How to drive manually


How to drive manually

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Recently, I came across a problem when trying to install Windows 7 in a Dell Precision 7710. I would boot with a DVD that had a Windows 7 .is image installed, but when after clicking the Install Windows, I would have A warning that the installer can not locate the CD / DVD driver and I needed to navigate to locate it. Well, I thought it would be intelligent and instead make the installation through a USB device. Same mistake. Well, how does this make sense? It is asking for a DVD driver when using a USB device. This is like your car playing a cel for the carburetor is not working when you are using fuel injection. This problem is caused because the installer's media does not have a driver to install by means of a USB 3.0 port. You can ask, well why did the DVD drive launched the error? Well, this is because the DVD unit was external because there are no internal DVD drive on this model laptop. So now I know my problem. USB 3.0 drivers need to be added to initialization. Follow this guide and I will show you how to achieve this using the CMD line and the DISM utility. Now I had all the intention of describing this as - specifically to add USB 3.0 drivers, but it can also be used to add any number of drivers to the initialization of initialization as well. The first thing you will do is download the manufacturer's USB drivers from your computer or your motherboard manufacturer. With the Dell Precision 7710, I went to pierced in my service tag number and proceeded to download an entire driver package in .cab format. Depending on the type of file you downloaded, it can be a .exe, a .cab or a .zip, so you need to unzip the drivers from that file. Driver files are historically mainly .inf files, but you do not need to choose individual files because this next process makes it automotive for you. The DEM (the maintenance of implantation and management and management tool) is smart and automatically picked up the correct files. 1. Create a folder on your desktop called 'drivers'. 2. Create two folders within the 'Drivers', 'Mount' and 'USB' folder. 3. Extract or copy / paste the driver files directly to the USB folder. I used 7-zip to extract my driver files directly into the USB folder. Locate these two files from within your initialization media. This is easy if you are using a USB drive instead of a DVD, so you do not have to rebel the DVD once we have concluded by modifying these files. Example: If the USB drive is connected and received drive letter 'P: \' you find the 'boot.wim' and 'install.wim' files inside the path: P: \ fontes It is better to cut them out of the Installation media, but if you want to have a backup copy, you can copy and paste. You are sticking in the 'drivers' folder in the work area. Just make sure you overwrite the old files with the new updates, once we finish with this process. Windows 7: 1. Start, type in cmd, click the right mouse button on the icon and choose to run as Windows 8 Administrator: 1. Windows Key + Q 2. Move the mouse to the upper right corner and search, type At Command Prompt, click the right mouse button and as an administrator. Next, you will need to change the path of the directory so you are not pointing to the C: \ Windows \ System32 standard. Type: CD C: \ User \% CurrentUser% \ Desktop \ Drivers - Then press Enter. * Note: Be sure to change the% CurrentUser% for the user's profile where the 'drivers' folder was saved. In the CMD line now displaying the CD pointing to the right directory, type these commands by pressing ENTER after each. DISM / Mount-Wim /Wimfile:boot.wim / index: 2 / Mountdir: Mount Explain: This command rides the Boot.wim file, the index points to Correct initialization parts for the correct operating system and / mountdir: Mount points to mount the file to the 'Mount' folder, we created in this directory previously. Dismome / Image: Mount / Add-Driver: "USB" / resource Explanation: This command automatically grabs the driver files that locates in the 'USB' folder that we created earlier and copied for. This may take a while, depending on the number of driver files that locates. DISM / UNMOUNT-WIM / MOUNTDIR: Mount / Confirmation Explain: This command dismounted the Boot.wim file and saves the information. Think of it as a file transfer / compression process. This process has not been needed in the 'boot.wim' file, but it is in the 'install.wim' file. Each version of Windows can have a specific number of index and we will need to locate which is in order to issue the command for the version of Windows you plan to install. This is a specific to the installation of the installation that you are using because some installation machines only comes with a version of Windows 7, as a professional, but some others may have several versions Windows 7, like Home, Ultimate and Professional, just to name a few. Issue the following command to determine which is your version: neg / get-wiminfo /wimfile:install.wim You will see in the screen capture that I have an index of 1. You should still be pointed to the correct directory Then now problem the following commands to update the 'install.wim' file using the information of the inex that you received from step above. DISS / Mount-Wim /Wimfile:install.wim / index: 1 / Mountdir: Mount Explain: All exactly the same as the Boot.wim file command, except the index is the only difference. Drawing / Image: Mount / Add-Driver: "USB" / Recurse DEM / UNMOUNT-WIM / MOUNTDIR: Mount / Commit as I used the method of cut / graze to remove these two files from the P: \ local font, I I'm going to do the same to remove them from C: \ Users \% CurrentUser% \ desktop \ folder drivers and put them back to the P: \ Sources folder. Wait for transfer to end. This will take a little longer to copy back to the flash drive because the files aimed are larger than before due to the driver files you added to it. Remove the flash drive and place it on the machine you want to reinstall Windows 7. Now you should find that you do not receive the missing warning of the CD / DVD driver. Thank you all for reading through it. These commands can be adapted to meet any folder names that you want to use. Good luck! Published: January 20, 2016 ? ? Last updating: Nov 06, 2017 Windows 10 introduced excellent Windows subsystem for Linux also known under WSL names, LXSS, ? ? ? "bash no ubuntu in windows ? ? ? TM and maybe more names. Traditionally, on the proposal -visualization, there was only Ubuntu and the name that was called ? ? ?, ? "bash in Ubuntu in the windows? . It installed for the% localAppData% \ LXSS folder, which usually resides on your system unit. When finally, the Windows Shop was introduced to allow for downloading more Linux distributions, the new Linux on the Windows installations was done in% localAppData% \ [packet name] \ rootfs. After several months playing with Linux and also installing many tools to use when tinkering with the X86 set language to create a basic kernel of the operating system, my system unit was full and I was forced to Uninstall WSL. Not officially, it is possible to install WSL on a unit not available. Follow this guide to do this. Guide: Installing WSL manually on a non-system drive, if you have not done, activate the Windows subsystem. Open a PowerShell command prompt and run: Activate-WindowSoptionalFeature-Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux promptly, the results will be shown from the installation: Path: Online: True Restart: False Reset If indicated. In my case, I had already installed, so I did not have to restart. 2. Create a Choose Install Directory and create a directory where to install your Linux distribution. Newitem A: \ Ubuntu -Itemtype Directory Set-location A: \ Ubuntu 3. Download a Linux distribution The Microsoft Windows documentation contains a list of Linux you can download. In my case, I choose Ubuntu. INVOKE-WEBREQUEST -URI -umfile ubuntu.appx -usebasicparsing lets you extract you: rename-item. \ Ubuntu.appx ExpandsArchive. \ -verbose -verbose The example above, a directory was created: A: \ Ubuntu \ Ubuntu. 4. Install Linux distribution in the extracted directory you will find an .exe file that allows you to install your Linux distribution. In my case, it was ubuntu1804.exe. Just run it in your current command line shell and the installation will start. Installing, this can take a few minutes ... Please create a UNIX standard user account. The user name does not need to match the user name of your Windows. For more information, visit: Enter new UNIX User Name: Sebazzz Enter New UNIX Password: REDIT NEW UNIX Password: Passwd: Password successfully updated the installation Succeeded! Do not try to find the command line options calling ubuntu1804.exe /? Because it will be installed immediately for \ rootfs. 5. Use your new installation to use your installation, just call Ubuntu1804.exe. If this is the only one or first distribution of Linux you installed, you can also insert it calling for bash. To change the standard Linux distribution, use WSLConfig: PS A: \ Ubuntu \ Ubuntu> WSLCONFIG / LIST / ALL Linux Distems: Ubuntu-18.04 (Pattern) Playing Happy! P.S.: If you like to try some GUI programs in WSL, my guide about the use of GUI programs in WSL is still voted. Although it is not officially supported, it still works on Windows 10 1803. Google Help Workspace Help: Create DLP for Unit Rules and Custom Content Detectors Using Data Loss Prevention (DLP), you You can create and apply rules to control the contention that users can share in Google Drive files out of the organization. DLP provides control over which users can share and avoids the unional exposure of confidential information such as criterion or identity card numbers. The DLP rules operate file scans to sensitive content and prevent users from sharing this content. The rules determine the nature of the DLP incidents, and incidents trigger action, such as the blocking of the specified Content. You can allow controlled sharing for members of a domain, organizational unit or group. Summary of the DLP Flow: You set DLP rules. These rules define which content is sensitive and should be protected. The DLP rules apply both to my unit and in the shared units. DLP Scans directs the context to violations of the DLP rule that operate DLP incidents. DLP reinforces the rules you have defined and violations trigger action, such as alerts. You are alerted from DLP rule violations. Use an audit only rule to test new DLP rules You can test DLP rules by creating rules that have no optional action such as blocking or warning users. If these rules are triggered, the incident-related data is recorded in the rule audit log. You can create DLP for unit rules and custom content detectors, "Step 1. Plan your rules, use the audit rules only to test the results of the rule." For details. Sample use cases DLP you can use the DLP to: Audit the use of sensitive content in the drive that your users may have already shared to collect information about confidential files sent by users. Directly warn the final users to share sensitive content out of domain. Avoid sharing confidential data (such as a number of social security) with external users alerts administrators or others on violations of policies or DLP incidents. Investigate details of an incident with information about the violation of politics. Compare Legacy DLP and the current DLP rule management you may have used the original Drive DLP version in the past. This table compares the Legate DLP for the current DLP. This table helps you to understand current resources and behavior. Legacy DLP Current Drive DLP The DLP product from the existing DLP product with more features the DLP rules are found in the Admin Console according to the rules. The DLP rules are found on the administrative console under SecurityData protection. To configure DLP policies, you have to be a super administrator. To configure the DLP policies, there are specific administrative privileges for DLP rules and detectors. Managing DLP policies do not require permission to manage the entire drive unit Matching count is available only for predecful detectors. The correspondence count is available in all conditions that use: regular expressions Default word lists detection detectors Two detection limits: detection limits with more granularity: Low confidence low confidence as possible that the very proven relatives ? ? TM are limited to audit records and relatives related to unity. Reports include DLP Incident Management Painter, available under SecurityDashboards. Reportages now include shared document recipients. Current DLP Features The following table describes the Features of the DLP: DLP Features Author DLP Rules with Scope, Condition and A??es Scope Author Based on organizational units or groups Organizational unit and group and exclude - Define policist based on organizational units in the environment. The rule scans user ownership files in the selected organizations or groups. See also DLP for unit FAQ. Conditions sets of alert rules and notification block shared shared links Externally warned Audit users of the Content of the Content of the Violations The incident management Sends a warning summary for administrators DLP to allow the detection of false positives. Go to see details of alert for details. You receive a DLP alert in the alert center when a DLP rule is triggered. In the initial page of the Administration Console, Go to Securityalert Center. Go to see details of alert for details. Dashboard of relatives and investigation for violations of policies (DLP incidents and high-end incidents). Go to the security panel for details. Investigate the rule for rule investigation, use the security investigation tool. Go to the security investigation tool for details. You must have the privileging centerinvestigation centerinvestigation metadata and attributes to access the investigation tool. Use the investigation tool to identify, sorting and act on security and privacy issues in your domain. Administration Privileges View DLP Rules "? Allows delegated administrators to view DLP rules Manage DLP rules" allows the delegated administrator to create, edit and investigate the DLP rules. Note that you should Enable viewing permissions and manage to create full access to create and edit. The rules. For the investigation tool only: Metadata and metadata and attributes of Security CenterInvestigation. Applications and file types scanned by applications Scanned DLP Scanned applications include: Comments on documents, sheets, slides, and drawings and comments and email notification are not supported by DLP, and they are not scanned . Forms and sites are not supported with the DLP at this time. Any DLP implementation, if it affects only part of the users or not, disabling the uploads of forms of forms For forms created by an external domain. types D and scanned file scanned file types for contents include: document file types: .doc, .docx, .html, .odp, .ods, .odt, .odf, .ppp. .rtf, .wdp, .xls, .xlsx, .xlsx, .xml Image file type: .bmp, .eps, .fif, .gif, .img_for_ocr, .jpeg, .png, .ps, .tif Compressed files: .7z, .bzip, .gzip, .rar, .tar, .zip Custom File Types: .hwp, .kml, .kmz, .sdc, .sdd, .sdw, .sxc, .sxi, .sxw, .ttf ,. The types of video files and WML audio, .xps are not scanned. Administrator requirements To create and set DLP rules and content detectors, you should be a super administrator or a delegated administrator with these privileges: organizational unit administrator privilegers. Privileged groups. View the DLP rule and manage DLP rule privileges. Note that you must enable visualization permissions and manage to have full access to create and edit rules. We recommend that you create a personalized function that has both privileges. View metadata privileges and attributes (required for the use of the investigation tool): Metadata and attributes of security tools. Learn more about administrator privileges and creating custom administrator functions. What is the next: to create rules and content detectors create DLP for unit rules and and Content Detectors Information on Related Information

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