What is Quelacion

What is Quelacion?

The therapy called Quelacion is an arterial cleansing of damaging chemical substances, which are the cause of many ailments. The application of this therapy improves the circulatory conditions associated with the hardening of arteries, which can lead to embolism, hypertension, angina, heart attacks, loss of memory, loss of vision, or impotency. The chemical substances that plug up and harden the arteries which interfere with the regular cellular process are removed. In the US, this hardening of the arteries has been determined as the fundamental cause in many deaths caused by illness. Two thousand US doctors actually practice this therapy. The procedure, relatively simple, safe and effective, has been applied during the past 30 years. Millions of people all over the world have received the benefits of intravenous therapy of “quelacion”. There are hundreds of published scientific writings which document the efficacy of this treatment. The therapy of “quelacion” stimulates the body to recover the bone strength; it removes chemical substances that cause pain and lack of movement in joints. It profoundly improves many metabolic and physiologic processes in the body.

“I didn’t want to become a lab rat”

By Hadi Kariminaser.

When I discovered that I had cancer, I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. The first thing that went through my mind was worrying about my wife and children. After emigrating from Iran, all I wanted was to have a better life, but, what happened? Why me?

I went to the best Oncology Department in Washington. After waiting for two hours, and becoming a rat lab to the doctors, they told me that I needed neutron therapy, which would make my mouth dry and I would have to carry water bottles with me everywhere I went. Also, I could end up stuttering in the future. With this treatment, my life span could be extended for about five more years. Finally, after searching, with the help of God, and the help of one of my relatives, I was introduced to an America doctor who practiced medicine in Ecuador for many years, and he used traditional medicine with simple, painless treatments, and without any agony or dismemberment. After discussing it with my conscience and my family, I made a decision. Before poisoning and frying my body with chemotherapy and radiation, I decided to accept the treatment. I flew to Quito and remained in his clinic for six weeks. And now, after a year, I went back to thank him for his great work. I am free of cancer. Now I am a living witness of alternative medicine.

I have my life back thanks to God and Dr. Wickman.

Maritza Sanchez traveled from Loja to the capital city to have a brain tumor extracted in an operation programmed by the Military Hospital. Everything went well, until the doctor told her that she also needed to undergo chemotherapy treatment, since the tumor was cancerous. Those were difficult moments for her and her family. She went through one session of chemotherapy, which turned out extremely painful. The frailty of her body made it impossible to think of repeating other chemo sessions. Her husband, who was by her side during those trying times, found out about Dr. Wickman and his work, and decided to take her to him. They spent 6 months in Quito, but the effort was worth it. She put herself in the doctor’s hands, and after four years she looks healthy and peaceful. She went through the process of “quelacion”. Today, her only medication is a small pill once a day, which she takes with faith and discipline. “God and Dr. Wickman gave me my life back”, says the young, healthy 32 year old woman, to whom that cancerous tumor, is nothing but a bad memory.

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With a modern system, hydrotherapy of the colon is performed, which allows the cleansing of this very important human organ.

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This patient receives a massage session for the improvement of the bone system.

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Natural medicine, necessary for treatment, is found in the same doctor’s office.


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