Rs K ingdom L ife


K ingdom L ife


Bible College Graduation -- Sunday, December 15th @ 11am

Christmas Play-- "Holy Night" -- Fri., December 20th @ 7pm & Sat., December 21st @ 6pm-- Neale Campus

Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve -- Tuesday, December 24th @ 10pm to midnight -- Laburnum Campus

Watch Night New Year Celebration-- Tuesday, December 31st @ 10pm -- Neale Campus

PFW Get-Away -- April 3-5, 2014




More Than a Baby

Treoaf stuhrees Heart


Minister Michelle Johnson

Who could have ever imagined Someone so small and tender Would be mankind's deliverer

Who could have ever known The destiny in His eyes Would one day be shown

Who could have ever felt The healing power of a touch Would come from innocent hands as such

Born into the earth with a high call Discarded the splendor of Heaven for us all

Jesus, more than a baby The Chosen Redeemer for mankind's fall


In the Know


Birthdays / Anniversaries 2

Money Matters


Guess Who? Veterans 4

2013 THEME

Everybody on the Wall!

Hand Me Another Brick

Missions Report: Thanksgiving Baskets

Pastor Everette Johnson would like to say `Thank You' to ALCC Home Fellowship Cell Groups for donating money, food and turkeys. These donated goods were used to care for those in need during the Thanksgiving holiday.

With your help, the Missions Team provided and handed out twelve (12) Thanksgiving boxes to needy families and individuals in our community and within our ministry.

Special thanks and appreciation to the following who went above and beyond to make this Food Basket program a success:

Elder Jarvis Booker Valerie Burton Ruth Norrell

Gloria Booker Deacon Samaral Jackson Deacon Warren Smith



Kingdom Life December 2013


Romina Scott

Dec. 1

Tabrica Rentz

Dec. 1

Michael Carter, Jr. Dec. 1

Pat Caine

Dec. 3

Jasmine Perry

Dec. 3

Anita Thomas

Dec. 4

Izetta Vaughan

Dec. 6

Mary Harris

Dec. 6

Jackie Gilbert

Dec. 6

Donald Jackson

Dec. 6

Shewanda Holloway Dec. 8

Noelani Corey

Dec. 8

Aubrey Dixon

Dec. 9

Hilroy Ralph

Dec. 10

Tanesha Henley

Dec. 10

Rosa Thornton

Dec. 11

Jada Foreman

Dec. 11

Sandra Brooks

Dec. 11

Isaac Carter, Sr.

Dec. 11

Sherhae Holloway Dec. 14

Jayla R.- Gonzalez Dec. 14

Joy Faith Thomas Dec. 15

Audrey Satterwhite Dec. 16

Marie Perry

Dec. 17

Pandora Pleasant Dec. 17

Avis Prince

Dec. 18

Hudie Pleasants

Dec. 19

Elder Jarvis Booker Dec. 19

Kimberly Randolph Dec. 22

Jacqueline Morton Dec. 22

Aaron Edgerton

Dec. 24

Elder Herbert Johnson Dec. 27

Jayla Jackson

Dec. 28

Jessica Spivey

Dec. 28

Corey Cooke, Jr.

Dec. 31

CONGRATULATIONS DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES Warren & Barbara Smith 12/18 37 years Steve & Bonnie Foreman 12/28 22 years

For ALCC Members only: All tickets are Buy-One-GIVE-One Free to a "non-church goer". This is a great opportunity to use your BOGO ticket as a ministry tool.


Women's Quarterly Meeting Christmas Celebration Saturday, Dec. 14th @ 2-- 4 pm Laburnum Family Center * Note: This is a change *

Bible College Graduation Sunday, Dec. 15th @ 11:00 a.m. Neale Campus Reception following at the Laburnum Campus

Christmas Play "Holy Night" Friday, Dec. 20 @ 7pm & Saturday, Dec. 21 @ 6pm ALCC Neale Campus Tickets Required

Midnight Mass Christmas Eve Service Tuesday, Dec. 24th 10pm to midnight Laburnum Campus

Watch Night New Year Celebration! Tuesday, December 31st @ 10pm--Neale Campus

Consecration Week Prayer & Fasting M--F January 6th --10th @ 6pm Nightly Neale Campus

Check Out Our New Website! WWW.

Location: Founder's Inn

and Spa Virginia Beach, VA




Types of Givers

Did you know that John 3:16 is not only a salvation Scripture, but also describes a type of Giver? God gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

Whatever you give beyond your tithes will be determined by three things:


Vanessa Harris

Accounting & Finance Specialist

1. Your Ability: Deuteronomy 16:17 (NLT) All must give as they are able, according to the blessings given to them by the LORD your God.

2. Your Desire to Reap: 2 Corinthians 9:10 (NLT) For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you.

3. Your Love: Matthew 22:37 (NLT) Jesus replied, "you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind".

Types of Givers:

1. Bag Giver: - Haggai 1:6 (NLT) You have planted much but harvest little. You eat but are not satisfied. You drink but are still thirsty. You put on clothes but cannot keep warm. Your wages disappear as though you were putting them in pockets filled with holes!

This type of giver puts self first and has everything in the natural that he/she needs, but is still not satisfied. God says that He will blow it away; wages will disappear as though you were putting them in pockets filled with holes. This is the giver that can give but chooses not to. This giver needs to get his/her giving priorities in order.

2. Good Intentional Giver: 2 Corinthians 8:10 (NLV) Paul says, "This is what I think. You had better finish what you started a year ago. You were the first to want to give a gift of money". Paul had been trying to raise funds for the poor saints at Jerusalem. The Corinthians had been talking about the great gift they were going to give toward this offering.

This type of giver has a lot of talk and good intentions, but no action. Good intentions won't accomplish God's work. This type of giver never follows through, will make a pledge and not keep it, make a promise and break it, agree to work on a project and not show up. This giver is not dependable.

3. Reluctant Giver/Under Compulsion Giver: 2 Corinthians 9:7 (GNT) You should each give, then, as you have decided, not with regret or out of a sense of duty; for God loves the one who gives gladly.

Reluctant Givers gives with regret, sadness, and grief. This person knows that he should give to the Lord, but his heart is not in it. He believes that his money is his and has a hard time departing from it. Under Compulsion Givers simply gives because he feels guilty. This person feels forced or pressured to give.

4. The Big Little Giver: Luke 21:1-4 (GNT) As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. 2 He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. 3 "Truly I tell you," he said, "this poor widow has put in more than all the others. 4 All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put

in all she had to live on.

This person gives from the heart. Do not compare your giving with someone else's.

5. The Life Givers: Acts 3:6 (GNT) Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk."

Because you cannot be a financial blessing to someone does not mean that you have nothing to offer. You can speak a word into a life and change that person's life. A smile, a listening ear--you might be surprised at what a difference you have made.

6. The Sacrificial Giver: 2 Samuel 24:24 (GNT) But the king answered, "No, I will pay you for it. I will not offer to the Lord my God sacrifices that have cost me nothing." And he bought the threshing place and the oxen for fifty pieces of silver.

This person understands that God deserves nothing but the best.

7. The Unpretentious Giver: Luke 10:25-37...The Samaritan, who made no show of his giving.

This giver is free from any intent to deceive or impress others.

8. The Greatest Giver: John 3:16-17 God, who gave His only begotten Son for you and me that we might be saved. 1 Peter 1:19 (GNT) It was the costly sacrifice of Christ, who was like a lamb without defect or flaw.

The ransom God paid for you and me was the precious blood of Christ.

Tip: In this list of givers, which giver best describes you? Think about this list of givers and then strive to give your best to the Lord and His service. The Lord gave us the best that heaven had to offer, the sacrifice of His Son.

Come Grow with Us!

ALCC Veterans --Guess Who?


Drs. Steve & Lady Olivia Foreman

ALCC Senior Pastors


We Invite you to Join us for the following Services: Sundays @ 9:00 a.m. Deeper Life Bible Study Neale Campus Sundays @ 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Neale Campus Wednesdays @ 7:00 p.m. Bible Study Laburnum Campus

Writers, Reporters, Editors, Graphic Designers ,

Photographers & Advertisers Needed!

We Welcome your Entries to this Newsletter.

Submit your information to the Editor by the 20th of each month at

media@ or call Kimberly F. Smith--

804.329.2522 ext. 202


Ephesians 4:11-16 ALCC's mission is to win the unchurched, incorporating them into a committed body of spiritfilled Christians led by qualified ministers who equip people to fulfill their God-given purpose; resulting in growth, maturity, & influence in the community, state, nation, and


Did You Guess Right? Here are the Names of our Veterans Pictured in Rows from Left to the Right


K ingdom L ife

December 2013


Phone: 804.329.2522 Fax: 804.321.5842

E-mail: info@ Web:

Neale Campus 3300 Neale Street Richmond, VA 23223

Laburnum Campus 3700 Goodell Road Richmond, VA 23223

Thank You Newsletter Staff

Editor in Chief ~ Grfx Designer

Kimberly F. Smith


Kyler Smith


Gloria Booker Naomi Gooden


Reginald Hood

Valerie Burton

Row 1 -- (Air Force) Solly Jackson, Everette Johnson, Sr., Johnny McRoy, Les Miles, Justin Miles, (Army) Jarvis Booker Row 2 -- (Army) Hamilton Booker, Ulyesses Brown, Runia Bullock, Aaron Edgerton, Sheryl C. Eppes, Nicole E. Fulton Row 3 -- (Army) Daniel Gooden, Naomi Gooden, Richard Gooden, Alvin Harris, Johnny McRoy II, George Randolph Row 4 -- (Army) George Thomas, Kenneth Vaughan, Jr., (Marine Corps) Jeremiah Cane, Russell Caine, Isaac Carter, Jr.,

Sam Hill Row 5 -- (MCrp) Keith Lewis, Willie Reese, (Navy) George Foreman, Dr. Steve Foreman, Richard Gooden, Alonzo Rentz Row 6 -- (Navy) Otis Smith, III, Len Terry, (Richmond Fire Dept.) Chief Fire Inspector Steve Foreman, Lieut. Warren Smith,


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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