Jackson County, Or
Invitation to BidforTemporary Staffing Services Issue date: August 3, 2015Responses due: August 17, 2015 2:00 p.m.Pre-Bid Conference (attendance not required in order to bid):August 10, 2015, 2:00 p.m.10 S. Oakdale, Room 200, Medford, OR, 97501 For more information:Jill Monroe, HR Administrative AssistantPhone: (541) 774-6036Fax: (541) 774-6455E-mail: monroeje@ Human ResourcesJill MonroeHR Administrative Assistant10 South Oakdale, Room 200Medford, OR 97501Phone: (541) 774-6036Fax: (541) 774-6455monroeje@TEMPORARY STAFFING SERVICES FOR JACKSON COUNTYINVITATION TO BID (ITB)General Information:Jackson County, Oregon, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, (hereafter called “County”), is comprised of many departments that may, from time to time, require temporary employees to fill in for vacationing or ill regular employees, complete projects, work at events, OR in some cases to work a limited amount of hours on a regular but limited schedule.Objective:The County wishes to contract with Temporary Staffing Agencies to provide qualified temporary employees at the lowest cost to the County.Procedure:ITB packets may be requested on the County’s web site at . Proposers are required to register with the Human Resources/Risk Management office by completing the ITB request form at or by registering directly with the office. This registration must be in writing and shall include the proposer’s name, mailing address, telephone number, facsimile number, and electronic mail address. This registration should be sent to Jill Monroe, Human Resources/Risk Management, 10 S. Oakdale Avenue, Room 200, Medford, Oregon 97501, or can be emailed to: monroeje@. (This is for packet registration only. Proposals will not be accepted by electronic mail or facsimile.)Sealed bids will be received for a Temporary Staffing Contract to provide qualified temporary employees to Jackson County.Bids must be sealed and directed to the Public Contracting Officer's office, attention Danny Jordan, County Administrator, and Jill Monroe, HR Administrative Assistant, Jackson County Human Resources/Risk Management office, 10 S. Oakdale, Room 200 Medford, Oregon 97501, and marked “Sealed Proposal For Temporary Employment Services Contract” with Bid Date and Time, and must be properly signed by the person or persons submitting the bid. The Contract may be awarded to the lowest bidder subject to the limitations and conditions herein, within thirty (30) calendar days of the bid opening. Your bid is not a contract; however, Jackson County requires an approving signature from an officer of the firm. Also, you must provide the name, title, and phone number of a contact person regarding this bid. Contracts will be non-exclusive. Jackson County reserves the right to contract with multiple providers of temporary staffing services.Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 p.m., according to the clock located in the County’s Human Resources/Risk Management office, Room 200, Pacific Daylight Savings Time, August 17, 2015. No bids received after that time will be accepted. All bids received, which are in proper form, will be publicly opened, and read aloud, at 2:15 p.m. in the Human Resources/Risk Management Conference Room, 10 S. Oakdale Avenue, Room 200, Medford, Oregon, on August 18, 2015. At the time stated above, the County may either select a bid or reject all bids, but may, at its discretion, postpone any such action for a period not to exceed three (3) weeks from the opening, during which period the bids will be irrevocable and open to public inspection. The County may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all bids, in its sole discretion, upon a finding by the County, that it is in the public interest to do so. The County also reserves the right to waive, or permit a bidder to correct, minor informalities in any bid.If a Proposer has any questions or concerns with completing a bid, please submit them in writing to Jill Monroe, HR Administrative Assistant, 10 S. Oakdale, Room 200, Medford, Oregon 97501, no later than August 10, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Any responses to written questions will be issued as an addendum to all registered proposers.The County’s programs, services and activities are open to all persons without regard to race, sex, age, handicap, religion, ethnic background or national origin. For further information about the equal employment opportunity policy, contact the Human Resources/Risk Management Office of Jackson County.Bidders will be required to attest as to whether they are resident or non-resident bidders in accordance with provisions of ORS 279A.120. All bids are subject to the requirements of ORS Chapter 279A and Chapter 279B, ORS Chapter 701, and the ordinances, rules, and regulations of Jackson County.Instructions to Bidders:Filling in proposal forms - The bid response shall be made on the form provided in the Invitation to Bid and as prescribed by the County. The bidder or proposer may not alter, modify, or change the bid form except as directed by bid addendum. Any other form of proposal is invalid. Bidders are required to use the form provided within the Invitation to Bid. All bidders must submit an Oregon resident bidder form and all other forms within the Invitation to Bid.Interpretation of contract documents - If a bidder finds discrepancies in, or omissions from, the specifications or contract documents, or has doubt as to their meaning, the bidder shall at once notify the County in writing. The County will then investigate and determine if an addendum will be issued.Protests of request for changes of specifications and/or bidding requirements - Bidders may, in writing, protest or request changes of any specifications or contract terms. This written protest or request must be received by the County no later than August 10, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. The written protest or request shall include the reasons for the protest or request, and any proposed changes to the bid specifications or contract terms. If a bid specification protest is timely presented, the bid opening date may be extended if necessary to allow consideration of the protest and issuance of any addendum to the solicitation documents. Envelopes containing bid protests or requests shall be marked as follows:Bid Specification Protest or Request: Temporary Staffing ServicesProtests shall be directed to: Jill Monroe, HR Administrative Assistant, 10 S. Oakdale, Room 200, Medford, Oregon 97501.Security to be furnished by each bidder - There is no bid security required.Modification of bids - Once submitted, bids may be modified in writing prior to the time and date set for bid closing. Modifications shall be prepared on the bidder’s letterhead, signed by an authorized representative of the bidder, state that the new document supersedes or modifies the prior bid and be submitted in a sealed envelope, appropriately marked identifying the bid and closing time and date. Telephone, telegraphic, and facsimile modifications are not acceptable. The written modification shall be made a permanent part of the public bid file.Withdrawal of bids - A bid may be withdrawn prior to the bid closing time and date. Bids may be withdrawn in writing, on the bidder’s letterhead, signed by an authorized representative of the bidder. The written bid withdrawal shall be made a permanent part of the public bid file.Scope of Work:The winning bidder will:Provide temporary employees to the County to work in one or more of the following types of positions:Class 1: Clerical – general officeClass 2: Clerical – legal officeClass 3: Clerical – medical officeClass 4: ReceptionistsClass 5: Medical staff (doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners and psychiatrists)Class 6: Manual laborersClass 7: Traffic flaggersClass 8: CashiersClass 9: Data entryClass 10: CustodiansClass 11: Fairground workersMaintain a “pool” of qualified persons from which to dispatch temporary employees, and after providing basic safety training, begin to dispatch from the “pool” upon request from the County;Group employees according to their qualifications and dispatch only those persons qualified for the requested position;Designate one (1) agency employee who will handle the County’s account (i.e., all requests for employees) and equip that employee with a pager and/or cell phone in order that the designated employee is available twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week to dispatch temporary employees pursuant to phone requests from County departments;Track, by department and County as a whole, the dates, hours, and locations where each temporary employee works; ensure that hours worked do not exceed 1,039 hours in a calendar year. A monthly report needs to be submitted to the Human Resources/Risk Management Office. Track total hours worked by each temporary employee and notify Human Resources/Risk Management office when any employee reaches 850 hours worked for the County as a whole between January 1 and December 31 of any year;Ensure that all temporary employee workers dispatched to the County will follow relevant County policies;Provide location (meeting room) where County and contractor can conduct interviews if necessary;Distribute information from County via mail and/or phone, as requested by County;Conduct pre-placement drug testing and criminal background investigations on all employees who may be referred to Jackson County for temporary employment. Conduct pre-placement Department of Motor Vehicles Court Print investigations, as requested by the County;Conduct pre-placement credit background investigations for positions that warrant a credit check as requested by the County; If necessary and requested by County, test prospective temporary employees in required skills, using tests provided by County;Coincide pay periods with County’s pay periods;Pay all appropriate federal, state and local taxes and fees associated with this contract. Provide written proof of general liability insurance in the sum of $2,000,000;Provide written proof that contractor or its management team has been in this business in Oregon for no less than three years and operates legally under applicable city and county ordinances, and/or state statutes.Pre-qualification Questions(If you answer no to any of these questions you will be considered a non-responsive, non-qualified bidder.)Does your agency perform skills testing (MS Word, Excel, Access, typing, data entry, customer services, etc) on prospective employees? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoDoes your agency conduct credit history background checks? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoDoes your agency conduct Department of Motor Vehicles Court Print driving history checks? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoTemporary Staffing ServicesBid ProposalName of Temporary Agency:Click here to enter text. FORMTEXT ????Address:Click here to enter text.Telephone:Click here.Contact Person:Click here to enter text.Write N/A in percentage line if you do not propose to provide employees in that class or the service.*Class 1:Markup (percentage of hourly pay rate) for clerical-general office:Click here.%*Class 2:Markup (percentage of hourly pay rate) for clerical-legal office:Click here.%*Class 3:Markup (percentage of hourly pay rate) for clerical-medical office:Click here.%*Class 4:Markup (percentage of hourly pay rate) for receptionists:Click here. FORMTEXT %*Class 5:Markup (percentage of hourly pay rate) for medical staff (doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners and psychiatrists):Click here. FORMTEXT ?????%*Class 6:Markup (percentage of hourly pay rate) for manual laborers (includes road maintenance workers who do flagging, brush clearing and ditch cleaning, as well as facilities maintenance workers who perform a variety of tasks including moving furniture and minor repair/construction work):Click here. FORMTEXT ?????%*Class 7:Markup (percentage of hourly pay rate) for traffic flaggers:Click here.%*Class 8:Markup (percentage of hourly pay rate) for cashiers:Click here.%*Class 9:Markup (percentage of hourly pay rate) for data entry:Click here.%*Class 10:Markup (percentage of hourly pay rate) for custodians:Click here.%*Class 11:Markup (percentage of hourly pay rate) for fairground workers:Click here.%Service 1:Price or percentage for payrolling services?Click here.%Service 2:Price for agency placement fees for employees hired by the County after those employees have been referred to temporary County employment by your agency?Click here.Note: These "classes" do not refer to regulatory classes. They are used only for numerical sequencing on this proposal form. The markup percentages shall also include all costs associated with pre-employment drug testing and criminal background checksReferences: Please list below the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three businesses for whom you currently provide services. If possible, list as a reference a governmental agency (other than Jackson County) located in either Jackson or Josephine County.Click here to enter text.2. FORMTEXT ?????Click here to enter text.3.Click here to enter plete and Attach the following documentation: FORMCHECKBOX Pre-qualification questions (page 5); FORMCHECKBOX Temporary staffing services bid proposal (pages 6-7); FORMCHECKBOX Written proof of general liability insurance in the sum of $2,000,000; FORMCHECKBOX Written proof that contractor or its management team has been in this business in Oregon for no less than three years and operates legally under applicable city and county ordinances, and/or state statutes; FORMCHECKBOX Oregon bidder residency statement (page 8); FORMCHECKBOX Non-discrimination information (page 9); FORMCHECKBOX Non-collusion affidavit (page 10); FORMCHECKBOX Compliance with Oregon tax laws (page 11); FORMCHECKBOX Demonstrated drug testing program (page 12); FORMCHECKBOX Demonstrated background investigation program (page 13); FORMCHECKBOX Bidder’s proposal form (page 14-15).Failure to provide the above items by attaching them to this bid proposal and submitting them with the bid will result in the bid being declared non-responsive and rejected out of hand.Click here to enter text. FORMTEXT ?????Click here to enter text.Signature of authorized personTitle of authorized personDate OREGONBIDDER RESIDENCY STATEMENT(This page must be completed, signed, and returned. Failure to do so will result in bid rejection) The 1987 Oregon Legislative Assembly enacted a reciprocal preference law (amended 2003) which states, in part:For the purposes of awarding a public contract, a contracting agency shall give preference to goods or services that have been manufactured or produced in this state if price, fitness, availability and quality are otherwise equal; and add a percent increase to the bid of a nonresident bidder equal to the percent, if any, of the preference given to the bidder in the state in which the bidder resides.“Resident bidder” means a bidder that has paid unemployment taxes or income taxes in this state during the 12 calendar months immediately preceding submission of the bid, has a business address in this state and has stated in the bid whether the bidder is a “resident bidder.” [ORS 279A.120(1)(b)]“Non-resident bidder” means a bidder who is not a “resident bidder.” [ORS 279A.120(1)(a)]CHECK ONE: Bidder is FORMCHECKBOX Resident bidder FORMCHECKBOX Non-resident bidderIf a resident bidder, enter your Oregon business address:If a non-resident bidder, enter state of residency:If a non-resident bidder, do you or your firm receive, or are you or your firm eligible for, any preference in award of contracts with your state’s government or with other government bodies in your state? CHECK ONE: FORMCHECKBOX YES FORMCHECKBOX NO If yes, state the preference percentageClick here FORMTEXT ?????% If yes, but not a percentage of bid price, describe the preference: If yes, state the law or regulation that allows the preference described (legal citation): Bidder certifies that the information provided above is true and accurate.Click here to enter text.SignatureTitleClick here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Name (Print or Type)DateClick here to enter text.Click here to enter text. FirmTelephoneEND OF DOCUMENT;NON-DISCRIMINATION INFORMATIONORS 279A.110(1) states: “A bidder or proposer who competes for or is awarded a public contract may not discriminate against a subcontractor in awarding of a subcontract because the subcontractor is a minority, women or emerging small business enterprise certified under ORS 200.055 or a business enterprise that is owned or controlled by or that employs a disabled veteran, as defined in ORS 408.225. ORS 279A.110(4) states: “A bidder or proposer shall certify in the documents accompanying the bidder’s or proposer’s offer to enter into a public contract that the bidder or proposer has not discriminated and will not discriminate, in violation of subsection (1) of this section, against any minority, women or emerging small business enterprise or against a business enterprise that is owned or controlled by or that employs a disabled veteran in obtaining a required subcontract.”CHECK ONE: Bidder states that it FORMCHECKBOX Has FORMCHECKBOX Has Not discriminated and will not discriminate, in violation of ORS 279A.110(1), against any minority, women, or emerging small business enterprise or against a business enterprise that is owned or controlled by or that employs a disabled veteran in obtaining a required subcontract.Click here to enter text. FORMTEXT ?????SignatureTitleClick here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Name (Print or Type)DateClick here to enter text. FORMTEXT ?????Click here to enter text.FirmTelephoneEND OF DOCUMENTNON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVITTemporary Staffing Services I, Click here to enter text. being first duly sworn, depose and say that in submitting the proposal to which the affidavit is attached:A.The bidder certifies that :The prices in this offer have been computed and determined independently, without collusion and without any agreement, understanding, or planned course of action for the purpose of restricting competition, and without any consultation, communication, or agreement with any other bidder, competitor, or vendor of materials, supplies, equipment, or services described in the proposal document (except in the normal course of negotiating with or obtaining quotes from subcontractors and suppliers of labor or material) or with any agent, employee, or officer or director of Jackson County, Oregon, relating to (i) those prices, (ii) the intention to submit an offer, or (iii) the methods or factors used to calculate the prices offered;The prices in this offer have not been and will not be knowingly disclosed by the undersigned bidder, its employees or agents, directly or indirectly, to any person not an employee or agent of this bidder or to its surety on any bond furnished or to be furnished with the bid, or to any other bidder or competitor before bid opening (in the case of a sealed bid solicitation) or contract award (in the case of a negotiated solicitation) unless otherwise required by law; andNo attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other concern to submit or not to submit an offer for the purpose of restricting competition.B.Each signature on the offer is considered to be a certification by the signatory that the signatory:Is the person in the bidder’s organization responsible for determining the prices being offered in this bid or proposal, and that the signatory has not participated and will not participate in any actions contrary to subparagraphs A.1 through A.3 above; or(i) Has been authorized, in writing, to act as agent for the following principal(s) in certifying that those principal(s) have not participated, and will not participate in any action contrary to subparagraphs A.1 through A.3 above Click here to enter text. (insert full name of person(s) in the bidder’s organization responsible for determining the prices offered in this bid or proposal, and the title of his or her position in the bidder’s organization);(ii) As an authorized agent, does certify that the principal(s) named in subdivision B.2.i above have not participated, and will not participate, in any action contrary to subparagraphs A.1 through A.3 above; and(iii) As an agent, has not personally participated, and will not participate, in any action contrary to subparagraphs A.1 through A.3 above.C.If the bidder deletes or modifies subparagraph A.2 above, the bidder must furnish with its offer a signed statement setting forth in detail the circumstances of the disclosure.Dated thisClick here to enter text.day ofClick here to enter text.2015Click here to enter text.SignatureTitleSubscribed and sworn to before me this FORMTEXT ?????day ofClick here to enter text.2015_____________________________________________Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: FORMTEXT ?????END OF DOCUMENTCOMPLIANCE WITH OREGON TAX LAWSFor purposes of this certificate, 'Oregon Tax Laws' means those programs listed in ORS 305.380(4), which is incorporated herein by this reference. Examples include the state inheritance tax, personal income tax, withholding tax, corporation income and excise taxes, amusement device tax, timber taxes, cigarette tax, other tobacco tax, 9-1-1 emergency communications tax, the homeowners and renters property tax relief program and local taxes administered by the Department of Revenue (Lane Transit District Employer Payroll Tax, The County Metropolitan Transit District of Oregon "Tri-Met" Employer Payroll Tax, and Tri-Met Self-Employment Tax).CHECK ONE: Bidder states that it FORMCHECKBOX Does FORMCHECKBOX Does Nothave the authority and knowledge regarding the payment of taxes, and that Bidder is, to the best of its knowledge, not in violation of any Oregon tax laws.Click here to enter text.SignatureTitleClick here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Name (Print or Type)DateClick here to enter text.Click here to enter text.FirmTelephoneEND OF DOCUMENTDEMONSTRATED DRUG TESTING PROGRAMJackson County Administrative Policy 5-47f, Drug-Free Workplace, requires pre-employment drug screening for all employees. Bidder is therefore required to certify that Bidder has an employee drug-testing program in place that applies to all employees who may be referred to Jackson County for temporary employment, and will maintain a drug testing program at all times during the performance of the Contract awarded. Failure to maintain a program shall constitute a material breach of contract.CHECK ONE: Bidder states that it FORMCHECKBOX Does FORMCHECKBOX Does Not comply with the following:Bidder has a drug-testing program in place that applies to all employees who may be referred to Jackson County for temporary employment. Bidder shall maintain a drug-testing program at all times during the performance of the Contract awarded. Failure to maintain such a program shall constitute a material breach of contract.I, the undersigned, a duly-authorized representative of the Bidder, hereby certify that the answers to the foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are true and correct.Click here to enter text.SignatureTitleClick here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Name (Print or Type)DateClick here to enter text.Click here to enter text. FORMTEXT ?????FirmTelephoneEND OF DOCUMENTDEMONSTRATED BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION PROGRAMJackson County Administrative Policy 5-45i, Pre-Employment and Promotional/position change background investigation, states that pre-employment background investigations, which may include, but are not limited to, criminal, credit, and Department of Motor Vehicles Court Print investigations, may be conducted for any position, but requires pre-employment background investigations for positions which will work with cash or property, vulnerable populations, sensitive one-on-one client interactions, sensitive information, law enforcement or security-related positions.Bidder is therefore required to certify that Bidder has an employee background investigation program, which includes but is not limited to, criminal, credit, and Department of Motor Vehicles Court Print investigations, in place that applies to all employees who may be referred to Jackson County for temporary employment, and will maintain this background investigation program at all times during the performance of the Contract awarded. Failure to maintain this program shall constitute a material breach of contract.CHECK ONE: Bidder states that it FORMCHECKBOX Does FORMCHECKBOX Does Not comply with the following:Bidder has an employee background investigation program, which includes but is not limited to, criminal, credit, and Department of Motor Vehicles Court Print investigations, in place that applies to all employees who may be referred to Jackson County for temporary employment. Bidder shall maintain this background investigation program at all times during the performance of the Contract awarded. Failure to maintain this program shall constitute a material breach of contract.I, the undersigned, a duly-authorized representative of the Bidder, hereby certify that the answers to the foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are true and correct.Click here to enter text.SignatureTitleClick here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Name (Print or Type)DateClick here to enter text.Click here to enter text.FirmTelephoneEND OF DOCUMENTBidder’s ProposalTemporary Staffing ServicesTO:Jackson County Board of Commissioners Jackson County Courthouse Medford, Oregon 97501READ CAREFULLYThe bid is the bidder’s offer to enter into a contract which, if the bid is accepted for award, binds the bidder to a contract and the terms and conditions contained in the invitation to bid including the attached contract. A bidder shall not make the bid contingent upon the owner’s acceptance of specifications or contract terms that conflict with or are in addition to those advertised in the invitation to bid. Signing this bidder’s proposal, the bid schedule and signature page represents a bid and is considered the bidder’s offer. ProposalThe undersigned, hereinafter called the Bidder, declares and certifies that :1.The undersigned is the authorized representative of the Bidder, that the information provided in this bid is true and accurate, and that providing incorrect or incomplete information may be cause for bid rejection or contract termination;2.This bid is an offer that has been:A)Arrived at independently without, for the purpose of restricting competition, any consultation, communication, or agreement with any other bidder or competitor relating to (i) the prices, (ii) the intention to submit an offer, or (iii) the methods or factors used to calculate the prices offered;B)The prices in this offer have not been and will not be knowingly disclosed by the bidder, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or competitor before bid opening (in the case of a sealed bid solicitation) or contract award (in the case of a negotiated solicitation) unless otherwise required by law; and C)No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other concern to submit or not to submit an offer for the purpose of restricting competition.3.If this proposal is accepted, bidder will contract with the Board of Commissioners for Temporary Staffing Services and will:A)Be bound to and will comply with all Contract requirements, specifications, and terms and conditions contained herein; and B)Provide all the necessary equipment, materials, tools, apparatus and labor to perform the work in accordance with the Plans and the Contract Documents;C)Agree to comply with all the applicable sections of ORS Chapter 279, 279A and other Oregon and Federal Law.(The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank)KNOW ALL MEANS BY THESE PRESENTS that we do hereby agree to perform the work under the terms of this Contract as encompassed in the attached Bid Schedule and all of the above.SignatureDateClick here to enter text. FORMTEXT ????? (Bidder’s Duly Authorized Representative)Print NameClick here to enter text.TitleClick here to enter text.FirmClick here to enter text.PhoneClick here to enter text.This section to be completed by Jackson County - County’s acceptance of Bidder’s offer in accordance with all bid documents.Jackson County hereby awards a contact to the above Bidder and accepts Bidder’s offer for the Sum offered for the item(s) designated on the bid as:Contract: TEMPORARY STAFFING SERVICESDanny JordanJackson County AdministratorPublic Contracting OfficerDateApproved as to Legal Sufficiency:County CounselEND OF DOCUMENT ................
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