Middle East and North Africa Study Guide

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Middle East and North Africa Study Guide

1. If a country put an embargo on oil, what are they doing? not allowing oil to be shipped

2. What does that do to the price of oil? increases the price due to less of the oil in the market

3. What does it mean when a country has a tariff on oil? tax on oil

4. What does scarcity mean? Limited supply to meet demand

5. How is the US and Saudi Arabia economically interdependent? The U.S. depends on Saudi Arabia for oil. Saudi Arabia relies on the profits they make from oil sales towards the purchase of goods they need from other countries, such as food from France.

6. Why is the Suez Canal so important to trade? The Suez Canal provides the shortest water route connecting

Europe to Asia. Consequently it makes shipping not only quicker, but cheaper.

7. What brought about the end of the Ottoman Empire? Turkey sided with Germany in WWI. When they lost

WWI, the lands which had once been a part of the Ottoman Empire (i.e. the Middle East) were divided up

to be controlled by European countries.

8. How did the mandate system change the control of the Middle East/North Africa? No longer was a Muslim/Arab

govt. in control; now there was foreign control of Europeans over Middle Eastern countries.

9. Who determined the boundaries of the new countries created from the Ottoman Empire? European countries

10. Describe what the Balfour Declaration was and how did it cause conflict between the Arabs and Jews? Jews were promised a homeland if they fought with the British during World War

11. What’s the difference between Palestine and Israel? None

12. Why are the Arabs (Palestinians) and Jews fighting in Israel? Land and who has the right to it

13.What is Anti-Semitism? discrimination towards Jews

14. What role did it play in encouraging Jews to move back to the Holy Land? Violent acts against Jews led to seek safe environment

15. What is Zionism? The movement of Jews to return to their holy land of Israel

16. What problems did Zionism cause? Too many people on small area of land in Palestine

17. Which country and a region within the country were created by the US’s suggestion as a solution to the problems created by Zionism? Israel and Palestine

18. Why were many of the Palestinians refugees? Forced to flee Jewish occupied areas

19. How did neighboring Arab countries respond when Jewish leaders declared Israel an independent state? They declared war on Israel

20. What was the outcome of this action? Israel won the war and gains more territory becoming larger than before.

21. What military organization did the Palestinians create to fight for their prior country? PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization Who was their leader? Yasser Arafat

22. Why was Anwar Sadat assassinated? He was the first leader of a country in the Middle East who recognized Israel as a country and signed a peace agreement with them.

23. What was the name of the war of when Iraq invaded Iran for land? Iran –Iraq War. What did Iraq want of Iran? land and oil.

24. Why did Iraq invade Turkey right before the Persian Gulf War? Turkey damming the rivers (drinking water)

25. Why did Iraq invade Saudi Arabia and Kuwait prior to the Persian Gulf War? To acquire land with oil

26. Why did the UN form a coalition to stop Iraq from invading Saudi Arabia and Kuwait? The economies of the world depend on oil & Iraq’s actions threatened the flow of it

27. What led the US to bomb and invade the country of Afghanistan in 2001? 9/11- the Taliban Government refused to surrender Osama Bin Laden and eliminate terrorist training camps in the country

28. Why did the US go to war against Iraq in 2003? WMD’s (weapons of mass destruction) charges by the US and the world community__

29. Why does Israel require ALL citizens, men and women, to serve 2-3 years in the military and then in the reserves?

they need to be prepared for an attack by the Arab countries

30. Even though Iran has a president and citizens elect representatives, the Religious Ruler (or Ayatollah) approves/appoint representatives to be elected and makes sure the president rules according to Sharia. This makes Iran what type of government? Theocratic Republic

31. Because Saudi Arabia is a monarchy, what is the role of the ruler? The ruler makes all of the decisions

the role of citizens? none

32. Why does the United States not play a major political role in countries such as Yeman, Oman, and Syria, but they do in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, and Iran? the United States has a greater interest in some countries because they are major oil producers or are important to trade. Other countries pose a threat due to terrorist activity.

33.What makes it difficult for the US to be economically interdependent with countries in the Middle East?

The United States relies on oil from the Middle East.

Explain who these people are and why they are important to the Middle East:

34. Yasser Arafat: founder of the PLO; sponsored terrorism in Israel against the Jews

35. Kurds: ethnic group of Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran

36. Mustafa Kemal: Ataturk,” father of Turkey who westernized the country

37. Arabs: Largest ethnic group of the Middle East

38. Saddam Hussein: Leader of Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War and the Persian Gulf War

39. Anwar Sadat: Egyptian president who made peace with Israel in 1979, he was later assassinated for this action

40. Sunni Muslims: the branch of Islam to which most Muslims belong; they believe the caliphs should be the leaders of Islam (not those of the bloodline of Muhammad)

41. Shia/Shi’ite Muslims: the branch of Islam which, while not the largest in the world, is the majority in Iran; they believe those of Muhammad’s bloodline should be the leaders of Islam)

42. Taliban: a group of extremists Muslims who once ruled Afghanistan and are currently trying to regain control

Number the following to show the correct order of events:

.__2__ World War I

.__1__ The Ottoman Empire

.__7__ The Persian Gulf War

.__3__ The Mandate System

.__4__ World War II

.__5__ The formation of the state of Israel

.__6__ The Arab Israeli Wars

.__8__ Operation Iraqi Freedom

Use the above events (in #48-54) to fill in the blanks below:

43. Islam spread throughout the Middle East under the rule of Ottoman Empire.

44. Since Turkey sided with Germany in World War I, Germany’s loss meant the end of rule under the Turkish Ottoman Empire.

45. The Mandate System provided for European countries to divide up the Middle East to control for a period of time until Middle Eastern countries could govern themselves.

46. The suffering of the Jews during WWII and the Holocaust contributed to the formation of Israel where Jews would no longer be at the mercy of other nations.

47. Disagreement over the division of Palestine between the Jews and the Arabs when Israel was formed led to the Arab-Israeli Wars.

48. The Persian Gulf War was fought to prevent Saddam Hussein from gaining control over other (oil producing) nations.


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