
Conan the Brave

Long ago there was a great warrior named Conan. He went to the beach one day to watch for anyone coming to Ireland. One day a giant came from Norway. He was collecting the heads of great warriors and wanted Conan’s head. So, Conan gave the giant long directions to his home, while he took a short way home.

He ran home and told his wife about the giant. She told him to hide in the baby’s crib.

When the giant came to the house the wife told him Conan was not home, but that he should stay until Conan returned. The giant looked in the crib and asked the wife, “How old is your baby?” “He is one week old,” she said, “Why don’t you play with him?”

So, the giant picked up Conan and pinched his cheek. Conan quickly bit off part of his finger. “OUCH! Wow,” said the giant, “he is very strong!”

“Imagine how strong his father is! I bet the baby can throw a rock farther than you.”

So, the giant picked up a rock and threw it more than two miles. But Conan put a pigeon up his sleeve and when he threw it the bird flew up and over the mountains. But the giant thought it was rock!

“Wow! Your baby is so strong!”

“Well, I bet he can hit his head harder than you.” So, the wife gave Conan a hat with some beef in it. Conan picked up an axe and hit his head, blood came out of the beef down his face. Then the giant hit his own head so hard that he was knocked out. When he woke up he ran out of the house saying, “I can’t even beat the baby, how could I ever beat the father!!”

The Children Of Lir

Once upon a time there was a great king named Lir. He had four children, one daughter and three sons. Their mother, the Queen, became very sick one day. Even the best doctors could not help her. Soon the Queen died. The children were very sad and they missed their mother very much.

The King decided that he should get a new wife. He met a woman named Aoife and quickly fell in love with her and wanted to marry her. Everyone was very surprised because his wife was only dead for a short time. Aoife was very beautiful, but she was not kind to the children or the people of the kingdom.

So, the King married Aoife but she was very jealous of Lir’s four children. She wanted the king for herself. One day she took the children to a beautiful lake. While the children slept beside the lake she cast a terrible spell. You see, Aoife was a witch. It was she who poisoned the queen and cast a love spell on King Lir. She waved her magic wand and there was bright flash of light. “You will be swans for 900 years!!” she shouted and she turned the children into swans. But the witch was very surprised because the daughter did not change! She ran away into the forest before the witch could change her!

The young princess hid in the forest for many years until she learned of a way to break the spell. She had to make clothes out of thorn bushes! So, for many years she weaved clothes for each brother. Her fingers bled all the time and she was in great pain. But one day she finished. She took the clothes to the lake and threw them to the swans. Suddenly, the swans turned back into her brothers! They returned to the castle and told the king what had happened to them. The king threw Aoife out and told her to never come back!

The Three Sons

Once upon a time there were three sons. Their father was very sick and he told them that the only thing that would cure his sickness was special apples picked from a special garden.

So the sons left. The youngest son saw a house and went in. He asked the man if he had heard of the special garden. “I am 100 years old and I have never heard of the garden,” he said, “but my 200 year old brother might know.” So, the son went looking for his brother. He found his house. “I am 200 years old, but I have never heard of that place, but my 300 year old brother might know.”

So, the son went looking for the brother. He finally found his home and asked him if had heard of the special garden. He said, “I have heard of it, but I don’t know where it is. But that swan over there can take you to it.” The old man said.

So, the boy caught the swan and told the swan to take him to the garden. When he arrived he picked some of the special apples for his father. Then he saw a house. He went into the house and found a girl sleeping. He saw two rings on the table so he took them and ran away.

His brothers were jealous that he found the special garden. So, they stole his apples and replaced them with regular apples. Then the older brothers gave the special apples to their father and told him the young brother was going to poison him.

The father was very angry and he told them to take the son and feed him to their dogs. But before they could there was a knock at the door. It was the girl from the garden. She asked them, “Have you been to the house in the garden?” “Yes,” the oldest son said. But the girl knew he was lying so she blew him a kiss and his head turned to stone.

She asked the second son, “Have you been to the house in the garden?” “Yes,” he said. But the girl knew he was lying so she blew him a kiss and his head turned to stone.

Then she asked the youngest son, “Have you been to the house in the garden?” “Yes,” he answered and showed her the rings he had taken. Then she kissed him and they lived happily ever after.

Jack and the Leprechaun

One day Jack Fox was walking home from work. He heard something strange. “Tic-Tac-Too, Tic Tac-Too.” Jack knew this sound and was very excited.

He looked over the bushes and saw a tiny man sitting on a flower, making a tiny shoe. Jack knew that the tiny man was a leprechaun! He had heard that if he caught him, the leprechaun would have to take Jack to his gold!

“Hello!” Jack called to the leprechaun. “Hello to you,” the leprechaun answered. “What is your name?” Jack asked. “My name is Night and Day and Far Away,” the leprechaun said. Jack thought it was a strange name, but it wasn’t important.

“Take me to your gold,” Jack said. “Oh come on!” said the leprechaun. “There’s no such thing!” Jack picked the leprechaun up by his little jacket and threatened to feed him to his cat if he didn’t tell him.

“Okay,” said the leprechaun, “but you have to promise to let me go afterwards.” “Okay,” said Jack. Jack followed the tiny leprechaun until they reached a field of flowers. The leprechaun pointed at one of the many flowers and said, “My treasure is buried under that flower.” Jack made the leprechaun promise that he was telling the truth. The leprechaun promised and ran away to finish making his shoes.

Jack needed to mark the flower so he could come back and dig up the gold later. All he had was a sock, so he put his sock on top of the flower. Jack ran home and told his wife about the gold, and then came back with a shovel. He was so excited, but when he got to the field, he was so surprised. Every flower was covered with the same sock! Jack knew that he could dig for 100 years and never find the gold. So he went home and told his wife. She laughed and said she never have to make another sock!


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