Elsinore Daily News: A Reporter’s Point of View

Elsinore Daily News: A Reporter’s Point of View

You are newspaper reporters, reporting on the news of Elsinore, Denmark. Using your text book, you are to write a newspaper article using only the information found in Act I, scene 1 of Hamlet.

_____ Select an appropriate newspaper name.

_____ Answer the questions who, what, when, where, how, why.

_____ Base your answers on Act I, scene 1.

_____ Get your “why” from reading closely. It may be hard to find.

_____ Write your findings as if you are composing an article for the front page of the newspaper.

_____ Include quotes from Act I, scene in your article. For example, you can “interview” someone and use his/her lines from the play as quotes for your article.

_____ Create a title for your article that will create interest and attract readers.

_____ Work together well and focus on your tasks.


WHO: Who is involved?

WHAT: What is happening now, what has happened in the past, and/or what may happen in the future?

WHEN: When did this happen?

WHERE: Where has this happened?

HOW: How did this come about—how did it happen?

WHY: Why did it happen?

• Use notebook paper (or the laptops if available) to write your article.

• Create a nice, bold heading for the newspaper.

• Create an illustration (or find one if the laptops and printer are available) to go along with your article.

• Add your names to the bottom corner.

What am I grading you on? I’m looking for accuracy of the information, effective use of quotes, creativity, being on task and using your time wisely.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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