|Reflections |3365 Solano Ave. |Napa |707-224-3296 |

|Christian General Store |830 Grant Ave. |Novato |707-897-6644 |

|Christian Life Book Store |1370 S. Novato Ave. |Novato |707-892-7037 |

|St. Michael’s Catholic Books & Gifts |1419A Grant Ave. |Novato |707-897-8440 |

|Tammy’s Bible & Book Store |3515 38th Ave. |Oakland |510-530-2788 |

|Western Christian Bookstore |1618 Franklin |Oakland |510-832-2040 |

|Western Christian Bookstore |194 Atlantic |Pittsburgh |925-427-0772 |

|Western Christian Bookstore |2342 Monument Blvd. |Pleasant Hill |925-687-1480 |

|Glad Tidings Book & Gift Store © |6700 Santa Rita Rd. |Pleasanton |925-847-9787 |

|New Life Bible Book Shoppe |3200 Hopyard Rd. |Pleasanton |925-462-4478 |

|Zion Christian Center Book Store |2821 El Camino Real |Redwood City |650-368-2144 |

|Koinonia Christian Gifts & Book Store |2936 Hilltop Mall Rd. |Richmond |510-223-2166 |

|Western Christian Bookstore |6370 Commerce Blvd. |Rohnert Park |707-584-5111 |

|San Francisco Theological Seminary |2 Kensington Road |San Anselmo |415-258-6604 |

|Door Christian Book Store |787 Laurel St. |San Carlos |650-593-9824 |

|St. Paul’s Book & Media Center © |46 Geary St. |San Francisco |415-781-5180 |

|Kaufer’s Religious Supplies |55 Beverly St. |San Francisco |415-333-4494 |

|Harvet Christian Book Store |1239 Noriega |San Francisco |415-665-9672 |

|Holy Virgin Cathedral Book Store |6200 Geary Blvd. |San Francisco |415-668-5218 |

|Paulist Center Book Store |660 California St. |San Francisco |415-288-3844 |

|S.F. Christian Center Book Store |5845 Mission St. |San Francisco |415-584-7772 |

|Passages-Religious Gifts & Goods |438 Toyon Avenue |San Jose |408-926-0348 |

|Christian Community Book Store |1407 McLaughlin Avenue |San Jose |408-279-3366 |

|The Bookshop at Calvary Chapel |1175 Hillsdale Ave. |San Jose |408-445-2665 |

|Berean Christian Store |2841 Meridian Ave. |San Jose |408-265-1833 |

|Family Book Center |725 Macarthur Blvd. |San Leandro |510-635-5696 |

|Earle’s Christian Books & Gifts |2301 Rumrill Blvd. |San Pablo |510-237-8101 |

|Christian General Store |2130 4th St. |San Rafael |415-457-9489 |

|Hosannah Christian Books |3410 El Camino Real |Santa Clara |408-248-3686 |

|Interfaith Books & Gifts |37 Old Courthouse Square |Santa Rosa |707-525-8221 |

|Ave Maria Community Book Center |12900 S. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd. |Saratoga |408-741-1511 |

|Richard’s Gifts |371 Grand Ave. |So. San Fran. |650-589-4692 |

|The Bible House |6239 Pacific Ave. |Stockton |209-472-1111 |

|Sunnyvale Christian Book Store |554 S. Murphy Ave. |Sunnyvale |408-738-3155 |

|Western Christian Bookstore |940 Admiral Callaghan Lane |Vallejo |707-643-1019 |

|E&L Books & Supplies-Watkins Products |1215 Solano Ave. |Vallejo |707-554-6892 |

|Emmanuel Gospel Music-Christian Supp. |301 Georgia |Vallejo |707-552-0574 |


Download the most current form from our website and include at this point.


Working a Cursillo can be more rewarding than experiencing one for the first time. I know this seems hard to believe, but many cursillistas have made this statement and some feel it gets even better the more you work.

Our guidelines state that you must have been a cursillista for at least one year before you work your first team. You can get involved in a team during the formative stages as long as the actual weekend will be one year after you made your Cursillo.


Download the most current form from our website and include at this point.

Rooster Booster

Rooster Booster is a program to help the San Francisco/San Mateo Cursillo Secretariat continue to provide the wonderful cursillo experience to as many Christians as possible. It is a program that will allow you, the cursillista, to give back to the community that has given so much to you. Here’s how it works:

Make a pledge of time, talent and/or treasure, whatever you wish to contribute to the work of the secretariat, and the continuation of the cursillo movement. Financial pledges can be a yearly, quarterly, monthly amount or a one-time gift.

We have produced a beautiful, embroidered patch that each member, pledging at least $10/month, will receive. You will also receive a free subscription to our newsletter, Canta el Gallo. (A $5 value)

If you would like to help support the movement that gave such a memorable weekend to you, please take this opportunity to join many other cursillistas in making this pledge to “Pass It On”.

Tear off the bottom portion of this form, fill it in and mail it to the SF/SM Cursillo Secretariat, Attn: Rooster Booster, P.O. Box 280972, San Francisco, CA 94128-0972, enroll on-line at or send the information below to info@.

God bless you and De Colores!


Yes, I want to support Cursillo on the SF/SM Peninsula by becoming a

Rooster Booster.

Please accept my pledge of $ ___________ per month year other __________ (circle one)

Other Support: _____________________________________________________

Name …: _________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________

City…..: ___________________________ State: ____ Zip Code: ___________

Phone…: ________________________ (Home) ______________________ (Other)

E-Mail: __________________________________________________________


|How beautiful is this morning, |

|And our hearts are light and gay, |

|We sing God’s song of blessing, |

|And awaken you today. |

|Chorus: |

|The sun is now appearing, |

|And as day begins anew; |

|Arise now and greet the morning, |

|That dawns with joy for you. |

|  |

|How blessed was your birthday, |

|All the flowers bloomed everywhere. |

|As baptismal waters flowed, |

|All the saints were singing there. |

|Chorus: |

|How I wish I were St. Peter, |

|How I wish I were St. John, |

|As we sing our song of love, |

|To you in the early dawn. |

|Chorus: |

|For the moon I'd give a peso, |

|For the sun I'd give a dime, |

|But for my friend in Jesus |

|My life and heart are thine. |

|Chorus: |

|So many stars in the heavens, |

|All I need are two for you. |

|One to greet you in the morning, |

|And the other to say adieu. |

|Chorus: |

|All around the flowers are blooming, |

|As we’re coming here to sing; |

|To make your life De Colores, |

|For true happiness we bring. |

|Chorus: |

|Que Linda esta la manana, |

|En que vengo a saludarte; |

|Venimos todos con gusto, |

|Y placer a felicitarte. |

|Coro |

|Ya viene amaneciendo, |

|Ya la luz del dia nos dio; |

|Levantate de manana, |

|Mira que ya amanecio. |

|El dia en que to naciste, |

|acieron todas las flores, |

|En la pila del bautismo, |

|Cantaron los ruisenores. |

|Coro: |

|Quisiera ser un San Pedro, |

|Quisiera ser un San Juan, |

|Pa'darte los buenos dias, |

|Con la musica del cielo. |

|Coro: |

|Por la luna doy un peso, |

|Por el sol doy un toston, |

|Pero por mi amigo |

|La vida y el corazon |

|Coro: |

|De las estrellas del cielo, |

|Tengo que bajarte dos, |

|Una para saludarte, |

|Y otra pa' decirte adios. |

|Coro: |

|Volaron cuatro palomas, |

|Por toditas las ciudades, |

|Hoy por ser de tu santo, |

|Te deseamos felicidades. |

|Coro: |

|  |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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