PRIMARY 1 - Mintah Eric




General Objectives: The Pupil will:

1. appreciate creation – humankind and the environment.

2. be aware of the attributes of God.

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| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

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|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | |Take pupils out to explore the environment |Class Exercise-Oral |

|God, the Creator |1.1.1 describe some created |Created Things | | |

| |things | |Discuss the things pupils observed |Who created the world? |

| | |Humankind | | |

| | |Animals/birds |Sing/tell a story on creation. |Sing a song on creation. |

| | |Plants | | |

| | |Sky | | |

| | |Sea, river, etc | | |

| | | | | |

| |1.1.2 tell who the Creator is. |God The Creator: |Link lesson on 1.1.1-created things to God the creator |Class oral exercise: |

| | | |using question and answers. |Mention three things your |

| | |Who is God? |Discuss who the Creator is. |parents /guardians do for |

| | |the Creator of the world |God is the creator and he created humankind, the world |you to show their love. |

| | |the Creator of humankind |including the environment. |List three attributes of God. |

| | |the Creator of the environment( plants , |Narrate the creation story. (based on 3 main religious)| |

| | |animals, sea) |Sing a song on creation where possible. |Expression work: |

| | | |. |Draw the Garden of Eden showing |

| | | |NOTE: Point out that, our parents, brothers and |God and Adam together. |

| | | |sisters and ourselves are gifts from God so we should | |

| | | |appreciate and honour them. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Discuss the attributes of God with pupils. | |

| | | |Narrate a story depicting God’s love, mercy and care. | |

| | |Attributes of God: |Assist pupils to draw moral lessons from the story and | |

| |1.1.3 state the attributes of |God is: |show how they can practice them | |

| |God |- Loving | | |

| | |- Good | | |

| | |- Merciful | | |

| | |- Caring | | |

| | |- Holy etc. | | |

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| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

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|UNIT 1 (Cont’d) |1.1.4 state the purpose for creating |Purpose for creating humankind |Discuss with pupils the purpose for which God created | |

| |humankind | |humankind. | |

| | |- to fellowship and worship God |Use pictures of the Garden Eden to show how God | |

|God, The Creator | | |fellowshipped with Adam in the garden | |

| | | |Note: Point out that, in relating to God we have to | |

| | | |lead clean and holy lives by not doing bad and avoiding| |

| | | |dirt. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Discuss with pupils why humankind should keep clean and| |

| |1.1.5 explain why humankind |Reasons for keeping clean and holy: |holy. |Give two reasons why we should |

| |need to be clean and holy |Humankind are created in the image of God |Note that cleanliness is next to Godliness |care for our bodies |

| | |God is holy and clean so we should also be holy|Again It is only when we stay clean and holy that we | |

| | |and clean |can enjoy fellowship with God. | |

| | |To be able to relate well with God |Teacher to teach a rhyme or song on the need for | |

| | | |cleanliness and holiness. | |

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| | |Ways of keeping clean and holy | | |

| | |Cleanliness: |. | |

| | |Cleaning the teeth |Let volunteers demonstrate how they clean their teeth, | |

| |1.1.6 describe ways in which |Cutting the nails and keeping them clean |wash their hands and bath. |Inspect pupils’ finger nails and |

| |one can keep the body clean and holy |Washing the hands before and after meals and |Demonstrate the proper way of cleaning the teeth, |uniform |

| | |after using the toilet |washing of hands and bathing. | |

| | |Bathing regularly |NOTE: Add that, in addition to cleaning the physical | |

| | |Washing clothes |body, we should also keep ourselves holy by not doing | |

| | |Holiness: |the following: stealing, telling lies, fighting etc | |

| | |Doing good things eg not stealing, not lying, |such things defile the body. | |

| | |fighting, insulting others |Our bodies are God’s temple so we should keep them | |

| | | |clean and holy | |

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| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

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|UNIT 2 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | |Class Exercise: |

|The Environment of God’s |1.2.1 explain the need to have a |The Need for a safe and clean environment: |Review lesson on created things- (SRN 1.1.1) |State two reasons why we should |

|Creation |clean and safe environment |-To enjoy God’s creation - |These include the air, the earth, the rivers, lakes, |keep the environment clean and |

| | |Trees for shade and rainfall |the sea, plants and animals. |safe. |

| | |To enjoy good health | | |

| | |To use plants for medicinal purposes |Discuss the reasons for keeping the environment safe |State two moral values |

| | |To take care of the environment, so that we can|and clean. |in taking good care of |

| | |plant and farm. | |the natural environment. |

| | |To take care of rivers, so that we can get |NOTE: These things are for our use and those yet | |

| | |clean water and fish. |unborn. So we should take good care of them | |

| | |To take care of the air, so that we |(environment) | |

| | |can breathe fresh air. |Stress the moral values in taking good care of the | |

| | | |natural environment. i.e. concern for all living | |

| | | |things, love nature, respect for self and others, | |

| | | |cleanliness, | |

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General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. recognize the role of the family and the community in the spiritual and moral upbringing of their members.

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| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

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|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

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|The Family |2.1.1 identify the role of the family |Role of Family Members: |Review lesson on the family by asking pupils to mention|Home work: |

| |in the spiritual and moral up |Father – spiritual head and leads family |the different members of their family. | |

| |bringing of its members |members in prayers |Discuss the roles of the various members in their |Ask the names of your relatives |

| | |Mother – assists father in promoting spiritual |spiritual and moral up bringing. |and report to class. |

| | |and moral growth |Guide pupils to role-play a family having their | |

| | |Father and Mother –guide and train children |morning/evening prayers. |Draw two members of your family. |

| | |(moral up bringing). Provide emotional support | | |

| | |to members. |NOTE: Stress the sense of belongness and | |

| | |Siblings – obey and respect other members of |Commitment to the family. | |

| | |the family. | | |

|UNIT 2 | | | |Oral excise: |

| | | |Pupils to mention some of the people who live in their |Mention three people in |

|The Community |2.2.1 explain the role of the |Role of The Community. |community. |your community and |

| |community in the spiritual |-Provides places of worship |Discuss the role of the community in the spiritual and |say what they do. |

| |and moral up bringing of its |- Prescribes the moral/ values of the |moral up bringing of its members. | |

| |members |community |Pupils to roe-play scenarios depicting the various | |

| | |-Prescribes sanctions for wrong behaviour |roles of community members. | |

| | |-Assists with the spiritual and moral up | | |

| | |bringing of members etc | | |

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| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

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|UNIT 3 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

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|Personal Safety |2.3.1. identify people in the |People Who Are Likely to Harm Children in the |Discuss the people in the community who are likely to |Class Exercise: |

|In The Community |community who are likely |Community |harm children. | |

| |to harm them | |Teacher to narrate a story about a child who was lured |Identify three things strangers |

| | |-strangers |with sweets by a young man and later raped child. |can do to win their confidence in |

| | |-people with suspicious character | |order to be friend them. |

| | |ie people who take advantage of children by |NOTE: Stress need for children report to their parents | |

| | |giving them gifts like sweets, and money in |and any adult about cases of molestation or harm. |State the reasons why you should |

| | |order to be friend them and to harm later on |Teacher to point out to pupils that even some people |tell your parents all cases where |

| | |etc |who may be related to the family, or may live in the |you are molested by someone. |

| | | |same house or same compound with the child /pupil, can | |

| | | |also harm them. They should therefore, not be alone | |

| | | |with people who are not their parents, brothers, | |

| | | |sisters, etc. They should not be alone in a room of | |

| | | |people they do not trust. | |




General Objective: The pupil will:

1. understand the role of the family in character formation.

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| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

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|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

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|The Role Of Parents | | | | |

| |3.1.1 mention what his/her |Duties of Parents: |Pupils to role play a typical family scene depicting |Mention three duties of |

| |parents do for him/her. |Provision of: |the roles played by each member. |your parents in the |

| | |food, clothing, shelter, education, | |home. |

| | |character training, etc. |Discuss the role play to bring out the exact roles | |

| | | |played by parents. | |

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| |3.1. 2 describe behaviour patterns |Expectations of Parents in Character |Discuss with pupils acceptable behaviour patterns their|Mention three things |

| |their parents approve of. |Training of Children: |parents would approve off. |that your parents would |

| | |Parents are responsible for moulding the | |like you to do and three |

| | |character of their children. |Pupils in small groups to discuss and present the |things they would not |

| | |They correct children when they go wrong. |things they do that their parents disapprove/ frown on.|like you to do. |

| | |Show them how to do a variety of things |They should mention specific occasions when parents | |

| | |Tell them what is wrong and what is right etc. |approved of what they did, and occasions when parents |. Why do your parents |

| | | |showed disapproval. |- approve certain |

| | | | |behaviours |

| | | | |- disapprove of certain |

| | | | |behaviours |

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| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

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|UNIT 2 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

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|Relationship with Parents |3.2.1 state some expected qualities |Some Expected qualities that will promote good |Pupils to discuss the expected qualities that will |Class Exercise: |

| |that will promote good |relationship with parents |promote good relationship with parents. |Mention three qualities of the |

| |relationship with parents |Obedience to their parents: listening | |child in the home. |

| | |carefully when parents are talking to |Role –play ways of showing obedience, respect, care, | |

| | |them, taking the advice of parents, |courtesy to parents | |

| | |etc. | | |

| | | |Tell stories of good children who were | |

| | |Showing courtesy |rewarded by their parents. | |

| | |Saying “Thank you” when parents do | | |

| | |something good for them, etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Performing household chores e.g. | | |

| | |sweeping, fetching water, running | | |

| | |errands, etc. | | |

| | |Showing respect, love and care for | | |

| | |parents, etc. | | |




General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. be aware of the three main religions in Ghana and their mode of worship.

2. appreciate the importance of religious practices.

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| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

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| |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

|UNIT 1 | | | | |

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|Christian, Islamic and |4.1.1 name the three main |The Three Main Religions: |Through questions and answers, let pupils come out with|Mention the three main religions |

|African Traditional |religions in Ghana. |Christianity |the various religions in their communities |in Ghana. |

|Religion | |Islam | | |

| | |Traditional Religion |Discuss the three main religions | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Group pupils according to their religions to discuss | |

| |4.1.2 describe the modes of |Modes of Worship: |the activities that go on during |Sing some Christian and |

| |worship of the three |Christian - Prayer, drumming, singing, |Worship. |Traditional Religious songs |

| |main religions. |clapping, dancing, preaching/teaching, |Pupils to share the activities they enjoy most during | |

| | |offertory, Bible studies, etc. |worship. |Recite some simple verses from the|

| | | |Teacher to teach pupils some simple songs /recitations |Qur’an and Bible. |

| | |Islam: - Prayer, preaching, recitation, |used by the three religions. | |

| | |glorification, etc. |Note: Resource persons could be called in to assist. | |

| | | | | |

| | |Traditional: - Prayer, libation, sacrifice, | | |

| | |drumming, singing, dancing, etc. | | |

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| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

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|UNIT 2 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

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|Importance of Religious | | | | |

|Practices |4.2.1 explain the importance |Importance of some religious practices: |Lead a class discussion on the importance of the |Class Exercise: |

| |of some religious practices. |Prayer – acknowledges that there is God, a way |religious practices under content. | |

| | |of talking with God, strengthens fellowship | |a. Recite |

| | |dependence on God, etc. |Pupils to learn some simple prayers e.g. the Lord’s |i. the Lord’s Prayer |

| | |Songs: give moral instructions, comfort, |Prayer, Al-Fatiha, etc. and discuss |ii. Al-Fatiha |

| | |encouragement, way of worship, etc. | |iii. A simple Traditional |

| | |Recitations: broaden thinking ability, | |Prayer |

| | |promotes retention of scriptures etc | | |

| | |Offering/ Alms – sign of obedience to God, | |b. State 4 importance of |

| | |demonstrate kindness to others etc | |some religious |

| | | | |practices. |

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General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. be aware of the birth stories of Jesus Christ, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and an A.T.R Leader.

2. know the virtues of the leaders of the religions.

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| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

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| |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

|UNIT 1 | | | | |

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|The Birth of: |5.1.1 tell the story of the birth of |The story of the birth of: |Using pictures, tell the stories of the birth of: |Expression Work: |

|A. Jesus Christ |a. Jesus Christ |a. Jesus Christ |a. Jesus Christ |Draw aspects of the role-play of |

|B. The Holy |b. The Holy Prophet |b. The Holy Prophet |b. The Holy Prophet Muhammad |the birth of the leaders. |

|Prophet |Muhammad (S.A.W) |Muhammad (S.A.W) |(S.A.W) | |

|Muhammad |c. An ATR Leader |c. An ATR Leader |c. An ATR Leader in the local | |

|(S.A.W) | |e.g. Okomfo Anokye |community. e.g. Okomfo Anokye | |

|C. An ATR | | | | |

|Leader | | |Guide pupils to role-play the birth of one of the | |

| | | |religious leaders. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Discuss the role-play and explain the significance or | |

| | | |reasons for their birth. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Class Exercise: |

| |5.1.2 mention some virtues of |Virtues of the leaders |Discuss with pupils the virtues of the three leaders. |Pupils to say the common virtues |

| |each of the leaders. |Jesus: | |of the leaders. |

| | |Chaste, humble, obedient, caring, loving, | | |

| | |compassionate etc | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Muhammad: | | |

| | |Humble, loving, caring, hardworking, | | |

| | |compassionate etc. | | |

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General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. understand the purpose of creation.

2. appreciate God as sustainer of life.

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| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

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|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | |The purpose for creating Plants and animals |Review lesson on creation. Ask pupils to mention | |

|Purpose of God’s Creation|1.1. 1 explain the purpose for |Plants: - |created things. | |

| |creating plants and animals. |to beautiful our environment | | |

| | |to serve as food. |Discuss the purpose and usefulness of animals and | |

|Plants and animals | |for furniture |plants. | |

| | |for shelter, etc | | |

| | | |Take pupils to explore the environment to observe | |

| | |Animals: - |plants, flowers and animals. | |

| | |as friends | | |

| | |for our use as food |Pupils to draw the plants and animals. | |

| | |for clothing | | |

| | |for shoes, bags, belts, etc | | |

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|UNIT 2 | |Need for Cleanliness | | |

|Caring for God’s Creation|1.2.1 explain the need for cleanliness |Our bodies are the temple of God and should |Discuss the need for cleanliness in religious | |

|-Human Body |in religious practices |be kept clean since God is clean and holy. |practices | |

| | |To avoid diseases and epidemics for healthy |Pupils to role-play two scenarios depicting a | |

| | |living. |clean environment that promotes a healthy | |

| | |To avoid sin-doing bad things etc |interaction with God and one which is dirty and | |

| | | |unacceptable to God | |

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| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

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|UNIT 3 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

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|Attribute of God as sustainer |1.3.1 explain why God is the |God as the sustainer of Life: |Discuss the attributes which make God the sustainer of |State two moral values that you |

|of Life |sustainer of life. |God is the: |life as in content |like best in God’s attribute as |

| | |giver of life | |Sustainer of life |

| | |protector of life |Note: explain that, God as a sustainer of life is | |

| | |giver of rain |caring, generous, selfless, impartial etc | |

| | |giver of light | | |

| | |provider of needs, etc. |Therefore we should also demonstrate these attributes | |

| | | |because we are made in His image | |

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General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. appreciate the need for commitment by the family to religion.

2. be aware of the need for tolerance of other religions.

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| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

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|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

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|The Religious |2.1.1 mention some of the things |Commitment To God: |Discuss some of the things their parents do to show |Mention three things that your |

|Family |their parents do to show | |their commitment to God. |parents do to show their |

| |their commitment to God |-Family Devotions/Prayers | |commitment to God. |

| | |-Attending religious programmes, | | |

| | |prayer service, participate in rituals | | |

| | |e.g. libation, ablution, etc | | |

| | |-Religious ceremonies | | |

| | |e.g. outdooring, naming ceremonies, | | |

| | |marriages, etc | | |

| | | | | |

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| | | | |Give three reasons for commitment |

| |2.1.2 explain the need for |Need for Commitment to God: |Discuss the need for commitment to God. |to one’s religion. |

| |Commitment to God |Brings you close to God | | |

| | |Makes you responsible | | |

| | |Shows your seriousness to life, etc | | |

| | | | |Mention three things they can do |

| |2.1.3. give reasons why he/she |Reasons: |Put pupils into a mix group of the three religions. Let|to show that they respect and |

| |should play with children |Foster unity and peaceful co-existence. |each group discuss and present the need to play with |accept members of other religions.|

| |from families of different |Broaden the range of friendships. |children of other religious background. | |

| |religions |To get to know all people very well. |NOTE: Encourage them to respect, accept | |

| | | |and play with children from different |Give three reasons for tolerating |

| | | |religious families. |other religions. |




General Objective: The pupil will:

1. recognise the role of the family in character formation.

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| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

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|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

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|Role of Parents and |3.1.1 describe how their parents |Role of Parents in Character Formation: |Discuss with pupils the role of parents in character |State three things parents do for |

|Children |help to mould their |Give directions and advice to children on their |formation. |their children in their character |

| |character. |daily activities. | |formation. |

| | |Determine acceptable/unacceptable behaviour | | |

| | |Reward/ reprimand specific behaviour etc | | |

| | | | | |

| | |The Role of Children in their Character | | |

| | |Formation: | | |

| |3.1.2 identify specific roles he/she |Obedient, respectful, responsible, hardwork, |Discuss what part they will play in their character |Identify three things that |

| |play in the home towards |accept corrections, etc. |formation. |children should do towards their |

| |his/her character formation. | |Pupils to role-play a family scene where children |character formation. |

| | | |play their roles in the home. | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 2 | |Harmonious Relationship: | | |

| | |respecting parents, | |Mention three things they can do |

|Parent – Child Relationship|3.2.1 explain how to live in |being obedient, |Randomly call pupils to tell class how their family |to ensure peace in the home. |

| |harmony with their parents. |showing love |live in harmony. | |

| | |running errands/performing household chores, |Discuss pupils’ responses. | |

| | |being at peace with every body, not fighting, |Pupils to roe-play a harmonious living at home. | |

| | |etc. | | |

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| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

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|UNIT 2 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

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|Parent – Child Relationship|3.2.2 explain how parents can |Harmonious Relationship: |Discuss how parents can promote harmonious living in |Give two reasons for telling |

| |promote harmonious living. |-making room for children to express their |the home. |parents their problems in order to|

| | |opinion on issues while maintaining respect for | |get parental advice. |

| | |parents |Ask pupils to tell class their expectations of their | |

| | |-allow children to participate in decision making |parents in the promotion of harmonious living in the | |

| | |processes |home. | |

| | |-encouraging children to make sacrifices when | | |

| | |necessary |Discuss why they should share their problems with | |

| | |-encourage children to discuss their problems with|parents. | |

| | |parents for assistance and solutions. | | |




General Objective: The pupil will:

1. appreciate the importance of prayer and songs in religious worship.

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| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

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|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

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|Worship |4.1.1 explain the need to pray and |The Need to Pray and Worship God: |Class discussion on the need to pray and worship God |Give three reasons why we worship |

| |worship God. |- because God is our Creator, all loving, all |daily. |God. |

| | |powerful and deserves worship. |Discuss when and where the various religious groups | |

| | |- helps us to focus on the things God |worship. | |

| | |wants us to do, etc. | |Identify four importance of prayer|

| | | | |in the life of children. |

| | |The Need to Pray to God Daily: | | |

| | |To confess our sins | | |

| | |To ask for forgiveness | | |

| | |To give thanks for his mercies | | |

| | |To ask for our needs. | | |

| |. | | | |

|UNIT 2 | | | | |

| | |Religious Songs/Recitations | |Give two values in a given |

|Songs/Recitations |4.2.1 sing songs and recite | |Teach pupils some simple songs used in Christian and |religious songs or verse. |

| |religious verses from the |Moral Implications of Religious Practices: |Traditional worship. | |

| |three main religions |e.g. To reinforce our love for God, for |Pupils learn simple verses from the Qur’an and Bible.| |

| | |our families and our friends, etc. |NOTE: Point out the values in the songs and verses.| |

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General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. know the relevance of the early life of Jesus Christ, the Holy Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) and an ATR leader.

2. appreciate the virtues of leaders.

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| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

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|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | |. | | |

|The Early Life of: |5.1.1 tell the early life of the leaders of|The Early life of the Leaders of the three |Discuss the early life of: |Class Exercise: |

|Jesus Christ |the three religions |Religions: |a. Jesus Christ |1. Narrate the story of the |

|The Holy Prophet Muhammad | |A. Jesus Christ: |b. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) |early life of any one |

|(S.A.W) | |-Helped his father in his carpentry trade |c. Any Traditional Leader eg Okomfo Anokye |religious leader. |

|Okomfo Anokye | |At the age 12 he taught and explained the | | |

| | |scriptures in the temple | | |

| | |He went about preaching and healing people. Etc | | |

| | | | | |

| | |B. The Holy Prophet Muhammad | | |

| | |(S.A.W) | | |

| | |-how he earned the titles, “truthful” | | |

| | |“trustworthiness” | | |

| | |-his journey to Syria with his uncle at the age of| | |

| | |12 and his encounter with the Jewish monk. | | |

| | |-the placing of the stone in the Kaba. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |C ATL leader eg Okomfo Anokye : | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Virtues of the Leaders | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Courageous, Perseverance, Endurance, Truthfulness,|Discuss the virtues of the leaders. | |

| |5.1.2 identify the virtues of the |Knowledgeable, Diligenence, Modesty, | |Identify the virtues of the |

| |leaders of the three religions |Commitment, Obedience, Truthfulness, Humility, |Role –play some aspects of any one of the leaders. |religious leaders that you would|

| | |Trustworthiness, Selflessness, etc. |Discuss the role-play stressing the virtues |like to emulate. |

| | | |exhibited. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |




General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. appreciate Christian, Islamic and Traditional Religious Festivals

2. be aware of the moral implications of the religious festivals.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | |: | |

| | | | |Class exercise: |

| | | |Pupils to brainstorm and come out with the various |Mention the months in which the |

|Religious Festivals |6.1.describe the religious festivals of the |Main Religious Festivals: |religious festivals. |various festivals are celebrated. |

| |three main religions in Ghana |Christian | |Pupils to describe any one of the |

| | |Christmas, Easter, etc |Class discussion on the celebrations of the |festivals. |

| | |Islamic |festivals. | |

| | |Eid-ul-Fitr | | |

| | |Eid-ul, Adha, etc | | |

| | | | | |

| | |ATR | | |

| | |Odwira | | |

| | |Adae | | |

| | |Damba | | |

| | |Homowo | | |

| | |Hogbetsotso | | |

| | |Kundum, etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| |6.1.2 tell the importance of the | | |State the importance of the |

| |religious festivals. |Importance of festivals: |Discuss the importance of each festival. |religious festivals |

| | |Recount of historical events. | | |

| | |Preservation of cultural heritages, purification |Role-play an aspect of a named festival, paying | |

| | |rites, etc. |attention to the moral values in it. | |

| | |Showing gratitude to God and other deities. | | |

| |. |Sharing |Class discussion of role-play. | |

| | |Unity | | |

| | |Reconciliation, etc. | | |

| | | | | |




General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. appreciate all humankind.

2. appreciate their bodies and their environment.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Humankind |1.1.1 explain the need for good |God Relationship Among Different Ethnic Groups |Through questions and answers let pupils mention | |

| |relationship among | |ethnic group members in their neighbourhood. | |

| |people from different ethnic |There are difference among people, Akans, Ewes, | | |

| |groups |Gas, Dagombas, etc. especially in terms of |Discuss how ethnic groups in their neighbourhood | |

| | |language. There are also a lot of similarities |relate to each other. | |

| | |which unite the people of Ghana. | | |

| | |Each ethnic group must respect the other because | | |

| | |they are all God’s creation. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |How To Live Peacefully with Different People: | | |

| | |-Love each other just as God Loves us | | |

| | |-respect each other |Organize an ‘Ethnic Day” in the class. | |

| |1.1.2 describe how people of |-understand and tolerate each other | |Explain how we can maintain good |

| |different ethnic background |-avoid undue criticism etc |Discuss the day and highlight how the different |relationship with other people. |

| |can live peacefully with | |groups should live peacefully | |

| |each other. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Humankind |1.1.3 explain the need for both |Both males and females are creations of God and |Discuss the need for both boys and girls to respect |Give two reasons why boys and |

| |boys and girls to respect |must respect and appreciate each other. A society|and appreciate each other. |girls should respect each other. |

| |each other. |cannot be made up of boys only or girls only. | | |

| | |Boys and girls can be friends. |Demonstrate how boys and girls can respect each other| |

| | | |e.g tolerate each others views, be kind and loving to| |

| | | |each other, show empathy, helping each other. | |

| | | |Note: Stress the need for boys to desist from | |

| | | |bullying girls. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 2 | |Reasons for Being kind to Animals | | |

| | |they are God’s creation |Review the importance of plants and animals. |Mention names of some animals |

|Caring for God’s Creation |1.2.1 explain the need to be |good companions |Discuss why we should be kind to animals. |people use as pets. |

|- Plants and |kind to animals. |provide security and protection, etc | |Give two importance of |

|Animals | | | |a. plants |

| | | | |b. animals |

| | | | | |

| | | |Discuss how plants help to provide a clean and |1. state three cruel things |

| | |Plants: beautify the environment, provide oxygen,|healthy environment (You can set up an experiment to |people do to animals |

| | |absorb carbon dioxide, roots of plants check |show how plants absorb carbon dioxide, etc). Take |and three kind things |

| |1.2.2 state how plants and |erosion by holding the soil firmly, etc. |pupils out to see how the roots of plants hold the |people should do for |

| |animals contribute to a | |soil. |animals. |

| |healthy environment. |Animals: manure the soil, disperse seeds, control|Discuss how animals manure the soil and control | |

| | |growth of vegetation by grazing, etc. |vegetation growth. |2. Give two reasons why |

| | | | |we should be kind to |

| | | | |animals. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Mention two ways by which: |

| | | | |a. plants |

| | | | |b. animals |

| | | | |contribute to a healthy |

| | | | |environment. |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 3 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|Caring for the Environment |1.3.1 explain the importance of |Importance of the Environment: |Review the lesson on what makes the environment |Class Exercise: |

| |the environment |Land for farming, mining, building, homes and | | |

| | |factories. |Discuss the various ways in which the atmosphere, the |State two aspects of the |

| | |The atmosphere: provides air, rain, sunshine, |land, the sea and rivers etc, are important to us. |environment that are of great |

| | |etc. | |importance to you and why? |

| | |Seas and rivers: provide fish, water ways for | | |

| | |transportation, water for household use, etc. | | |

| | | |Pupils to brainstorm on how the environment is | |

| | |Environmental Degradation: |degraded. |Describe three ways through which |

| |1.3.2 explain how people |Throwing waste papers and plastic bags around, |Discuss pupils’ responses and bring out the important |we destroy the environment. |

| |destroy the environment. |burning of rubbish, urinating at wrong places, |points. | |

| | |defecating at wrong places, cutting down trees,| | |

| | |illegal mining, etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |keeping the Environment Clean and Healthy: |Put pupils into groups to discuss and report: a) on |Mention three things they can do |

| | |- Avoid burning rubbish unnecessarily in order |ways we can protect the environment. |to maintain a healthy environment.|

| |1.3.3 suggest what can be done |to keep the air clean and fresh. | | |

| |to keep the environment | |b) ways we can of keeping the school | |

| |clean and healthy. |Avoid throwing garbage in the streets and other|compound clean and beautiful | |

| | |places i.e. throwing away empty plastic bags in| |. |

| | |streets, gutters, pathways, etc. |C. prepare a roster for cleaning the classroom. | |

| | |Put garbage in garbage bins etc. | | |

| | |Plant trees | | |

| | |Construct drains for waste water, | | |

| | |Watering flowers, weeding around their homes, | | |

| | |etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |




General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. be aware of God’s promises to humankind.

2. appreciate the need for humankind to appropriate God’s promises.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|God’s Promises to Humankind|2.1.1 Describe some of God’s |God’s Promises to humankind in the: |Guide pupils to identify the promises of God from |Mention two promises of God and |

| |promises to humankind. |a. Bible |their holy books. |one Traditional saying. |

| | |e.g. Ask and it shall be given unto you | | |

| | |Mathew 7:7 |Pupils to learn/memorise some verses in the Holy | |

| | |b. Holy Qur’an call on Me, I shall |Scriptures and Traditional sayings about God’s | |

| | |respond unto thee |promises to humankind. | |

| | |Q. 40:60 | | |

| | |c. Oral Tradition |Discuss these promises and sayings to humankind. | |

| | |e.g. “Aboa a onni dua no, Onyame na | | |

| | |opra ne ho” which means | | |

| | |it is God who protects the tail-less animal. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Let pupils read from their holy books some stories of| |

| | |God Promises People: |God’s promises |a. Mention two instances |

| |2.1.2 narrate stories of God’s | |Or teacher should narrate some of the stories to |where God called |

| |promises to people in the |Abraham and Noah (Bible and Qur’an) (Gen. 6,7,9 |pupils. |people and made |

| |Holy Scriptures and Oral |and 12) |Discuss the stories for pupils to get insight into |promises. |

| |Traditions. |( Qur’an 2:124) |God’s Promises and their fulfillment. |b. State how these |

| | | |NOTE: Encourage pupils to believe and appropriate |promises were fulfilled. |

| | | |God’s promises | |

| | | |Discuss the moral lessons from God’s Promises to | |

| | |Moral Lessons from God’s Promises: |people. |Mention two moral lessons you have|

| |2.1.3 tell the moral lessons they |Honesty, faithfulness, reliability, dependability,|NOTE: Teacher to encourage people to fulfill |learnt from God’s Promises to |

| |learnt about God in His |trustful, truthful, etc. |promises that they make. |people. |

| |promises to people. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 2 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Humankind’s Response to |2.2.1 describe humankind’s |Humankind’s response to God’s Promises: |Discuss how individuals responded to God’s promises |Explain how Abraham and Noah |

|God’s Promises |response to God’s promises |Bible and Qur’an: |e.g. Abraham and Noah |responded to God’s promises. |

| |in the: |e.g. Abraham and Noah’s responses to God’s | | |

| |a. Bible |promises. | | |

| |b. Holy Qur’an | | | |

| |c. Oral Tradition | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Moral Lessons from Individual’s Responses to God’s|Discuss the moral lessons drawn from the individuals |State two moral lessons you have |

| |2.2.2 suggest the moral lessons |Promises. |responses to God’s Promises. |learnt from individual’s response |

| |he/she will derive from the |Faith, Obedience, respect, trust, commitment, |Pupils to share ideas of how they will practise these|to God’s Promises. |

| |responses of individuals to |perseverance, reliable, etc. |moral values in their lives. | |

| |God’s Promises. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |




General Objective: The pupil will:

1. recognize the role of other family members in character formation.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |. |

|Relationship with Other |3.1.1 mention ways in which other |The Role of other Family Members in Character |Discuss the roles of grandparents, uncles, aunts etc.|Home Work |

|Family Members |family members help to |Formation: |in moulding their characters in the family. |Pupils to find out from extended |

| |mould his/her character. |Grandparents, uncles, aunts etc. |Guide pupils to role-play the roles grandparents, |family members their role in |

| | |Give advice, counsel, correct, feed, provide |uncles, aunties mould their character |character formation of children in|

| | |shelter, comfort, basic needs, etc. | |the family. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Put pupils into groups to discuss some of the things | |

| | |Things to do to Promote Harmony with other Family |children should do to promote harmony with other |Mention four things that you will |

| |3.1.2 explain what he/she will do |Members: |family members. |do to promote harmony with other |

| |to live in harmony with other |Respectful, obedient, sober, sensitive, caring, | |family members. |

| |family members. |patient, tolerant, selfless, serviceable etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |The Need to Live in Harmony with other Family |Lead a class discussion on the need to live in |Give two reasons for the need to |

| | |Members: |harmony with other family members. |live in harmony with other family |

| |3.1.3 explain the need to live in |ensure proper character formation. | |members. |

| |harmony with other family |ensure progress in the family | | |

| |members. |ensure provision of basic needs e.g. food, | | |

| | |shelter, school fees etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |




General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. understand the need to study and be familiar with the scriptures and oral traditions.

2. be aware of the moral values in the sacred scriptures and oral Traditions.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | |Class Exercise |

| | | | | |

|Study of Sacred Scriptures |4.1.1 describe the sacred |Introduction to: |Using the holy books and oral narrations discuss with|Describe: |

|and Oral Traditions |scriptures /oral |a. The Bible |pupils the sacred scriptures of : |a. Sacred scriptures of |

| |traditional teachings of the |Holy Book of Christians |a. Christians |Christians and |

| |three main religions in |Has two sections |b. Muslims |Muslims |

| |Ghana. |i.e Old and New Testaments |c. Traditional religious worshippers. | |

| | |Old Testament talks about creation and history of | |b. Oral Traditional |

| | |Israel. | |teachings. |

| | |New Testament talks about the birth and life of | | |

| | |Christ and the beginning of Christianity. | | |

| | |b. The Holy Qur’an | | |

| | |Holy Book of Muslims | | |

| | |Revealed by Allah to the Holy Prophet Muhammad | | |

| | |(S.A.W) | | |

| | |Revealed for a period of approximately 23 years. | | |

| | |Made up of Makkan and Madinan chapters (surahs) | | |

| | |Made up of 114 chapters (surahs) | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|Study of Sacred Scriptures | |c. Traditional | | |

|and Oral Traditions | |The religion that came through our ancestors | | |

| | |Carried over orally from one generation to | | |

| | |another. | | |

| | |Explain the religious practices of various | | |

| | |African people and their relationship to the | | |

| | |Supreme Being and other deities. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |The importance of : | | |

| | |a. The Bible | | |

| |4.1.2 explain the moral |b. The Holy Qur’an |Discuss the importance of the sacred scriptures and |Pupils to learn and recite more |

| |importance of the sacred |c. Oral Traditional teachings |oral sacred teachings of the three main religions in |scriptures. |

| |scriptures and oral tradition. | |Ghana. | |

| | |lead us to God | | |

| | |inspire us |Put pupils into groups and guide to identify some | |

| | |advise, encourage, direct us, etc. |passages and verses from the sacred scriptures and wise| |

| | |wise sayings give us wisdom, etc |sayings and learn them | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Pupils to quote some of the scriptures and wise | |

| | | |sayings. | |

| | | |Discuss the moral values in the scripture. | |




General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. be able to narrate the story of the ministry of Jesus Christ, The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and an ATR Leader.

2. appreciate the moral lessons that can be learnt from their ministries.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|The Ministry of: |5.1.1 narrate the story of the |The ministry of: |Teacher to narrate the story of the ministry of the |Narrate the story of the ministry |

|Jesus Christ |ministry of the three |a. Jesus Christ |leaders of the three main religions in Ghana. |of one of the leaders of the three|

|The Holy Prophet Muhammad |religious leaders. |Started his ministry at age 30 |a. Jesus Christ |main religions. |

|(S.A.W) An ATR Leader | |Went thro’ temptation |b. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) | |

| | |Went about teaching/preaching/healing |c. Okomfo Anokye | |

| | |e.g. Lepers | | |

| | |Performed miracles e.g. feeding of the 5000 |Ask pupils to read the stories from the holy books. | |

| | |Spoke in parables e.g. the prodigal son |Encourage pupils to ask questions | |

| | | | | |

| | |b. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) | | |

| | |Started his ministry at age 40 | | |

| | |Had an encounter with angel Jibril (Gabriel) | | |

| | |in Cave Hira | | |

| | |Miracle of the Holy Qur’an | | |

| | |Went about teaching/preaching | | |

| | |His journey to Taif | | |

| | |His migration (Hijra) to Madina | | |

| | |His farewell pilgrimage (Hajjatul Wada’) | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | |c. An ATR Leader |Assist pupils to: | |

|The Ministry of: | |Okomfo Anokye: | |. |

|Jesus Christ | |a priest | | |

|The Holy Prophet Muhammad | |brought the golden stool | | |

|(S.A.W) An ATR Leader | |assisted Osei Tutu in the Asante Wars | | |

| | |helped to unite the Asante Kingdom | | |

| | |make Kumasi the capital city of Asante Kingdom,| | |

| | |etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Moral Significance of their Ministries: | | |

| | |To direct humankind to God, their Creator (the | | |

| |5.1.2 explain the moral |Supreme Being) |discuss the moral lessons in the ministry of the |Identity four moral lessons in the|

| |significance of the ministry |To live exemplary life (e.g. Holy, humble, |religious leaders. |ministry of any of the religious |

| |of the leaders of the three |care, serviceable, forgiveness, tolerance etc) | |leaders. |

| |main religions. |To live peacefully with others | | |

| | |To live in unity and co-operate with other | | |

| | |people. | | |

| | |To believe in the Judgment Day which teaches | | |

| | |accountability, reward and punishment? | | |




General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. appreciate the significance of creation stories.

2. recognize the Omnipotence of God

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|Significance of Creation |1.2.1 outline the life application of |Life Application of the Creation stories: |Review the lesson on the significance of the creation |Explain how the creation stories |

|Stories |the creation stories |Originators of our own works (initiative and |stories. |apply to your personal life. |

| | |creativity) | | |

|- Life Application | |Orderliness in our daily activities |Discuss the life application of the creation stories. | |

| | |(Plan your work and work out your plan). |Note: Let pupils know that, they are made in the image | |

| | | |and likeness of God so the should be creative, orderly| |

| | | |etc | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 2 | |Omnipotence of God: | | |

| | |God is all: |Discuss what it means as God being: |Class Exercise: |

|The Omnipotence of God |1.3.1 explain the meaning of the |present |All – present | |

| |Omnipotence of God. |powerful |All – powerful |Explain in your own understanding |

| | |loving |All – loving |how God is omnipotent |

| | |knowing |All – knowing | |

| | | | | |

| | |Values from God’s Omnipotence: | |Recall the meaning of four |

| | |Honesty |Tell a story on God’s omnipotence and let pupils bring |attributes of God which indicate |

| |1.3.2 identify the values in God’s |Truthfulness |out the values in the story as stated in the content. |His Omnipotence |

| |omnipotence |Love | | |

| |. |Knowledge |Let pupils tell class how those values can be applied |State three moral values you have |

| | |Confidence |in their lives. |learnt from the Omnipotence of |

| | |Courage | |God. |

| | |Transparency | | |




General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. recognise that he/she is responsible for his/her actions.

2. appreciate the need to maintain a healthy environment.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Commitment to God |2.1.1 explain how God expects |God’s Expectations To His Commands: |Discuss with pupils how God expects humankind to |Give two examples of God’s |

| |humankind to respond to His |God’s call on us to be good people |respond to His commands. Teacher to make reference to |expectation of us. |

| |commands. |e.g. honest, caring, kind, truthful etc. |Holy Scriptures and Oral Traditions | |

| | |e.g. The ten Commandments. | | |

| | |Exodus 20:1-17 |NOTE: Humankind has the free will to either respond or| |

| | |Mathew 5 - 7 |not to God’s commands. | |

| | |Quran 6:160 |Our response to God’s expectations determines our| |

| | |Quran 76:8 |future. | |

| | |Quran 2:148 | | |

| | |Proverbs and wise sayings | | |

| | |. | | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 2 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Reward and Punishment | |Rewards and Punishments |Pupils in groups discuss and report on types of actions| |

| |2.2.1 explain why good deeds are |Types of actions that are rewarded at home: |that are rewarded and punished at home | |

| |rewarded and bad deeds |-running errands | | |

| |punished. |-being obedient etc |Teacher to tell stories about deeds that attract | |

| | |Types of actions that are punished at home: |rewards and deeds that call for punishment. | |

| | |-lying | | |

| | |-stealing | | |

| | |-fighting | | |

| | |-truancy etc | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 2 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|Reward and Punishment | |Types of actions that are rewarded at school: |Pupils to role-play a scene at school depicting |Home Work: |

| | |being obedient to authority |behaviour that is rewarded. |Pupils to find out from their |

| | |being respectful | |communities behaviours that are |

| | |taking initiatives etc |Discuss the role-play, bringing out the good behaviour |cherished. |

| | |Types of actions that are punished at school: |exhibited. | |

| | |-being disobedient to authority | |Explain why it is necessary to do |

| | |-being disrespectful and lazy |Give examples of actions that are generally approved or|good deeds. |

| | |-being a truant etc |disapproved by their friends. | |

| | | |Explain why some deeds are approved and some others | |

| | | |disapproved. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Note: In life good things are approved of and rewarded,| |

| | | |and bad deeds are disapproved and punished. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 3 | | | | |

| | |Practices That Sustain the Environment |Review the lesson on how they can maintain a healthy |. |

|Sanctions for Misuse of the| | |environment. | |

|Environment |2.3. 1 mention some practices in |Taboos: | | |

| |their community that sustain |-specific days set aside for non fishing in the|Discuss practices in their communities which sustain | |

| |the environment. |sea, non farming (sacred days) |the environment | |

| | |- sacred groves./trees/rocks etc | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 3 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|Sanctions for Misuse of the|2.3.2 explain the importance of |Importance of Taboos: |Discuss the importance of taboos in the sustenance of |Class Exercise: |

|Environment |Taboos in sustenance of | |the environment. |Explain how taboos have helped to |

| |the environment. |Taboos on forest: |Emphesise the spiritual aspects of such taboos |preserve our forests and minimized|

| | |prevent people from destroying the forest . | |the pollution of our rivers and |

| | |Taboos on fishing day : | |streams. |

| | |resting day for fishermen from the sea. | | |

| | |Taboos on farming day: | | |

| | |resting day for farmers and the land. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Some Sanctions For Breaking Taboos: | | |

| | |payment of fines | | |

| | |banishment |Pupils in small groups to discuss some of the sanctions|Home Work |

| |2.3.3 describe some sanctions |punishment from the gods and ancestors. |that a person will face by breaking a taboo. |Pupils to find out more about |

| |for breaking taboos. | | |taboos and their sanctions in |

| | | | |their community and report in |

| | | | |class. ( 4 taboos and their |

| | | | |sanction.) |

| | |Effects of Destruction and Misuse of the | | |

| | |Environment: | | |

| | |Land degradation leads to lost of valuable farm| | |

| | |land and destruction of water bodies. |Using pictures, discuss the various ways in which the |Project: |

| | |Unhygienic piles of refuse leads to spread of |environment can be destroyed and how the destruction |Investigate cases of environmental|

| |2.3.4 explain how the destruction |diseases |and misuse of the environment affect the life of |degradation in their locality and |

| |and misuse of the |Pollution of waters, streams and other sources |people. |write an essay describing the type|

| |environment affect the life of |of water leads to diseases. | |of degradation and how it can be |

| |people. | |Take pupils on a field trip to observe the effects of |avoided. |

| | | |the misuse of the environment | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |




General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. be aware of the importance of being a loyal member of the family.

2. understand the need to obey those in authority.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|Authority and Obedience in |3.1.1 identify those in authority in |Those in Authority in the family: |Discuss with pupils the authority structure of the |List five members in your family |

|the Family |the family. |Father |family. |whom you need to obey. |

| | |Mother | | |

| | |Older siblings | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Give three importance of being a |

| |3.1. 2 explain the importance of | |Discuss the importance of being loyal to parents, |loyal member of your family. |

| |being a loyal member of the | |relatives and friends. | |

| |family. |Loyal Member of the Family: | | |

| | |Promotes unity | | |

| | |Promotes peace | | |

| | |Maintains the good name of the family | | |

| | |Protects family members | | |

| | |Promotes the progress of the family, etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |




General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. understand the need to study and be familiar with the sacred and oral tradition/wise sayings.

2. recognise that prayer is very important in the three main religions in Ghana.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|Sacred Scriptures and Oral |4.1.1 identify the moral lessons |Moral Lessons from: |With reference to the sacred scriptures and oral |Class Exercise: |

|Traditions |from the sacred |a. The Bible |teachings, tell stories with moral lessons |Dramatize /Role-play one religious|

| |scriptures/oral sacred |e.g. The Good Samaritan | |story with a moral lesson. |

| |teachings |(Luke 10:25-37) |Assist pupils to identify the moral lessons | |

| | | |from the stories. | |

| | |b. The Holy Qur’an | | |

| | |e.g. Taking good care of the poor, |Discuss how they will apply the moral lessons to their | |

| | |needy and orphans. |daily lives. | |

| | |(Qur’an | | |

| | |107 : 1-6, 76:8 | | |

| | |Peace making | | |

| | |(Qur’an 49:9) | | |

| | |An Nawawi’s collection of Hadith | | |

| | |No 13 | | |

| | |“No one of you is a true believer, until he/she| | |

| | |loves for his/her brother what he/she loves for| | |

| | |himself/herself (Bukhari and Muslim) | | |

| | | | | |

| | |c. African Oral Traditon | | |

| | |Self-sacrifice | | |

| | |e.g. Tweneboa Kodua | | |

| | |Egya Ahor | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 2 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|Prayer |4.2.1 describe types of prayer in |Types of Prayer in the Three Main Religions in |Pupils to recite the various types of prayers in the |Mention three types of prayers. |

| |the three main religions in |Ghana: |three main religions in Ghana. | |

| |Ghana. |Prayer of Thanksgiving |Discuss the prayers indicating which type according to | |

| | |Prayer of Confession |content | |

| | |Prayer of Intercession | | |

| | |Prayer of Petition, etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Give three reasons why you pray. |

| |4.2.2. explain the importance of |Importance of Prayer in our lives: |Discuss the importance of prayer. | |

| |prayer. | | | |

| | |To establish communion with God |Encourage pupils to pray regularly | |

| | |To request for our needs | | |

| | |To confess wrongdoing | | |

| | |To ask for forgiveness | | |

| | |To show gratitude to God. | | |




General Objective: The pupil will:

1. know the significance of the call of Jesus Christ, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and an ATR Leader.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|The Call of the Leaders of |5.1.1 tell the story of the call of |The Call of the Leaders: |With reference to the sacred scriptures and oral |Give three reasons why they study |

|the Three Main Religions |the three religious leaders |a. Jesus Christ |tradition, discuss the call of the leaders of the three|the call of the religious leaders |

| | |His Baptism |main religions. | |

| | |His Temptation according to St. Luke’s Gospel | | |

| | | | | |

| | |b. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) |Role-play some aspects of the call of any one of the | |

| | |His marriage to Khadjia |following : | |

| | |His call to Prophethood according to Qur’an and|a. Jesus Christ | |

| | |Hadith. |b. The Holy Prophet | |

| | | |Muhammad (S.A.W) | |

| | |c. ATR Leader |c. Okomfo Anokye |. |

| | |e.g. Okomfo Anokye | | |

| | |Possession | | |

| | |Training, etc | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Virtues of The Religious Leaders | | |

| | |-Humility | | |

| |5.1.2 describe some virtues |-Tolerance |Discuss virtues of the leaders as in content | |

| |exhibited by the three |-Just | | |

| |religious leaders |-Persevered | | |

| | |-Forgiving etc | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|The Call of the Leaders of |5.1.3 apply some of the virtues of |Life Application Of Virtues |Discuss how pupils can apply these virtues in their |Give three virtues they have |

|the Three Main Religions |the religious leaders to their |Truthfulness |daily lives. |learnt from the call of the |

| |lives. |Honesty | |religious leaders. |

| | |Trustworthiness | | |

| | |Attentiveness | | |

| | |Willingness to serve | | |

| | |Endurance | | |

| | |Humility, etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |




General Objective: The pupil will:

1. understand the religious significance of the Christian, Islamic and Traditional Religious Festivals.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|Religious Festivals |6.1.1 outline the religious |Religious and Importance of: |Pupils in groups to discuss the religious significance |Class Exercise: |

| |importance of the |a. Christian Festivals |of festivals of the three religions. |Mention the religious importance |

| |various festivals. |Christmas: | |of one of the festivals of the |

| | |Religious: | |three main religions in Ghana. |

| | |Recognition of the coming of the | | |

| | |saviour | | |

| | |Easter | | |

| | |Religious;: | | |

| | |Death and resurrection of the | | |

| | |saviour (salvation) | | |

| | |b. Islamic Festivals | | |

| | |Eid- ul -Fitr | | |

| | |Religious: | | |

| | |nearness to God | | |

| | |spiritual devotion | | |

| | |thanksgiving to God | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

|UNIT 1 (Cont’d) | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Religious Festivals |The pupil will be able to: |Eid- ul- Adha; | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Religious: | | |

| | |Sharing | | |

| | |Remembrance of Prophet Ibrahim’s sacrifice of | | |

| | |his son, Ismael | | |

| | |c. Traditional Festivals | | |

| | |e.g. Odwira, Damba, Homowo, | | |

| | |Kundum, Hogbetsotso etc. | | |

| | |Religious: | | |

| | |Devotion, purification, thanksgiving to the | | |

| | |deities and ancestors. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Reasons for Festivals: | | |

| | |remembrance of people’s origin | | |

| | |to fulfill the command of God | | |

| | |opportunity for certain moral obligations to be| | |

| | |fulfilled | | |

| | |i.e. purification, reconciliation, loyalty | | |

| | |re-union with one’s deity, etc | | |

| | | | | |

| |6.1.2 explain the moral |Moral Significance of Religious Festivals: |Discuss the moral significance of the festivals |Assignment: |

| |significance of religious |e.g. Christmas | | |

| |festivals |Faithfulness of God in honouring His promise |NOTE: Teacher should stress the moral values of the |Interview their parents on the |

| | |Gives inspirations. |different aspects of the cerebrations. e.g. Carlos |reasons for a selected festival |

| | |Eid- ul- Fitr |Service, Boxing Day, sprinkling of kpoikpoi during |and report to class. |

| | |Holiness |Homowo, clearing the path during Akwanbo. | |

| | |Sympathy | |Give two moral significance of any|

| | |Generosity | |one religious festival. |

| | |Self-control | | |

| | |Gratitude/thankfulness | | |

| | |ATR | | |

| | |- Odwira | | |

| | |Sharing | | |

| | |Gratitude | | |

| | |Reconciliation | | |

| | |Unity etc, | | |




General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. appreciate the uniqueness of humankind from other creatures.

2. appreciate humankind as creation in the image of God.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | |: | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|The Uniqueness of Humankind|1.1.1 explain the uniqueness of |The Uniqueness of Humankind: |Discuss the characteristics of humankind that make us |Mention three things that make |

| |humankind in relation to |our thinking ability. |unique in relation to other created things. |humankind unique from other |

| |other created things. |ability to speak | |creatures. |

| | |ability to reason, industry | | |

| | |stewardship etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Pupils in groups to discuss and present how each | |

| |1.1.2 explain how each |Uniqueness of Individuals: |individual is different from the other. |List four characteristics of two |

| |individual is special. |Each person is different from the other in terms | |of your friends, which make them |

| | |of characteristics like: | |different from you. |

| | | | | |

| | |Physical features (height, size colour) | | |

| | |Likes and Dislikes | | |

| | |Strengths and Weaknesses | | |

| | |Abilities | | |

| | |Behaviour ( the way you think, talk | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

| |1.1.3 outline some characteristics |The Nature of Humankind: |Discuss the positive and negative aspects of humankind.|Class Exercise: |

| |of humankind. |Positive aspects: | | |

| | |Love |Discuss why we should always practise the positive of |Mention three positive and two |

| | |Honesty |the characteristics of humankind in the: |negative aspects of the nature of |

| | |Kindness |home |humankind. |

| | |Patience |school | |

| | |Respect |community. |Explain why we should show the |

| | |Negative aspects: | |positive aspects of the nature of |

| | |Dishonesty | |humankind. |

| | |Hatred | | |

| | |Jealousy | | |

| | |Impatience | | |

| | |Deceit etc. | | |

| | | |Pupils to brainstorm and come out with the various |Debate whether facial markings |

| | | |forms of body marks. |should continue to be practised. |

| |1.1.4 give reasons why human |Defacing of Bodies: |NOTE: Point out that the reasons for the marks are no | |

| |beings should not deface |Facial marks |more relevant | |

| |their bodies. |(Tribal marks) | | |

| | |Female Genital mutilation (FGM) | | |

| | |Bleaching of the skin |With the aid of diagram/ models or film show explain | |

| | | |FGM to pupils. | |

| | | | | |

| | |Reasons for not Deforming the Bodies: |Let pupils give their comments about the film/ | |

| | |Facial, tribal marks deform the face |diagrams/ models. | |

| | |Health problems | | |

| | |Disfigures the person | | |

| | |Bleeding to death | | |

| | |Can cause infertility |Suggest ways for abolishing Female Genital Mutilation. | |

| | |Reduce sexual satisfaction in marriage. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Abolishing Female Genital Mutilation: | | |

| | |Education | | |

| | |Enforcement of the laws | | |

| | |Stiffer punishment for breaking the laws. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Reasons to practise positive aspect: Peace, | | |

| | |harmony, good relationship, etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: |Reasons for not Deforming the Bodies: |With the aid of diagram/ models or film show explain |Class Exercise: |

| | |Facial, tribal marks deform the face |FGM to pupils. |Mention tribes in and outside |

|The Uniqueness of Humankind| |Health problems | |Ghana that practise Female Genital|

| | |Disfigures the person |Let pupils give their comments about the film/ |Mutilation |

| | |Bleeding to death |diagrams/ models. | |

| | |Can cause infertility | | |

| | |Reduce sexual satisfaction in marriage. | |Give three reasons why Female |

| | | | |Genital Mutilation should not be |

| | |Abolishing Female Genital Mutilation: |Suggest ways for abolishing Female Genital Mutilation. |practised in modern times. |

| | |Education | | |

| | |Enforcement of the laws | | |

| | |Stiffer punishment for breaking the laws. | |Suggest four ways for abolishing |

| | | | |female genital mutilation. |

| | |Reasons to practise positive aspect: Peace, | | |

| | |harmony, good relationship, etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Oral Exercise |

|UNIT 2 | |Humankind is Created in the Image of God Based on | |Explain why humankind is created |

| | |the Beliefs of the Three Main Religions in Ghana: |Pupils to read and discuss how humankind is created in |in the image of God. |

|Humankind as the Image of |1.2.1 explain the belief that |Christianity: |the image of God from the Holy Scriptures and Oral | |

|God |humankind is created in |Genesis 1:26 - 28 |Tradition. | |

| |the image of God. |Islam: | | |

| | |Qur’an 95:4 | | |

| | |Tradition: | | |

| | |The soul is from God. | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 2 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|Humankind as The Image of |1.2.2 identify some qualities of |Some Qualities of God that Humankind should |Discuss some of the qualities of God that humankind |List four qualities of God and |

|God |God that humankind should |Exhibit : |should exhibit. |show how you will exhibit them. |

| |exhibit. |Holiness | | |

| | |Graciousness |NOTE: Ensure that each pupil understands and can | |

| | |Merciful |explain the meaning and moral implications of each of | |

| | |Loving |the qualities listed in the content. | |

| | |Forgiving | | |

| | |Just | | |

| | |Compassionate, etc | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |




General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. appreciate the need to show commitment in the home, school, community etc.

2. be aware that there are rewards and punishments for good deeds and bad deeds respectively.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Commitment to the Community|2.1.1 state how he/she is |Commitment to our communities. |Discuss the various communities they belong to. |List four examples of communities |

| |committed to the |Commitment generally includes: | |you belong to. |

| |community. |Maintaining order |In small groups pupils discuss how they can be | |

| | |Giving support |committed to their communities. | |

| | |Protecting others including their properties | |Write five things you will do to |

| | |Being patriotic | |help the community |

| | |Taking part in communal labour, etc. | | |

| | |e.g. clean up exercise. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Benefits of Commitment to the Community : | | |

| | |Opportunity to perform his/her duties in the |Pupils to discuss the benefits of their commitment to |Class Exercise: |

| |2.1.2 explain the benefits of |home, school, town, village and the religion. |their communities as in content |Suggest three benefits |

| |his/her commitment to the |Promotes good neighbourliness |NOTE Teacher to explain that, because they have the |of your commitment |

| |community. |Sharing the joys and sorrows of neighbours and |nature of God they have to contribute to keep their |to your community. |

| | |community. |community going | |

| | |Promotes healthy Community | |Mention three effects of |

| | |Progress and development for yourself and the | |neglecting one’s |

| | |community | |community. |

| | |Enhances socialization etc. | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: |Deeds that bring Joy and Happiness | | |

| | |Showing respect | | |

|Commitment to the Community| |Helping others | | |

| | |Volunteerism / willingness to serve | | |

| | |Being generous | | |

| | |Being courteous, etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 2 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Reward and Punishment | | | | |

| |2.2.1 explain how good deeds |Deeds that Bring Pain and Suffering |Discuss with pupils deeds that bring joy and happiness |Describe two things you can do to |

| |bring joy and happiness and |Fighting and quarrelling |Pupils to role- play deeds that bring joy and |bring joy and happiness to |

| |bad deeds bring pain and |Cheating |happiness. |yourself and others. |

| |suffering. |Gossiping | | |

| | |Envy, jealousy | | |

| | |Dishonesty | | |

| | |Apathy , etc. | | |

| | | |Discuss deeds that bring pain and suffering. |State three consequences of bad |

| | | | |deeds. |

| | | |Pupils to role-play a situation that brought pain and | |

| | | |suffering to the family. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |NOTE: stress that rewards and punishment may be | |

| | | |delayed. | |




General Objective: The pupil will:

1. appreciate the role of the religious family in character formation.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Role of the Religious |3.1.1 explain the role of the |The Role of the Religious Family in Character |Discuss the role of the religious family in character |Identify the roles of the three |

|Family in Character |religious family in character |Formation: |formation. |main religious families in |

|Formation |formation. |A Christian: | |character formation. |

| | |The family teaches their members right from by | | |

| | |doing the following: | | |

| | |Tell children religious stories | | |

| | |Have family devotions together | | |

| | |Sunday schools | | |

| | |Children service programmes | | |

| | |Youth programmes | | |

| | |Bible studies | |. |

| | |Preaching /teaching etc | | |

| | |b. Islamic | | |

| | |Character formation starts from birth through | | |

| | |the following: | | |

| | |Calling the Adhan and Iqama into the ears. | | |

| | |Naming of the child (Aqiqa) | | |

| | |Introducing the child to prayers at home and | | |

| | |in the mosque | | |

| | |Quranic studies | | |

| | |Teaching and training (Ta’lim & Tarbiyyat) | | |

| | |Attending religious programmes, etc | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Role of the Religious | |c. Traditional | | |

|Family and Character | |Naming ceremony | | |

|Formation | |Use of water and alcohol | | |

| | |Impart moral values to them | | |

| | |It is the duty of the community to correct the | | |

| | |child and not only the biological family | | |

| | |Wise sayings, Folktales, Ananse stories are | | |

| | |used to educate the child. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Acceptable Behaviours in Character Formation : | | |

| | | | | |

| |3.1.2 explain some acceptable |Love for neighbour – (The good Samaritan) |Pupils to brainstorm and discuss some acceptable |Outline five acceptable behaviours|

| |behaviours of religious |Respect for authority (Q. 4:59) |behaviour of religious families in character formation.|of religious families in character|

| |families in character |Handwork | |formation. |

| |formation. |Chastity (Q 23:1-5 ) |Pupils to role-play two situations showing how any of | |

| | |( Q 24:2-4) |the acceptable behaviours can be practiced. | |

| | |(Luke 1:26-27) | | |

| | |Humility (Luke 18:9 – 14) |Discuss the role-play | |

| | |(Matthew 5:5) | | |

| | |(Q. 6:63) | | |

| | |Honesty | | |

| | |Patriotism - (Luke 20:20-26) | | |

| | |Avoidance of jealousy - | | |

| | |(Exodus 20:17) | | |

| | |Encouragement of aspirations of friends and | | |

| | |relatives, etc. | | |

| | |Justice (Q. 4:135) | | |




General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. be aware of the importance of participating in Worship /Salat.

2 appreciate the moral significance of participating in Worship/Salat.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Worship/Salat |4.1.1 identify the various forms |Various Forms of Worship/Salat |Randomly call pupil of the three religions to talk |Role-play an act of worship/Salat |

| |of worship /salat in the |a. Christian |about their forms of worship |in the religion of their choice. |

| |three main religions |e.g. Normal Sunday/Saturday | | |

| | |Service |Discuss pupils’ responses. | |

| | |Baptism /confirmation service | | |

| | |Communion service etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |b. Islam : Salat (Five Daily Prayers) | | |

| | |Fajr (dawn) 5:00am – 5:30 a.m. | | |

| | |Zuhr (afternoon) 1:00pm – 2:00pm | | |

| | |Asr (late afternoon) 3:30pm – 4:30pm | | |

| | |Maghrib (Sunset) 6:00pm – 6:30pm | | |

| | |Isha (night) 7:00pm – late night. | | |

| | |Other prayers | | |

| | |Tahajjud | | |

| | |Janaza, etc, | | |

| | | | | |

| | |c. Traditional Religion | | |

| | |Morning worship | | |

| | |Evening worship | | |

| | |Worship on special occasions | | |

| | |e.g. weekly worship | | |

| | |Sacred days | | |

| | |rites of passage | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|Worship/Salat | |Times for worship/Salat: | |Describe the times of worship |

| | |e.g. daily | |/Salat |

| | |weekly | | |

| | |annually | | |

| | |when in need | | |

| | |special occasions | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |4.1.2 explain the purpose and |Purpose of Worship /Salat; |Discuss the purpose and significance of worship |Give four purposes of |

| |significance of |to establish communion with God | |worship/Salat. |

| |worship/Salat . |to express gratitude to God | | |

| | |to express obedience | | |

| | |to make requests | |State four moral significance in |

| | |to ask for forgiveness from God etc. | |Worship/Salat. |

| | | | | |

| | |Moral Significance of Worship | | |

| | |Promotes Holiness | | |

| | |Keeps one from sinning | | |

| | |Draws one closer to God |. | |

| | |Makes one dependent on God | | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 2 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Religious Songs/Recitations| |Differences between Religious and Non Religious|Let pupils give examples of religious |Give two examples each of |

|and Their Moral |4.2.1 differentiate between |Songs/Recitations: |songs/recitations, and mention some of the non – |religious and non religious songs.|

|Significance |religious and non religious | |religious songs and discuss them. | |

| |songs/recitations. |Religious Songs: | | |

| | |Hymns | | |

| | |Chorus | | |

| | |Islamic songs | | |

| | |Traditional songs | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Non Religious Songs | | |

| | |Profane | | |

| | |Hip -life | | |

| | |Secular songs etc | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 2 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|Religious Songs/Recitations| | | | |

|and Their Moral |4.2.2. sing /recite some religious |Religious songs/recitations: |Pupils to learn some religious songs/recitations. |Sing/recite two religious songs in|

|Significance |songs /recitations. |e.g. onward Christian soldiers | |class. |

| | |Lailaha illa’ lah/Nashkru lah | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Discuss the moral significance of religious | |

| |4.2.3 explain the moral |Moral significance of religious |songs/recitations and how they will apply the moral |Sing /recite and explain the moral|

| |significance of religious |songs/recitations. |lessons of songs /recitations to their daily lives. |values in some religious songs. |

| |songs/ recitations. |Tell us about the attributes of God | | |

| | |Warn us against evil | | |

| | |Promote peace and unity with people. | | |

| | |Bring contentment | | |

| | |Promote courage. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 3 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Sacred | |Some sacred passages/oral traditions in the |Pupils to recite some scriptural passages /oral | |

|Passages/Oral Traditions in| |three main religions. |traditions. |Recite some sacred passages and |

|the Three Main Religions |4.3.1 recite some sacred |a. Christian | |oral traditions and explain their |

| |passages and oral traditions |The Lord’s Prayer, The Apostle Creed, |Discuss the meanings of the scriptural passages/oral |moral values. |

| |in the three main religions. |Passages from the books of Psalms and Proverbs |traditions. | |

| | |e.g. Ps 23, Proverbs 6:6 etc. | | |

| | |b. Islam | | |

| | |Holy Qur’an chp. 1 (Al- Fatiha) | | |

| | |Suras 105 – 114 | | |

| | |Passages from the Hadith, etc. | | |

| | |c. Traditional Religion | | |

| | |Proverbs, folk-tales, myths, wise sayings, etc.| | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 3 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Sacred |4.3.2 explain the moral lessons in |Moral lessons of the Scripture Passages/Oral |Discuss the moral lessons in the passages /oral |Sing /recite and explain the moral|

|Passages/Oral Traditions in|the passages. |Traditions: |traditions. |values of some religious songs. |

|the Three Main Religions | |Psalm 23 | | |

| | |The Faithfulness of God | | |

| | |The dependence of God | | |

| | |Proverbs 6:6 | | |

| | |Hardwork and diligence | | |

| | |Commitment | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Qur’an 5:8 | | |

| | |Justice | | |

| | |Qur’an 17:32, 23:2-6, 24:2-4 chastity | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Teacher observes and assesses how |

| |4.3.3. analyse how he/she will |The How to Apply the Moral Lessons in their |Discuss the various ways in which they could emulate |far pupils apply the moral |

| |apply the moral lessons in |Lives: |the moral lessons provided |teachings in their lives at play |

| |the scriptural passages |Examples of Moral Lessons | |in class, etc. |

| |/oral traditions in his/her |Patience – being patient in life | | |

| |life. |Kindness – being kind to others | | |

| | |Hardwork | | |

| | |Diligence | | |

| | |Obedience | | |

| | |Respect | | |




General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. narrate the story of the later life of Jesus Christ, The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and an A.T.R leader.

2. be aware of the moral lessons in the stories of the later life of the religious leaders.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|The Later Life of: |5.1.1 tell the story of the later life |Later life of leaders of the three religions:|With reference to the Holy Scriptures and oral |Narrate the story of the later |

|Jesus Christ, |of the leaders of the three |a. Jesus Christ |traditions, discuss the later life of the religious |life of any one of the religious |

|The Holy Prophet Muhammad |religions |the triumphant entry |leaders. |leaders. |

|(S.A.W) | |the last super | | |

|An ATR Leader | |passion stories i.e. crucifixion, his | | |

| | |resurrection. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |b. The Holy Prophet | | |

| | |Muhammad (S.A.W) | | |

| | |the Hijra | | |

| | |the last pilgrimage | | |

| | |the triumphant entry into Mekka. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |c. Later Life of an ATR leader | | |

| | |Okomfo Anokye | | |

| | |He led the Asantis in battle against their | | |

| | |enemies. | | |

| | |He united the Ashanti Kingdom and provided the | | |

| | |Golden Stool as a symbol. | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|The Later Life of: |5.1.2 identify the virtues of the |Virtues of the three leaders |Discuss the virtues that they have learnt form the |a. Select one of the |

|Jesus Christ, |three leaders in their later | |later lives of the religious leaders. |religious leaders and |

|The Holy Prophet Muhammad |lives |a. Jesus Christ | |state four moral |

|(S.A.W) | |Humility | |lessons from his later |

|An ATR Leader | |Courageous | |lives. |

| | |Forgiveness | | |

| | |Tolerance | | |

| | |Healing | |b. Explain how you can |

| | |Perseverance | |apply them in your life. |

| | |Endurance, etc | | |

| | | | | |

| | |b. The Holy Prophet Muhammad | | |

| | |Courageous | | |

| | |Endurance | | |

| | |Equality | | |

| | |Forgiveness | | |

| | |Merciful | | |

| | |Respect, | | |

| | |Tolerance, etc | | |

| | | | | |

| | |c. An ATR Leader | | |

| | |Okomfo Anokye | | |

| | |Selflessness | | |

| | |Unity | | |

| | |Perseverance, | | |

| | |Courageous, etc | | |




General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. recognise that humankind and their environment were created by God for a purpose.

2. appreciate the nature of God.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|Humankind and The |1.1.1 explain creation as the work |Creation as the work of God According to |Narrate the Creation stories according to the three |Narrate one creation story from |

|Environment |of God. |Creation Stories in the three main Religions. |main religions. |one of the three main religions. |

| | |e.g. | | |

| | |a. Christian |Discuss the moral lessons in the Creation stories. | |

| | |Gen. Chp. 1and 2 | |State three moral lessons learnt |

| | | |NOTE: They should plan their lives. |from the creation stories. |

| | |b. Islam: | | |

| | |Qur’an 22:5 | | |

| | |23:12 -14 | | |

| | |c. ATR | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Myths of creation | | |

| | |Moral lesson | | |

| | |to portray God’s care, love, etc. | | |

| | |orderliness, planning, etc. | | |

| | | | |State three reasons each why God |

| | |The Purpose of Creating Humankind and the |Discuss God’s purpose for creating humankind and the |created |

| |1.1.2 state the purpose for which |Environment: |environment. | |

| |God created humankind and |Humankind is God’s representative on earth. | |a. Humankind |

| |the environment. |To Worship God | |b. The environment |

| | |Take care of other creatures. | | |

| | |To share in God’s creation (Be fruitful and | | |

| | |multiply) | | |

| | |To portray God’s glory | | |

| | |To give man comfort | | |

| | |To be responsible | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|Humankind and The |1.1.3 explain how to preserve |How to Preserve the Environment: |Brainstorm the reasons why the environment must be |a. Mention three things |

|Environment |the environment. |Prevention of: |preserved. |you would do to |

| | |Bush fires | |maintain the |

| | |Overgrazing |Pupils to undertake a clean –up exercise. |environment. |

| | |Indiscriminate sand winning | | |

| | |Littering | |b. Give three reasons |

| | |Improper refuse disposal etc. | |why the environment |

| | | | |must be preserved. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |1.1.4 explain the religious and |Religious and Moral lessons in the Preservation|Discuss the religious and moral lessons in preserving |State two religious and moral |

| |moral lessons in preserving |of the Environment: |the environment. |lessons learnt from preserving the|

| |the environment. |i. The environment was created by |NOTE: God expects us to be good stewards of the |environment. |

| | |God for the use of humankind. It is |environment | |

| | |therefore important for us to keep it | | |

| | |clean and safe for everybody. | | |

| | |ii. The environment is the home for | | |

| | |humans, plants and animals. It is | | |

| | |therefore our responsibility to keep | | |

| | |it safe and clean for all God’s | | |

| | |creation. | | |

|UNIT 2 | | | | |

| | | | |Mention and explain four |

|Nature of God |1.2.1 recall the nature of God |The Nature of God through His Attributes: |Discuss the nature and attributes of God. |attributes of God. |

| |through His attributes. |Merciful | | |

| | |Caring |NOTE: This lesson should put together the attributes | |

| | |Loving |of God learnt in Primary 1 and 2. Use questions and | |

| | |Giver of life |answers to revise the lessons learnt on this topic in | |

| | |Sustainer of life |Primary 2 and I and then move on to the present unit. | |

| | |Protector of life | | |

| | |Giver of rain | | |

| | |Giver of light |Stress the fact that “God is good” based on all the | |

| | |Custodian of morality |attributes studied in class. They should therefore | |

| | |Just |learn to be good pupils. | |

| | |Everlasting, etc | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 2 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|Nature of God | | | | |

| |1.2.2 state the moral lessons in |Moral Lessons of God’s Attributes: |Take each attribute in turn and discuss the moral |Select three moral attributes of |

| |God’s attributes. |Merciful |lesson in it. |God and specify how you can apply |

| | |Caring | |them in your life. |

| | |Loving |Use stories or experiences to explain the moral | |

| | |Kindness |attributes of God and lessons learnt from them. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Pupils to role- play some of the attributes of God and | |

| |1.2.3 demonstrate the attributes |Demonstration of Attributes: |discuss their moral values. | |

| |Of God in his /her daily life. |Merciful: We should show mercy to people like | | |

| | |the poor and the needy. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Caring: we should care for the aged and the | | |

| | |sick both humankind and animals, etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |




General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. appreciate the need for good relationship.

2. appreciate the need to live up to their responsibilities.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Relationships |2.1.1 state different types of |Different types of relationships: |Discuss different types of relationships. |Role-play |

| |relationships. | | |“Family Relationship viz father, |

| | |Family | |mother, children and the opposite |

| | |Peer groups | |sex. |

| | |Grown ups | | |

| | |Goy-girl relationship | | |

| | |Friends. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |2.1.2 explain how to build healthy |How to build healthy cordial relationships with|In small groups, pupils to discuss how to build cordial|State four ways of making friends.|

| |and cordial relationships. |family, friends, grown ups etc: |relationships with family, friends etc. | |

| | |Show respect and appreciation. Assist family | | |

| | |grown ups, friends, members of the opposite sex|Role-play how to make friends. | |

| | |whenever necessary. | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

|Relationships | | | | |

| |2.1.3 explain the need to |The Need to Develop Healthy Relationship with |Discuss why it is necessary to develop healthy |State three reasons why it is |

| |develop healthy |Members of the Opposite Sex: |relationships with members of the opposite sex. |necessary for boys and girls to |

| |relationship with |To accept and respect each other | |keep healthy relationships. |

| |the opposite sex. |To help each other |NOTE: Teacher should encourage pupils to remain chaste | |

| | |We make up for each others’ weaknesses | | |

| | |To avoid pre-marital sex | | |

| | |To avoid teenage pregnancy | | |

| | |To avoid STI’s , HIV / AIDS, etc | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Developing Cordial Ethnic Relationship: |Pupils to brainstorm and discuss why we should develop | |

| | |Reasons |good relationship with other ethnic groups. |Explain why is it important for |

| |2.1.4 explain why he/she should |To avoid ethnic conflicts | |all ethnic groups in Ghana to |

| |develop good relationship |To promote respect and peace |NOTE: Avoid stereotype and negative thinking about |co-operate with one another? |

| |with members of other |To ensure unity in diversity. |other ethnic groups. | |

| |ethnic group | | | |

| |. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Responsibilities: |Pupils to discuss in groups, their responsibilities at | |

|UNIT 2 | | |home and school. |Give three responsibilities of the|

| | |Performing household chores, helping parents by| |child at: |

|Responsibilities |2.2.1 explain what responsibilities |running errands, performing school duties, etc.|Discuss the need to accept responsibilities |a. home |

| |are. | | |b. school |

| | | |Let pupils explain why responsibilities are important | |

| | | |at home and in school. | |

| | |Responsibilities as Part of Human life: | |Observe and assess how pupils |

| | |A religious person works well, and does not | |respond to their duties. |

| | |avoid his/her responsibilities. | | |

| | |We need to accept our responsibilities because | | |

| | |we live in society and not in isolation. | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 2 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Responsibilities |2.2.2 explain the importance of |Importance of Performing Responsibilities: |Discuss why it is important for them to perform their |Class Exercise |

| |performing his/her | |responsibilities at home and in school. |Give three reasons why you should |

| |responsibilities |Promote peace and harmony | |perform your responsibilities at: |

| | |Receive rewards / Avoid punishments. |NOTE: Teacher to give his observations on pupils who |home |

| | |Contribute towards the welfare of the home etc.|generally show sense of responsibilities in class, |school |

| | |Means of showing loyalty and commitment |reward them and encourage others to be responsible. | |

| | |Promote progress and development. | | |

| | |Unity and co-operation. |. | |




General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. understand the ministry of the leaders of the three main religions.

2. appreciate the need to emulate the exemplary lives of the leaders of the three main religions.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|The Ministry of the Leaders|3.1.1 recall the highlights of the |Highlights of the ministry of leaders |Review the highlights of the ministry of the leaders of|Assignment |

|of the Three Main Religions|ministry of the leaders of the |Start of the ministry |the three main religions |Pupils to identify a |

| |three main religions. |New approach to salvation | |parable/hadith/proverb and bring |

| | |Preaching/teaching | |out its moral values for reporting|

| | |Performed miracles, healing etc. | |in class. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |3.1.2 identify the techniques they |Techniques For Presenting |Discuss some of the main techniques the leaders used in| |

| |used in presenting their |Messages: |presenting messages. | |

| |messages |Parabels | | |

| | |Wise Sayings | | |

| | |Hadiths | | |

| | |Folktales | | |

| | |Proverbs | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Birth, Early Life And |3.1.3 identify some of the key |The Importance and Relevance of some Key Events|With reference to the holy books pupils to discuss some|State two moral values learnt from|

|Ministry of the Leaders of |events in their ministry and |of their Ministry: |key events of the ministry of the religious leaders and|the lessons. |

|the Three Main Religions |how these relate to his/her |Jesus Christ |explain how these events are important to their lives. | |

| |life. |Call of disciples | | |

| | |Teaching e.g. Sermon on the Mt. miracles and | | |

| | |parables. | | |

| | |Last supper | | |

| | |Passion Event (Trial, arrest, crucifixion, | | |

| | |death and resurrection | | |

| | | | | |

| | |The Holy Prophet Muhammad | | |

| | |Hijra | | |

| | |The Last Pilgrimage | | |

| | |The Triumphant entry into Mecca. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |ATR: Okomfo Anokye | | |

| | |His imprisonment | | |

| | |His contact with Osei Tutu | | |

| | |Provision of the Golden Stool | | |

| | |The defeat of the Denkyira state and other | | |

| | |enemies | | |

| | |The establishment of Ashanti Kingdom, Kumasi as| | |

| | |the capital | | |




General Objectives: The pupil will:

1. understand how religious festivals are celebrated.

2. appreciate the significance of religious festivals.

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Religious Festivals |4.1.1 identify some Religious |Religious Festivals: |Discuss some religious festivals of the three main |Mention six religious festivals, |

| |Festivals |a. Christians |religions. |two from each of the three main |

| | |Christmas, Easter etc. | |religions in Ghana. |

| | | | | |

| | |b. Islam | | |

| | |Eid – ul – Fitr | | |

| | |Eid – ul – Adha | | |

| | | | | |

| | |c. Traditional / Religion | | |

| | |Hogbetsotso | | |

| | |Homowo | | |

| | |Fetu Afahye | | |

| | |Damba | | |

| | |Ahorba | | |

| | |Kundum etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Essay: |

| |4.1.2 describe how they are |Celebration of religious |Pupils to discuss how some of the religious festivals |Discuss a religious festival. |

| |celebrated. |Festivals: |are celebrated. | |

| | |Christian | | |

| | |Islam |Pupils to role-play the celebrations of the three | |

| | |ATR |festivals | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Discuss why they should participate in religious | |

| | | |festivals. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |ACTIVITIES | |

| | | | | |

|UNIT 1 (Cont’d) |The pupil will be able to: | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Religious Festivals |4.1.3 outline the moral, and |Moral, Social Religious Significance of the |Discuss the moral, social and religious significance of|State two |

| |religious significance of |Festivals. |the festivals. |a. Moral |

| |religious festivals. |Ref: P4 sec. 6, | |b. Social |

| | | | |c. Religious |

| | | | |significance of festivals. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Give four reasons why you should |

| | | | |participate in religious |

| | | | |festivals. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |4.1.4 demonstrate how her/she |Application of the Moral Lessons of the |Role- play one of the religious festivals depicting |Identify four ways through which |

| |will apply the moral lessons |Religious Festivals. |some of the moral lessons and how they apply to their |you will apply the moral lessons |

| |in festivals to his/her daily |take part in communal labour. |lives. |of the festivals in your daily |

| |life. |Be generous to others. | |life. |

| | |Reconcile with those who have offended you. | | |

| | | | |Give four reasons why you should |

| | | | |apply the moral lessons of the |

| | | | |festivals to your daily life. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


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