Reel History for The Classroom - Cengage

Reel History for The Classroom

Video Clips from The History Channel

to accompany

The American Experiment: A History of the United States, Second Edition

Steven M. Gillon and Cathy D. Matson

Volume 1

VHS Tape 1 - Chapters 1-10

Chapter 1: Out of Old Worlds, New Worlds

Clip 1.1: America’s First Inhabitants

Clip 1.2: Columbus and First Contact

Chapter 2: The First Experiments, 1540-1680

Clip 2.1: John White’s Return to Roanoke in 1590.

Clip 2.2: Native Americans and the Virginia Colony Explorers

Chapter 3: Imperial Connections, 1660-1748

Clip3.1: The Story of the Salem Witch Trials

Chapter 4: Colonial Maturation and Conflict, 1680-1754

Clip 4.1: The Transatlantic Slave Trade and the Slave Ship, Henrietta Marie

Chapter 5: Forging the American Experiment, 1754-1775

Clip 5.1: The Boston Massacre and Trial

Clip 5.2: Samuel Adams, John Hancock and The Sons of Liberty

Chapter 6: Winning Independence, 1775-1783

Clip 6.1: Israel Putnam and the battle of Breed’s Hill

Clip 6.2: Thomas Paine and Common Sense

Chapter 7: The Federal Experiment, 1783-1800

Clip7.1: Jay’s Treaty

Clip 7.2: Jefferson’s Presidency and the Federalists

Chapter 8: Striving for Nationhood, 1800-1824

Clip 8.1: The Louisiana Purchase

Clip 8.2: The Lewis and Clark Expedition

Chapter 9: An Emerging Capitalist Nation, 1790-1820

Clip 9.1: The Story of the Erie Canal

Clip 9.2: The Start of the Textile Industry (Samuel Slater, child labor, machines)

Chapter 10: Transforming the Political Culture, 1820-1840

Clip 10.1: Jackson’s Election to the Presidency and the Death of his Wife, Rachel

Clip 10.2: Jackson, the Indian Removal Policy, and Nullification

Volume 1

VHS Tape 2 - Chapters 11-16

Chapter 11: Industry and Reform in the North, 1820-1850

Clip 11.1: Irish Catholic Immigrants

Clip11.2: The Lowell Mills

Chapter 12: Slavery and Plantation Culture, 1820-1850

Clip 12.1: The Underground Railroad

Clip12.2: Abolitionists: William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglas

Chapter 13: The Westward Experiment, 1820-1850

Clip 13.1: The California Gold Rush

Chapter 14: The Sectional Challenge, 1848-1860

Clip 14.1: The Kansas-Nebraska Act and John Brown

Clip 14.2: The Lincoln Douglas Debates and the Creation of the Republican Party

Chapter 15: Transforming the Experiment, The Civil War, 1861-1865

Clip 15.1: Gettysburg

Clip 15.2: John Wilkes Booth and the Assassination of Lincoln

Chapter 16: Reconstruction and The New South, 1865-1900

Clip 16.1: Appomattox and the End of the Civil War

Clip16.2: The Birth of the Ku Klux Klan, the Black Codes and the Reconstruction Act of 1867

Volume 2

VHS Tape 1 - Chapters 16-23

Chapter 16: Reconstruction and The New South, 1865-1900

Clip 16.1: Appomattox and the End of the Civil War

Clip16.2: The Birth of the Ku Klux Klan, the Black Codes and the Reconstruction Act of 1867

Chapter 17: Conquering the New West, 1862-1900

Clip 17.1: Building the Transcontinental Railroad

Clip 17.2: The Battle of the Little Bighorn

Chapter 18: The Industrial Experiment, 1865-1900

Clip 18.1: Andrew Carnegie’s Steel Works, and the Pinkerton’s at Homestead

Clip18.2: John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Trust, Edison’s electric lamp, and Ford’s automobile

Chapter 19: The New Urban Nation, 1865-1900

Clip 19.1: Immigrants at Ellis Island

Clip19.2: Italian Immigrants

Chapter 20: State and Society, 1877-1900

Clip 20.1: Social and Cultural History at the Turn of the Century

Clip 20.2: William McKinley’s Assassination

Chapter 21: The Progressive Era, 1889-1916

Clip 21.1: The Rise of Industrial Trusts Leads to Trust Busting

Clip 21.2: Taft, Theodore Roosevelt, and The Bull Moose Party

Chapter 22: The American Experiment in American Empire, 1865-1917

Clip 22.1: The Sinking of The U.S.S. Maine and the Spanish American War

Clip 22.2: The Story of the Panama Canal

Chapter 23: Making the World Safe for Democracy: America and World War I, 1914-1920

Clip 23.1: The Start of World War I

Clip 23.2: Airplane Pilots in World War I

Chapter 24: The New Era, 1920-1928

Clip 24.1: The Early Days of Radio

Clip 24.2: Prohibition

Volume 2

VHS Tape 2 - Chapters 24-32

Chapter 25: “Fear Itself”: Crash, Depression, and The New Deal, 1929 - 1938

Clip 25.1: Black Thursday and the Stock Market Crash of 1929

Clip 25.2: The Great Depression and Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal

Chapter 26: War and Society, 1933-1945

Clip 26.1: The Attack on Pearl Harbor and America’s Decision to Enter World War II

Clip 26.2: The Normandy Invasion

Chapter 27: The Cold War, 1945-1952

Clip 27.1: Flashpoint Berlin

Clip 27.2: The Korean War and General McArthur

Chapter 28: The Consumer Society, 1945-1960

Clip 28.1: The Rise of the Suburbs: Levittown

Clip 28.2: Model Family Life: The Ozzie and Harriet TV Show and the TV Dinner

Chapter 29: Consensus and Confrontation, 1960-1968

Clip 29.1: John F. Kennedy and The Bay of Pigs

Clip 29.2: The Civil Rights Movement

Chapter 30: The Politics of Polarization, 1969-1979

Clip 30.1: Nixon, Watergate and the Watergate Hearings

Clip 30.2: The Resignation of President Nixon

Chapter 31: The Reagan Experiment, 1979-1988

Clip 31.1: Michael Deaver on Ronald Reagan

Clip31.2: James Baker on Ronald Reagan

Chapter 32: America After the Cold War, 1988-2000

Clip 32.1: The Fall of the Berlin Wall

Clip 32.2: The Gulf War


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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