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1.05 Study Guide

Directions: Use Frost’s poetry to answer the following questions. Submit your study guide to the 1.5 Study Guide dropbox (40 points).

“La Noche Triste”

1. “La Noche Triste” is an example of what type of poem?


2. What is the tone of the poem?


3. What details of the poem help to reflect the tone?


4. What is the theme of “La Noche Triste”?


“Song of the Wave”

5. What is personified in “Song of Wave”? What helps to reveal this use of personification?


6. What is the tone of the poem?


7. What details of the poem help to reflect the tone?


8. Identify four examples of Frost’s use of imagery.


9. What details does Frost include that allows the reader to infer that the wave is playing a game?


10. What is the theme of “Song of the Wave”?


“Mending Wall”

11. How does “Mending Wall” fit the definition of a blank verse?


12. What two activities do lines 5-9 suggest are a part of rural life?


13. For what are “loaves” and “balls” metaphors?


14. Why might the speaker refer to the spring ritual of mending walls as “another kind of out-door game”?


15. Describe how the speaker and the neighbor fix the wall. How do the two differ on the issue of walls?


16. To what might the “something” that “doesn’t love a wall” refer?


17. Why does it seem to the speaker that his neighbor “moves in darkness”?


18. What is the significance of the fact that the neighbor’s favorite saying, “Good fences make good neighbors,” was spoken by his father?


19. What might walls and fences symbolize in “Mending Wall”?


20. For what is the entire poem a metaphor?


21. What is the tone of the poem?


22. What is the theme of “Mending Wall”?


“Out, Out”

23. Which words or phrases capture the rhythms of everyday speech in “Out, Out”?


24. What is personified in “Out, Out”? What indicates this use of personification?


25. Identify two examples of onomatopoeia in “Out, Out.”


26. At what time of day does the accident occur? What is ironic about the fact that the boy is cut at precisely this moment?


27. In what ways does the description of the setting contrast the events of the poem?


28. What is the tone of “Out, Out”?


29. The title “Out, Out” alludes to what Shakespearean play? How does this allusion help reveal the theme of the poem?


“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

30. Is this poem an example of blank verse? How do you know?


31. What does the word “think” imply about the speaker of the poem?


32. What does “the darkest evening” symbolize?


33. What might the woods symbolize?


34. What is the speaker’s internal conflict (a struggle within a character)?


35. What do the last three lines suggest about everyone’s life?


36. How does the repetition of the final line affect its interpretation?


37. What is the tone of “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”?


38. What is the theme for “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”?


39. Reflecting on all five poems, how does Frost’s tone change with the emergence of WWI and after WWI?



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