Módulo: Mecanizado (MEC)

AF_AG01_ Recruitment and professional development

Unit 4: The interview

Unit 1: Human Resources Department an overview


The interview is an essential tool in the selection process. It consists of a formal , in-depth conversation that has as main objective to evaluate and verify if the candidate has the skills required for the job. With the interview we can expand and contrast the information included in CV. In the interview can participate or o several interviewers and one or more candidates.

There are two main players in the interview: the interviewer and the interviewer.

The interviewer

This is the person in charge of the interview. The interview must be professional. In general, the interviewer is specialist recruitment, usually a psychology. The interviewer rarely is an expert in the vacant job. The interview is based on in personality, motivations and skills. This should help the interviewer to select the most suitable candidate.

It is very important to prepare the interview before following the profile job.

There are some points that the interviewer must follow.

1. Prepare the interview and starts on time.

2. Create a climate of trust.

3. Do not be fooled by first impression.

4. Warns take notes.

5. Let the interviewee talk.

6. Ask questions that are clear.

7. Do not say the answer before the candidate.

8. The candidate must be involved.

9. Do not let prejudices arise.

10. Do not criticize or argue with the interviewee.

The interviewee


This is the person who wants to get the job. The interview should be prepared beforehand in order to avoid mistakes.

Here are the main steps for preparing the interview.

1. Research the company.

2. Research your interview if you can.

3. Prepare to answer common questions.

4. Prepare to ask at least two questions.

5. Practice with a friend.

6. Prepare to explain why you would be a good fit for the company.

7. Prepare you bring everything you need.

In the interview the candidate should:

1. Dress professional.

2. Arrive at least ten minutes early.

3. Introduce yourself with confidence.

4. Be articulate when you answer the questions.

5. Avoid sharing overly personal information.

6. Make sure to thanks your interviewers in person.

7. Know what not to do.

8. Don't bad mouth your current job or employer.

Source: Face-an-Interview

Phases in the interview

We can distinguish five phases in the interview that all the candidate should know.

1. Welcome: we must create a climate of confidence for the interviewee feel comfortable.

2. Information about the company and job.: property, products or services, the numbers of workers, territory, ...

3. Questions interviewer: reviewing the entire working life of the candidate began the last job.

4. Interview questions: intelligent questions can excel candidate.

5. Closing: goodbye to the candidate with kindness without giving clues about the outcome of the interview.

Report interview


When the interview ended the interviewer prepare a report. Use a template that list the most important aspects of the candidate and their evaluation during the interview.

The report must be signed by the interviewer and will become part of the record of the candidate.

An example of interview report:


|Surname and name's candidate:_________________________________________________ |

|Job vacancy:_________________________________________________________________ |

|Department:__________________________________________________________________ |

|Date:________ |

|Characteristics |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|-Academic results | | | | | |

|-Additional training | | | | | |

|-Languages | | | | | |

|Experience | | | | | |

|-Similar job | | | | | |

|Others jobs | | | | | |

|Skills required | | | | | |

|(Description of each competence profile of the workplace) | | | | | |

|-Initiative | | | | | |

|-Adaptability in the workplace | | | | | |

|-Adaptability to the company | | | | | |

|-Capacity management | | | | | |

|-Resistance to stress | | | | | |

|-Capacity planning and organization | | | | | |

|-Leadership | | | | | |

|Motivation to get the job | | | | | |

|-Economical motivation. | | | | | |

|-Improve professional career | | | | | |

|Global evaluation |

|Low:_____ Medium:_____ Good:____ Very good:____ Excellent:____ |

|Recommendation to hire the candidate |

|Yes:____ No:____ Observations:_________________________________________________ |

|Observations |

| General impressions, straights and weakness , doubts about candidate, ... |

| |

| |

| |

| |

Once you have learnt the contents of Unit 4, you will have to do the following activities.


First of all look at this video. You can see an unusual interview played by Monty Python. The interview has English subtitles. In this video you can see how not to do an interview.

|[pic] |Monty Python interview |


1) Now, read the following sentences and decide if they are true o false. Check your answer with your partner. Do you have the same answers? Discuss the answers do not match.

1. It is not important to spend some money on business appropriate outfit.

2. When you walk into the room, stand tall, make eye contact, put a smile on your face, and give your interviewer a firm, confident handshake when you introduce yourself.

3. Try to repeat saying “like” or “um” too much and focus on getting your points across, even if that means pausing to think.

4. When the interview is over, never show that you’re grateful for the fact that your interviewers took the time to meet with you.

5. Choose your words carefully and make sure you give an impression of being a respectful, hard worker who is truly excited about the position.

6. Talk about how you’ve applied to a million jobs without being asked for an interview. Make it look like you really want this specific position.

7. If you have looked at your interviewer in Internet you should mention something that you found on Facebook about he or she.

8. it’s good to have some answers prepared so you don’t look unprepared or caught off guard.

9. Tell your interviewers that you want to work there because it’s the only company that asked you for an interview.

10. You should prepare at least a handful of questions and pick the ones that are the most relevant to ask.

11. If you want to feel really confident going into that interview, then you never want to practice with a friend

12. don’t have to do any last-minute preparation to get ready for the big day.

13. You don't need to bring your resume and cover letter to use as a reference, the interviewer always has one.

14. Check out what the employees at the company are like and what the company values the most when it comes to the position you’re seeking.

2) First of all you have to practise the specific vocabulary of interview. There are a lot of exercises where you can practice the main vocabulary. Here there are some exercises from British Council please, click on this link :

|[pic] |A_job_interview_Learner_Worksheets.pdf |

and do the following Worksheets in the order specified:

1st._Worksheet 1.

2nd_ Worksheet 3.

3rd._Worksheet 4.

4th._Worksheet 2.

5th._Worksheet 6.

6th._Worksheet 7.

3) This activity aims to show the students how to prepare an interview as a interviewer or interviewee. In groups, the students must practice the role of interviewer and interviewee. This is the hardest part of the activity but maybe the most interesting.

Good luck and enjoy the activity!

Part 1.

In pairs, you have to write a list of possible questions and answers in a interview. What is your experience? What are the salaries?

Put them in common with the rest of the class.

You can read more information about what types of questions can you do in a interview in the following webs:



Write on the board the most appropriate and discuss when we use them.

Part 2.


Divide the class in two groups.

First group

The company needs two new workers. The HR department writes the following ads in the local newspaper:

| | |

|First ad in the newspaper |Second ad in the newspaper |

| | |

|Receptionist |Cloth shop assistant |

|I | |

|Important skills: |Important skills |

|- Very organised. |-Good people skills. |

|- Computer. |-Able to use a tie. |

|-Literate | |

| | |

|Other: |Other : |

|-Must be able to start straight away. |-Must be interested in fashion. |

| | |

|Hours: |Hours: |

|-8:30 to 4:30 Monday - Friday. |-10:00 am 14:00. Monday-Thursday |

| | |

|Salary 24.500€ annum |Salary |

| |- 20€ per hour. |

Divide the group in two. One of them will elaborate a CV for the first ad and the other part will write CV for the second ad. Each member of the group should elaborate their own CV. The students have practiced this task in unit 3. Here are some webs where they can find an examples and templates of CV. The CV must be realistic!




Second group

Divide the group in two. One part of the group must prepare the questions and elaborate the interview report for the first ad and the other group must be the same for the second ad.

The students have an example of interview report in Unit 4. Remember what kind of vacancy wants to cover and adapt the inform if is necessary.

Part 3

The interview. It would be better to have two classes where develop the activity.

In one class we develop the interview of first ad. All the students who have written curriculum of receptionist will be interviewed there.

In the other class will pass the rest of the students who have written the curriculum of Cloth shop assistant.

Finally the interviewers will choose one of the candidates and explain their decision.

If it is possible, change the roles and start again.


To learn more about how to prepare for the interview as an interviewer or as an interviewee click on this link where you can read the whole explanation.

- Face-an-Interview

You have just studied the importance of a good interview. Watch the following videos where you can see how to answer this questions that can make you a difference in a interview.

1- Tell me about yourself.- watch?v=OW-yxxPMtro

2- What are your weakness? - watch?v=u_VdMHGQnZU

3-What are your strength?-watch?v=UXwW6I3-bUA

4- Why should be hire you?-watch?v=KLdboEjNSdM

Now you are ready to watch a whole interview. To know more about interviews look at this video where you can see an example . The video has English subtitles.




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