(1) Which is an example of a biotic factor that affects ...

Part One Multiple Choice 70% Choose the best answer

1. Which of the following textures represents a very slowly cooled igneous rock?


2. Which of the following sediments shows the best sorting?


3. In the photomicrograph below, wWhich sand grain has most likely travelled the greatest distance?

A. W B. X C. Y D. Z


4. Which of the following sediments could be lithified to produce a biochemical

sedimentary rock?

A. desert sands B. glacial outwash

C. landslide deposits D. microorganism skeletons

5. Which of the following is the most important factor in determining the mineral

composition of the metamorphic rock marble?

A. the pressure at which it formed

B. the temperature at which it formed

C. the density of the original parent rock

D. the chemical composition of the original parent rock

Use the following list of processes to answer question 6.

1. cooling of granite 2. melting of sediment

3. weathering of granite 4. lithification of sediment

5. recrystallization of granite 6. transportation of sediment

6. Which of the following gives the correct order for the complete formation of a

sedimentary rock?

A. 5, 2, 1 B. 3, 6, 4

C. 4, 5, 2 D. 1, 3, 6

7. What term is used to describe the parallel alignment of minerals in a schist?

A. graded bedding B. sedimentary layering

C. metamorphic foliation D. regional metamorphism

Questions 8 – 12 refer to the diagram below


8. Which of the following is the correct sequence of events (from oldest to youngest) in the

geologic history of this area?

A. deposition of layers from 6 to 1, intrusion of igneous rock, faulting

B. deposition of layers from 1 to 6, intrusion of igneous rock, faulting

C. deposition of layers from 6 to 1, faulting, intrusion of igneous rock

D. deposition of layers from 1 to 6, faulting, intrusion of igneous rock

9. Which of the layers above likely are limestone?

A. 1, 5 B. 2, 6 C. 2, 3 D. 1, 6

10. Which of the layers are likely to be conglomerate?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

11. Around which of the following features can we see contact metamorphism

A. A B. B C. C D. D

12. “Layer 2 is older than layer 3 and older than layer 1.” This is an application of which principle?

A. succession B. superposition C. uniformitarianism D. catastrophism

13. Geologist James Hutton’s concept of how Earth’s physical features have changed is called

uniformitarianism. According to this concept, which of the following explains how these

changes have occurred?

A. sudden catastrophes B. hardening of the earth’s crust

C. eruptions of ancient volcanoes D. natural forces which continue to happen

|14. At the end of the Cretaceous period, 70% to 80% of all species on Earth became extinct, perhaps due to an asteroid impact. Which of the |

|following is a major group of organisms that have been increasingly dominant from the end of the Permian to the present? |

|A. trilobites |B. dinosaurs |

|C. mammals |D. brachiopods |

| |

|15. In which sedimentary environment would you least likely find gravel? |

| A. beach | B. deep ocean |

| C. desert | D. river channel |

16. The diagram represents the present number of radioactive parent and stable daughter atoms in a mineral sample. The mineral sample was originally 100% radioactive


The half-life of the radioactive parent is 1 000 000 years.

Which of the following is the age of the mineral represented by the diagram?

A. 1 000 000 years B. 2 000 000 years

C. 3 000 000 years D. 4 000 000 years

17. What is the most likely cause of rock structures like the one shown in the photograph?


A. glacial movement B. extrusion of magma

C. crustal plate collision D. deposition of sediments

18. The mineral specimen shown in the photograph can be scratched by a copper penny

and fizzes in acid. What mineral is it?


A. halite B. quartz C. calcite D. gypsum

|19. What accounts for the difference in hardness between graphite and diamond? |

|A. atomic arrangement |B. chemical formula |

|C. impurities |D. ionic bonding |

| | |

|20. What is formed when chemical bonding joins two or more elements together in definite proportions? |

|A. atom B. compound |C. isotope D. ion |

| | |

|21. Which is a native element in Earth’s crust? |

|A. aluminum B. gold |C. magnesium D. sodium |

| | |

|22. Which describes the streak of a mineral? |

|A. appearance in reflected light |B. colour in its powdered form |

|C. resistance to scratching |D. splitting along fractured surfaces |

|23. Which is a negatively charged particle in an atom? |

|A. electron |B. neutron |

|C. nucleus |D. proton |

| |

|24. Which elements make up the largest percentage of Earth’s crust? |

|A. aluminum and iron |B. iron and calcium |

|C. oxygen and silicon |D. silicon and aluminum |

| |

|25. Which best describes a rock with a porphyritic texture? |

|A. large crystals of equal size |

|B. large crystals surrounded by many small crystals |

|C. small crystals of equal size |

|D. small crystals surrounded by many large crystals |

|26. Which compares the weight of a mineral to the weight of an equal volume of water? |

|A. crystal form | B. fluorescence |

|C. hardness | D. specific gravity |

| |

|27. Which rock formed in an extrusive environment? |

|A. basalt |B. diorite |

|C. gabbro |D. granite |

| | |

|28. Which of the following features would most likely be found in a sandstone layer if it was formed from wind-blown sands? |

|A. mud particles |B. gabbro pebbles |

|C. bivalve burrows |D. rounded quartz particles |

| |

|29. Which rock sample displays a course-grained texture? |

|A. Conglomerate |B. gneiss |

| |[pic] |

|[pic] | |

|C. granite |D. limestone |

|[pic] |[pic] |

|30. On what basis are clastic sedimentary rocks classified? |

|A. colour |B. mineral composition |

|C. particle size |D. type of bedding |

|31. Which mineral exhibits the cleavage pattern shown below? |

|A. calcite |B. feldspar |

|C. halite |D. mica |

Strong bonds within sheets

Weak bonds between sheets

|31. Which igneous texture indicates the fastest cooling rate? |

|A. coarse grained |B. fine grained |

|C. glassy |D. Pegmatitic |

| |

|32. Which sedimentary rock is paired with its classification? |

|A. coal – clastic |B. gypsum - clastic |

|C. limestone – chemical |D. sandstone - chemical |


33. The principle of …?... states that the geologic feature which cuts another is the younger of the two features

A. inclusions B. stratigraphy C. correlation D. cross-cutting relationships 

34. The process by which organic material is converted into stone or a similar substance is known as …?...

A. lithification B. carbonization C. petrification D. dessication

35. Which represents the longest span of geological time?

A. eon B. era C. period D. epoch

36. Which had an explosion?

A. Cambrian B. Permian C. Cenozoic D. Jurassic

37. Which is the correct order of the major divisions of geological time from oldest to youngest?

A. Paleozoic (. Precambrian ( Cenozoic( Mesozoic

B. Paleozoic ( Precambrian ( Mesozoic ( Cenozoic

C. Precambrian ( Paleozoic ( Mesozoic ( Cenozoic

D. Precambrian ( Paleozoic ( Cenozoic ( Mesozoic

38. Volcanic ash was deposited at the bottom of a lake as varves. If the sequence contains 120 alternating layers of light and dark sediment, how many years ago did the volcanic eruption occur?

A. 30 B. 60 C. 120 D. 240

39. Which diagram best models the relative lengths of the eras of the Geological Time Scale?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

40. What can be used to find the absolute age of an igneous rock?

A. Compare the sizes of crystals found in the rock.

B. Determine how many layers are above it and below it.

C. Compare the ratio of parent isotopes to daughter isotopes in the rock.

D. Look for fossils in the rock.

41. Which of the following sediments could be lithified to produce a biochemical

sedimentary rock?

A. desert sands B. glacial outwash

C. landslide deposits D. microorganism skeletons

42. Which of the following sedimentary structures can give information about current

direction at the time the sediment was deposited?

A. varves B. mud cracks

C. cross bedding D. graded bedding

43. In which situation would radiometric dating most likely produce an error?

A.Volcanic eruptions producing successive lava flows.

B. Rock sequences being fractured and faulted.

C. Metamorphism removing gaseous daughter product from the rock.

D. Fern leaves being fossilized in wetlands.

44. Who was responsible for formulating the “Principle of Fossil Succession”

A. Nicholas Steno B. William Smith

C. James Hutton D. James Usher

45. What does the process of radiometric dating depend on?

A. atoms B. elements C. stable isotopes D. unstable isotopes

46. Which of the following minerals would exhibit both bubble in the acid test and double refraction?

A. gypsum B. quartz C. calcite D. tourmaline

47. ....?.... fossils are fossils that are geographically widespread and limited to a short span of geologic time.

A. Index B. Trace C. Period D. Pseudo

48. Which of the following is fossil fecal matter?

A. Gastroliths B. Coal C. Coprolites D. Pooite

49. Which of the following is the most important factor in determining the mineral

composition of the metamorphic rock marble?

A. the pressure at which it formed

B. the temperature at which it formed

C. the density of the original parent rock

D. the chemical composition of the original parent rock

50. What term is used to describe the parallel alignment of minerals in a schist?

A. graded bedding B. sedimentary layering

C. metamorphic foliation D. regional metamorphism

Turn over your scantron now

51. Which of the following pairs of minerals is commonly found in an evaporite deposit?

A. bornite and pyrite B. hematite and halite

C. calcite and gypsum D. magnetite and fluorite

| |

|52. Which of the following minerals exhibits perfect cleavage? |

|A. apatite |B. diamond |

|C. feldspar |D. granite |

| |

|53. Which property is a feature of a sedimentary rock? |

|A. foliation |B. glassy texture |

|C. layering |D. vesicules |

|54. Which sedimentary rock would be composed of particles of varying sizes? |

|A. conglomerate |B. sandstone |

|C. shale |D. siltstone |

55. Which of the following economic minerals is commonly concentrated by evaporation

of a lake or sea?

A. galena B. gypsum C. molybdenite D. chalcopyrite

56. Which of the following is an ore mineral that is an important source of zinc?

A. garnet B. quartz C. calcite D. sphalerite

57. Which of the following is used by geologists to determine the relative ages in a rock sequence?

A. stratigraphy B. fossils

C. cross-cutting relationships D. all of these

58. The name of the layer of the Earth that separates the crust from the core is the ___?

A. magma B. lithosphere C. asthenosphere D. mantle

|59. Which of the following is the end product of large amounts of plant material that has been buried and chemically altered over millions of |

|years |

|A. Fossil |B. Coal |

|C. Trace |D. Tarponds |

60. Fossils are most common in which rock types?

A. sedimentary B. igneous

C. metamorphic D. all of these commonly contain fossils

61. According to the principle of uniformatarianism,...

A. geologic process in the past operated at the same rate as they do today

B. geologic processes we observe today have operated in the past

C. early Earth was covered by a uniform magma ocean

D. all of the planets formed from a uniform solar nebula

62. Which of the following processes will produce metamorphic rock?

A. cementation of debris B. solidification of magma

C. lithification of sediment D. recrystallization of rock

Use the following list of Earth’s layers to answer questions 63 and 64.

|Earth’s layers |

|atmosphere |

|hydrosphere (oceans) |

|crust |

|mantle |

|outer core |

|inner core |

63. The correct order of the Earth’s layers is listed above. Which of the following properties is

most important in causing the layers to be arranged in this order?

A. density B. pressure

C. temperature D. physical state (i.e. solid, liquid or gas)

64. Which layers are mainly liquid?

A. mantle and crust B. crust and outer core

C. mantle and hydrosphere D. hydrosphere and outer core

65. Which branch of Earth Science studies ground water?

A. hydrology B. mineralogy C. paleontology D. seismology

66. What is the boundary between Earth’s crust and mantle?

A. lithosphere B. Moho C. transform D. troposphere

67. What is indicated by “X” in the diagram below?

A. angular unconformity B. disconformity

C. fault line D. nonconformity


68. Where does a folded mountain range form?

A.continental-continental plate collisions B. divergent plate boundaries

C. oceanic-oceanic plate collisions D. volcanic island arcs

69. Which is an example of a trace fossil?

A.carbon outlines of plant fossils

B. insects preserved in amber

C. mineral replacement in ancient trees

D. trilobite tracks and trails

70. Which rock type would be formed furthest from the mouth of a river?

A. breccias B. conglomerate C. sandstone D. shale

PART TWO Constructed Response

Answer any THREE complete questions (a and b) 30%

71a. On the grid below, sketch a radioactive decay curve for an element with a half-life of

3 million years. Your sketch must contain a smooth and clearly drawn decay curve

for four half-lives.


71b. Sediment is being deposited in the centre of a lake in BC at the current rate of 1 mm/year.

A drill hole in the centre of the lake reveals that the thickness of sediment is 11 m.

(Note: 1 m = 1000 mm).

a) How long has the sediment been accumulating in the lake? Show all calculations.

______ years

b) Describe a geological assumption you made in order to perform this calculation.


72a. Describe two pieces of evidence that could be found in or near the dark igneous layer at X to

establish that it was a sill, and not a buried lava flow.

72b. A geologist found an unknown colourless, transparent mineral. List and describe two mineral properties that can be used to identify this mineral.

73a. Based on the definition of a mineral, ice would be considered a mineral and coal would not. Explain why this is true.

73b Both granite and rhyolite are classified as felsic rocks; however, their textures are

very different. Describe the texture of each and explain why these textural differences occur.

74a. Give an example of an environment where regional metamorphism occurs and

describe the conditions necessary for regional metamorphism to occur there.

74b. Choose any three types of fossilization listed below and explain how the fossils formed. Choose from petrification, dessication or mummification, carbonization, freezing

75. Refer to the diagram below. Describe, in chronological order, each of the events illustrated in the cross section below.


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