Interior design school online canada


Interior design school online canada

A career in interior design is more than just knowing a thing or two about colour and style. Often, it takes great communication, technical, project management and motivational skills to stay on top in the field. Interior design and interior decorating programs at Ontario colleges can help you develop the drive and passion to be constantly learning, so you can outrun the competition.If you see yourself as an interior designer or decorator, here's what you need to know. Technical training will include classes on form, space planning and ergonomics, using sophisticated computer-aided drafting tools such as AutoCAD. These will teach you the fundamentals of preparing drawings, layouts and presentations that you can take to your clients. On the creative end, classes like global influence, environmental awareness and the relationship between people and their spaces can help you recognize or create interior design trends. They'll help you explore your own unique creativity as well as identify historical design patterns that can be applied to modern or contemporary interior design. These classes will vary from college to college. General Interior Design and Interior Decorating Program Requirements Many Ontario colleges offer complete programs or dedicated interior design schools to give you a leading edge in the industry. Often, all that is necessary to enter one of these programs is an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent, including a Grade 12 English and mathematics course, with a sufficient minimum average. Visual arts courses are often recommended. Interior Design and Interior Decorating Jobs and Salaries Interior design and interior decorating programs at Ontario colleges can open up a number of career avenues, depending on your interests. Just a few possible specialties include: Home interior design Commercial interior design Office / corporate interior design Architectural interior design Interior design salaries vary, depending on which specialty you choose and where you practice. Working with interior design firms could mean higher wages in the beginning of your career, before branching off on your own as an interior design consultant or business owner. While salaries may start as low as $26,000 a year, with a reputable clientele or pay-per-project work, you may see a starting salary of $40,000 or more. Ontario Colleges Offering Interior Design and Interior Decorating Programs Use the left-column navigation to refine your search by College, Program Availability, Program Start Date and more, or see the table below for a complete list of interior design and interior decorating programs at Ontario colleges. Home > All Programs > School of Creative/Design > Develop your natural talent for interior decorating with ICS Canada's online Interior Decorator Career Diploma training courses. Our online training can help you prepare to work in department or furniture stores, hotel or restaurant chains, or to open your own interior decorating business. ICS Canada will help you train at home or on the go, all at the pace that's right for you. Plus, you can complete this program in as little as six months. The ICS Canada Interior Decorator program has been approved for recognition by the Decorator's and Designers Association of Canada (DDA). Graduates of ICS Canada's Interior Decorator program are eligible to apply for a paid, five-month DDA Accredited Member membership. Program Goal To prepare students for an entry-level career as an interior decorator. Program Outcomes Upon completion of the program, students will be able to: Recognize the difference between interior decorators and interior designers, and understand employment opportunities in the interior decorating field, interviewing techniques, and the characteristics of a successful decorator in different specialty areas and for different types of clients. Identify clients' needs by recognizing their basic physical and psychological needs, understanding the clients' goals along with their budgets and priorities, and determining a client's preferences in regard to furniture styles, colors, fabrics, textures, and patterns. Identify the elements and principles of design including line, form, color, value, texture, pattern, light, space, proportion, scale, emphasis, and unity and recognize whether elements and principles of design have been successfully applied to a d?cor by understanding the importance of the function of the room. Distinguish the importance of color, recognize how color affects people and how color balance is created within a room; identify primary, secondary, and intermediate colors, and categorize their placement on the color circle. Recognize various color schemes based on the color circle, how colors affect each other, and how the amount of light and various surfaces can affect color. Identify the four general categories of furniture styles most widely used today and recognize typical furniture pieces from the past to present day and the periods during which these pieces originated. Identify furniture quality and workmanship to meet a client's needs based on the best use, as well as appearance, and recognize traffic patterns and how to create a focal point in a room by understanding harmonious furniture arrangements, including how to balance line, object, and space. Recognize how to measure a room, make rough sketches, prepare an accurate scaled plan, and use furniture templates Understand the importance of floor treatments and how lighting effects floor treatments, the differences between types of flooring and floor coverings, the differences and characteristics between carpets and rugs, and how to select and use appropriate finishes on floors. Distinguish between various architectural features of walls including the use color, texture, and patterns in choosing wall treatments for specific d?cor and recognizing how to create scaled elevations. Recognize how to choose window treatments including shades, blinds, shutters, and panels to suit many decorating situations, and understand accurate measurements and yardage requirements for curtains, draperies and window treatments, in addition to studying how to draw windows to scale on an elevation. Identify a wide variety of architectural symbols and terms while reading blueprints. Recognize the three types of house plan layouts according to their activity zones and room by room problem areas and the solutions. Understand the characteristics of natural and synthetic fibers, the types of special fabric finishes, types of knits, yarns, common weaves and fabric yardage requirements, in addition to, the information on an upholstery tag. Understand how to light a room and choose accessories to meet all of your client's needs and desires according to the selection of paint, fabric, wallpaper, and specific situations to meet a room's style, and mood. Identify the three types of residential lighting and distinguish between incandescent and fluorescent lighting, and the effects of natural and artificial light on specific colors of d?cor. Comprehend how to plan spaces for home offices, home fitness centers, and home entertainment rooms by recognizing how to choose furniture for these rooms, based on anthropometric and ergonomic principles. Understand the concept of selling and how to approach a client by learning how to look for new clients, how to present merchandise, develop a follow-up system, and write appropriate thank-you notes. Comprehend how to establish yourself as a professional by studying how to assemble a decorating team, and expand your clientele, identify the subcontractors, tradespeople, and custom fabricators, and recognizing how to set up a studio or office, locate suppliers, set up a source file, and how to keep records for income and self-employment taxes. Develop a decorating plan for a living room and submit specific information regarding the plan along with photographs, floor plans, paint chips, fabric swatches, window treatments, and elevations. Pass the cumulative final examination. Learning Strategies The advantages of learning at home; types of study materials; types of examinations; accessing and using the features of our website; determining what kind of learner you are; establishing a study schedule; using study tips; preparing for and taking examinations. Decorating Today The history of interior decorating; meeting and interviewing clients; characteristics of a successful interior decorator; employment opportunities. Meeting Your Client's Needs Determining your client's needs, preferences, goals, and budget priorities; developing a decorating plan, including measurements and room graphs to scale. The Elements and Principles of Design Identifying the elements of design: line, form, colour and value, texture, pattern, light, and space. The principles of design: balance, proportion, and scale; emphasis and unity. The Principles of Colour The properties of colour; how to use colour in interior decorating; planning a colour scheme; using the colour wheel. Identifying Furniture Styles and Periods Exploring different furniture styles -- Traditional, Provincial, Contemporary, Modern -- from the 17th to the 20th century; identifying styles and integrating each into your rooms. Decorating with Furniture Arranging rooms according to function and use; creating the best traffic patterns; positioning furniture on a floor plan; recognizing quality workmanship and construction in furniture. Floors Importance of floors in room decor; carpeting; rugs; wood floors; durable floors; how to select the appropriate floor treatment; measuring, scaling, and using a floor plan. Walls How to treat walls in decorating; wall coverings, including wallpaper, paint, murals, mirrors, paneling, and tile; drawing scaled elevations. Additional Material Exam Booklet: Floors/Walls Windows Different types of windows; planning and choosing window treatments -- curtains, draperies, shades, and blinds; window treatments for special occasions. Decorating from Building Plans Identifying decorating problems when reading blueprints; types of housing plans; evaluating house plan layouts; discussing specific decorating problems and solutions, room by room. Additional Material Exam Booklet: Windows/Building Plans Fabrics Using natural and synthetic fabrics: silk, wool, cotton, linen, special fibers; identifying weaves; selecting the right fabric texture. Lighting and Accessories The three types of lighting; lighting and the colour scheme; making use of lamps and lighting fixtures in decorating; using wall and table accessories; tips for arranging accessory groupings. Additional Material Exam Booklet: Fabrics/Lighting and Accessories Special Purpose Rooms Planning home offices, home fitness centers, and home theaters; selecting furniture based on anthropometric and ergonomic principles; coordinating floors, walls, upholstery, equipment, and lighting for these three types of special purpose rooms. The Skills and Methods of Selling Qualifying a client; how to "approach" a customer; how to present merchandise; developing a follow-up system; how to prospect for clients. Starting Your Own Business Residential and contract decorating; developing a design program; working with clients, subcontractors, tradespeople, custom fabricators, and suppliers; advertising, charging clients, and getting paid; keeping financial records. Additional Material Exam Booklet: Selling/Starting Your Own Business Upon Graduation You'll Receive: Paid five-month CDECA Accredited Member membership. Note: The graduation shipment will be sent when all program requirements and obligations have been met. Computer Specifications As you know this is an online academic program. This means you will need access to highspeed internet to begin your program. In addition, you will need access to a Microsoft? Windows? based computer running Windows 10? or later or an Apple? Mac? computer running macOS? or later, and an email account to complete your program. Sample Lesson To view an Interior Decorating sample lesson, click here. Interior Decorator Program Details In ICS Canada's Interior Decorator online training program you'll cover many topics. Our online training can help you to: Analyze your clients' preferences, needs, goals, and budgets to develop a decorating proposal Design with furniture and arrange rooms according to function and use Select appropriate floor and window treatments for your projects Learn the skills and methods of successful selling Who's It For Reviews What You Get FAQs Interior decorators plan indoor spaces for clients, while managing style, budget, and room layouts. Here are a few qualities that effective interior decorators have in common: Intuitive: It's important to stay a few steps ahead of trends and trust your instincts. Persistent: You need to work hard and stand by your projects and ideas to get others on board. Communicative: Take charge of projects and always offer opinions and advice to help others. Creative: In design you need to think outside the box and bring in fresh ideas. Detail oriented: It's important to have a sharp eye and check things twice. "I chose to further my education and accounting knowledge with ICS Canada while working as an accounting clerk, which allowed me to move up within the company at which I am currently working. Studying with ICS Canada was a great experience, and the instructors were very helpful when it came to resolving any issues I had while studying." - Sean S., ICS Canada graduate "I have taken three diploma courses with ICS Canada. It has been very rewarding and challenging. I love to increase my knowledge level and share experiences. ICS Canada is great. Enrol! The contact with them is always very pleasant. You feel like a part of the ICS team." - Connie K., ICS Canada graduate Your program includes: Customized payment plans with 0% interest Books and learning aids Study Planner App to customize your study plans and keep track of your progress Instructional support from our experienced faculty Your personalized online student homepage and learning portal Exclusive access to ICS Canada's Student and Alumni Facebook Group Additional resources such as our online library and career guidance from Career Cruising Is the ICS Canada Interior Decorating program recognized by any Associations? The ICS Interior Decorator program has been approved for recognition by the Decorators' & Designers' Association of Canada (DDA). Graduates of ICS Canada's Interior Decorating program are eligible to apply for a paid, five-month DDA Accredited Member membership. More FAQs >

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