Crime and Punishment Revision WorkbookFor each of the following events summarise the impact on crime, punishment or law enforcement. EventWhen?DetailAnglo-Saxon EnglandBattle of HastingsMurdrum LawsForest LawsJPsStatute of LabourersMary I QueenVagrancy ActDemonologieGunpowder PlotMatthew HopkinsPuritan LawsTransportation to North AmericaExcise dutyBlack ActWitchcraft ActBow Street RunnersTolpuddle martyrsTransportation to AustraliaMetropolitan PoliceSeparate SystemEnd of public executionPrison reformConscientious objectors in World War OneConscientious objectors in World War TwoDerek Bentley caseHomicide ActHomophobic crimes Abortion ActRace Relations ActAge of criminal responsibility raised to 10 Death Penalty AbolishedDomestic Violence ActFor each of the following events/things give the date and the detail to go with it.EventWhen?DetailOvercrowded housingPeabody EstateWorkhousesBernardo’sIrish immigrantsJewish immigrantsAnarchismSocialismH DivisionCrimesJack the RipperPolice techniquesObstacles to successPolice improvementsSection One: c1000-c1500Summarise the key crimes:Summarise the key punishments:Summarise the key methods of law enforcement:Section Two: c1500-c1700Summarise the key crimes:Summarise the key punishments:Summarise the key methods of law enforcement:Section Three: c1700-c1900Summarise the key crimes:Summarise the key punishments:Summarise the key methods of law enforcement:Section Four: c1900-present daySummarise the key crimes:Summarise the key punishments:Summarise the key methods of law enforcement:Whitechapel Problems in Whitechapel:Details about Jack the Ripper:Failures of the police:Complete the following 20-mark question plans:‘Attitudes in society were the most important factor in determining how criminal activity was dealt with in the period c1500-c2000.’ How far do you agree? Explain your answer.‘The role of the monarch was the most important factor in determining views about crime in the period c1000-c1500.’ How far do you agree? Explain your answer.‘The role of reformers was the main reason why prison conditions improved In the 19th and 20th centuries.’ How far do you agree? Explain your answer.‘The most important factor in explaining witch hunts in the years c1500-c1700 was religion.’ How far do you agree? Explain your answer.‘The impact of science and technology since 1800 has revolutionised crime detection methods.’ How far do you agree? Explain your answer.‘Types of crime have not changed since the beginning of the 19th century, only the methods used to commit them.’ How far do you agree? Explain your answer. ................

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