
Apparel and Textile Production 1/2 and Fashion Merchandising Student FormsMrs. DerouinR.W. Reagan High SchoolTeacher & Student/Parent ContractN.C. Dept. of Public Instruction Photograph PermissionSafety AgreementMedia FormEdmodo FormWSFCS BYOD FormTeacher & Student/Parent ContractStudent ExpectationsBe seated and prepared before I begin class.Remain in your seat until the bell rings.Raise your hand and ask permission if you need to leave your seat while the teacher is talking.Keep your hands, feet, and personal comments to yourself.I should not be able to see you chew gum.I should not be able to see or hear your cell phone.Power outlet’s are not for charging your personal cell phone.Bottled water is the only beverage allowed in the classroom.When in doubt, silence preserves your dignity.Failure to follow instructions and rules will result in a referral.Attendance Policy – If any student misses more than 5 days a quarter/10 days a semester from my class, that student may fail this course based on the number of work ethic grades given by Ms. Derouin! THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UP WORK AVAILABLE FOR MISSED PARTICIPATION GRADES!!Discipline Policy – In Career and Technical Education, we strive to empower the student to make good decisions. When an issue arises that needs discipline we seek to discuss and work with the student first. If the issue continues with no improvement we will contact the parent to work out a solution. If the student fails to improve they will be issued a D-1 and the matter will be taken to the student’s administrator._________________________________________________________________I, _______________________________________ (student signature) have read the above information and will abide by Mrs. Derouin’s expectations this year. I also understand that if I do not follow these rules, I will NOT be allowed to work in the kitchen and sewing labs. I have reviewed and willingly agree to the attendance and discipline policies stated above.I, _______________________________________ (parent signature) understand the above information and will support Mrs. Derouin as she strives to teach my child the required curriculum. I have read the attached material and I am familiar with the expectations of my child in this class. I understand and agree to the attendance and discipline policies above. I, Mrs. M. Derouin will strive to teach the above mentioned student the curriculum to my best ability. If I recognize a problem with the ability or behavior of the above mentioned student I will contact the parent to discuss the issue. I will also be available via contact information I provide to the parents should there be any questions, comments, or concerns.PERMISSION TO USE PHOTOGRAPHSPhotographs are often taken during Family and Consumer Sciences/Career and Technical Education workshops, meetings and activities. These may be used to develop educational or promotional materials, including, but not limited to, newsletters, flyers, videos, brochures, Power Point presentations, and other similar forms of communication. This form allows you to choose whether your photo may be used in such communications.CHECK ONE: I give permission to the Family and Consumer Sciences Education teacher to take photos of my child and/or to share the photos with the Department of Public Instruction. These photographs taken in workshops or class will be used in curriculum materials or for promoting our program of studies. Further, I authorize their use without inspecting or approving the finished product or its specific use. No, I do not give permission for photos of me to be included in Family and Consumer Sciences Education educational or promotional materials.Student Name School R.W. Reagan High SchoolSchool address 3750 Transou Rd. Pfafftown, NC 27040 Home address Home phone School phone 336-703-6776 Parent E-mail Address: Student Signature: Date: Parent Signature: Date: ATP ? & FM Safety AgreementYour daughter/son is enrolled in Principles of Family and Human Services, and will have the opportunity to use equipment as part of course instruction. Appropriate instruction in the safe and proper operation of this equipment is given as part of the class. Students will be expected to pass a safety test prior to being able to operate and use this equipment. Although close supervision is maintained at all times, and safety precautions are taken through classroom rules and proper training, the “hands on” activities in this class can present a potential hazard. Therefore, students enrolled in Principles of Family and Human Services are required to provide proof of suitable medical insurance, and are also required to sign a Safety Agreement. Please complete, sign, and return this form to school.Student AgreementI agree to observe all safety rules and procedures for safe operation of equipment. I further agree that I will conduct myself in a safe and professional manner in the Principles of Family and Human Services course. I understand that failure to conduct myself in a safe and professional manner may result in my suspension from lab activities._____________________________________________________________________________Student SignatureDateParent AgreementI have read and understand the Food Fundamentals 1 Safety Agreement. I will stress the safety and professional aspects of this course to my daughter/son. In an emergency, I may be reached at the following phone number(s):_______________________________________________________________________HomeWorkI also certify that my daughter/son has medical insurance with: ________________________________.Company Name___________________________________________________________________________Parent SignatureDate__________________________________________________________________________________Equipment Operation Approval FormParents: Please sign EACH item to indicate your approval for your daughter/son to operate the following equipment.EquipmentParent Signature Safety Test - Mrs. Derouin Only!Hand Sewing Tools Pass / FailScissors Pass / FailSewing Equipment & MachinePass / FailX-acto KnifePass / Fail** If your child has any allergies to food products such as Peanuts, Spices, etc. Please explain below**______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Media Permission FormDear Parent/Guardian:The Family & Consumer Science teachers at R.W. Reagan High School are aware that you, as a concerned parent/guardian, want to be informed about what is happening in your student’s classes. We devote a lot of class time to reading, discussion, demonstration and application. From time to time, we like to enhance or reinforce the lesson with visual media; therefore, during this class your child will view and discuss various video clips or entire films or documentaries which relate to the topic at hand.According to WSFCS School Board Policy 6161.3, a parent signature is required if an entire PG or PG-13 rated movie or an excerpt from PG-13 or R-rated videos is to be used. Your signature below serves as permission for your child to view these clips or films which have been selected by his/her FACS teachers. Option 1 is for permission, Option 2 is to opt your student out of visual media. If you choose to opt your student out the teacher will provide an equal but different alternative assignment to be completed.We look forward to working with you and your child this year. As always, please contact us if you have questions.FACS DepartmentR.W. Reagan High SchoolOption 1:___________________________________ has my permission to view carefully selected media. (Student's Name)__________________________________________Parent's Signature DateOption 2:___________________________________ does not have my permission to view carefully(Student's Name) selected media.__________________________________________Parent's Signature DateExamples of Media SelectionCoco Chanel, Devil Wears Prada, Fashion Frenzy, Various DVD short series, such as Project RunwayEdmodo Permission FormDear Parents/Guardians,This year we will be using Edmodo in Principles of Family And Human Services. Edmodo is a free and secure learning network for teachers, students, and schools. It provides a safe way for us to connect, share content, access homework, participate in discussions and receive class information.Edmodo is accessible online and through any mobile device with Internet capabilities – including free apps for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Android devices. Students can access their account from any mobile device or computer, and set up notifications within Edmodo to receive alerts/reminders via text or e-mail.Edmodo will not be used as a social network like Facebook or MySpace. This tool will be used strictly for educational purposes using the following guidelines:1. Students will be required to use appropriate grammar instead of texting language2. Edmodo does not allow private student-to-student messaging- the site will be used to discuss school-related content only3. No put-downs or sarcasm toward another’s ideas. All school rules and consequences related to harassment applyStudents who violate the guidelines above may face disciplinary action and/or face losing the privilege of using Edmodo.Option 1:___________________________________ has my permission to use Edmodo in his/her FACS(Student's Name) course.__________________________________________________Parent's Signature DateOption 2:___________________________________ does not have my permission to use Edmodo in(Student's Name) his/her FACS course.__________________________________________ Parent's Signature Date ................

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