Ap seminar iwa samples - Weebly


Ap seminar iwa samples

PT1 - Instructions.pdfPT1 - Overview.docxPT1 - Team Norms.docxPT1 - IRR Rubric.pdfPT1 - IRR.docxPT1 - Question Formulation Technique (QFT).docxPT1 - Examining Your Question.docxPT1 - ResearchSforslag.docxPT1 - IRR Outline.docxPT1 - IRR Sample Paper 1.docxPT1 - IRR Sample Paper 2.docxPT1 - IRR Sample Paper 3.docxPT1 - IRR Sample Paper - Ethical.pdfPT1 - IRR Sample Paper - Environment (1.pdfPT1 - IRR Sample Paper - Scientific.pdfPT1 - IRR Self-Review.docxTMP - Rubric.pdfPT1 - TMP Rubric with Score Notes.pdfPT1 - TMP Instructions, Synthesis, and Scripting.docxPowerPoint Tips - TMP.docxPT1 - TMP Peer Review.docxPT2 - Instructions.pdfPT2 - Overview.docxPT2 Stimulus Packet Analysis.docxPT2 - IWA Rubric.pdfPT2 - IWA.docxPT2 - QFT (Question Formulation Technique). Your question.docxPT2 - Research Proposal.docxPT2 - IWA Outline.docxPT2 - IWA Sample Paper 2.pdfPT2 - IWA Sample Paper 1.pdfPT2 - IWA Self-Review.docxPT2 - IWA Peer Review.docxPT2 - IMP Rubric.pdfPT2 - IMP Instructions, Scripting, and Oral Defense.docxPowerPoint Tips - IMP.docxPT2 - IMP Peer Review.docxEOC Part A - Rubric.pdfEOC Part A - Outline.docxEOC Part A - Outline (Answer - Mark Zuckerberg , Elizabeth Warren and the Arguments for Regulating Big Tech).docxEOC Part A - 2016.pdfEOC Part A - 2017.pdfEOC Part B - Rubric.pdfEOC Part B Outline.docxEOC Part B - Graphic Organizer.docxEOC Part B - 2016.pdfEOC Part B - 2016 - Anchor Paper.pdfEOC Part B - 2017.pdfEOC Packet - 2018 (A and B).pdf Welcome AP Seminar teachers and students! THIS BLOG IS MOVING! Please bookmark my new Google Site: Over the last 5 years I have loved receiving and responding to emails from all over the country ? and the world! - from teachers and students embarking on their AP Capstone journey. I'm thrilled that so many of you have benefited from the resources here, and I plan to update this blog and continue to make it available to the public in the future. For more in-depth content and resource help, however, I'd love to tell you more about my AP Seminar Teacher's Guide. Please email me at hilaryminich@ if you want more information. Thank you, everyone - and good luck with AP Seminar in 2020-2021! ----------------------------------------- How this blog is organized: All in black font are my notes to all you Seminar teachers out there. Everything in green reflects content I share with my students. General resources: Below are a few general resources that will hopefully help you when planning your year. This list provides plenty of examples and strategies for teaching the skills needed for students to succeed in performance tasks. Performance assignment and exam boxes: Effective PPT examples: Writing research questions: Source collection & Assessment of source credibility: Writing Support/Resources: List of colleges and universities that recognize and accept for College Credit: Credit: Using Databases: Reasoning: TED Talks: APA Style Resources Good News! There are no specific formatting requirements (no required style sheet) in the AP seminar. Instead, students are allowed to choose a style, but they need to achieve consistency within this style. I start day 1 working in APA format. I also teach AP Research, and I've found that many of my students' subjects require the style of them last year. It's a gift I can give them early that pays off later. How to quote more than 7 authors on the reference page (from OWL Purdue): Three to seven authors List by surnames and initials; commas separate author names, while last name is re-preceded by ampers and ampersets. Kernis, M.H., Cornell, D.P., Sun, C.R., Berry, A., Harlow, T., & Bach, J.S. (1993). There is more to self-esteem than whether it is high or low: the importance of stability in self-esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 1190-1204. More than seven authors List by surnames and initials; commas separate author names. After the sixth author's name, use an ellipse instead of the author names. Then enter the final author name. There should be no more than seven names. Miller, F.H., Choi, M.J., Angeli, L.L., Harland, A.A., Stamos, J.A., Thomas, S.T., . Rubin, L.H. (2009). Ease of use on the website for blind and partially sighted users. Technical communications, 57, 323-335. Writing an annotated bibliography An annotated bibliography is a great way to teach students to think about the credibility and relevance of sources while allowing students to process and summarize content at the same time. I have my students fill one as a starting point for their practice IWA in the fall, then again in the spring. Holistic 5-Source commented Bibliography Rubric: Download 5 source holistic PT1 annotated bib box Common Quotes Questions from commented Bibliography: & in the middle of the journal titles (Easy Bib does this for some reason; have to double check quotes after imported) ALL CAPS article titles or authors (need to physically change this to sentence or lowercase) Titles of journals, newspapers, books and websites are all italics All font should be 12 point TNR (be sure to change your header font) Titles on databases , such as Academic Search Complete, italic periods and commas go into the end QM: High-Tech Bullies. Don't forget your hanging indents (each line except the first in citation) Type the first letter of every major word in journal titles (Journal of Canadian Medicine) Write only the first letter of the first word (as well as correct nouns) in article titles (The ratio of frequency of Instagram use, exposure to idealized images, and psychological wellbeing in women) Use a comma before et al. : Minich, Hilary, et al. Tips for a successful spring semester in AP Seminar The most successful AP Seminar students take ownership and pride in their projects. Work diligently and consistently consistently it throughout the allotted time and think of it as a brilliant piece of work that you produce as opposed to a task you need to complete. Help promote productive and open communication with your team. Be patient, but honest. Use class time productively. At least a few days a week will be headphone days and minimal speeches to give everyone a peaceful work environment. Set daily and weekly goals and stick to them. Stay ahead of my calendar. You will be so proud of yourself and will therefore be thrilled to work on your project. Performance Task 1: Individual Research Report (IRR) and Team Multimedia Presentation (TMP): 20% of the total score This task is crucial for practicing in the fall, giving students a sense of working with a team as well as who they work or don't work well with. It also helps prepare them for skills needed for PT1 (many of which are unknown to students), such as how multiple perspectives fit together to form a complete picture of a problem, and how to delve into solutions and evaluate them for effectiveness. PT1 Scoring Box: PT1 Power Point Examples: Download Crispr Download usa and Cuba's current conditions.pptx High Scoring Sample Papers: Notes and other resources for PT1: Download PT1 Seminar Notes Final IRR Checklist: A few things before we upload: Be sure to check your paper against my checklist (that includes how to format the first page) BEFORE class tomorrow. Be sure to check your paper against the example APA paper below (under APA Style Resources) Make sure you have a digital copy, completely edited and ready to upload when you get to class tomorrow. We'll review the submission together. Be sure to remember your College Board login ? you need it to access the digital portfolio Finally, be sure to have submitted a copy of your IRR (draft is fine) to . Next Up: Tackling PT2: IWA (Individual Written Argument) and The IMP (Individual Multimedia Presentation) Provided that your students have run through a practice PT2 in the fall, the first thing to do when embarking on the 30-day to 6 week adventure that is PT2 is to 1) Re-familiar students with the rubric 2) Peruse scoring notes available in online education modules (these are created by reading and are invaluable for box interpretation) and 3) Determine a plan to work through stimulus materials. Below is what I do with my students: Next on the agenda are class discussions of each stimulus material and a topic brainstorm session after each discussion. The first 5 points on the rubric cannot be earned without a relevant integration of one of the stimulus materials into your argument. To give you an opportunity to hone your speaking skills, I will have groups of you (or individuals, in some cases) conduct discussions on various stimulus texts. everyone will read and comment on all texts, but will only be responsible for leading a by one. Below is a list of who is having what discussion (pay attention to the dates in the calendar). This generally takes us about a week and involves students reading and commenting on a new piece each night. I also read and commented on the trouble-shoot during the discussions, but my primary role is note-taker. I include one of our brainstorm sessions as an example: Topic Ideas from Stimulus Materials Discussions: Download Topic Options PT2 Seminar 2018 After that is the topic selection time! ** Remember when thinking through topic options to filter them through the following: - Is the topic original, complex and nuanced (we want to avoid clich?, exaggerated topics) - Does the topic lend itself to a strong argument? - Is the topic tangible enough to be rooted in concrete evidence (philosophical arguments don't work) Useful Research Sites: During the weeks of preparation, I'd like to split days like this: Monday = Teacher-led instruction (review box, score/discuss sample high, medium, low papers, direct writing instruction, etc.) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday = Draft days (I use a participation box and require, for all students to show me progress the last 10 minutes of class) Friday = Reflection/presentation days (This is a great day for a class Q&A, which may involve topics like APA format, using Design Ideas in Office 365 that include stimulus material, etc. OR this day may involve short Work in Progress presentations (we do this in AP Research) to keep students in the habit of presenting to an audience). When disposition and drafting are complete, it's time for editing: Editing Buddies for PT2: (Required Editing Task: Give edited drafts to your buddy on Monday, April 16th. Due back to the author of Wednesday, April 18) Task: Use the annotated scoring box below to score and provide written feedback in the form of comments to your author. Because of the author on Wednesday, April 18. A copy is due for me on Thursday, April 19th. Download IWA_FINAL_RUBRIC_and_Scoring_Notes Get Task 2 Peer Review, before transferring IWA: Make sure your name, my name, and school are all removed from your paper Include Word Count, AP Seminar 2020 and your title page Make sure your title is engaging and specific Triple-check internal quotes Be sure to edit references Check the font on the running head/header and make sure it complies with the copy type Run your paper through Grammarly If you have time, read it aloud to yourself; you will catch confusing/unclear phrasing Final reflections on PT2: Rubric for IMP: Oral Defense Questions (PT2): 20Capstone%20Seminar%20Handouts%201%20and%202.pdf Sample AP Seminar Written Exam (End of Course Test): 45% of AP Score Because Exam Is Weighted So So and because it is timed by teachers, you will want to plan lots of practice opportunities for students throughout the year. EOC A is easy to work in lesson plans as it is 30 minutes in length. EOC B is a little more difficult ... I practice in a few ways: Practice over 2-3 days (day 1 is reading and outlining, day 2 is preparing) Make EOC B the final exam (our final exam length is 90 minutes, so it's perfect) Head up to school on a Sunday afternoon, order some pizzas, and practice EOC B about 2 weeks before the exam itself. Best practice ever. Below is my review 2 weeks before the exam: Day 1 Day 2 Based on yesterday's source breakdown, take 25-30 minutes and create a detailed outline (including textual examples) Write an introductory section dealing with the prompt If absent: complete the above tasks Day 3 I groups, evaluate sample essays (3) in a roundtable rotation, drawing attention to the reasons for high scores in each box row If absent: get package from me with sample essays and notation sheets/complete individual Day 4 Class discussion: sample essay scores and potential challenges for this section/strategies to overcome these challenges If absent: make a list of potential challenges and possible strategies for dealing with this section Part A Resources: Exam Part B Resources: Tips for AP Exam Essay Writing : High-Scoring Examples from the 2017 Practice Test: Last Minute AP Exam Reminders: Reminders:

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