Ubuntu - Spiceworks

Setting up FOG on Ubuntu

Now we must download the FOG package from sourceforge. To do this click on Applications -> Internet -> Firefox Web Browser and enter the URL


Then click on the Download link.

Then click on the latest release to start the download and save the package to the /opt directory. It should be named something like fog_x.xx.tar.gz

or by using command line

cd /opt

sudo wget

Open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal) and type:

cd /opt

sudo tar -xvzf fog*

cd fog*

cd bin

sudo ./installfog.sh

You will be prompted for the Linux distro you are installing, enter 2 and press enter.

You will be prompted for the installation mode, either N (Normal Server) or S(Storage Server). If you are not sure which option to select, use N for Normal Installation. (Version 0.24 and up)

The installer will ask you for the IP address of the server, then press enter.

The installer will ask if you would like to enter a router address for DHCP, if you would like to press y and press enter, then enter the address, then press enter.

The installer will ask if you would like to enter a DNS address for DHCP and the boot image, if you would like to press y and press enter, then enter the address, then press enter.

You would then be prompted if you would like to change the default interface from eth0, if you would like press y, press enter and add the interface (if you are unsure, select n).

Would you like to use the FOG server for dhcp service? [Y/n]

DHCP will not be setup but you must setup your

current DHCP server to use FOG for pxe services.

On a Linux DHCP server you must set:


On a Windows DHCP server you must set:

option 066 & 067

FOG now has everything it needs to setup your server, but please

understand that this script will overwrite any setting you may

have setup for services like DHCP, apache, pxe, tftp, and NFS.

It is not recommended that you install this on a production system

as this script modifies many of your system settings.

This script should be run by the root user on Fedora, or with sudo on Ubuntu.

Here are the settings FOG will use:

Distro: Ubuntu

Server IP Address:

DHCP router Address:

DHCP DNS Address:

Interface: eth0

Using FOG DHCP: 0

Are you sure you wish to continue (Y/N) Y


During the installation you may be prompted to set a MySQL root password, leave this blank unless you wish to edit the FOG config.php files before the next step (by using sudo vi in the terminal, see file locations below).

/opt/fog/service/etc/config.php and /var/www/fog/commons/config.php

Both of these have to be edited with the MySQL password if you set one, for Fog to function properly.

After the installation has completed open Firefox again and enter the URL: http://[youripaddress]/fog/management. You will then be prompted to install the database schema. Click on the Install/Update Now button.


When the schema is up to date, attempt to go to the URL: http://[youripaddress]/fog/management again. This time you should be prompted to login

username: fog

password: password.


Setting up Wake On Lan

No special settings are required for Ubuntu.

Testing your installation

After login, click on the Hosts button (single computer monitor).

Then click on the Add New Host button. Enter at least a MAC address (seperated by :) and a hostname and click the Add button.

Now click on the Tasks button (the star).

Then click on List All Hosts and find the host you just created and click on the Advanced button.

Now under Advanced Actions click on Memtest86+ and confirm that you would like to start the task.

Now click on Active Tasks and you should see the task that you just created listed.

Lastly, start the client computer that you created a task for and ensure that in BIOS, PXE boot has the highest boot priority. If everything worked correctly, you should see memtest86+ load.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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