“Iraq War Is Necessary and Justified”

“Iraq War Is Necessary and Justified”

This essay is in defense of the current Iraq War. President Bush’s vocal critics state that over 3,000 American troops have been sacrificed in the Iraq War. First of all, the word “sacrifice” usually means that a person voluntarily does or gives up something at his or her own free will (like a bunt to advance a runner in baseball or Catholics sacrificing and giving up chocolate for Lent). I don’t believe that any of those soldiers that have been killed in the Iraq War deliberately intended to die or were “sacrificed” as Michael Moore has erroneously stated. And I’m sure that if President Bush knew the names of those soldiers that had been killed, I’m certain he would have ordered those individuals to stay on U.S. military bases and not engage in combat in Iraq.

Secondly, in World War II over 405,000 American military personnel had been killed during that conflict and that staggering number happens to constitute over 100 times the sacrifice that our nation has made in the combined Afghan/Iraq Wars. And besides that horrendous astronomical figure over 671,000 American soldiers were wounded during WWII. I agree with the anti-war pundits that each American life should be valued, but when you mathematically analyze “sacrifice” in its true context, look to the past to equate the true cost of freedom. The 2001 World Trade Center twin-towers catastrophe was very comparable to Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and in fact more people died on September 11th on U.S. soil than were bombed and killed at Pearl Harbor.

Now here’s where the liberal mindset suddenly turns philosophical. “The Iraq War should not be fought and it cannot be validly compared to WWII,” they will adamantly argue. President Bush does not like or want war, but sometimes war is the only viable measure to take to correct a worldwide problem. I strongly suggest that the anti-war doves become students of history instead of naïve idealists of the present situation without any clue of past Holocausts. The rest of the world is not a Utopia and Syria, Palestine and Iran are not heavens. Stop this “blame America first” rhetoric for this country being responsible for all of the world’s problems.

I admire President Bush because from the outset he understood one thing very clearly: Problems are easier to solve (despite sacrifice) when they are small than when they proliferate and mushroom into something massive. When Adolph Hitler’s minions invaded the Sudetanland (Czechoslovakia) in 1939, no one did anything about it. When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, the first President Bush stopped the avaricious tyrant dead in his tracks.

Saddam Hussein’s intent was to invade Kuwait and then take over Saudi Arabia, thus controlling most of the Arab oil (and the Arab holy shrines) and holding the U.S. and the free world hostage to both economic and political extortion. Using analogy, later in 1939, Hitler invaded, Poland, Denmark, Holland, Belgium and France. Give the second President Bush much-warranted credit. Saddam Hussein never had a chance to invade Saudi Arabia after rebuilding his army after the Gulf War. President George W. Bush has very effectively protected and preserved our unparalleled American prosperity and our highly envied American way of life.

Anti-war cynics argue that no WMD’s have been discovered in Iraq. Saddam Hussein showed his true colors when he used WMD’s to exterminate 300,000 Kurds, and please remember that over 7 million Jews were systematically eliminated in Nazi gas chambers and death camps during WWII. And over 50 MILLION people, civilians (mostly Russians and Poles), prisoners, captives and soldiers “UNNECESSARILY” died in WWII. The truth is that the U.S. is currently fighting Arab Fascists that would kill any American anywhere in a New York second (if they could) even though most liberals apparently are against the Iraq War. According to the terrorists’ perverted point of view, any U.S. citizen is just another American warm body that needs to become cold in a hurry regardless of that victim’s political “philosophy.”

Let’s understand one particular thing. The radical Arab extremists have a saying, “An enemy of my enemy is my friend!” This statement means that Saddam Hussein condoned Al Qaeda terrorists living in, training in and migrating through Iraq traveling from Syria-to-Iran-to-Saudi Arabia-to-Jordan-to Palestine. As long as the radical militants all hated America, it didn’t matter one iota to Saddam Hussein. Isn’t our chief terrorist in Iraq a Jordanian and the notorious Usama bin Laden a Saudi? Weren’t the 9-11 killers mostly Saudis that hung out and trained throughout the Middle East, including Iraq?

But look at the 1,500 terrorists and Baathist loyalists that were killed by our brave soldiers in Fallujah. Fallujah was a giant magnet, a major kill zone where foreign terrorists and Sunni Baathist Fascists were attracted to and then valiantly dealt with, and if any of those fanatics could have the opportunity, they would blow up a New York skyscraper (or New York City) at the drop of a hat. Kill the terrorists and the Arab Fascists in Iraq before they have a chance to enact their hatred here in the USA.

The Iraq War under President Bush can only be evaluated in one context: it is actually a legal extension of the Gulf War under the first President Bush. Saddam Hussein did not honor the truce terms of the Gulf War and ignored over a dozen UN resolutions condemning the arrogant dictator persistently thumbing his nose at the Security Council. And there’s only one country (besides England) that correctly interpreted and understood his true motivations and held Hussein accountable and liable for his blatant insolence, and George W. Bush courageously leads it.

To understand Saddam Hussein’s mindset students of history must first recognize that the dictator modeled his Iraqi regime after the tyrannies of other monsters, his boyhood heroes from World History, predators Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

Saddam Hussein was the Iraqi leader of the Baathist Party. The stated main goal of the Baathist Party is to unify (if necessary by force) the entire Arab World against the West (particularly, the United States). Hussein invaded Kuwait and he was craftily waiting after the Gulf War to rebuild his Army and to deploy WMDs when a weaker U.S. President (who would be soft on terrorism and illegal conquest) would gain office following George W. Bush.

Also, the Baathist Party coincidentally is the dominant political force in Syria and controls the activities of that terroristic-supportive government. Right this moment Syria is harboring many of Saddam’s former Baathist regime members. And Saddam’s WMDs (some of which he used while exterminating 300,000 Kurds) possibly have been shifted from Iraq to Syria just before the present Iraq War commenced.

When the United States unfortunately allowed the UN to try and persuade Saddam to cooperate with twelve UN resolutions the stubborn despot used the delay to cleverly spend the UN “oil for food money” to organize the Baathist resistance that our soldiers are now encountering in Iraq. That earmarked oil for food UN money never went to feeding Saddam’s people as it had been intended. But at the time left-wingers in the American press and in Congress were accusing the Bush Administration of “starving” the Iraqi people because of the “sanctions” that the U.S. had forced the UN to impose on Saddam Hussein after the Gulf War under Bush 41. But the dishonest dictator was secretly using the UN money he was receiving for “food and medicine” for diabolical reasons: to rebuild his Republican Guard Army, to sponsor Palestinian terrorism and to finance the Baathist and Sunni terrorist resistance in order to prevent democracy from taking root.

Saddam also had a secret oil pipeline going from Iraq into Syria that the UN never seemed to know about and Hussein was clandestinely selling that detoured oil to Syria and using that additional “skimmed money” to rebuild his army, to subsidize the Baathist resistance, to promote Middle East terrorism and to generally neglect his people. All the while President Bush was aware that outspoken critics were blaming U.S. sponsored sanctions against Iraq for the deteriorating social conditions prevalent inside that country.

France, Germany and Russia (two of which are UN Security Council nations) had lucrative contracts with Saddam Hussein totaling over 23 billion dollars, in addition to the massive “oil for food” scam that the UN was supposedly overseeing. George Walker Bush got tired of all of the UN lying, cheating, stealing and stalling while Saddam was re-arming and financing terrorism with American taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars being squandered by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annon.

George W. Bush was concerned that if Saddam Hussein accomplished his invasion objectives and gained control of most of the Arab nations and their oil, then WWIII would be imminent and hundreds of thousands of American soldiers’ lives would be lost in such a cataclysmic global conflict. Our President concluded that a limited Iraq War now would be much better than a disastrous war four to six years from now. George W. Bush did not desire to see Saddam Hussein evolve into the next Adolph Hitler. And let’s not forget that Saddam’s Baathist Party rose to power after he personally assassinated the reigning dictator of Iraq and then more recently Hussein had been conspiring to have Bush 41 and Bush 43 assassinated, too.

And finally (for the enlightenment of anti-war liberals), a democracy in Iraq will disrupt terrorism and terrorists throughout the Middle East, particularly in Baathist Syria, in Palestine and in Iran. And please recollect that Saddam Hussein paid each Palestinian suicide/homicide bomber’s family $30,000 of “UN oil for food money” just to ensure that terrorism in the Middle East would thrive and continue. The same attitude that prevailed among the demented German Fascists exists among the radical Islamic Fascists: “Blame it all on the Jews!”

The United States of America protects all of the free world including anti-war protestors in Canada, Europe and even here in America. The USA is the greatest force for good the world has ever known but our nation can only continue being great through strength, economic prosperity, free enterprise and courage to act, to demonstrate leadership and to defend what is right, what is just and what is necessary.

And there’s one final essential thing to say to all anti-war liberals. How much money is Al Qaeda donating to the tsunami and the hurricane victims? Kindly get on the right side of the fence and stay there.

Below is a “Letter to the Editor” that had been published in the Press of Atlantic City.

Iraq War Extension of Gulf War


I’m tired of reading letters in the Press from misinformed liberals that the Iraq War was unjustified because President Bush had lied to the American public about Saddam Hussein’s possession of weapons of mass destruction (since none had been found in Iraq).

First of all, Saddam Hussein did have weapons of mass destruction because he and his regime had exterminated over 150,000 Kurds with chemical weapons and buried those victims in mass graves. Now the real question is “Whatever became of Saddam’s WMDs?” General Georges Sada (Saddam’s Air Force Chief) has gone on record stating that Saddam’s WMDs had been airlifted into Damascus, Syria just prior to the Iraq War.

According to General Sada, two Boeing commercial jets had had their passenger seats removed and the WMDs had been transported from Baghdad to Syria during fifty-six flights. The secret missions were disguised as “humanitarian aid” for Syrian flood victims because a dam had burst in that country. General Sada’s assertion (about Saddam’s possession of WMDs) had been corroborated by similar claims in 2001 by Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and General Moshe Yaalon. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a neurosurgeon to figure out that Saddam Hussein was a Sunni Baathist (a political philosophy that mixes Nazism with Marxism) and that the oppressive regime presently governing Syria consists mostly of Sunni Baathists.

Secondly, it is important to understand that the U.S. did not invade Iraq over the WMD problem/issue. President Bush made the decision because Saddam Hussein had thumbed his nose at 17 UN resolutions. Those 17 UN violations represented Saddam’s refusal to honor the terms of truce of the 1991 Gulf War. Hence the Iraq War is really an extension of the Gulf War and not a separate war all to itself as left-wing hacks are claiming.

Thirdly, the USA is the greatest force for good in the world. The Afghanistan War and the Iraq War have liberated over 50 million people from Taliban and Saddam Hussein tyranny. And yes, the Iraq War is also about oil but not in the sense that the liberal left wants us to believe! It’s about oil in the context that if Iran and Syria get control of Iraq, and if Iran acquires nuclear weapons, then Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan and Egypt will be at risk and Israel will be in jeopardy of extinction!

If the US pulls out of Iraq, then be ready to pay ten dollars a gallon for gasoline. Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has just nationalized his country’s oil industry and intends to cut off all exports to the US, and Venezuelan oil presently constitutes 11% of US consumption. Everyone in America ought to hope and pray that George W. Bush’s plan for victory/success in Iraq really works. Let’s stop this “Blame America first” nonsense! The radical jihadists and power-hungry jealous world dictators like Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez are the bad guys and not the US President and Vice-President!

John Wiessner

Here’s a “Letter to the editor” that appeared in both the Hammonton News and the Hammonton Gazette.

The Terrorists Evil End Game

The destruction of the Twin Towers on 9-11 of 2001 was merely the Islamic Jihadists left jab. To fully understand what the terrorists’ right cross knockout punch is Americans must research the year 1929.

After the U.S. stock market crashed the American Great Depression initiated a “Domino Effect” causing similar depressions throughout Europe. The economic chaos and the corresponding political vacuum that resulted allowed opportunistic Nazi/Fascist/Communist dictators like Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin to rise to power.

Now flash-forward to 2007! Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (just like Saddam Hussein had desired to invade Kuwait and then Saudi Arabia) wants to consolidate the entire Middle East’s oil under Tehran’s dominion. His wicked purpose is to cripple the U.S. economy by raising oil to exorbitant levels and thus causing a Second U.S. Great Depression of such major magnitude that it will make the years 1929-1940 seem like a family picnic.

The militant jihadists represent approximately two percent of the 1 billion Muslims in the world. Those two million Islamo-Fascists want Americans to tolerate them but they have no tolerance for us or for what they regard as our “sinful” way of life. The jihadists are still fighting the medieval Crusades and their ugly goal is to see their Muslim religion conquer and dominate Judeo/Christian civilization. The fanatics actually believe that the guaranteed path to “Paradise” is to die for their faith as martyr suicide bombers.

The Twin Towers destruction was just the opening punch of Round 1. The terrorists evil end game (and Iran’s President gives his blessing to them) is to extort the U.S. with hundred-dollar-a-barrel oil and bring our “neo-colonial imperialist economy” to its knees, which will then create a second monstrous Great Depression that will permit a second wave of tyrannical dictators (preferably radical Shiites) to take control of afflicted nations and their suffering populations. I think it’s time for all Americans to remember a valuable lesson from World History.

Jay Dubya (author’s initials)

John Wiessner


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