EDMODO - Lake Olympia Middle School


Dear Parents and Students:

This year we will be using Edmodo in our classrooms at Lake Olympia Middle School. Edmodo is a free and secure learning network for teachers, students, and schools. It provides a safe way for us to connect, share content, access homework, participate in discussions, and receive class information. Edmodo also offers parent accounts which allow parents to stay informed of our classroom activities, assignments, grades and school events. Edmodo is accessible online and through any mobile device with Internet capabilities – including free apps for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Android devices. Students can access their account from any mobile device or computer, and set up notifications within Edmodo to receive alerts/reminders via text or e-mail. Edmodo will not be used as a social network like Facebook or MySpace. This tool will be used strictly for educational purposes using the following guidelines:

Student Expectations:

1. Edmodo is intended for educationally enriching purposes only. Any inappropriate content will be deleted.

2. Misuse of Edmodo may result in the student’s account being set to “read only” or their account may be suspended.

3. The guidelines set forth by the FBISD district-wide digital citizenship document will be expected to be followed by the students, as well as the teacher.

4. Students should use Edmodo to post interesting findings, questions, etc. to the group, use the site to check on missed assignments when absent, ask questions about assignments, and respond to the teacher’s postings/each other’s postings, etc.

5. Students must get a parent or guardian signature at the bottom of this form before being allowed to join their teacher’s Edmodo group(s).

Edmodo’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy:

In order for students under the age of 18 to use Edmodo your permission is required. Please read Edmodo’s Terms of Use at and Edmodo’s Privacy Policy at .


[pic] I agree to the above expectations and reviewed usage guidelines. I have read and agree to Edmodo’s Terms of Service and Edmodo’s Privacy Policy. I understand the consequences for misuse of Edmodo.

[pic] I would like to join Edmodo as a parent. Please email me the class code at:


[pic] My child does not have permission to use Edmodo.

Student Name (Print) ___________________________________________________

Student Signature ________________________________ Date ________________

Parent Signature _________________________________ Date ________________

To learn more go to .[pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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