NOMS and the prison population in England and Wales. I ...


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| |90783 | |June 2014 |

Freedom of Information Request

You asked for the following information from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ):

“My request concerns NOMS and the prison population in England and Wales. I would like to request centrally held administrative data is that is held, on (1) Irish Prisoners and (2) the general prisoner population, including and data from the Offender Assessment System (OASys) which covers the following range of socio-economic and individual factors: Education, homelessness, mental health and emotional well being (including substance abuse and addiction).”

Your request has been handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).

I can confirm that the department holds information that you have asked for, and I am pleased to provide this to you.

Please see the table in the attached Excel file. This is based on the prison caseload on 31 March 2013. It shows the percentage of prisoners identified in OASys as having each criminogenic need and within each band for OVP (predictor of violent offending) / OGP (predictor of general offending) / OGRS (Offender Group Reconviction Score) and Risk of Serious Harm, broken down by those with Irish Republic listed as nationality against all other prisoners.

Please note that this only includes full OASys assessments (55,793) which were matched to the caseload (83,769). Further information about the OASys data is provided in the attached explanatory notes.

You can also find more information by reading the full text of the Act (available at ).


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