Pitt County Board of Education

Pitt County Board of Education

HR Standing Committee

October 23, 2012

4:00 p.m.

The Human Resources Standing Committee of Pitt County Schools was called to order at 1717 West Fifth Street, Greenville, North Carolina, at 4:12 p.m. pursuant to the notice sent to all Board members, Superintendent, and the County Commissioners’ Representative.

The following HR Committee members were present: Mary Williams –Vice Chairperson, Mildred Council, Sean Kenny, and Human Resources Delilah Jackson & Pamela Miller.

Absent: Ralph Love and Billy Peaden,

Others in attendance: Jill Camnitz-Board of Education, Barbara Owens-Board Education, Glen Buck-Personnel Director

The Human Resources Committee meeting was called to order by Mary Williams-Vice-Chairperson at 4:12 PM.

Ms. Williams asks for motion for approval of May 22, 2012 minutes with necessary corrections. The motion was moved by Sean Kenny second by Mildred Council and was unanimously approved.

Public Expression


New Business

Policy 7.206-Classified Evaluation

After briefing the committee on classified employee evaluation policy, Mrs. Jackson requested review of policy and procedure with suggested steps to be added to the evaluation. Glen Buck introduced the possibility of specific evaluations based on positions i.e., Teacher Assistant, Bus Driver, Custodian, etc. This information was obtained by Mr. Buck and Mrs. Jackson in reviewing other district models. Mrs. Barbara Owens expressed that she feels accountability should be used in the policy and procedures of the evaluation process. Mr. Buck added that the principals and assistant principals would like to see more specific evaluations per position. All was in agreement to proceed with the procedure and policy changes for a first reading at the next scheduled committee meeting. This is to include the following:

1) Expand and clarify the evaluation instrument adopted by the Board

2) Further define the probationary period

3) Clarify the minimum of one formal evaluation

4) Supervisor/Designee performing the evaluation must have obtained an at standard evaluation in order to carry out the evaluation process of other employees.

5) Include evaluations/observations in addition to the annual.

Dr. Emory commented having components of the job expectations built into the evaluation would be most helpful to the employees.

2013-2014 Calendar Changes

Mrs. Jackson proposed that there would be collaboration with the Calendar committee.

Beginning of the year update

Mrs. Jackson was pleased to report the teacher turnover rate had decreased from 15% - 8%.



There being no further business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:05p.m. The next Human Resources meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 27, 2012 in the third-floor boardroom at 4:00 p.m.

Committee Chairperson


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