Unidad 1 Repaso rápido - Interrogatives


Nombre: ____________________________ Bloque: ________ Fecha: _______________________

Unidad 1 C Repaso rpido - Interrogatives


Questions often begin with one of the following interrogative words.

? ____________________________ C to where


De dnde C ____________________________


____________________________ C where


Cul(es) C ____________________________


____________________________ C why


Cunto(a) C ____________________________


____________________________C how many


Cundo C ____________________________


____________________________ - how


Qu C ____________________________


____________________________ C who

Note: each interrogative has an accent mark! Some have plural, masculine, and feminine forms.

Qu vs Cul:

? Qu can be followed directly by a ____________________, but Cul cannot:

?Qu __________________ es el mejor?

What hotel is the best?

?Cul de las __________________ necesito?

Which of the keys do I need?

? Qu es and Qu son are looking for a ___________________ of the word. Use cul with ser

for _________________ _________________________.

?Cul es tu nombre?

What is your name? (Give me your actual name, not define the word)

?Cul es tu nmero de telfono?

What is your phone number? (Give me your phone number, not define the word.)

?Qu es la artritis?

What is arthritis? (Looking to define the term.)

Espa?ol 2

Unidad 1

Apuntes C Interrogatives


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