ELCC Standard 3:

ELCC Standard 3:

A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.

|Date |Event |Administrator/School |ISLLC |O/P |Hours |

| | | |Standard | | |

|February 11, March |School Improvement Team meetings to|Dr. LaMartina/Belmont Elementary |10/3.1 |P |6 hrs |

|10, April 14, 2008 |analyze data |School | | | |

|SUMMARY and ELCC |During each of the School Improvement Team Meetings, data was analyzed. Data included test scores, referral |

|Element Addressed |information, attendance information and parent participation. Our job as the team was to work together to |

| |positively increase the test scores so that an effective learning environment is created. |

|REFLECTION |A lot of data was always being talked about during these meetings but I personally felt that not too much got|

| |done after the meetings. The one decision that was decided after the April meeting was to create an after |

| |school detention program so that the amount of referrals might decrease and that parent involvement would |

| |increase. |

|Date |Event |Administrator/School |ISLLC |O/P |Hours |

| | | |Standard | | |

|February 26, 2008 |Textbook Ordering |Dr. LaMartina/Belmont Elementary |10/3.1 |P |2 hrs |

| | |School | | | |

|SUMMARY and ELCC |The CEO of BCPSS has given Principals the power over instructional programs. The textbook ordering PD was to|

|Element Addressed |give Principals the information about the different instructional programs that were being offered to |

| |continue providing an effective learning environment. |

|REFLECTION |While at this meeting, we went with the notion that the school was going to continue using the instructional |

| |supplies that the school had already purchased. We decided to continue using these supplies due to the |

|Artifact #5 |tremendous growth in data improvement that our students have shown. |

|Date |Event |Administrator/School |ISLLC |O/P |Hours |

| | | |Standard | | |

|February 29, 2008 and|School Budget: Title One Funds |Dr. LaMartina/Belmont Elementary |10/3.1 |P |10 hrs |

|March 3rd, 2008 | |School | | | |

|SUMMARY and ELCC |The school was given extra Title One Funds from the Title One Office. The funds needed to be managed so that|

|Element Addressed |supplies were bought that would provide an effective learning environment. |

| | |

|REFLECTION |The BCPSS ordering process is a pain. Ordering through K-12, I tried to purchase Promethean Boards, |

| |Televisions, CD Players, Digital Camera and other technology pieces. I had to make a spread sheet of the |

|Artifact #6 |money allotted for each area and then how much was spent on different items. The problems were found when |

| |the account numbers did not match the BCPSS ordering information. |

|Date |Event |Administrator/School |ISLLC |O/P |Hours |

| | | |Standard | | |

|August 12, 2008 |Creating a School Schedule |Dr. LaMartina/Belmont Elementary |10/3.1 |P |4 hrs |

| | |School | | | |

|SUMMARY and ELCC |Before school started a schedule needed to be created for the fourth and fifth grade. This schedule needs to|

|Element Addressed |provide two and a half hours of reading, ninety minutes of math, enrichment, lunch/recess, and interventions |

| |in both math and reading. The team decided to pair fourth and fifth grade together so that vertical team |

| |planning could take place and students that needed interventions could be serviced together. |

|REFLECTION |After about five revisions of the schedule the schedule was finally done. We had to take into account the |

| |amount of special education students involved. We had to take into account that only three enrichment |

| |teachers were available. The schedule took a lot of time and input from many parties involved. |

|Date |Event |Administrator/School |ISLLC |O/P |Hours |

| | | |Standard | | |

|May 28, 2008 and |School Improvement Rewrite |Dr. LaMartina/Belmont Elementary |10/3.1 |P |16 hrs |

|June 4, 2008 | |School | | | |

|SUMMARY and ELCC |The School Improvement Chair and the School Improvement team collected data on the past years performance. |

|Element Addressed |The team then used the data to make decisions for improving the following school year. Once the data was |

| |collected the SIP needed to be written for the following year. |

|REFLECTION |The SIT Chair and I worked together using the data collected by the School Improvement Team to rewrite the |

| |school improvement plan for the 2008-2009 school year. This took multiple sessions and constant comparison |

| |of data from the past year. |

|Date |Event |Administrator/School |ISLLC |O/P |Hours |

| | | |Standard | | |

|October 3rd, 2007 |Disciplinary Conference |Dr. LaMartina/Belmont Elementary |11/3.2 |P |1 hr |

| | |School | | | |

|SUMMARY and ELCC |A meeting was held with a parent and student about the student’s behavior in and out of the classroom. This |

|Element Addressed |meeting was held after a Disciplinary Removal from the school building for 3 days. The student was removed |

| |because he was a threat to himself and others. During the meeting it was important to address that the |

| |student was not acting in a safe manner and behavior management strategies needed to be put in place. |

|REFLECTION |During this meeting the parent was very defensive when the idea of special education was brought up. This |

| |parent stated it was not the students fault but it was the teacher’s attitude toward the student. As an |

| |administrator you need to defend your teacher while still taking the parents concerns into consideration. |

|Date |Event |Administrator/School |ISLLC |O/P |Hours |

| | | |Standard | | |

|April 15, 2008 |Report Card Feedback |Dr. LaMartina/Belmont Elementary |11/3.2 |P |1 hr |

| | |School | | | |

|SUMMARY and ELCC |Teachers will write comments on all reports. These comments can be positive and negative. Some teachers |

|Element Addressed |will even have a few improper words or punctuation. It is the job of the administration to review these |

| |report cards to make sure the comments are appropriate. |

|REFLECTION |It was interesting to review comments that teachers put on report cards. As an administrator it is important|

| |to give parents a positive comment before a negative one. It is also important to let teachers know that if |

|Artifact #7 |the student is failing, students need to be referred to SST. |

|Date |Event |Administrator/School |ISLLC |O/P |Hours |

| | | |Standard | | |

|After school |Managing Daily Operations |Dr. LaMartina/Belmont Elementary |11/3.2 |P |1 hrs |

| | |School | | | |

|SUMMARY and ELCC |At the end of the school day students are to walk out the back door with their teacher and go around the |

|Element Addressed |building. However, many students feel that they can just walk out the front door and cause a disturbance |

| |during dismissal. Managing Daily Operations include standing in the foyer of the building greeting and |

| |directing parents to meet their students outside while telling students to walk outside through the back |

| |doors and around the building. |

|REFLECTION |This is a very hard job. Dismissal is a very congested time in any school building. All parents and |

| |students want to do is leave. Managing the Daily Operations consist of talking to parents while still |

| |keeping the peace with students and making sure all proper procedures are followed. |

|Date |Event |Administrator/School |ISLLC |O/P |Hours |

| | | |Standard | | |

|December 17, 2007 |Donation of Supplies from Community|Dr. LaMartina/Belmont Elementary |12/3.3 |P |2 hrs |

| |Member |School | | | |

|SUMMARY and ELCC |A community member saw the Donors Choose Newspaper Articles and the Press Conference. She wanted to donate |

|Element Addressed |books, supplies and jackets to the school. A phone call was made to this community member and arrangements |

| |for the supplies were made. Once the supplies were in the building, decisions had to be made about who would|

| |receive these supplies. |

|REFLECTION |This woman was very generous in her giving. She wanted to give Belmont a wide variety of supplies so that |

| |all the students’ needs were met. I worked with her on multiple phone conferences, arrange pick ups for |

| |supplies. Each time I spoke with her she was very excited about helping out the community. |

|Date |Event |Administrator/School |ISLLC |O/P |Hours |

| | | |Standard | | |

|July 24, 2008 |School Budget: Reallocation of |Dr. LaMartina/Belmont Elementary |12/3.3 |P |3 hrs |

| |Funds |School | | | |

|SUMMARY and ELCC |Right before the beginning of the school year the budget needs to be amended due to different problems and |

|Element Addressed |concerns that arose during the summer. The budget needed to be amended so that funds could be provided for a|

| |new math program and an intervention teacher. The funds change request for sent to the office of budgeting |

| |three times and each time it was misplaced. We went and hand delivered each fund request. We were told that|

| |within five business days we would hear back from them. This time we did receive conformation. |

|REFLECTION |Even though the budget was approved and the Principal is in charge of where the money goes, the Central |

| |Office still needs to approve all decisions. In this case, Central Office misplaced papers multiple times. |

| |The Academic Dean needed to take it upon himself to get these papers approved and in the correct hands. |

Cumulative Hours:

46 performance hours


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