EBook+ Communcation Plan


eText Deployment Communication Plan

Release: 4.3 & iPad 1.0

Date: Wednesday, 12/15

Time: 12 am EST (Midnight) to 5:00 am EST (includes smoke testing)

Outage Period: 12 am EST (Midnight) to 3 am EST

Outage for Content Manager & Authoring Tool: 12 am EST (Midnight) to 3 am EST


This communication plan covers important communication information relating to the eText 4.3 and iPad 1.0 deployment.

Release Notes

Posted eText Product site at:



Pre-Release Communication

The release date and outage periods have been posted on the LTG Release Calendar found here:

Vendors and Person employees who use Content Manager and the Authoring Tool will also be notified via email of the outage window upon release approval.

Maintenance Pages

Prod Viewer:

Authoring Tool:

Content Manager:

Methods of Communication During the deployment:

• IRC—communication for those directly participating in the deployment. Updates will be posted by Systems, DBA, QA and Release Manager when important steps are completed.

• Email—to notify those who are not participating directly in the deployment when important steps are completed.

• Phone—as needed for conference calls with deployment participants, on Conference line 877-554-0877 code 201 236 7372

IRC Channel


Key steps which must be communicated on IRC:

-Completion of each deployment step (Varsha, Theo)

-Smoke Testing begun (HCL QA)

-Smoke Testing complete (HCL QA)

-Notice to be sent to stakeholders about successful deployment (Product Manager)

Key steps communicated via email:

-Deployment Complete (Product Manager)

The following distribution groups will receive email communications:

eText Outlook Distribution List

eBook Team Contact Information

Brett Young

SQE Manager

Email: brett.young@

IRC: byoung

Phone: 201-540-9002

Sumeet Rathod

HCL Project Manager

Email: sumeet.rathod@

IRC: sumeet

Phone: 201-546-0079


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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