BEAR CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Baltimore County Public …



Welcome to Bear Creek Elementary School. We are a Pre-K to grade 5 elementary school in Baltimore County, Maryland. Our address is 1601 Melbourne Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21222. Our telephone numbers are:

Office 410-887-7007

Nurse 410-887-7154

Counselor 410-887-7237

Mrs. Cheryl Thim is our Principal; Mrs. Leah Scarafile is our Assistant Principal.

Pre-K Ms. Jennifer Maddox

Kindergarten Teachers Mrs. Kimberly Rahnis

Mrs. Nancy Kreitz

Mrs. Judy Sibol

1st Level Teachers Ms. Kristina Rizza

Ms. Emma Cabrera

Mrs. Katie Pace

2nd Level Teachers Mrs. Jacquelyn Price

Ms. Rebecca Sommerville

Ms. Amanda Ballard

3rd Level Teachers Mrs. Alexandra Lugenbeel

Ms. Lauren Duckett

Ms. Sheena Hershey

4th Level Teachers Mrs. Tammy Yost

Mrs. Colleen Goldenberg

Mrs. Kristy Caron

5th Level Teachers Mrs. Jill Mayotte

Mrs. Christine Rider

Mr. Christopher Celmer

Special Education Teachers Ms. Martina Boller

Mrs. Denise Winkler

Ms. Megan Otterbein

Special Area Teachers and Support Staff:

Art Teachers Mrs. Pamela Adkins

Guidance Counselor Ms. Caitlin McGing

Librarian Mrs. Cara Sheppard

Instrumental Music Mr. Andrew Mueller

Physical Education Ms. Mary Barranco

Reading Specialist Mrs. Kim Campbell

Inclusion Teacher Mrs. Erica Blouin

Inclusion Teacher Mrs. Cindy Laue

Inclusion Teacher Mrs. Jamie Dowell

Speech Therapist Mrs. Arlene Endres

Mrs. Elizabeth Wasmer

Vocal Music Ms. Laura Allison

Behavior Support Mr. Chris Stimmel

Ms. Emily Mueller

Resource Teacher Mr. Frank Soda

Mrs. Lauren Smith

STAT Teacher Mrs. Wendy Grieco

Spanish Teacher Ms. Luz Ampudia-Kordell

ESOL Teacher Ms. Caroline Clark

Ms. Cloe Cummings

Parent Service Coordinator Mrs. Patricia Longo

Instructional Assistants Mrs. Catherine Majewski

Mrs. Dawn Matthews

Mrs. Lois Hughes

Mrs. Diane Gardner

Ms. Kimberley Cornish

Mrs. Kimberly Sowden

School Nurse Ms. Joyce Maslyk

School Secretaries Mrs. Cindy Ricko

Mrs. Dawn Anderson

Cafeteria Manager Mrs. Laura Holland

Chief Custodian Mr. Jim Valentine



President Mrs. Melissa Smith-Moser

Vice President Mrs. Jennifer Barron

Secretary Mr. Chris Celmer

Treasurer Mrs. Tanya Masters

PTA Meetings are held on Monday evenings each month during the school year. Consult the school bulletins for exact dates. You may email our PTA at ptabearcreek@.

Engaging Students Today, Developing Leaders for Tomorrow

We believe it is our imperative to create a caring, competent, quality student centered learning environment for every learner, every day. We commit to critically evaluate the results of our work through Equity, Commitment, and Focus, in order to build our capacity to grow globally competitive students and future leaders.

To realize this vision WE will:

❑ Focus on student learning as the centerpiece of the school that envelopes the expertise of parents, teachers, community leaders, and students.

❑ Commit to and consistently maintain focus to action that improves the quality of our craft.

❑ Persist in the pursuit of student learning and instructional excellence by critically evaluating the results of our work.

❑ Respect and nurture the collective and individual capacity for continuous growth and leadership.

❑ Challenge our actions against the measure of student achievement.

❑ We pledge to provide our students and their families:

o A safe and orderly school environment where all are treated with respect

o An environment that provides ongoing communication

o A shared responsibility for students’ success by the entire Bear Creek faculty, staff and PTA

o A high quality instructional program that addresses students’ strengths and needs

o The resources that each child needs to achieve academic success and develop personal growth.

At Bear Creek….

We are Respectful to everyone.

We are Responsible for our choices.

We are Ready to learn.

Criteria for Bear Creek PRIDE

Students receiving the PRIDE award must receive a 2 or 3 in all areas of Skills and Conduct.

Students must meet 94% Attendance standard for the quarter OR year to date.

PRIDE certificates will be given to students following assemblies each quarter.

Parents will be invited to the assemblies.

Criteria for Bear Creek HONOR ROLL

(Grades 4 & 5 Only)

Students receiving the HONOR ROLL award must have a Grade Point Average of 3.0 with no more than one C permitted to be balanced with one A.

Students must have a 2 or 3 in all areas of Skills and Conduct. These areas reflect the Honor Society standard of exemplary character.

First time recipients of the Honor Roll will receive a certificate.

Second time recipients of the Honor Roll will receive a blue ribbon.

Third time recipients of the Honor Roll will receive a yellow ribbon.

Fourth time recipients of the Honor Roll will receive a lapel pin.

A parent-student breakfast reception will be held BEFORE school to honor students who receive the Honor Roll.

Students and Parents will be invited to the Breakfast reception.

Criteria for National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS)

(Grades 4 & 5 only)

Students must have a cumulative 3.4 GPA, with no C’s, and on or above grade level standards

Student must have a 3 in all areas of Skills and Conduct.

Recognition Assemblies

• Are held quarterly – parents will be invited to attend

• Due to limited seating, younger (pre-school aged) children should remain on laps with parents

• School—aged, family/siblings may not attend assemblies or functions during regularly scheduled school hours.

This handbook was designed to help parents and students become better acquainted with Bear Creek Elementary School by making you aware of programs, and special opportunities. Please note carefully the bold print as these are rules and school procedures that parents must be aware of.

Our goal is to provide a sound educational program for boys and girls to meet their needs and to expand upon their talents. Our staff hopes that your child will have many rich and rewarding experiences at Bear Creek. There will be many opportunities for you to learn about your child’s work, to attend programs, and to observe in the classroom.

We feel that it is very important to have an open line of communication between home and school. At times, teachers may request parent conferences. We sincerely hope that parents will also request conferences when needed. It will be necessary for you to call for an appointment if you wish to have a conference scheduled. Teachers will not be able to conference during arrival and dismissal; please do not enter the classroom during these times. It is important that the teacher be with the children at that time.

School Day

The time of our school day is as follows:

8:45 Students may enter the building

9:00 School day begins

11:30 End of day for AM Prekindergarten

12:45 Afternoon Prekindergarten begins

3:15 Dismissal of PM PreK and Kindergarten students

3:25 Dismissal of bus students

3:30 Dismissal of walkers

Arrival Times

Our entrance bell rings at 8:45 a.m. Students should not arrive before 8:45 a.m. because supervision is not provided until the bell rings. PreK and Kindergarten students should enter and exit the building by their classroom doors. Grades 1-5 and CALS will enter through the front lobby doors. Older students walking younger brothers and sisters or other young children to and from school should make arrangements to meet them outside or by designation on our dismissal plan. PreK – grade 3 students will exit through their classroom door. Fourth and fifth graders will exit through the front lobby or the music wing. Parents picking up at multiple classrooms may request for students to meet at sibling pick up in our cafeteria. Sibling pick up is only available if you have more than one child enrolled at Bear Creek. On days when the weather is inclement, students may use the lobby doors to enter and wait in the gymnasium until the bell rings. These doors will be opened at 8:45 a.m. on inclement days. Students will not be permitted to enter the building prior to that time.

Early Dismissals

The latest we will call students for early dismissal is 3:15. After 3:15, parents will need to wait for the 3:30 dismissal.

Early dismissals are a disruption to classroom instruction when we have to call into a classroom. Unless your child has an appointment, we ask that you leave your child in school for the entire day. Please help us keep dismissals after 2:30 to a minimal.

Crossing Guards

The county provides three crossing guards for our school. Assignments are at:

Gray Haven & Melbourne Roads

Del Haven & Melbourne Roads

Inverness and North Boundary Roads

They are on duty from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. and from 3:30 to 3:45 p.m. Children are expected to cross streets with the crossing guard. They should not cross at other locations. Students should go directly home from school. Please stress the importance of safety going to and from school. Please do not cross students between parked cars.

School Buses

All pupils transported by the school buses are expected to obey the rules set up by the Department of Transportation. The supervision of students while walking to, from, or waiting at the established bus stop is the responsibility of the students’ parents or guardians. Students who disobey the rules may be denied the privilege of riding the bus, making it necessary for the parents to provide transportation to and from school each day. Children must ride only on their assigned bus and get on at the bus stop which has been indicated. At no time are walkers permitted to ride the school bus. We cannot excuse a bus rider from riding the bus on any particular day without a written note from his/her parent.


Whenever parents and visitors come into the school, regardless of the reason, they must report to the office. This is for your child’s protection and to help us reduce interruptions in the classrooms.

The safety of all students and staff in Baltimore County Public Schools is of utmost importance to all of us. Baltimore County Public Schools utilized a system called Raptor. When you visit our school for the first time, you will be asked to present a government-issued photo ID, or a driver’s license to a staff member in the school office. The ID will be scanned and the following information will be collected: your photo, your name, and your date of birth. This information will be utilized to check you in, create an ID badge, and compare your information against sexual offender databases throughout the country. If your name appears on any of the lists or you refuse to allow the school to scan your ID, you will not be allowed access to the school. The only alternative will be to allow the staff to see your ID, verify your first name, last name, and date of birth to be entered into the system manually. However, this method does not store the information, and you must do this each time you visit the school. If you have your ID scanned, you will be asked to show your ID only on future visits, and your name will be selected from an existing list of previous visitors. You will also be asked to check out with the office staff upon leaving the school so that we know you are no longer in the building. You will be required to check into the system even if you are only coming to school to pick up your child. The information collected will not be shared outside of the school and is kept on a secure server. Your assistance in keeping our students and schools safe is appreciated.

We welcome parents into our building and want every parent to know that he/she is our partner in the education of our children. Unfortunately, in today’s society, we must protect our students and staff from unwelcome strangers in our building. Because of this concern, the Safe Schools Committee has decided that the following procedures will be implemented:

❑ All students in PreK and Kindergarten students, except bus riders, will enter and exit the building through their classroom doors. All grades 1-3 students will enter through the front door and exit through the classroom door. Grades 4 & 5 will enter through the lobby doors and exit thorough the front lobby or the music wing.

❑ Parents who need to make a brief contact with the teacher should do so by using the classroom door. However, if you need time for discussion, please schedule an appointment to meet with the teacher.

❑ Parents who have other business in the school may not enter through the classroom door to report to the office. Parents must enter through the front door to report directly to the office.

❑ Students will put their own things in their lockers each morning. This is an important learning for all children.

❑ Parents who have other business in the building must enter through the lobby door and report directly to the office.

❑ Parents or other non school-age escorts who are designated to pick up students should meet them at the classroom door or other designated meeting spots. Due to bus dismissal, the school lobby may not be used as a meeting place.

❑ All non school siblings, family, etc. must wait outside during dismissal.

❑ Parents will not escort students to classrooms, except on the first day

❑ Only students who need to meet with siblings for dismissal will be dismissed through the cafeteria. All other students Pre-K through grade three must dismiss through classroom doors or grade four and five through the front door.

Classroom Visitations

Parents are welcome to request a classroom visit, outside of American Education Week and other school events. These visits will be mutually scheduled with parent and teacher and should have a purpose for building parent capacity to support students. We will limit visits to 20 minutes or a single lesson in order to minimize disruptions and distractions to the learning environment. Imagine having 10-15 visitors in your child’s classroom on a regular unlimited basis! This is not conducive to the learning environment. In order to be fair and consistent to all children & families, visits will be purposeful, scheduled, and limited in frequency and time. Please see POLICY and RULE 1240 below.

COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Community Involvement POLICY 1240

Visitors to Schools

I. Philosophy

A. The Board of Education of Baltimore County (Board) encourages the participation of families and the community in the Baltimore County Public Schools and encourages visitors to visit classrooms and participate in school programs. The Board recognizes its primary responsibility to provide a school environment that is safe and secure for all students, staff, and the school community through appropriate identification of visitors.

II. Implementation

A. The Board directs the Superintendent to develop appropriate rules and procedures consistent with this policy.

Legal References: Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article §26-101, Disturbing Activities at School of College; Molesting or Threatening Students.

Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article §26-102, Trespass on the Grounds of a Public Institution of Elementary, Secondary, or Higher Education.

Annotated Code of Maryland, Criminal Law Article §6-409, Refusal or Failure to Leave Public Building or Grounds.

Annotated Code of Maryland, Criminal Procedure Article §11-722, Entry onto School or Day Care Property Prohibited.

Related Policies: Board of Education Policy 1200, Community Involvement

Board of Education Policy 1260, School Volunteers

Board of Education Policy 1270, Parent and Family Involvement

Copyright © 2011 Baltimore County Public Schools. All rights reserved.

Policy Board of Education of Baltimore County

Adopted: 10/09/69

Revised: 06/23/77

Revised: 03/27/07

Revised: 12/06/11

COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Community Involvement RULE 1240

Visitors to Schools

I. Purpose

A. To develop procedures for the time, place, and manner by which persons visit the schools.

II. Definitions

A. Authorized Employee – The Superintendent, principal, or any person designated in writing by one of these persons as an agent of the school system for the purpose of this policy.

III. Procedures

A. An authorized school visitor is a person (not a student of the school or an identified employee or volunteer of Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) on official business) who has legitimate school business, to include, but not limited to, parent-teacher conferences, pre-arranged classroom visits, attendance at other school events, or appointments with school employees.

B. Each principal will ensure that signs are posted at assigned visitor entrances that welcome visitors and direct them to the school office for registration before entering any part of the building.

1. The principal shall follow protocols established in The Critical Response and School Emergency Safety Management Guide for visitor screening.

2. Employees may demand identification and reason for the visit from any person who desires to enter the property.

B. Prior to visiting any portion of the school, all visitors to schools must report to the main office, sign the visitor’s log, state the reason for their visit, and receive a visitor’s pass that must be worn at all times.

C. Any school system employee who observes a visitor without a pass should direct that individual to the main office.

D. Classroom Visits

1. Classroom visits and conferences by parents and other authorized individuals are encouraged. Such visits should be arranged through the principal’s office or with the classroom teacher prior to coming to the school.

2. The principal reserves the right to limit or schedule the visit in such a way to diminish or avoid disruption to the normal operation of the school.

IV. Denial of Access

A. An authorized employee may deny access to BCPS property to any person who:

1. Is not a bona fide, currently registered student or a BCPS employee who does not have lawful business to pursue at the site; or

2. Is a bona fide, currently registered student at the school and has been suspended or expelled; or

3. Has been denied access to the school; or

4. Acts in a manner that disrupts or disturbs the normal educational functions of the school; or

5. Molests or threatens a student, employee, agent, or any other individual on school grounds, on a school vehicle, or on any property owned by the school system.

V. Compliance

A. The school principal is responsible for following established procedures for admitting only authorized users to school property.

B. The school principal is responsible for investigating instances of alleged violations of this rule and taking appropriate action, except when it may be appropriate to deny access to multiple properties, in which case the Superintendent’s designee will be responsible.

C. Authorized employees are responsible for issuing no trespass letters in accordance with established school system procedures.

Rule Superintendent of Schools

Approved: 10/09/69

Revised: 06/13/06

Revised: 03/27/07

Revised: 12/06/11

Classroom Assignments

Our primary classes are organized to provide a wide range of students’ interests, strengths and needs.  We use a variety of data to strategically place students for small group instruction. Groups are always flexible to allow for extra support and/or enrichment opportunities in the reading and math programs.   Occasionally students will change classroom teachers for a particular subject or unit of study.  All primary teachers are highly qualified and certified in either early childhood or elementary degrees.

In the fourth and fifth grades we use a departmentalized approach to allow for deeper content study of more rigorous curriculum.   All teachers are highly qualified and certified in elementary education.   Although they are departmentalized by subject, they are certified in all elementary curriculum. 

If you are experiencing concerns about your child’s progress  behaviorally, academically, or socially,  please schedule a phone conference or meeting with the teacher(s) first.  They will be able to provide a much more accurate observation of your concerns.  If you’ve met with the classroom teacher and still have concerns, please contact the school administration to schedule a meeting with the teacher, parent, and administration. 

Volunteer Information

Bear Creek is accountable for all volunteer hours during the school year. Each time that you volunteer in the building or on a field trip, you must sign in through Raptor at the front office and wear your volunteer badge at all times. All volunteers must receive online volunteer training and submit the application and training certificate to the school every year. When you are a volunteer, you may not bring younger siblings with you.

When visiting our school, you can expect professional service. We ask that you respect our business by following our visitors Code of Conduct.

School Visitors 3 R’s!


|Use kind, caring words. |Report directly to the office and obtain a |Be ready to state your purpose or business. |

| |visitor sticker. | |

|Refrain from using your cell phone in the |Maintain a quiet, business conduct while in the|Turn off cell phones before entering our office|

|school! |office and throughout the building. |please and have your materials ready for |

| | |assistance. |

|Keep younger siblings at home if possible in |Keep younger children quiet and in your control|Plan ahead for field trips by securing |

|order to give full attention to your |during assemblies, American Education Week, |babysitters and volunteer applications. |

|school-aged child and courtesy to children, |etc…in order to allow for the safe and orderly | |

|teachers and other parents. |environment of our school. | |

Parking Lot and Driveway

The drive in front of the building is a fire lane on the right and left-hand side. No parking or standing is permitted there. There are “No Parking” signs and the police department does not hesitate to give parking tickets to offenders. This roadway must be kept open at all times to allow emergency vehicles to enter and to allow school buses to pass through.

Our school parking lot can become very congested at arrival and dismissal times. In the interest of the safety of our children we request that you follow the following rules:

➢ Traffic must flow in one direction only, making a right after entering the lot and continuing around the lot.

➢ Students who are being dropped off or picked up must get in or out of their cars at the curb closest to the school. No parking will be allowed along that curb. It will be for drop off and pick up only. If you intend to walk your child to the classroom door, you must pull into a parking space. When cars remain along the curb, others must pull around them and a dangerous situation is created.

➢ Parents who park in the spaces on the lot must walk students to or from the closest curb. We do not want any student to cross the lot because he/she may not be seen by the driver of a moving car.

➢ Every driver needs to show consideration for others. Wait for the car ahead of you to move. It will probably only be there for a few seconds. Pulling around other cars creates a hazardous and confusing situation.

➢ Parking in a handicapped spot is ILLEGAL without handicap tags or window tag.

➢ ONLY vehicles with handicapped tags are permitted in the cafeteria lot!

The drive in front of the school will be open until 8:45 in the morning. At that time it will be closed until the last bus has arrived and its students have entered the building. We will work with students to teach them safety when walking to or from school. We need your help in giving them frequent reminders of the following:

➢ Students may not walk on the parking lot. They must walk around the outside of the lot.

➢ Students may not cross the driveway leading into the lot. They must walk around the outside of the lot if they are coming from a direction that would require crossing the driveway.

➢ Students may not cross the school driveway.

➢ Students who cross Del Haven or Melbourne Roads must cross at the crossing guard.

If you choose not to enter the parking lot to drop off your child, be sure that the spot that you select for drop off is near a sidewalk and that your child knows the safe way to walk into the building. Those drop off spots should be on the school side of the street or somewhere close to a crossing guard. Please do not pull into the school driveway to drop off students when the driveway is blocked. This creates a safety hazard and also delays our buses; in addition, double parking is both illegal and unsafe!

Your cooperation and consideration will be greatly appreciated and will help us to maintain the safe arrival and dismissal of our students.

PICK UP – Parents and siblings must remain outside of the school while waiting for dismissal in order to keep our halls and building safe and secure for students.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Students riding bicycles must use the bike rack to lock their bikes. They must have a helmet on school property and are not permitted to ride on the property during school hours, arrival, nor dismissal. The bike must be walked during school to protect pedestrians.

Students who ride scooters must be able to secure them in their lockers. Due to the fire hazard of Hover Boards, they are NOT permitted in the school. Students may not wear Wheelie shoes in the school.


The Board of Education of Baltimore County is committed to providing a healthful, comfortable, and productive work environment for its students and employees. Due to the evidence concerning the health effects of tobacco use, smoking, and passive smoke, Baltimore County Public Schools will be smoke-free as of July 1, 1993.

The policy will prohibit the sale and use of tobacco (in any form) in the school system owned or leased buildings and vehicles at all times (24 hours a day, every day).

The sale and use of tobacco is also prohibited on school grounds. School grounds is defined as local school system owned or leased land that surrounds a school system building.

Dogs are not permitted on school grounds during the school day including arrival and dismissal.


Lunch is served in our cafeteria. Hot lunches cost $2.90/Reduced $.40; fruit juice may be purchased for $.55, milk $.60, snacks range from $.50 - $.75.

All students receive breakfast in the classroom. Students are not permitted to carry food and beverages into school unless it is packed for lunch. Students may not bring glass containers to school, nor may they bring cans of soda. Children are permitted to purchase only two snacks daily.

We expect our students to be well mannered, polite, and orderly in the cafeteria. Unacceptable behavior wil result in consequences according to our discipline policy.

At the beginning of the school year applications are sent home with all students for free and reduced lunches. We encourage ALL parents to apply as soon as possible. The applications are then forwarded to the central office where they are approved and returned directly to you. This does take a few days before we have approval to serve your child a free or reduced lunch. Those who received free or reduced lunches last year at Bear Creek are carried over until new forms are completed in September. The carryover will expire in early October.

Our lunch program is on a satellite program. All lunch choices must be ordered by 9:30 a.m. If your child is going to be late, please call the school and order a lunch or students will have a limited choice of lunch.

Students will be issued an ID number for their lunch account. Each time a purchase from the cafeteria is made, the money spent will be deducted from the child’s account. Meals and a la carte food items may be prepaid at any time by giving either a check and/or cash to the cafeteria manager or office. You may also put lunch on your child’s lunch account online at . If a child is eligible for reduced price meals, you may continue to prepay monthly or on a daily basis. If a child is eligible for free meals, entering the ID number will entitle the child to receive the meals. At mealtime, entering the ID number will determine the amount of money owed and the money will be automatically deducted from the account.

Gum Chewing

Gum chewing is not permitted during the school day. This helps promote healthy oral hygiene and eliminates the problem of chewing gum being stuck to furniture, floors, and clothing.

On occasion teachers may permit students to chew gum for instructional reasons. There is research to support gum chewing as a tool for increased focus to task. However, students may not bring chewing gum to school.


If a child is to learn and progress, regular attendance is most important. The standard for satisfactory attendance is 94%. If your child is absent, a written excuse should be sent when he/she returns, and the reason for the absence should be stated. In the case of prolonged absences because of illness, it is strongly recommended that you contact your child’s teacher and request make-up assignments. Students who fall below 94% will be required to provide medical or lawful documentation. Please contact the nurse when your child is ill for more than one day. We would also appreciate your notifying the nurse immediately if your child has a communicable illness or pediculosis (head lice).


If your child is to be late to school, a note should accompany him/her explaining the reason for being tardy. Remember to call the school to order lunch by 9:30 a.m. or send a lunch from home. Excessive tardiness may result in a home visit by the Pupil Personnel Worker.

Changes in Residence

If you are moving please notify the office one week in advance so that your child’s transfer papers will be ready for you.

If you have any other changes (e.g. telephone number, emergency number, etc.) please notify the office. It is important to be able to reach you at any time.

Books and Materials

Students are responsible for all books and materials. Books that come home should be covered. Furniture, materials and equipment used by the students must be handled with care and respect, as they would be at home. The county assesses a fee for lost textbooks and library books. This can be obtained through the office.

Student Devices

All students are issued 1:1 devices for instructional use. Students are not permitted to take these home, decorate them or use them for unacceptable use as stated in Board Policy 6202. The policy is stated in the Student Behavior Handbook that will come home with your child in the beginning of the school year and will require a parent and student signature. Students are responsible for the safe transport and use of their device in school. All students will be trained in the proper use and care of devices. Students who violate the policy or misuse devices will be subject to consequences. Theft or loss of a device is reported to authorities.

Parents are highly encouraged to send personal earphones for use with the devices, please label them.

Suggested Dress

We would like to ask your assistance in helping us maintain the best possible atmosphere for learning. Proper dress helps to create a positive environment for learning and appropriate behavior. As faculty members and parents we feel that appropriate dress enhances the learning atmosphere of the school.

Suitable dress should be comfortable, present a positive appearance, and ensure safety.

1. Proper footwear should be worn by both boys and girls. Students do have active education daily with the physical education teacher or recess with the classroom teacher, therefore, sneakers are encouraged.

2. Extremely tight and “short” shorts, halters, and bare midriffs are not appropriate in school.

3. Shirts with “sayings” on them must be appropriate for school.

4. Outer wear is to be kept in lockers.

5. Students should prepare for physical education by wearing:

Boys – tie or Velcro tennis shoes, socks,

and clothing suitable for physical activities.

Girls – tie or Velcro tennis shoes, socks,

and walking shorts or slacks.

6. Shoes with wheels are not permitted.

7. Teachers will be given authority to limit student activity if footwear is unsafe on the playground.

We hope parents will use the above suggestions as a guide for school dress. By cooperating we can improve the health and appearance of our children. Children who dress neatly and take pride in themselves tend to do better in school both academically and socially. Their appearance is a compliment to their parents and their school.

*A word of caution – the police department advised us that children should not wear clothing with their name on it.


We celebrate every child’s birthday in school with an announcement and a birthday pencil. Due to increasing food allergies and other healthy school recommendations, we will NO LONGER accept birthday cupcakes, cookies or other food items for student birthdays.

If you would like to honor your child’s birthday in school, you may do one of the following

□ Donate a book for the class library

□ Donate a pencil for each child

□ Donate a school supply to the class

Absolutely NO deliveries, balloons, flowers,face painters, pony rides please; these should be done at home, not school!


Students may not bring electronic toys or music to school. This includes but is not limited to Game Boy and any other types of hand held toys, MP3 players, headphones, CD players, iPODS etc. Students may bring board games that they are willing to leave in school through the winter and willing to play and share with the class. They must have parent permission and permission of the teacher to store these in the classroom. At the teacher’s invitation only, students in the primary grades (prek-3) may bring toys from home that they are willing to leave in school for regular play and sharing. These may include items such as matchbox cars and dolls but should NOT be a child’s favorite toy, or security item. These should not be in pockets, backpacks, or on the bus on a daily basis. They should come in ONLY by invitation and permission of the individual classroom teacher and kept in a designated location in the classroom.

Please note: Recess may or may not be identified on your child’s classroom schedule. Recess is a break from instruction at the teacher’s discretion and based on students’ need. It is not an assigned period of time.

Bicycles must be locked in the provided rack. Wheelies are not permitted. Skateboards and non-motorized folding scooters must be carried on school property and secured in lockers at the student’s responsibility. Students and siblings are not permitted to ride on school property during school hours.


Fidgets are only permitted to be used by students only if it is required as part of their Individual Education Plan, IEP, or if a teacher permits the use during a lesson, test or activity. Teachers will ask students to put the Fidget away if it is used without permission because it is considered a toy.l

Cell Phones

Students may carry cell phones to school for parent contact before or after school hours. Phones must be turned off during the school day unless otherwise directed. The school CANNOT be responsible for lost or stolen cell phones or other items. Students are not permitted to make calls during the day. If they are ill or need to reach a parent, with teacher permission, they need to see the nurse or office to do so.

Field Trips

Field trips are organized visits made by teachers and pupils that provide experiences not available in the classroom. Field trips broaden the children’s experiences, interests, and understandings, and are a part of the instructional program. Children are expected to participate in these valuable experiences and take part in the pre-planning and follow-up activities in the classroom. These trips are kept to a minimum in number and cost. If cost is a problem for you, please notify the teacher or school office.

Parents are often asked to help as chaperones on those trips. A chaperone assumes responsibility for several children to ensure their safety and to help provide a maximum learning experience. For this reason younger children may not accompany parents who are chaperones. We are often limited in the number of parents we are allowed to take. We do try to involve as many different parents as possible for we know this is very important to all children. If you can’t go on one field trip, please be patient, for there are usually others. Smoking on field trips is strictly prohibited.

In order to participate in volunteer activity, including field trips, parents MUST complete the online volunteer training and submit the application and training certificate to the school one week prior to attending.

Students who ride the bus to field trips MUST also ride the bus home. We DO NOT dismiss students from field trips!

Safety Patrol

Bear Creek has a safety patrol. This patrol is under the supervision of a teacher. Safeties are on duty in the hallways and outside the school. Students are to obey members of the safety patrol. Students who violate school safety rules will be referred to the supervising teacher or administration. Parents or visitors who are verbally abusive to our student safeties will be reported to local authorities and/or may be prohibited from school grounds.

Emergency School Closings (Countywide)

Depending on the weather, schools may be closed all day, may be delayed in opening, or may be dismissed early. When this occurs, announcements will be made over the local radio and television stations. Please listen for this announcement and do not call the school. Not only will telephone calls seriously handicap efficient handling of the announcements, but the calls tie up our lines so that we can not get messages through concerning our buses. Parents have the responsibility to develop with their children the procedures that they must follow when schools have an emergency closing. It should not be necessary for students to come to the office because they do not know what to do.

An emergency closing plan for your child must be completed each year on the Emergency Contact Form in the summer bulletin and returned to the school. Remember to discuss your emergency plan with your child and review the information periodically during the school year. Again the local radio and television stations would be informed and would make the announcements. Our Department of Transportation would be informed and would make arrangements for our buses to come early to do their runs. In addition to the media announcement we would place an automated phone call through our Connect Ed system. In the event of Bear Creek Elementary being closed apart from the rest of the system, we will not dismiss children unless we have spoken directly to you or your designee. Therefore, it is imperative that your student’s contact information form contains accurate information.

In rare case, there could be a time when not only would Bear Creek Elementary need to close early, but it would also be necessary for us to move off-site. That information would also be announced via the media. At this time, our off-site location is Patapsco High School.

As with the situations described above, we would be using the information from the student contact form to contact you. Remember, anytime Bear Creek Elementary School would close separate from the rest of the system, we would not send students home on the bus without contacting you or your designee first and speaking directly to a person, not an answering machine. That is why it is so important for us to have accurate information. Periodically throughout the year we will ask for you to inform us if your information has changed.


Bear Creek Elementary has a registered nurse assigned to our school every day. Please contact her if your child requires medication during school hours. Any medication, including cough drops, that must be taken in school must be brought to the nurse. An order from the doctor is required for administering medication. This must be signed by the doctor and the parent. Students who are absent for more than three days may be requested to bring a note form their physician. A similar note is also needed to be excused from physical education for health reasons. Parents are urged to speak to the nurse about any health problems of their children.

Guidance Counselor

Bear Creek Elementary School has a guidance counselor who works with students, teachers, parents and specialists. The services of the counselor are available to any parent who wishes to discuss concerns they may have regarding their children. Parent-counselor conferences may be arranged by calling the school and leaving your name and phone number. As soon as possible, the counselor will contact you to arrange a conference date. These conferences are strictly confidential. The counselor has names of various agencies and services, which can be given to you if necessary.

Library Media Center

Library hours are 8:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Checkout policy: Kindergarten students may borrow one book at a time. Students in grades one through five may borrow a maximum of two books at a time. Students are responsible for paying to replace lost or damaged books. Parents and guardians may check-out additional materials to read at home with their children. All students will check out books with their new One Card ID badge.


Students receive art instruction a minimum of once per week. The following suggestions can be a great help to the art program:

1. Dress the students on their art day in clothes that are easy to clean.

2. Give younger children old shirts or coverings that can be used as paint smocks.

3. Suggested basic art materials that you may wish to provide are: a pencil with eraser, crayons (or something that gives color), and glue (a white liquid glue like Elmer’s glue is best for the things done in art class).

4. Encourage the children to carefully bring home their artwork.

5. Hang up your child’s work somewhere at home and save a few of their pictures.

Physical Education

Students receive instruction in physical education. In order for your child to participate in physical activities with a maximum of safety and a minimum of injury, it is important that the proper clothing be worn. Students should wear:

Boys – tie or Velcro tennis shoes, socks, and clothing suitable for physical activities.

Girls – tie or Velcro tennis shoes, socks, walking shorts or slacks.

Articles of clothing such as sandals, wide bottom slacks, long dresses and jewelry (particularly earrings) can present serious safety hazards and should not be worn. Please encourage your child to dress wisely for physical education. No slip-on, zipper, buckle, or platform shoes are acceptable for participation in physical education.

We rotate specials on Fridays. Students should check schedules each week to ensure proper attire for P.E.

Vocal Music

Students receive vocal music once or twice a week. Grades four and five students also participate in the school chorus. The chorus gives concerts twice during the school year. Students in chorus are encouraged to be in attendance at the concerts. Chorus members may be asked to wear special clothing for concerts.

Instrumental Music

Instrumental music is provided for all fourth grade students and is an elective subject for fifth grade children. For those fifth grade students who are interested, instrumental music lessons are offered as a regular part of a school day. Most instrumental music students will participate in band. Band members are encouraged to be in attendance at concerts given by the band.

Excerpt: Policy 5230 – Student Records

As a school system serving the educational needs of young people and their families, we are often asked for information regarding these students. With regard to the release of student information, we would like to advise you that, as a result of federal and state legislation and our concerns for maintaining privacy of student information, all records maintained by the Baltimore County Public Schools are available for review by parents and eligible students, and that, with few exceptions, information relative to a student cannot be released without prior consent of the parent or eligible student to anyone outside of educational agencies. Following a review of records with the appropriate school authorities, parents have the right to challenge items included in the records and to place appropriate comments in the records if they deem it necessary.

Student’s information, which does not require prior consent and is disclosed on request, is called “Directory Information.” This would include the student’s name and address, date of birth, grade placement, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, and diplomas and honors received. All parents and students are advised that those items listed as “Directory Information” may be withheld at the request of the parent, guardian or eligible student. This request must be submitted in writing to the school principal no later than October 1 of the current school year or within 30 days of enrollment into school, if students enroll after the start of the school year.

Prior consent is not required to forward records when a student transfers to another school or school system.

When information is released for use by another education or government agency or individuals involved in approved research projects, these groups may not further release information to a third party without your knowledge and consent. It is customary for the Baltimore County Public Schools to inform parents of such sharing of information for research or other education purposes and of the use to which it is being put. If, in these cases, parents or students elect to withhold information by which they are personally identified, they may do so by informing the school principal immediately in writing.

The Baltimore County Public Schools’ policy relating to student records also calls for a periodic review of each student’s folder by school personnel for the purpose of deleting any unnecessary or outdated items from a student’s folder. This is also done at the time a student transfers from or otherwise leaves a school.

Student records are destroyed approximately four years after the student graduates or would have graduated from high school with the exception of permanent records (high school courses, grades, and attendance information).

For details of the Baltimore County Public Schools’ Policy and Procedures concerning the use, maintenance, and transfer of student records, contact your school principal or the Department of Student Services, Baltimore County Public Schools.


Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment, or Intimidation

I. Policy Statement


The Board of Education of Baltimore County (Board) is committed to ensuring that every student learns in an environment that is safe and secure and conducive to learning. To protect the rights of all students to a safe and secure learning environment, the Board prohibits bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, intimidation, and other acts or forms of aggressive and violent behaviors by any person on school property, at a school-sponsored activity or event, on a school bus, or by the use of electronic communication at a Baltimore County Public School (BCPS) or affecting the school setting.

II. Definitions

A. Bullying, harassment, OR intimidation means any intentional conduct, including verbal, physical, or written conduct or an electronic communication that:

1. Creates a hostile educational environment by substantially interfering with a student’s educational benefits, opportunities, or performance, or with a student’s physical or psychological well-being and is:

a. Motivated by an actual or perceived personal characteristic including race, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, ancestry, physical attributes, socioeconomic status, familial status, or physical or mental ability or disability; or

b. Threatening or seriously intimidating; and

2. Occurs on school property, at a school activity or event, or on a school bus; or

3. Substantially disrupts the orderly operation of a school.

III. Prohibition

A. The Board prohibits bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, or intimidation of any student on school property, at a school activity or event, on a school bus, or by the use of electronic communication at a public school or affecting the school setting.

B. The Board prohibits any reprisal or retaliation against individuals who report an act of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, or intimidation or who are victims, witnesses, bystanders, or others with reliable information about an act of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, or intimidation.

IV. Standards

A. The Board encourages prevention and intervention methods as part of a systemwide program, including appropriate consequences for persons engaged in, making false accusations, and/or committing acts of reprisal or retaliation related to bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and intimidation.

B. The Board delegates authority to the Superintendent to take necessary and appropriate actions to:

1. Establish, implement, and maintain procedures to ensure that all schools comply with the Maryland State Board of Education’s (MSDE) model policy prohibiting bullying, harassment, and intimidation in schools.

2. Create a reporting process for use in schools that includes systemwide reporting to MSDE.

3. Establish procedures for prompt investigation of acts of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, or intimidation.

4. Publicize this policy.

5. Develop and conduct educational programs for students, parents, teachers, staff, administrators, and volunteers in order to implement the policy in an effort to prevent bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and intimidation incidents in schools.

V. Implementation

The Board directs the Superintendent to implement this policy.

Legal References: 20 U.S.C. §1232g, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Annotated Code of Maryland, Criminal Law Article §3-805, Misuse of Electronic MailPOLICY 5580 Copyright © 2014 Baltimore County Public Schools. All rights reserved. 3

Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article §7-424, Reporting Incidents of Harassment or Intimidation Against Students

Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article §7-424.1, Model Policy Prohibiting Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation

COMAR 13A.01.04.03, School Safety

Related Policies: Board of Education Policy 5500, Student Conduct

Board of Education Policy 5510, Positive Behavior

Board of Education Policy 5550, Disruptive Behavior

Board of Education Policy 5560, Suspensions, Assignment to Alternative Programs, or Expulsion

Board of Education Policy 5600, Students’ Responsibilities and Rights

Board of Education Policy 6202, Technology Acceptable Use Policy (TAUP) for Students

POLICY Board of Education of Baltimore County

Adopted: 07/14/09

Revised: 04/22/14

RULE 5580


Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment, or Intimidation

I. Purpose

To implement Board of Education of Baltimore County (Board) Policy 5580 by establishing guidelines for identifying and preventing bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, or intimidation, as well as intervening and supporting students who are exhibiting these behaviors or who are victims of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, or intimidation.

II. Definitions

A. Bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, or intimidation includes ongoing intentional conduct, including verbal, physical or written conduct, or intentional electronic communication that creates a hostile educational environment by substantially interfering with a student’s educational benefits, opportunities, or performance, or with a student’s physical or psychological well-being and/or occurs on school property, at a school-sponsored activity or event, or on a school bus, or substantially disrupts the orderly operation of a school.

B. The following definitions provide additional guidance for evaluating the behavior and appropriate consequence, recognizing that some behaviors may fall into more than one category.

1. Bullying – A pattern or behavior when a person repeatedly uses power in an intentional manner, including verbal, physical, or written conduct or intentional electronic communication against one or more students.

2. Cyberbullying – The use of electronic communication to harm or harass others in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner.

3. Electronic Communication – A communication transmitted or received by means of any electronic device, including, but not limited to, radio, television, cable, microwave, telephone, computer systems, networks, copiers, scanners, cell phones/Smart devices, and fax machines.

4. Harassment – Includes actual or perceived negative actions that offend, ridicule, or demean another individual with regard to race, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender RULE 5580 2

identity, religion, ancestry, physical attributes, socioeconomic status, familial status, physical or mental ability, or disability.

5. Intimidation – subjecting an individual to intentional action that seriously threatens and induces a sense of fear and/or inferiority.

6. Retaliation – An act of reprisal or getting back at a person for an act he/she has committed.

7. School-Sponsored Activity – An activity that is sponsored, approved, conducted, planned, and/or supervised by school personnel, regardless of whether the activity takes place on or off school property or occurs during normal school hours.

8. Sexual Harassment – Any deliberate and/or repeated unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature, whether it is verbal, nonverbal, or physical.

III. Types of Bullying

A. Direct Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation

1. Behaviors such as, but not limited to, physical (hitting, kicking), verbal (name calling, teasing), non-verbal (rejecting, defaming, terrorizing), and sexual (voyeurism, assault).

B. Indirect Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation

1. Behaviors such as, but not limited to, physical (getting another person to assault someone), verbal (spreading rumors, gossip), and non-verbal (deliberate exclusion from a group).

C. Cyberbullying

1. Harassing, humiliating, intimidating, or threatening others on the Internet or via cellular phones or other technology available to youth (e.g., e-mails, text messaging, Web pages, instant messaging, and other electronically communicated messages).

D. Sexual Harassment

1. Includes, but is not limited to:

a. Offensive language communicated verbally or in writing, including electronic formats;

b. Visual harassment, such as displaying sexual pictures or objects, derogatory posters, photography, cartoons, drawings, clothing, or gestures;

c. Staring or leering at parts of the body; comments, gestures, or jokes of a sexual nature; offensive touching, including RULE 5580 3

grabbing, pinching, or impeding or blocking a person’s physical movement;

d. Taunting or ridiculing someone because of perceived or actual sexual orientation;

e. Engaging in unwelcome sexual contact, including asking for sexual favors.

IV. Training and Prevention

A. The Department of School Safety and Security will conduct annual training for school administrators and school staff to increase the awareness of the prevalence, causes and consequences of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and intimidation and to increase the use of evidence-based positive behavior supports to prevent bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and intimidation. Additional training may be provided for new employees who are hired after the start of the school year.

B. The Department of School Safety and Security will provide training to school principals or the principals’ designees on using the Intranet on reporting and investigating.

C. The school system will implement counseling and health curriculum on bullying and sexual harassment prevention using systemwide anti-bullying interventions and programs as part of a system of positive behavior and school improvement efforts.

D. School administrators will create a school climate that promotes student involvement in the anti-bullying efforts, peer support, mutual respect, and a culture which encourages students to report incidents of bullying to adults.

E. Each school will provide a range of support and referral services to students who have been targets of bullying behaviors, cyberbullying, harassment, or intimidation.

V. Reporting Form

A. The principal or the principal’s designee will make the state victim reporting form, Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation Reporting Form, available in all schools, notifying students, school staff, and parents/guardians of its availability at the school.

B. The Department of School Safety and Security will make the state victim reporting form, Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation Reporting Form, available electronically from the BCPS Web site.

C. The principal or the principal’s designee will include the state victim reporting form, Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation Reporting Form, in the information packets for students and their parents/guardians disseminated at the beginning of the school year.

D. The principal or the principal’s designee will discuss the Maryland State Department of Education’s Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation Reporting Form with students as part of the Student Handbook presentation.

VI. Reporting

A. A student may report complaints of bullying to any school system employee. All employees shall report, in writing, any allegations of bullying or violations of Board Policy 5580 involving students to the principal or a school administrator.

B. Any student (and/or the parent/guardian or close adult relative on the student’s behalf) who believes he/she is a victim of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, or intimidation is strongly encouraged to report the incident(s) in writing to the school principal or a school administrator.

C. A student (and/or the parent/guardian or close adult relative on the student’s behalf) should complete and submit the Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation Reporting Form to an administrator in person, by mail, or electronically.

D. When a student reports to a staff member that he/she is a target/victim of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, or intimidation the staff member to whom the report has been made will respond quickly and appropriately to intervene and report the incident to a school administrator.

1. The staff member shall document a student report by completing and filing a Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation Reporting Form.

E. The principal or the principal’s designee will designated a private, safe location for students to submit a completed Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation Reporting Form if the student feels uncomfortable submitting

the reporting form in person and does not want to or is unable to submit the electronic form.

VII. Investigation

A. The principal or the principal’s designee shall begin a thorough investigation with the alleged victim and accused promptly, but no later than five (5) school days of receiving a notification of a complaint.

B. The principal or the principal’s designee shall complete the entry of the victim report and the investigation report located on the Intranet within fourteen (14) school days after receiving a reporting form.

C. The principal or the principal’s designee will notify the parents/guardians in writing of the victim(s) and the offender(s) involved in the sexual discrimination and/or harassment incident, as appropriate. (See, PS 125, Report and Complaint Procedures: Sexual Discrimination and/or Harassment, Discrimination and/or Harassment based on Race, National Origin, Disability, and/or Religion.)

D. The principal or the principal’s designee will notify the parents/guardians of the victim and the offender in writing the resolution of the case, including, if applicable, that corrective action has been taken. Due to student confidentiality, however, the specific disciplinary corrective measures taken against a student may not be disclosed. (SEE, PS 125, Report and Complaint Procedures: Sexual Discrimination and/or Harassment, Discrimination and/or Harassment based on Race, National Origin, Disability, and/or Religion.)

E. The principal or the principal’s designee will apply consequences and/or remedial actions as deemed appropriate.

VIII. Remediation and Consequences

A. If the investigation determines that an offense has occurred, the principal shall consistently and fairly apply consequences and remedial actions for persons committing acts of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, intimidation; acts of reprisal or retaliation; or making false accusations.

B. The principal shall apply consequences and/or remedial actions consistent with Board Policy 5550, Disruptive Behavior. RULE 5580 6

C. The offender will be informed that retaliation against a victim is strictly prohibited and that consequences will occur if such activity occurs.

IX. Confidentiality

A. The information contained in a victim report form is confidential and:

1. May not be redisclosed except as provided by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act or at otherwise allowed by law; and

2. May not be made part of a student’s permanent educational record.

X. Notice

A. School administrators will annually advise students of Board Policy 5580 and this rule, as well as the process for reporting incidents of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, intimidation, or acts of reprisal or retaliation, through appropriate means, including, but not limited to, as part of the student handbook presentation by administrators at the beginning of the school year, on the school system’s Web site, and/or through other reasonable means.

B. School administrators will annually advise students of the BCPS sexual harassment procedure, using the Sexual Harassment in Schools (elementary or secondary version) brochures. The brochures will be distributed and discussed as part of the Student Handbook presentations by administrators at the beginning of each school year.

Legal References: 20 U.S.C. §1232g, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Annotated Code of Maryland, Criminal Law Article §3-805, Misuse of Electronic Mail

Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article §7-424, Reporting Incidents of Harassment or Intimidation Against Students

Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article §7-424.1, Model Policy Prohibiting Bullying, Harassment and Intimidation.

COMAR 13A.01.04.03, School SafetyRULE 5580 Copyright © 2014 Baltimore County Public Schools. All rights reserved. 7

Related Policies: Board of Education Policy 5500, Student Conduct

Board of Education Policy 5510, Positive Behavior

Board of Education Policy 5550, Disruptive Behavior

Board of Education Policy 5560, Suspensions, Assignment to Alternative Programs, or Expulsion

Board of Education Policy 5580, Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment, or Intimidation

Board of Education Policy 5600, Students’ Responsibilities and Rights

Board of Education Policy 6202, Technology Acceptable Use Policy (TAUP) for Students

RULE Superintendent of Schools

Adopted: 07/14/09

Revised: 04/22/14

I’m a good reader, I…

Visualize Predict/Infer Question Summarize

Good readers think about what they are reading while they are reading. They use strategies to help them understand the meaning of the text. Good readers visualize, predict/infer, ask questions, and summarize while they are reading.

Visualize: The reader creates a mental image in his/her mind of what the author is saying. Making a mental image of the text creates a personal connection to what is read. Mental images can change based on background experiences (schema) and the perceptions of others.

Predict/Infer: The reader uses his/her knowledge and clues from the text to draw conclusions about what is happening and what will happen in the text. The reader predicts/makes inferences about the actions and the feelings of a character. The reader also uses his/her background knowledge and clues from the text to determine the meaning of unknown words.

Question: The reader asks questions to help him/her understand the text. The reader asks questions about the content of the text. The reader asks questions to motivate him/her to continue reading the text.

Summarize: The reader recalls the most important details from the text that is read. In a fiction story, the reader recalls the details that happen in the beginning, middle, and end of the text. In a nonfiction text, the reader recalls the main idea and the supporting details.

When your child is reading, it is important for him/her to select an appropriate book.

What your child should consider when selecting a book:

• the size of the print

• the words and lines on a page

• the pictures

• repetition (repeating sounds or words)

• the words

Also to consider:

• content (what the book is about)

• your child’s background knowledge about the topic

• schema (what your child knows and can relate to)

• motivation (How motivated is your child to read the book?)

• variety (selecting different kinds of text such as fairy tales, chapter books, magazine articles, newspaper, internet, recipes, and game directions)

Independent Level:

When your child selects a book it should be at his/her independent level. Your child should be able to read the book with less than 5 errors per page.


It is important for your child to reread a book several times so that the words become more automatic and fluent. It will also increase comprehension skills.

Listening Level:

It is very important to read aloud to your child, no matter the child’s age or reading ability. Reading aloud provides an opportunity for the child to listen to a model of fluent reading. When choosing a read aloud book, select one at your child’s listening level. This is a book that your child could not read independently and exposes your child to new content and higher level vocabulary.









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