Agatha/Calvin Thrash – Hydrotherapy




ABEHSERA, Michael – The Healing Clay, Our Earth Our Cure

ABRAHAMSON, M.D & PEZET A.W.- Body, Mind and Sugar

ABRAMOWSKI, OLM – Fruitarian Healing System - 1976

ACCIARDO, Marcia Madhuri – Light Eating for Survival

AIHARA, Herman – Acid & Alkaline – 1980

AIROLA, Paavo – How to Get Well, Swedish Beauty Secrets

AKEN, Van – The Great Exotic Fruit Book

ALBIN, Melanie – Total Wellness

ALEXANDER, Mathius – Alexander Technique

ALLEN James – As A Man Thinketh

ALLEN, Hannah – Vaccinations/Injections or Don’t Get Stuck!

ALLISON, Eloise – Unveiled Mysteries of Natural Healing – 1977

ANDERSON, Andy – Fasting Changed My Life – 1977

ANDERSON, John, - Cleanse and Purify Thyself, Bentonite

ANDERSON, Nina – ADD the natural approach, The Myth of the ADD child

ANDERSON, Rich – Clean & Purify Thyself – The Clean Me Out Program

ANDREWS, T – A Bibliography On Herbs, Herbal Medicine – 1982

APPLETON, Nancy - Licking the Sugar Habit

ARASAKI, T. & S – Vegetables from the Sea, Tokyo, Japan - 1983

ARCHER, John – Sydney Tap on water – 1998; The Water You Drink, How Safe Is It – 1996

ARMSTRONG, D & METZGER-ARMSTRONG – The Great American Medicine Show – 1991

ASHTON, David – Hidden Hazards

ATKINS, Robert – Atkins Center for Complimentary Medicine – New York – BEWARE!!!!!

BACH, Edward – Flower Essences, Heal Thyself - 1946

BADGLEY, Laurence – Healing AIDS Naturally – 1987

BAILEY, Steven – The Fasting Diet – 2002

BAKER, Arthur M – Awakening Our Self Healing Body - 1994

BALCH, James & Phyllis – Prescription for Healing, USA #1 Guide to Natural Health, The Super Anti-Oxidants

BALLENTINE, Rudolph – Diet and Nutrition: a holistic approach – 1978, Radical Healing – 1999

BALZ, Rodolphe – The Healing Power of Essential Oils

BANIK, Allen E – The Choice is Clear, ACRES USA – 1971

BANNER, Donald – Applied Iridology and Herbology - 1982

BARLOW, Max G. - The Identification, Preparation and Use of Medicinal Plants

BARNETT, Michael – Eyewitness to a Genocide, The UN and Rwanda

BARRETT, Stephen – Health Schemes, Scams and Frauds – Consumer Reports - 1990

BATES, W.H. – The Bates Method for Better Eyesight without Glasses - 1971

BATMANGHELIDJ, F – Your Body’s Many Cries for Water - 1996

BEARDALL, Alan – Kinesiology

BEASLEY, J.D. – The Betrayal of Health - 1991

BECK, Bodog F & SMEDLEY Doree – Honey and Your Health No.1 Natural Food - 1938

BECK, Robert – The Body Electric - 1986, Magnetic Therapies

BENJAMIN Harry, - Everybody's Guide to Nature Cure

BENSON, Herbert, Timeless Healing – 1996, Your Maximum Mind - 1987

BERGER, Stuart M. – What your Doctor didn’t learn in Medical School

BERMAN, Edgar – The Solid Gold Stethoscope – 1976, In Africa With Schweitzer - 1989

BERNARD, Neal – Food for Life, Foods the Fight Pain - 1998

BERNARD, Theos - Heaven Lies Within Us

BIELER, Henry G – Food is your Best Medicine - 1965

BIRCHER-BENNER, Ralph – Sanitarium in Zurich Switzerland Nutrition Plan – 1897

BISER, Sam – The Greatest Health Discoveries in the World – Richard Schulze & F Batmanghelidj

BISER, Sam – University of Natural Healing Inc. Cures from the Last-Chance Clinic – 1995

BLAND, Jeffrey – Digestive Enzymes, Nutritional Medicine

BLAYLOCK, Russell – Excitotoxins, The Taste that Kills – 1994

BOGDANICH, Walt – The Great White Lie – 1991

BOROCH, Ann – How to Cure Multiple Sclerosis – 2001

BORYSENKO, Joan – Minding the Body, Mending the Mind (National Bestseller) - 1987

BOYD, Billy Ray – Circumcision; What it Does - 1990

BRAGG, Paul/Patricia – Father of Naturopathy of USA, World’s Leading Healthy Lifestyle Authority

BRANDT, Johanna – Grape Cure – 1948

BRATMAN, Steven – Natural Health Bible - 1999

BRAVERMAN, E.R – The Healing Nutrients Within

BREMNESS, Lesley - Herbs

BRENNEMAN, Lew – Chemotherapy Disasters & Class Action Suit

BRIGHT, Bill – Your Personal Guide to Fasting and Prayer

BRODEUR, Paul – The Zapping of America

BRODY, Jane – Good Food Book, Nutrition Book

BROWN, R.E – Rockefeller Medicine Men: Capitalism and Medical Care in USA - 1979

BUCHINGER, Otto – About Fasting, A Royal Road to Healing – 1961

BUCHMAN, Dian Dincia – Complete book of Water Healings, Herbal Medicine

BUCKMAN, Robert & SABBAGH, Karl – Magic or Medicine – 1993

BUDWIG, Johanna – Flax Oils

BUENO, Lee – Fast Your Way to Health

BULLIVANT, Vaughan – The Natural Way to Better Health and Longer Life

BURROUGHS, Stanley – Lemonade Diet; Cleansing, Color Therapy

BUTEYKO, Konstantin Pavlovich – Breathing

BUZAN, Tony – Use Both Sides of your Brain, Use Your Perfect Memory

CABOT, Sandra – Liver Cleanse

CARPER, Jean – Your Miracle Brain, Miracle Cures (No.1 NY Best Seller) Stop Ageing Now - 1995

CARRINGTON, Hereward – Fasting for Health and Long Life, The History of Natural Hygiene - 1964

CARSON, Rachel – Silent Spring - 1962

CARTER, Albert – The Cancer Answer, The Miracles of Rebound Exercise – 1979

CARTER, J.O – Racketeering in Medicine - 1992

CARTER, James P – Racketeering in Medicine: Suppression of Alternatives – 1993

CARTIER, Jacques – Quebec Indians

CASS, Ingham – Killed on Contact

CAYCE, Edgar – Healing Miracles; Using your Bodies Energies

CHAITOW, Leon - Naturopath, Osteopath, The Healing Power of Amino Acids – 1989, Probiotics – 1990

CHAMBERLIN, Katy, Something Better, God’s Original Design, Strict Vegetarianism

CHERASKIN E – New Hope for Incurable Diseases - 1971, Psychodietetics - 1974

CHESSMAN, Millan – Stay Young and Healthy

CHOPRA, Deepak – Human Potential and Mind Body Medicine – San Diego

CHRISTOPHER, David – Son of Famous John Christopher

CHRISTOPHER, John – School of Natural Healing Master Herbalist – “The Incurables” Orem Utah

CHRISTY, Martha M. - Your Own Perfect Medicine – 1994, Simple Diagnostic Test you can do at Home - 1995

CLARK, Hulda Clark – Cure for all Diseases – 1995 /Cancers – 100 Case History - 1993

CLARK, Linda – Get Well Naturally 1971, Stay Younger Longer – 1961, Know your Nutrition - 1973

CLEAVE TL. – The Saccharine Disease

CLEMENT, Brian - Hippocrates Health Program

CLOUGH, Warren – Ozark Analytical Water Laboratory

COHEN, Alissa – The Raw Food Diet

COLGAN, M. – Your Personal Vitamin Profile - 1982

COMBY, Bruno – Maximize Immunity

CONTRERAS, Ernesto – Health in the 21st Century, Will Doctors Survive – 1997

COOPER, J.T – Fabulous Fructose Diet

COOPER, Kenneth – Controlling Cholesterol – 1988, New Aerobics – 1978, Antioxidant Revolution – 1994

COTT, Alan – Fasting as a Way of Life, The Ultimate Diet – 1986

COTTINGHAM, Steven – Australian Passport to Health - 1996

COUSINS, Gabriel – Tree of Life Organization - Raw foodist

COUSINS, Norman – Laughter is best Medicine, Anatomy of an Illness - 1979

CRAIG, Winston J – Nutrition & Wellness – A Vegetarian Way to Better Health – 1999

CRAWFORD, G – President Attention Deficit Disorder Foundation

CROOK, William G. – The Yeast Connection, A Medical Breakthrough - 1989

CULBERT, Michael L – Vitamin B17: Forbidden Weapon Against Cancer, Medical Armageddon – 2000

CULPEPPER, Nicholas - Culpepper's Complete Herbal

CURETON – Greatest authority on Physical Fitness, The Colder the Better

DAILEY, John F – Dailey’s Notes on BLOOD

DANIELS, Carol – Healing Secrets, 1654 Remedies from around the World – 1998

DARLING, K. – Weight No More - 1984

DAVIS, Adelle – Lets Get Well – Lets Eat Right – 1970

DAVIS, Andrew Jackson – The Temple, Diseases of the Brain and Nerves - 1910

DAVIS, Gail - WHAT DO I EAT? (The Complete Guide to Vegetarian Convenience Foods

DAY, Lorraine – AIDS, What the Government isn’t telling you - 1991

DAY, Phillip – Cancer: Why We’re Still Dying to Know the Truth – 2001, Health Wars - 2001

DELA TOREE, Teofilo – The Process of Physical Purification, New & Easy way to Fast – 1957

DELANGRE, Jacques – Seasalt’s Hidden Powers – 9th edition - 1990

DENCE, Calvin G – Your Heart’s Desire – Good Health – 1979

DENSMORE, Emmet – How Nature Cures - 1892

DePARRIE, Paul – Dark Cures – Have Doctors Lost Their Ethics? – 1998

DERMER, G.B – The Immortal Cell – 1994

DeSCHEPPER, Luc – Full of Life, How to Achieve and Maintain Peak Immunity – 1991

DEWEY, Edward – The True Science of Living – 1899, The Fasting Cure by the Father of Fasting

DEXTREIT, Raymond – Our Earth, Our Cure – Bentonite – 1974

DIAMOND, Harvey – Your Heart, Your Planet, Fit for Life – 1985, A Case Against Medicine - 1979

DIAMOND, John – Your Body Doesn’t Lie

DIBELLA, Luigi – Professor in Italy – Doctor Max Takes on ITALY

DIEHL, Hans – Lifestyle Capsules – Better Health in Easy Doses - 1991

DIOSCORIDES – The Greek Herbal - 1934

DISSENT in Medicine - 9 DOCTORS SPEAK OUT - 1985

DONSBACH, Kurt W – Metabolic Cancer Therapies, Holistic Cancer Therapy - 1993

DORIAN, Terry – Whole Foods Lecturer/Author, Hormonal Balance

DOSSEY, Larry – Prayer is Good Medicine – 1996, Space, Time and Medicine - 1982

DOUGLAS, William Campbell – Medical Newsletter

DUESBERG, Peter H – Inventing the Aids Virus – 1996

DUKE, Jans A – The Green Pharmacy

EALES, Margaretha – Living for Health (Pro-SDA) – 1988

ECK, Paul – Tissue Mineral Ratios

EDGLEY, Jeni – The Hideaway Sanctuary – Queensland Australia

EDGSON, Vicki & MARBER, Ian – The Food Doctor, Healing foods for mind and body – 1999

EDWARDS, Bonnie – America’s Favorite Drug – Coffee and Your Health - 1948

EHRET, Arnold – Mucusless Diet

ELLIOT, Rose – Vegetarian Slimming/Cooking

ELLIS, John M – The Doctor who looked at Hands - 1970

ELLIS, Katrina – Shattering the Cancer Myth – 2003

ENBY, Erik – Hidden killers – 1990

EPSTEIN, Samuel – The Politics of Cancer - 1978

ERASMUS, Udo – Fats that heal, Fats that kill

EVERS, Ray M - Leading Practitioner of "Chelation” therapy

FAILES, Janice McCall – Encyclopedia of Natural Health Secrets and Cures - 1988

FELDENKRAIS, Moshe – Feldenkrais Method

FERGUSON, Klacena M – Live Unfired Foods – 1995

FERRELL, Vance – Natural Remedies Encyclopedia – 1998

FEUER, Elaine – Innocent Casualties – The FDA’s War Against Humanity – 1996

FIELD, Frank – Take it Off with Frank - 1977

FINNEGAN, John – Understanding Fats and Oils

FISCHER, William – Hidden Secrets of Super Perfect Health at any Age - 1985

FIXX, James F – The Complete Book of Running

FORD, Desmond – Worth More than a Million

FOSTER, Cynthia A. - Stop the Medicine, a Medical Doctor's Miraculous Recovery with Natural Healing - 1999

FOSTER, Vernon W. – Newstart Program – Weimar Institute - 1989

FRAHM, Anne & David – A Cancer Battle Plan

FREDERICKS, Carlton – Eating Right For You, Food Facts and Fallacies, Low Blood Sugar and You -1975

FRENCH, R – The Man who lived in 3 centuries – Natural Society of Australia

FRY, TC – The Curse of Cooking – 1975, The Great AIDS Hoax – 1989

FUHRMAN, Joel – Natural Hygiene Doctor, Fasting and Eating for your Health

FULDER, Stephen – The Ginger Book – 1996, The Tao of Medicine - 1982

GACH, Michael Reed – Acupressure’s Potent Points

GAIA, Herbal Research Institute – Naturopathic Herbal Wisdom - 1994

GALEN, Greek - Surgeon to the gladiators of Pergamos, enormous corpus of medical works

GALLAND, Leo – Superimmunity for Kids – 1988

GALLO, Roe – Body Ecology - Perfect Body

GALTON, Lawrence – The Truth about Fiber in your Food

GANDHI, Mahatma – Nature Cure

GARTEN, MO – The Healing Secrets of a Naturopathic Doctor – 1967, Aches and Pains

GAYNOR, Mitchell L – Dr Gaynors Cancer Prevention Program – 1999

GERBER, Richard – Vibrational Medicine - 1988

GERSON, Charlotte – Gerson Institute for Cancer

GILES, William – Death Begins in the Colon - 1995

GITTLEMAN, Ann Louise - Guess What Came To Dinner – 1993

GLASSBURN, Vicki – Who Killed Candida

GLASSER, Ronald – The Body is the Hero – 1977

GLEESON, Russ – Jon Edmondson 24/11/38 - Anti-oxidants- The Man who stopped the Clock - 1986

GLOSS, Jethro – Back to Eden

GOFMAN, John W – Radiation and Human Health – 1981

GOLAN, Ralph – Optimal Wellness – 1995

GOLD, Basil – Water – Las Vegas

GOLDBERG, Burton – Alternative Medicine, Detox Therapies

GOLDSTEIN, Jack – Triumph over Disease by Fasting and Natural Diet

GOODRICH, Janet – Natural Vision Improvement

GORDON, Barry - Memory

GORE, Irene – Add Years to your Life and Life to your Years – 1973

GORRIS, Richard – ProBiotics

GRAHAM, Douglas N. - World-class Sports Nutritionist, President of Healthful Living International

GRAHAM, Sylvester – Graham Bread, Flours, Crackers

GRAY, Henry – Gray’s Anatomy Textbooks

GRAY, Robert – The Colon Health Handbook - 1991

GREENLEY, Patricia – The Joy of Soy

GREGORY, Dick – Bahamian Diet, Radical Nutritionist

GREGORY, Scott J & LEONARDO, Bianca – Conquering AIDS Now – 1986

GRIEVE, M – A Modern Herbal – Textbook – 1931

GRIFFIN, Des – Descent into Slavery

GRIFFIN, G Edward – B17, A World without Cancer - 1974

GRIFFIN, LaDean – Is Any Sick Among You? – 1974, Escape the Drug Scene

GRIGGS, Barbara – The Food Factor – Nutritional Approaches to Cancer/Disease

GRISMAIJER, Singer and Soma – Dressed to Kill

GRONOW, Les & TATE, Alan – Breathe In, Breathe Out, The Les Gronow Way

GRUBEN, Rozalind - England’s premier natural health lecturers and fitness trainers

GURDJIEFF, George I. – Meetings with Remarkable Men

GURSCHE, Siegfried – Juicing

GUYTON, Arthur – Textbooks of Medical Physiology

HACKETT, Willis J – Recharging Man’s Vital Force

HAGIWARA, Yoshihide – Green Barley Essence – The Ideal Fast Food - 1985

HAHNEMANN, Samuel – Founder of Homeopathy -1800’s

HALEY, Daniel – Politics in Healing

HALL, Dorothy – Iridology, The Natural Health Book, Herbal Medicine - 1976

HALL, Franklin – Fasting Books – Phoenix Arizona

HALL, Ross Hume – Food for Nought: The Decline in Nutrition – 1974

HALSTEAD, Bruce – Metabolic Cancer Therapy, The DMSO Handbook Chelation Therapy – 1981

HAMNER, Daniel & Burr, Barbara – Peak Energy

HANSEN, Richard – Naturopath, Get Well at Home

HANSSEN, Maurice – The New Additive Code Breaker

HARRIS, Anthony – Overdrive: A Human Maintenance Manual, Human Measurement

HARRIS, Tony – The Totally Healthy Person – A Case against Medicine

HARRISON, John – Love Your Disease

HASS, Elson M – Integrated Medicine, Preventive Medical Center – Staying Healthy

HASS, Robert – Eat to Win - 1983

HAVENS, F.C – The Possibility of Living 200 Years – 1986

HAWKINS, David – Orthomolecular Psychiatry

HAY, Louise L – You Can Heal Your Life – 1984

HAY, William Howard – A New Health Era – 1933, Superior Health Through Nutrition

HEIMLICH, Jane – What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You – 1990

HEINERMAN, John – The Treatment of Cancer with Herbs – 1980

HENDLER, Sheldon Saul – The Oxygen Breakthrough- 30 Days to an Illness Free Life – 1989 various

HENNESSY-Hartley, T - Healing by Water

HERBERT, Victor – Vitamins and 'health' foods: the great American hustle - UK

HERRING ????????

HIGHTOWER, Jim – Eat your Heart Out

HILL, Howard E – Introduction to Lecithin

HILLARY, Eve – Health Betrayal – 2003

HILLS, Christopher –Fasting with Spirulina Plankton – President of Microalgae International Union - 1979

HILLS, Lawrence Donegan - Comfrey report: the story of the world's fastest protein builder & Herbal healer

HIPPOCRATES – Greek 1/3 Fathers of Medicine - Hippocratic Corpus consists of some 60 medical treatises

HIRSCHHHORN, Howard H. – Helping Yourself to Health from the Sea, Pain Free Living - 1979

HITCHCOX, Lee – Long Life Now, Strategies for Tayling Alive - 1996

HOBBS, Christopher – Tonics, Bitters, Digestion & Elimination

HOFFER, Abram – Orthomolecular Medicine for Physicians – 1989, Schizophrenia and their Answers – 1987

HOFFMAN, Abraham – Chemical Imbalances -

HOFFMAN, Debbie – The Raw Food Program

HOFFMAN, Jay M – 15 Secrets of Oldest People in the World, Hunza Health Secrets, The Missing Link

HOFMAN, Lieselotte – The Great American Nutrition Hassle – 1978

HONNIBAL, E - I live on Fruit… and nothing else

HORNE, Ross – Health & Survival, Improving on Pritikin

HOROWITZ Leonard – Aids, Ebola and Emerging Viruses, Tetrahedron, LLC

HOSKING, Richard – You and Super Blue Green Algae

HOTEMA, Hilton – Perfect Creation

HOVANNESSIAN, Aterhov – Raw Eating or a World Free of Disease - 1967

HOWARD, A.B – Herbal Extracts

HOWARD, Saundra – The Spirulina Diet – 1982

HOWELL, Edward – Food Enzymes for Health and Longevity - 1980

HOXSEY, Harry M – You Don’t Have to Die - 1956


HUME, E. Douglas – Pasteur or Beauchamp – 1989

HUNT, Gerald – The Miracle Nutrient – Co-Enzyme Q-10

HUNTER, Beatrice – Consumer Beware – 1972, The Great Nutrition Robbery - 1978

HURLEY, Judith Benn – The Good Herb

HUTCHENS, Alma R. - Indian Herbology of North America

HUTCHINSON, Michael – Mega-Brain

IGRAM, Igram - The original Dr. Oregano, The Cure is in the Cupboard – 2001

ILLICH, Ivan – Medical Nemesis – 1975, Limits of Medicine – 1976

INGHAM, Eunice D – Reflexology, Zone Therapy – Founder - The Story The Feet Can Tell – 1938

INLANDER, Charles B – Medicine on Trial, President People’s Medical Society

ISSELS, Josef – Ringberg Clinic, Rottach-Egern, Germany – “Ganzheit Therapy” a “Whole Body”

IVKER, Robert S – Sinus Survival, President-elect, American Holistic Medical Association

JACOB, Stanley W & LAWRENCE, Ronald M – The Miracle of MSM – 1999

JARVIS, D.C. - Folk Medicine – 1958

JASMUHEEN, – Breatharian – Living on Light - The ELRAANIS Voice

JENNINGS, Issac – Human Degeneracy: Its Nature and Remedy – 1967

JENSEN, B. & ANDERSON, M. – Empty Harvest - 1990

JENSEN, Bernard – Colon Therapies/Naturopath - California

JUBB, David – Naturopath – The New York Schweitzer

KAMEN, Betty – Kamut, An ancient food for a healthy future

KANE, Emily - Enzymes: The Difference Between Raw and Cooked Foods

KAPLAN, Kathleen M. - Fertility God's Way, Overcoming Infertility with Respect to the Bible – 2003

KATAHN, Martin – The Rotation Diet; Best-selling USA book – 1986

KAUFMANN, Klaus – Kombucha, Silica, Juicing

KELLEY, William Donald – One Answer to Cancer - 1970

KELLOGG, John Harvey – Rational Hydrotherapy – 1900’s, Itinerary of a Breakfast

KENT, Saul – Life Extension Foundation

KENTON, Leslie & Susannah – Raw Energy Books – 1984

KENYON, Julian – Acupressure Techniques, Worlds Leading Acupuncture Unit

KERR, John – Don’t Call a Doctor - 1987

KERVAN, L Kervan – Biological Transmutation, Biophysicist, Paris, France

KEVILLE, Kathi – Herbs for Health and Healing

KEYS, Ancel & Margaret – Eat Well and Stay Well – 1963

KICK, Russ – Everything you Know is Wrong

KIDSON, Don – The Juice Prophet – The Living Light House

KIM, Peter – The Day America told the Truth – 1992

KIME, Zane R – Sunlight Could Save Your Life - 1980

KINNAIRD, Philiph – The Iridology & Body Electronics Workbook

KIRBAN, Salem – How to keep healthy and happy by Fasting – 1976

KIRLIAN, Semyon D.– Russian Aura Photography

KIRSCHNER, H,E – Natures Healing Grasses, Are You what you Eat – 1960, Natures 7 Doctors – 1962

KISHI, Michio – The Book of Macrobiotics

KLAPER, Michael – Vegan Nutrition: Pure and Simple – 1987

KLATZ, Ronald – Grow Young with HGH - 1997, Stopping the Clock - 1996

KLEIN, Dave - Living Nutrition Magazine, the world's premier raw food lifestyle periodical

KNEIPP, Father Sebastian – German Priest - Herbal Baths – Healing With Mead

KOENIG, Ede- The Whole Kernel – 1987

KOPKO, Thomas – True Healing with Natures Doctors – 1995

KORDEL, Lelord – Internationally famed nutrition authority on how to prepare food - 1970

KORDICH, Jay – The Juiceman’s Power of Juicing - 1992

KOWALSKI, R.E – The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure - 1987

KOZEL, Charles – Cure Yourself

KREBS, Ernst T - Laetrile

KREIG, M.B – Green Medicine – The Search for Plants that Heal - 1964

KRIEGE, Theodor & PRIEST A.W – Disease Signs in the Iris – 1985

KROEGER, Hanna – God Helps Those That Help Themselves - 1984, Parasites, The Enemy Within - 1991

KRONBERGER Hans & LATTACHER Siegbert – On the Track of Water’s Secret - 1995

KUGLER, Hans J – Slowing down the Aging Process, 7 Keys to a Longer Life – 1978

KUHNE, Louis – The New Science of Healing, Germany - 1894

KULVINSKAS Viktoras - Father of the Living Foods Movement – Survival in 21st Century - 1975

KUNIN, R.C. - Meganutrition for Woman - 1983

KURTZ, Ron – Illustrated Guide to the Psychology of the Body, The Body Reveals - 1976

KUSHI, Michio & Aveline – Your Face Never Lies, Crime in Diet, The Macrobiotic Path to Ultimate Health – 1978

LABECKEE, - Atlas Vertebrae;

LAFAYETTE, Institute for Basic Research Inc. The Secret of Youth, finally Discovered

LAGERQUIST, Ron – Fasting to Freedom

LALANNE, Jack – Physical Fitness & Nutrition

LAMBERT, Edward C. – Modern Medical Mistakes

LANGER, Stephen E – The Riddle of Illness – Thyroid Hormone Supplementation

LANGRE, Jacques – Sea Salts Hidden Powers

LANGREDER, Wilhem – German Nosode Homeopathy

LAPPE, France Moore – Diet for a Small Planet - 1991

LASKS, Keith – The Great Billion Dollar Medical Swindle – 1980

LAURITSEN, John – Poison By Prescription. The AZT Story – 1990, The AIDS War - 1993

LEAF, Alexander – Researched, Abkhazians Russia, Vilacabambans Ecuador, Hunzakuts Pakistan

LEIBER, Carolyn Daniels – Health: Doorway to Happiness - 1991

LEWIS, Howard & Martha – The Medical Offender – 1970

LEWIS, Jason - Guinness Book of Records, Pedal Power, Roller Blade

LEY, Beth M – DHEA

LIBERMAN, Jacob – Light, Medicine of the Future - 1991

LILLYQUIST, Michael J – Sunlight and Health - 1975

LINDLAHR, Henry – Nature Cure

LINDSAY, Gordon – The Real Reason Why Christians are Sick

LININGER, Skye – The Natural Pharmacy (from the world’s most trusted experts) - 1998

LISA, P J – The Great Medical Monopoly Wars – 1986, Are you a Target for Elimination – 1985

LITTLE, John & Wolff, Bob – Building the Classic Physique, The Natural Way, Steve Reeves - Hercules

LLOYD, Patti C – Acu-Energy

LOOMIS, Howard – Irritable Bowel Syndrome, The Concept of Homeostasis, Enzymes

LOPEZ, D.A., WILLIAMS, R.M MIEHLKE, M – Enzymes, The fountain of Youth – 1994

LOVE, Susan – Love Your Breasts, Hormone Book

LOW, Tim – Wild Food Plants of Australia – Textbook – 1988

LUBKE, Joyce – I Had No Say, Natural Living Handbooks for Pregnant Woman/Babies – 1985

LUST, Benedict – Zone Therapy – Only Nature Cure’s – Father of Naturopathy

LUST, John – The Herb Book

LUTZNER, Helmut – Successful Fasting, The Easiest way to cleanse your body of its Poisons - 1978

LYMAN, Howard F – Mad Cowboy

LYNES, Barry – The Healing of Cancer – The Cures, Cover-Ups and Solutions

MACFADDEN, Bernarr – Physical Culture Creed

MAE, Eydie – How I Conquered Cancer Naturally

MAJID, Ali – The Canary and Chronic Fatigue – 1994

MAJOR, Ralph – A History of Medicine

MALKUMUS, George – HalleluYah diet, Why Christians Get Sick – 1989

MALSTROM – Own your Own Body – 1977, Be Your Own Doctor – 1979, Your Colon…

MARCHETTI, Albert – Beating The Odds - 1988

MARION, Joseph B. - Anti-Aging Encyclopedia

MARSHALL, Anne & KELLY, Carolyn – The World’s Healthiest Foods

MARTIN, Art – Your Body is Talking, Are you Listening? - 1997

MAYER, Jean – A Diet for Living – 1975

MAZEL, Judy – The Beverly Hills Diet – 1987

McANALLEY, Bill - Mannatech’s (MLM Company) Chief Science Officer

MCBEAN, Eleanor – The Poisoned Needle (evils of vaccinations)

McCABE, Ed – Oxygen Therapies – 1988

McCLINTOCK, Robert – Gods Healing Leaves

McDOUGALL, John A, The McDougall Plan

McMILLEN, S.I – None of these Diseases

MCNAB, Tom – Olympic Coach - 'Flanagan's Run' - most successful sports novel ever

MEIER, Larry – Life Enthusiast Co-Op

MEINZ, David – Eating by the Book

MENDELSON, Robert - Confessions of a Medical Heretic - 1979

MENIG, George – Root Canal Cover-Up Exposed

MERCOLA, Joseph - How To Enhance Your Health With Juicing Vegetables

MESSINA, Mark – The Vegetarian Way - 1996

MEYEROWITZ Steve - The Sproutman

MICHAEL, Russ – Miracle Cures, Catalyst Altered Water – 1984

MIDDLEMAN, Stu - America's most well-known and successful endurance athletes and fitness trainers

MINDELL, Earl – Mindell’s Vitamin Bible for the 21st Century

MITROPOLOUS Con – Personal Trainer/Body Shaper - Australia

MONTGOMERY, Beth – ''Transitioning to Health: A Step-by-Step Guide for You and Your Children'' 

MOORE, Cliff – Foods That Turn You On - Australian Naturopath

MOORE, Thomas J – Deadly Medicine – 1995, Heart Failure - 1989

MOREHOUSE, Laurence – Total Fitness – No.1 Best seller - 1975

MORRISON, Marsh – Doctor Morrison’s Miracle Body Tune-Up for Rejuvenated Health - 1973

MORTER, Ted M – Your Health, Your Choice

MOSS, Ralph W. – The Cancer Syndrome – 1980 Free Radicals – 1988, The Cancer Industry - 1991

MOSS, Susan – Keep Your Breasts

MOTT, Laurie & SYNDER, Karen – Pesticide Alert

MOWER, Tom – Founder/President of NEWAYS International

MOWRER, Daniel B, The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine

MULLINS, Eustace – The Medical Behind America, Murder by Injection – 1988

MURAMOTO, Naboru – Healing Ourselves - 1973

MURRAY, Michael & PIZZORNO, Joseph – Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine – 1998, Healing Power of Herbs

NAKAMURA, Hiroshi – Japan, Spirulina and Edible Plankton -1979

NAMBUDRIPAD, Devi S – Say Goodbye to Illness - 1993

NAPIER, Hans – Cancer Germany

NEDLY, Neil - Proof Positive – 1998

NETTER, Frank – Genius Doctor/Artist on Medical Textbooks

NEWMAN, Laura – Make Your Juicer Your Drug Stores - 1970

NICHOLS, Joe D. – Please Doctor, Do Something

NIDETCH, Jean – The Story of Weight Watchers (as told to Joan Rattner Heilman) - 1970

NIEMAN, David – Sports Fitness

NISON, Paul – The Raw Life

NITTLER, Alan H. – A New Breed of Doctor

NOLFI, Kristine – My Experiences with Living Foods

NOONTIL, Annette – The Body is the Barometer of the Soul II - 1994

NORDENSTROM, Bjorn – Electric Man

NULAND, Sherwin – The Wisdom of the Body – 1997

NULL, Gary – Food Combining; Body Pollution, Various, Radio Personality

ODY, Penelope – The Complete Medicinal Herbal

OFFICER, Tony - Why Grow Old

OHASHI, Wataru - Reading the Body: Ohashi's Book of Oriental Diagnosis, Shiatsu

OHSAWA, George – Zen Microbiotics – 1965

OPPEDISANO, Rocco – Naturecure

ORLOCK, Carol – Know Your Body Clock - 1993

ORMARTIAN, Stormie – Greater Health God’s Way – 1984

ORNISH, Dean – Program for Reversing Heart Disease - 1990

OSKI, I Frank A – Don’t Drink Your Milk - 1977

OTT, John Nash – Light Therapy, Photobiologist, Health and Light - 1976

PACKER, Lester - The Antioxidant Miracle: Put Lipoic Acid, Pycogenol, and Vitamins E and C to Work for You

PAGE, Linda Rector – Healthy Healing - 1985

PAGES, Lou – How to Give her Absolute Pleasure

PALAISEUL , Jean – Grandmothers Secrets, Her Green Guide to Health from Plants - 1972

PALMER, BJ - Originated the Science of Chiropractic

PALMER, Daniel David – Founded Chiropractic in 1885 in Davenport, Iowa

PARACELSUS, Philippus – famed Swiss Physician – 1/3 Fathers of western Medicine

PASSWATER, Richard – Health and Fitness Books, The New Supernutrition - 1979

PATENAUDE, Fred – Sunfood Delights – French Raw Gourmet

PAULING, Linus – Vitamin C, The Common Cold and The Flu – 1976, Cancer and Vitamin C - 1979


PEARSON, Duke. & Shaw, Sandy. – Life Extension, A Practical Scientific Approach - 1982

PEDERSON, Mark – Nutritional Herbology – Exhaustive Leading Authority, Brigham Young

PELLETIER, Kenneth R. – The Best Alternative Medicine, What Works, What Does Not - 2000

PERCIVAL, J – The Essiac Handbook - 2001

PETERS, Theodore – All about Albumin – Leading Expert in the world on Albumin research

PETERS, Warren – Mystical Medicine (SDA) – 1995

PETERSON, Roger Tory – Field Series Guide, Medicinal Plants, Edible Wild Plant, Wild Flowers

PETTITT, Ian – Mr Lymphaciser Model RH48 – Brisbane, Australia

PFEIFFER, Carl C. – Nutrition and Mental Illness - 1987

PHILLIPS, Bill – Body for Life – 1999

PHILPOTT, William H & KALITA, Dwight – Victory over Diabetes – A Bio-Ecologic Triumph

PIZZORNO, Joseph – Total Wellness - 1996

PLETSCHKE, Kris A. - Wholistic professional, Raw Foodist – The Raw Conscious Evolution - 2004

POTTENGER, Francis M – Cats – A Study in Nutrition – Pottenger Foundation - 1983

PRICE, Ron – AIM International Health Products

PRICE, Weston A – Nutrition and Physical Degeneration – 1945

PRIESSNITZ, Vincent – Originator of Nature Cure – Austria

PRITIKIN, Nathan – The Pritikin Diet, Live Longer Now

PROHASKA, Steve – Little Known Secrets of Health and Long Life - 1974

PROXMIRE, William – You Can Do It – 1973

QUILLIN, Patrick – Healing Secrets from the Bible

QUINN, Dick – Left for Dead - 1992

RABIN, Mitchell – “A Better World” – Interviews The Most Incredible People from around the World

RAINBOW, Joshua – Fructarian Activist

RAMACHARAKA, Yogi - Science of Breath

RANSON, S – Plague, Pestilence & the Pursuit of Power – 2001

RANSON, Steven & DAY, Phillip – World Without AIDS – 2000

RAPP, Doris – Is This Your Child? – 1991

RAPPOPORT, John – AIDS Inc. Scandal of the Century – 1988

RAY, John Whitman – Master of Transformational Sciences; Body Electronics, Health and Human Mind

REEVES Steve – Bodybuilder – Ultimate Body

REUBEN, David – Everything you always wanted to know about Nutrition, The Save Your Life Diet

RICE, Stephen – Some Doctors Make You Sick. The Scandal of Medical Incompetence – 1988

RICHARD, David – Stevia Rebaudiana: Natures Sweet Secret

RICHTER, John T – Nature the Healer

RIEBEL, L. & KAPLAN, J. –Obsessed with Food; what you need to know about eating disorders – 1989

RITTER, Thomas J & DENNISTON, George C – Say NO to Circumcision – 1996

ROBBINS, John – Diet for a New America and Reclaiming our Health

ROCINE, Victor .Gabriel – Hippocrates, Jensen Advocate

RODALE, Robert – The Best Health Ideas I Know, Rodale Press and Prevention Magazine

ROGERS, Sherry A, Depression Cured at Last, The Environmental Illness Syndrome and Tired and Toxic

ROLF, Ida – Rolfing – 1930’s

ROLLIER, - Sanatoriums in Switzerland, Snow Baths

RONA, Zoltan – Return to the Joy of Health – 1995, Childhood Illness and the Allergy Connection – 1997

ROSENBAUM, Edward E – A Taste of my own Medicine

ROSENBERG Harold – The Doctor’s Book of Vitamin Therapy: Megavitamins for Health

ROSENFELD, Isadore – The Complete Medical Exam – 1978

ROSENFIELD, Harvey – Silent Violence, Silent Death, Medical Malpractice - 1994

ROSENVOLD, Lloyd – Drop Your Blood Pressure - 1974

ROSETREE, Rose - The Power of Face Reading, Wrinkles are God’s make-up

ROSS, Julie – The Diet Cure

ROSS, Shirley – Fasting, The Super Diet

ROSSITER, Federick M – Waters for Health and Healing

ROTH, Eli & STREICHER-LANKIN, Sandra – Good Cholesterol, Bad Cholesterol

ROTH, Julius A – Health Purifiers and their Enemies

ROTH, Mattias – Eradicating Health Disease

ROYAL, Penny – Herbally Yours - 1993

RUESCH, Hans – Slaughter of the Innocent

SAKURAZAWA, Nyoiti - You are all Sanpaku

SALAMAN, Maureen Kennedy – Nutrition, The Cancer Answer, The Diet Bible, Foods that Heal

SAMUELS, Mike – Well Body, Well Earth: The Sierra Club Environmental Health Sourcebook – 1983

SANTILLO, Humbart – Food Enzymes – the missing link to radiant health - 1987

SARNAT, Michael – Physician Heal Thyself - 1995

SAS, A.C – Plants and Health – 1984

SCHAEFFER, Severin – Instinctive Nutrition

SCHARFFENBERG, J.A. – Problems with Meats - 1979

SCHAUBERGER, Victor – Living Waters – 1885-1958

SCHECHTER, Steven R – Fighting Radiation & Chemical Pollutants - 1988

SCHEIBNER, Viera – Vaccination – 100 years of Orthodox Research - 1993

SCHENDEL, Gordon – Medicine in Mexico – From Aztec to Betatrons

SCHLOSSER, Eric – Fast Food Nation – 2002

SCHMID, R.F. – Traditional Foods are your Best Medicine - 1987

SCHOENSTADT, David – The San Francisco Weight-Loss Method – 1975

SCHROEDER, Henry A – The Trace Element of Man, The Poisons Around Us - 1978

SCHUESSLER, W.H. – Bio-chemic Tissue Salts

SCHULICK, Paul – GINGER, Common Spice of Wonder Drug - 1993

SCHULZE, Richard – World Authority on Herbs/Natural Healing, Mr CAYENNE, The Incurables Program

SCHWARTZ – Diets Don’t Work – 1982

SCHWEITZER Albert – How White Man’s Diet Affects Natives of Africa

SCOTT, Cyril - Doctors Disease and Health

SEATON, Ken – All About Albumin – Theodore Peters – World Authorities on ALBUMIN

SEIGEL, Bernie S – Love, Medicine and Miracles – 1986

SEMMELWEIS, Ignas – Hungarian Obstetrician

SEYLE, Hans – World’s Leading Authority on STRESS, The Stress of Life - 1956

SHACKLETON, Basil – The Grape Cure - 1969

SHARAMON Shalila & BAGINSKI, Bodo J – The Healing Power of Grapefruit seed – 1996

SHEEHAN, George – Runners World Magazine, Dr Sheehan on Running - 1975

SHELDON, Saul Hendler – The Oxygen Breakthrough, Complete Guide to Anti-aging nutrients

SHELTON, Herbert – Natural hygiene Press, Fasting Can save Your Life – 1934-1971, Natural Hygiene/Nutrition

SHIELDS, Jack – The Central Propulsion of Human Thoracic Duct Lymph - Film

SHILS, M.E & Young, V.R. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease – 1988

SHINN, Florence - Game of Life

SHOOK, Edward – Herbs

SHUTE, Wilfred E – Vitamin E for ailing and Healthy Hearts

SIDHWA, Heki R.- Medical Drugs on Trial? Verdict “Guilty” – 1976

SIEGAL, Sanford – Dr Siegal’s Natural Fiber Permanent Weight-Loss Diet - 1975

SIEGEL, Bernie S – Love, Medicine and Miracles – 1986

SILVERMAN, W A – Controlled Clinical Trials – 1991, Human Experimentation – 1985

SIMMONS, Richard – Farewell to Fat

SINATRA, Stephen T - The Coenzyme Q10 Phenomenon

SINCLAIR, Upton – The Fasting Cure

SINGER, Peter & MASON, Jim – Animal Factories - 1980

SITT, Paul – Fighting the Food Giants – 1980

SKLAR, Yvonne – Creative Health Alternatives, Iridology/Herbology – 1989

SMITH, Russell – The Cholesterol Conspiracy - 1991

SNIADACH, Robert - President of the Transformation Institute and Dean of the School of Natural

SOBEL, D. – Ways of Health: holistic approaches to ancient and contemporary medicine - 1979

SOLOMON, Henry, A – The Exercise Myth – 1984

SOLOMON, Neil – Noni Juice – 101 Medicinal Uses - 1991, The Truth about Weight Control - 1971

SPERBER, Perry A. – Drugs, Demons, doctors and Disease

SPOCK, Benjamin – Baby and Child Care

STAFFORD, Julie – Juicing for Health – 200 recipes - 1994

STEELE, Matthew – The Warburton Program - 1985

STEIN, Laura – The Bloomingdale’s Eat Healthy Diet – 1986

STEINER, Rudolph – Extending Practical Medicine - 1996

STEINMAN, David – Diet for a Poisoned Planet

STEPHANSSON, Vilhjalomur – CANCER: A Disease of Civilization - 1960

STERN, David E – MD

STILL, Andrew Taylor – First School of Osteopathy - 1892

STONE, Irwin – The Healing Factor – Vitamin C Against Disease

STONE, Randolph – Polarity Therapy

STRECKER, Theodore A – Bio-Attack Alert

SUMNER, J.B – The Secret of Life-Enzymes

SUZUKI, David – Award-winning Scientist, Environmentalist and Broadcaster

SWERN, D – Bailey’s Industrial Oil and Fat Products – 1979

SWOPE, Mary Ruth – What to Eat & What Not to Eat

SZEKELY, Edmond Bordeaux - Scientific Vegetarianism, The Essenes Followers, Treasury of Raw Foods

SZENT-GYORGYI, Albert – The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1937

SZMUNESS, Doctor Wolf – Chief of NY Blood Center; the Man who created AIDS

TARNOWER, Herman & BAKER, Samm Sinclair – The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet - 1977

TARSHIS, Barry – DMSO, The True Story of a Remarkable Pain-Killing Drug – 1981

TAYLOR, Lillian – Clean up the Blood Stream and Live

TAYLOR, Renee – Hunza Health Secrets – 1964

TEASDALE, George – Naturopath

TEMKIN, Osiver – Ancient Medicine

TENNEY, Deanne & Louise - The Natural Guide to Colon Health, Nutritional Guide – 1994, Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies

TESSLER, Gordon – Clean and Unclean Foods, The Genesis Diet

THOMAS, Charles – Desert Hot Springs

THOMAS, John – Young Again, How to Reverse the Aging Process – 1994

THOMAS, Richard – The Essiac Report

THOMSON, R. Campbell – The Assyrian Herbal

THOMSON, Robert – Natural Medicine

THRASH, Agatha/Calvin – Hydrotherapy, Natural Remedies – 1983, Animal Connections - 1983

TICKELL, John – Australian MD – A Passion for Living - Motivational Speaker on Health Issues

TIERRA, Michael – Planetary Herbology

TIETZE, Harold – Naturopath, Miracle Fungus

TILDEN, JH – Impaired Health Cause and Cure, Toxemia Explained - 1926

TIPS, Jack – Nature Cure

TRADER, Tim - Hygienic Naturopathic Doctor

TRAGER, Milton – Founder of Tragering – Gentle shaking and rocking

TRALL, R.T – The True Healing Art

TRATTLER, Adrian, Ross and Jones – Better Health through Natural Healing

TREBEN, M – Health Through God’s Pharmacy

TRUDEAU, Kevin - Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About

TYLER, Varro, E – Herbs of Choice

UBELL, Earl – How to Save your Life – 1973

UDALL, Kate Gilbert – Brain Nutrients

USUI, Mikso – REIKI; discovered in the ancient SUTRA manuscripts – 1822

VANDORN, Frederic – Guide to the Fountain of Youth - 1983

VANFOSSEN, Rebecca – Natures Medicine Chest

VICKERY, Donald M – Lifeplan & Take Care of Yourself – 1990

VICTOROFF, Jeff – Saving your Brain

VIERRA, Danny – A Modern Manna, Lodi Health Foods

VODDER, Emil – Textbook of Dr.Vodder’s Manual Lymph Drainage – 1978

VOGEL, H – The Nature Doctor, American Indian Medicine

VOLL, Reinhold – German Physician, EAV, Electro-Acupuncture, Homeopathy

VONDERPLANITZ, Aajonus – All Raw Primitive Diet

WADE, Carlson – Bee Pollen and Your Health, Inner Cleansing – 1983

WAERLAND, Are – The Health Handbook – Swedish

WALDBOTT, George – Fluoridation, the great dilemma – 1978

WALFORD, Roy – Maximum Life Span, Aging/Gerontologist Specialist

WALKER, Morton – Townsend Letter for Doctors , Olive Leaf Extract, Various, Rebounding - 1981

WALKER, Norman – Become younger 1949, Vibrant Health 1972, Colon Health – 1979

WALLACH, Joel – Lets Play Doctor 4th Edition - 1995

WALTERS, Richard – The Alternative Cancer Book – 23 Solutions

WALTON, Lewis & Jo-Ellen – Six Extra Years

WARBURG, Otto – Director Max Planck-Institute for Cell Physiology Nobel Prize – 1931, Oxygen Therapies

WATTENBERG, Ben – The Birth Dearth – 1987

WEAVER, Don - Soil Remineralization

WEBSTER, David – Acidophilus & Colon Health – 1980, Achieve Maximum Health - 1995

WEGER, George – The Genesis and Control of Disease – 1931

WEIL, Andrew – Living from Nature, Spontaneous Healing – 1995

WEINER, Michael A. – Maximum Immunity – 1986, The Herbal Bible - 1992

WEISE, Devanando Otfried- Longevity (Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth)

WENNER, Paul - Garden Cuisine - Inventor of the Gardenburger veggie patty

WERBACH, M – Nutritional Influences on Mental Illness – 1991, Healing Through Nutrition - 1993

WERTH, Barry – The billion dollar molecule, one company’s quest for the perfect drug – 1994

WEST, Samuel Corwin –International Academy of Lymphology, The Golden Seven Plus One - 1982

WESTRA, Christopher – How to Implement the Raw Food Diet

WHALLEY, Laurence – The Ageing Brain

WHEELWRIGHT, A.S – Systemic Herbology, Bioenergetics Nutrition, Schlerology

WHITE, Ellen G. – Counsels on Diet and Foods

WHITTAKER, Julian, M – Alternate Medical Newsletters, Reversing Heart Disease – 1985, The Memory Solution

WIGMORE, Ann – Wheat Grass, Be Your Own Doctor – 1973, Naturama Living Textbook, The Hippocrates Diet

WILEY, Harvey W – History of a Crime – How could it Happen - 1929

WILLARD, John - Catalyst Altered Water

WILLARD, Terry – Helping Yourself with Natural Remedies

WILLIAMS, Donald R – Dead By Now – 1995

WILLIAMS, Roger J – Nutrition in a Nutshell, Nutrition against Disease – 1971

WILLIS, Richard J.B. – Holistic Health Holistic Hoax? - 1997

WINTER, Ruth – Poisons in your Foods; Beware of the Food You Eat – 1971

WINTERS, Jason – Cancer Conquered Naturally

WLODYGA, Ronald R, - Health Secrets from the Bible

WOLFE, David – Raw Food Specialist

WOLFORD, Roy – Eating Lean Lengthens Life, Anti-Ageing

WOLFRAM, Klaus – “Fruit” best of all Foods

WOLFSEN, Al – Healing by God’s Natural Methods

WOLINSKI, Howard & BRUNO, Tom – The Serpent and the Staff, Unhealthy Politics f the AMA - 1994

WOOD, H Curtis – Over Fed but under Nourished, 1959, The Doctors Speak Out - 1965

WRIGHT, Jonathan – Dr Wright’s Book of Nutritional Therapy – 1979

YAM, Philip - The Pathological Protein: Mad Cow, Chronic Wasting, and Other Deadly Prion Diseases

YANICK, Paul – You can Hear Better – 1984

YIAMOUYIANNIS, John – High Performance Health – 1987, Fluoride, the Ageing Factor - 1983

YOSHIHIDE, Hagiwara – Green Barley Essence

YOUNG, Brigham – Mormon

YOUNG, Gary – Young’s Essential Oils

YOUNG, James Harvey - American Health Quackery

YOUNG, Robert O – The pH Miracle – Balance your Diet; Reclaim your Life

YUDKIN, John, - Sweet and Dangerous, Startling New Facts on Sugar - 1972

ZERDEN, Sheldon – The Best of Health – The 101 Best Books

ZIFF, Sam – The Toxic Time Bomb

ZIMMERMAN, John – Bio-Electrics Magnetics Institute


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