Ms Merin's Spanish Classes

Regular Verb Conjugations

| | |Present Tense |Past (Preterite) Tense |Past (Imperfect) Tense (used to do / |Future Tense |Conditional |Compound Future |

| | |(do) |(did) |was doing) |(will do) |(would do) |(going to do) |

|Pronombres |Pronouns |-ar |-er |-ir |-ar |-er |-ir |

|Pronouns | |The Perfect Tense | |The GERUND Form |

| | |(have / had done) | |(am / was / used to be doing) |

|Subject Pronouns |

|10 |

|saber |

|to know |

|hoy |today |cada dos días |every two days |

|ayer |yesterday |hace dos días |two days ago |

|mañana |tomorrow |en dos días |in two days |

| | | | |

|ahora |now |este año |this year |

|anteayer |the day before yesterday |el año pasado |last year |

|pasado mañana |the day after tomorrow |el año que viene |next year |

| | | | |

|antes de… |before… |esta semana |this week |

|después de… |after…. |la semana pasada |last week |

|cuando… |when… |la semana que viene |next week |


|-ar |-er/-ir |

|-ando |-iendo |

|Remove endings then add one of the |

|above |


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