God’s Glory & Your Destiny through Stewardship

[Pages:4]K ingdom L ife


Volume 10 ~ Quarterly Issue 4

October ~ November ~ December 2019

God's Glory & Your Destiny through Stewardship

Harvest of Blessingss! Pastor Gary & Lady LaTanya

Foreman --

Special Points of Interest

Family Movie Night Friday, October 25, 2019 @ 7pm--Laburnum Campus

Day of Community Service Wednesday, November 27, 2019 @ 7pm

Thanksgiving Day Service Thursday, November 28, 2019 @ 11am -- Laburnum Campus

College Day -- Sunday, December 1, 2019 @ 10am -- Neale Campus

Family Movie Night -- Friday, December 13, 2019 @ 7pm--Laburnum Campus

Special Christmas Service Sunday, December 22, 2019 @ 10:00 am -- Neale Campus

In Luke 6:38 (KJV), Jesus says, "38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again."

Where can I begin to describe the impact of the 33 Days to Your Destiny series? This was a life-changing, transforming experience for so many of us, and we'll be counting the blessings for a long time. More of us than ever before are more committed than ever before to pray, to serve and to give faithfully to the Lord.

I'm grateful that you were so involved in this important

endeavor. I'm also grateful that you may have reaffirmed your commitment as a trustworthy steward. Your faithful participation in this ministry is a great encouragement to me as your pastor.

Day 33 of our online series was the end of a unique program, but it's not the end of the journey. In fact, it is the beginning of an even greater time of spiritual advancement. I am looking forward to all that God has in store for us, and I know that you are too. May God give you wisdom and strength to keep pressing onward.

Please pick up a stewardship card at the information station (like the one shown below) and prayerfully consider your participation in

the great work of the Kingdom through the following:

1. Pray for the church daily 2. Serve in the house of

God willingly 3. Give regularly

You may return the card via mail or, drop it in the offering basket during our Worship Services. Place your completed card in a giving envelope upon submission. Thank you in advance for your renewed commitment to advancing the Kingdom. It is because of your generosity that we can fuel the God-given vision for ALCC. We trust that you will experience God's glory like never before!

Yours in His Name,

A. Gary Foreman

ALCC Senior Pastor

Inside this issue:





Opportunity Events


GED Program


Honoring our Founders 4 Upcoming ALCC Events 4


October Birthdays

Celeste Jones Min. Patricia Joyner Valerie Burton Michelle Foreman Carolyn Johnson Jerrylee Grant Shenise Burrell Caanan Grady Brenda Boyd Jamie Brokenburr Lady Olivia Foreman Ashley Joyner Rose Parker Malia Griffin Gwen Taylor Rebecca Randolph Kristopher Vaughan Shaunah Smyre-Jones Tene Burrell Bonnie Foreman Stan Morant, Jr. Sonya Barnes

Oct. 2 Oct. 2 Oct. 3 Oct. 3 Oct. 5 Oct. 6 Oct. 9 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 14 Oct. 16 Oct. 18 Oct. 20 Oct. 22 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Oct. 30 Oct. 31

Kingdom Life


November Birthdays

Johnny McRoy, Sr.

Nov. 1

Destinee Howell

Nov. 2

Shanita Coleman

Nov. 8

Rhonda Jackson-Smith Nov. 8

George Thomas, IV

Nov. 12

Journey Williams

Nov. 12

Ruth Peters

Nov. 15

Elder Solly Jackson

Nov. 17

Jeanette Cook

Nov. 17

Deacon Otis Barnes

Nov. 19

Matthew Edgerton

Nov. 19

Adam Artis

Nov. 26

Charity Ellis

Nov. 26

Barbara Anderson-Smith Nov. 29

Brenda Heathcock

Nov. 30

December Birthdays

Tabrica Rentz Michael Carter, Jr. Patricia Caine Jasmine Perry Anita Thomas Elder Izetta Vaughan Mary Harris Jackie Gilbert Shewanda Holloway Noelani Corey Hilroy Ralph Tanesha Henley Rosa Thornton Jada Foreman Deacon Isaac Carter, Sr. Sherhae Holloway Joy Faith Thomas Audrey Satterwhite Marie Perry Pandora Pleasant Avis Prince Elder Jarvis Booker Min. Kimberly Randolph Jacqueline Morton Aaron Edgerton Tyson Williams Alicia Edgerton Elder Herbert Johnson Jayla Jackson Corey Cooke, Jr.

Dec. 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 3 Dec. 3 Dec. 4 Dec. 6 Dec. 6 Dec. 6 Dec. 8 Dec. 8 Dec. 10 Dec. 10 Dec. 11 Dec. 11 Dec. 11 Dec. 14 Dec. 15 Dec. 16 Dec. 17 Dec. 17 Dec. 18 Dec. 19 Dec. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 24 Dec. 24 Dec. 26 Dec. 27 Dec. 28 Dec. 31

October Anniversaries

Elder Jerome & Ruth Peters


2 years

Deacon Otis & Sonya Barnes


10 years

Reginald & Shirley Hood


33 years

Joshua & Alicia Edgerton


3 years

Min. Clyburn & Edwina Cooke



Deacon Robert & Lucy Braxton


23 years

George & Anita Thomas


19 years

November Anniversaries

Elder Anthony & Angela Jackson


28 years

Robert & Telisha Ellis


23 years

Deacon Otis & Evangelist Kimberly Smith


21 years

December Anniversaries

Deacon Warren & Barbara Smith 12/18 41 years

Steve & Bonnie Foreman 12/28 26 years

Congratulations to ALL Married Couples from ALCC !

Pastor Gary & Lady LaTanya Foreman


10 years

James & Runia Bullock


34 years

Corey & Marshelle Cooke


27 years

One Flesh Marriage Speaks

November 1-2, 2019

ALCC Laburnum Campus Strong Families Pajama Party! Seminars~Food~Fun~Fellowship

Fri 11/1 @ 7pm Sat 11/2 @ 10am offsite


Kingdom Life


Opportunities to Share the Gospel with Family & Friends

ALCC Began GED Classes in September!

As part of our ongoing outreach efforts, Abundant Life began offering a GED Program on September 10, 2019. Pastor Gary Foreman, Evangelist Sheila Henley and the Outreach Team cheered on our new students as they came in for their first day of classes. The teacher, Ms. Anderson, and the class are looking forward to a successful course!

Giving Honor to Whom Honor is Due


Sunday Worship

Wednesday Bible Study

Sunday Intercessory Prayer 9:00 a.m.

Phone: 804.329.2522 Fax: 804.321.5842

E-mail: info@ Web:

Neale Campus 3300 Neale Street Richmond, VA 23223

Laburnum Campus 3700 Goodell Road Richmond, VA 23223

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