Unidad 1 Interrogatives - Cuaderno Espanol


Unidad 1

Repaso r?pido: Interrogativos


Questions often begin with one of the following interrogative words.

? Ad?nde ? to where ? De d?nde ? from where ? D?nde ? where ? Cu?l(es) ? which (ones) ? Por qu? ? why ? Cu?nto(a) ? how much ? Cu?ntos(as) ? how many

?Cu?ndo ? when ?C?mo - how ?Qu? ? what ?Qui?n ? who


Note: each interrogative has an accent mark! Some have plural, masculine, and feminine forms.

Qu? vs Cu?l

can be followed directly by a noun, but cannot:

? hotel es el mejor?

What hotel is the best?

? de las llaves necesito?

Which of the keys do I need?

?"Qu? es" and "Qu? son" are looking for a

definition of the word. Use cu?l with ser for

getting information.

? es tu nombre?? tel?fono?

es tu n?mero de

? es "la artritis"?

Unidad 1 - Interrogatives



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