
2014-2015 7th Grade Science Syllabus

G. James Gholson Middle School

Instructor: Mr Michailof Room B-108

Paraeducator: Devan Kearney

Contact Information:

email: David.Michailof@

Devan.Kearney@ Classroom: 301-883-8390 ex 71027

My goal is return all emails or phone calls within 24 hours.

Course Description:

In this course, students will explore five areas of science as required by the State of Maryland. These will include: Physics, biology, human health, earth science and chemistry.

|Textbook | Webcode |

|Nature of Science and Technology |cae - 0627 |

|Motion, Forces and Energy (Physics) |cae - 0624 |

|From Bacteria to Plants (Biology) |cae - 0612 |

|Human Health and Biology (Human Biology) |cae - 0615 |

|Earth’s Changing Surface (Earth Science) |cae - 0618 |

|Chemical Building Blocks (Chemistry) |cae - 0622 |

Students will learn general science methods through labs, research and projects. Students enrolled in this class will have a solid understanding of the concepts, skills, and procedures required to be successful in future science classes.

Planning for the science fair project will begins in August with the final projects due BEFORE winter break.

Important Dates: August 28th, 2014 Back to School Night

October 31, 2014 end of first quarter

November 11th, 2014 Parent Teacher conferences

January 23, 2015 end of second quarter

April 1, 2015 end of third quarter

June 14th, 2015 end of fourth quarter

Grading and homework: Science students receive grades based on Homework (15%), Classwork (45%), and Assessments (40%). Students who spend the most time in class typically maintain the best grades. We will be doing our classwork almost entirely in interactive science notebooks .

Homework will be assigned every night of the week. On mondays students will be given a packet with 6 assignments keyed to the weeks lessons. This packet will be due the following monday. There will also be a monthly science related current events article assignment that is due on the first monday of each month .

Attendance: Students are expected to be in class on time, everyday. If a student misses any classtime, it is his/her responsibility to get missed work from the teacher or from a peer, immediately. Work from excused absences is at the end of the first week AFTER the absence. Test make-ups need to be completed with 1 week of the exam.

School Supplies:

Work in our interactive notebooks will require color pencils, magic markers, rulers and white glue/ glue sticks. I will be providing class sets of those materials for all students to use but contributions to the shared classroom supplies would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for helping us out.

Students will need:

two (2) green composition books,1 notebook will be collected and kept in class.

looseleaf paper

a folder or binder,

pens and pencils.

1 package color pencils

1 recent photo of themselves for their notebooks.


This year we have added two exiting extras to our class resources. The first is our house website: houseofperseverance.. Here you will find up to date announcements on what's happening in all of your childrens classes.

Want to know about your childs homework? Check out the house twitter feed. Follow us @HofPerseverance

Everyday we will send out the current homework assignment. You should also be on the lookout for shout outs when your scholar knocks it out of the park in class!

Just scan in our code and visit us at our website.

House website qrcode

Online Textbook qrcode

Rules and expectations outline how you should behave and ensures that everyone in the class is safe and able to learn. If you are safe and able to learn you will succeed.

Classroom Rules:

Be Ready; Be Respectful; Be Responsible

Mr Michailof and Mr Kearney's Expectations:

Be Ready:

Students will arrive to class with a composition notebook, a folder, notepaper and a pen or pencil. Composition notebooks may be stored in class.

Students will be prepared to learn.

Students will have completed their homework, projects or other assignments ready to be turned in at the start of class.

Be Respectful:

Students will keep a positive attitude towards themselves, their classmates, and the teacher so that a team mindset can be maintained in class.

Students will celebrate their academic successes and the successes of their classmates.

Students will maintain a positive attitude towards the work they are given and will overcome obstacles through hard work.

Be Responsible:

Students will commit to the daily routines with the expectation that every minute of class is meant to maximize learning.

Students will be efficient during work time, remain on task, and hold others accountable for being on task.

Students will choose behaviors that reflect their desire to achieve our learning goals.

Students will act and behave in a manner that represents a high level of academic seriousness.

|Everyday you have a choice to make. You may choose to follow the rules or expectations or you may choose not to follow the rules and expectations. |

|Below are the results of YOUR choices. |

|Consequences: |Rewards: |

|Teacher conference |Praise-Knowledge-Power |

|Phone call home |Scholar dollars |

|Team conference |Positive phone calls home |

|Administrative referral / PS 74 |Student of the Month |

Students and parents should also expect a safe learning environment, where opinions are valued and effort is rewarded. Abusive language will not be tolerated. Bullying will not be tolerated.

Remember that every day, through your actions, YOU change the world.

Do you want to leave it better or worse than you found it?

Academic Handbook:

Our Procedures

Following procedures ensures that I can teach and you can learn.

If I can teach and you can learn you will be successful

Starting Class:

Entering the class:

Quietly walk to the side table.

Pick up your notebook.

Sharpen your pencil if you need to.

Quietly return to your seat and begin the do now.

Beginning the work:

Class begins the moment you step into the classroom. Every day when you enter there will be a

“Do Now” activity which is to be started as soon as you are seated.

The first Five to ten minutes of class, during the do now activity, is completely silent work.

Throwing out trash:

No trash should be thrown out during the class period. Save all trash on the corner of your desk

until cleanup begins. DO NOT THROW ANYTHING.

Drop the trash in the trash can next to the notebook bins when you go to put your notebook


Passing out materials:

Materials will be passed out from the left to the right. (out the window)

Materials will be collected from the right to the left. (in to the hall)

Treat all class materials and student work with respect.

When a school announcement is being made:

Before a school announcement is made, the PA system makes a ringing tone. When you hear

this tone, all students must face forward and remain completely silent.

During Class:

Maintain Attention:

Students will act and behave in a manner that represents a high level of academic seriousness.

Students should display an active learning position to be considered as participating in class.

In this class we will use STAR to gather everyone's attention.

Sit up and face forward

Track the speaker and think big!

Ask and Answer questions

Respect yourself and those around you.

Participating in class discussion:

If you would like to contribute to the class discussion you must raise your hand.

When you are called on, share you comment at a volume everyone can hear and speak clearly.

Need Help?

If you are working on an assignment and need help raise your hand and wait for the staff

quietly. On of us will come over and assist you personally as soon as possible. Please remember to be patient.

Using the restroom:

Passes will not be give out during the first 10 minutes and last 10 minutes of class. This is

school policy

You may not request to use the restroom when I am teaching.

When you need to go to the bathroom raise your hand with two fingers crossed. I will signal

you to get your bathroom pass if it is OK to go. Put your name, the time and date on the pass,

and I will sign it. You may then sign out on the classroom log and leave.

If you have not completed assignments that we have moved on from, your request will be

denied. If you choose not to do your work in class you do not need to leave the class.

Do not ask to go to the bathroom when another student is out.

Leaving the class to see another staff member:

Do not expect me to give you a pass to leave class. Class time is important and critical to your


If you need to see a counselor, administrator or another teacher it is your responsibility to bring

a pass from that staff member.

You are responsible for all missed work and assignments when you are out of the room. When

you return get your missing work from your learning partner.

Getting work if you are absent:

If you are absent, you have missed important notes, activities and assignments. It is YOUR

responsibility to collect the missing notes and complete the missing work.

All missing work must be completed by the end of the week following the absence. After that

time you are no longer allowed to make up the missing work.

All handouts from the time you are missing will be in the missed work files in the folder for the

day you missed.

Taking Tests and Quizzes:

Tests and quizzes is serious business. When a test or quiz is being administered all students

must remain completely silent. Any student who cannot follow this expectation will

immediately receive a zero.

Absolutely NO CHEATING. Any student found to be copying another students work or using

unauthorized materials will be dealt with according to the PGCPS code of conduct.


Each of our units has its own textbook. Class sets will be provided for use in class. For work done outside of class there are online versions of our textbooks available at .

The web codes for each of our textbooks are included in the syllabus. If you do not have access to the online text book see me.

Textbook qrcode

At the end of class:

No student will be dismissed from class until the entire class completes the following:

Each student must clean up their desk and the floor around it.

All supplies and equipment must be returned to the supply station.

All chairs must be tucked under the table and neatly put back in place.

You will be dismissed by rows. When your row is called, place your notebook into the bin for your class, and throw out all of your trash. Take all returned work with you and line up in the front of the class.

Academic Policies:

All major assignments must be turned in on time. Major assignments include anything that is assigned to be completed over a period of time.

Interactive assignment books will be graded once a week.

Our goal is for EVERYONE to achieve 80% mastery of all our objectives. After you have

completed tutoring and extra practice with necessary objectives you will be permitted to re take

any test or quiz you have not demonstrated mastery of.

The lowest quiz grade from each quarter will be dropped.

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I have read through the syllabus and academic handbook and agree with the terms set before me. I will work hard every day to get ahead. I commit myself to the class goal of 80% mastery of all objectives and will follow through on all of the class expectations.

Name:________________________________ Date:_____________________


Remember that every day, through your actions, YOU change the world.

Do you want to leave it better or worse than you found it?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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