Bb vita - Robert Bruegmann



Art History Department m/c 201

University of Illinois at Chicago

935 W. Harrison St. #302

Chicago, Ill. 60607

312-413-2469 Fax 312-413-2460



320 W. Oakdale #503

Chicago Illinois 60657

773-244-0057 E-Mail: bbrueg@

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Mount Lebanon High School, graduated 1966

Principia College, BA. 1970 with highest honors

University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. 1976

Dissertation: The Architecture of the Hospital 1770-1870: Design and Technology.

Supervisor: Prof. David Van Zanten


University of Pennsylvania, Teaching Fellow 1971-72

University of Pennsylvania, Head Teaching Fellow 1972-74

Philadelphia Community College, Lecturer, 1975-76

Philadelphia College of Art, Lecturer, 1976-77

University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Art History

Assistant Professor 1977-83

Associate Professor 1983-1993

Director of Preservation Program 1977-83

Director of Graduate Study 1987-90

Professor 1994- Present, in Department of Art History, School of Architecture, Program

in Urban Planning

Chairperson, 2001- 2006

University Distinguished Professor of Art History, Architecture, Urban Planning, 2008- present

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Art History, Architecture, Urban Planning, 2010 to present

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture, Program in History, Theory and

Criticism, Visiting Assistant Professor, Fall 1981

Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Visiting

Associate Professor, Fall 1989

Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Preservation

Program, Visiting Professor, Fall 2001


Chairperson, Art History Department, 2002-06

Member, Search Committee for Head, School of Architecture

Member, Search Committee for Dean of College of Architecture and the Arts

Chair, Program Committee appointed by Provost to prepare plans for expanded Jane Addams

Hull-House Museum, 1998-99

Member, Graduate College Executive Committee, 1997-2000

Member, Institute for the Humanities Executive Committee, 1996-2000

Member, Ad Hoc Committee appointed by Provost to report on GIS usage on campus, 2000-04

Member, University of Illinois Press Board, 1997-2000

Member, UIC Senate Committee on the Library, 2003-05

Member, Campus Promotions and Tenure Committee, 2007-2010

Member, Jane Addams Hull-House Advisory board, 2006-present


Historic American Engineering Record, National Park Service

Historian, State of Indiana Survey, summer 1973

Historic American Buildings Survey, National Park Service

Historian, Eastern Indiana summer 1974

San Diego, Calif. summer 1975

Benicia, Calif. summer 1976

Supervisor, Santa Clara Co. Calif. summer 1977, 1978


Teaching Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania, 1972-74

Head Teaching Fellow, University of Pennsylvania, 1973-74

Penfield Scholarship in Diplomacy, International Affairs and Belles lettres for research in Europe, academic year 1973-74

Founder's Award, Society of Architectural Historians 1978 for best article by a young scholar in

the Society's journal for that year

University of Illinois at Chicago, Faculty summer fellowship, summer 1980

Fellowship, National Endowment for the Humanities 1983-84

Fellowship, Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Arts, 1985

Senior Fellowship, Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture, Columbia University, 1989-90

Fellowship, Institute for the Humanities, U. of Illinois at Chicago, 1992-93

Scholarship, Great Cities Institute, U. of Illinois at Chicago 1998-99

Spiro Kostof Award for best book on Architecture and Urbanism, 1996-97, Society of

Architectural Historians, 1998

Scholarship, Great Cities Institute, U. of Illinois at Chicago, fall 2006

University Scholar, UIC, 2006

Distinguished University Professorship, fall 2008


1. Books written

Benicia: Portrait of an Early California Town: An Architectural History, 1846 to the Present, 101 Productions, San Francisco, 1980. Review in Journal of Society of Architectural Historians, Oct. 1982.

Holabird & Roche/Holabird & Root, Catalog of Work 1910-1940, three volumes, Garland Publishing Co., New York, 1991. Reviews in Journal of Society of Architectural Historians, June 1992 and Design Book Review, Winter 1992.

The Architects and the City: Holabird and Roche of Chicago 1880-1918 , University of Chicago

Press, 1997. This book was the recipient of the Spiro Kostof Book Award for

Architecture and Urbanism of the Society of Architecture Historians, 1998, “judged to be

the best work published in 1996 and 1997 contributing to our understanding of the physical environment” Reviews in New York Times Book Review, Nov. 2, 1997, Urban History, Oct. 1999, Journal of American History, Sept. 1998, Business History, July 1998, Times Literary Supplement, Nov. 7, 1997, New Criterion, Jan. 1998

Sprawl: A Compact History, University of Chicago Press, November, 2005. Reviews to be found on website at

The Architecture of Harry Weese, W. W. Norton, 2010. Reviews at

The Way We Live Now: Case Studies in Sprawl, in preparation

The Architects and the Metropolis: Holabird & Root of Chicago 1919-1945 in preparation

Book on the Life and Work of Architect Walter Netsch, in preparation

2. Books Edited

A Guide to 150 Years of Chicago Architecture, Chicago Review Press, 1985 (With Paul Florian,

Cynthia Weese) Accompanied exhibition "150 Years of Chicago Architecture" Museum

of Science and Industry, Chicago.

Modernism at Mid-Century: The Architecture of the United States Air Force Academy

University of Chicago Press, 1994. Wrote Introduction, Chapter entitled “Military Culture, Architectural Culture, Popular Culture,” Epilogue.

Art Deco Chicago, a publication for the Chicago Art Deco Society. Will edit and write

Essay. CityFiles Press. In preparation

3. Essays for books of multiple authorship

"Architecture Confronts Technology: A Historical Perspective," in Energy Conservation through

Building Design, Edited Donald Watson, McGraw Hill, 1978 (With Donald Prowler)

"Preservation, Conservation, Restoration," in An International Handbook of Contemporary

Developments in Architecture, Edited Warren Sanderson, Greenwood Press, 1981.

"HABS in the Awkward Years," in Historic America, Edited by Ford Peatross, Washington,

Library of Congress, 1983.

"Post-Modernism" in Encyclopedia of Modern Architecture, Revised edition, Thames and

Hudson, 1985.

“Urban Elements,” Introductory text for Ralph Johnson of Perkins & Will, Rizzoli International,


“The American City: Urban Aberration or Glimpse of the Future?” in Joseph Tulchin and Blair

Ruble, editors, Preparing for the Urban Future: Global Pressures and Local Forces,

Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996, pp. 336-367.

“The Paradoxes of Urban Sprawl Reform,” in Robert Freestone, (ed.) Urban Planning in a

Changing World: The Twentieth Century Experience, E&F Spon, 2000, 158-174

“Martin Roche,” in Jon A. Garraty and Mark C. Carnes, American National Biography, Oxford

University Press, 1999, Vol. 18, pp. 689-690.

“Urban Sprawl,” in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, ed. Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes, Pergamon, 2002.

“Urban Density and Sprawl: An Historic Perspective,” in Smarter Growth: Market-Based

Strategies for Land Use Planning for the 21st Century, edited by Randall G. Holcombe and Samuel R. Staley, Greenwood Press, 2001.

“Built Environment,” one of approximately nineteen interpretive essays for James Grossman, Jan

Reiff and Ann Durkin Keating, Eds., The Encyclopedia of Chicago, University of

Chicago Press, 2005

“Architecture and Pragmatism: An Historian’s Perspective,” in Joan Ockman Editor,

Architecture and the Pragmatist Imagination, tentative title, Museum of Modern Art, Prestel Verlag, forthcoming, publication expected 2006

“The Myth of the Chicago School,” in Charles Waldheim and Katerina Ruedi Ray, Chicago Architecture Histories, Revisions, Alternatives, University of Chicago Press, 2005, pp. 15-29

“Meeting Walter” in Walter A. Netsch, FAIA: A Crtiical Appreciation and Sourcebook, Northwestern University Press, 2008

“Urban Sprawl” in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, ed.

James D. Wright, forthcoming

“Vorortsiedlung” or “Urban Sprawl” in Enzyklopadie des gestaltetn Raums Encyclopedia of Designed Space, Ed. By Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani and Konstanze Sylva Domhardt, forthcoming

“The Auditorium Building,” in Alexander Eisenschmidt and Jonathan Mekinda, Chicagoisms: The City as Catalyst for Architectural Speculations, 2013.

4. Book Forwards and Introductions

“Introduction” to Christopher Domin and Joseph King, Paul Rudolph: The Florida Houses,

Princeton Architectural Press, 2002.

“The Architect as Urbanist,” in Roberto de Alba editor, Paul Rudolph The Late Work,

Princeton Architectural Press, 2003

Foreword to Let’s Build: Why We Need Five Million New Homes over the Next Ten Years,

By James Heartfield, Audacity, 2006

5. Journal Articles on History of Architecture and Urban Development

"The Energy Crisis, A Pre-History," in Journal of Architectural Education, Spring 1977.

"Early Central Heating and Forced Ventilation and Architectural Design," Journal of the Society

of Architectural Historians, Oct. 1978. Winner of SAH Founder's Award for best article by a young scholar

"The Tribune Competition: The Metropolis of the 1920s," Inland Architect, June 1980

"Holabird and Roche and Holabird and Root, the First Two Generations," Chicago History, Fall

1980. Served as catalogue for the show of the same name at the Chicago Historical Society

"Two Post-Modernist Visions of Urban Design," Landscape, Summer 1982, pp. 31-37.

"Little Journeys to the Offices of the Architects," Inland Architect May-June 1983, pp. 8-29

Served as catalogue for "New Chicago Architecture" show at Art Institute of Chicago.

"Architecture without the Capital A: Documentation in a Post-Modern World" Art


"LaSalle Street," (With Peter Hales) Chicago History, Winter 1985-86, pp. 22-43.

The ACSA Conference on the Chicago World Fair of 1992," in Central: Papers on Architecture,

Winter 1987, pp. 143-147.

"Planning for Today's Downtown," Inland Architect, Nov.-Dec. 1987, pp. 36-42.

"The Colossus of North Michigan Avenue: Urban Implications," (On John Hancock Center,

Chicago) in Design Book Review, Fall 1988

"Music and the Friendly Skies" (On tunnel at United Terminal) Twenty-One, 20/1, fall 1989,

pp. 6-17.

"The Art Institute Expands: Challenges of Mid-Century," in Museum Studies, Vol. 14, No. 1,

1988, pp. 57-82

"Spiro Kostof" in Chicago Architectural Club Journal, 1990

"The Rational Tradition: An interview with Ralph Johnson," in Inland Architect, Mar-Apr 1991,

pp. 50-53.

"The Marquette Building and the Myth of the Chicago School," Threshold, 1991. Reprinted in

Charles Waldheim and Katerina Ruedi Ray, Chicago Architecture Histories, Revisions, Alternatives, University of Chicago Press, 2005, pp. 15-29

"United Airlines Terminal One," in Alice Sinkevtich, Ed., AIA Guide to Chicago Architecture,

1993, pp. 264-265.

“Land Use Regulation, House Prices and the New Social Contract” in Wharton Real Estate Review spring 2007

“A Chapel takes flight (United States Air Force Academy Chapel), First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life, Oct., 2010.

“Ben Weese has long maintained a steady, calm hand in building and in community activism,” Chicago Architect Nov. 2011

6. Exhibition Catalog Essays

"Daniel Burnham, Jules Guerin and the Image of the City," in The Plan of Chicago: 1909-1979,

exhibition catalogue for show at the Art Institute of Chicago. Ed. John Zukowsky,

Art Institute of Chicago, 1979

"Utilitas, Firmitas , Venustas and the Vox Populi, A Context for Controversy," in The Critical

Edge, Ed. Tod Marder for exhibition organized by Rutgers University. Rutgers Art Museum and MIT Press, 1985

"Panorama," (With Sabra Clark) in Robert Bruegmann, Cynthia Weese and Paul Florian,

150 Years of Chicago Architecture, 1985

"When Worlds Collided: European and American Entries to the Chicago Tribune Competition of

1922" in Chicago Architecture 1872-1922: Birth of a Metropolis, for show organized at the Art Institute of Chicago. Ed. John Zukowsky, Art Institute of Chicago, 1987

Paul Rudolph: Four Recent Projects in Southeast Asia, booklet for Art Institute of Chicago

show at Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts, Chicago, 1987

"From the City Beautiful to the Jazz Age City" essay for catalog Fragments of Chicago's Past,

Ed. Pauline Saliga, Art Institute of Chicago, 1990

"The Pencil and the Electronic Sketchpad: Architectural Representation and the Computer"

in Eve Blau and Ned Kaufman, Editors, Architecture and its Image, catalog of

inaugural show at Canadian Center for Architecture, Montreal, 1989

Dreams and Details, booklet for exhibition on the work of Paul Rudolph, Steelcase Design

Partnership exhibition space, New York, 1989

"Schaumburg, Oak Brook, Rosemont and the Recentering of the Chicago Metropolitan Area," in

John Zukowsky, Editor, Chicago Architecture and Design 1923-93, catalog for show at

Art Institute of Chicago, 1993

"Chicago Avenue Armory" in Art at the Armory, for installations show at the Museum of

Contemporary Art, Chicago, 1992.

"Herbert Tullgren and America in the 1930s," in Brian Wishne, Editor, Architecture of Herbert

W. Tullgren, 1992

“Airport City,” in John Zukowsky, Editor, Building for Air Travel: Architecture and Design for

Commercial Aviation, for exhibition on the architecture of air travel at the Art Institute of

Chicago, Prestel Verlag, 1996.

“In Search of the Middle Class Landscape,” in Cities of Promise: Imaging Urban California, Orange County Museum of Art, 2004.

“The Aesthetics of Sprawl” in Andrew Blauvelt, Editor, Worlds Away: New Suburban Landscapes, Walker Art Center and Heinz Architectural Center, Carnegie Museum of Art, 2008

“Broadacre City and Sprawl,” in Multiple City. City Concepts 1908.2008. Catalog for Exhibition in the Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, 2008

7. Criticism of Recent Architecture and Urban Development

"What Price Preservation?" Planning, June 1980. Reprinted in National Trust for Historic

Preservation, Preservation Policy Research, 1985.

"Relighting the Skyline," Inland Architect, March-April 1982

"Rowhouse Revival" (On City Commons and other new Chicago rowhouse complexes) Inland

Architect, Jan.-Feb. 1987, pp. 27-34.

"High Flight: United Gambles and Wins at O'Hare," (On new United Terminal by Murphy/Jahn)

Inland Architect, Sept. 1988.

"The Suburban Corporate Landscape," (On landscape at TRW, Lyndhurst, Ohio; McDonald's,

Oakbrook, Ill.; Carlson Center, Minnetonka, Minn.) Inland Architect, Sept.-Oct. 1989

"The New Main Street" (On speculative office buildings along the expressways) Inland Architect, Nov.-Dec. 1990

"Eclectic New Look for the Italian Village," (restaurant design by Jordan Mozer) in Inland

Architect, Jan./Feb. 1991, pp. 7-10.

"Local Asymmetries" (On Morton International Building and Orland Park Civic Center by Ralph

Johnson of Perkins and Will) in Inland Architect, Mar.-Apr. 1991, pp. 43-49.

"Preservation's Touchstone," (On Rookery Building restoration), Inland Architect, July-Aug. 1992, pp. 50-57.

"Vox Populi," (On discount malls and strip centers) Inland Architect, July-August 1992.

“The End of Cities: An Urban Legend,” Washington Post, Outlook Section, Nov. 25, 2001, p. 2.

“How Sprawl Got a Bad Name,” American Enterprise, June, 2006

“LA The King of Sprawl? Not at All,” Los Angeles Times, Oct. 23, 2005

8. Magazine Issues edited

(With Roberta Feldman) "Affordable Housing" issue of Inland Architect, Sept. 1993.

9. Reviews Essays

Review of Michel Foucault et al, Les machines a guérir: à l'origine de l'hopital moderne, in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Oct. 1978

Review of Vittorio Lampugnani, Architecture of the 20th century in Drawings, in Design Book Review, Summer 1983

Review of Library of Congress, Fire Insurance Maps in the Library of Congress, in Journal of the Socety of Architectural Historians, May 1985, pp. 174-175

Review of Robert Twombly, Louis Sullivan His Life and Work, David Andrew, Louis Sullivan and the Polemics of Modern Architecture, in Design Book Review, 1987

Review of Victoria Newhouse, Wallace K. Harrison, Architect, in Architectural Record, Jan. 1990

Review of Richard Plunz, A History of Housing in New York City, in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, March 1992, pp. 105-06 with letter from Plunz and reply by Robert Bruegmann in Dec. 1992 issue.

Review of Zeynip Celik, Diane Favro and Richard Ingersoll, editors, Streets: Critical Perspectives on Public Space, in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, March 1998.

Review of Michael J. Dear, H. Eric Schockman and Greg Hise, editors, Rethinking Los Angeles, in Journal of the American Planning Association, Oct. 1997

Review of Andres Duany and Jeff Speck, The Smart Growth Manual, in Architecture, Fall 2010

Review of Alice Friedman, American Glamour in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Dec. 2011

Review of Louise Mozingo, Pastoral Capitalism, in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, March 2013.

Review of Nicholas Phelps, Anatomy of Sprawl in Built Environment, forthcoming

Review of Building Home: Howard F. Ahmanson and the Politics of the American Dream, in Wall Street Journal, March 5, 2013

10. Newspaper, magazine and blog essays and Op-Ed pieces

“Urban Myths: Sprawl gets a bad press but it has given us privacy, mobility and choice” in The Guardian (London), Jan. 28, 2006

“L.A. the king of sprawl? Not at all” in Los Angeles Times, Oct. 23, 2005

“Poor Misunderstood Sprawl,” in New York Times, July 9, 2006

“Gridlock, schmidlock: LA traffic isn’t as bad as you think. Try driving 60 mph through the center of Paris” in Los Angeles Times, July 9, 2006

“A Defense of Sprawl,” California Builder, Nov.-Dec. 2006, pp. 16-18.

“How should we be thinking about urbanization?” essay in Freakonomics Quorum, New York Times, Dec. 12, 2007 (also invited: James Howard Kunstler, Edward Glaeser, Dolores Hayden, Alan Berube).

Series of five pieces for Los Angeles Times “Dust-Up.” A week-long “debate” public transportation advocate Gloria Ohland published in the paper Monday through Friday, during the week of June 18, 2007.

“In Defense of Sprawl” June 2007

“The Ambiguous Triumph of the “Urban” in , Sept. 2011

AIA Lifetime Achievement Award 2011: Ben Weese has long maintained a steady calm hand in building and in community activism, in Chicago Architect, Nov./Dec. 2011

“Moving out in Madrid,” in Room for Debate, , June 28, 2011

Letter to the Editor, in New York Times, Dec. 5, 2011

“Housing Affordability and Public Policy” for annual affordability review and republished in , Jan. 26, 2012

”Driverless car could defy the rules of Sprawl,” Bloomberg view, Feb. 21, 2012, republished in numerous newspapers worldwide.

“Hate Freeways? You Aren't Doing Your City Any Favors. Freeway Phobia Can Hurt Cities, Not Fix Them” Bloomberg View, Apr. 2012

11. Electronic Publications

Traveling Fellows: Fifteen Years of Years of Student Awards by the Skidmore, Owings &

Merrill Foundation, printed booklet and CD ROM, CD design and production by Spliteye Multi-Media New York, 1997, distribution arrangement pending.

The Chicago Imagebase Project, co-founder (with Peter B. Hales) interactive World Wide Web

site including images and other data about the built environment of the Chicago metropolitan area allowing database searches and visual navigation via html image maps and Geographic Information System (GIS). Funding from office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of Illinois, NEH and other sources. Site inaugurated 1996. Administered by City Design Center, College of Architecture and the Arts.

12. Interviews and Other publications

Various articles in the Christian Science Monitor, Preservation News, 11593 and other publications

"New Centers on the Periphery," Interview between Robert Bruegmann and Tim Davis in Center

Magazine, Vol. 7, 1992, pp. 26-43, on conference at University of Texas, Austin (See

below under conferences)

“The Twenty Three Percent Solution,” Invited comment on “Bold New City or Built up ‘Burb?

Redefining Contemporary Suburbia, American Quarterly, Vol. 46, No. 1, March 1994,

pp. 31-32.

Interview in ACREL News Dec. 2007 (American College of Real Estate Lawyers)

Interview “Robert Bruegmann y la expansion urbana: Lejos del Apocalipsis,” with Hector Soto and Alexander Galetovic in Estudios Publicos, journal of the Centro de Estudios Publicos, Santiago de Chile, No. 111, Winter 2008.

13. Book Series Edited

Editor (with David Van Zanten and Brad Hunt) of University of Chicago Press,

Chicago Architecture and Urbanism Series, Founding member and continuing.

Volumes in series to date:

Joseph Connors, The Robie House of Frank Lloyd Wright

Joseph Siry, Carson Pirie Scott: Louis Sullivan and the Chicago Department Store,

John W. Stamper, Chicago’s North Michigan Avenue: Planning and Development

Sally A. Kitt Chappell, Architecture and Planning of Graham, Anderson, Probst and White

Robert Bruegmann, The Architects and the City: Holabird & Roche or Chicago

Joseph Bigott, From Cottage to Bungalow, Houses and the Working Class in Chicago, 1869-1929

Joseph Siry, The Auditorium Building: Chicago’s Adler and Sullivan’s Architecture and the City

Richard Longstreth, Editor, The Charnley House

Joanna Merwood-Salisbury, Chicago 1890

Charles Waldheim: Chicago Architecture, Histories, Revisions, Alternatives

Edward Wollner, Henry Ives Cobb’s Chicago

David Van Zanten, Marion Mahony Reconsidered

Board of Advisors, Encyclopedia of Twentieth Century Architecture, Fitzroy Dearborn

publishers, 1998 to publication in 2004

Board of Advisors (with Ford Peatross and David DeLong), W. W. Norton and Company and

Library of Congress, Visual Source Books for American Architecture, Design and Engineering, 2000 to 2010

Editorial Board, E & FN Spon, Planning, History and the Environment Series, 2001 to present


Participant in "Philadelphia: a Panorama of Civilization" Philadelphia, 1976 sponsored by AIA.

Selected materials for section on engineering shown at Drexel University and wrote short

text for accompanying booklet

Guest curator for exhibition "Holabird and Roche/Holabird and Root the First Two Generations"

Chicago Historical Society, Nov. 1980-May 1981

Co-Curator (With John Zukowsky) of "New Chicago Architecture: Beyond the International

Style," Art Institute of Chicago, May-Sept. 1983. Also wrote script for slide show

Author, slide show script for "Chicago and New York: Architectural Interactions," Art Institute

of Chicago, 1984

Co-Curator for show on recent southeast Asia work by Paul Rudolph for Art Institute of Chicago

at Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts, Chicago, Spring 1987.

Consultant for Museum of Science and Industry, Permanent Architectural Installation, 1986.

Advisory Board, Chicago Architecture Foundation, for television, exhibition and other events

on Chicago architecture in connection with centennial of Columbian Exposition, 1991-92

Consultant for "Put the City Up" exhibition organized by the Chicago Architecture Foundation.

Smithsonian Institution, Washington, and Harold Washington Library, Chicago, 1993

Consultant for Chicago Historical Society, Hedrich-Blessing project, 1994.

Advisory Committee, Architecture of Flight exhibition, Art Institute of Chicago, 1995

Advisory Committee, Building for Space Travel, Art Institute of Chicago, 1997-98

Advisory Committee for exhibition on the Chicago Bungalow, Chicago Architecture Foundation,


Advisory Committee for exhibition “1945,” Art Institute of Chicago, Department of Architecture

and Design, 2001-2003

Advisor for exhibition Worlds Away: New Suburban Landscapes at the Walker Art Center and

Heinz Architectural Center, Carnegie Museum of Art, 2008


Guest Director, Keynote Speaker and Moderator, "New Centers on the Periphery: The Case of

Four Texas Metropolitan Areas," Three day conference for University of Texas School of

Architecture, Center for American Architecture and Design, March 4-6, 1991, Austin Texas. Commentary on this event appeared in Center Magazine.

Organizer, keynote speaker and summary, “The Exploding City: Urban Form, Development and

Design in South Florida,” for the University of Miami, Florida International University and the Wolfsonian Institute. Day-long conference with presentations by geographers, historians, architects, planners, developers and public officials held at the Wolfsonian, Miami Beach, March 22, 1997

Director, NEH Summer Institute, “The American City 1900-2000: Public and Private Realms”

University of Illinois, July 1999. Guest faculty: Kenneth T. Jackson, Neil Harris, Carl Smith, Dolores Hayden, Mike Davis, M. Christine Boyer

Organizer (with Margaret Strobel and David Sokol) events marking the 100th anniversary of

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Art and Craft of the Machine Speech including reading of the

speech at the Chicago Cultural Center by Sidney Robinson with commentary by Paul

Goldberg and conference on architecture and the machine at University of Illinois at

Chicago, March 2001.

Co-convenor (with Chris Silver, University of Florida) International Planning History Biennial meeting in Chicago, July 2008. Handled intellectual content and logistics of conference of approximately 400 individuals from around the world.

Organizer (with Whitney Moeller) The Architecture of Harry Weese, a two day conference and

Bus tour for the Chicago Architeture Foundation, May 2011


Active 2003 to present with group including Civic Committee of Chicago Commercial Club, National Trust for Historic Preservation, Chicago Historical Society, Neighborhood Services of Chicago and various community groups in a project to encourage re-investment in the community of North Lawndale in Chicago through the use of historic heritage. Activities of group to date include Art History/Planning seminar at UIC on Preservation and Economic Redevelopment using Lawndale as case study (taught by myself and Brent Ryan in Planning), creation of Historic Greystone Initiative run by Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago, Exhibition for Chicago Architecture Foundation, held 2006, architectural competition run by the Chicago Architectural Club, creation of Lawndale Heritage, a non-profit community organization.

Active since 2005 in effort to create Public Housing Museum in last remaining building of the Jane Addams housing project and since 2007 member Steering Committee.


Society of Architectural Historians, Chicago Chapter, Vice President 1980-81

Society of Architectural Historians, National organization, Board of Directors, 1983-86

Chicago Architecture Club, Board of Directors, 1989-1992

Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture, Board of Advisors, 1997-2004

Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts, Board of Trustees, 1998-2004, 2006- 2009

Society of Architectural Historians, Nominating Committee, fall, 2003

Co-Chair of biennial meeting of International Planning History Society, Chicago, July 2008 (with Chris Silver, University of Florida)


International Planning History Society

National Trust for Historic Preservation

Lambda Alpha Real Estate Fraternity

Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois

Society of Architectural Historians

Metropolitan Planning Council, Chicago

Society for American City and Regional Planning History

Vernacular Architecture Forum


Lecturer, "Two American Hospitals in 1876" SAH annual meeting Philadelphia, May 1976

Lecturer, "American Innovations in Heating and Ventilating Technology, Society of Industrial Archaeology annual meeting, Wilmington, Del., April 1977

Lecturer, "Late 18th century schemes for the Reconstruction of the Hotel Dieu in Paris," Midwest Art History Society annual meeting, Urbana, Ill. March 1978

Lecturer, "The Stepped back skyscraper of the 1920s in Chicago" SAH annual meeting Madison,

Wisconsin, April 1980

Lecturer, "Late Entries to the Chicago Tribune Competition," Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, May 1980

Lecturer, "Holabird & Roche/Holabird & Root," American Institute of Architects, Chicago Chapter Nov. 1980

Lecturer, "The Temple, The Tower and the Metropolis of the 1920s" Art Institute of Chicago, Feb. 1981

Lecturer, "Contemporary Architecture: The City as the New Arcadia" SAH annual meeting, Victoria, British Columbia, April 1981

Lecturer, "Lighting Chicago's Skyline" presentation at Chicago Mayor Jane Byrne Press conference on lighting buildings and sculpture June 1982

Lecturer, "The Marquette Building and the 'Chicago School,'" SAH annual meeting, Phoenix, April 1983

Lecturer, "Chicago Architecture," for Chicago Presidents' Organization, Chicago, Oct. 1986

Participant in American Collegiate Schools of Architecture Forum, "Looking for America"

Chicago, Oct. 1986

Lecturer, "Architecture in Chicago's South Suburbs," for Northeast Illinois Planning Commission

Conference, Harvey Ill., Feb. 1987

Lecturer, " Moscow, Berlin, Washington, Bismarck, Some Thoughts on Architecture and Politics in the 1930s" for North Dakota Historical Society, Bismarck, Oct. 1987

Moderator, session on Cityfront Center, for Chicago Chapter AIA, Jan. 1988

Lecturer, "Is Architecture Fundamentally different from Fashion Design?" for symposium on

Post-modernism sponsored by Design Forum, Houston, Feb. 1988

Lecturer, "High Tech, Broad Shoulders," Paul Angle Annual Endowed Lecture at the Chicago

Historical Society, Feb. 1988

Jury member. 25 Year Award. Chicago Chapter AIA, July 1988

Panelist, Ken Davis show on plans for remodeling John Hancock Building, WBEZ radio, Aug.


Lecturer on Contemporary Landscape for Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Purdue U. Sept. 1988

Organizer and Leader, Session and Tour of Chicago suburbs for Society of Architectural

Historians, Apr. 1988

Panelist on landscape design for Chicago Architectural Club, April 1989

Panel Chair, Contemporary Boston architecture and Urbanism at Society of Architectural

Historians Annual Meeting, Boston, April 1989

Panelist on Chicago in the 1920s, Bright New Cities program, Chicago, Nov. 1989

Lecturer, "Denise Scott Brown," for Buell Center for American Architecture, Columbia

University, New York, March 1990

Organizer and Moderator, Panel on "Landscape Design," for Chicago Architecture Club, April


Juror, Schiff Fellowships for students of architecture, Art Institute of Chicago, April 1990

Lecturer on Chicago architecture for Friends of the Reunion des arts decoratives, Chicago, May


Lecturer, "Chicago in the Late 19th Century" for "fin de siècle: construccio d'un scenographi

urbani" conference, Instituts d'Humanitas, Barcelona, Sept. 1990. One of 10 invited speakers from Europe, US

Critics Panel, Chicago Chapter AIA, October 1990

Lecturer, "Contemporary Art in the City" for Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, conference of public art, May 1991

Organizer and Moderator, Panel on "The Industrial Park," for Chicago Architecture Club, April


Keynote Speaker for conference "The American Suburb and Change," Highland Park, Illinois,

Nov. 1990

Speaker and panelist at conference "Art in the City," sponsored by Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, and French Consulate, May 1991

Lecturer, "Teaching Architecture in the Early Grades," for University of Chicago Lab School,

July 1991

Lecturer on Chicago, Sister Cities conferences organized by Chicago Dept. of City Planning, July 1991

Lecturer, "The Center and the Park," for Texas Tech University, April 1992

Panel Chair, Design of Superhighways, Chicago Architecture Club, April 1992

Organizer and Leader, Tour of Loop for Organization of American Historians, annual meeting,

April 1992

Lecturer on experiments in low cost housing between the wars at U. of Wisc. Milwaukee, Oct.


Reader for publication grants competition, Getty Trust, Oct. 1992

Panelist on show on Chicago architecture, WBEZ radio, Dec. 1992

Panelist on "Chicago Tonight" show on contemporary architecture, WTTW television, Chicago,

Feb. 1993

Lecturer, "The Architecture of Money Making," for opening of Chicago Architecture Foundation

exhibition "Put the City Up," May 1993

Lecturer, "The Center and the Park," for Chicago Art History Colloquium, March 1993

Jury member, American Council of Learned Societies for Luce fellowships, March 1993

Reader for Scully Awards, Architecture History Foundation, April 1993

Lecturer, "The Park: Office and Industrial," for invited conference at UCLA on the American city, May 1993

Lecturer, "The Center and the Park," for Society of Architectural Historians annual meeting,

Charleston, SC, April 1993

Lecturer, "If Burnham Came to Schaumburg," for American Planning Association annual meeting, Chicago, May 1993

Lecturer, "If Burnham Came to Schaumburg," Major presentation for AIA college of Fellows

Seminar, Annual meeting, American Institute of Architects, Chicago, June 1993

Panelist on show discussing future of Meigs Field airport, WTTW radio, August 1993

Lecturer, "If Burnham Came to Schaumburg," Keynote address for American Society of City and Regional Planning History, Annual Meeting, Chicago, Nov. 1993

Lecturer on architecture of Paul Rudolph for Steelcase Partnership, Thomas Ruff Inc. Columbus

Ohio, March 1994

Lecturer, “The Strip Center” for Chicago Architecture Club meeting, Sept. 1994

Lecturer on Public Buildings for Public Works Association annual meeting, Chicago, Sept. 1994

Panelist on WTTW television, Chicago Tonight show on designation of Arts Club of Chicago as a historic landmark

Lecturer on recent changes in North American city for seminar organized by IKEA North

America. Oak Park, Ill., Jan. 1995

Consultant for Perspectives Architecture and Design Videos for series of videos on the

architecture of Chicago 1992-present

Presenter, concluding remarks for Preserving the Recent Past conference, sponsored by National

Park Service, Chicago, April 1995

Percentage and panelist for session on preservation, AIA Chicago lecture series, Sept. 1995

Presenter, concluding remarks for Preserving Recent Landscapes conference, Wave Hill, New

York, Nov. 1995

Panelist for conference on transit oriented design sponsored by Regional Transportation Authority of Chicago and Urban Land Institute, Chicago Chapter, Nov. 1995

Lecturer, “Pop Press,” for conference on Architectural Journalism at California College of Arts

and Crafts, San Francisco, Feb. 1997

Lecturer, “Socialist Moscow and Capitalist Seaside: Why Reformers Can’t Fix Sprawl,” at

University of Notre Dame, April 1997

Keynote lecturer on Chicago urban history, AIA Urban Design Conference, Chicago, September


Lecturer, “Chicago” for Rice Design Alliance, Houston, Oct. 1997

Lecturer, “The Empire State Building” Museum of the City of New York, New York, Oct. 1997

Lecturer, “Center and Periphery, Main Street and Mall,” Learning from Mall of American

Conference, University of Minnesota, Nov. 1997

Lecturer, “Bashing the Suburbs,” at Andrews University, April 1998

Lecturer, “Los Angeles and the Politics of Urban History,” at Society of Architectural Historians

annual meeting, Los Angeles, April. 1998

Lecturer, “The Politics of Urban Sprawl Reform,” at meeting of the International Planning

History Society, Sydney, Australia, 2000

Presenter and Panelist, “Compact Development and the Pursuit of Density” for Land-Use

Planning for the 21st Century, DeVoe L. Moore Center, Florida State University, March 2000

Lecturer, “The Chicago Skyscraper: Another Look” and “Chicago Today: Lessons from the US

and Europe,” at Akademie der bildenden Kunste, Vienna, May, 2000

Lecturer, “Chicago Today: The Sprawling City,” for symposium at University of Hamburg, June


Panelist, (with Thomas Fischer and Michael Gallis) “How the Sprawl Debate Affects Architects,” for American Institute of Architects annual national conference, Philadelphia, May 2000

Lecturer, “The Sprawling City,” for “The Next City” conference, Yale University School of

Architecture, October 2000

Keynote Speaker, for symposium “Things in the Making,” on Pragmatism in Architecture at Museum of Modern Art, New York, November 2000

Lecturer, Activism and Mobility in the Global City, conference sponsored by Smithsonian

Institution and Automobile Club of Southern California at USC, December 2000

Speaker, “Preservation and the Movements of the 1960s” at James Marston Fitch annual

colloquium, Columbia University, March 2001

Consultant, Smithsonian Institution, for “America on the Move,” Permanent exhibition for the

Museum of History and Technology, Washington, 2000-2001

Panelist, (with Sam Staley, moderator- Alan Ehrenhalt), Contrarians and Sprawl session at

American Planning Association annual meeting, New Orleans, March 2001

Lecturer, “Sprawl” at the Eidgenossiche Technisches Hochschule, School of Architecture, Zurich, May 2001

Participant, Film and Website material preparation, on Columbus Park for Cultural History

Foundation, 2001

Consultant, Art Institute of Chicago, Ryerson and Burnham Library Archives, for Mellon

Foundation grant proposal, 2001-2002

Lecturer, “Chicago Frame” for “Chicago is History” Conference sponsored by the School of

Architecture, University of Illinois at Chicago, October 2001

Chairman, Spiro Kostof Award selection committee, Society of Architectural Historians, 2001-


Lecturer, “Sprawl” at Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT. November, 2001

Panelist (with Katherine Solomonson and Blair Kamin), radio show on Chicago architecture,

WGN radio, Extension 720 with Milt Rosenberg, 1 Feb. 2002.

Seminar leader, “Aesthetics” for Executive Leadership Seminar, United States Air Force Academy, Feb. 2002

Lecture, “Skidmore, Owings and Merrill and the Design of the US Air Force Academy, public lecture at US Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Feb. 2002

Chairman, Nominations Committee, Society of Architectural Historians, 2003-04

Panelist and Moderator, Great Conversations, University of Chicago Harris School with

Milwaukee Mayor John Norquist and Alex Krieger, Jan. 2004

Keynote Address and Brendan Gill Memorial Lecture, Yale University conference on Louis

Kahn, Jan. 2004

Panel on New Urbanists and Libertarians at the Congress for the New Urbanism, Chicago, June 2004

Lecture, “Fighting Sprawl in Postwar Chicago, Paris and Moscow, at the biennial meeting of the International Planning History Society, Barcelona, June 2004

Panelist for conference on suburbia (with Kenneth Jackson, Dolores Hayden, Adam Rome) at the Howard Lamar Center for the Study of Frontiers and Borders, Yale University, Oct. 2004

Lecture “Sprawl: A Compact History” at the Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History, Harvard University, Nov. 2004

Lecture for Martin Center, School of Architecture, University of Cambridge, England, “Sprawl: a Compact History, Jan. 2005

Lecture for public symposium on Cities and Mobility for the School of Architecture, Eidgenossiche Technisches Hochschule (ETH) Zurich, Jan. 2005.

Lecture on Sprawl for Parsons/New School, New York, April 2005

Lecture on early buildings of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill for SOM, April 2005

Gallery Talk for Art Institute of Chicago, Suburbanization and Exurbanization in connection with Department of Architecture show 1945, May 2005

Presentation on Sprawl to University of Chicago Workshop on the Built Environment, May 2005

Presentation (with Brent Ryan) on Lawndale activities at Society for American City and Regional Planning History, Coral Gables, Oct. 2005

Presentation, “Transportation and Cities” for the Mayor’s Institute, Chicago, Dec. 2005

Presentation on sprawl book for conference on the New Ruralism, Tallahassee, Dec. 2005

Presentation on Sprawl for book launch at Graham Foundation, Chicago, December 2005

Lecture on Sprawl at the School of Architecture, University of Cincinnati, Jan. 2006

Presentation on Sprawl, Tucson Institute of Contemporary Art, Feb. 2006

Lecture on Walter Netsch, University of Iowa, Feb. 2006

Lecture on Walter Netsch, Grinnell College, Feb. 2006

Presentation on Sprawl, Chicago Architecture Foundation, Chicago Feb. 2006

Presentation on Naperville and Sprawl, North Central College, Naperville, Feb. 2006

Plenary Talk for Canadian Homebuilders annual conference, Lake Louise, Alberta, Feb. 2006

Talk on Walter Netsch for Northwestern University symposium on Netsch, March 2006

Presentation on sprawl for Progressive Policy Institute, Washington, respondent Bruce Katz, Brookings Institute, March 2006

Presentation on Sprawl for US Department of Homeland Security, National Fire Administration,

Emmitsburg, MD, Apr. 2006

Keynote address for conference “On the Waterfront,” Yale University School of Architecture, Apr. 2006

Presentation on sprawl for City Planning Department, Amsterdam, May 2006

Presentation on sprawl for Dutch national ministry for Planning, Housing and the Environment, The Hague, May 2006

Presentation on sprawl for City Planning Department, Rotterdam, May 2006

Presentation on sprawl for Institute for Spatial Research, The Hague, May 2006

Keynote talk for conference on cities and mobility, Aarhus School of Architecture, May 2006

Presentation for New Mexico Chapter, National Association of Industrial and Office Parks, Albuquerque, July 2006

Panel on sprawl at annual meeting of the Congress for the New Urbanism, Providence, June 2006

Presentation for Blakely Institute, University of California at Riverside, June 2006

Presentation for Urban Development Institute of Ontario

Presentation for meeting sponsored by Lambda Alpha and Urban Development Institute of Ontario, Toronto, June 2006

Presentation for City of Brampton Plan Review Process, Brampton, ONT, June 2006

Presentation for American Dream Conference, Atlanta, Sept. 2006

Presentation for Municipal Arts Society (response by Alexander Garvin and Eugenie Birch) New York, Oct. 2003

Keynote address to conference on housing, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Oct. 2006

Presentation to City of Saskatoon, SA, Community Planning Event, Nov. 2006

Panel on Sprawl: A Compact History at Social Science Historical Association, Nov. 2006

Presentation to Metro Transportation Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles Jan 07

Presentation for Public Policy Institute of California, San Francisco, Jan. 07

Presentation for Commonwealth Club of California, San Jose, Jan. 07

Presentation for Urban Planning Colloquium, U. of California at Berkeley, Jan. 07

Presentation for alumni organization, Urban Planning program, UIC, Jan. 07

Presentation for The American Experiment, Minneapolis Feb. 07

Presentation for Northeastern University School of Architecture, Boston, Feb. 07

Presentation, panel and Master Class for Cityscape and other conferences at Earls Court Convention Center, London, Feb. 07

Presentation for History, Theory and Criticism colloquium, Graduate School of Design, Harvard, Mar. 07

Presentation at Kennedy School, Harvard University, Mar 07

Presentation and Panel for Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute annual meeting, Denver, Mar 07

Presentation for Fortnightly Club, Chicago, Mar 07

Presentation and Panel for American College of Real Estate Lawyers, San Diego, Mar. 07

Presentation for Tongji University, Shanghai, Apr. 07

Lecture for seminar series, University of Hong Kong, Apr. 07

Public Lecture and presentation for Environmental History Breakfast, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Apr. 07

Lecture at University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, Apr. 07

Participant in invited conference America Next: Toward Consensus on the Future of the Built Environment, Brookings Institution, Washington DC, Apr. 07

Lecture for Potpourri series, Art Institute of Chicago. May 07

Presentation for Urban Land Institute national council meetings, Chicago, May 07

Presentation for conference: All Planned Out: The Worldwide Impact of the British Town and C ountry Planning System sponsored by , London, May 07

Participate on panel for American Institute of Architects, Kansas City, May 07

Keynote Presentation at conference on Access to Destinations conference, University of Minnesota, Aug. 07

Visiting Scholar, Baker-Nord Humanities Center, Cleveland, two weeks in late Sept. 07. Led discussions, delivered public lecture, gave bus tour, other events during visiting scholar period

Panel (with Mary Sue Barrett of Metropolitan Planning Council) on sprawl at seminar for Continuing Legal Education, Chicago, Oct. 07

Reading at Michigan City IN Public Library on sprawl Oct. 07

Presentations, consultations with public officials, other events for Centro des Estudios Publicos, Santiago de Chile, Dec. 07

Presentation on sprawl, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Institute for Advance Study, Apr. 08

Panel on built environment sponsored by School of Architecture as part of series at U. of MN commemorating anniversary of statehood with John Archer, Katherine Solomonson, Becky Yust, Dean Thomas Fisher. Apr. 08

Keynote speaker for “Chicagoland” Tearing down its suburban heritage” on tear-downs, at the Chicago Architecture Foundation Apr. 08.

Lecture at Hammond, Beeby Babka on Harry Weese Lecture, June 08

Presentation on “The Marquette Building and the Birth of the Skyscraper,” for conference “If These Walls Could Speak: The Lives of Celebrity Buildings” at Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL, Oct 08

Response to lecture by Ricky Burdett at Forum for Urban Design, New York, Nov. 2008

“What I’ve Learned about Sprawl since my book came out” at Chicago Urban History seminar, Chicago History Museum, Feb. 2009

Presentation on “Paul Rudolph the Late Works” for conference Paul Rudolph Reconsidered at Yale University School of Architecture, Jan. 2009

Presentation for conference on the San Fernando Valley, Woodbury University, Burbank, CA, Feb. 2009

Presentation “Airport City” for Chicago Architecture Foundation noontime lecture series, Feb. 2009.

Presentation on panel (with William Rees) on sprawl and sustainability for De Lange Conference VII, Rice University, Transforming the Metropolis: Creating Sustainable and Humane Cities, Houston, March 2009.

Presentation on sprawl at program sponsored by the Elmhurst Museum, City of Elmhurst and Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust, at the Elmhurst Museum, Mar. 2009

Lecture on Harry Weese at UIC School of Architecture lecture series, Mar. 2009

Lecture, “Sprawl” at School of Architecture, Washington State University, Jan. 2010

Presentation on “sprawl” for “Kinetics of Sprawl” conference at Centraltrak, U. of Texas at Dallas, Feb. 2010

Keynote address “Chicago, First City of Architecture?” for Society of Architectural Historians annual meeting, Apr. 2010

Presentation, “The Architecture of Harry Weese,” for Graham Foundation at Seventeenth Church of Christ Scientists, Chicago, Nov. 2010

Presentation, “The Architecture of Harry Weese,” for New York Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, Center for Architecture, Dec. 2010

Presentation, Great Chicago Planning Disasters” for Fortnightly Club, Chicago, 19 Jan. 2011

Presentation, Sprawl at Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, 31 Jan. 2011

Presentation, “Sprawl Revisited” for Graduate Student Colloquium, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, 25 Feb. 2011

Presentation, “The Architecture of Harry Weese” (With Jack Hartray and Ben Weese), for the

Arts Club, Chicago, 8 Feb. 2011

Presentation, “The Architecture of Harry Weese” for School of Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Feb. 2011

Presentation, “The Architecture of Harry Weese” for Columbus Visitors’ Center at First Baptist Church of Columbus IN, 31 Mar. 2011

Presentation, Architecture of Harry Weese, for National Building Museum, Washington, DC, 15 March 2011

Presentation “Great American Planning Disasters” (with response by David Luberoff and Alan Altshuler) for American Planning Association Annual Meeting, Boston, 11 April 2011

Presentation Harry Weese, Chicago History Museum, 13 April, 2011

Presentation, Harry Weese, School of Architecture, University of Illinois at Chicago, 20 April 2011

Persentation, “Sprawl” for Principia College, Elsah, IL, May 2011

Organizer of Harry Weese symposium and tour at the Chicago Architecture Foundation, 14-15 May 2011

Panelist (with Jack Guthman and Jim Peters) on Preservation Program, Chicago Architecture Foundation at Dick’s Last Resort, Marina City, Chicago, 14 June 2011

Presentation, Meet the Jorgensons of Oshkosh WI, for Ordinary Lives conference, Universtiy of Illinois at Chicago, 16 Sept. 2011

Presentation, “The Architecture of Harry Weese” for School of Architecture, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, 23 Sept. 2011

Presentation, Architecture of Harry Weese at Barrington Public Library, 2 Oct. 2011

Presentation in seminar of Pierre Belanger, Harvard Graduate School of Design, 7 Oct. 2011

Presentation, Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, GA., 30 Oct. 2011

Keynote address, Sprawl, Constructed Environment Conference, University Center, Chicago, 30 Oct. 2011

Keynote address, The University in its urban context East West University, Chicago, 5 Nov.

Presentation, Sprawl, for Virginia Tech U. Blacksburg, VA, 11 Nov. 2011

Panelist on Historic Preservation for Docents, Chicago Architecture Foundation 20 Nov. 2011

Presentation, Harry Weese, Sam Fox School of Design, Washington University, St. Louis, 7 March 2012

Presentation“Sprawl” at U. of California at Riverside, 1 May 2012

Presentation, Sprawl at Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, IL, 8 May, 2012

Presentation, “Sprawl” Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville, 21 May 2012

Presentation, “Sprawl” at villes anglo-américaines et mondialisations (Vaam), Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, 21 May 2012

Keynote for conference Making Connections: The Networked City, Second Annual David Dillon Symposium, Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas, 18 April, 2013

Presentation for “No Place like Home” conference, Anaheim, CA, 3 June, 2013

Presentation for LA Conservancy, Pacific Standard Time project, Woodland Hills, CA,

27 July 2013

Presentation on Sprawl for School of Architecture, Dalhousie University, Halifax, 16 Sept. 2013

Panel with Vishaan Chakrabarti moderated by Richard Sommer at Daniels Fora event, University of Toronto, 17 October 2013

Presentation on Sprawl at University of Houston School of Architecture, Oct. 22, 2013

Presentation on Chicago Art Deco at Bowling Green State University School of Art, 2 Nov. 2013

Workshop on urban design and social sciences at the Social Sciences Research Council, New York City, 14 Dec. 2013


Presentation on Harry Weese, National Arts Club, New York City, 18 March 2014

Keynote address for conference on Harry Weese Creative Syncretism The Earlty Architectural Work of Harry Weese, sponsored by Indiana University Center for Art and Design, Columbus, 3 April 2014

Panel on Washington DC Metro at American Institute of Architects national convention, Chicago, 21 June 2014


July 06 KZSB Santa Barbara, on sprawl

Jan. 07 KQED, San Francisco (member of panel on suburbia in connection with exhibition at San Jose Museum of Art)

Dec. 07 BBC World Service. Debate with James Howard Kunstler on the future of suburbia

Apr. 07 Wisconsin Public Radio, Madison, WI, on sprawl

July 07 WIBA Talk Radio, Madison, WI, on sprawl

Aug. 07 National Public Radio, Tell me More, on new immigrant communities

Sept. 07 WCPN Cleveland, interview about sprawl

Nov. 07 WGN Radio, Noon show with Bob Sirott, Chicago on expanding Chicago suburbs

Feb. 08 Wisconsin Public Radio, To the Best of Our Knowledge, on issues related to sprawl

Oct. 08, appeared in Memorial Stadium, True Illinoi Spirit, hour long documentary on Illinois Stadium, University of Illinois at Champaign, WILL-TV.

July 08 WBEZ on sustainability and suburbs

Mar. 09 WBEZ, commentary on Richard Florida discussion about the suburbs

Jan. 10, KERA, Pullman, WA, on sprawl

Apr. 13 KERA Dallas, TX, Dallas and Sprawl


Modern and contemporary architecture, urbanism and planning, landscape architecture


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