Staff Headlines 12.11.20 text only version

418995124800Staff Headlines, 17th December 2020 Christmas Family Appeal Fundraising UpdateThe Health & Wellbeing Team?would like to say a huge thank you to all our staff, schools, local communities and wider educational settings who donated to the Christmas Family Appeal 2020. You have helped us raise an amazing ?16,507.82 (total plus Gift Aid) to bring the Magic of Christmas to every child and young person on Christmas morning.All monies donated to the Family Appeal are divided jointly between St Vincent de Paul (NI) and The Salvation Army for distribution throughout local communities across Northern Ireland. You might like to read some of the inspirational messages left on our fundraising page.Wishing you a Magical Christmas.Christmas Family AppealThe appeal has captured the tremendous generosity of EA staff.As a child my mum struggled to provide a Christmas present to me, my brother and sister and I know the happiness a gift at Christmas can bring.Well done to the EA’s Health & Wellbeing Champions!The best feeling in the world is when we can help others.Pleased that EA is partnering on the Christmas Appeal and staff can give back, particularly during 2020.Hope to bring a smile to some child less fortunate this Christmas.When I was a child there was a time when we had little. But I do know that my small contribution will help someone.Excellent idea, so many in need. Wish I could give more!This is a great way to give back to those who really need it. Well done to the Health & Wellbeing team for motivating us to give.It’s important to give to others who are less well off at this time of year.Donated after viewing Orchard County Primary School’s video.Hope to bring a smile to some child less fortunate this Christmas.A difficult year for so many, a great cause and worthy of support.EA Remote Service Delivery over the Christmas Period Whilst the support required for schools, parents and other stakeholders has traditionally been reduced during the Christmas period due to school closures, EA services always remain available to provide support and guidance.? This year, EA services will be delivered remotely between 24th December 2020 and 3rd January 2021 (inclusive) and EA buildings will be closed to staff and the public during this period. Proportionate cover arrangements have been developed for each service to ensure that schools and other stakeholders can access support where necessary.? As you are aware, the Executive have decided to further relax restrictions between 23rd and 27th December allowing some social contact over the festive period.? Although this is welcome news, we are mindful of the need to be extra vigilant and re-double our efforts to suppress the virus during the festive period. As a public sector organisation we need to show leadership in modelling the public health compliance message.? Remote service delivery will ensure the safety of our staff can contribute towards reducing the transmission of Covid-19.?All staff, both school based and office based, are strongly encouraged to use the Christmas break as an opportunity to rest.? Delivering EA services remotely?will provide services with the opportunity to reduce the requirements for cover, by enabling staff to work from home, also?allowing staff the opportunity?to?take?sufficient?leave during this period.???Services can be contacted using the usual contact mechanisms.Executive Christmas Bubbling Arrangements – Reminder The Executive has agreed Christmas household bubbling arrangements from 23rd to 27th December. Three households will be able to come together for this period in domestic settings, outdoor public spaces and places of worship. One of the households will be able to include their existing household bubble. Get up-to-date advice at: .uk/ coronavirus Christmas BubblingDec 23-27:Limited changes to household restrictions3 households can bubble1 can include existing bubbleKeep bubble as small as possibleUpdate on Self-isolation PeriodLast week, the UK’s four Chief Medical Officers advised on a change to the self-isolation period for all domestic contacts and international arrivals, with a reduction from 14 day to 10 days.Self-isolation is essential to reducing the spread of COVID-19 as it breaks the chains of transmission.People who return from countries which are not on the travel corridor list should self-isolate for 10 days instead of 14 days.People who test positive should continue to self-isolate for 10 days from onset of symptoms or 10 days from point of taking a positive test if asymptomatic. We urge everyone to self-isolate when appropriate, it will save lives.The Northern Ireland Covid-19 Apps -StopCOVID NI app and COVIDCare NI - will be updated to reflect the changes from 14th December.Get up-to-date advice at: .uk/coronavirusLibraries NI – Join the Winter Mini Reading ChallengeTo encourage primary school children to read for fun during the Christmas break, Libraries NI wanted to let all primary schools know about the Winter Mini Reading Challenge which started on 1st December 2020 and ends on 15th January 2021. Delivered through a fun online platform (.uk), children aged 4 to 11 years can take part by reading any number of books (including eBooks and audiobooks) and then reviewing them.Books added to the website during the six-week Mini Challenge period will count towards unlocking special rewards including a certificate and a virtual badge and there is a downloadable reading record card that children can complete. Throughout the Challenge the website will feature activities, recommendations for great winter reads and competitions.More information on the Mini Winter Reading Challenge 2020, book recommendations and activities will be available on the Libraries NI website .uk.High Five Newsletter - bumper Christmas editionThe High Five newsletter, produced by Primary Behaviour Support and Provisions, has now completed its second term, concluding with a bumper Christmas issue on 18 December. The newsletter has raised the profile in primary schools of the Take 5 programme and the EA vision - to inspire, support and challenge all our young people to be the best they can be. We have loved seeing the language of the EA vision creep into the contributions from schools and even spotted it appearing in a virtual school open day! ?Christmas Wishes On behalf of the Education Authority’s Board Members and Senior Leadership Team we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and peaceful New Year. It has been a challenging year for everyone working in the education sector and society as a whole and we have all had to adapt to navigate the challenges this year has brought. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication during this unprecedented year and for your ongoing commitment to supporting schools and children and young people. Season’s Greetings from the Education AuthorityWishing you a Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.We look forward to continuing to work together in 20201.Sara Long, Chief Executive and the Board Members and Senior Leadership TeamWe want to hear from youThe next edition of Staff Headlines will be on 7th January 2021, and if you have any news or stories that you would like to be considered for inclusion please email ................

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