This is Five Minute Friday episode number 80: Your Questions.

Welcome to the SuperDataScience podcast. If it's your first time here, then welcome for the first time. And if it's not your first time, then welcome back. 80 episodes. How crazy is that? This has been a very, very exciting and interesting journey. It's been really fantastic to interview so many people and also to see how many people are actually listening to this podcast.

So first of all, thank you so much for listening to this show, for being part of this journey, being part of this movement of data science and joining the community of people who are building their careers in data science. Very, very excited about this. We've had some fantastic guests along the way. We've had people from Artificial Intelligence to Data Visualisation to recruiting, people with different backgrounds, guests who have come from technical backgrounds, from non-technical backgrounds, guests with PhDs, guests who are just breaking into the space of data science. It's been very, very exciting, and we're looking forward to going further and pushing through to 100 episodes and beyond that, so once again, thank you so much for being here.

And today, what I wanted to do is pass the ball into your court. I would like to open the podcast for your questions. So, as you've noticed, we have got guests coming onto the show and I'm asking them lots of different questions all the time. But most of these questions are questions that I came up with. Questions that interest me. Today I want to find out what interests you. What would you like me to ask on the podcast from our guests? How cool would that be if you have a question that you want an answer to, something relating to data science or to your career, or to careers in general, and we could ask that on the podcast? I think that would be a pretty exciting idea, and I've actually done that already before, sometimes people reach out to me for questions on LinkedIn, or through other social platforms, and even

though I have my own opinions on those, I still sometimes pass those on to our guests to get their opinions because I'm also interested about those.

So, if you have an exciting and interesting question, then feel free to share it with me by sending it to podcast@. So the team will have a look at the question and they'll compile the most interesting ones, and then I'll ask them on the show when the time is right, when we've got a guest who has the expertise in that area, or maybe just any random guest. So yeah, once again, the email is podcast@. Feel free to send any and all your questions that you are burning to get answers to, and I think this will be really, really fun.

And also, you can use that email to send any kind of feedback you have about the podcast, how we could improve the podcast, how we could mix things up, or even if you have suggestions for guests, so for instance if you have friends or mentors or colleagues who are inspiring, who have inspired you, and who you think can inspire the rest of the data science world, then also feel free to share that information with us and suggest them for the podcast and then we'll get back to you if we would like to invite them.

So once again, thank you so much for being part of this show. Can't wait to read all your questions and ask them on the podcast. It's going to be fun. And as always, I look forward to seeing you next time. Until then, happy analyzing.


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