TCP/IP Setup - Fujitsu

How to

• Download FBF XML files, using Tortoise CVS

TCP/IP Setup


(1) DNS

Need to point to Japan DNS for server name resolution. If this fails, use localhost file in Windows directory.

First, point to FAPL DNS


Then use any of these Japan DNS as alternates:




However, the above procedure no longer works. From below, nslookup using as dns server, can lookup cvs.fbf.fai.


However, does not work for ping


So, using the IP resolved by nslookup, set into host file any of the IP resolved for cvs.fbf.fai.

e.g. or


(2) Firewall needs to be opened for CVS and ftp

To confirm that the DNS is correct, ping the CVS server cvs.fbf.fai.

As long as the hostname gets resolved to numeric IP, the DNS is okay. Don’t need to worry about any “Request timed out” errors as the firewall might block the ping.

|C:\ >ping cvs.fbf.fai. |

| |

|Pinging cvs.fbf.fai. [] with 32 bytes of data: |

| |

|Request timed out. |

|Request timed out. |

|Request timed out. |

|Request timed out. |

| |

|Ping statistics for |

|Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss), |

|Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: |

|Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms |

Open firewall


Firewall outgoing TCP connection to to 38 on port 2401

To test CVS connection, telnet to port 2401 and then press Enter

|C:\>telnet 2401 |

| |

|cvs [pserver aborted]: bad auth protocol start: |

| |

| |

|Connection to host lost. |

| |

|C:\> |


Normal ftp port (21) to to 38

Software Installation

(1) Install IE6

For Authentic on Win2000, SP4, need to install IE6 otherwise Authentic can

run but will crash when loading XML file (Win2000 default comes with IE5).

(3) Install Tortoise CVS client


(4) Install Authentic XML editor


User Name: Yuen Kit Mun

Company: Fujitsu Asia Pte Ltd / MIS

E-Mail: mis@sg.

Key-Code: fsh5G0-3NBbgM-D87SMB-Cg459e-AuhzC2

(5) Optional (actually, not recommended):

Setting of XML environment for Authentic XML editor preview

click on Preview preferences

Or go directly to

CVS Download

CVS Update (from Windows Explorer, right click on empty directory, CVS Checkout)






1. Protocol: Password Server (:pserver:)

2. Server: cvs.fbf.fai.

3. Repository folder: /CVS

4. User name: sg1

5. Module Name: FBF_SG

6. Password: gxeed45u

Also used this userid and password to access web form data



Same as SG except

Module FBF_COMP:



Repository folder: /CVS

Due to large size of downloads, these are put in ftp instead of CVS


Directory is /COMP

ID : fpcap1

Password - iubjv9fy

|C:\>ftp downloads.ftp.fbf.fai. |

|Connected to downloads.ftp.fbf.fai.. |

|220 GND downloads server |

|User (downloads.ftp.fbf.fai.:(none)): fpcap1 |

|331 Please specify the password. |

|Password: |

|230-============================================================= |

|230-# You are connected to downloads.ftp.fbf.fai. |

|230-# |

|230-# Please, email support@americasportals.fai. if you have any ques |

|tions. |

|230-================================================================ |

|230- |

|230- |

|230 Login successful. |

|ftp> cd COMP |

|250 Directory successfully changed. |

|ftp> ls |

|200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV. |

|150 Here comes the directory listing. |

|fel |

|notebook |

|pda |

|tablet |

|226 Directory send OK. |

|ftp: 28 bytes received in 0.04Seconds 0.70Kbytes/sec. |

|ftp> |



Same as SG except

CVS Module info: FBF_MICRO

Username: fmal1

password: wnzecse0

Repository folder: /CVS

Due to large size of downloads, these are put in ftp instead of CVS

(same IP as CVS)

Changed directory to MICRO

ID: fmal1

PW: wnzecse0

MY (need to update FMAL sitemap)


Module: FBF_MY

username: my1

password: murmu+56

Server: cvs.fbf.fai.

Repository folder: /CVS

PH (need to update FMAL sitemap)



Username: ph1

Password: m1nd0ro (first "0" is a zero)

Server: cvs.fbf.fai.

Repository folder: /CVS

IN (need to update FMAL sitemap)


Module: FBF_IN

username: in1

password: dhhxiiit

Server: cvs-jp.fbf.fai.

Repository folder: /CVS


(1) Associate .xmla files to Authentic

Tools / Options



Not so important, but safer to force all saved files to Windows text file format – CR and LF at end of line



From: Darren Gilroy [mailto:dgilroy@us.]

Sent: Friday, November 12, 2004 11:01 AM

To: Paula Grabowski

Cc: 'Yuen Kit Mun'; tingmw@sg.; 'Tai Hon Yen'; ''; 'Bennet Lawan'; GND-Sysadmin; 'Marisheil Sikay'; 'Betty Jose'; 'Nenvi Grace Roman'; Makoto Mizuyama

Subject: Re: CVS Issue - Mail List

All -

Today, we made significant improvements to our CVS services.

This involved moving the CVS service from a single box to a pair of fast servers. We are doing load balancing

and fail-over with round-robin DNS. The service name (cvs.fbf.fai. and cvs-jp.fbf.fai.)

did not change, but CVS now answers on TWO ip addresses.

The new IP addresses:,

the old IP address is disabled.

This transition was largely transparent do our user base.

However, it has come to our attention that some clients have hard-coded the IP address of the old CVS server.

For these clients CVS service no longer works.

We ask that these clients to use the service name

"cvs.fbf.fai." to access CVS. If you cannot resolve this address, please work with FJNIC on a solution.

Ideally your DNS servers would forward the request to our DNS servers and cache the result to minimize traffic.

In the short term, switching to one of the IP addresses listed

above is possible. Either or both will work. Please be aware that we will be taking these servers down (individually)

for upgrades over the next two to three months as we install and configure a proper cluster to replace the round-robin DNS.

Those who use the cvs.fbf.fai. name to access these servers will notice no downtime.

Those who use an IP address will.

Thank you for your understanding and please accept our apologies

for this disruption as we improve our systems.


Darren Gilroy.



From: Diego Lagunas [mailto:dlagunas@us.]

Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 7:15 PM

To: yuenkm@sg.; 'Petar Karafezov'

Cc: eloh@sg.; 'Emilia Georgieva'

Subject: RE: Request -preparation for the training April 6th & 7th

The IP address at the moment is but we will change it in the future.

You should find out why your DNS does not resolve it.

Ping doesn't work because it's turned off on the host.

A tracert to the IP address can help determining where it gets blocked.

TCP outgoing only should be enough.

It should go through the FJWAN.


From: Diego Lagunas [mailto:dlagunas@us.]

Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 2:58 PM

To: yuenkm@sg.

Cc: eloh@sg.; Emilia Georgieva

Subject: RE: Request -preparation for the training April 6th & 7th

Dear Yuen,

Sorry if you didn't receive the password.

Your username is "sg1" and password is "gxeed45u" (without the quotes).

Let me know if you have any trouble connecting.




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