Baltimore County Public Schools Summer School

Baltimore County Public Schools Summer SchoolClerical’s Guide Summer 20145/28/2014Table of ContentsPurpose2Program Descriptions3Staffing5Prior to the Start of Summer SchoolTimeline7Paperwork8Transportation9Final preparation for day one10During Summer SchoolPaperwork13Payroll14Transportation/Health15Parent Commmunication16 appendIXAttachment A: BCPS Summer School First Day FolderAttachment B: BCPS Summer School Resource and ContactsAttachment C: BCPS Emergency & Safety Plan/Emergency ResponseAttachment D: BCPS Summer School Payroll CalendarAttachment E: BCPS Summer School Health ProgramPURPOSEThe purpose of this working document is to:Provide an overview of the Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) Secondary Summer School Site Administrator and Clerical responsibilities and duties; andIdentify resources that site administrators and Clericals can utilize to successfully implement the Secondary Summer School program.The development of the BCPS Secondary Summer School Site Clerical Guide is to provide overview for the clericals regarding the tasks before, during, and after the summer school program. AcknowledgementsAppreciation is expressed to all Baltimore County Public School personnel who were involved in the development of the guide. Special Thanks toMichael Etzel Evening High School PrincipalLinda Hursey Administrative Secretary IIIJessica Lopez Resource TeacherMichele Murphy SpecialistRobert Pettebone Alternative Education Consultant2SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONSExtended School Year (ESY) ServicesExtended School Year services may be offered to special education students. IEP teams determine the need for ESY services as part of the annual review process for special education students. Students meeting the necessary criteria will receive appropriate services as dictated by the IEP. Classes and related services will be provided at the centralized summer school sites and home schools for students requiring this additional support. Site-Based ProgramsSite-based summer school programs are designed by home schools and/or curriculum offices in a variety of subject areas to target specific needs of the student population. Programs offered by home schools must receive approval from the appropriate curriculum office(s) and assistant superintendent(s). Funding for these programs must be secured by the home school or curriculum office. An online application is available at HYPERLINK "" ProgramsCentralized Summer School programs have been designed to address the needs of specifically targeted student populations. The programs are offered at five middle and five high schools. All students must be recommended by the home school principal or principal designee.The elementary and middle school programs for students in Grades 5–8 focus on essential reading and mathematics skills. Middle schools offer ESOL services (Grades 5–12), as well as a middle school promotion course. Elementary and middle school programs are open to students by invitation from the home school and the application must be signed by the principal or designee. Students enrolling in enrichment classes have scored at the Basic Level on MSA Reading and Mathematics and /or be recommended by the home school. Promotion courses are offered at the middle school level and are appropriate for students who earned a failing grade in either Reading, Mathematics, or both.These programs are in session July 7-August 1, 2014, (20 days total) for 3 hours each day. The middle school summer school student hours are 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. This provides students with 60 hours of instruction. For additional information, refer to the BCPS Middle School Summer School flyer. The ESY programs are in session July 7-August 1, 2014, (20 days total) for 3 hours each day. The middle school summer school student hours are 8:30-11:30 a.m. This provides students with 60 hours of instruction. At the high school level, courses are offered for credit recovery only, with priority given to students in Grades 11 and 12. Scheduling of HSA administration is determined by the Department of Research, Accountability, and Assessment. 3High school credit recovery programs are in session July 7-August 1, 2014 (20 days total) for 4 hours each day. The high school summer school student hours are 7:45 – 11:45 a.m. Students taking a face-to-face course (Algebra 1, English 9, and English 10) will attend summer school for all 20 days. The blended learning credit recovery courses are self-paced. Once a student successfully completes the course with a passing grade, summer school attendance is no longer required. For additional information, refer to the HYPERLINK "" BCPS High School Summer School flyer.Summer GraduationStudents, who complete high school graduation requirements during the summer, will receive their diplomas on Saturday, August 16, 2014. A ceremony and reception for these students, their parents, guardians, and invited guests will be held. The graduation ceremony will be held at Loch Raven High School on August 16, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.4Summer School StaffingSummer school positions are determined by the Office of Alternative Education based on previous school year enrollment. Site administrators and appropriate offices review candidates from a preapproved ranked list of applicants and interview them to determine qualifications and interest in specific positions. If a candidate meets the needs of and is interested in the position, the administrator makes a recommendation to the Office of Temporary Services for employment. The Office of Temporary Services hires teachers and support staff through a contractual process. Tenured, highly qualified teachers and support staff having experience with specific programs are given priority in being considered for all centralized positions. If a classroom or support position contract is canceled due to insufficient enrollment, the staff member will be given priority consideration for new positions in which he/she is highly qualified.All teachers and select support staff are required to attend paid professional development programs as a condition of employment as stated in the summer school application and contract. All clericals hired for the summer school program are required to attend a paid professional development to review attendance and payroll procedures as a condition of employment as stated in the summer school application and contract. 5Prior to The Start of Summer School 6Summer School 2014 Administrator TimelineMarch, 2014First summer school administrator professional developmentOverview of procedures and guidelinesOverview Summer School hiring April 1 to June 17Mail in registration Middle School centralized summer schoolHigh School centralized summer schoolBy April 25 Site visit completedBy May 9Hiring completed June 3 and June 5Summer school clerical professional developmentJune 10, 11, 12 Second summer school administrator professional developmentTraining for opening proceduresReview of July implementation expectationsOverview of student database for summer school - STARS/SILKJune 19Summer school teacher professional developmentMiddle School, Loch Raven High School, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.High School, Loch Raven High School, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.ESY, Parkville High School, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.June 19 and June 26Middle and high school face-to-face late registration Randallstown High School8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 to 6 p.m.June 20 and June 25Middle and high school face-to-face late registration Eastern Tech High School8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 to 6 p.m.June 20STC/HSA professional developmentPulaski Park, Suite 219, 9 – 11 a.m.June 27 Teacher set up day9 –11 a.m.July 7Summer school beginsWeek of July 28Administration of summer school HSAAugust 1Last day of summer school 7PAPERWORKCompleting and maintaining paperwork is a large portion of the responsibilities associated with being a Summer School Site Administrator/Clerical. Site Administrators/Clericals can create a folder on the S:/Drive and store all files related to summer school in this location. This also allows for easy copying and/or sharing of related files year to year. Folder ContentsSite administrators/clericals will keep copies of: Opening Day LetterStudent Health, Transportation, and Parent/Guardian Contact InformationNew Student Health History (Non BCPS)Summer School Contracts Weekly monitoring formsAny other document that is created that may be reusableStudent AssignmentsEach site administrator/clerical will consult the STARS Data Base to construct a list of students who are in the summer school program. This list should be shared with the appropriate staff members to determine the final list of enrolled students and their assignment to BCPS summer school classes.Site administrators/clerical will prepare BCPS summer school paperwork to distribute to each student on the first day of classes. The prepared student packet should contain the following:BCPS Summer School Student/Parent Information Packet signed by the site administrator Attachment A: BCPS Summer School First Day FolderFirst Day FolderStudent LetterSummer School Contract (either Middle School or High School Code of Conduct)Health, Transportation, and Parent /Guardian Contact Information FormStudent Dress CodeTransportation ProceduresStudent Health History for non BCPS StudentsCLEARLY indicate where and when forms are to be returned. 8TransportationBaltimore County Public Schools offers transportation to all eligible students participating in the Comprehensive Summer School Programs including middle school, high school and ESY. Note: If a student enrolls past the transportation deadline, the parents will provide transportation unless there is an existing bus stop.Prior to the start of summer school, site administrators/clericals should:Access the bus stop choices for the school area at The Baltimore County Public Schools’ Summer School Web siteDevelop a list of students with coordinating stops including bus number, driver’s name, and alphabetical list of students by stopCollaborate with the Office of Transportation to ensure punctual and safe transportation of students, both to and from summer school sitesKnow who their respective dispatchers are and phone number(s)Contact dispatchers before July 7th to discuss any special transportation issues that apply to your specific siteSOUTHWEST AREANORTHWEST AREACENTRAL AREANORTHEAST AREASOUTHEAST AREAAREA MANAGERJanet TeterX-4321Robin AutenX-4321Joyce AlmondX-4321Merv MawhinneyX-4321Lou SergiX-4321DISPATCHERLynn MorningstarX-1435Bev CainX-1321Trema HoffmanX-1814Linda BealmearX-6353Jean BaughmanX-7046Transportation Contact InformationNOTE: This information is for internal use only. Please do not give parents dispatcher names or extensions.9FINAL Preparation for Day OneBefore summer school beings and prior to the June 19 professional development, site administrators/clericals should plan on completing the following tasks:Obtain a copy of the school emergency plan and review it with the school principal/designee HYPERLINK \l "EmergencyandSafety" Attachment C: BCPS Emergency & Safety Plan/Emergency ResponseIdentify substitute teachers and support staff from the summer school teacher/staff application file. Only substitute teachers and staff who are highly qualified for a position should be selected. Administrators are encouraged to select potential substitute teachers and staff in anticipation of staff absences (prior to the start of summer school).Teacher attendance Teachers and staff are expected to attend school each day unless ill. A teacher or staff member who is ill may use up to three accumulated sick leave days. Sick leave is not earned during the summer. If a teacher or staff member decides to use sick leave, this information should be noted on the payroll sheet. Bereavement leave and leave for legal commitments negotiated through the Master Agreement will be honored for teachers and staff.Teacher working hours Middle School, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.High School, 7:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.ESY, 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.Teachers are required to be on duty 30 minutes before the school day begins and remain on duty 30 minutes after the school day ends. The 15 minutes prior to student arrival and after student dismissal are to be used to facilitate student arrival and departures. The remaining 15 minutes before and after summer school are designated for teacher planning preparation.Online Blended Learning Credit Recovery Courses pacingNOTE: Online Blended Learning Credit Recovery Courses are self-paced. Students who successfully complete a course prior to August 1, 2014, take the BCPS final exam and receive a passing grade, are no longer required to attend the summer school program.Summer school schedule including student breaksBus arrival and dismissal procedures Bus duty schedulesClass lists Room assignmentsFire Drill Schedule Day 1: Normal Fire Drill EvacuationWeek 1: Lock Down10Week 3: Evacuation of building to include 500 foot drillNOTE: All drills are to be documented using the Emergency Drill ReportAfter the June 19 professional development, but prior to the June 27 teacher set-up day, all site administrators/clerical should:Place a copy of the Emergency Procedure Guide in a convenient place in the administrator’s office in case an emergency/incident should arise. NOTE: This guide contains all of the information/contacts, procedures and phone numbers that the site administrator/clerical will follow in the event of an emergency/incident.Sort summer school supplies. Distribute summer school supplies to teachers.Final exams are provided by the summer school site. High school teachers are expected to borrow a classroom set of textbooks from their home school for face-to-face credit recovery courses (Algebra 1, English 9, English 10). Create student attendance sheet for each teacher.Confer with the administration of the local school and that school’s tech/media specialist to determine the status of each computer to be used for blended learning courses. Inform support staff on how to direct summer school phone calls.11During Summer School12PAPERWORKAttendanceSite administrators/clerical will:Maintain attendance records for students.Contact the parent/guardian of any absent student on a daily basis.Use the standard BCPS’ attendance policy (see student’s copy of the BCPS’ Student Handbook) as it applies to all summer school students including:Regular attendance is required in the summer program.Students shall attend class unless prevented by illness, death in the family, or court-related matters.Record these absences as excused once documented with an appropriate note.Students having more than four unexcused absences will be withdrawn from the summer school program after appropriate school contacts are made by phone, mail, counseling, and/or parent conferences.NOTE: The above attendance policy does not apply to ESY students. ESY students should not be withdrawn from summer school due to attendance.Monitor student tardiness, emphasizing that arriving at school on time is very important to learning.Three days late for thirty minutes to 1? hours will constitute one absence.Students who miss the majority of a school day will be marked absent for the whole day. Students not meeting these requirements will be withdrawn from the summer school program after appropriate school contacts are made by phone, mail, counseling, and/or parent conferences.Maintain a record of parental contacts (be specific i.e. left message, spoke with parent, student is sick, doctor’s appointment, court date, withdrawn, etc.)NOTE: The classroom teacher should take attendance during the first instructional block. The site administrator, or their designee, should walk around to each classroom and collect the attendance.13PAYROLLSite administrators/clericals will:Verify teacher attendanceAdjust payroll sheets by hand, if necessarySend payroll sheet to Office of Payroll on designated datesFollow payroll procedures as outlined in Administrative Meetings Summer school positions are paid two weeks in arrearsRegardless of funding source, the only summer school rates that may be paid for summer school positions are those that have been negotiated with BCPS’ bargaining units and indicated on the individual summer school contract (Attachment D: BCPS Summer Payroll Calendar)SubstitutesThe expectation is that summer school teachers work all 20 days of the program. However, extenuating circumstances may arise that necessitate a substitute. In case substitutes are needed, site administrators/clericals will:Obtain and maintain a list of teachers who are highly qualified in the subject area from File Maker Pro Select potential substitute teachers and staff from this list in anticipation of staff absences (It is suggested that this be done prior to the start of summer school)Not allow teachers to select their own substitutes14TRANSPORTATIONSite administrators/clericals will:Develop a morning and afternoon bus duty list with procedures to be followedRemain outside the school building in order to meet and greet the students and bus drivers on a daily basis during both arrival and dismissalMaintain and consult a master list of bus numbers and students (alphabetical) and by stopProvide bus driver with a student list to include bus number, the driver’s name, and student list (alphabetical) by stopCreate a list of stops to be posted in each busDiscuss with the bus drivers a signal that will be used at dismissal, i.e., hand wave, and ensure that the bus drivers do not to leave until all students have exited the building and the signal has been givenReview transportation expectations with studentsContact the respective dispatcher if a transportation problem should arise in order to resolve the problem or issueNOT give out transportation’s phone number; it is the administrator’s responsibility to resolve all problems with parents and transportationRemain at their respective sites until they know that all children are homeMake the appropriate phone calls to the parents if a child is returned to the siteHEALTH SERVICESAt sites with assigned nursing staff, the site administrator will collaborate with the school nurse to deliver appropriate health services Attachment E: BCPS Summer School Health Program. Summer school nurses are to receive information regarding health needs of students from the home school nurse. Supplies/equipment at the summer school site are to be used by the summer school staff. In the case of a nurse absence, the summer school nurse should arrange for a nurse substitute. If this cannot be done or a substitute is not found, the summer school administrator or designee should notify the Office of Health Services at extension 6368 before the beginning of the school day. 15Parent CommunicationOne of the goals of the school summer program is to communicate with parents on a regular basis and ensure that parents are informed about their child’s academic progress. First DaySite administrators/clericals will:Send home the following paperwork on the first day of the school summer school program. Parent letterFirst day folder formHealth, transportation, parent/guardian contact informationDress code information Middle school behavior contract/high school code of conductNOTE: The parent letter can be used to help eliminate the number of signed pieces of paper that need to be returned. See Attachment A: BCPS Summer School Student First Day Folder. Use a folder/envelope to send home all the paperwork. 16Appendix17Baltimore County Public SchoolsHealth, Transportation, and Parent/Guardian Contact InformationStudent’s Name _______________________________________________________________________Name of Parent(s)/Guardian(s) ___________________________________________________________Home Address ________________________________________________________________________Home Phone ______________________________Work Phone_________________________________Cell Phone ________________________________Email ______________________________________Emergency contact when Parent CANNOT be reached:____________________________________________________________________________________(Name) (Relationship) (Phone)Please note any special medications the summer staff needs to be made aware of: _____________________________________________________________________________________Allergies (bee stings, asthma)Attachment A: BCPS Summer School First Day FolderBaltimore County Public SchoolsStudent Health History(Non BCSP Students ONLY) Student’s Name: Date of Birth:Gender:Last school your child attended? _____________________________________________ Grade: ______________Where do you usually take your child for routine medical care?Name:Phone Number:Does your child take any medication? Yes NoIf yes, list medications: Does your child require any special health treatments or procedures (like catheterization)? Yes No If yes, describe:Where do you usually take your child for routine dental care?Name:Phone Number:To the best of your knowledge, has your child had any of the following?YesNoIf yes, describe:PrematurityBirth defectImmunity problemsBleeding problemsLead poisoningSickle Cell DiseaseDiabetesAnaphylaxis Seasonal allergies Food AllergiesBehavior/emotional problems like ADHD, depressionConcussion or traumatic brain injuryMigrainesLearning problems/disabilitiesSeizuresSpeech problemsEar or hearing problemsEye or vision problemsDental problemsAsthma or breathing problemsHeart problemsStomach problemsBowel problemsBladder problemsMusculoskeletal problem (including cerebral palsy)Limited physical activityOther:Hospitalization: (please list all)Date(s)Reason(s)Surgery: (please list all)Dates(s) Reason(s)Parent Signature: ______________________________________Date: __________________ Attachment A: BCPS Summer School First Day FolderBaltimore County Public SchoolsSummer School 2014Resources & ContactsAlternative Education, Summer SchoolLeeann Schubert, Director410-887-2883Mel Mossovitz, Technology410-887-3260 (cell: 301-633-8051)Judith Bisasky, Administrative Secretary410-887-2384Jessica Lopez, Special Education/HSA410-887-3266TransportationJames Mitcherling, Director410-887-4111Brenda Borisevic, Assistant410-887-4321Food ServicesTerri Hull, Field Representative410-887-7855Special Education and Related ServicesMichele Murphy, Facilitator 410-887-3660 NursesDebbie Somerville, Coordinator410-887-6368Crossing GuardsKaren Nizer, Officer410-887-7364SRORichard Muth410-887-6487World Languages (ESOL)Brian Schiffer, Director 410-887-4029PayrollAdministrator 410-887-4240 x255Payroll Questions Special Education, Personal Assistants 410-887-3660 (Office of Special Ed)and Instructional AssistantsGeneral Education Teachers and Clericals410-887-2270 (Office of Alt. Ed.)Physical FacilitiesWilliam Wingerd, Operations410-887-0430ESYMichele Murphy, Specialist410-887-3660Attachment B: BCPS Summer School Resource and ContactsEMERGENCY & SAFETY PLAN/EMERGENCY RESPONSE PAGESSchool EmergencyIn the event that an unusual circumstance should arise where you need outside intervention or help, you should refer to the BCPS EMERGENCY PROCEDURE GUIDE AND THE SCHOOL’S/SITE’S SAFETY PLAN. At a minimum, the following contacts must be made in the order that they are listed.Call Facilities firstCall Area SuperintendentContact the Help CenterCall Security if you cannot reach anyone else (x4360)Call the Summer School Office (410-887-2270) if you cannot contact any of the above.Student/Staff EmergencyIn the event that an unusual circumstance should arise where you need outside intervention or help, you should refer to the BCPS EMERGENCY PROCEDURE GUIDE AND THE SCHOOL’S/SITE’S SAFETY PLAN. At a minimum, the following contacts must be made in the order that they are listed.Call 9-911Call Area SuperintendentNotify SROCall Security (x4360)EventIn the event that an unusual circumstance should arise where you need outside intervention or help, you should refer to the BCPS EMERGENCY PROCEDURE GUIDE AND THE SCHOOL’S/SITE’S SAFETY PLAN. At a minimum, the following contacts must be made in the order that they are listed.Weapons, Illegal Substances, etc.Call 9-911Get SROCall Security (x4360)If it is early in morning or you are unable to get anyone at Security, call Summer School Office (410-887-2270)Attachment C: BCPS Emergency & Safety Plan/Emergency ResponseSUMMER SCHOOL PAYROLL CALENDARTeaching StaffPlease be advised that all payments to employees will be two weeks in arrears. Refer to the chart below for pay dates and the period of time covered by each pay date.Pay Date:???? 08/01/2014Pay Date:???? 08/15/2014Begin Date:? 07/07/2014End Date:???? 07/18/2014Begin Date:? 07/21/2014End Date:???? 08/01/2014Support StaffClericals, Paraeducators, and Additional AssistantsPlease be advised that all payments to employees will be two weeks in arrears. Refer to the chart below for pay dates and the period of time covered by each pay date.Pay Date:???? 07/25/2014Pay Date:???? 08/08/2014Pay Date:???? 08/22/2014Begin Date:? 06/28/2014End Date:???? 07/11/2014Begin Date:? 07/14/2014End Date:???? 07/25/2014Begin Date:? 07/28/2014End Date:???? 08/8/2014Please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Temporary Services at (410) 887-8952 or email oftempservices@ with any questions you may have. Attachment D: BCPS Summer School Payroll Calendar OFFICE OF HEALTH SERVICESSummer School Health ProgramHealth TrainingEach summer school must have:A school nurse (assigned by the summer school office) orA person with current certification in CPR and First AidThe Office of Health Services will provide training in CPR and First Aid. Trainings occur in late spring and are advertised through the Weekly Bulletin.Sites With Assigned Nursing StaffAt sites with assigned nursing staff, the site administrator will collaborate with the school nurse to deliver appropriate health services.Summer school nurses are to receive information regarding health needs of students from the home school nurse.Supplies/equipment at the summer school site are to be used by the summer school staff.In the case of a nurse absence, the summer school nurse should arrange for a nurse substitute. If this cannot be done or a substitute is not found, the site administrator or designee should notify the Office of Health Services at ext. 6368 before the beginning of the school day.MedicationIn order for medication to be administered in school, the school nurse must have a written order from the child’s health care provider.Only a school nurse can give discretionary medications (e.g., Tylenol, TUMS, etc.).If a summer school does not have an assigned nurse and receives a medication order for a student, the Office of Health Services should be contacted at ext. 6368 to determine the best strategy for meeting this need. In general, most oral medications can be given before and/or after the half day summer school program.Each summer school site should have an Epi-Pen available. One designated person should be trained in its use. This training is included in the First Aid training program.Medical Treatment or TestingIf a summer school does not have an assigned nurse and receives a medical treatment/testing order for a student, the Office of Health Services should be contacted at ext. 6368 to determine the best strategy for meeting this need.Attachment E: BCPS Summer School Health ProgramHead Lice (Pediculosis)If a student is suspected to have head lice, the Office of Health Services should be contacted at ext. 6368.A nurse will be sent to screen the municable DiseasesCertain communicable diseases need to be reported to the health department, while others are not reportable but require a student to be excluded from school. Any incidents of suspected communicable diseases should be reported to the Office of Health Services. Examples of diseases to report include scabies, ringworm, meningitis, shingles, and any other disease that parents or staff are concerned may be transmitted in school.Accidents and Medical EmergenciesIf 911 is called for a medical emergency, the Office of Health Services and the appropriate assistant superintendent’s office should be notified.A student accident report must be completed when a student is sent home with an injury and/or when a student is transported to the hospital by EMS. Contact the Office of Health Services at ext. 6368 for assistance. Attachment E: BCPS Summer School Health Program ................

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