Division of Occupational & Environmental Medicine


April 2016

Curriculum Vitae


Born: Jersey City, NJ, February 1943

Married: two children: born August 16, 1980 and November

22, 1985

Address: Suite 400, 2200 West Main St., Durham, NC 27705

Telephone: 919-286-5744

Fax: 919-286-5647


Dartmouth College, BA, Geology and Chemistry, 1965

Dartmouth Medical School, BMS, 1967

Harvard University, M.D., 1969

University of North Carolina, MSPH (Industrial Hygiene), 1980


Intern in Medicine, Duke Medical Center, 1969-70

Clinical Scholar, Community Health Sciences, Duke Medical Center, 1970-71

Resident in Medicine, Indiana University Medical Center, 1971-73

Fellow, Community Health Sciences, Indiana University Medical Center, 1971-73

Director, Employee Health Service, Duke University and Medical Center, 1973-76

Director, Screening Clinic, Duke Medical Center, 1973-76

Physician, Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Duke Medical Center, 1973-

Consulting Practice in Industrial Medicine and Toxicology, 1974-

Director Occupational and Environmental Medicine Toxicology Program, 1980-2014


Associate to Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Community & Family Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, 1973-

Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina, 1976-

Consulting Staff, Watt Hospital, 1973-76

Consulting Staff, Duke Hospital, 1984-2013


Director, Postgraduate Training Program in Industrial Medicine and Toxicology, Duke University Medical Center, 1981-83

Director, Occupational and Environmental Medicine Education Program, Duke Medical Center, 1983-1998

Initial Development: Occupational and Underseas Medicine Residency Training Tract

Clerkship in Occupational Medicine, Course Director (CFM 205, Duke Medical Center), 1987-1998

Course Director ENVR 135/144/423 (UNC School of Public Health): Industrial and Environmental Toxicology, 1976-


ENVR 423 NC School of Public Health): Industrial and Environmental Toxicology: course director

ENV 247 (Duke School for the Environment): Survey of Occupational & Environmental Health and Safety: Environmental Lung Disease; Chemicals/minerals; toxicology; Problem Solving in Occupational and Environmental Health

Third Year Basic Research in Biometry and Occupational Medicine: Registry of Hazardous Waste Workers, Mentor, 1995.

UNC Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Estimation of Respirable Dust Exposure, High Vol vs. Cyclone. Master's Thesis Advisor, 1996.


Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine, 1973

Diplomate, American Board of Preventive Medicine (Occupational Medicine), 1983


Active Reserve, U.S. Army and National Guard, 1970-76; Major, MC

Assistance State Surgeon, Indiana, 1972-3


Fellow, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Southeastern Atlantic COEM

Durham-Orange County Medical Society

North Carolina Medical Society

Medichem: Occupational Health in the Chemical Industry


Member, International Editorial Review Board, Applied Occupational & Environmental Hygiene, 1995-2003


Chairman, Task Force for Safety of Ceramic Glazes, C21.08 Committee, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1997-2007

Chairman, Task Force for Chronic Health Hazard labeling, D01.57 Committee, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1981-

Chairman, Task Force for Bioavailability Testing of Art Materials, D01.57 Committee, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1988-

Member, North Carolina Academy of Sciences Air Toxics Panel, 1986-7

Member, Scientific Advisory Board to the Secretary of the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, 1990-

Medical Society, Committee on Occupational and Environmental Health, 1996-2001

Delegate to the NC Medical Society representing the Carolinas Occupational Medical Association,

Coordinating Council of Specialty Societies, 1998-9

Member, North Carolina Source Water Program Taskforce: determining water pollution sources. 1998-1999

Member, Medical Advisory Committee for the NC Industrial Commission in the field of Occupational Medicine, 1999

Co-Chairman, Section on Academic Occupational Medicine, American Occupational Medical Association, 1986-1994

Member, Industrial Hygiene Program Advisory Committee, UNC School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, 1993-1998

Member, Steering Committee, Occupational Safety and Health Education Resource Center, 1976-1998

Member, ACOEM

Member, North Carolina Task Force on Health Risk of Exposure to Fish Kill Waters, 1997-2001

Member, Risk Characterization of CS Expert Workshop, Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment and Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, 2002

Member, Risk Characterization of Non-Lethal Weapons Workshop, Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment, 2002

Member, Area Denial-Personnel Risk Assessment and Characterization Expert Workshop, Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, 2002

Member and Presenter, Human Effects & Risk Characterization of Non-Lethal Weapons Workshops, Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate and National Institute of Justice, 2003

Chairman, Riot Control Agent Comparison Study Assessment, Toxicological Aspects, Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate and US Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, 2004


Chairman, Orange County Solid Waste Committee, 1992-1999

Member, Citizens Advisory Committee on Solid Waste Management, Orange County, 1994-1999


Principal Investigator, Duke Occupational Medicine Training Grant, Occupational Safety and Health Education Resource Center, NIOSH, 5T150H071, 1976-1998

Cobalt Development Institute 2001-2, Research contract for bioequivalency testing of cobalt compounds

Cobalt Development Institute 2001, Research contract for the risk assessment of cobalt


Development of methods for the measurement of contaminants in consumer products

Development of bioequivalency test methods to support toxicological risk assessment of consumer products.

Investigation of risks of adverse effects from environmental exposures to silica in soils

Measurement of exposures from use of consumer products


Art and Craft Materials Institute, Inc.

Pencil Makers Association, Inc.

Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association


US Environmental Protection Agency: An Exploratory Study: Assessment of Modeled Dioxin Exposure in Ceramic Art Studios, 2008.

Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, Peer Review of the Evaluation of the Health and Environmental Impacts Associated with Synthetic Turf Playing Fields, 2010,


Stopford W, Goldwater LJ. Methylmercury in the environment; a review of current understanding. Environmental Health Perspectives 1975;12: 115-118.

Stopford W, Donovan DH, Abou-Donia MB, Menzel DB. Glutathione peroxidase deficiency and mercury allergy: amelioration with selenium supplementation. In: Symposium on Selenium-Tellurium in the Environment, Notre Dame, 11-13 May 76 (Pittsburgh: Industrial Health Foundation, Inc.), 104-112.

Goldwater LJ, Stopford W. Mercury and the environment. In: Lenihan J. and Fletcher, W., Eds. Environment and Man, v. 5, the Chemical Environment. (Glasgow: Blackie), 1977.

Stopford W. and Goldwater LJ. Routes of entry/influence on toxicology. In: Industrial Toxicology (Darien: Dunlop and Assoc., Inc.), 1977.

Stopford W, Goldwater LJ. Toxicity of inorganic compounds. In: Industrial Toxicology (Darien: Dunlap and Assoc., Inc.), 1977.

Stopford W, Goldwater LJ. Toxicity of organic compounds. In: Industrial Toxicology (Darien: Dunlap and Assoc., Inc.), 1977.

Hagan D, Karrh B, Paulshock B, Salvaggio J, Stopford W, Tucker-Zavon B, Utidjian M, Zavon M. Occupational medicine: fitting the workplace into the workup. Patient Care. 1978 Oct 15;12(17):108-9, 111, 113-5 passim.

Stopford W, Bundy SD, Goldwater LJ, Bittikofer JA. Microenvironmental exposure to mercury vapor. Am. Industr. Hygiene Assoc. J. 1978; 39:378-384.

Stopford W. Industrial exposure to mercury. In: J.O. Nriagu, Ed. Biogeochemistry of Mercury (Amsterdam: Elsevier/North Holland), pp. 367-397, 1979.

Stopford W. Chloronaphthalenes: Human Health Effects (Cincinnati: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), 1979.

Stopford W. Naphthalene: Human Health Effects (Cincinnati: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), 1979.

Harris RL, Stopford W, Williams TM, Gold A. Health Hazard Evaluation Report No. HETA-81-092-950, International Playtex Corporation, Newman, Georgia, Govt Reports Announcements & Index, Issue 05, 1983.

Williams TM, Hickey JLS, Stopford W, Gilgor DR. Health Hazard Evaluation Report, No. HETA-82-208-1260, Babcock-Wilcox Plant, Brunswick, Georgia. Govt Reports Announcements & Index, Issue 19, 1984.

Sullivan RJ, Estes EH, Stopford W, Lester AL. Adherence by physicians and physicians' extenders to explicit strategies for management of common medical conditions. Medical Care 1980; 18: 388-399.

Stopford W. The Use of Differential Absorption for the Speciation of Mercury Vapor (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina School of Public Health). Master's Technical Report, 1980.

Stopford W. Mercury intoxication among dental personnel. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 1983; 250: 822.

Stopford W. Toxic Effects of Pesticides. In: P.L. Williams, Ed., Industrial Toxicology-Safety and Health Applications in the Workplace (Atlanta: Georgia Institute of Technology), 1985.

Stopford W. Toxic Effects of Organic Solvents. In: P.L. Williams, Ed., Industrial Toxicology-Safety and Health Applications in the Workplace (Atlanta: Georgia Institute of Technology), 1985.

Stopford W. Occupational Epidemiology. In: P.L. Williams, Ed., Industrial Toxicology-Safety and Health Applications in the Workplace (Atlanta: Georgia Institute of Technology), 1985.

Stopford W. Safety and Health Practices for Working with Metallic Mercury. Hellertown, PA: Bethlehem Apparatus Co., Inc, 1985.

Sheron D, Stopford W. Kvivsolv koncentrationer I sved anvendelse ved diagnostisering og behandling af forgiftning [Mercury levels in sweat. Its use in the diagnosis and treatment of poisoning]. Dan. Wk. Med. J. 1985.

Bunn WB, Stopford W. Medical surveillance of hazardous waste workers: The potential for health problems from working with hazardous waste. Prof. Eng. Sept./Oct, 1985; 43-46.

Bunn WB, Greenberg G, Stopford W. Insecticides In: Jay Arena's Poisoning, 5th Ed. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, 1986.

Bunn WB, Greenberg G, Stopford W. Rodenticides, Fungicides, Herbicides, Fumigants, and Repellents. In: Jay Arena's Poisoning, 5th Ed. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, 1986.

Bunn WB, Greenberg G, Stopford W. Industrial Hazards. In: Jay Arena's Poisoning, 5th Ed. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, 1986.

Sherson DL, Stopford W. [Mercury levels of sweat. Its use in the diagnosis and treatment of poisoning] Ugeskr Laeger. 1986 Jun 30;148(27):1682-3.

Stopford W. Art Hazards. In: Poisoning: Toxicology, Symptoms, Treatments. Jay Arena and Richard Drew, eds. 5th Ed. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, 1986.

Stopford W, Bunn WB. Effects of Exposure to Toxic Gases: First Aid and Medical Treatment, 3rd Ed., Secaucus, N.J.: Matheson Gas Products, 1988.

Stopford W. Safety of lead-containing hobby glazes. N.C. Med. J. 1988; 49:31-34.

Patterson R, Harris KE, Stopford W, Van der Heiden G, Grammer LC, Bunn W. Irritant Symptoms and Immunologic Responses to Multiple Chemicals: Importance and Immunologic Correlations. Int. Arch. Allerg. Appl. Immunol. 1988; 85:467-71.

Frazier LM, Cromer JW, Andolsek KM, Greenberg GN, Thomann WR, Stopford W. Teaching occupational and environmental medicine in primary care residency training programs: experience using three approaches during 1984-1991. Am. J. Med. Sci. 1991; 301: 42-45.

Stopford W. Use of Carbonate Fusion to Determine Quartz in Respirable and Bulk Earth Samples. Anal. Chim. Acta 1994; 286: 67-73.

Tulis JJ, Stopford W. General Principles of Microbiology and Infectious Disease. In: Physical and Biological Hazards of the Workplace, PH Wald, GM Stave, eds. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1994.

Stopford W. Lead testing (Letter to the Editor). ASTM Standardization News October: 8, 1994.

Stopford CM, Stopford W. Potential for respirable quartz exposure from North Carolina farm soils. Scand. J. Work Environ. Health 1995; 21, Suppl 2: 44-46.

Stopford CM, Stopford W. Respirable quartz content of farm soils. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 1995; 10: 196-199.

Tippens RL, Stopford W. Carcinogens and Mutagens. In: L Frazier, Ed., Reproductive Risks in the Workplace, 1997..

Elghany NA, Stopford W, Bunn WB, Flemming LE. Occupational exposure to inorganic mercury vapour and reproductive outcomes. Occup. Med. 1997; 47: 333-6.

Stopford CM, Stopford W, Brock T. Measuring Spontaneous Heating Tendency of Art Materials. Research Report in support of American Society for Testing and Materials Standard Test Method D6801, measuring Maximum Spontaneous Heating Temperature of Art Materials, 1997.

Stopford W. Guidelines for the Safety Use of Ceramic Art Materials. American Society of Testing and Materials. Appendix to Standard Practice C1023, Labeling Ceramic Art Materials for Chronic Adverse Health Hazards, 1998.

Stopford CM, Stopford W, Reist P. Respirable Dust and Quartz Exposure During the Manufacture of Greenware: Evaluation of Exposure and the Effectiveness of Control Measures. Research Report Submitted to the American Society of Testing and Materials in Support of Test Method C1023, Labeling of Ceramic Materials for Chronic Health Hazards, 1998.

Stopford W, Stanion C. Potential for Lead Dust Exposure During the Operation of Contemporary Ceramic Studios. Research Report Submitted to the American Society for Testing and Materials in Support of Test Method C1023, Labeling of Ceramic Materials for Chronic Health Hazards, 1998.

Smith GC, Stopford W. Health hazards of pepper spray. NC Med J 60 (5): 268-274, 1999.

Stopford W. Miller S. Smith KN, Bosserman W. Solvent Exposure to Graphic Artists. 1999.

Stopford CM, Stopford W. Estimating exposures to respirable quartz to farmers and residents in North and South Carolina (in preparation).

Stopford W. Hazard Risk Assessment for Use of Polymer Clays. Submitted to CPSC. . 2000.

Stopford W. Risk assessment for asbestiform talc. Submitted to NTP. 2000.

Stopford W, Turner J. Comparison of solubility of lead in various materials and its bioavailability. American Society for Testing and Materials, Research Report D01-1121, submitted to ASTM in support of D5517, Standard Test Method for Determining Extractability Of Metals From Art Materials, 2000.

Stopford W, Turner J. Factors affecting the solubility of metals in art materials. Research Report submitted to ASTM in support of D5517, Standard Test Method for Determining Extractability Of Metals From Art Materials, 2000.

Swinker M, Koltai D, Wilkins J, Hudnell K, Hall C, Darcey D, Robertson K, Schmechel D, Stopford W, Music S. Estuary-associated syndrome in North Carolina: an occupational prevalence study.

Environ Health Perspect. 2001; 109(1):21-26. 

Hudnell HK, House D, Schmid J, Koltai D, Wilkins J, Stopford W, Savitz D, Swinker M and Music S (2001). Human visual function in the North Carolina clinical study on possible estuary-associated syndrome. J Toxicol Env Health, Part A.62:575-594.

Swinker M, Koltai D, Wilkins J, Stopford W. Is there an estuary associated syndrome in North Carolina? Findings in a series of hotline callers. N C Med J. 2001 62(3):126-132. 

Stopford W. Risk assessment: Talc in Art Materials. Submitted to CPSC. , 2001

Stopford W. Risk assessment for Respirable Dusts Generated from Use of Chalks and Pastels. Submitted to CPSC. . 2001

Tulis JJ, Stopford W. General Principles of Microbiology and Infectious Disease. In: Physical and Biological Hazards of the Workplace, 2nd Ed. PH Wald and GM Stave, eds. New York: Wiley-Interscience. 2002, pp. 305-311.

Stopford W. Risk Assessment: Copper in Art and Craft Materials. Submitted to CPSC. 2002.

Stopford W. Risk assessment: Personnel Defense Devises. Submitted to CPSC, 2002

Stopford W, Reist P. Respirable Dust and Aerosol Exposures from Using Art Materials. Submitted to CPSC. . 2002

Stopford W. Risk Assessment: Non-cancer Toxicity of Cobalt. Submitted to ATSDR. 2002.

Hoffmann KK, Weber DJ, Stopford W, Smith CG, Newmark J, Maliner BI, Clontz BE, Rutala WA. Chemical Terrorism Agents and Syndromes. North Carolina State Wide Program for Infection Control and Epidemiology (SPICE). . 2002

Stopford W, Miller JS, Smith KN, Bosserman W. Solvent Exposure to Graphic Artists. Submitted to CPSC.

. 2002

Stopford W. Risk Assessment for the Chronic Toxicity of Copper. Submitted to ATSDR. 2003.

Stopford W, Turner J, Cappellini D. Determination of the Magnitude of Clay to Skin and Skin to Mouth Transfer of Phthalates Associated with the Use of Polymer Clays. 2003. Submitted to CPSC.

Stopford W, Turner J, Cappellini D, Brock T. Bioaccessibility testing of cobalt compounds. J Environ Management. 2003; 3(5):675-680.

Brock T, Stopford W. Bioaccessibility of metals in human health risk assessment: Evaluating risk from exposure to cobalt compounds. J Environ Management. 2003; 3(5):71N-76N.

Stopford W. Solvent Exposure from use of Whiteboard Markers. Submitted to CPSC. . 2003.

Stopford W. Risk Assessment: Chronic Toxic Summary for Respirable Silica. Submitted to California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment. 2003. .

Olajos EJ, Stopford W., eds. Riot Control Agents. Issues in Toxicology, Safety and Health. London: CRC Press. ISB No. 0-415-29902-0. 2004, author of chapters on:

-human exposures to RCAs

-chronic toxicity of RCAs

-occupational exposures to RCAs

-decontamination and medical management after exposures to RCAs

co-author of chapters on:

-historical perspectives of RCAs

-acute sensory irritation of RCAs

-issues/concerns, needs, emerging concepts/trends and advances in RCAs

Stopford W. Risk Assessment: Titanium Dioxide. Submitted to California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment.. 2003.


Stopford W. Aerosol Production During the Use of Art & Craft Materials. Submitted to Consumer Product Safety Commission. 2003.


Schecter A, Lucier GW, Cunningham ML, Abdo KM, Blumenthal G, Silver AG, Melnick R, Portier C, Barr DB, Barr JR, Stanfill SB, Patterson DG, Needham LL, Stopford W, Masten S, Mignogna J, Tung KC. Human consumption of methyleugenol and its elimination from serum. Environmental Health Perspectives, February 2004.

Stopford, W. Risk Assessment for Boric Acid. 2004.

Stopford W. Risk Assessment of Copper in Art and Craft Materials. Submitted to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. February 2005.

Stopford W. Welding and Exposures to Manganese. Assessment of Neurological Effects. American Welding Society, January, 2006.


Stopford W. The Evaluation of ASTM D6801 for Measuring Maximum Spontaneous Heating Temperature of Non-Art Materials. Research Report to the American Society of Testing and Materials, 2006

Roth WR, Stopford W. Classroom Contamination from Lead Bearing Ceramic Art Glaze. 2007.

Stopford W, Turner J, Cappellini D. Determination of the Magnitude of Ceramic Glaze to Skin and Skin to Mouth Transfer. August, 2007

Stopford W. A Test Methodology for Determining Aspiration Hazards of Aerosol Sprays. Research Report to the American Society of Testing and Materials, August, 2007

Stopford W. Guidelines for the Safe Use of Ceramic Art Materials. Appendix to ASTM C1023: Labeling of Ceramic Art Materials for Chronic Health Hazards. 2007.

Cappellini D, Stopford W. Comparison of testing of plastics for lead by x-ray fluorescence and traditional nitric acid digestion/ GFAA after muffle furnace combustion. Presented to CPSC, 2008.

Stopford, W. Skin absorption of metals. 2008.

Stopford W, Cappellini D. Bioaccessibility of Lead in Metal Pen Tips. Submitted to CPSC, 2009.

Stopford W. Risks of skin sensitization from contact with mixed isothiazolinones (CMI/MI), 2013.

Stopford W. Risks of skin sensitization from contact with formaldehyde-releasing preservatives, 2013

Stopford W. Protocol for the assessing dermal exposures while using pressurized aerosol sprays, airbrushing and drawing with pastels. 2014.


AAOM Conference: Principles of Medical Monitoring for Multiple Toxic Exposures, 1976

Occupational Seminar Series: Toxicology of Mercury, 1979

NIOSH, Morgantown: Industrial Toxicology of the Lung, 1979

NIOSH, Morgantown: Industrial Carcinogenesis, 1979

AMA Congress on Occupational Health: Clinical Evaluation of Carbon Disulfide Intoxicated Workers and Their Families, 1979

Duke Toxicology Seminar Series: Toxicology of Inorganic Mercury, 1980

Georgia Tech. Industrial Toxicology Course: Industrial Epidemiology, 1981-82

Georgia Tech. Industrial Toxicology Course: Toxicology of Heavy Metals, 1981-82

Durham-Orange County Dental Society: Mercury Hazards in Dentistry, 1981

ERC Summer Institute: Industrial Toxicology: Basics; Heavy Metals; Occupational Pulmonary Disease; Toxicology of Organics, 1981

NC State University Short Court in Toxicology: Industrial Pulmonary Disease; Toxicology of Heavy Metals, 1981

Environmental Resource Center Seminar: Occupational Medicine Today, 1982

Clinical Aspects of Toxicology Seminar: Pathophysiology of CNS Toxicants; Mercury, 1983

Brooklyn College Medical Geology Conference: Biogeochemistry of Mercury in the Aquatic Environment, 1984

Environmental Resource Center Seminar: Labeling for Chronic Health Hazards of Artists Materials, 1985.

Duke Occupational Medicine Seminar Series: Occupational Asthma, 1985

Duke Family Medicine Seminar: Occupational Lung Disease, 1985

N.C. Occupational Health Education Resource Center Conference: Formaldehyde Lung Disease, 1985

Duke Hazardous Communications Conference: Hazard Determination and Developing Material Safety Data Sheets, 1985

Duke Medical Grand Rounds: Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome, 1985

Duke Occupational Medical Seminar Series: Risk Assessment, 1985

RTI Seminar: Hepatitis B Prophylaxis, 1985

Duke Occupational Medicine Seminar Series: Cardiac Toxicity to Fluorocarbons, 1986

UNC Family Medicine Seminar: Reactive Airways Disease, 1986

IBM Seminar: Toxicology for Occupational Health Nurses, 1986

N.C. Occupational Health Education Resource Center Conference: Hazards of Spray Painting, 1986

RTI Seminar: Toxicology and Safety Precautions in Handling: Organophosphate Neurotoxins, 1986

MCNC: Toxicology and Safety Precautions in Handling: Hydrofluoric Acid, 1986

Washington OHERC short course: Labeling for Art Hazards, 1986

Duke Occupational Medicine Seminar Series: Reactive Airways Disease, 1986

RTI Seminar Series: Hazards in the Microelectronics Industry, 1986-7.

Environmental Resources Center Seminar: Hazards Associated with the Manufacture of Ceramics, 1987

Northern Telecom CME Conference: Repetitive Stress Disorder, 1987

Preventive Medicine Seminar, UNC: Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome, 1987

U.S. Army Environmental Hygiene Agency: Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome, 1987

Duke General Internal Medicine Residents Seminar Series: Industrial Toxicology, 1987

Duke Occupational Medicine Seminar Series: Occupational Leukemia, 1987

ERC Seminar: Lead Exposure from Hobby Ceramic Glazes, 1987

Stopford W. Lead Exposure from Application of Hobby Glazes. 196th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Los Angeles, California, USA, September 25-30, 1988. Abstr Pap Am Chem Soc; 196 (0). 1988.

Stopford W, Miller JS, Smith KN, Bosserman W. Solvent Exposure to Graphic Artists.

196th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Los Angeles, California, USA, September 25-30, 1988. Abstr Pap Am Chem Soc; 196 (0). 1988.

UNC Department of Epidemiology: Training in Occupational Medicine, 1988

Union Carbide Physicians Group: Occupational Lung Disease, 1988 -

AOMA Short Course: Art Hazards, 1988

Art and Craft Materials Institute: Labeling For Art Hazards, 1988

Mammalian Toxicology Course: Industrial Toxicology, 1989

Duke Family Medicine Seminar: Toxicology for Clinicians, 1989

Duke Family Medicine Program: Industrial Toxicology for the Practicing Physician 1991

Carolina Occupational Medical Association: Grand Rounds in Occupational and Environmental Medicine: Neurotoxic Encephalopathy; Reactive Airway Dysfunction Syndrome, 1991

Rhone-Poulenc Physician Continuing Medical Education Conference: Reactive Airways Disorder and Occupational Asthma, 1991

Caldwell Memorial Hospital Grand Rounds: Neurotoxic Encephalopathy, 1992

North Carolina Academy of Physicians Midsummer Family Practice Digest, Pulmonary Hazards in the Workplace, 1992

American College of Allergy & Immunology, Chicago: Neurologic & Immunologic Abnormalities After Exposures to Multiple Chemical Toxicants, 1992

Crystalline Silica International Symposium, Boston, MA, Development of a Carbonate Fusion Technique for the Analysis of Quartz in Respirable and Bulk Earth Samples. 1992

Carolina Occupational Medical Association, Tryon, NC, Grand Rounds in Occupational Medicine, 1992

International Congress on the Health Effects of Hazardous Waste, Atlanta, Persistent Central and Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction Seen in Hazardous Waste Workers: A Case Series, 1993

Carolina Occupational Medical Association, Grand Rounds in Occupational Medicine, Asheville, 1993

Rex Hospital, Raleigh, NC, Grand Rounds: Acrodynia, 1993

(with CM Stopford) 2nd International Congress on Silica, Silicosis and Cancer, San Francisco, CA, Potential for Respirable Quartz Exposure from Farm Soils, 1993

Silica 93, Arlington, Va, Respirable Quartz in Commercial Materials

WIMA Write Show, Atlanta: Assessment of Writing Instruments for Hazard labeling

WTVD: Labeling of Art Materials for Chronic Health Hazards

Duke Occupational Medicine Journal Club: Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome after Chronic Exposures, 1994

Duke Occupational Medicine Seminar Series: Introduction to Toxicological Risk Assessments, 1994

NC State University Dept. of Toxicology: Risk Assessment for Respirable Quartz, 1995

Duke Family Medicine Grand Rounds: Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome, 1995

Southern Agrimedicine Consortium: Respirable Quartz Exposures During Farming Activities, 1995

Carolina Occupational Medical Association, Grand Rounds in Occupational Medicine: Guillain Barre Syndrome after Mercury Amalgam Removal, 1996

(with CM Stopford, W Genter, J Storm, j Johnson) Use of high volume air filters to measure crystalline silica in the environment. North Carolina Environmental Science Research Fair. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, 1996.

(with CM Stopford). Estimating exposure to crystalline silica associated with agricultural activities. National Institute for Farm Safety: 1996 Summer Conference

(with CM Stopford)Factors affecting spontaneous combustion tenancy of artists’ oils. ASTM D.01 Committee meeting, 1997

Carolina Occupational Medical Association, Grand Rounds in Occupational Medicine: chronic adverse effects from chromium and trichloroethylene exposures, 1997

International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology: Guillain Barre Syndrome after Acute Mercury Exposures, 1998

Duke Occupational Medicine Seminar Series: Immunotoxicology of Silica, 1998

Duke Institute for Learning in Retirement: Art Material Hazards, 1999

Duke Occupational Medicine Seminar Series: Art Material Hazards, 1999

Occupational Medicine for Physician Associates: Heavy Metals, 2000

Duke Occupational Medicine Seminar Series: Chemical terrorism, 2001

Community and Family Medicine Grand Rounds: chemical terrorism, 2001

Occupational Medicine for Physician Associates: Heavy Metals, 2001

Duke Health Care System: Grand rounds on terrorism (with Drs. Keith Kaye and Wayne Thomann), 2001

Duke University Forum: The War Against Terrorism: Medical Aspects of Terrorism (with Drs. Keith Kaye, Randy Jirtle, John Fairbank), 2001

Duke Occupational Medicine Seminar Series: Chemical terrorism, 2002 (part II)

University of North Carolina School of Public Health, Chemical Terrorism, 2002

Cobalt Development Institute: solubility of cobalt compounds and risk, 2002

Occupational Medicine for Physician Associates: Heavy Metals, 2002

Eagleson Institute Seminar Series, Chemical Terrorism, 2003

Duke Occupational Medicine Seminar Series: autism and exposure to thimerosal, 2003

Cobalt Development Institute: risk assessment of cobalt driers, 2004

Cobalt Development Institute: Risk assessment for chronic toxic endpoints for cobalt, Toronto, 2005

Duke Occupational Medicine Seminar Series: Manganese and welding, 2006

NC OSHERC NORA Seminar: Mercury and Chlorine Exposures: Residual Effect 4-20 years After Exposure, 2006

Environmental Information Association Conference, Atlanta, GA: Classroom Contamination with Lead-Bearing Ceramic Glaze (with William Roth), 2007

Duke Occupational Medicine Seminar Series: Lead exposure in schools from the use of ceramic glazes, 2007

American Bar Association meeting, New Orleans, 3/09: Use of experts in the evaluation of work-related disease in large cohorts

Society of Toxicology meeting, Baltimore, 3/09: Lead exposure from use of ceramics in schools

Duke Occupational Seminar Series, 11/09: Neuropsychological disorders associated with chronic rhinitis: a new occupational disease

NC OSHERC NORA Interdisciplinary Seminar, 11/2010: Sleep Apnea after Exposure to Formaldehyde and Formaldehyde-containing Resin Dusts

Current Research

Stopford W. Exposure to respirable quartz from soils in the coastal plains and risk of SLE or death from pulmonary fibrosis


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