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Politics and Society: Websites, Activities and ResourcesStrand 1: Power and Decision-Making . -Topic 1: Power and decision-making in the school -Topic 2: Power and decision-making at national and European level Oireachtas: How Parliament worksA very recent resource published by the Oireachtas which can be obtained in book form.Website: Pdf: Information BoardA very comprehensive education resource ‘Rights and Entitlements for Young People’ (2010) with many activities, worksheets and chapters on education rules. (Bit outdated!)Activities & pdf: p.79-97.* Council of Europe: Compass: Manual for Human Rights Education with Young People, Excellent website with multiple activities; detailed themes with discussion and quotes and links to sources and literature . For example ‘Globalisation’:Website: Literature 2: Active Citizenship . -Topic 3: Effectively contributing to communities - Topic 4: Rights and responsibilities in communication with others * Council of Europe: Compass: Manual for Human Rights Education with Young People, Excellent website with multiple activities , literature etc E.g ‘Human Rights taking Action’Website: Literature, activities and plans: Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC)IHREC produced a pdf and book resource called ‘Grounds for Action Building a Culture of Equality in our Society’ for TY students. It has loads of information on how to take action for ‘Equality & Diversity’ with action plan ideas and resources.Action plan ideas PDF: HYPERLINK "" * Council of Europe: Compass: Manual for Human Rights Education with Young People, Excellent website with multiple activities; For example, ‘Citizenship & Participation’.Literature: What is Citizenship 3: Human Rights and Responsibilities - Topic 5: Human rights and responsibilities in Ireland Citizens Information BureauThe Bureau produces excellent information sheets on its website. Clear & detailed information on the ‘The Irish Education System’ and ‘Education and the Constitution’.Literature: Rights Alliance. (CRA)Annually the CRA produce a report card type book that rates Ireland’s responsibilities in regard to children’s rights under different sections, including ‘Education’. The report is based on the most up to date legislation, policy and reports, including statistics. Also, their report for the UNCRC 2015 periodical review maybe useful.Website: /Book, Children Rights Alliance, ‘Report Card 2016’ (Dublin, 2016) : Children’s rights Alliance, ‘Are We there Yet?’, (Dublin, 2015)’s Rights Alliance. Do Children’s Rights Matter?’ Video clip about a group of young people who set up their own children's rights organisation to advocate on behalf of children, they discuss topics of bullying, poverty and lack of recreational spaces. Children’s Rights Alliance (2013) (8:24 minutes) (Age 10-17 years)Youtube video . A pdf from a project on the website called ‘Picture Your Rights’ (2014) with different sections and themes on rights. Discussion cards with statistics and questions on protecting rights of children in Ireland. Activity & statistics PDF: . of Education and SkillsGlossary of relevant terms, bodies their acronyms and their websites.Website: : Voice Our ConcernThis is an online education project for senior cycle students. Chapter one includes nine classes to introduce human rights to students and develop their understanding.Website: & activities PDF: Topic 6: Human rights and responsibilities in Europe and the wider world . *European Youth Centre Budapest/Council of Europe: Manual of Human Rights Education for ChildrenExcellent website by Council of Europe of a pdf on ‘Human Rights Education’. It has many activities & resources broken down by themes and a list of relevant appendices.Website & Activities : * Council of Europe: Compass: Manual for Human Rights Education with Young People, Website with multiple activities & literature, eg. ‘Education’ , ‘Equality’ (links below) Website Literature: Right to Education : and activity pack for equality : Nations Association UK. Produced a book/pdf called ‘Human Rights Teacher’s Handbook: United Nation Matters’ with lesson plans and ideas on how to teach about the UN.Activities pdf: 's%20Handbook.pdfUnited Nations Human Rights Office of the High CommissionerProduced an online resource called ‘Teaching Human Rights : Practical activities for Primary and Secondary’ and a video called ‘Path to Dignity: The Power of Human Rights Education’ on how children have their human rights infringed and vindicated.Activities & pdf resources: : ’s Rights Information NetworkGlobal research, policy and advocacy body with many online resources. Has a good section on UN Convention of the Rights of the Child divided into themes & rights i.e. EducationWebsite: 4: Globalisation and localisation . Topic 7: Globalisation and identity & Topic 8: Sustainable development . . . . . . . * Council of Europe: Compass: Manual for Human Rights Education with Young People, Website with multiple activities & literature, For example ‘Globalisation’.Globalisation: and Society : General Resources* Council of Europe: Compass: Manual for Human Rights Education with Young People, Excellent website with multiple activities; detailed themes with discussions and quotes and links to sources and literature. Activity example : Children’s Rights Alliance (CRA)The CRA have an excellent website with a resource section divided into categories including: education, equality; Irish Constitution; UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; legislation. The resources include press releases, information material, pdfs, submissions and reports.Website: CRA also have an excellent PDF and online resource called ‘Know your Rights’ which focuses on children’s rights in an Irish context in areas such as ‘Education’ and ‘Equality’ etc.PDF Youth Council of Ireland and Dept. Children and Youth Affairs In 2015 the National Youth Council initiative called the Irish Youth Consultation Process produced a pdf ‘Young Voices, Have Your Say : Report -How Can Young People be More Involved in Shaping Society?’. It has useful diagrams, charts, statistics and graphs on young people’s views on politics, voting etcWebsite : & statistics PDF HYPERLINK "" . Children and Youth AffairsThe Dept. have produced a national policy framework for children & young people 2014-2020, with aims and outcomes to be put in place by the State for children. It has statistics and quotes throughout but the final few pages have key statistics on current issues for children by percentage & number i.e. number of young people under 18 on hospital waiting lists 3, 065 in 2014.Statistics & Literature PDF/Book Dept. of C.Y.A ‘Better Outcomes Better Future’ (2014, p.1070 110) is a think tank for social equality and change. Their report ‘Cherishing all Equally: Economic Inequality in Ireland 2016’ is their second and most update report on economic inequality in Ireland , especially focusing on women children. Excellent resource for graphs, charts, statistics and information. Graphs & Statisitcs PDF: Rights Glossary websites: ................

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