2021 Reappraisal Schedule of Values ... - Jackson County

2021 Reappraisal

Schedule of Values, Standards, and Rules

Tabitha Ashe, Tax Administrator


The purpose of this manual is to describe the methodology and procedures for

appraising real property in Jackson County at its market value (and present use

value, as appropriate) as of January 1, 2021. The Schedule of Values, Standards,

and Rules establishes the base rates and ranges for all types of property that will

be in effect until the next general reappraisal. The tables, rates, and ranges found

in this manual are only guidelines. On a property-by-property basis, appraisers

have the flexibility to adjust rates in order to appraise individual properties at

market value and establish equitable and uniform values for all types of property.

General reappraisals are conducted by applying mass appraisal techniques, with

thorough analysis from appraisal staff and the use of a computer-assisted mass

appraisal (CAMA) software system. The market approach, cost approach, and

income approach to value are all considered, when applicable, to appraise all real



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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