|Gramática de repaso |Present tense of regular verbs |

|In Spanish, the ending of each verb indicates who is doing the action, so you usually don’t need to include subject pronouns. |

|Subject Pronouns | | | |PRACTICA Chelsi conducted a video survey of what people do alter school. Complete the |

| |NADAR/ to swim |COMER/ to eat |ESCRIBIR/to write |video script with the correct forms of the most appropriate verbs from the word bank. |

| | | | |Look up any vocabulary you do not know. |

|yo |nado |como |escribo |lavar comer asistir tomar |

|tú |nadas |comes |escribes |nadar escribir limpiar escuchar |

|usted, él, ella |nada |come |escribe | |

|nosotros |nadamos |comemos |escribimos |Becky ____________________ carta a sus amigos. |

|vosotros |nadáis |coméis |escribís | |

|ustedes, ellos, ellas |nadan |comen |escriben |Hilary y Valerie _____________________ en el lago. |

| | | | |Ross y yo _________________ música en el radio. |

| | | | |Yo ____________________ un sándwich y ________ |

| | | | |leche. |

| | | | |Sara, tú ___________________ a una clase de |

| | | | |ejercicios, ¿no? |

| | | | |Todos los estudiantes _________________ la ropa los sábados. |

|IRREGULAR VERBS |The verb ver/ to see is irregular because it the conjugational pattern is different in the first person |

| |(yo). And, the verb ir/ to go is irregular because the entire conjugational pattern is altered. |

|The verbs salir/ to exit or to go out, venir/ to come, and hacer/ to do are all | |

|irregular verbs because they conjugation pattern in different in the first person | |

|(yo). They all end in –go. | |


| |veo |voy |On the way to the school cafeteria, you overhear bits of conversations. Complete|

| |ves |vas |using the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses. |

| |ve |va |JOHANA Hola, Devon, ¿Qué _______ (do) esta tarde? |

| |vemos |vamos |DEVON ______ (to go) al mercado, ¿y tú? |

| |veis |vais | |

| |ven |van | |

| |VENIR | | | | |

|SALIR |Venir also has a stem change. e |HACER | | | |

| |→ie | | | | |

|salgo |vengo |hago |JESSE ¿A qué hora ________________ (to go out) de tu clase de inglés? |

|sales |vienes |haces |MATTHEW _______________ (to go out) a las tres. |

|sale |viene |hace |CECILIA ¿A qué hora ________________ (to come) a mi casa a estudiar? |

|salimos |venimos |hacemos |AMY _____________(to come) más tarde, a las siete y media. |

|salís |venéis |hacéis |ASHLEY ¿_____________ (to see) ustedes muchas películas? |

|salen |vienen |hacen |SHAWN Sí, ________________ (to see) una película todos los sábados. |

Write a sentence for each verb using the first person only.


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|Terry is trying to find out more about Katy. Write Katy’s negative answers to Terry’s | |

|questions. | |

|MODELO |TERRY ¿Sales del trabajo tarde? | |

| |KATY No, no salgo del trabajo temprano. | |

|TERRY ¿Vienes temprano al colegio? | |

|KATY _________________________________________ | |

|TERRY ¿Salen mucho tú y tus amigos los fines de semana? | |

|KATY ______________________________ | |

|TERRY ¿Haces tus tareas en la biblioteca? | |

|KATY ________________________________________ | |

|TERRY ¿Ve mucho tu familia la televisión? | |

|KATY ________________________________________ | |

|TERRY ¿Vas con tu hermana a la fiesta de Brian? | |

|KATY ________________________________________ | |

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|Using salir, venir, hacer, ver and ir write a 50 word paragraph explaining what you do, | |

|who and/or what you see when you go out, where you go, and when you come home. | |

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|MODELO |Yo vengo a casa a las tres de la tarde. | |

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