Thames Valley Y-Site Intravenous Drugs Compatibility Chart ...

[Pages:1]Thames Valley Y-Site Intravenous Drugs Compatibility Chart (November 2005)

Prepared by the Thames Valley Critical Care Network Pharmacists Group*

Note: This table can be used for Y-site compatibility at the usual manufacturers concentrations. You should also ensure that the drugs checked are compatible in terms of carrier fluid This table gives information for two drug combinations only . It can not be extrapolated to three drug combinations

Use of higher than the manufacturers recommended concentrations (eg in fluid restriction) may affect compatibility The majority of sources cited define compatibility by physical compatibility rather than chemical compatibility This table is a guide only. Full information can be obtained from your pharmacy department




Adrenaline 918 Adrenaline

91 Compatible (Reference 1)

1 "Pocket Guide to Injectable Drugs" 11th Edition, Lawrence Trissel, 2001.

Alfentanil 918 918 Alfentanil

21 Incompatible (Reference 1)

American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ISBN 1-58528-023-2)

Aminophylline 918 21 918 Aminophylline

v1 Variable, contact pharmacy for advice (Reference 1)

2 "King Guide to Parenteral Admixtures: Compatibility of Critical Care Admixtures 2005",

Amiodarone 918 92 918 21 Amiodarone

Not Known, do not assume compatibility

Patrick Catania, 2005. School of Pharmacy, University of the Pacific ()

Aprotinin 918 918 918 918 918 Aprotinin

3 TVCCN Pharmacists Group Consensus

Atracurium 918 91 918 21 92 918 Atracurium

4 Parvolex Injection, ABPI Medicines Compendium 2005, p1840-1841 (ISBN 0-0907102-23-9)

Calcium Chloride 91


Calcium Chloride

5 Rapifen Intensive Care, ABPI Medicines Compendium 2005, p2024-2025 (ISBN 0-0907102-23-9)

Calcium Gluconate


92 922

93 Calcium Gluconate

6 Cordarone X Intravenous, ABPI Medicines Compendium 2005, p547-548 (ISBN 0-0907102-23-9)


21 92

91 Ciprofloxacin

7 Tracrium Injection, ABPI Medicines Compendium 2005, p2417-2418 (ISBN 0-0907102-23-9)

Cisatracurium 91 91 v1

93 92 91 Cisatracurium

8 Nimbex Forte Injection, Nimbex Injection 2mg/ml , ABPI Medicines Compendium 2005, p1699-1703 (ISBN 0-0907102-23-9)

Clonidine 918 918 918 918 918 918 918


9 Catapress Ampoules, ABPI Medicines Compendium 2005, p411-412 (ISBN 0-0907102-23-9)

Compound Sodium Lactate Solution (Hartmann's) 91 95 26 920 97 91 91 91 28 Compound Sodium Lactate Solution (Hartmann's)

10 Dopacard, ABPI Medicines Compendium 2005, p721 (ISBN 0-0907102-23-9)

Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate

Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate

11 Xigris, ABPI Medicines Compendium 2005, p2655-2657 (ISBN 0-0907102-23-9)

Dobutamine 918 91 918 21 91 918 91 v1 v1 91 91 918 91


12 Ventolin Injection, ABPI Medicines Compendium 2005, p2537-2538 (ISBN 0-0907102-23-9)

Dopamine 918 91 918 91 91 918 91 91

91 91 918 91

91 Dopamine

13 Flagyl Injection (100ml), ABPI Medicines Compendium 2005, p935-936 (ISBN 0-0907102-23-9)

Dopexamine 918 918 921 218 921 918 921


910 921 918 Dopexamine

14 Losec IV Infusion, ABPI Medicines Compendium 2005, p1403-1404 (ISBN 0-0907102-23-9)

Drotrecogin Alfa (Activated) 217


217 917 911 217 217 Drotrecogin Alfa (Activated)

15 Diprivan 1%, Diprivan 2%, ABPI Medicines Compendium 2005, p697-701 (ISBN 0-0907102-23-9)

Esmolol 918 918 918 91 91 918 91 91

91 918 91

92 91 918


16 Ultiva Injection, ABPI Medicines Compendium 2005, p2483-2487 (ISBN 0-0907102-23-9)

Fentanyl 918 91 918 918 92 918 91


91 918

91 91 918

91 Fentanyl

17 "Physical and chemical compatibility of drotrecogin alfa (activated) with 34 drugs during simulated Y-site administration"

Furosemide 918 v1 918 91 v1 918 218

91 21 v1 918 91

21 v1 921 217 21 91 Furosemide

HY Mann, SL Demmon, DA Boelk et al, Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2004; 61: 2664-2671


92 91


91 91


v1 221 217 91 92 v1 Gentamicin

18 "John Farman intensive care unit compatibility chart", Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,

Glucose 4%, Sodium Chloride 0.18%


91 26 920 97 91 91 91 93

93 93 93 93

911 93

93 91 Glucose 4%, Sodium Chloride 0.18%

Pharmacy Department, In-house data generated by Brit Cadman and Tim House

Glucose 5% 94 91 95 91 91 920 97 91 91 91 91 99 93 93 91 91 910 911 91 91 91 91 93 Glucose 5%

19 AstraZeneca, Personal communication (16/03/2005)

Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) 218 91 218 91 92 218 91

91 218 91

91 91 921 917 92 91 91

91 Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN)

20 Bayer, Personal communication (16/03/2005)

Heparin (Sodium) 918 91 918 91 21 918 v1

91 21 v1 918 v1

v1 v1 221 217 91 91 91 21 922 922 91 Heparin (Sodium)

21 Zeneus Pharma, Personal communication (22/03/2005)

Insulin (Soluble) 918 918 918 21 91 918 918


v1 21 921 217 91 918 918 91

92 92 91 Insulin (Soluble)

22 "Handbook on injectible drugs" 13th Edition, LA Trissel, 2005.

Isosorbide Dinitrate 918 223 223 223 223 918 918


923 923 918

918 918 v23

923 218 923 923 Isosorbide Dinitrate

American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ISBN 1-58528-107-7)

Labetalol 918 91 918 91 91 918 918


918 91

91 91 918

91 91 v1 91 91 91 91 v1 v1 918 Labetalol

23 Schwartz Pharma, Personal communication (22/03/2005)

Magnesium Sulphate


22 v1 v1 91



217 91

91 91 91

91 91

91 Magnesium Sulphate

24 Akzo Nobel, Personal communication (16/03/2005)



92 921





92 91

91 91


v1 221 217 91



91 91 Metronidazole

Midazolam 918 91 91 218 91 918 91

91 91 91 918 91

v1 91 918 217 91 91 21 91 93 91 92 91 91 223 91

92 Midazolam

Milrinone 91


91 91 91 92


91 91 921

91 21

91 91 91 91

91 91

92 91 Milrinone

Morphine 918 91 918 v1 91 918 91 91

91 91 91

91 91 921

91 91 v1 91 91 91 91 v1 91 918 91 91

91 91 91 Morphine

Noradrenaline 918 91 918 21 91 918 918 91 91

91 918 91

91 91 918 217 91 91 v1

93 91 91 91 21 223 91 91

91 91 91 Noradrenaline

Omeprazole 918 218 218 218 218 218 218

218 919

218 218 218

218 218 218

914 218 218 218 218 218


218 218 Omeprazole

Potassium Chloride v4 91

91 91


91 91 91


v1 91 921 917 91 91 91

91 91

91 91

91 91 22

91 91 91 91 Potassium Chloride

Potassium Phosphate

v1 v1 v1


217 91

91 23

Potassium Phosphate


91 v15 91

21 22 23 21 21


91 91 921

91 91 91 21 91 91 91 91 91 223 91 222 92

v1 91 v1 91

91 Propofol

Remifentanil 918 91 918 91 918 918 918

91 91 91 918 916

918 91 918

91 91 91 91 916 916 91 91 918 918 918 91 922 91 91

91 91 218 91

916 Remifentanil

Rocuronium 918 924 924 924 918 918 924

924 924

924 924 918

924 924 224 924 924 924 924 924 224 918 924

924 924 924 924 924 924 218 924

924 918 Rocuronium


912 912


924 Salbutamol

Sodium Bicarbonate


91 21

222 v1 v1 v1


21 21 210



91 91

91 91

21 21 92

21 91 v1 21


91 91

Sodium Bicarbonate

Sodium Chloride 0.9% 94 91 95 91 26 920 97 922 91 91 91 99 93 93 91 91 910 911 91 91 91 91 93 93 91 922 92 923 91 93 92 93 91 91 91 91 914 91

915 916 924 912 91 Sodium Chloride 0.9%

Sodium Nitroprusside 218 92 918 918 918 918 v1 92

v1 918

92 92 921 217 218 918 918

91 92 91 918 91 92

91 92 92 92 218 92

91 918 924

Sodium Nitroprusside


21 21 v2




21 21 221

21 v1 21

91 91 91 91 21


21 91 v1 21


91 91 224

v1 92



v1 91





217 91


v1 91

91 91

91 92 91


91 91 224

v1 91


Vasopressin (Arginine Vasopressin) 92


92 92


92 92



Vasopressin (Arginine Vasopressin)

Vecuronium 918 91 918 91 92 918 918

918 91

91 91 921

91 91 21 91

91 91 91 918 223 91

91 91 91 91 218



92 91 22 91


*Thames Valley Critical Care Network Pharmacists Group

Shakila Bi

Wexham Park and Heatherwood Hospitals

Mark Borthwick

John Radcliffe Hospital, (AICU), Chair (16/01/2004)

Jenny Dorey

John Radcliffe Hospital, Chief Pharmacists Rep

Catherine Goddard Royal Berkshire and Battle Hospitals

Estelle Hames

John Radcliffe Hospital, (CTCC)

Emily Hartwell

Horton General Hospital

Jane Hough

John Radcliffe Hospital, Dep. Chief P'cists Rep

Claire Humphries

Manor Hospital

Trevor Jenkins

Buckinghamshire Hospitals

Jill McDonald

Milton Keynes General Hospital

Olivia Moswela

Radcliffe Infirmary

Michelle Taylor-Siddons Stoke Mandeville Hospital

Secretarial support was provided by Sue Gurney

Data Input By: Sue Gurney, Mark Borthwick Data Verified By: Tara Crews Chart Approved By: Thames Valley Critical Care Network Pharmacists Group, 10 November 2005

? 2005, Thames Valley Critical Care Network Pharmacists Group Version 1.3


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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