Curriculum Vitae - IZA

[Pages:9]Curriculum Vitae

Fr?d?ric Docquier - November 2006

Professional address IRES, Universit? Catholique de Louvain, Department of Economics, 3, Place Montesquieu, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve , Belgium Telephone number. +32-10-47.41.49 E-mail. Web site.

Personal details Male Married, three children Born in Huy (Belgium), the 27th of April 1967 Belgian citizenship

Primary appointment Research associate, National Fund for Economic Research, and Professor of economics, Universit? Catholique de Louvain

Education Jun. 2000. Habilitation ? diriger des recherches. Awarding institution: University of Lille 2, France. Supervisor: Prof. Bruno Amable. Nov. 1995. PhD in Economics. Awarding institution: Universit? de la M?diterran?e (Aix-Marseille II), France. Title : ?L'avenir des retraites publiques face au vieillissement de la population? (the future of public pensions and population aging). Supervisor: Prof. Philippe Michel. Sep. 1991. MA in Economics. Awarding institution: Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium.

Prizes - Awards - Fellowhips 2003 : Fellowship of the Canadian Embassy. Visiting Fellow - Ottawa University (August).

2003 : Milken Institute Award for Distinguished Economic Research for the paper "Brain drain and LDC's growth : winners and losers". 2001 : Paper "Brain drain and economic development: theory and evidence" ranked first in the "2001 top ten requested papers" - Journal of Development Economics. 1989 : Prix de la Banque Nationale de Paris (Dissertation in Economics at the University of Liege).

Experience 2005- : Research Associate, National Fund for Economic Research and Professor at the Universit? Catholique de Louvain (member of IRES), Belgium. 2004-: World Bank Consultant, International trade unit, Development Research Group, World Bank, Washington, USA. 2003- : IZA Research Fellow (permanent visiting member from February 2004 to June 2004, on sabbatical leave from Lille), Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn, Germany. 1997-2005 : Lecturer at the University of Lille 2, France. 1991-2005: Economic advisor at IWEPS, Regional government of Wallonia (part-time since 1996). 2001-2002 : Assistant Lecturer - "Economic policy" at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium 1996-1997 : Assistant Lecturer - "Growth and cycles" at the University of Liege, Belgium. 1996-1997 : Research assistant at the University of Lille 2, France. 1992-1996 : Researcher at the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics, CORE, Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. 1989-1991 : Research assistant at the University of Li?ge.

Research topics Population economics (migration, aging) Economic effects of public and private transfers Computable OLG general equilibrium

Peer-refereed articles

A. Articles in English 1. Optimal accumulation in an endogenous growth setting with human capital,

F. Docquier, O. Paddison, P. Pestieau, Journal of Economic Theory (2006), forthcoming. 2. Skilled migration: The perspective of developing countries, F. Docquier, H. Rapoport, In J. Baghwati and G. Hanson (eds), Skilled migration: prospects, problems and policies, (2006) forthcoming. 3. Fiscal policy and educational attainment in the United States, X. Chojnicki, F. Docquier, Economica (2006), forthcoming. 4. Income growth in the 21st century: Forecasts with an overlapping generations model, D. De la Croix, F. Docquier and Ph. Li?geois, International Journal of Forecasting (2006) forthcoming. 5. International migration by educational attainment (1990-2000), F. Docquier, A. Marfouk, In C. Ozden and M. Schiff (eds). International Migration, Remittances and the Brain Drain, McMillan and Parlgrave: New York (2006). 6. The Economics of migrants' remittances, F. Docquier, H. Rapoport, In J. Mercier-Ythier et S.C. Kolm (eds), Handbook on the economics of reciprocity, giving and altruism, Handbook series edited by K. Arrow and M. Intriligator, Elsevier-North Holland (2006). 7. Simulating large scale OLG model with Troll, F. Docquier, Ph. Li?geois, Computational Economics 23(1) (2004), 1-19. 8. Income distribution, non-convexities and endogenous fertility, F. Docquier, Economica 71(282) (2004), 261-273. 9. Debt-sharing and secession : a generational accounting approach, Ph. Cattoir, F. Docquier, Regional Studies 38-3 (2004), 293-303. 10. Immigration and aging in the Belgian regions, M. Debuisson, F. Docquier, A. Noury and M. Nantcho, Brussels Economic Review (2004), Special issue on skilled migration, 47(1), 139-158. 11. Brain Drain and remittances: implications for the source country, D. Cinar and F. Docquier, Brussels Economic Review (2004), Special issue on skilled migration, 47(1), 103-118. 12. Growth and equity effects of PAYG pension plans, F. Docquier, O. Paddison, Journal of Macroeconomics, 25 (2003), 47-71.

13. Ethnic discrimination and the migration of skilled labor, F. Docquier, H. Rapoport, Journal of Development Economics, 70 (2003), 159172.

14. Endogenous discrimination and migration prospects, F. Docquier, H. Rapoport, Annales d'Economie et de Statistique 71-72 (2003).

15. On the optimality of public pensions in an economy with life-cyclers and myopes, F. Docquier, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, 47-1 (2002), 121-140.

16. Life-cycle behaviour of US households : a GMM estimation using pseudo-panel data, M. Beine, F. Bismans, F. Docquier, S. Laurent, Journal of Policy Modeling, 23 (2002), 713-729.

17. Policy reforms and endogenous growth in OLG computable economies, M. Bouzahzah, D. de la Croix, F. Docquier, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 16(12) (2002), 2093-2113.

18. Brain drain and economic development: theory and evidence, M. Beine, F. Docquier, H. Rapoport, Journal of Development Economics, 64 (2001), 275-289. Ranked 1st in the top 10 requested paper, year 2001.

19. Bribing vote: a new explanation to the inequality-redistribution puzzle in LDC's, F. Docquier, E. Tarbalouti, Public Choice, 108 (2001), 259-272.

20. Strategic and altruistic remittances, F. Docquier, H. Rapoport, in: J. Mercier-Ythier, L.A. G?r?rad-Varet and S. Kolm (ed.), The Economics of Reciprocity, Gift-giving and Altruism (2000), Palgrave publishers, MacMillan.

21. Education subsidies and endogenous growth: implications of demographic shocks, F. Docquier, Ph. Michel, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 101 (1999), 425-440.

22. Are migrants strategically self-selected?, F. Docquier, H. Rapoport, Journal of Population Economics, 11 (1998), 579-588.

23. A stochastic simulation model of optimum currency area, M. Beine et F. Docquier, Open Economies Review, 9 (1998), 227-255.

B. Articles in French 1. Union Europ?enne et migrations internationales : l'UE15 contribue-t-elle

? l'exode des travailleurs qualifi?s ?, F. Docquier, O. Lohest, A. Marfouk, Revue Economique (2005). 2. L'immigration "choisie" face aux d?fis ?conomiques du vieillissement d?mographique, X. Chojnicki, F. Docquier, L. Ragot, Revue Economique (2005).

3. Vieillissement et in?galit?s interg?n?rationnelles en France ? une approche par l'?quilibre g?n?ral, B. Crettez, F. Docquier, Ph. Li?geois, C. Loupias, Revue Economique, 53(4) (2002), 767-786.

4. Influence ?lectorale, ?ducation publique et croissance ?conomique, M. Bouzahzah, F. Docquier, E. Tarbalouti, Revue d'Economie du D?veloppement, 4 (2002), 47-64.

5. Retraites, croissance et in?galit?s dans un mod?le avec individus myopes, M. Bouzahzah, F. Docquier, O. Paddison, Economie et Pr?vision, 155(4) (2002), 31-44.

6. Convergence des groupes au sein des r?gions d'Europe, M. Beine, F. Docquier et A. Hecq, Revue d'Economie R?gionale et Urbaine, 1 (1999), 45-62.

7. Comptabilit? g?n?rationnelle dans un mod?le OLG avec dur?e de vie incertaine, F. Docquier, Ph. Li?geois et J.P. Stijns, L'Actualit? Economique, 75 (1999), 333-356.

8. Capital humain, emploi et revenus du travail - Belgique 1992, F. Docquier, S. Laurent et S. Perelman, Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, 161 (1999), 77-103.

9. Croissance, redistribution et in?galit?s dans un mod?le de fuite des cerveaux, F. Docquier, H. Rapoport, Revue Economique, 50 (1999), 499510.

10. Fuite des cerveaux et formation de capital humain ? Des effets ambigus sur le d?veloppement des pays d'origine, F. Docquier, H. Rapoport, Economie Internationale, 79 (1999), 63-71.

11. Comptabilit? g?n?rationnelle et ?quilibre g?n?ral application au cas belge, F. Docquier, Ph. Li?geois, Perspectives de la Vie Economique, XXXVIII, 1 (1999), 37-49

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12. Crit?res d'endettement public et vieillissement d?mographique, F. Bismans, F. Docquier Recherches Economiques de Louvain, 1 ? 63 (1997), 33-56.

13. F?d?ralisme fiscal dans un mod?le de zones mon?taires optimales, M. Beine, F. Docquier, Revue Economique, 3 (1997), 519-527.

14. La pertinence et les implications de la th?orie de l'autos?lection strat?gique des travailleurs migrants, F. Docquier, H. Rapoport, R?gion et D?veloppement, 6 (1997), 67-82.

15. Consommation, ?pargne et accumulation dans la transition d?mographique, F. Bismans, F. Docquier, Revue Economique, 3 (1996), 667676.

16. Transferts publics et transition d?mographique en Belgique : une approche par l'?quilibre g?n?ral, F. Docquier, Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, 141 (1994), 89-115.

Working papers and submissions

A. "Revise and resubmit" 1. Brain drain and LDC's growth : winners and losers, M. Beine, F.

Docquier, H. Rapoport, Milken Institute Award for Distinguished Economic Research in March 2003, IZA Discussion paper, n. 819 (Economic Journal). 2. Remittances and inequality. A dynamic migration model, F. Docquier, H. Rapoport, IZA Discussion paper, n. 808 (Economic Journal). 3. Brain drain in developing countries (1990-2000), F. Docquier, O. Lohest, A. Marfouk, IZA Discussion paper, n. 1668 (World Bank Economic Review). 4. Is migration a good substitute for education subsidies?, F. Docquier, O. Faye, P. Pestieau, (Journal of Development Economics). 5. Should the U.S. Have Locked the Heaven's Door? Reassessing the Benefits of the Postwar Immigration, X. Chojnicki, F. Docquier and L. Ragot, IZA Discussion paper, n. 1676, (Review of Economic Dynamics). 6. Changing returns to skill and experience in France and the US: a CGE approach, D. De la Croix, F. Docquier, IZA Discussion paper, n. 846, (Journal of Public Economics)

B. Submissions 1. Brain drain and inequality across nations, F. Docquier. 2. Measuring international skilled migration: new estimates controlling for

age of entry, M. Beine, F. Docquier and H. Rapoport 3. Skilled emigration and human capital formation in developing countries,

M. Beine, F. Docquier and H. Rapoport 4. What determines migrants' destination choice?, F. Docquier, O. Lohest

and A. Marfouk 5. Impact d'une immigration choisie sur la fuite des cerveaux des pays

d'origine, C. Defoort and F. Docquier. 6. Skilled migration and business networks, F. Docquier and E. Lodigiani. 7. HIV prevalence, migration of healthcare staff and economic activity in

Africa, A. Bhargava and F. Docquier.

Publications in non-refereed journals and books 1. La fuite des cerveaux entrave-t-elle la croissance europ?enne?, F.

Docquier and A. Marfouk, Regards Economiques, IRES, Universit? Catholique de Louvain. 2. Brain drain and economic growth: theory and evidence, M. Beine, F. Docquier, H. Rapoport, in: C. Belfield, Modern Classics in the Economic of Education, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham. (2006). 3. Measuring the international mobility of skilled workers (1990-2000), Release 1.0, F. Docquier and A. Marfouk, World Bank Policy Research (2004), World Bank, n. 3382. 4. Which attitude should we adopt towards skilled migration, M. Beine, F. Docquier (ed.), Brussels Economic Review - Special issue on skilled migration (2004), 47(1), 5-8. 5. La convergence r?elle des r?gions europ?ennes, A. Desurmont, F. Docquier, in: E. Farvaque et L. Lagadec, Int?gration ?conomique europ?enne, chapitre 12 (2002). De Boeck Universit?, Bruxelles. 6. Les transferts entre g?n?rations, F. Docquier, Ph. Li?geois, in: E. de Callata? (ed.), Les finances publiques de la Belgique (2002), ? para?tre, De Boeck Universit?, Bruxelles. 7. Capital physique, capital humain et mobilit? interr?gionale: implications en termes de convergence, A. Desurmont, F. Docquier, in : Michel Beine and Fr?d?ric Docquier (eds.), Croissance et convergence ?conomiques des r?gions: th?orie, faits et d?terminants (2000), 133-149, De Boeck Universit?, Bruxelles. 8. Capital humain et croissance r?gionale, D. de la Croix, F. Docquier, in: Cifop (ed.), Actes du Congr?s des Economistes Belges de Langue Fran?aise (2000). 9. Comptabilit? g?n?rationnelle dans un mod?le OLG avec dur?e de vie incertaine, F. Docquier, Ph. Li?geois, J.P. Stijns, in: Marceau, N., P. Pestieau and F. Vaillancourt (eds.), Economie Publique (2000), 333-356, Economica, Paris. 10. Solidarit? fiscale et parafiscale en Belgique: une approche par la comptabilit? g?n?rationnelle, F. Docquier, in : Fr?d?ric Docquier (ed.), La solidarit? entre les R?gions: bilan et perspectives (1999), 169-193, De Boeck Universit?, Bruxelles. 11. S?curit? sociale et solidarit? interr?gionale, Ph. Cattoir, F. Docquier, in : Fr?d?ric Docquier (ed.), La solidarit? entre les R?gions: bilan et perspectives (1999), 227-258, De Boeck Universit?, Bruxelles.

12. R?formes institutionnelles, solidarit?s interg?n?rationnelle et interr?gionale: une analyse prospective, M. Beine, Ph. Cattoir, F. Docquier, in: Cifop (ed.), Actes du Congr?s des Economistes Belges de Langue Fran?aise (1998), 205-227.

13. La d?mographie wallonne: histoire et perspective d'une population vieillissante, F. Docquier, in: Gouvernement wallon (ed.), Wallonie, atouts et r?f?rences d'une r?gion, Chapitre 5 (1995), Editions Labor, Bruxelles.

Edited books and special issues 1. Special issue on skilled migration, M. Beine and F. Docquier, Brussels

Economic Review, 47(1) (2004), Spring 2004. 2. Capital humain et dualisme sur le march? du travail D. de la Croix, F.

Docquier, C. Mainguet, S. Perelman, E. Wasmer, De Boeck Universit?, Bruxelles (2002), 510 pages. 3. La convergence r?gionale: th?orie et analyse des politiques ?conomiques, M. Beine, F. Docquier, De Boeck Universit?, Bruxelles (2000), 435 pages. 4. La solidarit? entre les r?gions: bilan et perspectives, F. Docquier, De Boeck Universit?, Bruxelles (1999), 305 pages.

Membership American Economic Association (AEA), European Economic Association (EEA), European Society for Population Economics (ESPE), Association Fran?aise de Sciences Economiques (AFSE).

Referee reports American Economic Review, Annales d'Economie et Statistique, Brussels Economic Review, Canadian Journal of Economics, Computational Economics, CESIfo, Economica, Economie et Pr?visions, Empirica, German Economic Review, International Migration Review, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Economic Growth, Journal of Policy Modeling, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Public Economic Theory, L'Actualit? Economique, Louvain Economic Review, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Regional Studies, Revue d'Economie R?gionale et Urbaine, Revue Economique, Revue d'Economie Politique, World Bank Economic Review.


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