Request for Exemption

LTG Performance Engineering

Request for Exemption


The teams designate will submit the request via email for exemption to the SVP of LTG Engineering, VP of Systems and Operations, VP of SQE, and the Performance Engineering Manager on behalf of the cross functional team.

A request for exemption from performance testing should include a brief, but clear, explanation, of why the team believes the testing to be unnecessary. It should include the following information:

Project Name: eText iPad Viewer

Release Version #: R1.0

Project Summary: 

➢ The Release 1.0 of iPad is mainly targeted towards

o Support for ingestion, validation, conversion, authoring & publishing of titles for iPad viewer. This includes support for different business rules associated with it.

o Rendering of the iPad content on iPad Viewer.

o Inclusion of all the features as available in Online Flex Viewer (i.e. Instructor/Student Personalization, Course & non-Course paradigm, Baskets, Bookshelf, chapter download, Offline access including personalization synch when online)

➢ Defect fixes for all S1/P1, S2/P2, S2/P3 & S3/P2 CRs.

Target Release Date: 12/14/2010

Metrics Info:

eText Online iPad Viewer Application

- Current usage: peak # of concurrent users ( NA (this is 1st Release of iPad Viewer)

- Peak # of registered users – NA (this is 1st Release of iPad Viewer)

- Peak # of logins per hour – NA (this is 1st Release of iPad Viewer)

- Last date and Product version when full performance testing was done – R4.2 (15-Nov-2010) – Certified against 7.5 k. Please note that core business logic is same for both Flex Online Viewer and iPad Viewer.

- Current Database size – Approx 1 GBytes

- Projected Peak # of concurrent users –Approx 2k

- Projected Database size in 12 months - Approx 2 GBytes

eText Content Manager and Authoring Application

- Current usage: peak # of concurrent users ( approx 15.

- Peak # of registered users – approx 40

- Peak # of logins per hour – approx 5

- Current Database size – Approx 1 GBytes (Content Manager), Approx 1 GBytes (Authoring)

- Projected Peak # of concurrent users –Approx 25

- Projected Database size in 12 months - Approx 1.5 GBytes (Content Manager), Approx 1.5 GBytes (Authoring)

Reasons for recommendation that Performance testing may not be needed:

eText iPad Viewer Application:

1. The iPad Front End layer uses RESTful services for data transfer. The RESTful services are built on top of existing eText Online Viewer core business logic which Online Flex Viewer Remoting services also use. There are some minor changes made in this core business logic per iPad requirements.

2. The last full performance testing for the eText Viewer was performed recently for R4.2 (Go-Live: 18th Nov 2010). Performance was certified at a minimum of 5x for both eText Viewer environments.

3. To mitigate risk, the Development Team has performed JMeter load testing on RESTful services. The JUnit is a Unit Testing Tool which load tests each and every RESTful API and gives analytics on RESTful services which have some performance bottlenecks.

4. The Load Testing of R1.0 Release will continue as planned although it might not be completely finished prior to the RAP meeting due to a compressed timeframe (additional lead time now needed to submit apps to the Apple App store). The goal is to carry out as much testing as possible to get the best read before the RAP meeting and continue to test prior to Apple approval in the app store (actual release to customers). Performance testing will complete before any customer usage (factoring in the Apple approval turnaround period).

5. The user base of iPad Viewer will be approx 10-15% (high end projection) of Online Flex Viewer. The Online Flex Viewer has approx 700-800k users.

6. The initial release will launch with less than 50 titles (compared with the standard eText Viewer currently has 2,000 published titles). Furthermore, these titles will be spread out over two environments to further reduce the impact on any particular environment.

Based on above-mentioned points, the Pearson eText Team would like to have performance waiver on eText R1.0 iPad Viewer.

Authoring and Content Manager Application (Internal Tools for Vendors and Pearson Employees):

1. Due to target release audience (i.e. internal Pearson Production Users) & low user base, there is no performance load testing executed on these apps. The applications have been performing at a consistent level since being launched in 2007.

2. Based on the projections on number of concurrent users, the need for performance testing is not immediate as no additional spike in usage is expected.

Based on above-mentioned points, the Pearson eText Team would like to have performance waiver on eText Authoring and Content Manager.

List of features implemented and/or defects fixed:

➢ The Release 1.0 of iPad is mainly targeted towards

o Support for ingestion, validation, conversion, authoring & publishing of titles for iPad viewer. This includes support for different business rules associated with it.

o Rendering of the iPad content on iPad Viewer.

o Inclusion of all the features as available in Online Flex Viewer (i.e. Instructor/Student Personalization, Course & non-Course paradigm, Baskets, Bookshelf, chapter download, Offline access including personalization synch when online)

o Important defect fixes – Content Manager, Authoring and Viewer.

➢ All S1/P1, S2/P2, S2/P3 & S3/P2 CRs.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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