Children’s Village – Fire Safety Homework

Children’s Village – Fire Safety Review

Get the whole family involved in this process

1. What are the children’s first names? _____________________.

2. Who are the adults helping with the review? ____________.

3. How many smoke alarms are in your home? ________.

4. Where are the smoke alarms located in your home?

A. D.

B. E.

C. F.

5. Check the smoke alarms by pushing the test buttons. Do all the smoke alarms work? (circle your answer) Yes No

If any of the smoke alarms are not working, tell the adults to check the batteries and the wires.

6. Tell adults to test smoke alarms monthly and put new batteries inside twice a year. Tell adults to get new smoke alarms every 10 years.

7. Tell adults that houses need smoke alarms on all levels.

8. If you have no smoke alarms, or your alarms don’t work, please contact your local fire department for assistance.

9. Do you sleep with your bedroom doors open or closed?

(circle your answer)

Remember - It is only safe to sleep with bedroom doors closed if you have a smoke alarm in the bedroom.

10. Explain to your family the difference between good and bad fires.

11. Explain to adults how tools that make heat can start a bad fire. Tell your family about the burned down house that you saw at Children’s Village. Explain to your family how the fire started.

12. Explain to your family how smoke and heat go up during a fire. Show your family how to get low and go during a fire.

13. Make a plan so your family knows what to do during a fire. Explain to your family why doors are the safest and fastest way to get outside.

14. What is your number one way to get outside during a fire? ___________


15. What is your number two way to get outside during a fire? ____________


16. Check your doors and windows to be sure you can open them in case of fire.

17. Where is your family meeting place? _____________________________.

18. Can firefighters clearly see the address on your home? (circle your answer) Yes No

If no, please ask the adults to put up bigger numbers so we can find your home in an emergency.

19. Circle the names of the safety tools you can find in your home:

Smoke Alarm Fire Extinguisher Fire Ladder

Flashlight Bike Helmet Telephone

Life Jacket Carbon Monoxide Alarm

Good job friends! You have been a good teacher of safety. Your home is now a safer place to live.


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